healthplus insurance quote

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Apartment Insurance? I live in the basement of a house. Am I covered on my landlords insurance policy, or should I invest in renters insurance?" Looking for add on health insurance my company maxes out at $25000.00? do insurance companies sell that type of insurance Are insurance premiums considered as capital for insurance premiums? specifically for pension plans, are the premiums received here considered as capital by insurance companies? assuming they are the ones issuing these pension policies" Estimate for Auto Insurance on a 18 year old Living in GA driving a Mitsubishi Lancer GTS 20k? In Janurary of 08 i am going to get a New Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. I already know how much my monthlly payments are going to be the car is 20 grand. I Live in GA and was wanting to know around how much would insurance be if im 18 years old driving a new car. It would have to be full coverage and right now my family has Allstate. Can anyone give me a reasonable Estimate? Thank You. Is Motorcycle insurance the same price as car insurance or is it cheaper? I had a coupld of friends that have motorcycles and some that have cars. They don't pay for their own insurance but i wanted to know if by any chance if motorcycle insurance is cheaper then auto insurance. I know auto insurance these days are sky high. But since a motorcycle is a lot smaller, shouldn't insurance for it be cheaper for it?" What are the cost of car insurance? I'm a 17 yr old female, just recently got my g2, i live in ontario canada and was wondering what my insurance cost would be per year. i will be registering as a secondary driver, and there are currently 2 cars, and will be getting a third one, for me. i have talked to friends and found out that they pay about 200 bucks a year and depends on my parents driving records. Is it possible to pay just 200 dollars a year as a secondary driver?" DMV paying ticket/showing proof of insurance?

I'm In California I received a traffic ticket and did not have my proof of insurance with me. I received my courtesy notice and my amount owed Would be 1000 without my insurance proof. It will obviously be reduced significantly if I show my proof of insurance. I know that you can pay traffic tickets at the DMV. And I want to pay the ticket In payments. So here comes my question- can I go to the DMV and show THEM (the Court Clerk stationed there) my correction (proof of insurance) instead of having to go all the way to the court house? And can I ask for a payment plan there as well? Or can I ONLY show my Correction(Proof of Insurance) and ask for a payment plan at the court house? My first ticket :| And the court house is pretty far from where I live. DMV is right around the corner. That's why I ask :P Thanks Who's insurance company do i contact the car owners or mine a driver with compresive insurance? i was driving my wife car and parked it as i got out a car reversed into the car i am not a named driver on the insurance policy for the car but my own insurance covers me do drive other cars with owners consent. which insurasnce company do i report the accident to i was not at fault as was parked in a parking bay the other car aslo attempted to drive off What is the cheapest insurance to get? My dad wants to get insureance for my car. Yet, he does not have insureance on any of his vehicles. He wants to make sure i have insureance, because im a younger driver. (and its the law) Does anyone reccommend any insureance company that is cheap. Thanks." How does a car qualify to be eligble for classic car insurance in the UK? Are there specific companies that deal in this? Is it generally cheaper due to restrictions on the use of the car? Cheapest first car to insure? Cheapest first car to insure? What is the minimum required age to get an insurance liscense in California.? To get a license to sell life insurance in the state of California. Do i need business car insurance??????? i have private car insurance but was wondering if i need business insurance because i drive clients to and from places,really need to know if im covered or not asap! thx vic" "CA life, accident, and health insurance state exam?" I have completed ExamFX which is 52 hour online course. But I'm not sure whether it's enough to pass the state exam. How complicated and tricky is it? And, which

websites can I get sample exams from? I'm currently working on this... http://quizlet.c om/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ It seems it only includes life insurance... and I'm not confident of my English skill because it's a second language. Please give me an advice to pass the test which is coming in one week." Do I still have Health Insurance? I am 20 years old. Undergraduate student who got married. Blue Cross Blue shield. I was added to my mom's policy years go. I am just verifying. basically as long as I am UNDER 26 years old if I am not mistaken, I should have the insurance right? I mean I can use it and all without any problems. My spouse does not have an insurance policy, but rather uses the university one which all of the students for this particular college pay for." How much will car insurance go up for getting 2 points? How much will car insurance go up for getting 2 points? What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance? so im gonna get a motorcycle but i dont know much about all the insurance and stuff..and i just wanted to know which is the cheapest? i go to school with a guy who pays $80 every 3 months, which is only about $26 every month, which seems like a pretty good deal." Best ways to lower the car insurance for a 17 year old male? Hiya. :) And yeah, this is a lovely situation, lol. :P I'm aware that no matter how I look at this, the price is going to be a punch to the head. But I'm in need of a car more" What best health insurance? What best health insurance? When health insurance says it has? weight benefits... what is that? Is it only stomach stapling or is it a weight loss doctor or what??? Do you know andone who has used these benefits? Or do you work with health insurance? Car accident and no insurance.? My mom was involved in a car accident and she found out her insurance was cancelled earlier. It was her fault and the other driver is insured, but they took away her license. We know she has to pay out of pocket but is there a company that will pay the lump sum for her so she can pay the company little by little?"

