May 30, 2024

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You and me . . . we’ve been around awhile. We’ve watched television and moviies together, all depicting the wild, wild west . . . but most of those depictions were glamorized and, quite often, less than an accurate portrayal of what life really was like back in the frontier days.

We propose to take a look at the ‘cowboys and indians’ of that era and maybe, just maybe, give a little more accurate look

at what life was really like. Let us begin with notes from a great frontier writer, Emerson Hough, who chronicled that era circa 1918.

The Great West, vast and rude, brought forth men also vast and rude. Of all the babes of that primeval mother, the West, the cowboy was perhaps her dearest because he was her last. Some of her children lived for centuries; this one for not a triple decade before he began to be old. What was really the life of this child of the wild region of America, and what were the conditions of the experience that bore him, can never

be fully known by those who have not seen the West with wide eyes — for the cowboy was simply a part of the West. He who does not understand the one can never understand the other.

Large tracts of land where once the cowboy reigned supreme have been turned into farms by the irrigator’s ditch or by the dry-farmer’s plan. The farmer in overalls is in many instances his own stockman today. On the ranges of Arizona, Wyoming, and Texas and parts of Nevada we may find the cowboy, it is true, even today: but he is no longer

the Homeric figure that once dominated the plains.

By clothing and general dress we may often know the man. The cowboy’s ‘uniform’ was harmonious with its surroundings. It was planned upon lines of such stern utility as to leave no possible thing which we may call dispensable. The typical cowboy uniform could hardly be said to contain a coat and waistcoat. The heavy woolen shirt, loose and open at the neck, was the common wear at all seasons of the year excepting winter, and one has often seen cowboys in the winter-

Volume 54 - No. 22 May 30, 2024 Cowboys See Page 2 The Paper • 760.747.7119 online: email:

Cowboys from page 1

time engaged in work about the yard or corral of the ranch wearing no other cover for the upper part of the body but one or more of these heavy shirts. If the cowboy wore a coat he would wear it open and loose as much as possible. If he wore a “vest” he would wear it slouchily, hanging open or partly unbuttoned most of the time. There was a reason for this slouchy habit. The cowboy would say that the vest closely buttoned about the body would cause perspiration, so that the wearer would quickly chill upon ceasing exercise. If the wind were blowing keenly when the cowboy dismounted to sit upon the ground for dinner, he would button up his waistcoat and be warm.

The cowboy’s boots were of fine leather and fitted tightly, with light narrow soles, extremely small and high heels. Surely a more irrational foot-covering never was invented; yet these tight, peaked cowboy boots had a great significance.

There was no prouder soul on earth than the cowboy. He was proud of being a horseman and had a contempt for all human beings who walked. On foot in his tight-toed boots he was lost; but he wished it to be understood that he never

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was on foot. If we rode beside him and watched his seat in the big cow saddle we found that his high and narrow heels prevented the slipping forward of the foot in the stirrup, into which he jammed his feet nearly full length. If there was a fall, the cowboy’s foot never hung in the stirrup. In the corral roping, afoot, his heels anchored him. So he found his little boots not so unserviceable and retained them as a matter of pride. Boots made for the cowboy trade sometimes had fancy tops of bright-colored leather. The Lone Star of Texas was often part of the ornamentation.

GIRAFFE: Am I jabbering? I’m jabbering, aren’t I?

INTERVIEWER: That’s all right.

GIRAFFE: It’s just so good to open up. In the wild, we’re not allowed to talk.

The curious pride of the horseman extended also to his gloves. The cowboy was very careful in the selection of his gloves. They were made of the finest buckskin, which could not be injured by wetting. Generally they were tanned white and cut with a deep cuff or gauntlet from which hung a little fringe to flutter in the wind when he rode at full speed on horseback.

The cowboy’s hat was one of the typical and striking features of his uniforms. It was a heavy, wide, white felt hat with a heavy leather band buckled about it. There has

your ‘habitat’, you get first class medical care, including dental, and you’re completely protected from predators who want to rip you to pieces and eat you. Oh, yeah. Zoos are the worst. The Circle of Life, that’s good. It’s good in Disney movies!

been no other head covering devised so suitable as the Stetson for the uses of the Plains, although high and heavy black hats have in part supplanted it today among stockmen. The boardlike felt was practically indestructible. The brim flapped a little and, in time, was turned up and perhaps held fast to the crown by a thong.

The wearer might sometimes stiffen the brim by passing a thong through a series of holes pierced through the outer edge. He could depend upon his hat in all weathers. In the rain it was an umbrella; in the sun a shield; in the winter he could tie it down about his ears with his handkerchief.

Loosely thrown about the cowboy’s shirt collar was a silk kerchief. It was tied in a hard knot in front, and though it could scarcely be said to be devoted to the uses of a neck scarf, yet it was a great comfort to the back of the neck when one was riding in a hot wind. It was sure to be of some bright color, usually red. Modern would-be cowpunchers do not willingly let this old kerchief die, and right often they over-play it. For the cowboy of the “movies,” however, let us register an unqualified contempt. The real

Cowboys continued on page 3

like crazy and, I know this isn’t nice, but you hope that they catch a different giraffe.

INTERVIEWER: So you ran.

This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!

Imagine a radio station where they interview human beings, but sometimes they don’t. The following is an interview conducted at that station.

INTERVIEWER: Today, as a change of pace from interviewing human beings, I have as my guest a giraffe, direct from the wildest plains of Africa. Mr. Giraffe, welcome.

GIRAFFE: Hello, hi. It’s good to be here. And you can forget the ‘Mister.’ We animals don’t stand on ceremony. Except for lions. You know lions. They got a mane, they think it’s a crown. On the other hand, horses have manes and they’re fine, so go figure.


INTERVIEWER: For safety reasons, I suppose.

GIRAFFE: A lot of good that does us. Okay, so we’re quiet giraffes. The predators can’t hear us. But, please, we’re twenty feet tall. They can SEE US! Being quiet only protects us from blind predators. Like they’re a big problem.

INTERVIEWER: Well, you can relax. You’re quite safe here.

GIRAFFE: Yes, I can sense that. Speaking of ‘safe’, can you get me into a zoo?

INTERVIEWER: You want to live in a zoo?

GIRAFFE: I’d prefer it greatly, yes.

INTERVIEWER: That’s kind of surprising. A lot of people think animals shouldn’t be in zoos.

GIRAFFE: Has anyone asked the animals? Let’s see. Zoos. They feed you, they clean up

INTERVIEWER: You wouldn’t miss your freedom?

GIRAFFE: In the wilds of Africa, we have this saying: “Freedom’s just another word for running for your life.” Which reminds me, do we have time for a quick story?


GIRAFFE: This goes way back. I’m a baby, six, maybe, seven feet tall. I’m standing in the river with a bunch of other giraffes and we’re slaking our thirst, which is a fancy way of saying we’re drinking some water. Suddenly, giraffe ears prick up, noses start to twitch – something’s going on.

INTERVIEWER: Something dangerous.

GIRAFFE: No, the ice cream truck is coming. Of course, dangerous.

INTERVIEWER: What’s the strategy in these situations?

GIRAFFE: Our strategy is you run

GIRAFFE: They ran. The other giraffes. I was young and thirsty and I missed the signals. I look up, everyone’s gone.


GIRAFFE: ‘Oh dear’ is right. ‘What’s going on?’, I’m thinking. Then I look around, and there he is. A lion. It was the first one I’d ever seen, but you know, just looking at him, you know it’s not good.

INTERVIEWER: You must have been terrified.

GIRAFFE: To put it delicately, a lot of water went back into the river.

INTERVIEWER: What did you do?

GIRAFFE: Okay. At this point, I have to reveal a confidence. A secret no animal has ever revealed on the radio or anywhere else. Are you interested in a ‘scoop’?

continued on page 5

The Paper • Page 2 • May 30, 2024

Cowboys from page 3

range would never have been safe for him.

A peculiar and distinctive feature of the cowboy’s costume was his “chaps” (chaparejos). The chaps were two very wide and full-length trouser-legs made of heavy calfskin and connected by a narrow belt or strap. They were cut away entirely at front and back so that they covered only the thigh and lower legs and did not heat the body as a complete leather garment would. They were intended solely as a protection against branches, thorns, briars, and the like, but they were prized in cold or wet weather. Sometimes there was seen, more often on the southern range, a cowboy wearing chaps made of skins tanned with the hair on; for the cowboy of the Southwest early learned that goatskin left with the hair on would turn the cactus thorns better than any other material. Later, the chaps became a sort of affectation on the part of new men on the range; but the old-time cowboy wore them for use, not as a uniform. In hot weather he put them in storage. In the times when some men needed guns and all men carried them, no pistol of less than 44-caliber was tolerated on the range, the solid framed 45-caliber being the one almost universally used. The barrel was eight inches long, and it shot a rifle cartridge of forty grains of powder and a blunt-ended bullet that made a terrible missile. This weapon depended from a belt worn loose resting upon the left hip and hanging low down on the right hip so that none of the weight came upon the abdomen. This was typical, for the cowboy was neither fancy gunman nor army officer.

An essential part of the cow-puncher’s outfit was his “rope.” This was carried in a close coil at the side of the saddle-horn, fastened by one of the many thongs scattered over the saddle. In the Spanish country it was called riata and even today is sometimes seen in the Southwest made of rawhide. In the South it was called a lariat. The modern rope is a well-made three-quarterinch hemp rope about thirty feet in length, with a leather or rawhide eye.

The cowboy’s quirt was a short heavy whip, the stock being of wood or iron covered with braided leather and carrying a lash made of two or three heavy loose thongs. The spur in the old days had a very large rowel with blunt teeth an inch long. It was often ornamented with little bells or oblongs of metal, the tinkling of which appealed to the childlike nature of the Plains rider. His bridle — for, since the cowboy and his mount are inseparable, we may as well speak of his horse’s dress also — was noticeable for

its tremendously heavy and cruel curbed bit, known as the “Spanish bit.” But in the ordinary riding and even in the exciting work of the old round-up and in “cutting out,” the cowboy used the bit very little, nor exerted any pressure on the reins. He laid the reins against the neck of the pony opposite to the direction in which he wished it to go, merely turning his hand in the direction and inclining his body in the same way.

