The Paddler Issue 56 Autumn/Fall 2020

Page 18


Everything we do, we do


Photos: Adam Evans Where was I? Oh, yes, imagination.

We all have one.Yes all of us, even those of us who think or believe they don’t have a creative side or imaginative side, have an imagination. The funny thing about our imagination is it clicks on automatically and creates a preconceived idea of what might or might not happen, and how we preconceive something will affect our belief and likelihood of it happening. As Emile Coué said in 1922, “Every thought entirely filling our mind becomes true for us and tends to transform itself into action.” The trouble is that the automatic nature of our imagination happens so quickly it’s beyond our conscious awareness; we don’t even know we are doing it. Often that automatic quality has been Adam is a professional mental game performance coach, a British Canoeing Guide Scheme Assessor, Advanced Canoe Leader and Canoe Coach and also is kindly supported by Hou Canoes and Palm Equipment.

trained through life experiences, to envisage things in a way that can seriously limit our paddling ability, or if we are the lucky ones seriously improve our performance. But, did you pick up the operative word there? Trained!

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