The Owl Magazine Autumn 2021

Page 17

Carrying the medicine lineage

our native ways to those f rom

of don Celso into the northern

developed nations of the

regions came with a caveat,

world. And so, I'm dedicated to

because in those days the

fulfilling his vision.

practice of curanderismo was illegal and considered

AP: Oscar, your work is vast

superstitious bunk. A lot of

and so important. Who do you

the healers of the time were


being persecuted and jailed by government officials. There

OMQ: Mahatma Gandhi because

was a great deal of extortion

of his conviction and steadfast

going on and many ancient

adherence to a path of peace

ceremonial medicine artifacts

as a means of transforming

confiscated. It was horrible

the world. He was a true

and don Celso was extremely

embodiment of both bhakti and

concerned about the future of

karma yoga, of selfless love and

these arts.

compassionate service.

Yet he knew that if people

AP: Any final words you would

from developed nations,

like to leave us with?

particularly the United States, showed reverence and respect

OMQ: When we surrender the

for our healing ways that the

need to figure it all out and

authorities in Peru would

cultivate the ability to let it all in,

eventually start to honor and

then our earth walk becomes a

respect our ancient healing

sacred dance of healing service

traditions in the same measure.

on the planet. More than the

He repeatedly emphasized

world needs saving, it needs

that my mastery of the English


language and connection through my mother in the

AP: More than saving, the world

United States, I was perfectly

needs loving. Thank you, Oscar,

poised to start introducing

for your loving wisdom. 17

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