He rode with the pressure of the knee and the inclination of the body and the light side-shifting of both reins. The saddle was the most important part of the outfit. It was a curious thing, this saddle developed by the cattle trade, and the world has no other like it. Its great weight — from thirty to forty pounds — was readily excusable when one remembers that it was not only seat but workbench for the cowman. A light saddle would be torn to pieces at the first rush of a maddened steer, but the sturdy frame of a cow-saddle would throw the heaviest bull on the range.

The high cantle would give a firmness to the cowboy’s seat when he snubbed a steer with a sternness sufficient to send it rolling heels over head. The high pommel, or “horn,” steel-forged and covered with cross braids of leather, served as anchor post for this same steer, a turn of the rope about it accomplishing that purpose at once. The saddle-tree forked low down over the pony’s back so that the saddle sat firmly and could not readily be pulled off. The great broad cinches bound the saddle fast till horse and saddle were practically one fabric. The strong wooden house of the old heavy stirrup protected the foot from being crushed by the impact of the herd. The form of the cow-saddle has changed but little, although today one sees a shorter seat and smaller horn, a “swell front” or roll, and a stirrup of open “ox-bow” pattern.

The round-up was the harvest of the range. The time of the calf roundup was in the spring after the grass had become good and after the calves had grown large enough for the branding. The State Cattle Association divided the entire State range into a number of round-up districts. Under an elected roundup captain were all the bosses in charge of the different ranch outfits sent by men having cattle in the round-up. Let us briefly draw a picture of this scene as it was.

Each cowboy would have eight or ten horses for his own use, for he had now before him the hardest riding of the year. When the cow-puncher went into the herd to cut out calves he mounted a

Cowboys continued on page 5


Looking for things to do? Places to go?

Check out Oodles every week for listing of civic and service club meetings, and more! Have an event you need publicized?

Email it to:

The Paper goes to print on Tuesday morning. You are more likely to get published if you:

• Submit your press release by the previous Friday.

• Keep It Simple: who, what, where, when, why.

• Send us something we can copy/paste. Please no brochures or flyers.

• Send photos as attachments, not embeded in the document.

LIFE at MiraCosta College A Lifelong Learning Group

Meetings will be held in person at the Mira Costa College, 1831 Mission Ave., Oceanside Campus at 1:00 pm in the Board Room Trailer T200 by the Police Station and by the Internet Application ZOOM.

May 31: 1:00 “Harvey Wiley and the Origins of National Food and Drug Controls in the U.S.” John Swann U.S. Food and Drug Administration

This presentation will discuss the sorry state of the U.S. food and drug marketplace in the 19th century, USDA Chief Chemist Harvey Wiley and others efforts, and the early enforcement work under the 1906 Food and Drugs Act.

May 31: 2:30 MAAC’s Pathways of Service Victoria Vazquez, Associate Director of Engagement & Economic Mobility

Let’s get reacquainted with MAAC’s range of social programs as they maximize self-sufficiency with families and individuals through high-quality programs and advocacy in our North County communities To join a Zoom meeting, LIFE must have your email address in order for you to receive the invite link. Meetings will start at 12:45 pm (you can join 15 minutes earlier) and the speaker will start at 1:00 pm.


To Donate to the LIFE Scholarship Fund: Write a check to MiraCosta College Foundation; Mail it to: 1 Barnard Dr., MS 7; Oceanside, CA 92056. In the memo area put: LIFE Scholarship Fund. Or go to: donatenow and you can donate online. There is a “drop down” box to indicate the donation will be credited to the LIFE Scholarship Fund.

* Speaker has books or CDs for sale.


Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting

June 3 • 10am - Noon

Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting for all North County Inland Communities Parkinson’s Support Group. Free monthly meetings for people with Parkinson’s and their care partners are held from 10 am until Noon at San Rafael Church, 17252 Bernardo Center Drive, Rancho Bernardo, in the Parish Hall. Our featured speaker for Monday, June 3rd is Dr. Jason Lakis, RN of Insightec who will be presenting “Focused Ultrasound as an Alternative To Deep Brain Stimulation”.

Separate breakout sessions for People with Parkinson’s and care partners will follow the presentation to discuss successes and challenges.

Come learn, share, meet, and enjoy the free refreshments with other involved Parkinson’s persons. Please call (760) 749-8234 or (760) 5181963 if you have any questions.


Shred, E-Waste, & Mulch Event

June 8

The City of Vista’s Public Works Department and EDCO are sponsoring a free event on Saturday, June 8, from 9 am to noon at the Vista Civic Center lower parking lot, 200 Civic Center Drive.


Limit of 2 bankers’ boxes (10” x

continued on page 14

The Paper • Page 3 • May 30, 2024

County Highlights Resources for Older Americans

The County estimates that by 2030, the number of older adults in the region will climb to nearly one million, up from 783,500.

“We’re seeing rapid growth in our region’s aging population and that is why the County is focused on supporting healthy aging with a framework called the Aging Roadmap,” said Naomi Chavez, County Aging & Independence Services Acting Director.

The Aging Roadmap, which launched in 2019, outlines the region’s efforts to make sure the needs of older adults are met when it comes to care and support, affordable housing, accessible transportation and opportunities to work and volunteer.

Several County programs help older adults stay connected and provide activities for well-being including:

The Feeling Fit Club: Classes for older adults of all abilities. Classes focus on building strength, balance, cardio and flexibility. There are nearly 40 classes a week held in person or virtually throughout the region. Tai Chi classes are also available.

Meals and Senior Dining: Hot, nutritious meals are served for people over 60 years old weekly at nearly 30 locations around the

Man About Town

You and I are from about the same era, . . . 9 cent movies for me on Saturday (in Omaha; prices were cheaper there). Cigarettes were 15 cents a pack, Lucky Strikes were the big seller, later, Chesterfields, Old Gold. Filter tips were later in life.

I well remember party lines but mostly in southern Minnesota. We’d drive up from Omaha to Grandma’s farm (actually it was the Grandparents farm . . . but we all called it Grandma’s Farm because she was

region. Many locations also offer transportation.

Tech2Connect: Gives internetconnected tablets and technology training to encourage social connection and resources for mental health. The program is available to eligible In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) recipients who live alone and are at greatest risk of social isolation by calling (858)505-6972.

Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP): Helps eligible older adults stay in their home by providing help with certain tasks like laundry, shopping or making bill payments.

Volunteer Opportunities: Older adults can find social connections and serve the community in a variety of ways through Senior Volunteers in Action (SVA) or the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). Volunteers can also serve in the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program to visit long-term care sites to ensure residents receive quality care and advocate for their rights.

To learn more about available resources or to report suspected elder abuse, contact the County Aging & Independence Services Call Center at 800-339-4661 or visit their website at https://www. hhsa/programs/ais.html.

the central, loving, figure). Upon arrival I’d grab the hand crank telephone and ring three long, two short, the signal for the Leverenz family in Bergen, a town of about 250 people; “click,” “click,” “click,”in a matter of minutes everyone in the Windom, Jackson, Bergen area knew the Davis family had arrived at the Tollefson farm, all the way from the big city, Omaha. Kerosene lamps in the living room, chamber pots upstairs in the bedrooms (which were cold at night - both the rooms AND the chamber pots) . . . coal/wood stove in the kitchen, hand pump at the sink to pump water to the sink . . . outdoor privy (all this only at the farm. We were ‘modern’ in Omaha).

Back to Saturday mornings at the theatre . . . I remember Lash Larue, Hopalong Cassidy, I vaguely remember Perils of Pauline. Oh, and gas. Gas was, I think, 25 cents a gallon. Even later, in high school, I had inherited Grandpa Davis’s 1942 Ford couple . . . my girl friend and I at the time, would chip in 50 cents each to gas up the Ford and go out on a date. Memories! Mostly good ones.

Letters to the Editor

Thank you again for your May 16 publication. Can’t thank you enough.

I’m also deeply sorry to hear about your son. Just too harsh of a reality. You sounded good and I salute you for helping your ex during her difficult times.

Here’s my website: http://www.

Five years ago, I had my first podcast interview with retired Navy SEAL Jocko Willink. If you google: Jocko Podcast # 180, it’ll pop up for you. I’ve done eight podcasts with Jocko. Now he funds a podcast where I interview SOG veterans/aviators and S. Vietnamese who served with us.

That podcast is called: SOGCast. They’re first posted on Apple &

For the Over 50 Crowd

When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning.... Uphill... Barefoot... BOTH ways... yadda, yadda, yadda.

And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on my kids about how hard I had it and how easy they’ve got it!

But now that I’m over the ripe old age of fifty, I can’t help but look around and notice the youth of today. You’ve got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia! And I hate to say it, but you kids today, you don’t know how good you’ve got it!

1) I mean, when I was a kid we didn’t have the Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library

Spotify. We have 44 interviews posted there. 24 of those have been posted on YouTube.

All the links to those interviews are on my website.

Good to hear from you today Lyle. Take care. Please give Evelyn a hug from us in White Bluff, TN40 west of Nashville.


Editor’s Note: This is from John “Tilt” Meyer, a bona fide American Hero/Green Beret. He was the focal point of our May 16 issue describing his operations during the Vietnam War.


Love Your Letters

To submit a letter to the editor, please email thepaper@ Please limit your letter to a maximum of 300 words and include your full name, e-mail address, town, and a valid phone number where you can be reached. Letters will not be published anonymously. Letters are subject to editing. Please no hand written letters.

and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!

2) There was no email! We had to actually write somebody a letter - with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox, and it would take like a week to get there! Stamps were 10 cents!

3) Child Protective Services didn’t care if our parents beat us. As a matter of fact, the parents of all my friends also had permission to kick our ass! Nowhere was safe!

4) There were no MP3’s or Napsters or iTunes! If you wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the record store and shoplift it yourself!

5) Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio, and the DJ would usually talk over the beginning and @#*% it all up! There were no CD players!

