UltraViolet Oct. 09

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HEALING HANDS New athletic trainer Colleen Whalin stretches and wraps injuries in the cardio room. See “Trainer” page 12

LOVE OF DANCE Middle schoolers have a large role in upcoming all-school dance concert. See “Dance” page 10


HANCOCK PARK A review of Isabel Kaplan’s ’08 Hancock Park. See “Hancock Park” page 10


Monday, October 5, 2009

Volume 40, Issue 1

Marlborough School 250 S. Rossmore Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90004

Murphy heads eastward, will leave school By Cassidy ’10 and Colleen ’10 UV Staff

Photo courtesy of Public Relations SAILING AWAY: Megan Murphy is set to leave Marlborough Oct. 16.

After helping raise over $50 million for the Leadership in Learning campaign, Director of Development Megan Murphy will leave Marlborough Oct. 16 to become the vice president of development and alumni affairs at the University of Virginia’s

School joins Green Alliance

Semester at Sea program. With $15 million left to raise to complete the campaign goal of $65 million, Head of School Barbara Wagner said, “It’s a challenging time. It’s an important position for us to fill and fill as quickly as possible.” Wagner said that while she’s sorry to see Murphy leave the campaign, this is the most

practical time for her to do so, since the campaign is moving into its third and final phase. During the first two phases, Murphy led the Development Office in securing gifts from the largest few donors, a job which required extensive personal meetings and travel. Now in the construction’s final stage, the office will focus more on widespread solicitation

of smaller gifts through events and mailings. “I honestly don’t think there’s ever a perfect time [for Murphy to leave], but the biggest part of the campaign has been achieved, and it’s great that another opportunity came along for her,” Wagner said. Wagner hired Gary Kaplan & Associates to lead a search team

See “Murphy” Page 4

Environmental Committee sets goal to reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent By Colleen ’10 and Julia ’11 UV Staff amd UV Contributor

The school has pledged to reduce its carbon footprint by 30 percent in the next five years and become “carbon neutral” by 2020. Marlborough joined Green Schools Alliance (GSA) at the “Climate Champion” level this summer. GSA is a coalition of public and private schools across the country that is united to set sustainability goals and devoted to taking action against global climate change. Campus Environmental Liaison Leslie Elkus said belonging to a community like GSA connects Marlborough to other likeminded progressive schools, which hold each other accountable and push each other to follow through with their goals and work “proactively, as opposed to acting out of fear,” Elkus said. The school is conducting an energy audit this year which will give them an idea where much of the school’s carbon emissions come from, which will be a major step in figuring what 30 percent really means and how they’ll cut it. Whatever the results of the audit, Robert Bryan, chairman of the campus environmental committee, said that in order to meet the ambitious goal, the entire Marlborough community must be engaged and involved in the effort to reduce energy usage. Some of the major areas already targeted for energy reduction are the paper usage in the computer labs and copy machines, as well as electricity conservation, water consumption, and waste reduction. Bryan said that the committee is also looking into cutting down on “vampire energy,” (energy used when electrical objects are plugged in but not used), and potentially

See “Green Alliance” Page 4

The UV Index News..............................2 C o m m u n i t y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Feature..............................8 A&E..............................10 S p o r t s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Opinion.........................14 Bac kpage........................16

COLLEEN LOYNACHAN/UV INSIDE THE GREEN TRUCK: Conrad Beilharz, one of the Green Truck on the Go chefs, prepares fresh organic fries in the truck on “Green Truck Favorites Fridays,” when they serve hot dogs and vegan and sirloin burgers. The Green Truck will be available for students all of first semester, until Café M is re-opened at the beginning of second semester. SEE “GREEN TRUCK” ON PAGE 5

Hotchkiss appointed Assistant Head of School By Julie ’10 UV Staff

Head of School Barbara Wagner appointed Laura Hotchkiss as the assistant head of school last June. Hotchkiss, who will still be upper school director, said she will now juggle more responsibilities dealing with the administration of the school, and she will have less interaction with students. Hotchkiss will lead the faculty search process, foreign travel, college tour, faculty committees, accreditation for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and California Association of Independent Schools, and the school’s academic advisory committee, which consists of board members, the education council, and non-trustees to reflect upon the school’s mission statement, Hotchkiss said. Despite the increased tasks ahead, Hotchkiss said she’s prepared to handle these challenges because she understands

