“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” — Aristotle

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” — Aristotle
When it comes to winter holidays, Christmas takes up a lot of space. It is celebrated by Christians to honor the birth of Jesus. For others, Christmas is simply a time for fir trees, Santa, and gift giving. In recent years, a culture war has emerged around the use of Happy Holidays—some think the phrase is a war on Christmas. But for millions, Christmas isn’t the only holiday celebrated during the winter season. There is a plethora of other holidays, some of which have festivities that far exceed even the most ostentatious Christmas celebration.
Here’s a brief overview of winter holidays celebrated all over the world.
Kwanzaa: Observed from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1, this holiday celebrates African culture and community. With activities focused on what is called the Nguzo Saba (The Seven Principles), communities join together with feasts, music, dance, and a continued commitment to cultural values.
Hanukkah: The Jewish festival is an eight-night celebration that commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the Maccabean Revolt. Celebrations include meals with traditional foods, the lighting of the menorah, and eight nights of games and gifts.
Chinese New Year: This marks the start of the lunar new year, which occurs sometime between Jan. 21 and Feb. 20. Festivities include fireworks, parades, and performances. The holiday closes with a lantern festival.
Las Posadas: This is a Mexican holiday that takes place between Dec. 16 and Dec. 24 and honors the journey of Joseph and Mary as they made their way from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
Omisoka: This is the Japanese New Year, and like the Western version of New Year’s, is celebrated on Dec. 31. It is considered one of the most important holidays in Japanese culture, second only to Jan. 1.
Winter Solstice: The Winter Solstice occurs around December 21. It is the shortest day of the year. People all over the world participate in festivals and celebrations.
Title of piece: I See You
Hometown: Tacoma, WA
Current town: North Manchester, IN
What inspired this piece?
I was simply doing some sketches to come up with ideas for winter imag es for the U.K. stamp company I design for, Stamp Addicts.
Where do you draw inspiration from in general for your art? Sketching, internet searching, and Pinterest
What is your preferred medium? iPad pencil, iPad Pro, Procreate
When did you get started creating art? I was very young when I began drawing.
What advice do you have for other artists just starting out? Learn Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, and train your gift by going to art school.
Where can we find your work?
Facebook @SherryWestArt and sherrywestartsblog.wordpress.com a
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Whether you consider yourself a fashion maven or more of a loner in the sartorial department, you might be wondering what’s on tap for winter trends. Well, you’re in luck. We’ve assembled a guide to the season’s hottest looks so you can update your wardrobe some items from yesteryear that you’ve kept.
For one, leather made an appearance on the runway. From shorts to vests to everything in between, leather is versatile and warm. Leather shorts are the perfect transitional piece to have. Pair with tights and boots and you have a look that’s both fashionable and prac tical. Not into the real thing? There are many vegan leathers on the market and many look like the real thing. Similarly, the biker-chick aesthetic is trending. Pair a moto jacket with a multi-pocket skirt and you have yourself a picture-perfect look that says you’re edgy and like to take charge.
Speaking of skirts, 2000 Britney called, and she wants her mini-skirt back. Yes, the Y2K aesthetic is back with a vengeance. Pair the skirt with tights and you have a winter-ready look. Channeling that same era, mini dresses are showing up on Instagram accounts, too. Think mini ruched dress, mini bodycon dress, and mini dress with plunging V-neck. Long-sleeve options in the mini silhouette are fashion-forward and are comple mented by boots.
Just as much of a throwback as these barely-there skirts, corsets are hav ing a moment. Think Madonna in the 1980s but maybe not with the cone boobs. Not sure how to pull off this look? Don’t overthink it. A black corset can go casual or fancy. Pair it with a blazer and jeans and you have a look that says sexy and confident.
On the other end of the spectrum, cargo pants are more utilitarian than anything else. Who doesn’t love pockets? Whether classic khaki, olive, or a bolder color, you can’t go wrong with pairing these pants with a T-shirt or even sweater for a more refined look.
Outerwear-wise, it’s time to think faux. Faux fur coats are the best way to marry warmth with style — and not harm an animal in the process. From animal print to army green, it’s up to you how you’ll translate this look from the runway to your personal closet.
Feeling bold? Lean into the Color of the Year, Very Peri and feel Pretty in Purple. Runway models donned purple skirts, dresses, and bodysuits — and so can you! Confidence is key.
The fashion world has been equally enamored with red lately. It’s a power color that says, “look at me. I’ve arrived.” Whether a dress, skirt, or coat, it’s certain to send a message loud and clear that you’re a force to be reckoned with.
The same can be said of another trend: cowboy boots. Who isn’t impressed by a woman who can effortlessly wear these without looking like they’re working on a ranch? Calf-length, knee-high, and other styles are popular and look great paired with dresses and jeans alike. a
It is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, but smoking cessation is easier said than done. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, while more than half of adult cigarette smokers attempt to quit each year, fewer than one in ten successfully kick the habit. Luckily there is help available for those who want to quit for good, but the first step is to talk to your physician and tell him or her that you are ready to commit to quit.
Jan Moore, RTT is the Community Respiratory Educator for Parkview Health and has been a tobacco cessation facilitator for seven years. She says nicotine has been proven to be as addictive as cocaine and heroin, and when someone has become dependent on the chemical, it is diffi cult to stop on your own.
“Today we have many methods to quit smoking…we have apps on our phones, medications, 1-800-Quit-Now, and local smoking cessation class es. Some people will need all those aids and more, while others will find a combination that works for them and be able to quit more easily. ‘Cold turkey’ is still a very popular way to quit,” Moore said.
Cold turkey is particularly difficult because nicotine withdrawal symp toms usually begin a few hours after one’s last cigarette and are usually the strongest during that first week. For most people, nicotine withdraw al fades and is gone in about two to four weeks, but during that time, they may have a hard time concentrating or sleeping, have strong urges to smoke, or generally feel uncomfortable.
To help, Moore said that there are medications that can be prescribed by a physician, as well as over the counter aids, that people find helpful called Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) that are often covered by insurance. Your physician can recommend an appropriate dosage or pre scribe something else based on your individual health concerns. She says NRTs come in various forms and are all very good aids to decrease the
amount an individual smokes, but they will need to be weaned off the NRT to rid their bodies of nicotine.
“Phone apps are very helpful,” Moore said. “They can be used in conjunction with NRT or prescription medications. Many have distraction games to help you through urges. They will also remind you how much money you’ve saved and how many cigarettes you haven’t smoked to encourage you to continue your journey.”