The Paper • Page 4 • May 30, 2024 Local News Man About Town continued on page 6

Cowboys from page 3

fresh horse, and every few hours he again changed horses, for there was no horse which could long endure the fatigue of the rapid and intense work of cutting. Before the rider stretched a sea of interwoven horns, waving and whirling as the densely packed ranks of cattle closed in or swayed apart. It was no prospect for a weakling, but into it went the cow-puncher on his determined little horse, heeding not the plunging, crushing, and thrusting of the excited cattle. Down under the bulks of the herd, half hid in the whirl of dust, he would spy a little curly calf running, dodging, and twisting, always at the heels of its mother; and he would dart in after, following the two through the thick of surging and plunging beasts. The sharp-eyed pony would see almost as soon as his rider which cow was wanted and he needed small guidance from that time on. He would follow hard at her heels, edging her constantly toward the flank of the herd, at times nipping her hide as a reminder of his own superiority. In spite of herself the cow would gradually turn out toward the edge, and at last would be swept clear of the crush, the calf

Chuckles from page 2


GIRAFFE: You got it. And I’m hoping – no quid pro quo, or anything – but, you know, if you want to be nice, in exchange for the ‘scoop’, that maybe you can help me…

INTERVIEWER: …get into a zoo.

GIRAFFE: Enough said – winkwink. Okay, here’s the ‘scoop,’ the fact that animals have kept to themselves since the beginning of time. Are you ready?

INTERVIEWER: I’m all ears.

GIRAFFE: Okay. In the jungle, every animal has, secreted, somewhere on his or her person, a book.


GIRAFFE: It’s very small. We have excellent eyesight.

INTERVIEWER: I’ve never heard this before.

GIRAFFE: Of course not, it’s a secret! Were you not listening?

INTERVIEWER: I’m sorry. How have you kept it a secret so long?

following close behind her. There was a whirl of the rope and the calf was laid by the heels and dragged to the fire where the branding irons were heated and ready.

Meanwhile other cow-punchers are rushing calves to the branding. The hubbub and turmoil increase. Taut ropes cross the ground in many directions. The cutting ponies pant and sweat, rear and plunge. The garb of the cowboy is now one of white alkali which hangs gray in his eyebrows and moustache. Steers bellow as they surge to and fro. Cows charge on their persecutors. Fleet yearlings break and run for the open, pursued by men who care not how or where they ride.

We have spoken in terms of the past. There is no calf round-up of the open range today. The last of the roundups was held in Routt County, Colorado, several years ago, so far as the writer knows, and it had only to do with shifting cattle from the summer to the winter range.

After the calf round-up came the beef round-up, the cowman’s final harvest. This began in July or August. Only the mature or fatted animals were cut out from the herd. This “beef cut” was held apart and driven on ahead from place to place as the round-up progressed. It was

GIRAFFE: Animals are extremely disciplined. Also, just before they die, animals are instructed to swallow the book. Look in their mouths. Tiny pages.

INTERVIEWER: Does the book have a name?

GIRAFFE: Yes. The book is called Who Eats Who? It’s a picture book, because, you know…

INTERVIEWER: Animals can’t read.

GIRAFFE: And don’t think it hasn’t held us back. Here’s how it works. You’re in the wild, and you spot an animal skulking in your proximity. Strange animal, you’ve never seen it before. Right away, you pull out your Who Eats Who? and you locate the picture in the book that matches the animal you’re looking at. Now, underneath that picture, below the identifying name, you will find one of two arrows – an arrow pointing toward the animal, which means you run after him and eat him; or an arrow pointing away from the animal, which means, ‘Get the heck out of there before he eats you.’

INTERVIEWER: Sounds like a very important book.

GIRAFFE: It’s essential! You lose that book, and before you know it, you’re a sandwich without the

then driven in by easy stages to the shipping point on the railroad, whence the long trainloads of cattle went to the great markets.

In the heyday of the cowboy it was natural that his chief amusements should be those of the outdoor air and those more or less in line with his employment. He was accustomed to the sight of big game, and so had the edge of his appetite for its pursuit worn off. Yet he was a hunter, just as every Western man was a hunter in the times of the Western game. His weapons were the rifle, revolver, and rope; the latter two were always with him. With the rope at times he captured the coyote, and under special conditions he has taken deer and even antelope in this way, though this was of course most unusual and only possible under chance conditions of ground and cover. Elk have been roped by cowboys many times, and it is known that even the mountain sheep has been so taken, almost incredible as that may seem. The young buffalo were easy prey for the cowboy and these he often roped and made captive. In fact the beginnings of all the herds of buffalo now in captivity in this country were the calves roped and secured by cowboys; and these few scattered individuals of a grand race of animals remain

bread. Okay, back to the story. The lion starts heading my way. I don’t know what he is, so I whip out my Who Eats Who?, I match him with the picture.

INTERVIEWER: And you run away.

GIRAFFE: That’s what I should have done. But at that moment, I was so nervous, I misread the arrow and I thought that we ate them.

INTERVIEWER: Oh, no. So you…

GIRAFFE: I a\ttacked the lion. Was he surprised! I mean, I get there and I start chewing on his leg with my leaf-eating teeth, and he’s just standing there. Staring at me. I mean, the guy couldn’t believe his eyes. A giraffe is eating a lion.


GIRAFFE: ‘Whoa’ is right! The guy’s standing there in shock. And before you know it, I ate him all up!

INTERVIEWER: Incredible.

GIRAFFE: But true. I’ll never forget the last thing he said just before I ate his mouth.

INTERVIEWER: What did he say?

as melancholy reminders alike of a national shiftlessness and an individual skill and daring.

The grizzly was at times seen by the cowboys on the range, and if it chanced that several cowboys were together it was not unusual to give him chase. They did not always rope him, for it was rarely that the nature of the country made this possible. Sometimes they roped him and wished they could let him go, for a grizzly bear is uncommonly active and straightforward in his habits at close quarters. The extreme difficulty of such a combat, however, gave it its chief fascination for the cowboy. Of course, no one horse could hold the bear after it was roped, but, as one after another came up, the bear was caught by neck and foot and body, until at last he was tangled and tripped and hauled about till he was helpless, strangled, and nearly dead. It is said that cowboys have so brought into camp a grizzly bear, forcing him to half walk and half slide at the end of the ropes. No feat better than this could show the courage of the plainsman and of the horse which he so perfectly controlled.

Of such wild and dangerous ex-

Cowboys continued on page 12

GIRAFFE: ‘We eat you!’

INTERVIEWER: Well. That is truly an unforgettable story.

GIRAFFE: Isn’t it?

INTERVIEWER: Thank you for telling it.

GIRAFFE: My absolute pleasure. So you’ll get me into a zoo?

INTERVIEWER: I’m sorry, I can’t.

GIRAFFE: But we had an agreement.

INTERVIEWER: I don’t believe we did.

GIRAFFE: There was an unspoken assumption. I’m certain of it.

INTERVIEWER: Thank you for being with us.

GIRAFFE: This is so unfair!

INTERVIEWER: Our guest today has been a giraffe, who will now go back where he came from.

GIRAFFE: I have joint problems. I’m not going to last.

With thanks to brilliant writer, Earl Pomeratntz.

The Paper • Page 5 • May 30, 2024

Higher Gas Prices

California’s gas taxes are the highest in the nation, and they are set to go even higher. Most of you probably know that we have yearly, built in gas tax increases, and they are scheduled to go up by another two cents per gallon on July 1st.

But many may not know that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) plans to increase gas prices by up to 47 cents a gallon next year, and up to 52 cents in 2026. A hearing on the scheduled increases was scheduled for March, but was postponed.

After Hawaii, Californians are burdened by the nation’s highest cost of living. Unfortunately, this burden falls hardest on those least able to afford it. According to the AAA, the average price of unleaded regular gasoline in California is $5.17, compared to the national average of $3.61. High gasoline and diesel prices increase the cost of all goods made with petroleum ingredients or transported by truck, which is practically everything. Hard working Californians simply can’t afford these ongoing cost increases.

My colleagues and I recently wrote a letter to CARB’s chair ex-

Man About Town from page 4

We had tape decks in our car or those great 8 track players. We’d play our favorite tape and “eject” it when finished, and then the tape would come undone rendering it useless. Cause, hey, that’s how we rolled, Baby! Dig?

6) We didn’t have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called, they got a busy signal, that’s it!

7) There weren’t any freakin’ cell phones either. If you left the house, you just didn’t make a damn call or receive one. You actually had to be out of touch with your “friends”. OH MY GOSH ! Think of the horror... not being in touch with someone 24/7! And then there’s TEXTING. Yeah, right. Please! You kids have no idea how annoying you are.

8) And we didn’t have fancy Caller ID either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your par-

pressing our concerns about soaring gas prices during this time of heightened economic uncertainty and inflation. We are also concerned about a lack of transparency regarding these policies and their economic impact on consumers. In short, we are asking for specific answers from CARB, which is an un-elected body that wields immense economic power over millions of people.

Most Californians will continue to rely on gasoline and diesel for decades to come. Increasing the cost of the gasoline they must use will not lead to a cleaner environment, but it will lead to increased poverty and economic insecurity. We must do better

To view our letter to CARB, please click here.

An electronic version of this article is available at: https://ad75.

Assemblymember Marie Waldron, R- Valley Center, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the cities of Poway, Santee, portions of the City of San Diego, and most of rural eastern and northern San Diego County.

ents, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, the collection agent... you just didn’t know! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

9) We didn’t have any fancy PlayStation or Xbox video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games like ‘Space Invaders’ and ‘Asteroids’. Your screen guy was a little square! You actually had to use your imagination! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen.. Forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!

10) You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel! NO REMOTES! Oh, no, what’s the world coming to?!

11) There was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get

5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond Upcoming Budget

Over the coming weeks, the County of San Diego will actively seek community input, deliberate, make adjustments, and ultimately adopt the 2024-2025 budget. This is one of the most important times of the year because it is crucial that we spend taxpayer dollars effectively while maintaining a healthy financial state through strong operating reserves. I firmly believe that this money belongs to the community, not the government, and it must be used wisely to improve the lives of all San Diegans.

I am thrilled to share some highlights from our proposed budget, which includes numerous initiatives designed to enhance our community’s safety, well-being, and overall quality of life in North County.

Here are some of the key investments we are making.

Road Maintenance ($4.5 million additional for a total of $65.5 million): This funding will help maintain 2,000 miles of roadways. Well-maintained roads are crucial for safe and efficient transportation, reducing vehicle damage and improving travel times.