how the school functions. “If you’ve been in a place for a long time, there’s institutional memory of how the jobs were done before,” Hotchkiss said. Hotchkiss also said that as upper school director, she already performed many of her new tasks under the supervision of Wagner, but will now have more independence in handling her duties. For instance, Wagner oversaw the entire process of faculty searches, but now Hotchkiss will finalize the strong candidates and then make recommendations to Wagner. Wagner said that she transferred some of her responsibilities to free time for other school responsibilities, which include visiting classes, “hanging out” with faculty and students, and developing a new strategic plan for the school in the future. “As the school became stronger, I questioned how I should be prioritizing and spending my time,” Wagner said. “I knew I wanted to spend more time with students.” President of the Board of Trustees

Carol Bennett said that the Board has been urging Wagner to find assistance so that she won’t “burn out and become overwhelmed,” Bennett said. No succession for the next head of school has been planned, Hotchkiss said. The transition is “just to support Ms. Wagner and the school,” she said. As Hotchkiss takes on additional duties from Wagner, she has in turn relinquished some of her duties as upper school director. Monica DePriest, co-director of college counseling, will now be in charge of student council and will attend all-school council meetings. Thomas Millar, history instructor and tenth grade dean, will take over upper school activities and plan for speakers and bake sales, jobs Hotchkiss used to do, Hotchkiss said. Even though Hotchkiss had parts of the “student element” in her job taken away, she will maintain the academic counseling as the upper school director, Hotchkiss said.


October 5, 2009


Guerin Visiting Scholar Mathabane to visit South African cultural festival will be held at Stork Fountain Oct. 8 By Ileana ’11 UV Staff

Mark Mathabane, author of 1986 autobiography “Kaffir Boy,” tennis player, lecturer, and this year’s Guerin Visiting Scholar, said he has high expectations of Marlborough students when he visits Oct.7-8. “I want to get the feeling that Marlborough, along with equipping students to realize their potential as human beings, is dedicated to the mission of saving our planet and humanity,” Mathabane (pronounced motta-BONE-ee) said. “Kaffir Boy,” once number one on the Washington Post’s bestseller list, focuses on Mathabane’s life under the South African apartheid and how he escaped from the regime by earning a tennis scholarship to Dowling College in the United States. Mathabane said that he wants to pass on “the importance of education as a powerful weapon of hope and reconciliation.” He also wants to pass on “the need for students and faculty to understand the challenges facing humanity so they can empower themselves to seek solutions to intractable problems that threaten our survival.” “We live in a global world

Photo courtesy of Mathabane TENNIS SAVED HIS LIFE: Mark Mathabane, author of 1986 autobiography “Kaffir Boy,” escaped from

the South African apartheid regime by earning a tennis scholarship to Dowling College. where schools like Marlborough must challenge students to be a part of it,” Mathabane said. After the assembly, a committee headed by Beverly Thrall, associate director of major gifts, is organizing a South African culture festival at Stork Fountain, where South African dancers will perform and an art exhibition will take place. While dancers perform a “Gum-shoe” number, in which they dance wearing rubber rain

boots, Springbok Catering will provide free South African dishes at the North plaza. Dishes will include sosaties, which are chicken kebabs in apricot marinade, and chicken and vegetarian curry with rice. History and Social Sciences Department Head Catherine Atwell said she is looking forward to these cultural activities. “South Africa is not just apartheid. It’s much more than that, and we want students to ac-

knowledge that,” Atwell said. Since Mathabane’s visit is early in the school year, Atwell said she changed the AP World History curriculum to study South African history earlier. Mathabane will speak and sign books the evening of Oct. 7 at the Academic Resource Center. He will also talk during all-school assembly and during B Period with AP World History and other selected students Oct. 8.

Rosner ’13 awarded scholarship

More students are applying for outside aid in midst of the economic troubles By Brianne ’10

“I was given the UV Staff Due to the country’s current opportunity to go to a economy, students and families school that I wouldn’t have are trying even harder to receive been able to go without it.” Photo courtesy of Isabella