Moore said the best way to approach your New Year’s resolution is with a combination of medication and counseling, because you will double your chances of success. With more tools in the toolbox to help get you through those difficult moments, you won’t feel as if you are alone in the fight.
“One thing I like to tell my clients about quitting is that the urge to have a cigarette will pass in three-to-five minutes, whether you smoke or not, so find something else to do (during that time,)” she said. “The average time frame for people to overcome nicotine addiction is around three months so you should never be caught in the trap of thinking that it’s too late to quit.”
You can do it! We’re rooting for you! a
Parkview Health, Fort Wayne, www.parkview.com/well-being/smoking-cessation/smoking-cessation
Angie Carel, wife, mom of four, and owner of IBA Marketing, a business she began in her home in 2007, has always loved art and admits it is the go-to happy place for her and her daughters.
“For ten years, I was a single mother, and I couldn’t afford much in the way of new tech, but art…well, I always had paper, crayons, paint, and canvases, and I loved spending quality time doing art with the kids,” she said.
IBA Marketing grew into a storefront in Roanoke, where it has resided since 2012. It is currently expanding to Fort Wayne. IBA Marketing offers the Storybrand framework developed by author Donald Miller. Carel is one of few Certified Storybrand Guides in the area and specializes in telling brand stories.
During the COVID shutdown, Carel, like so many others, struggled. “My oldest was sent home from college, and my twins were doing remote learning in their junior year of high school,” she said. “I also had an 18-month-old, and my husband, Bastian, was working from home. All the while, I was trying to keep my marketing agency afloat and manage my employees remotely.”
One morning, in the quiet 4 a.m. hour, a moment of serendipity oc curred. She had an idea. “I sent out a text asking my family to draw a smiling turtle and meet me in the living room at 7 p.m. to do a reveal. Everyone participated - even my 18-month-old,” she said.
Carel said they laughed and smiled, and for a minute, everything was okay COVID disappeared. They shared their reveal on social media and people started asking if they could participate. That’s when she ac cidently created a popular art community, Simple Daily Drawing (SDD) that has 35,000 followers and a private group with 11,000 members. “Before I created the private group, I thought people were using my art prompts to practice their skills and some are. Most, however, are using it for mental health reasons. SDD has improved so many lives in significant ways,” Carel said. “I’ve received so many testimonials. I still post drawing prompts every day and will continue as long as I feel it’s making a difference in people’s lives.”
About a year later, through a similar moment of serendipity, Carel had another idea SDD sketchpads. They were an instant success. “The sketchpads are designed to motivate you to draw daily and keep track of the progress,” Carel said. The sketchpads are sold individually and as a monthly subscription.
“My employees at IBA now help me with SDD. We are developing an app and working on launching some digital courses in 2023, as well as provide digital courses to artists that want to monetize their work,” she said.
Carel has become an advocate for using art as a mental health outlet for people of all ages to express their emotions, get off technology, and disconnect from the stresses of daily living. She believes anyone can benefit from doing a daily drawing, no matter the talent level.
When asked if she expected SDD to be so popular, Carel admitted it took her by surprise. “I didn’t see it coming. Let’s be real, I didn’t see any of it coming,” she said. “I love SDD and am determined to reach as many people as possible with the message that they can do art even if they don’t consider themselves talented and it will be fun, and they will feel better afterward. Just create one drawing every day.” www.iba-design.com | www.simpledailydrawing.com | www.facebook.com/ simpledailydrawing | www.facebook.com/groups/simpledailydrawing a
Want to nominate someone for She Glows? Email Amber at ambouthot@the-papers.com.
Javier Mondragon was born in Mexico and was raised by a single mother. He got involved in a gang at a young age and began drinking and using drugs. His family struggled financially, and he grew up not having much hope that things would ever get better.
“I remember growing up in that community,” said Mondragon. “The streets were not paved, there was a lot of graffiti everywhere, trash everywhere, and I remember one day, I was probably like 14 years old, looking around and thinking ‘this is me’. This is who I am. And there is no way out.”
Mondragon’s brother showed him there was a way out by introducing him to the idea that God had a purpose for his life. He began reading the Bible and felt called to help other people see how God could change their lives, too.
After graduating from seminary, where he met his wife Annette, they were both called to Fort Wayne to serve in a local ministry. In 2008, when Mondragon was just 27 years old, he founded Bridge of Grace Compassionate Ministries Center “a faith-based community develop ment organization building thriving and sustainable neighborhoods in southeast Fort Wayne.”
Mondragon explained that Bridge of Grace focuses on neighborhood revitalization because he knows from firsthand experience how a person’s environment can affect their outlook on life.
“There’s a way you can change your future and it’s all about choices,” said Mondragon. “The future can be different even if you had struggles and difficulties when you grew up … I’m passionate about that.”
Walking around his neighborhood, Mondragon makes a point of taking the time to get to know his neighbors. He said it is so important to really get to know people so you can understand what they are going through, and he encourages others to do the same.
“First, try to learn more about why people are in poverty,” said Mondragon. “Second, try to build relationships with somebody who’s going through it.”
In 2013, in the early days of his ministry, Mondragon had access to com munity leader Ian Rolland once a quarter. He said he tried to learn as much as he could from him. One time Rolland received an award from Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana (YLNI), and at the program, he was asked, “What would you tell a roomful of young people … What’s your advice to them?”
Mondragon said he will never forget Rolland’s response: “I would tell them to open the door.”
And then Rolland went on to explain: “When I worked at Lincoln Financial, I would get out of the office at five and my house was on the north side. And so, what I did for many years, instead of going to the north, I would drive my car south. And then I would drive into a neighborhood and when I saw a family in the neighborhood or children playing, I would stop my car. I would open the door and I would get out of my car. And I would go talk to the child; talk to the family on the porch. And I would introduce myself and get to know them. And I would know their story. I would ask for their story.’”
What Mr. Rolland said that day had a profound impact on Mondragon. He said that if others are not called into ministry like he was, there are other ways they can help.
“I would say that if you’re not called to do this, at least build a relationship, a bridge with people… so that you can understand their story,” he said. a
Want to nominate someone for He Glows? Email Amber at ambouthot@the-papers.com.
Miss Northeast Indiana Elayna Hasty is a superstar that dabbles in a little bit of everything, but her passion lies in caring for young girls in rough situations. From starting an anti-bullying nonprofit at the age of 9 to now working towards becoming a family law lawyer – protecting these girls has become central to her life.