Parks and Libraries ($33.5 million for

cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I’m saying? We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little rats!

12) And we didn’t have microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove! Imagine that!

13) And our parents told us to stay outside and play... all day long. Oh, no, no electronics to soothe and comfort. And if you came back inside... you were doing chores!

14) And car seats - oh, please! Mom threw you in the back seat and you hung on. If you were lucky, you got the “safety arm” across the chest at the last moment if she had to stop suddenly, and if your head hit the dashboard, well that was your fault for calling “shot gun” in the first place!

See! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! You kids today have got it too easy. You’re spoiled rotten! You guys wouldn’t have lasted five minutes back in the 1970’s or any time before!

parks, $569,000 for libraries): These funds will support the operation of park facilities and libraries, enhancing recreational and educational opportunities. Improvements include photovoltaic panels on the Fallbrook Library roof, promoting sustainability and reducing energy costs.

Tri-City Psychiatric Health Facility (Over $9 million): This new 13,560-square-foot, 16-bed facility in Oceanside will increase access to psychiatric inpatient care, addressing the critical need for mental health services in our community.

Regional Homeless Assistance ($15 million): This funding will continue supporting services in the unincorporated area, helping individuals and families transition out of homelessness and into stable housing.

Affordable Housing Developments (5 developments with 376 units, 8 more planned): These developments will provide much-needed affordable housing, helping to alleviate the housing crisis and ensure that more community members have access to safe and affordable homes.

Jim Desmond continued on page 14

lyle e davis US Army, Entertainment Director 1957-1959 Brooke Army Hospital Fort Sam Houston, Texas

“The state of Texas was never invaded while I was on duty at Fort Sam. You could look it up!” War Correspondent South Vietnam - 1967-68 Assimilated Grade/Rank Lt. Colonel, MACV (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam)

The Paper • Page 6 • May 30, 2024
The Paper Owned & Operated by a Veteran

We see the label “Goodyear” everywhere around the globe, on rubber products … especially tires, but most people don’t realize that moniker was once a man’s name and not just a trademark.

Charles Goodyear was the father of the basic process in making vulcanized rubber for producing thousands of products. But his path was long and hard. Goodyear was plagued with poor health, bad luck, and heavy financial problems.

Goodyear, who was born Dec. 29, 1800, in New Haven, Conn., was an American self-taught chemist and manufacturing engineer who developed “vulcanized rubber.” He is credited with inventing the chemical process to create and manufacture pliable, waterproof,

Historically Speaking

Where Rubber Meets the Road of History

moldable rubber. Today, his process is used around the world in hundreds of ways, most notably vehicle tires.

During World War II, the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., was a major contributor for supplying everything from vehicle tires to combat boot soles to aviation fuel tanks. My father was one of thousands of civilians working in dozens of Goodyear plants across the nation. The plant he worked in, Lincoln, Neb., manufactured self-sealing rubber fuel bladders for giant B-29 “Super Fortress” bombers.

Goodyear’s development of the vulcanization process followed five years of searching for a more stable rubber and stumbling upon the effectiveness of heating. His discovery initiated decades of successful rubber manufacturing in the Lower Naugatuck Valley in Connecticut, as rubber was adopted to be used in multiple applications, primarily footwear and tires. Today’s Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. is named after him, though not founded by the man himself.

In 1826, Goodyear moved his family to Philadelphia and opened a hardware store, which

is where he did much of his early work. Goodyear’s processes eventually developed many uses for rubber as we know today. Goodyear made rubber tubes for life preservers and took them to New York showing them to the manager of the Roxbury Company where the manager confessed to his company was on the verge of collapse. Goodyear at once made up his mind to experiment using the rubber gum and see if he could overcome Roxbury’s development problems.

However, when Goodyear returned to his store in Philadelphia, a creditor had him arrested and imprisoned. While in prison he tried his first experiments with “India rubber.” Goodyear thought he had discovered the secret, and through the kindness of friends loaning him money was able to improve his discoveries. The first thing he made was shoes, and he used his own house for grinding and vulcanizing, with the help of his wife and children. Goodyear’s compound at this time consisted of India rubber, lampblack, and magnesia, all dissolved in turpentine and spread upon the flannel cloth which served as the lining for the shoes. However, he soon discovered the gum became sticky. Before he could correct the process, Goodyear’s creditors would not allow him to go further with his research.

Selling his family furniture and placing his wife and children in a boarding house, Goodyear went to New York where he continued his experiments in an attic apartment. Goodyear discovered that rubber dipped in nitric acid formed a surface cure. He made

Historically Speaking continued on page 12

When American Airlines changes Neil Gupta’s flight from Seattle to Miami, he asks for a refund. The airline suggests it will offer a refund, but then backtracks. Will he ever get his money back?

Q: Last year, I booked a flight from Seattle to Miami on American Airlines. The flight was a redeye, leaving at 12:39 a.m. This itinerary was ideal for me because I work late some nights and didn’t want my trip to interfere with my schedule.

Before my flight, I received an email saying my flight time had changed and was departing at 10:15 p.m. I couldn’t make this flight because I was working late that night.

I called American Airlines and a representative told me she could not refund me because it was less than a four-hour schedule change. She said I would have to apply for a refund online and canceled my ticket.

I applied for a refund online and received an email a week later stating that my refund was denied because of American’s policy and that I had purchased a cheap ticket.

I called American again and spoke to a supervisor. She would not even give me a flight credit for future use. She did give me an option to book another flight at that time and possibly give me money back. When I said I didn’t have any known plans to travel, she suggested I call back when ready and someone could possibly help me but she could not promise anything.

American Airlines told me to cancel my ticket and apply for a refund. Then it denied my request for a refund. I think that’s a deceptive business practice. Can you help me get a refund?

Neil Gupta, Seattle

A: If an airline changes its schedule, it should offer you a full, no-questions-asked refund. But

American Airlines is correct: It gives itself the right to change its schedule by up to four hours without offering your money back.

The amount of delay required for a refund varies by airline. If you’re flying in the European Union, it is standardized at two hours under EC 261, the European airline consumer protection regulations.

Your situation was a little different. You had spoken to an American Airlines representative who led you to believe you just needed to apply for a refund and canceled your ticket. The representative should have told you that there was no way you could get your money back even if you applied for a refund.

By the way, how much you spent on your ticket is irrelevant. The refund rules govern all tickets, no matter how much you paid.

I think this one’s on American. If a representative suggested you might

get a refund, you should reasonably expect to get your money back. And, on top of that, a supervisor then also suggested you could get a credit. Even if it’s a misunderstanding, American could give you a ticket credit as a goodwill gesture.

A brief, polite email to one of the American Airlines executive contacts might have helped. I publish their names, numbers and emails on my consumer advocacy site,

I contacted American on your behalf. To be clear, American wasn’t required to do anything under its policy. But I think a refund would have been the right thing to do under your circumstances. American Airlines agreed to refund your ticket.

Christopher Elliott is the founder of Elliott Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that helps consumers solve their problems. Email him at or get help by contacting him on his site.

The Paper • Page 7 • May 30, 2024
Travel Troubleshooter by Christopher Elliott American Airlines Changed My Flight, But It Won’t Give Me A Refund Charles Goodyear

Thank you to all who attended my Reverse Mortgage Seminar! These seminars offer a chance to learn about the ins and outs of the reverse mortgage loan program. It’s also an opportunity

Good luck avoiding junk fees when you travel this summer.

There are transaction fees, convenience fees, resort fees -- and a beef-cost surcharge.

That’s what Alan Levine says he found on his bill when he stopped at a steakhouse in Moab, Utah, recently.

“My server claimed the beef-cost surcharge was standard,” says Levine, a retired editor from New York. “But I had ordered chicken.”

Junk fees -- hidden, mandatory extras added to your final bill -- have mushroomed in recent months and travelers are crying foul. The government is waging a public war against these annoying extras, but businesses still love hitting their customers with extras because fooling them into paying more is highly profitable.

How much do they love them?

Consider what happened when the Department of Transportation (DOT) recently said it would start requiring airlines to quote an allin price on airline tickets instead of separating fees for carry-on luggage and canceling or changing a reservation. In response, the airline industry sued the DOT last week, claiming it had overreached its authority.

But the latest junk fees are too much, and as it turns out there’s a reason they’re multiplying. There are also proven ways to avoid these unethical extras.

The Latest Junk Fees Cross a Line for Travelers

Fees are everywhere when you travel -- and worse, companies

Improve Your Retirement

to learn about the innovations being made in the jumbo and proprietary reverse mortgage arena.

Innovations such as reverse mortgages for homeowners as young as 55 are available! Another useful reverse mortgage loan program is the reverse mortgage second, which can offer a solution for homeowners who have a low interest rate first mortgage and want to hold on to that rate and continue to make payments.

I love the seminars because they offer the opportunity to answer questions face to face. This often produces lively discussions which can lead to deeper discus-

sions and a better understanding of real world applications of the loan programs.

I’ve told you of many ways my clients have used the reverse mortgage to improve their retirement. Of course, paying off an existing mortgage is at the top of many homeowners. By eliminating that required monthly mortgage payment, homeowners are able to effectively give themselves a raise. They are no longer required to make a monthly mortgage payment with a reverse mortgage. If there is enough equity, a line of credit may also be established. That line of credit has a growth rate associated with it and the line of credit amount will continue to grow over time.

The Summer Of Surcharges

seem completely unwilling to remove them.

Junk fees are getting creative. Instead of a mandatory resort fee in addition to the room rate, tour operator Phyllis Stoller found a $30-per-day “urban fee” on her Los Angeles hotel bill. The fee covers a daily newspaper, phone calls and free internet. “I wasn’t paying attention when I checked out and paid it,” she says.

The unwanted extras are often impossible to justify. How about a 3 percent transaction fee? That’s what Robert Kraus, a meeting planner from Alexandria, Va., found on his recent hotel bill in Chicago. When he asked about it, a representative told him it was to cover the cost of paying by credit card. So Kraus offered to pay with cash. “They said they couldn’t waive the fee,” he says.

Often, the fees can’t be explained.