Info on the Scholarship Requirements to apply for the scholarship: Apply while in the 7th grade Demonstrate leadership abilities and creative thinking Demonstrate exceptional academic achievements Scholarship benefits: Full coverage of tuition, books, and fees for four years Academic guidance and support throughout high school Three-year seminar to discuss global and personal issues

financial aid both inside and outside of schools. Isabella '13 obtained aid from outside of school by winning the Caroline D. Bradley scholarship so she could attend Marlborough. She is the first Marlborough student to receive this honor. The Caroline D. Bradley scholarship, which started in 2002, awards 15 seventh graders in the country with a four-year scholarship to a high school that covers the cost of tuition, books and other academic fees. Jeanette Woo Chitjian, director of admissions, and other independent high school admission directors and college admission officers read submissions for the award, not knowing the applicants' choice of school, and chose ten finalists from the 150 semi-finalists. The award is not based on financial need. Students can apply for it even if their parents are financially capable but don't want to pay for a private school education. On the other hand, financial

Isabella ’13 Caroline D. Bradley scholar

aid applicants at Marlborough must prove their need. This award has always been in place, but students are now trying to attain more scholarships due to the economy, said Woo Chitjian. Woo Chitjian said if an applicant qualified for financial aid but received outside funds, then the scholarship helps “free up money for someone else who's applying for financial aid at Marlborough.” “For those with financial need, this lifts a huge burden off their shoulders. As the director of admissions, it also means we can admit a great student without the worry of finding funds to support her attendance at Marlborough,” Woo Chitjian said. Bonnie Raskin, a Marlborough parent and Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship administrator, said this award

says a lot about the school to the outside community. “It says that Marlborough has programs appealing to gifted students,” Raskin said. Raskin said Isabella represents the type of “allaround outstanding student the scholarship looks for.” “We saw that Isabella has a lot of potential, and that’s really what we look for. She brings a lot to the table,” Raskin said. Isabella, who started Marlborough this year, said that she is thrilled to have won because the a ward has opened so many doors for her. “It's such an honor especially now with what the economy is doing. I was given the opportunity to go to a school that I wouldn't have been able to go to without it, and it’s [the award] helping me be the person I want to be when I get older,” Isabella said. Upon receiving the award, Isabella had to sign a contract that stated she would keep up with all of the requirements. To maintain her agreement, she still participates in all of the activities she did when she was awarded: community service, fencing, and playing the violin.

The UltraViolet

News In Brief Face-It enters its fourth year

Fifty upper school students attended the fourth annual FaceIt diversity retreat Sept. 11-12. Students discussed issues of race, color, class, sexual orientation, religion and other identity characteristics with the objective of creating a more inclusive Marlborough community. This year had the highest number of returning students ever, Director of Admissions Jeanette Woo Chitjian, the faculty member in charge of the retreat, said. “While the majority of the activities may be the same from year to year, the value of what you get out depends on what you and your classmates put in,” she said. Haley ’10, who was on the student planning committee for Face-It, attended the retreat for the third time to prepare herself for the real world. - Celine ’11, UV Staff

Klein escapes fires

The recent La Canada fire is the biggest blaze in modern Los Angeles County history. Students who live in La Canada and in the surrounding areas were put at risk. Sarah '11, who lives in Altadena, packed up her personal belongings and was evacuated for a day and a half. “I panicked when I first found out that I might have to evacuate. The dark made the fire look like a volcano. But at the moment we got the automated voice message saying we had to evacuate, all of my relatives and I mobilized into action - we just got into cars and drove,” Sarah said. Due to poor air quality, the school canceled sport practices, but now that the fires have been contained, practices have resumed. - Brooke ’10, UV Staff

School responds to Lily Burk’s murder Two Wilshire Community Police Station officers will speak with the upper school this midOctober about safety in light of Lily Burk's, a seventeen-yearold Oakwood student's, murder. These officers spoke with Parent’s Association Sept. 15 after parents voiced concerns. The officers gave safety tips, such as setting up a code word with family members to alert any present danger. Students should also not text and walk at the same time, they said. “You are safe ninety percent of the time, but there is that ten percent when you have to be aware of your surroundings,” Lisa Dunn-Dern, co-president of the Parent’s Association, said. - Ileana ’11, UV Staff