When Hasty was in fourth grade, she responded to being bullied by turning it into positivity and posting anti-bullying quotes from celebri ties on Facebook page called Girls Against Bullying Girls (G.A.B. Girls). At the time, she never expected it to grow much beyond that. Through a lot of support from family and friends, G.A.B. Girls had its first workshop in 2014 and was licensed as an LLC by 2016.
“The hardest part of growing G.A.B. was being underestimated be cause of how young I am,” Hasty said. “I was constantly being told by professionals not to be so serious and to learn to be a kid when I want ed to make a difference.”
When she was 15, a friend contacted her and suggested she enter the Miss America little sister program. That same year she won Miss Fort Wayne Outstanding Teen, a process that required a personal interview with 5 to 6 judges, a personal message on your social impact, a talent segment where Hasty sang Opera, and an evening gown segment. Hasty has kept competing since and currently holds the title of Miss Northeast Indiana and is in the running for Miss Indiana in June.
“I’m so proud to be representing this area of Indiana,” she said. “I’m proud of where I come from, and I’m so excited to compete to repre sent Indiana as a whole.”
Hasty is in her third year at Trine University as a prelaw major with a triple minor in communications, psychology, and criminology. While in school, she has remained active in contributing to G.A.B. Girls and with other nonprofits like the Humane Society. She also works part-time as a barista.
She says being so busy has helped her learn to be dedicated and stay balanced, and it has taught her a lot of life skills like time management. She also recognizes it’s important to give herself a chance to have fun too.
“When I have the time, I love to go out to the lake with my friends,” she said. “I love journaling and giving myself affirmations and manifesting my goals. Oh, and playing with my cat Charlotte, of course.”
When her time is done at Trine, Hasty’s dream law school is the McKinley School of Law at IUPUI. She wants to work in family law, freeing children from abusive home situations and defusing custody battles. a
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In recent years, the word “sober” has taken on a more complex meaning. It seems that the stigma once attached to sobriety is being slowly shifted to a wider acceptance and understanding of a particular lifestyle. Many people are making the choice to abstain from alcohol to maintain a healthier routine, some simply have never desired to drink, and still others are sober by necessity due to addiction and recovery. For those who have battled addiction and overcome the disease, the fact that society has destigmatized sober living across the board can be comforting. Regardless of the reason, sober living is becoming more popular, and with the upcoming holiday season, we’d like to share some ideas to keep your parties in line with the teetotaler standard.
It may be tempting to make a huge announcement that the holiday party will be alcohol-free but be careful not to make your guests uncomfortable or awkward. If you know there are guests who are sensitive to alcohol (especially in social situa tions), let them know privately your plans. Tell them there will be many options for them without the pressure of avoiding a fully stocked bar. You can also let other guests know ahead of time (again, privately) that there will be no alcohol served at the party. Chances are, most people will not even think twice and will be thrilled to be there.
“Mocktails” are growing in popularity and taking the entertaining world by storm. You can find recipe books just about anywhere, and many bars and restaurants offer an entire menu section devoted to alcohol-free drinks. Mocktails can be as simple as seltzer with cranberry juice and a twist of lime, or as complicated as a “craft-style” drink with alcohol-free spirits made from herbs and spices. Try recipes beforehand and pick one or two for your party—maybe one cold (like an icy cranberry-ginger ale with a festive fruit skewer of candied cranberries and orange slices) and one hot (perhaps an herbal, fruit brewed tea with simple syrup and rosemary garnish). This is where creativity takes over. You can also make most types of cocktails alco hol-free by simply omitting the liquor.
Even if you plan to serve one or two signature drinks, be sure to keep simple options on hand as well. You’d be surprised how many people are just as happy with a bottle of water, a soda, sparkling flavored seltzer, or even a non-alco holic beer (but these so-called “NA” beers do contain a trace amount of alcohol, so make sure your guests who cannot have even one drop know this). There are also many fancier options for a sober party, like Recess Sparkling Water, which is brewed with natural fruits and infused with vitamins and adaptogens. Other beverages on the market are Mingle Mocktails, SOUND sparkling beverages, Ritual Zero-Proof cocktail alterna tives, Kin Euphoric Spritz, and Wilfred’s Non-Alcoholic Aperitif to name a few.
This holiday season, embrace an alternative way to celebrate—all the fun and festivities, without the booze. a
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complicated condition that impacts many areas of family life. It affects millions of children and typically continues into adulthood. However, the more you know about it, the better equipped you will be to support and advocate for your child.
Dr. Andrea Naaum, a psychiatrist with Parkview Behavioral Health Institute, said the hallmark symptoms of ADHD are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. While most kids are one or all of these (because they are kids), to diagnose someone with ADHD, these symptoms need to cause significant im pairment in functioning in different areas in life.
“Having one of these symptoms does not mean that a child automatically has ADHD,” she said. “These are non-specific symptoms with broad differentials. Symptoms need to be present in childhood, but certainly change over time.”
For some children, their symptoms may present themselves in displays of hy peractivity and impulsivity, while others may have difficulty paying attention for an extended period, seem disorganized, forgetful, and may lose things frequently. There are also those who display a combination of the two presen tations. Dr. Naaum says boys are more likely to have the hyperactive-impulsive subtype and are often diagnosed earlier than girls.
“One of the most important things I stress with my patients and their families is that this is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Your child isn’t choosing to be lazy or bad, and they can’t just snap out of it by trying harder,” she said.
Medications can be very helpful for those diagnosed with ADHD, and there are a variety of stimulants on the market to help alleviate symptoms. However, for those hesitant to try medications or looking for additional options, Dr.
Kristen Varian, a clinical psychologist with Parkview Behavioral Health Institute, says there are behavioral and cognitive behavioral interven tions that can be helpful in addressing symptoms and creating change.
“Parenting techniques, such as the Nurtured Heart Approach, can also be very helpful in parenting children with difficulties like ADHD, along with helping children cope with the associated challenges,” she said, noting that these interventions can also be combined with medication for a more integrated treatment approach, which is her most common recommendation.
The good news is that one of the fastest interventions in psychiatry is treating those with ADHD. In fact, stimulants work very quickly, and if children are taking an appropriate dose to manage their symptoms, parents and teacher often notice a difference within days. What takes a lot longer, is undoing the complications of untreated ADHD and establishing good social, organizational, and time management skills. Naturally, it is important to partner with your healthcare professional to find the best treatment option for your child and monitor their progress throughout their journey.