The line of credit is not the same as having a home equity line of credit (HELOC), a HELOC can be frozen or closed if the bank decides your home value is decreasing. The line of credit with the reverse mortgage is set when your loan is funded. As long as you live in the home and pay your property expenses, you will continue to have access to that line of credit. You can withdraw money from that line of credit without being required to make a monthly mortgage payment.

Laura Strickler

Reverse Mortgage Advisor NMLS #315848


“Appearing to provide the lowest cost of travel is a great way to attract customers,” says Eric Chaffee, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University. “Even if it is, in fact, not true.”

That’s especially true of airlines, and one reason why the U.S. airlines are suing the federal government. The true cost of flying is far higher than the airfare you’re being quoted.

“Airlines have begun to charge for a lot more things in order to stay in business,” adds Chaffee. “Hiding these fees until later is one way of ensuring that.”

Alan Craig, the retired CEO of an automotive accessories company, recently found a $2 surcharge at a hamburger restaurant. No one could tell him what it was for or whether it was mandatory. “I paid it, but I let them know these fees are bad for business,” he says.

Bottom line: Travelers will probably feel like they’re drowning in junk fees this summer. They’ll be kicking themselves because somewhere in the fine print or in their hotel folio, the mandatory extras were disclosed. And businesses have proved reluctant to remove the junk fees.

Why are there so many junk fees?

Why are junk fees spreading despite government intervention? Businesses are under relentless pressure to turn a profit, and junk fees are a shortcut to higher earnings, say experts.

But hiding fees -- basically, not disclosing the true price of your product -- irritates customers. Price transparency, which is what the government wants, “is the fair thing to do,” he says.

It’s not just airlines that are being targeted by the government. A California ban on junk fees, which will outlaw many restaurant surcharges, will go into effect on July 1. And there, too, the restaurant industry is reportedly considering a lawsuit to fight the ban. (The law disappointingly allows car rental companies and car dealerships to continue charging some fees. Oh well, you can’t win ‘em all.)

Bottom line: There are so many junk fees because they make businesses so much money.

How to Avoid Junk Fees this Summer

You don’t have to be a victim when you travel this summer. You

The Paper • Page 8 • May 30, 2024 Surcharges continued on page 15
Laura Strickler Illustration by Aren Elliott

The Hidden Valley Vista City Council of Beta Sigma Phi International celebrated its 93rd Founder’s Day, “SISTER IN BLOOM”, on Saturday, April 27 at the Shadow Ridge Golf Club in Vista.

The following Ritual was conferred:

Golden Circle Ritual recipient for fifty years in Beta Sigma Phi is Geneva Hinners.

Chapter “Woman of the Year” were awarded to Lory ThomasonLaureate Alpha Kappa, Lauri Spasoski- Gamma Rho Master, and Deb Dyson- Epsilon NU Master.

The 2024-2025 Hidden Valley Vista Council officers were installed. President- Patty Cline, Vice President (not present)- Sue Bettenga, Recording Secretary- Peggy Williams, Corresponding Secretary- Marilyn Kelso, Treasurer- Susie Denno.

The Paper • Page 9 • May 30, 2024

Being Blessed The Pastor Says . . .

Religious and secular communities have used the expression “God bless you” millions of times. Being a recipient of that expression has both encouraged me and given me a sense of what is in a person’s mind and heart. The question often is, however, if someone’s using the words they activate God to give a blessing, whatever that blessing is supposed to mean. If it is to convey the traditional meaning of wanting God’s favor and protection to bless me, I am ready to have as many people as possible to bless me. I will take God’s favor and protection anytime. Yet, is it possible that someone can get God to act on behalf of another human being, or has it become just another religious expression? It is truly unique if the expression releases God’s favor and protection. Think for a moment about what power and divine energy we have. It is far more than a handshake. It brings into focus the supernatural, which transcends this physical world.

People ask me to share this belief and expression with their pets. A person recently asked me if I would have a pet blessing ceremony this year, as I have performed over the years. Some churches often conduct such ceremonies.

Many ask if I use the same words, and the results are the same. Is there merit in having a pet ministry that includes praying over pets and conducting funerals for deceased pets?

When I’m asked to bless pets, I’m reminded of their owners’ profound love and concern for them. I also think of the pets themselves, in whatever form they may exist. I believe that my voice, the love of the owner, and even the touch of my hand convey a sense of care and, more importantly, the love of God. It is with the favor and protection of God that I can sincerely say, “God bless you.” Perhaps, in many ways, we can invoke God’s blessings upon all of His creation, not just our fellow humans.

Please dial 760-746-6611 for a Dial-A-Prayer message from my Dial-A-Prayer Ministry. This service is available 24 hours a day and is designed to offer spiritual guidance and support whenever needed.

Pastor Huls

Pet Parade


Brulee’ is pet of the week at Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 1-1/2-year-old, 49pound, female, Shepherd mix.

Brulee’ was a stray before she was taken to a rescue partner, then transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS). If you’re in the market for an adventure buddy, you should meet Brulee.

The $145 adoption fee for Brulee’ includes medical exam, spay, up to date vaccinations, registered microchip, and a one-year license if her new home is in the jurisdiction of San Diego Humane Society.

For more information visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society in Encinitas, call 760-753-6413, or log on to Open 11 to 4, Thursday through Monday, and by appointment Wednesday.

San Diego Humane Society is supporting families and their pets who need a little extra help.

Through the Community Pet Pantry, anyone can visit our campuses to pick up a bag of dog or cat food, and other supplies, as available.

No appointment is needed for this service. Hours are Tuesday-Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

El Cajon 373 N. Marshall Ave.

Escondido 3500 Burnet Drive

Oceanside 572 Airport Road

San Diego 5480 Gaines Street

Pet of the Week


Meet Hudson! This handsome terrier mix loves toys, playing outdoors and meeting new friends! It’s normal to be immediately overwhelmed by this adorable pup’s looks — and after spending some time with him, you’ll find his personality equally addictive! At just one year old, Hudson is ready to build a strong bond with new people and make unforgettable memories. He’d also enjoy having another canine companion to share his new home with! If you’re ready to give him your love and care, this special pup will reward you with his whole heart. Hudson (869432) is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Dr. Thanks to San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, adoption fees are waived for the first 100 pets adopted from May 23-26! Visit any San Diego Humane Society Campus to take advantage of waived adoption fees during the #Gloria100 promotion! After the first 100 adoptions, fees will be just $25 for all pets through Sunday, May 26. If you have questions about the adoption process, you can visit or call 619-299-7012.

Online profile:

The Paper • Page 10 • May 30, 2024

The Computer Factory

845 W. San Marcos Blvd. 760-744-4315

In general terms, a DN or Digital Native is a person who spent their formative years heavily exposed to the IW or Intelligent Web. The IW is the combination of artificial intelligent with broadband Internet) that was born in 2001. Mobile access to it became available with the arrival of Apple and Android smart phones in the 2007-08 timeframe. The true DNs who actually grew up with full access to the IW were born in the 21 st century. The oldest of them today is just approaching the age of 25. Folks between 25 and 40 (tweeners) may have been affected through differing degrees of exposure to the IE, but only those born in the 21 st century had the opportunity to grow up enmeshed in IW con-

Some bunny loves you.

Whether you hid real Easter eggs or wrapped candy for the kids to find in the yard, make sure you picked it all up. Chocolate can be toxic to cats and dogs. Rotten eggs can make your pets sick. Wrappers and plastic grass can block the digestive system.

Screen Yourself.

One of my friends was enjoying the spring breeze coming through the window of her second floor apartment until her dog saw a bird outside on a wire and tried to jump out. There was no screen. Fortu-


nectivity throughout their formative years. DNs have internally incorporated the knowledge base of the Internet and accepted the artificial intelligence as a viable alternative to their own internal cognitive resources. For the first time in human history, in the IW we have created a cognitive power that rivals or perhaps even exceeds our own intelligence.

DIs or Digital Immigrants are those who came of age without exposure to the IW. The DI’s intelligence is primarily an internal process involving the application of their own cognition to their own internal data storage. DI’s internal data base (memory) and cognitive resources were developed through direct experience over time. DIs view the IW as an external resource like a library, useful in expanding their existing knowledge base. To DIs, the IW’s artificial intelligence is most useful an index or filter, not a decision maker.

The DNs incorporate the storage and intelligence assets of the IW as a part of their own internal cognitive process. DNs are the first generation of “cognitive hybrids” combining internal (natural) cognition and memory resources with artificial intelligence and machine data storage to create an integrated “hybrid” intelligence. Most of “The Paper” readers are DIs (over 40), and as such, are a part of the last human generations to rely

and DIs” the Differences

primarily on internal cognitive resources. When the last DI takes their final breath sometime late in this century, the “hybrids” will be on their own.

The DNs and DIs don’t understand one another very well. The DIs built their socialization, identity, opinions and cognitive powers one piece at a time through a lifetime of experience and direct learning. DNs spend nearly half of their waking hours connected to the IW. This limits their socialization and direct learning opportunities. DNs use the massive data base and artificial intelligence of the IW to answer questions and provide solutions. The DIs are critical of the DNs “addiction” to the IW and underdeveloped social skills. But the DNs see the IW as a resource that provides better solutions at lower energy cost

than any alternative, and they are right.

The IW is definitely here to stay. It is changing us in ways we don’t yet comprehend. Today, in its early stages, we see the IW as a massive and growing reservoir of human knowledge coupled with an ever improving artificial intelligence that can help process data and make decisions. Will the IWs artificial intelligence algorithms become corrupted by greed, self interest and political agendum? Will we yield our humanity to a soul-less mechanical intelligence and become a world of mindless zombies? What will happen to faith, brotherly love and compassion?

It’s up to the DNs to figure it all out because we DIs are on our way out the door.

8-16GB RAM, NEW SSDs, Web cams, MS Office Pro, Chrome and more

nately, she caught him by the hind legs. Make sure your windows have screens.

Buckle Up.

DO NOT put your dog in the truck bed! And, while it might look cute, it’s dangerous for your dog to ride with its face hanging out the window. There’s nothing to protect the eyes, nose, and ears from flying debris and insects.

It smells so fresh!

The companies that make cleaning supplies make them smell good for us. Unfortunately, they also smell good to pets. Store cleaners and chemicals safely away from pets.