"How much more will it cost to add another car to insurance for a teenager with license, already have to cars?" I have already two cars with Mercury insurance, and how much more will the price raise to add a third car to Insurance for a teenager who has license" Can i add someone to my car insurance policy? I want to add someone to my insurance policy. He recently had a fender bender in my truck. What company do you have your home owner's insurance with? Buying house and need to get some home owner's insurance, need a few places to get quotes from." Why is my insurance going up? It is 189 a month now, but in January it's going up to over 400. Is this part of the affordable care act?" healthplus insurance quote healthplus insurance quote Pregnant: no insurance? i just found out that i'm pregnant. it was a surprise. i don't have insurance. what can i do? i am over qualified for medicaid, barely. my husband is a police officer. to give birth at the hospital it will cost $7180. i called maternity card but they are very expensive and my doctor already said he doesn't deal with them. does anyone have any solutions? i really need an answer. thanks! Additional Details just because my baby is a surprise doesn't mean it's not wanted. an abortion is never an option. it's too late to get insurance because pregnancy is a pre existing condition. i'll try medicaid again. i know i'm not an illegal alien but surely being an american citizen i should be entitled to something." Auto Insurance Question/Teen Driver? Our teen is about to get his learner's permit. At what point am I obligated to notify my auto insurance company that our son is now a driver.....when he gets his learner's permit or when he gets his actual driver's license? I'm wondering at what point my rates will increase as a result of needing to insure my son. The state is Vermont. Thanks! Affordable Life Insurance? i need help . which Life Insurance is the best one to buy "I'm only a student & working part time, where can i get cheap car insurance...?"

I'm only working part time and i need to find a good insurance company, preferably one that won't charge me too much as i'm not earning a lot of money." Will health insurance cover existing medical bills? I have a kidney stone that is unbearable and I want to get it checked out. I just applied for health insurance but I have to wait to find out if it's approved. Can I go to the hospital today and have it be covered when my insurance application is approved? Long term car insurance abroad? I need to leave UK for 3-4 months and I need car insurance for my car. Currently I have Elephant insurance but they only offer 30 consecutive days for driving abroad but I need longer than that. Is there other company which can insure for longer than 90 days? Or what do you usually do? Can I insure car with local insurance companies if I have UK registration? Thank you How do I get a car registered which has no papers/plates and has sat for years? I responded to a newspaper ad recently and bought a 1971 vw beetle. The car had no plates and no paperwork that I could find. There were several telltale signs that the car had sat a number of years, but I understood it to be a project. The seller said he had originally bought it at auction with the intent of using its (good) engine for a sand rail dune buggy, but that like many other good plans requires time. Once paid for, I was provided no bill of sale which I feel I was owed. It was as if the seller felt that since he had let the car go very cheap, that he owed no person any more, and if he did, he should've either charged more or wrecked it instead. Like he could have gone to the trouble but would be put out for something extraneous. The seller has a shop in an easy to find location, so it is not as if I cannot find him, and he doesn't appear to be trying to hide, hes just a strangely irritable and crotchety person." How come I can't medical or insurance ???!? Hello I'm a 20 year old and I live on my own. I use to have medical Owen I was under 18 && lived with. Y moon but now I'm 20&& live on my own. I tried applying for medical and I got denied because I make like 100 more than the limit. Where can I can I apply for a low healthy plan . I do live on my own and have bills to may. It I wanna be healthy. Someone please help no d mb answes (you don't look cool) I live in California San Diego. Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ? I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental" Poll: how much do you pay for car insurance? Poll: how much do you pay for car insurance?