“While the research shows that ADHD symptoms typically persist from childhood into adolescence, there may be a decrease or change in symptoms in the transition into early adulthood,” said Dr. Varian. “For those who are struggling to a greater degree, a more structured inter vention may be helpful.” a
Parkview Behavioral Health, Fort Wayne, parkview.com/services-specialties/behavior al-health/behavioral-health
Each month, we highlight someone whose style we admire. If you know someone we should consider featuring, email ambouthot@the-papers.com.
artist John Gruse. The glass fire screen, a Tiffany-style design, matches the Tiffany reproduction lamps in the room. The glass vases and ornaments are also by local artists.
This month, it is Jan Venderly. Jan is a retired English/Journalism educator and an avid traveler and art lover. She is also a widow and has spent the past two years navigating grief. She and her husband Paul shared many passions: hiking, cycling, going to concerts, attending theater events, reading, and taking road trips. When they remodeled their kitchen and dining room years ago, they redecorated their whole house, buying new furniture and reorganizing spaces. Jan purchased her home as a single woman in 2009 and, together, she and Paul made it their home.
As someone who taught desktop publishing once upon a time, I appreciate strategically placed white space; clean lines and margins; harmonious col ors; and rich, interesting content.
When you think of your home, what’s the feeling you hope your family and visitors have?
I want my home to exude warmth and tranquility. I think it is chock full of great conversation pieces, as it is filled with art from local and regional artists. Additionally displayed are items from my travels. My pretty little historic home in West Central has always been a personal sanctuary for me; I want guests to feel comfy and at peace when they spend time with me in the space, as well.
Tell us a little about each of the areas you chose to highlight. Why did you choose them? What makes them your faves?
1. The house itself This sweet home (circa 1850) holds so many memories of my life with my beloved husband. The steps leading up to the porch is the setting we used for our Save-theDate announcement photo for our wedding. We loved living downtown. I still do, of course.
2. The fireplace in my living room is functional. Paul and I spent a lot of evenings in front of toasty fires, espe cially on Sundays while we watched football games. The painting on the mantle is a gorgeous work by local
3. This spot is where Paul loved to read. The quartet of abstract art on the wall is by Justin Johnson, Gallery Director and Art Coordinator at the University of Saint Francis. The two bunnies are “Miffies,” made by a Dutch toy company. We picked them up in Amsterdam. My nickname for Paul was “Bunny.”
4. After Paul’s death, I rededicated this space in my den as a visual tribute to him; to us. Local artist Joel Fremion had asked Paul to pose for one of his amazing textile portraits. We bought it from him after it was exhibited in several places in town and regionally. I treasure it. The violins mine from primary school playing and Paul’s father’s, which he played at college were painted by our dear friend Terry Ratliff. The faces on the fiddles are a deconstruction of my favorite photograph from our wedding. The lamp on the side table is a Paul Siefert original.
5. Our downstairs guest bedroom. Paul loved the clean lines and the black and white color scheme of the room. The paint ings of Bob Dylan and John Lennon were created by Paul’s dear friend Dan Gagen from his hometown of Albion. Paul was an amazing guitarist, and these two musicians were two of his favorites.
6. Also in the guestroom is a beautiful portrait of Paul, shot by Jeff Caso, who is the studio photographer for Vera Bradley. When he found out that Paul was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Jeff contacted us about a photo shoot, as a gift. His work is beautiful; he captured Paulie’s soul.
When Paul’s cancer had advanced and he was too weak to climb stairs, he slept here. I often sit in this room, just thinking about Paul often talking to him. It serves as a memorial chamber for me.
7. When we had the wall between our kitchen and dining room removed during the remodeling project, the opened space became so inviting. I’ve hosted several intimate gatherings in the space. These two swiveling upholstered chairs sit along the windows of our dining room, providing a view of the back yard and carriage garage. The two stainglassed roses on the windows were made by my friend Rod Kuhn’s husband, Roger. They gave me the one on the left when my father died and then the one on the right after my mother’s death.
8. Our master bedroom suite is the entire sec ond floor of the house. It has a slanting ceiling and windows only on the ends of the long room. This vanity was custom built for a space right by the stair landing. The shelves display glass artwork I acquired at various art fairs. The art on the wall is an intricate ink drawing by local cool dude Jeremy Stroup. It’s the Garden of Eden. It’s a joy to go through your daily ablutions surround ed by such lovely objects.
The sitting area in the master bedroom is one of my favorite spots in my house. It’s a cozy place to read and watch television. I also have a great view out of the front windows. I had acquired a cool painting by Renata Pancer (third from the right) at an Artlink show. I de cided to look for other pieces with floral content and containing the same color scheme to display above the couch. I love how the collection of this artwork is both eclectic and unified. I’ve also surrounded the bed with floral artwork in various mediums. It’s soothing to wake up to the simple beauty of a flower.
My favorite color is green, the deep, verdant hue found in nature. Most of my trips comprise outdoor adventure travel. Every room in my house has plants. I cycle daily in both Indiana and Florida, where I also have a home, so that I can be close to vegetation and the creatures who live in it. Green is an accent color in my master bedroom. After reading the book “Shinrin-Yoku: The Art and Science of Forest Bathing,” I began collecting artwork with trees, forests, woods, and landscapes containing a copse. My plan is to arrange and mount my tree-themed artwork in the stairwell lead ing up to the bedroom so that I “forest bathe” every time I climb up into the room. a
The colorful portrait on the wall is Terry Ratcliff’s incarnation of Fawn Liebowitz, the namesake of Paul’s band.Now’s the time to think about tidying up your financial affairs as the year draws to a close. Carrie Lamb, a financial advisor with Edward Jones, has a few actionable tips to help you.
One good starting place is to make sure you’re contributing to your child’s (grandchild’s, niece/nephew’s, your, your friend’s child, etc) 529 (education saving) plan.
“If you live in the state of Indiana and you contribute to an Indiana 529, then you could be eligible for up to $1,000 in tax credits for contributing to a 529 plan,” she said. “And that has to be done by December 31.”
Your financial advisor may want you to make your max contribution to your Roth IRA if you’re eligible for one, but you technically have some time into the tax season next year to make that contribution; the date of which depends on if you are contributing cash or securities and the way you are depositing them (cash, check, ACH, etc.).
Another consideration available this year is tax loss harvesting. If you’re an investor, know that you can claim up to $3,000 in losses on a tax return depending on the type of account your losses are in.