Don’t Get Nailed on home repair. Paints and solvents can be toxic and cause chemical burns. Also, keep pets away from nails, staples, insulation, and power tools.

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

How did her garden grow? Maybe the girl in the nursery rhyme used

fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides to keep her lawn healthy. Unfortunately, pets might be attracted by the smell or taste. They can be dangerous when eaten by a curious pet. Same with many springtime plants. Some are toxic to pets and can be fatal if eaten.


I’ve been sneezing like crazy! Like us, pets can be allergic to foods, dust, plants and pollen. If you suspect your pet has a springtime al-

lergy, see your veterinarian. And if your pet walks across a newly fertilized lawn, wipe its paws.

Spring really bugs me! Spring brings bugs! Ask your vet about heartworm medication, and flea and tick control.

Out and About

We get out more with our pets during the spring. Make sure the information on your pet’s microchip and collar is up to date.

The Paper • Page 11 • May 30, 2024 Springtime Needs to be Safe Time For Pets John Van Zante’s Critter Corner
Windows 10/11 “Refurbs” Notebooks
• Towers/Desktops • All-In-Ones •
845 W. SAN MARCOS BLVD. 760-744-4315

Cowboys from page 5

ploits were the cowboy’s amusements on the range. It may be imagined what were his amusements when he visited the “settlements.” The cow-punchers, reared in the free life of the open air, under circumstances of the utmost freedom of individual action, perhaps came off the drive or round-up after weeks or months of unusual restraint or hardship, and felt that the time had arrived for them to “celebrate.” Merely great rude children, as wild and untamed and untaught as the herds they led, they regarded their first look at the “settlements” of the railroads as a glimpse of a wider world.

They pursued to the uttermost such avenues of new experience as lay before them, almost without exception avenues of vice. It is strange that the records of those days should be chosen by the public to be held as the measure of the American cowboy. Those days were brief, and they are long since gone. The American cowboy atoned for them by a quarter of a century of faithful labor.

The amusements of the cowboy were like the features of his daily surroundings and occupation — they were intense, large, Homeric. Yet, judged at his work, no higher type of employee ever existed, nor one more dependable. He was the soul of honor in all the ways of his calling. The very blue of the sky, bending evenly over all men alike, seemed to symbolize his instinct for justice. Faithfulness and manliness were his chief traits; his standard — to be a “square man.”

Not all the open range will ever be farmed, but very much that was long thought to be irreclaimable has gone under irrigation or is being more or less successfully “dry farmed.” The man who brought water upon the arid lands of the West changed the entire complexion of a vast country and with it the industries of that country. Acres redeemed from the desert and added to the realm of the American farmer were taken from the realm of the American cowboy.

The West has changed. The curtain has dropped between us and its wild and stirring scenes. The old days are gone. The house dog sits on the hill where yesterday the coyote sang. There are fenced fields and in them stand sleek round beasts, deep in crops such as their ancestors never saw. In a little town nearby is the hurry and bustle of modern life. This town is far out upon what was called the frontier, long after the frontier has really gone. Guarding its ghost here stood a little army post, once one of the pillars, now one of the monuments of the West.

Out from the tiny settlement in the dusk of evening, always facing toward where the sun is sinking, might be seen riding, not so long ago, a figure we should know. He would thread the little lane among the fences, following the guidance of hands other than his own, a thing he would once have scorned to do. He would ride as lightly and as easily as ever, sitting erect and jaunty in the saddle, his reins held high and loose in the hand whose fingers turn up gracefully, his whole body free yet firm in the saddle with the seat of the perfect horseman. At the boom of the canyon, when the flag dropped fluttering down to sleep, he would rise in his stirrups and wave his hat to the flag. Then, toward the edge, out into the evening, he would ride on. The dust of his riding would mingle with the dusk of night. We could not see which was the one or the other. We could only hear the hoof beats passing, boldly and steadily still, but growing fainter, fainter, and more faint.

Excerpted from the book The Passing of the Frontier, A Chronicle of the Old West, by Emerson Hough, Yale University Press, 1918. (now in the public domain). Emerson Hough (1857–1923).was an author and journalist who wrote factual accounts and historical novels of life in the American West. His works helped establish the Western as a popular genre in literature and motion pictures. For years, Hough wrote the feature “Out-of-Doors” for the Saturday Evening Post and contributed to other major magazines.

The Indians

These, then, are our cowboys. Let us now take a look at the Indians. There were, of course, many Indian tribes/nations . . . all with their own culture and traditions. We will look at one . . . Dull Knife – Northern Cheyenne Chief. These notes and observatons are thanks to another frontier historian, Charles A. Eastman, circa 1918.

The life of Dull Knife, the Cheyenne Chief, is a true hero tale.

Dull Knife was a chief of the old school. Among all the Indians of the plains, nothing counts save proven worth. A man’s caliber is measured by his courage, unselfishness and intelligence. Many writers confuse history with fiction, but in Indian history their women and old men and even children witness the main events, and not being absorbed in daily papers and magazines, these events are rehearsed over and over with few variations. Though orally preserved, their accounts are therefore accurate. But they have seldom been willing to give reliable information to strangers, especially when asked and paid for.

Racial prejudice naturally enters

into the account of a man’s life by enemy writers, while one is likely to favor his own race. I am conscious that many readers may think that I have idealized the Indian.

It is said that Dull Knife as a boy was resourceful and self-reliant. He was only nine years old when his family was separated from the rest of the tribe while on a buffalo hunt. His father was away and his mother busy, and he was playing with his little sister on the banks of a stream, when a large herd of buffalo swept down upon them on a stampede for water. His mother climbed a tree, but the little boy led his sister into an old beaver house whose entrance was above water, and here they remained in shelter until the buffalo passed and they were found by their distracted parents.

Dull Knife was quite a youth when his tribe was caught one winter in a region devoid of game, and threatened with starvation. The situation was made worse by heavy storms, but he secured help and led a relief party a hundred and fifty miles, carrying bales of dried buffalo meat on pack horses.

Another exploit that made him dear to his people occurred in battle, when his brother-in-law was severely wounded and left lying where no one on either side dared to approach him. As soon as Dull Knife heard of it he got on a fresh horse, and made so daring a charge that others joined him; thus under cover of their fire he rescued his brother-in-law, and in so doing was wounded twice.

The Sioux knew him as a man of

Historically Speaking from page 7

many products with this acid cure which were held in high regard. Later, Goodyear even received a letter of commendation from then President Andrew Jackson.

Exposure to harsh chemicals during his many experiments, such as nitric acid and lead oxide, adversely affected Goodyear health. Once, he nearly suffocated himself from gas generated in his laboratory. Goodyear built up a factory and began to make clothing, life preservers, rubber shoes, and a great variety of other rubber goods. Goodyear also had a large factory with special machinery, built on Staten Island in New York City where he moved his family and again had a home of his own. Just when everything looked bright, the financial panic of 1837, left Goodyear penniless.

Recovering financially, Goodyear discovered a better method for making rubber shoes and received a U.S, patent. However, Goodyear had yet to develop a method to process rubber so that it would withstand both hot and cold temperatures. Rubber goods were constantly growing sticky, decomposing and being returned to manufacturers.

From 1834 through 1839, Goodyear worked anywhere he could find investors, and often moved locations, mostly within New York, Philadelphia, Massachusetts and Connecticut. In 1839, Goodyear was at the Eagle India Rubber Company in Woburn, Massachusetts, where he discovered that combining rubber and sulfur over a hot stove caused the rubber to become rigid, a process which he called “vulcanization” because of the heat involved. For this Goodyear received U.S. patent No. 1090.

By 1844, Goodyear’s vulcanization process was sufficiently perfected and he received U.S. patent No. 3633. Goodyear died on July 1, 1860, while traveling to see his dying daughter. After arriving in New York, he was informed she had already died. Goodyear collapsed and was taken to the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York City, where he later died at the age of 59.

In 1898, almost four decades after his death, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company was founded by Frank Seiberling.

On Feb. 8, 1976, Goodyear was among six individuals posthumously selected for induction into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

Cowboys continued on page 13

The Paper • Page 12 • May 30, 2024
Dull Knife, Northern Cheyenne Chief


Cowboys from page 12

high type, perhaps not so brilliant as Roman Nose and Two Moon, but surpassing both in honesty and simplicity, as well as in his war record.

It was the custom in those days for the older men to walk ahead of the moving caravan and decide upon all halts and camping places. One day the councilors came to a grove of wild cherries covered with ripe fruit, and they stopped at once. Suddenly a grizzly charged from the thicket. The men yelped and hooted, but the bear was not to be bluffed. He knocked down the first warrior who dared to face him and dragged his victim into the bushes.

The whole caravan was in the wildest excitement. Several of the swiftest-footed warriors charged the bear, to bring him out into the open, while the women and dogs made all the noise they could. The bear accepted the challenge, and as he did so, the man whom they had supposed dead came running from the opposite end of the thicket.

The Indians were delighted, and especially so when in the midst of their cheers, the man stopped running for his life and began to sing a Brave Heart song as he approached the grove with his butcher knife in his hand. He would dare his enemy again!

The grizzly met him with a tremendous rush, and they went down to-


gether. Instantly the bear began to utter cries of distress, and at the same time the knife flashed, and he rolled over dead. The warrior was too quick for the animal; he first bit his sensitive nose to distract his attention, and then used the knife to stab him to the heart.

He fought many battles with knives thereafter and claimed that the spirit of the bear gave him success. On one occasion, however, the enemy had a strong buffalo-hide shield which the Cheyenne bear fighter could not pierce through, and he was wounded; nevertheless he managed to dispatch his foe. It was from this incident that he received the name of Dull Knife, which was handed down to his descendant.

As is well known, the Northern Cheyenne uncompromisingly supported the Sioux in their desperate defense of the Black Hills and Big Horn country. Why not? It was their last buffalo region — their subsistence. It was what our wheat fields are to a civilized nation.

About the year 1875, a program was started for confining all the Indians upon reservations, where they would be practically interned or imprisoned, regardless of their possessions and rights. The men who were the strongest advocates of the scheme generally wanted the Indians’ property — the one main cause back of all Indian wars. From the warlike Apaches to the peaceful Nez Perce, all the tribes of the plains were hunted from place to place; then the government resorted to peace negotiations, but

always with an army at hand to coerce. Once disarmed and helpless, they were to be taken under military guard to the Indian Territory.