What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ? What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ? Car insurance? do you need car insurance in the philippines "I need auto insurance, but do not know where to start. any help?" I am planning to move out and am looking for a car, that part is easy. It is the insurance that I am worried about. I am wondering a few things. 1. What from of insurance will I need to be safe? 2. How much of my money will it kill? 3. What is the best decisions to make when doing this? I am currently 18 and have been driving for only a year with no accidents. I have to be able to afford rent, insurance, and groceries with a job paying 10 an hour at 25 to 35 hours a week(sometimes even less depending on work flow). I am a little worried as it seems impossible to do, and was wondering if there was insurance that does not cost $450+ a month? O.O Also, do I need to purchase the insurance before I purchase the car?" Suggestions on cheap home insurance? I'm looking for an economical home insurance that will be able to cover the inside only. I'm looking for suggesting, mostly not well known companies since they can be a bit more pricey." Question about car insurance? if someone gets a car and payes it to the owner in monthly rates, and he gets a insurance for that car. but th car is not signed over to you yet, so legally it is not yours yet. and before you make the first payment you get in an accident. you pay the car off with the insurance money, but the insurance gives you more money than the owner wanted for it, who gets the rest of that money????? you?" Where is the cheapest Motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR500R in Vancouver? I'm a new rider buying my first bike. I am not really sure which options are available for insurance. I know ICBC has mandatory liability that has to be paid to them, however I'd like to know where the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a CBR500R is. Any help or info would be appreciated - Brad" Cheapest and reliable car insurace company? how has the lowest quote out under normal circumstances? i know they categorize it based on age,sex, etc. just tell me who has the cheapest it really GEICO?" What is the CHEAPEST car insurance anyone can find for a 17 year old male!?

i no this is a problem for many my age but i can only find quotes for 3000, i dont want any answers saying that is the cheapest or things like that, i no now some jerk will now ive said it, but there is a way i just cant find it!!" Will first time speeding ticket in Georgia increase insurance premium? I got a speeding ticket for driving 15 miles over speed limit (was driving at 60 in 45mph. The other drivers were driving over 55, but I got caught because I overtook another more" Why is it assumed auto/motorcycle insurance is optional? Why do so many drivers who live where having auto insurance is law(pretty much all of the U.S.) have this arrogant belief that just because they can't afford the insurance or can't pay out of their pocket that they still have the right to drive on the road? Worst thing is why are these people hardly punished for breaking the law and why must the other driver's insurance cover uninsured drivers. This whole insurance process is the most screwed up thing and proof of human idiocy. You ever see that commcerial for SafeAuto insurance? The dumb girl goes, I been in lots of accidents, but I NEED my car. or the guy who says' I don't have money for insurance, but I need to make tough choices. Like they are telling us they are going to drive their car without insurance. This is how we allow this type of stupidity." Price of insurance on a scooter for a 17 year old? Ive been looking at a Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc Sports Scooter Automatic Twist and Go, is it a good first scooter for a 17 year old and how much is the insurance around. If not a good scooter could you give some examples of good ones in the comments." HHEELLLPP!!!!! with TEEN car insurance!!!!? I would like to either add a 17 year old to an insurance policy or get one specifically for him..... i called geico, but they said they dont insure teens!!! What can i do? THANKS" Teen Drivers Insurance? Ok so I am a Teen Driver and I am about to get licensed...I need Car insurance...any one know the average in TX? Thanks What kind of health insurance is out there for someone in their 50s in California with no or low income? My mom doesn't have a job, but needs health insurance. I can pay it for her, but is there health insurance with decent coverage that is particularly for people with no income or low income?" Car insurance in California? If you insurance cancels your policy don't they have to notify you, your lien holders and the DVM? And if yes then how long do they have to do that? Days? Weeks?