“Your best bet is to have both your financial advisor and your accountant talk with each other,” Lamb says.
Some clients have more immediate concerns than others. For instance, if you’re over age 72, then you’re required to take a minimum distribution before the end of the year or face a steep penalty. A RMD (required minimum distribution) is a withdrawal mandated by the government from retirement accounts that contain money that’s never been taxed. Your RMD is determined from the balance in your account on the last day of the year prior.
For those clients who are charitably inclined, Lamb offers this guideline, “If you’re wanting to have a charitable contribution for your
tax return next year, that charitable gift needs to be given by December 31.”
Last, but not least Lamb advises that a little planning now is worth the effort in making 2023 more seamless and setting you up for financial health. To that end, she suggests meeting with a financial advisor to see if there’s a need to rebalance investment portfolios and/or put aside cash funds for emergencies.
“That might be very important for 2023, as lots of people are predicting us to be in a recession,” she said.
Whatever happens, Lamb suggests starting the new year with a healthy financial mindset.
“I’m a firm believer in giving yourself grace, rather than beating yourself up,” she said. “(When you come into my office), we’re not worrying about the past. We are here to set you on a path based on the circumstances today. Because we can’t change the past and there’s no point in bullying ourselves about the past. We can look at how we got to that situation and then we can use it as information to make different decisions in the future.” a
Carrie Lamb, Edward Jones, Fort Wayne, 260.471.0013, edwardjones.com
We have truly been honored to serve each of you. Your support and confidence in us has been both valued and deeply appreciated. Yet, “to everything there is a season.” Our current building and property has been sold. We plan to continue business as usual until December 31st. January hours are uncertain, however, we will announce those in the near future, and keep you informed. Your reward cards will be valid through our future announced, final day of business. If there are particular supplements you will be needing to carry you on ... please let us know. We will be happy to order for you!
Regarding future plans... it’s “time for new beginnings ...” yet we have no specific details to share at this time. Please know, if relocation is possible in the near future, we will announce and share the good news!
over the
For many, the holidays are the highlight of the year, and gift-giving is the cherry on top. Yet a reality check begs the question: What is a good gift? One that doesn’t add clutter or feed a landfill?
For Sara Ward, an author and marketer from Fort Wayne, it’s about considering the person’s unique desires. “It’s sometimes hard to know,” she said. “One person’s clutter is another person’s special gift!”
Ward, married to husband Sam for 24 years, has two kids, ages 5 and 16. She sometimes goes for experiences with others, and several others may chip in to cover the expense.
“We’ve given escape room tickets, and one of the most fun was planning my husband’s birthday, which is New Year’s Eve, where I gave him a day with his brothers doing fun stuff,” she said. “Since we live far away from them, it was one of his favorite gifts yet!”
Ward has been on the receiving end of concert tickets, dancing lessons, and restaurant gift cards.
Partly, gifting means setting intentions. “We try to emphasize the gift of Jesus with our kids and always do the Jesse Tree each year, where we hang an ornament on the tree associated with a Bible story and read that story,” she said.
Ward uses and reuses gift bags. For lovers of wrapped boxes, consider using newspaper, be mindful to reuse bows and ribbon, and avoid foil and glitter, which can’t be recycled.
Plus, maybe edit the gift list. “We do draw names on one side of our family because it’s a very large family, and we always adopt a theme. We’ve also done donations to the charity of choice instead of drawing names,” Ward said.
Ward, whose pen name is Grace Worthington, sometimes gifts books, which can be shared or donated to the library. “Whether it’s one of my books or another author’s book, I like to include a special note inside that explains why I picked it for them. In a sense, you can personalize a book this way.”
Fort Wayne resident and debut author Sandi Baron will give her book on being a schoolteacher in 1960s New Orleans to some friends. She is also an artist, so she creates mini paintings with a poppy or a pear which have a scripture or quote on the back. She individualizes to the person’s interests. A program called Buy Nothing helped Baron get to know her neighbors within five miles and she will be gifting many smaller items. Cooks in the group make extra helpings and share. She’s gotten pretty vases from the site to gift flowers in.
“I don’t want to buy anything,” she said. “To me, that’s more thoughtful than a $20 gift card for coffee. Not that I don’t appreciate that.” She likes it when someone invites her to coffee, and they set a time to go together.
“I love to see people’s faces when I say, ‘Surprise, here’s something special because you’re special,’” Baron said. a
Bing Crosby’s color of choice for the great outdoors in December may be white, but believe it or not, even if the landscape stays brown, green can be seen in Northern Indiana. Winter is an important season for the gar den. According to Purdue Extension, the snow we may hate to shovel offers needed moisture and protection for the plants resting beneath it in our gardens. In fact, one study found that when the air temperature was -14 degrees F, under nine inches of snow, the temperature was 28 degrees.
Just because the season may be beneficial does not mean that those ranging from the beginning to experienced gardener do not desire the glorious green goodness of the garden. Lucky for us, with some planning and care, these results are achievable. Indoor herb gardens, houseplants, and greenhouses can make your grow a go!
Just about any meal can benefit from fresh herbs. Those vibrant flavors come from oils produced by the plant. Rosie Lerner, for Purdue Extension, writes that the more direct sunlight the plant receives, the greater its production of those oils. Extension also offers that plants may reach great heights in the garden but will stay smaller indoors as the pot limits them. One can either use cuttings from the garden or start these tastemakers from seed. Options you might consider from seed include dill, basil, ci lantro, anise, parsley, and thyme. Many grocery or big-box stores also sell herb plants in the produce section.
While not edible, many folks “eat up” the chance to see some green in the form of houseplants. Direct light and humidity are often favored growing conditions as houseplants are frequently tropical.
Extension writes, “keep in mind that sound cultural methods, preventive care, knowing your plant’s requirements, and careful attention are the best substitutes for a green thumb.” For more detailed information, check out Extension Publication HO-39-W at the URL listed in the sources.
Greenhouses can let the best of the outdoors thrive all without taking up any space in your own living area. Options range from simple do-ityourself cold frames that primarily start seedlings to full-scale heated structures that can grow summer bounty year-round. If you select the greenhouse option, some careful planning is in order. Among other
things, the placement should be considered; a southern exposure offers the best lighting.
The size of the structure, building materials, means to heat and ventilate, and availability of water are also important. Materials that will allow light to enter ranging from glass to polyethylene film have price and length-of-life considerations.