A few resisted, and declared they would fight to the death rather than go. Among these were the Sioux, but nearly all the smaller tribes were deported against their wishes. Of course those Indians who came from a mountainous and cold country suffered severely. The moist heat and malaria decimated the exiles. Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce and Chief Standing Bear of the Poncas appealed to the people of the United States, and finally succeeded in having their bands or the remnant of them returned to their own part of the country. Dull Knife was not successful in his plea, and the story of his flight is one of poignant interest.

He was regarded by the authorities as a dangerous man, and with his depleted band was taken to the Indian Territory without his consent in 1876. When he realized that his people were dying like sheep, he was deeply moved. He called them together. Every man and woman declared that they would rather die in their own country than stay there longer, and they resolved to flee to their northern homes.

Here again was displayed the genius of these people. From the Indian Territory to Dakota is no short dash for freedom. They knew what they were facing. Their line of flight lay through a settled country and they would be closely pursued by the army. No sooner had they

started than the telegraph wires sang one song: “The panther of the Cheyenne is at large. Not a child or a woman in Kansas or Nebraska is safe.” Yet they evaded all the pursuing and intercepting troops and reached their native soil. The strain was terrible, the hardship great, and Dull Knife, like Joseph, was remarkable for his self-restraint in sparing those who came within his power on the way.

But fate was against him, for there were those looking for blood money who betrayed him when he thought he was among friends. His people were tired out and famished when they were surrounded and taken to Fort Robinson [Nebraska]. There the men were put in prison, and their wives guarded in camp. They were allowed to visit their men on certain days. Many of them had lost everything; there were but a few who had even one child left. They were heartbroken.

These despairing women appealed to their husbands to die fighting: their liberty was gone, their homes broken up, and only slavery and gradual extinction in sight. At last Dull Knife listened. He said: “I have lived my life. I am ready.” The others agreed. “If our women are willing to die with us, who is there to say no? If we are to do the deeds of men, it rests with you women to bring us our weapons.

The Paper • Page 13 • May 30, 2024 Let Maria and Margarita Make your house spotless and your windows shine. Yes, we do windows. Excellent references. Call Maria cell 760-613-7482 CABINETS
Advertise Your Business & Services • • 760-747-7119 CLEANING SERVICES ALOHA PRINTING Top Grade Printing of All Types BROCHURES • LETTERHEAD POSTERS • BANNERS BUSINESS CARDS (760) 471-1006 PRINTING 760-745-1697 Escondido Coin & Loan, Inc. 241 E. Grand Avenue Coins•Gold•Silver•Vintage Watches COINS & LOANS SOLAR & ROOFING
Community Carport Sale Saturday, June 1st 8am to 1pm Casitas del Amigos 1195 La Moree Road San Marcos
Cowboys continued on page

Oodles from page 3

12” x 15”) per household.

E-Waste Collection

Acceptable items include computers, monitors, laptops, computer components, printers, scanners, fax machines, radios, and cell phones.

Free Mulch

• Available for Vista residents while supplies last!

• Self-serve, self-loading, and selfhaul service.

• Bring your own cans/bags, gloves, and shovel.

• Limit of 3 cans/bags per vehicle.

• If using an open truck or trailer, please bring a tarp to cover the material.

Goodwill Donations

Goodwill will be on-site to accept donated reusable items.

Visit under News & Events for a list of items Goodwill will not accept.

Community Education Series 3rd Monday of each month 10:00am - Noon

June 17 - Hospice/Palliative Care 101

July 15 - Fall Prevention & Hydration

August 19 - Caregiver Burnout & Dementia

September 16 - Navigating Medicare and MediCal (Medicaid)

October 21 - Grief and Loss

November 18 - New Topic Introduction

Presented by Hospice of the North Coast and the Senior Service Council of Escondido. Free to attend at 728 North Broadway, Escondido –Oak Room.

Please register for each session by phone 760-480-0611 or at https://

Oceanside Independence Parade

June 29 • 10am

On Saturday, June 29, the 28th Annual Oceanside Independence Parade will honor local leaders and community members. This years’ parade theme is “Celebrating Our Heritage,” highlighting our community’s cultural roots. Sponsors of the parade include the City of

Oceanside, County of San Diego Community Enhancement Grant, and Genentech. The parade will start at 10 a.m. at the intersection of North Coast Highway and Wisconsin Avenue and travel north on Coast Highway to Civic Center Drive. More than 100 parade entries are expected to march, roll, walk and drive down historic Highway 101.

Oceanside Independence Parade participant applications are now open! Participants can sign up to walk their party or drive their float down Coast Highway. We are accepting businesses, community organizations, nonprofits, car/motorcycle clubs, elected officials, and more.

Three Hometown Heroes will be recognized during this year’s Oceanside Independence Parade. There will also be a ceremony awarding the floats embracing our theme most. This year will focus on cultural impacts within our Oceanside community. We are asking our community to nominate three community members that deserve to be named “Hometown Heroes.”

A local tradition since 1892, the Oceanside Independence Parade is made possible by the assistance of over 100 volunteers. To participate or volunteer in the parade, complete the parade or volunteer application at

https://www.mainstreetoceanside. com/independence- parade

Weekday Wellness & Fun for Seniors 11am - Noon

McClellan Senior Center

Calling all seniors! Looking for a way to add some excitement to your weekdays? Look no further! From 11 am until noon, join us at the McClellan Senior Center for a variety of engaging activities designed just for you!

• Unleash your creativity in our lively art class on Mondays.

• Test your luck and socialize with friends in a thrilling game of bingo on Tuesdays.

• Enjoy some friendly competition with games and cards on Wednesdays.

• Keep your mind sharp with trivia and brain games on Thursdays.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect, have fun, and make new memories with fellow seniors. Mark your calendars and join us for a fulfilling and enjoyable time at McClellan Senior Center! For more information, call 760.643.5288.

Jim Desmond from page 6

North County Family Justice Center (One Safe Place, serving 8,000 individuals):

This center provides comprehensive services to victims of abuse, including legal assistance, counseling, and emergency shelter, helping them rebuild their lives.

Older Californians Nutrition Program (423,500 meals at 28 sites): This program ensures that older adults have access to nutritious meals, promoting their health and well-being.

Animal Services ($11.3 million):

Funding includes a mobile veterinary clinic for underserved areas, ensuring all pets receive the care they need and supporting responsible pet ownership.

Sheriff’s Patrol Stations ($86.9 million): Supporting community safety through 6 Sheriff’s patrol stations that serve various unincorporated communities and contracted services to cities.

These are just a few of the many items I’m focused on for our 202425 budget. These investments will significantly benefit our community by enhancing our infrastructure, supporting mental health and substance use recovery, addressing homelessness, increasing housing opportunities, and improving public safety and health.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are specific items or additional priorities you would like to see addressed in our budget. Your input is invaluable as we strive to meet the diverse needs of North County.

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond, 1600 Pacific Highway, #335, San Diego, CA 92101, United States http://

Cowboys from page 13

As they had been allowed to carry moccasins and other things to the men, so they contrived to take in some guns and knives under this disguise. The plan was to kill the sentinels and run to the nearest natural trench, there to make their last stand. The women and children were to join them. This arrangement was carried out. Not every brave had a gun, but all had agreed to die together. They fought till their small store of ammunition was exhausted, then exposed their broad chests for a target, and the mothers even held up their little ones to be shot. Thus died the fighting Cheyenne and their dauntless leader.

Editor’s Note: Dull Knife did not actually die in this last battle, but was able to escape with his wife, son and daughter-in-law, who made their way to the Sioux Pine Ridge Agency in South Dakota. Later, he lived on a reservation assigned to the surviving Cheyenne in the Rosebud Valley. He died in 1883 and was buried on high ground near his home.

About the Author: Excerpted from the book Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains, by Charles A. Eastman, 1918. The text as it appears here; however, is not verbatim as it has been edited for clarity and ease of the modern reader. Charles A. Eastman earned a medical degree from Boston University School of Medicine in 1890, and then began working for the Office of Indian Affairs later that year. He worked at the Pine Ridge Agency, South Dakota, and was an eyewitness to both events leading up to and following the Wounded Knee Massacre of December 29, 1890. Himself part-Sioux, he knew many of the people about whom he wrote.

The Paper • Page 14 • May 30, 2024 Looking For Things to do? Places to go? Check out Oodles every week for listings of civic and service club meetings, and more!



STATEMENT 2024-9009274

The name of the business: Auto

Pro SD, located at 2865 Scott St., #101, Vista, CA 92081. Registrant The Auto Detailing Company, 2865 Scott St., #101, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business:


/s/ Israel Alzalde, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/30/2024

5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30//2024



STATEMENT 2024-9009531

The name of the business: OSL Travel, located at 1368 Corte Lira, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant Sheila Marie Ligayon, 1368 Corte Lira, San Marcos, CA 92069, Owen Doroteo Ligayon, 1368 Corte Lira, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by a Married Couple. First day of business: N/A /s/ Sheila Marie Ligayon with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/3/2024

5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30/2024



STATEMENT 2024-9004742

The name of the business:

American Wholesale Co, located at 1401 21st St. Ste R, Sacramento, CA 95811. Registrant DRGP Productions LLC, 1401 21st St. Ste R, Sacramento, CA 95811. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 3/4/2024

/s/ Daniel Green Pollock, Managing Member with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 3/4/2024

4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25/2024


NAME STATEMENT 2024-9009100

The name of the business: Todd Travis Design Group, Travis Design Group, located at 1930 W. San Marcos Blvd., #153, San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant Travis Ultravisions Inc., 1930 W. San Marcos Blvd., #153, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: N/A /s/ Todd Travis, President with

Surcharges from page 8

Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/26/2024 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


The name of the business: J&C Cleaning Service, located at 1260 Borden #17, Escondido, CA 92026. Registrant Victoria Vergara, 1260 Borden Rd. #17, Escondido, CA 92026. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Victoria Vergara with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 4/18/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


STATEMENT 2024-9009440

The name of the business: Suspension Plus, located at 322 El Camino Real Suite E, Bonsall, CA 92024. Registrant Investment LLC, PO Box 500783, San Diego, CA 92150. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Efren G. Abrego, General Partner with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/2/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


STATEMENT 2024-9008692

The name of the business: Valle Verde Social Club, Valle Verde Residents Activity Club, located at 1286 Discovery St., San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant Frank Hampton Johnson, 1286 Discovery St., Spc 29, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 1/1/2024

/s/ Frank Hampton Johnson with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/22/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024



STATEMENT 2024-9009111

The name of the business: Destination Yoga, located at 3428 Cameo Dr., #54, Oceanside, CA 92056. Registrant Diana Stein, 3428 Cameo Dr., #54, Oceanside, CA 92056, Erich Stein, 3428 Cameo Dr., #54, Oceanside, CA 92056. This business is operated by a Joint Venture. First day of business:

can avoid most junk fees with a few simple precautions.