Months? I had an accident friday and called them and they said I had been canceled on May 29th. That they sent a letter, but I never got a letter. I never received anything from my finance company or DVM either. Any Suggestions?" healthplus insurance quote healthplus insurance quote What is the likely penalty for a new driver caught without insurance? i know you get 6-8 points but what im really interested in knowing is what happens with the license ie if it is revoked, how long on average is the ban before you can sit the test again?" Insurance on Lotus Elise for 18 or 19 year old? I want to get a new Lotus Elise when I am 18 or 19, but it really depends how much the insurance will be. I reside on Long Island, NY but when I get the car will be going to school in either Albany, NY or Tallahasse, FL. Some help? Thanks." How much do insurance prices drop after 1 year for young drivers? I'm a 17 year old male and paying 125 a month on insurance, as you can imagine its a big hit to my bank account. Im on my mothers policy but will my prices drop in the next year and if so by how much?" How much is insurance for a 17 year old in NY??? I'm thinking on getting a honda prelude 98-2001. Why are there two bodily injury sections on car insurance quote? I just got a quote for auto insurance from new company (i had been using a different company)... Anyways, i just noticed that section 1 of the quote under compulsory insurance was the Bodily Injury to Others part..... But, under Optional Insurance on section 6 there is Optional Bodily Injury to Others and this one is higher than the first part. Why are there two different bodily injury sections? Do they cover different things? I am a homeowner, how much should i have for these categories?" Car Insurance - 17 Year old!? part time motor trade insurance - That's the insurance policy that my dad's on, would it be possible for me to be added onto this policy then drive the cars that are insured on it. If not what's the best way about getting cheaper insurance policies? The way I thought I got cheaper insurance was that my dad would start a policy then add me as a named driver, is it still the same? Thanks in advance!" I don't have car insurance but i have a license? I'm confused, i dont have my own car but i drive my mothers car and THAT car has insurance. I dont get it, if i drive it do i need insurance under my name or is it good

enough if the car has insurance under her name? I hope i havent been driivng illegally all along...." How do You Show Proof of Auto Insurance to a Court? In California, do you have to just show the insurance policy or do you have to show policy with payment receipt?" Car Rental Insurance? I will be going to the US soon. I am a US citizen but do not live in the US. I will be going to visit family for a month and will be renting a car. My question is this, do I need to get the insurance from the vendor or is there a 3rd party insurance I can puchase? Most of the car rental places have LDW / CDW insurance for purchase but this almost doubles the cost of rental. My credit cards and car insurance here in my country of residence do not cover car rentals so I will have to get something. Does anybody know of a different route to take other than purchasing at the vendor?" What do all these terms for insurance mean? So I'm in need for a dental plan because I've decided to fix my horrible misaligned bite. But I have no idea what all these insurance terms mean. Like deductibles, coinsurance,waiting period, etc ^Here is a link for example. 40% Coinsurance after deductible 18 months waiting period < Can someone just give me a coverage on how insurance works. Thank you" Car InSuRaNcE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? if i buy a cheap second hand car and want 2 get insurance on it, how much will it cost?? Am 17 and a learner driver.. im buying the car to help me drive better individually. thanks" Are there health insurances for college students? My company has been in a financial turmoil and in result, me plus others were cut. I have gone back to school in hopes I can get a better job. I recently read that after the first of the year, if you don't health insurance, then you will fined from your tax returns. Obviously, I don't have a job that offers insurance, and getting my own is so very expensive. Especially when I don't have an income. I've heard that there are insurances offered to students but I don't know where to look? Does anyone have any idea on how I can get affordable insurance?? Thanks in advance?" Annuity insurance in colorado? what is my coverage for an annuity under Colorado law? Car insurance help. please help me?

I am buying a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now here is what I am thinking. If i put my car under my dad's insurance will my insurance also be lower if i am listen under my dad's insurance and as one of the people who drives the car instead of having the car under my insurance? Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca? What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California? Claiming Back car insurance? Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks.." North Carolina Health Insurance? Right now I have blue cross and blue sheild insurance. It's becoming ridiculous to pay each month and deductibles are through the roof! I'm a healthy 25 yr old female. I need to know, what are some insurance companies in the state of North Carolina that are cheaper, but are still helpful with doctor's visits and prescriptions. What health insurance do you have and what's the cost? Any help or opinions about would be great! thanks:))))" Isn't a lack of affordable health insurance merely a very late term abortion for Blue collar workers? Alright, I'm being overly dramatic but what if, as head of household such an individual, without insurance, is treated to a very costly procedure and dies anyway? Why does it become necessary to bankrupt the remaining family as it often is? Why then, if Welfare is so frowned upon by the same opposition group to affordable health care (often referred as Universal health care by way of diversion)why is the mother, if she is unable to provide for her children often left homeless and left to wander the streets while they are given up for adoption? Why is this oft repeated scenario accepted by Christian voter or even wealthy atheists (ordinary ones, even) for whom there never may be enough money? This is a worst case scenario and actually happens in some cases. How does one address this issue? I've heard all of standard insults but I'd really appreciate an honest answer and I'm not at all in favor of universal health care for the indolent or the F--k 'em and forget 'em fathers everywhere or, for that matter, the largest group of Welfare recipients, save their unfortunate offspring." "How can i get affordable health insurance, with a low income?" I work part time,i am physically disabled ,my husb is unemployable,rejected from disability, i have very bad health condition and need health insurance to continue can i get affordable health insurance that won't cost me a fortune? I have gone to the DPA and i was rejected by them. I suffer with depression/(diagnosed

bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain medical Insurance to continue treatment in order to continue can i get help?" What is a good company to get affordable E&O; insurance? What is a good company to get affordable E&O; insurance? What are some cars with easily tunable engines and low insurance? i need a car that i can make faster but i don't wanna pay alot f insurance. specific models please What happens if I dont have auto insurance for 2 years? Hello all I have had a US drivers license for 2 years now. I am going back to school and so I want to get rid of my car as I have no need for one. So If I sell my car and don't have auto insurance for 2 years, when I come back after finishing school and try and get auto insurance will I be treated as a brand new driver? Are my rates going to be really high because I dont have any continuous insurance history at that point? Or will I be treated as a driver who has 4 years of driving history (since I will have had my license for 4 years at that point?) Thanks" Car insurance help please ? I'm 18 and I am soon to be having a car, (hopefully) now everybody in the UK knows hows stupid car insurance is for new/young drivers. my dad says he will not put me on his insurance as IF i had a crash and needed to claim it would knock off his no claims, that is perfectly understanding but wile looking on Moneysupermarket i noticed the (protect no claims) if i was a named driver on my dads insurance would i get that cheaper, i know later in life i'm gonna have to start my own but thats for when im on more money at work etc, so what i am asking would this work out? and everybody becomes a winner? thank you for any help (im only looking for a Ford Fiesta mk2/3 1.0/1.1)" "Im learning to drive, do i need insurance?" I'm 17 and i'm learning to drive. If my parents take me out to teach me, will I need insurance? How does it work? And if i need it where can i get it cheap." International student health insurance US? My college requires insurance. I am already in the US so I won't be able to purchase a plan from insurance provider from my homecountry. Can anyone give some suggestions of affordable and reputable insurance provider that you have used? I did some googling but I would want to confirm that the insurance companies are indeed legit. Thanks! healthplus insurance quote healthplus insurance quote

"Im 17,i need help with my car insurance? im 17 and car insurance at my age is really expensive but about 9 months ago i went to an insurance agency and they gave me an reallllllllyyyy good quote well something happen and had to cancel my insurance with them now i bought a new car and i want to knw if i can go back to them and get the same good car insurance price because ive been shoping and geting quotes online and its sooo dang expensive "I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?" I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?" Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance? Me and my girlfriend are new drivers and are looking for cheap car insurance on our first car, what is the best place to go just so we can legally drive?" I am 20 & not getting insurance? for some reason I do not get insurance cause I am 20(over 18/the age limit) why is that? my parents don't get insurance also cause of the income thing but, my brothers and sister(ages 14,11 & 6) get insurance. But why can't me & my parents have it? it's not fair or right for me & my parents :(" "Car Insurance, will it go up IF?" Right.. well im gonna be able to drive the end of this year.. and i want to get a Vauxhall Astra Estate and make a few changes.. for Example: GSI front bumper Exhuast GSI alloy wheels possibly a new spray of paint leather seats new head lights Will the insurance go up if i do these things? i know its going to be high anyway because im a new driver.. but i wanna know if it will go up anymore and roughly by how much, and if anyone could just give me a general list of things i have to tell the insurance company if i change anything on the vehicle. Thanks!" Should i be mad at my husband or his mother? my husband gave his entire paycheck to his mother to pay her bills, She had a bunch of vet bills, her other sons (hes 30ish and has a job w/ insurance) medical bills, and a 1000.00 dollar tattoo, but couldnt pay her bills. our house payment was due and now i cant pay it cause he gave her all this money? also he chewed me out cause i started crying when he told me he did this. Help plese what should i do. p.s we have 3 small children that this could have helped out for food and stuff liek that." Where can I find affordable car insurance in PA for college students? I will be learning to drive pretty soon and I want to know the cheapest and affordable car insurance out there for students.