Gardeners can also choose to build these structures from scratch or pur chase a kit. Greenhouses need not be only for work, though. With a little interior decorating after construction, a greenhouse can also become a comfortable sunroom for relaxation.
Whether a single pot of herbs or a new backyard structure, growing can keep going, even when the thermometer dips. You can enjoy out comes both culinary and aesthetic–and leave your friends and family green with envy at the job you have done. a
(1) Snow Is Good for Gardens. Purdue Extension. https://www.purdue.edu/hla/sites/yardan dgarden/snow-is-good-for-gardens-2/
(2) Grow a Windowsill of Flavor This Winter. Purdue Extension. https://www.purdue.edu/hla/sites/ yardandgarden/grow-a-windowsill-of-flavor-this-winter/
(3) Purdue Publication HO-39-W. https://www.purdue.edu/hla/sites/yardandgarden/wp-content/ uploads/sites/2/2016/10/HO-39.pdf
(4) The Beginner’s Guide to Greenhouses. Purdue Extension. https://www.bing.com/videos/ search?q=greenhouse+tips+for+beginners&view=detail&mid=B95191A4032E3BFE8C4F B95191A4032E3BFE8C4F&FORM=VIRE
(5) How to Build a Greenhouse. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?&q=greenhouse+tips+ for+beginners&view=detail&mid=5E8A3EA7828B576D9CC75E8A3EA7828B576D9CC7&form= VDRVRV&ajaxhist=0
After the holidays, plans to eat better and work out more dance through our heads, just like visions of sugar plums. Then we get sidetracked, miss our comfort food and activities, and end up back at the drawing board. How do we beat the odds and stick to the healthy parameters we have set for ourselves? Try these five tips for sticking to a new healthy lifestyle.
Health gurus at Sweat.com suggest writing a SMART goal. That means specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. A goal like “I want to be healthier” is too general and leaves room for misinterpretation. Try something flexible but easy to track and keep yourself accountable. For example, “I will move my body for 30 minutes every day during January.”
Remember, achieving goals is a process. You can’t go from the couch to running a marathon overnight. Begin by walking 30 minutes daily and working your way up to your goal.
If eating healthy is your goal, attempt to swap sugary snacks or drinks for healthier options. Then, move on to creating nutritious breakfasts and build on until all meals and snacks are healthy.
This can be something as simple as marking off workouts on a calendar or writing down your weight and measurements each month. Keeping a written account helps you celebrate all that you have accomplished. Brainstorm a list of things you would like and reward yourself as you achieve milestones. Treat yourself to a bubble bath, a movie with friends, or splurge on that gorgeous pair of boots after crushing your goal!
The American Psychological Association explained, “Having someone with whom to share your struggles and successes will make the work easier and the mission less intimidating.” Tell friends and family what you are doing and invite them to join. Maybe you will pick up a new workout buddy or a friend who has some great healthy recipe ideas.
We all want to look better in a swimsuit, but often that is not a deep enough reason to keep us motivated. The Center for Healthy Eating and Activity Research (CHEAR) explained, “By discovering your deepest goal, you can stay motivated and positive during the process.” Do you want to be able to run and play with your children or grandchildren without getting winded? Are there certain medications you could stop taking with some healthier habits? Finding that monumental reason will help motivate you to keep going on those tough days.
Keep in mind that it takes quite a while to form new habits and that there will be setbacks. Give yourself grace and permission to make mistakes. Armed with these five tools, you will be living a healthier life before you know it! a
Every month, we highlight do-it-yourself projects from our readers. Do you want to see your project featured in our magazine? Email ambouthot@the-papers.com and tell me about it.
This month’s Reader DIY project comes from Jessica Fulk. A year and a half ago, at an auction, she and her boyfriend bought a barn that had been turned into a house. The previous couple who lived there were older and had built it themselves. Jessica said it has been a nightmare to renovate.
“It is one of those you see on TV where anything that could go wrong has,” she laughed. “But on a good note, it is turning out amazing and will be exactly what we want. When we are done with it, we will have gutted the entire house.”
Jessica has designed the whole house, while her boyfriend mostly does all the handywork. They have demolished and rebuilt it all.
What inspired you to take on this project?
Specifically for the bedroom, my inspiration came from Pinterest, starting with the accent wall, then just making sure everything is in the details from the curtain fringe to the cow photos.
How long did this project take you from start to finish?
It took about three months.
Was it easier or more difficult than you expected?
It was harder than expected because of the removal and rebuilding of walls for the closet, redoing the floors, and putting up the beam.
What did this project cost?
It was roughly $3500.
What do you like best about this project?
I like the details and customization. It is a place to end our night and feel comfortable. In the morning, while I am getting ready, I step out of closet and see my “homemade” closet door with a mirror placed inside to make sure I’m ready for the day.
What was the most difficult aspect of this project?
The hardest part was the floor. I tried to keep the concrete and strip it down to stain it, but we failed so we installed luxury vinyl instead. a
they’re dedicated to provid ing quality service to their customers.
“My mom picked the name ‘A Perfect Blend,’ because we offer so many things flowers, teas, pillows, chocolate a nice blend of offerings,” daughter and manager Natasha said. “Come in and you can hit all the points, whether it’s for a birthday, for a special occa sion, or for yourself it’s like a bouquet of things in our store.”
Natasha manages the store, facilitating buy ing and organizing the showroom, while her mother Melinda is the florist.
Melinda had been in catering nearly all of her adult life and had spent a lot of time in the wedding industry, and thus, around florals. So, when the oppor tunity to launch a flower shop in the old Janet Garden
Center building in Bluffton arose in April 2014, she took it, tapping her daughter to help make it a reality.
What sets A Perfect Blend apart is their approach to creating one-of-a-kind floral ar rangements for their customers.
“We don’t do the same arrangement again and again as a florist we don’t have a set recipe,” Natasha said. “We focus on texture and color combinations in our bouquets.”
Natasha’s experience working in museums in New York City has influenced the store’s suc cess, as she understands the intricacies of the buying process as a business owner she endeavors to buy unique, unusual seasonal blooms and greenery, and one-of-a-kind items whenever possible.
“So often we get customers who say, ‘I found something I’ve never seen before!’” Natasha said. “That’s what we’re going for you’ll find things here you can’t find other places.”
The shop is also known for its artificial work, as Melinda specializes in working with arti ficial flowers, which is a rare find anymore. As such, they’re celebrated for their bereave ment saddles and urns items that may be placed graveside and are able to endure the elements.