October 5, 2009

School looks to clarify Honor Code


By Sophie ’10 UV Staff

Administrators and faculty who work with the Honor Forum said that they hope to clarify misconceptions about the Honor Code, particularly about how studentreported violations are handled. In light of rumored violations last year and an UltraViolet poll that showed a significant number of students might be beginning to doubt enforcement of the Honor Code, administrators said students need to understand that when students report an alleged violation, accusers should not expect any kind of report back about action the school did or didn’t take or assume that action hasn’t been taken because they aren’t told about it. Students need to have faith in the system, said Assistant Head of School Laura Hotchkiss. “If consequences are needed, they will be taken care of,” she said. One step toward clarification was a meeting between grades ten through twelve Sept 8. Hotchkiss, Head of School Barbara Wagner and Honor Code Advisor Reid Cottingham said they hope the events of last year will create more open communication between teachers and students. “We have to promote more conversation about the Honor Code, not just when there is an issue, but always,” Wagner said. “Concerns that were expressed last spring would not have been as severe if there was more conversation about the process.” Much of the unrest last year was due to students feeling left out after they made an allegation. However, Hotchkiss said this confidentiality is important for the sake of the accused student. “If you put yourself in the position of the accused, you wouldn’t want the accuser to know the outcome. It’s a confidential process,” Hotchkiss said. Cottingham said that an illusion of a lack of consequence stems from a misunderstanding that a violator, if found guilty, will be expelled. “Many students don’t realize that expulsion is not a first-time consequence in the case of an Honor Code violation. There is a second chance,” Cottingham said. Wagner said that she understands students’ perceptions about a lack of consequence. “If your expectation is that the student cheated, and after investigating, Mrs. Hotchkiss does not find evidence that the student cheated, you may think nothing has been done if you don’t understand the process for investigation. Then you'll lose trust in the Honor Code,” Wagner said. Wagner said that a teacher’s explanation to an accuser of the process they will embark on is crucial to putting that student at ease. While they cannot tell the accuser the outcome, or details of the investigation, a promise to fulfill their duty and shed light on the truth is necessary. “If a student reports to a teacher, and the teacher doesn’t say ‘I will follow up on this,’ and doesn’t give the student more information about what the process will be, it may lead to a lack of trust,” Wagner said. Though difficult, last year’s situation led to “an opportunity to be clear about a process that can seem hidden or confusing to faculty and students,” Cottingham said. “I think students take it more seriously now,” she added.


The photojournalism contest image must be one that tells a story. Freshman Ariela’s photo is of her younger cousin at his fifth birthday party at the popular children’s play place Chuck E Cheese. The variety of focus, with the blurred background and in-focus foreground, expresses the excitement of the boy while creating a unique perspective. Email photos to uvarticles@gmail.com to submit for the next contest. The winner will recieve a $25 prize. Criteria for judging submissions include the emotion and energy in the photo, the story told in the photo, and photo composition. Photo submissions must have been taken between the set deadlines.

School prepares for H1N1

The school dispenses hand-sanitizer and encourages sick students to stay home to prevent the spread of swine flu. By Heather ’11

if a student is out sick, she cannot return to school until twenty-four hours after With no vaccine for the H1N1 flu her fever has subsided, without the use of available until late November, students artificial fever reducers. Bryan said that he knows that students should expect to hear the same phrases worry about missing school, but he wants they have been hearing since pre-school: to ensure that anyone who is sick can make Use a tissue, cover your mouth, and wash a full recovery. your hands. Most pronounced, however, is “We want students to realize that if the administration’s plea to stay home if they are out from school due to a lengthy you’re sick. illness, we will do our best to support them The school began informing the upon their return and help them work out a community about the H1N1 flu, commonly schedule for making up missed work,” he known as swine flu, early spring. At the said. beginning of this year, Head of School He said that the administration will also Barbara Wagner sent a letter to parents be mindful of the fact that both students and encouraging them to take precautions faculty may be absent for longer than usual in terms of talking to their doctors about if they are sick, to observe the twenty-four recognizing, treating, and avoiding the hour policy. spread of virus. Every student should Due to heightened be eating right, getting concerns from the Center “[Common sense sleep, drinking lots of for Disease Control caretaking] is a life skill. fluids, and exercising, the (CDC), Robert Bryan, Relax and enjoy life. Don’t best ways to stay healthy, director of the middle Tinka Brown, physical school, is coordinating get hysterical.” education instructor, precautionary measures said. However, Brown against a H1N1 flu Tinka Brown cautioned becoming outbreak. These regimens, Physical education instructor obsessed with avoiding germs because the focusing on prevention immune system can be and education, include weakened if one isolates oneself. dispersing more hand sanitizer and tissues “[Common sense caretaking] is a among classrooms, and disinfecting life skill. Relax and enjoy life. Don’t get all shared surfaces, such as desks and hysterical,” she said. keyboards, daily. Phoebe ’12, who experienced a mild Students and faculty should follow case of the swine flu this summer, said the what Bryan describes as “respiratory encounter was only slightly uncomfortable. etiquette,” or basic hygiene. “I had a mild tickle in the back of my “We need to work as a community,” throat and a fever, but it wasn’t that bad - I Bryan said. sat at home with my mom and watched bad The administration is stressing the TV all day,” she said. twenty-four hour rule, which states that UV Staff