First year car insurance for 17 year olds for a small car? Has anyone recently passed there driving test and brought car insurance? If so how much did it cost and for what car? I don't want answers just saying thousands , I would like people who've recently got car insurance." Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for over 50s? Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for over 50s? How much do you pay for home insurance? So we are paying like $132 for car insurance on two vehicles with American Family Insurance and we both have clean records although we are young 22 (f) and 24 (m). We just got a quote from Wawanesa they said we could do full coverage through them for half the price 80 a month! Although they don't do home insurance and I know you can save a lot by combining the two. So now through AFI we pay about $40 a month for home insurance is that a good price with the combined home and auto?? How much do you think it will go up if we cancel the car insurance and go with wawanesa?? Is there cheaper insurance agencies that will cover only home? In the end I am just looking for how much you pay and if you combine your auto with the same company. Thanks!! How to get the best quotes in car insurance? i am looking for the best US quotes in car insurance. Some free service that provides some tips and tricks to get good deals on car insurance. SSN check for auto insurance - WHY ? I've received a number of answers for the question. It seems that in a number of cases the quote that's received depends on how good or bad your credit is. What's the difference if someone has bad credit, as long as he's a good driver? Insurance premiums are paid in advance so why the credit check ?" Cheap car insurance in alberta? Cheap car insurance in alberta? What is the difference between whole and term life insurance? Which one is better to provide for your families needs if something happed to you? Is there any insurance companies that will insure after a fire claim? me and my family had a fire in july of 2008 and our homeowners insurance dropped us after the claim was over. now we are having major difficulty obtaining homeowners insurance. is there anybody that knows of a insurance company that takes people with these issues? we also live in indiana

Cheapest car for a 17 year old girl? What's the cheapest car to buy and on insurance for a new driver of 17? I've been told an old car with small engine but that's coming out 4,000 on insurance surely that isn't right?" What happens if your driveing a car with no car insurance and someone hits you.? We live in California. My seventeen year old was driving our car that was uninsured and was in a accident. The other driver admitted it was his fault and there insurance company has already claimed full responsibility. What I'm wondering is what will happen when they find out we have no insurance. I did yake my son to the doctors and they said he does have wip lash but will be fine Young adult health insurance? Young adult son cannot find job, not in college, has no health insurance - any ideas?" 17 and HIP insurance? Im 17 and I need some type of health insurance because my parents dont carry on me. My mom is applying again for HIP health insurance because she missed her reevaluation. So can I apply for HIP health insurance? thanks! Do I need to have my own insurance to drive a friend's car? I have my driver's license but don't own a car. Do I need to buy insurance for myself if I want to drive a friend's car, or am I covered under his policy? The car is insured in Florida and I have a Georgia license." Are insurance rates high for classic cars? Are insurance rates high for classic cars? Is car insurance fair? Let's say you're financially stable, and a very safe driver. Is it fair to make EVERYONE pay for car insurance? Wouldn't it be more fair to have car insurance companies hold your money in case of an accident, then you get your money back if you don't get in an accident by the time you switch companies or are too old to drive? It seems like good drivers are paying for the damage done by bad drivers." What if im 18 and want to pay for my own auto insurance? I'm thinking about moving out of my house cause it sucks. I'd have to buy my own car and I'm thinking an older civic, cause they're reliable. Anyone got any ideas on what a good but cheap way to insure would be?"

Cheap Cars to Insure for 17 year olds? Hi, I am 17 was was wondering if anyone knows of any cheap cars to insure that they could recommend. Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., if that's OK maybe you could roughly say how much your insurance was or approx how much it would be?)" "After 7 years out of country, why the high car insurance rate?" Seven years ago, I got a job working overseas. I sold my car here in the US before I left. Now I have returned to the US to live and I bought a car. I was shocked at the insurance rate - the cheapest I could find for a 2013 Ford Fiesta was $1112 for six months of coverage! I asked the agent why the rate was so sky high. Well, because the assumption is that you have been driving here in the US as an uninsured motorist for the past seven years . I tried to show proof that I was living overseas for those seven years, and that I didn't have any vehicle to insure in the US. But my explanation fell on deaf ears. Is there any way to explain my situation to Safeco (the insurance company)?" healthplus insurance quote healthplus insurance quote

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