Plus and here’s one of our favorite parts they’re committed to offering local, women-made products in their store. From ornaments and Christmas decor to painted
cards and pictures from local artisans, A Perfect Blend’s commitment to building up women entrepreneurs shines through.
“We don’t just buy items on consignment from the women who make the products sold in our shop,” Natasha said. “We buy the products wholesale we pay them for their work, just as we would anyone else.”
The duo is also faithful in giving back however they can. They’re supporters of their communities, giving to organi zations, decorating a Christmas tree each year for a local museum, helping decorate the state park, and donating 10% of each Friday’s sales to nonprofit Forgotten Children Worldwide.
A Perfect Blend offers fresh flowers, artificial florals, Harvey & Sons Teas, DeBrand Fine Chocolates, and boutique-style, one-of-a-kind seasonal gifts that will never again be available once they’re sold out. Visit this distinctive shop at 1225 S. Scott St., Bluffton, Indiana, 46714. a
A Perfect Blend, Bluffton, 260.824.2695, aperfectblendbluffton.com
Katy Silliman was born and raised in Fort Wayne. She grew up on the southwest side of town and went to Homestead High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science in college and then joined the Peace Corps and lived in West Africa for a couple of years.
After returning home, Silliman worked for the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership from 2006 to 2014, serving in several roles, including being the Vision 2020 Director. After a short stint in Cincinnati, she came back to Fort Wayne and worked as a controller for a company called GeneAlign. During this time her other “non-paying job” was as co-found er of the Middle Waves Music Festival. After that, she went to work at Three Rivers Distilling Company where she was the Vice President of Retail Operations.
In October 2021, Silliman was laid off due to the pandemic and found a remote role doing special projects for a property management com pany out of Chicago. Then someone forwarded her a job opportunity at Electric Works.
Silliman has lived in the West Central neighborhood for most of her adult life and remembers driving around the Electric Works campus thinking how cool it would be to be a part of its rebirth.
“When I saw the job posting, I had butterflies in my stomach because I was thinking, ‘I really want this job,’” she said. “And I just had to let it go to the universe and hope the stars would align.”
In July, Silliman became the Senior Experience Director for Electric Works. Serving as the public face of the organization when the owners can’t be there, she oversees daily operations, private and public events, community initiatives, and the Union Street Market. “It’s a weird combina tion of all of my past work experience,” said Silliman.
Silliman got married in October 2020 and said she and her husband are happy calling Fort Wayne home. “I feel like if you’re looking for a mean ingful career and good friends and opportunities, I have that in spades, and so why look to go to a different city?”
“I was never one of those kids that was just itching to get away from Fort Wayne. I don’t know why because that seems like a very normal thing to do,” Silliman said laughing. She admitted she was “a pretty lucky kid.”
“My dad was well connected, and I was able to get involved in community efforts working at the Partnership,” said Silliman. “As a young person, I got to interact with a lot of business leaders… it was just really cool to see the passion and commitment that others had for the community.”
“I’m so excited because I think Electric Works is such a cool project… And I think for me, it only gets better,” said Silliman. “I really appreciate the vision of (Electric Works) ownership that this is a community space. And that’s why I’m not going anywhere. The full G.E. campus during World War II was like 20,000 people daily coming here. And I want to see how we do 20,000 peo ple again, in a whole new way.” a
By Ray Balogh
2-3 | Friday-Saturday |
4 | Sunday |
“Little River Ramblers” Hike and explore the interesting plants and wildlife of Eagle Marsh. Dress for weather, boots recommended. Bring binoculars for a close-up view. Free admission. 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Meet at Arrowhead Prairie Preserve, 8624 Aboite Road, Roanoke. 260.478.2515, info@lrwp.org, lrwp.org.
13 | Tuesday Holiday Concert
• Through Dec. 17, Days of Holly Shopping, public hours, conservatory shop, no admission required to shop
• Through Dec. 23, $1 Night Light Display, 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays
• Through Jan. 8, “Happy Smallidays” showcase exhibit, public hours, regular admission
• Thursday, Dec. 1, Bee the Change: “Joyful Carolers Singing Live” specially crafted activity, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., $1 admission
• Saturday, Dec. 3, Breakfast with Santa!, 9 a.m.-10 a.m., $28/person (youth and adult)
• Saturday, Dec. 3, 10, 17, Santa & Reindeer Saturdays, noon-4 p.m., regular admission
• Sunday, Dec. 4, Succulent Christmas Tree workshop, 1 p.m.-3 p.m., $47
• Thursday, Dec. 8, Evergreen Centerpiece workshop, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., $46
• Sunday, Dec. 11, Suzuki Strings Performance, 2 p.m.-2:45 p.m., regular admission
Adults $7, children (3-17) $5, children (2 and under) free. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday; 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursday; noon-4 p.m. Sunday; closed Monday. 1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne. 260.427.6440, botanicalconservatory.org.
• Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 3-4, “The Nutcracker” by Project Ballet, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday, visit website for prices
• Monday, Dec. 5, “A Motown Christmas,” 7:30 p.m., $41/$61
• Saturday, Sunday, Dec. 10, 17, 18, Holiday Pops, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 17, 2 p.m. Dec. 18, $27 to $86
• Monday, Dec. 12, Lindsey Stirling: “Snow Waltz Tour,” 7:30 p.m., $41 to $246
• Wednesday, Dec. 14, Straight No Chaser: “The 25th Anniversary Celebration,” 7:30 p.m., $39/$49/$63
• Friday, Dec. 16, “The Rat Pack is Back for the Holidays,” 7:30 p.m., $26.50 to $76.50
• Friday, Dec. 23, Raheem Devaughn: “The Love King Tour,” 7:30 p.m., $49 to $79
• Friday, Dec. 23, Music Lovers Lounge, 9:30 p.m. $25 general admission, $50 reserved table
NOTE: Ticket prices are subject to fluctuation based on demand.
125 W. Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne. 800.745.3000, fwembassytheatre.org.
• Friday-Saturday, Dec. 2-3, Le Chic Holiday Market, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, $5 general admission
• Thursday, Dec. 8, Bill Gaither and the Gaither Vocal Band: “The Brighter the Light Tour Christmas 2022,” 7 p.m., $24 to $65
• Friday, Dec. 16, for King & Country: “A Drummer Boy Christmas | The 2022 Tour Experience,” 7 p.m., $32.99 to $202
• Monday, Dec. 26, Harlem Globetrotters 2023 World Tour, 7 p.m., $26 to $116
Parking $8 main lot, $12 preferred lot. Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, 4000 Parnell Ave., Fort Wayne. 260.482.9502, memorialcoliseum.com.