H1N1 Flu Facts Symptoms: A fever accompanied by a sore throat, stuffy nose, cough, body aches, fatigue, headache, diarrhea, vomitting, chills, and difficulty breathing. People infected may infect others from 1 day before getting sick to 5-7 days after. CDC recommends taking oseltamivir or zanamivir for treating and/or preventing the contraction of H1N1. Information from http://www.cdc.gov/ h1n1flu/qa.htm

She even joked that she would get infected with the swine flu again, just so she could relax. Although the severity of swine flu cases varies, Bryan has been working on contingency plans in case of a large outbreak. While the administration is undecided as to what percentage of infected students would require putting these plans into effect, the plans will follow those suggested by the CDC and the National Association of Independent Schools. The school is also looking at Red Cross and the World Health Organization for advice. “While we hope that classes will not be interrupted and that school life will go on as normal, if circumstances change we will take whatever actions we feel are best for the health and safety of the school community,” said Bryan. At this point in the year, the number of students infected is much lower than that required for an outbreak.


October 5, 2009

Valentine, Helm take a year off By Brooke ’10 UV Staff

More U.S. students are taking “gap years” between high school and college, and Sally Helm ’09 and Zoe Valentine ’09 have joined the ranks. Helm has deferred her freshman year at Yale University to intern, travel, and volunteer throughout Europe and the U.S. Valentine has deferred her freshman year at George Washington University to work on farms through the Wwoof Program in Europe, an organization that promotes organic farming. Many news publications, including The Wall Street Journal, have reported gap years as a major trend. Co-Director of College Counseling Monica DePriest cites stress as one of the main reasons students decide to defer. “It has become more socially acceptable for students to take time off before enrolling in college,” said DePriest. Over the last few years a total of 20-40 Yale students have deferred admissions, according to Amin Abdul-Malik, Yale University’s associate director of undergraduate admissions. Helm said she decided to defer because of stress. “I felt a little burnt out after my academically rigorous course load at Marlborough. I want to be able to enjoy my classes at Yale,” Helm said. Helm will intern through


www.theultraviolet.com Continued from cover

Murphy leaves Leadership in Learning

to fill Murphy’s position. Board of Trustees President Carol Bennett said she is confident the school will find a replacement who is the right fit. “We will focus on a candidate that will continue to engage with and energize this very philanthropic community,” Bennett said. Murphy, a Pittsburgh native, said a primary reason for her departure is her desire to return to Photo courtesy of Valentine the East Coast where she can be closer to her six nieces and nephews. THE BUCOLIC LIFE: Valentine ’09 preserves plums as part of her Murphy was offered her new work in exchange for room and board on farms across Europe. job when the school’s construction “I was a little sad when I got campaign was initiated four years “It has become more warm scarves and dorm room ago, but she declined. “I was committed to magnets for my birthday,” she said. socially acceptable for launching the public face of the Helm will return to Yale students to take time off campaign, and I wasn’t ready to University in the fall of 2010. before enrolling in college.” Valentine said stress wasn’t a leave,” Murphy said. She anticipates her new job. main reason for her. She just wanted Monica DePriest “This new position will a completely new perspective on Director of College Counseling life. However, for now, Valentine Continued from cover will farm in Europe. “Working on farms is Travelers World Wide at a political radio show in Buenos something completely new and retrofitting classrooms in the Aires, Argentina from September different that I wanted to try. I older buildings so lights turn off though October. She will study wanted to get a different vantage automatically when no one is in the Spanish, as well as travel on her point into life, the way people in room. He also encourages students own and brave hostels. She hopes foreign countries and in different to carpool as much as possible. to volunteer in New Orleans in living situations think about it The committee, which includes 2010 with an organization called rather than be stuck in a little LA vice presidents from each grade level, or college bubble,” Valentine said. along with parent representatives, Lower Nine. Although Valentine is glad to administrators, faculty, facility “I want to do some hardcore domestic volunteering for a few take a break from school, she said managers, and business officers, is months, and New Orleans is the top it was weird to see her friends take working to promote awareness and contendor for where I´ll do it, because off for college. participation. “While they were buying I love the city and it still needs a lot of “We need the whole student their bedding and winter clothing, body and faculty to be on board help since Katrina,” Helm said. Helm remains confident in I was buying my backpack and so we can combine our efforts to her decision to defer. The only deciding between bringing two or create change,” said junior class time she doubted her decision three shirts,” Valentine said. vice president Kendall McCarthy Valentine plans to return to ’11. “I want students not just was this summer on her birthday when her friends and relatives George Washington University in to think it’s a necessity, but sent her college care packages. the fall of 2010. something they want to do.”