Always read the fine print. Junk fees are often hidden in plain sight. Businesses disclose them on their websites or in the confirmations they email you. They read them to you over the phone in monotone (they’re reading from a script). They tell you in a way that’s utterly forgettable. That’s why you have to pay attention when you travel. Don’t zone out. Read the fine print.

Fee-proof yourself. One way to protect yourself from fees such as luggage surcharges is to join an airline loyalty program (although I’m not a fan of loyalty



/s/ Diana Stein with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 4/26/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024



STATEMENT 2024-9009928

The name of the business: Kindness Janitorial Services LLC, located at 5915 Rio Valle Dr., Bonsall, CA 92003. Registrant Kindness janitorial Services LLC, 5915 Rio Valle Dr., Bonsall, CA 92003. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 5/8/2024

/s/ Alejandro R. Perez, Manager with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/8/2024

5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


NAME STATEMENT 2024-9009976

The name of the business: Morgan’s World, located at 305 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008. Registrant Morgans World LLC, 305 Tamarack Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Morgan Gardiner, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/8/2024 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024





In The Cut Barber & Beauty Lounge, located at 918 Mission Ave., Ste 115, Oceanside, CA 92054. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 4/11/2023 and assigned file no. 2023-9007985.


NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Kristy Rogers, 29538 Major League, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, Tatyanna Lackritz, Heath Ct., Carlsbad, CA 92011. This business is conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows

to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/Kristy Rogers, General Partner This statement was filed with the San Diego Recorder/County clerk on 4/26/2024. 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6/2024


The name of the business: North County Pro Cleaning, located at 583 Golf Glen Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant Saul Magadan Lara, 583 Golf Glen Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Saul Magadan Lara with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/6/2024

5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Anoint For Wellness, located at 960 Postal Way #2976, Vista, CA 92085. Registrant Donna L. Weber, 960 Postal Way #2976, Vista, CA 92085. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 3/11/2019

/s/ Donna L. Weber with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 5/1/2024 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: EcoWater Systems of San Diego, located at 2241 La Mirada Drive, Vista, CA 92081. Registrant Yanchewski & Wardell Enterprises, Inc., 2241 La Mirada Drive, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 1/1/2024

/s/ Glenn P. Kiehl, Corporate Secretary with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/16/2024 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


STATEMENT 2024-9010125

The name of the business: Coastal Care Home Health, located at 14619 Woodhue Ln., Poway, CA 92064. Registrant

Sacks Investment Group, 14619 Woodhue Ln., Poway, CA 92064. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: N/A /s/ Kenneth I. Sacks, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/10/2024

5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Socal Auto Care, located at 711 S. Santa Fe, Vista, CA 92083. Registrant Socal Auto Care LLC, 711 S. Santa Fe, Vista, CA 92083. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 4/18/2024 /s/ Jessie Olivas, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 4/18/2024 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Sprouts & Blooms, located at 1447 San Pablo Dr., San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant Stephanie Spiteri Edwards, 1447 San Pablo, San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 5/16/2024

/s/ Stephanie Spiteri Edwards with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/17/2024

5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


The name of the business: Westek Electronics, loated at 1390 Aspen Way, Vista, CA 92081. Registrant Tempo Communications, Inc., 1390 Aspen Way, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 4/30/2024

/s/ John Parlzek, Chief Financial Officer with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 5/14/2024 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/2024


NAME STATEMENT 2024-9019691

The name of the business: Vbrows Esthetics, located at 1116 Sycamore Ave. Ste B, Vista, CA 92081. Registrant Vanessa Padilla, 1116 Sycamore Ave.

Ste B, Vista, CA 92081. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 6/15/2019 /s/ Vanessa Padilla with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 5/6/2024

5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20/2024


STATEMENT 2024-9008554

The name of the business: Al’s Power Washing, located at 378 Mainsail Rd., Oceanside, CA 92054. Registrant Al’s Powerwashing LLC, 378 Mainsail Rd., Oceanside, CA 92054. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Allan Marquez Tamayo, Managing Member with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/ Recorder of San Diego on 5/6/2024

5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20/2024


J&S Cleaning Services, located at 31909 Del Cielo Este Unit 2, Bonsall, CA 92003. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 4/26/2023 and assigned file no. 2023-9009240.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Juan Antonio Gonzalez & Sandra Gonzalez, 31909 Del Cielo Este Unit 2, Bonsall, CA 92003. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/Juan Antonio Gonzalez This statement was filed with the San Diego Recorder/County clerk on 5/22/2024. 5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20/2024

programs, as I’ve noted before).

“Obtaining status can help you save money in the long run,” says Bob Bacheler, the managing director of a medical transportation service, and a frequent traveler. (But just be careful to not trade one set of fees for another. Some co-branded credit cards have high annual fees.)

Go fee-free. There are travel companies that have taken a stand against junk fees. For example, Southwest Airlines doesn’t charge passengers for checked or carryon luggage. Most name-brand car rental companies (Avis, Enterprise, Hertz) quote all-in prices. The other car rental companies, not exactly. Find these fee-free businesses and patronize them. It sends a message that you want fair pricing.

What to do when you’re charged a junk fee this summer

You can read the fine print, join a loyalty program and patronize a fee-free business but still get stuck with a junk fee this summer. Yeah, that’s how pervasive they are.

Levine, the editor who got slammed with a beef-cost surcharge for his chicken dinner -and was told that it was a standard charge -- had a ready response.

“I told them that my standard way of dealing with thieves is to walk away,” he says. “They took the charge off the bill.”

I have another idea: If a business hits you with a hidden junk fee, you need to do three things. First,

let the company know that you are unhappy with the fee and ask it to remove the charge. Second, never do business with the company again.

And third, warn everyone you know about the unethical whether it’s on social media, a letter to the editor, or a review on a restaurant website. Sooner or later, it will get the message.

Christopher Elliott is an author, consumer advocate, and journalist. He founded Elliott Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that helps solve consumer problems. He publishes Elliott Confidential, a travel newsletter, and the Elliott Report, a news site about customer service. If you need help with a consumer problem, you can email him at

The Paper • Page 15 • May 30, 2024

Problem Solved

My Rosetta Stone boxed set doesn’t work anymore. Can you help?

When Margaretta McKenna upgrades her computer, her Rosetta Stone CD-ROM stops working. Can she upgrade to the new online version for free?

Q: I purchased the Rosetta Stone Italian program many years ago. I was using it on my Mac computer. I purchased a new Apple computer, and now my Rosetta Stone is not compatible with the new system.

I emailed Rosetta Stone and they offered me three months free on their website.

I paid about $450 for the Italian program. Now they evidently have a subscription way of doing things.

I don’t see why I should have to pay for it now. I would like to have access to my Italian complete boxed set that I still have here. I can’t remember when I purchased the program. I would like to have access to the Rosetta Stone program online if that’s the only way. If they have new CDs that are compatible with my new computer, I would take that instead. Can you help?

~ Margaretta McKenna, Brockton, MA

A: I’m sorry your Rosetta Stone CDs don’t work on your new Mac computer. You must have bought those CDs a long time ago. Rosetta Stone discontinued its CD-ROM and digital download products in 2019.

Why doesn’t the CD-ROM work on your new computer? The old system requires Adobe Flash Player, but Adobe discontinued that product in 2020. So if you didn’t have Adobe Flash installed on your computer before then, your Italian language CDs won’t work.

Rosetta Stone’s standard offer to

owners of its “legacy” products like your box set is a three-month subscription. That doesn’t seem very generous, considering that you paid $450 for your Italian language CD-ROMs. (Rosetta was running a special for a lifetime online membership for just $199 at the time you contacted me.)

I’ve run into this problem before with CD-ROMs published by my former employer, National Geographic. Back then, as I explained, the issue was obsolescence -- technology evolving quickly and leaving consumers in the dust. That’s what happened to you, too.

Although I don’t publish the ex-

ecutive contacts for Rosetta Stone, they are easy to find with my guide to getting the name of the CEO. (All email addresses at Rosetta Stone end in, Rosetta’s parent company.)

I contacted Rosetta Stone on your behalf.

“We no longer support CD-ROM and Digital Download Programs, although they may still work on compatible computers,” a representative told me. “Since our online subscription is a different product with exclusive features such as translations, live lessons, phrasebook and stories, we aren’t able to accommodate a transfer

First, I discovered America, then I discovered The Paper

Ever since I can remember I’ve had the burning desire to discover new places, new adventures. Because of this, I set out to discover a new country . . . and I was successful. I even ventured inland a great many miles where I discovered a place I called Minnesota. “This,” I thought, “would be a great place for Scandinavians.” So I headed back to Norway to recruit settlers. While I was gone, some clown named Columbus claimed he discovered America. Life ain’t fair. Except life also give us The Paper. I read it whenever and wherever I go exploring and only buy from those who advertise in The Paper. It’s a Viking thing.

Your friend, Eric the Red

from the older product to the new online version.”

But Rosetta Stone extended a discount on a lifetime unlimited languages subscription for $79 instead of $299. So you’ll have access to all 25 languages with this option, including Italian and Spanish.

Christopher Elliott is the founder of Elliott Advocacy (, a nonprofit organization that helps consumers solve their problems. Email him at or get help by contacting him at

© 2024 Christopher Elliott.

The Paper • Page 16 • May 30, 2024
Illustration by Aren Elliott

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