• Susan Janow: If I Were a Queen (through Dec. 4)
• The National: Best Contemporary Photography 2022 (through Jan. 8, 2023)
• Breathing Life Into History: Contemporary Native American Art from the Collection (through Jan. 22, 2023)
• Vitreographs: Collaborative Prints from Littleton Studios (through Jan. 22, 2023)
• Garden Party: Outdoor Sculptures by Dorothy Gillespie (through June 4, 2023)
• Planes, Trains & Automobiles: Classic Toys and Americana (ongoing)
• The Glass Wing of FWMoA (ongoing)
• Kaiyodo: Mini Artworks for the Modern Age (ongoing)
• Saturday, Dec. 10, Fired Up: New Vistas in Ceramics (through Jan. 22, 2023)
• Thursday, Dec. 8, Second Thursday: Steven and Susan Shaikhs Showcase, 5 p.m., free with regular admission
• Saturday, Dec. 10, Second Saturday Tour with ASL Interpretation, 10:30 a.m., free with regular admission and preregistration
Adults $8, students (pre-K through college) $6, seniors (65 and older) $6, families $20, free admis sion for veterans and veterans’ families, free general admission 5 p.m.-8 p.m. every Thursday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday; 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursday; noon-5 p.m. Sunday (closed Mondays), 311 E. Main St., Fort Wayne. 260.422.6467, fwmoa.org.
• Thursday, Dec. 1 (through Jan. 1, 2023), Erin Patton McFarren: “Natural Histories” art exhibit on display, regular hours, Clark Gallery, Honeywell Center, free admission
• Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2, 4, “I Heard the Bells,” 7 p.m. Thursday and Sunday, 3 p.m. Friday, ET, $6/adult, $4/children 12 and under, Friday matinee $4
• Sunday, Dec. 4, “WVDT Christmas in Who-Bash,” 2 p.m., HC, $15/adult, $10/children 12 and under, free/WVDT students
• Monday, Dec. 5, “A Christmas Carol,” 10 a.m. and noon, HC, $10
• Tuesday, Dec. 6, “Elf,” 7:30 p.m., ET, $4
• Wednesday, Dec. 7, “The Dark Crystal: 40th Anniversary,” 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., ET, $6/adult, $4/ children 12 and under, matinee $4
• Thursday, Dec. 8, “Smyrna,” 7 p.m., ET, $6/adult, $4/children 12 and under
• Friday, Dec. 9, The Midtown Men: “Holiday Hits,” 7:30 p.m., HC, $35/$45/$55/$75
• Saturday, Dec. 10, Sidewalk Prophets: “Great Big Family Christmas,” 7:30 p.m., HC, $25/$32/$60
• Sunday, Dec. 11, 18, Brunch with Santa, 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Dec. 11, 10:30 a.m. Dec. 18, HC, $24.95/adult, $11.95/children 5-12, free/4 and under
• Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 12-13, “5,000 Blankets,” 7 p.m., ET, $6/adult, $4/children 12 and under
• Tuesday, Dec. 13, “A Christmas Story,” 7 p.m., ET, $4
• Thursday, Dec. 15, “A Holiday Evening at the House,” 7 p.m., HH, free admission
• Thursday, Dec. 15, “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” 7:30 p.m., HC, $39/$49/$79
• Friday, Dec. 16, Prime Rib Dinner, 5:30-7:30 p.m., ET, $26.95/adult, $13.95/children 5-12, free/4 and under
• Sunday, Dec. 18, Mannheim Steamroller Christmas, 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., HC, $39/$59/$69
• Tuesday, Dec. 20, “The Grinch (2018),” 7 p.m., ET, $4
• Tuesday, Dec. 20, Fort Wayne Philharmonic Holiday Pops, 7:30 p.m., HC, $20 Honeywell Center/Ford Theater (HC), 275 W. Market St., Wabash. Eagles Theatre/Ballroom (ET), 106 W. Market St., Wabash. Honeywell House (HH), 720 N. Wabash St., Wabash. 13-24 Drive-In (Drive-In), 890 IN 13. Dr. Ford Home (Ford), 177 W. Hill St., Wabash. 260.563.1102, honeywellarts.org.
• Thursday, Dec. 1, Lee Greenwood Christmas, 7:30 p.m., PAC, $49.95 to $84.95
• Friday, Dec. 2, David Phelps: “It Must Be Christmas,” 8 p.m., PAC, $29.95 to $69.95
• Saturday, Dec. 3, Let’s Hang On: Frankie Valli Christmas Tribute, 1 p.m., PAC, $14.95 to $49.95
• Tuesday, Dec. 6, Christmas with the Nelsons, 8 p.m., PAC, $24.95 to $44.95
• Wednesday, Dec. 7, “A Million Dollar Christmas,” 8 p.m., PAC, $24.95 to $44.95
• Thursday, Dec. 8, Dailey & Vincent: “The Joys of Christmas Tour,” 7:30 p.m., PAC, $19.95 to $59.95
• Friday, Dec. 9, “Christmas with the Gettys,” 7:30 p.m., PAC, $29.95 to $79.95
• Saturday, Dec. 10, Glenn Miller Orchestra Christmas, 1 p.m., PAC, $14.95 to $49.95
• Friday-Saturday, Dec. 16-17, Rick Webb Family: “The Glory and Majesty of Christmas,” 7:30 p.m. Friday, 2 p.m. Saturday, PAC, $24.95 to $29.95
• Friday, Dec. 30, Buckets N Boards Comedy Percussion Show, 7 p.m., PAC, $14.95 to $34.95
• Saturday, Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve with Malpass Brothers & Gary Mule Deer, 7 p.m., PAC, $24.95 to $74.95
All shows add $18 for dinner theater. Performing Arts Center (PAC), 760 S. Van Buren St., Shipshewana. Music Hall (MH), 195 N. Van Buren, Shipshewana. 888.447.4725, thebluegate.com.
• Friday, Dec. 2, The Shootouts, 7:30 p.m., Stroede Center, $18 online, $20 in advance, $25 at the door
• Saturday, Dec. 3, Cinema at the Stroede: “The Thin Man,” 7 p.m., Stroede Center, freewill dona tion, concessions available
Stroede Center, 319 Wayne Ave., Defiance. Triangle Park, 655 Clinton St., Defiance. 419.784.3401, defiancearts.org.