The Owl Magazine Summer 2021

Page 36

Up Closefor Training and a Personal Year and with a DaySister in Wicca Dr. Jenna

shedding of the old self, and birth

Witches have different

into a new state of being. One must

specializations, some learn the

go through a period of unlearning

wisdom and magic of herbalism,

and take the time to walk through

others work with gemstones,

the yearly cycle which allows the

weather, animals, shapeshifting,

opportunity for full completion.

journeying, dreamwork, divination, charms, or all of the above. It

In Wicca, the year is divided by

takes time to figure out which

the Wheel of the Year. These are

path is ours to grow into. For the

ancient holidays recognized by

neophyte Witch, each of these can

European Pagans that coincide

only be experienced and known in

with the four quarter days of

their own time to fully grasp their

equinoxes and solstices, as well as

meaning and utilize these energies

cross-quarter days, those which

for health and wellness practices in

fall between, and represent the

life and in community.

coming in of the new natural energy. Beltane for instance is

Additionally, while it is perfectly

celebrated as the coming in of

acceptable and a long-standing

summer and the awakening of

tradition in Wicca, that people may

fertility and life, while Samhain, its’

practice solitary or self-dedicate,

opposite on the wheel, represents

and many choose this route,

the coming in of winter, and

there are benefits to becoming

the honoring of Death and

part of a larger group. Humans

remembrance of ancestors. Each

have a need to belong, and

season also coincides with certain

becoming part of a grove, coven,

activities, rituals, and ceremonies.

or larger community, provides us

There is the season of fertility, a

with learning experiences and

season of harvest, and a fallow

opportunities to develop our gifts

time, each has its energy and

under the guidance of more adept

appropriate time. This is also true

practitioners. We learn f rom one

for the cycles of the Moon, which

another, share stories, songs, and

are an essential part of knowledge

personal and creative journeys.

and practice in Wicca.

We feast together, which is the 36

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