allow me to grow and find new challenges,” Murphy said. Murphy, a key leader in the campaign, is in her eighth year as Director of Development. “We’ve achieved a huge amount, and she’s helped us achieve that,” Wagner said. Murphy provided “leadership and direction for all the school’s friend-raising and fundraising,” including both raising money and bringing alumnae back to the school, Wagner said. For example, Murphy helped enhance and further develop the Poet Laureate tea for alumnae. Bennett said that Murphy, along with her staff, has increased the number of alumnae, who donate to the Annual Fund, from 16 to 33 percent, and the number of parents who donate annually to the Marlborough Fund.

School joins Alliance “It’s valuable to make sure students understand what their impact can be personally,” Campus Environmental Liaison Maryellen Baker said. The Parents’ Association is educating parents on making “waste free lunches” and the environmental committee is in the process of organizing a summit to share ideas with other GSA schools in Los Angeles. Bryan understands that this is a challenging task. “Each one of us will have to find ways to sacrifice so we can achieve our goal,” Bryan said. “If we don’t meet our goal, we will take pride in the fact that progress has been made.”


The UltraViolet

October 5, 2009

Does “junior lounge” outshine Senior Living Room in Munger? By Phoebe ’12 UV Staff

The junior class might just have the best spot in Munger Hall: comfy chairs, tall windows and a grand piano. The only problem is that they aren’t allowed in the Collins Room all the time, since the room is a community space as well. Many seniors said they don’t mind that the Collins Room is larger than the senior lounge because the juniors can get kicked out at anytime. Senior Class President Rosie said that the only thing that makes the seniors jealous is that “they have a piano and we don’t.” Prior to the Collins Room, the juniors had half of a classroom right next to construction, and before construction they occupied the Disney Gallery above the now-demolished Salvatori Library. The Disney Gallery was not a space dedicated to the lounging of juniors, but essentially a hallway with padded benches outside the art classrooms. The Collins Room is an obvious upgrade from the previous spaces. According to Assistant Head of School Laura Hotchkiss, giving the juniors the Collins Room to use informally was a decision made by the Senior Academic Team. However, officially, the Collins Room is a community space. Essentially, anyone can use the space, not just the juniors, at any time. A common misconception is that the Collins Room is the new “junior gallery,” but they can get kicked out any time. Alison Moser, twelfth grade level dean, said that when others need the room, juniors aren’t

giving up something that belongs to them. “It’s not that they’re being ‘kicked out’ so much as they’re being allowed to use the space when it’s not being used for something else,” she said. A space that 11th Grade Dean Reid Cottingham calls “one of the most beautiful rooms on campus” is bound to be used for purposes other than homework and napping. Receptionist Brenda Diaz, who is in charge of the Master Calendar, said that the room is used about four times a week, though they try not to schedule things during the day. “It would be nice to be notified in advance,” Kyle ’11 said, voicing the opinion of several juniors. Cottingham recently addressed that by e-mailing juniors a schedule of when they must clear out. That means not just themselves, but everything that they brought in with them, including a small straw basket of magazines that the class keeps by the door, which exemplifies the temporary feel that juniors have in the space – one that seniors don’t ever experience in their lounge. The Collins Room “still brings us [juniors] all together despite the fact that it’s not technically just for us,” Junior Class President Julia said. Genesis ’11 even said that she doesn’t mind getting kicked out, especially for a parent meeting, because “we get the food when they are done.” UV Staffer Kathryn ’13 contributed to this article



MOBILE MEALS: Until the new Café M is completed next semester, students can purchase organic meals from the “Green Truck.” Students say they love the food, though not necessarily the cost.

