The Paper of Wabash - April 1, 2015 Issue

Page 6




Mary Ann Mast 260-225-0654 mamast1906@



SARD, a Northfield eighth grade student, competed in the Hoosier Science and Engineering Fair (state level science fair) on March 21 at IUPUI in Indianapolis. Brittany did not receive any additional awards, but was given a participation medal for her state-level accomplishment. Her teacher Sabrina LeMaster said, “It was a grueling, all-day


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April 1, 2015

competition that included many hours of judging and an awards ceremony at the end.” Congratulations Brittany! BENEFIT CONCERT for Northfield student Jonathan Fawley will take place at the Northfield High School Auditorium on April 22 at 7 p.m. Please keep the date on your calendar and help in any way you

Race winners: These are the Urbana Winter National ECHO Drag Race Winners. ECHO track official and Urbana Lion Member Matthew Snell (back) presents awards to (from left) Champion Matthew Dereski, second place winner Meredith Haupert, and third place winner Courtney Dutton. These slot car races are sponsored by the Urbana Lions Club for youth 9 years of age and older and take place at the Urbana Community building two Saturdays a month during January, February and March. Thanks to Michael and Bonita Snell and Matt Snell for being in charge of this youth project for the Urbana Lions Club and to all of the parents and youth who participated. Photo provided can. the opportunity to band. April 17 – Larry service. April 14 — IF YOU are 18 by make your opinions Batson Wildlife Show Women’s Guild will May 5, be sure to reg- known. at 1:30 p.m. April 24 – meet at 7 p.m. at the ister to vote. All you N I N E T E E N fifth grade students home of Terry and need to do is go online NORTHFIELD Jr. leave from Sharp Carla Krom. at www.indianavot- High students partici- Creek at 7 a.m. for PRAYER and have a pated in the Wabash Chicago. The bus will CERNS: Please valid Indiana driver’s County Math Contest. return at 9 p.m. April remember the family license! Voting is a Seventh grade student 29- Tin Caps game day and friends of privilege – don’t miss Levi Fulkerson placed for students that have Marguerite Baker who third in the individual met reading goals. died on March 21. Also contest. In the seventh B R E A K F A S T remember Lillian grade team contest, BUNCH: Regulars Maurer whose sister Isaiah Webb placed and guests meeting at Norma Baird died fifth, Madison Shrider Pam’s Café March 25 March 24 in Kansas. placed third, and were: Eileen Weck, Continue to remember Victoria Pfeiffer Chad and Peggy Gene Miller, Gladys placed second. In the Dilling, Carol Layne, Hall (55 Mission Drive, individual round for Doris Mattern, Alan Apt. 104, Indianapolis, eighth grade, Brennen Mattern (Florida), IN 46214-5918), Steve Vigar placed tenth, Alma DeVore, Helen Gaston, Donna Daniel Driscoll sev- Dawes, John and Russell, Jane enth, Melanie Beery Darla Eads, Larry and Winebrenner, Jo Anne fourth, and Emily Nancy Meyer and and Roscoe Weaver, Clendenon third. In g r a n d d a u g h t e r and Ardis Witkoske. the eighth grade team Miranda Meyer, and BIRTHDAYS: April contest, Emily Karen Goebel- 3 – Mody Eads, Donald Clendenon placed C a m p b e l l Weaver. April 4 – fourth and Ariel Dale (Wisconsin). Karen Roberta Miller. April placed first. It was a Goebel served donut 5 – Valerie Wilcox, great effort by all of holes from Rise and Larry Harrington, the students that Roll and Brandy Christa (Howard) attended. Beans in honor of her Grabil, Karmyn SHARP CREEK mother’s 105 birthday. Kimberly Baer will be WILDCAT Pride winURBANA YOKE 2 years old. April 6 – ners drawn on March P A R I S H Tom Wright, Caden 20 were Brenton DATES: April 1 — Maple. April 7 – Yarger who was nomi- Choir practice at 6:30 Karen Smalley. April nated by Mrs. Kuhn p.m. at Grace 8 – Richard Miller, for helping clean up Church. April 2 — Aaron S. Anderson. Now Available! carnival supplies and Maundy Thursday ANNIVERSARIES: Janelle Ross who was service at 6:30 p.m. in April 2 - Mark and also nominated by St. Peter Parish Hall. Tami Vigar. Brian and Mrs. Kuhn for helping Communion will be Janet Chamberlain. clean up carnival sup- served. April 4 — April 5 -Vaughn and plies. Easter flowers need to Peggy Callahan. April SHARP CREEK be at St. Peter Church 8 – Jason and Caley DATES: April 2 – by 1 p.m. An Easter Eads, Tony and Krista March Madness Egg Hunt will be in Hoover. Reading Basketball the Parish Hall at 2 NEWS ITEMS game in gym. April 3 p.m. April 5 — Easter and/or pictures may to 12 is Spring Break! Sunday. Choir will be sent to me at 1906 N April 16 – PTO meet- sing and communion 100 W, Wabash, IN ing at Metro North will be served. April 46992-7732 or emailed Elementary at 6:30 12 — Congregational to me at 9617 p.m. Come and sup- meeting will follow m a m a s t 1 9 0 6 @ c o m port the sixth grade the worship

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