“Green Truck” substitutes for Café M By Rosie ’10 UV Staff

We smell it in math class. We see it take over the north corner of the driveway. This green machine called the Green Truck provides lunch as we wait for the final addition to construction - the new cafeteria. “We needed something to pass the time because Café M just wasn’t going to be ready,” said Auxiliary Services Manager Clinton Oie. “I knew the normal taco truck just wouldn’t fly, especially at Marlborough, so I punched in ‘healthy organic food’ on Google.” While researching, Oie came across the Green Truck, which “quickly rose to the top of the list” as the catering company to serve the school, Oie said. Started three years ago, the Green Truck enterprise has grown rapidly because of its focus on organic food from local farmers’ markets

around Santa Monica and Venice. “LA loves organic food sold on the street. I mean look at Kogi’s. Taco trucks are the culture now,” Green Truck manager Bobby Allen said. With five trucks, the company is constantly on the move. The trucks serve on movie sets and “occasionally do some pioneering en route,” employee Ashley Hester said. “It’s crazy,” Allen said. “One day we’ll be catering for Britney Spears, and the next day we’ll be here.” The men inside the truck at Marlborough are Ross Johnson and Conrad Beilharz. Johnson, who started cooking at age 15, has cooked around the world in places such as Indonesia and South America. However, Johnson said that he decided to settle down with the Green Truck because he agrees with its objective to provide healthy, sustainable eating options. “For myself, I like [the

Green Truck] because it gives sustainability and healthy choices instead of hormonally raised

man English and is familiar with much of the course material because she also taught sophomore American Literature and “The Odyssey” at Beaver Country Day. Not that Wolf needs familiarity. She has traveled to places around the world, including Australia, South Africa, and the Galapagos Islands, as a guide for Stanford Family Adventures. She still works as a guide during the summer, though now for Bushtracks Expeditions. “I love to travel internationally, and teaching kids on the road makes the experiencing that much more interesting - and fun!” Wolf said. Thompson, who is teaching AP English Lit and the senior elective The Bible as Literature, also has familiarity with his courses - he said he taught the Bible and about three quarters of the AP material across his various classes at Georgetown Day. He also has an adventurous side. In

addition to being a former drummer in a rock band and writing a blog about cheese, he twice led student groups to New Orleans to work for Katrina Relief, one year staying in an abandoned elementary school and another in a hotel with a ceiling that was falling in. Thompson said he took great pride in the work his students did, and he has “memories of a surreal universe of destruction, impossible to repair yet somehow repaired, slowly, nevertheless.” In addition to being experienced in her Marlborough courses, AP Biology and Exploring Science I, Ellis was also glad to return to an all-girls environment. “All-girls is easier,” she said. Ellis played on Jeopardy! in 2004. She came in second place against Ken Jennings, the man who won $1,004,960 in 30 straight games. Her favorite part of the experience was how it ended. “I was the only one who got the Final Jeopardy correct,” she said.

cattle,” Johnson said. Despite the goal of achieving sustainability, the food does come at a price. “The food is great but it’s so expensive, which is why I don’t go as much as I would like to,” said Megan ’12. Despite the prices with popular dishes like the sweet potato fries, students said that they will be sad to see the truck leave second semester. “The Green Truck is the best, I have no idea what I’m going to do when it’s gone,” said Emma ’12.

The Green Truck now serves breakfast burritos and yogurt parfaits from 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. For more information about the Green Truck, go to www.greentruckonthego.com.

Three new teachers long on experience, adventures By Caroline ’13


EN ’10


UV Staff

esy court Photo of Wolf

Photo courtesy of Ellis

BROAD HORIZONS: New English teacher Sarah Wolf has traveled around the world as a tour guide, including to Ayers Rock in Australia. Fellow English department newcomer Chris Thompson is a cheesemaker and musician, and new science teacher Lisa Ellis has appeared on “Jeopardy!”

Three new faculty members arrived armed with both lengthy prep school experience and varied personal endeavors. Sarah Wolf, who came to the English department from Beaver Country Day School in Massachusetts, traveled around the world as a tour guide. Chris Thompson, a new English teacher who used to work at Georgetown Day School in Washington D.C., is a musician and a cheesemaker. Lisa Ellis, new science instructor, taught at the all-girls school Hathaway Brown in Cleveland, as well as Milken High School in Los Angeles, and she even competed on “Jeopardy!” Though skeptical before setting foot in Los Angeles, Wolf said she now likes the city, but it took her a while to get used to how spread out it is. Wolf is teaching sophomore and fresh-


October 5, 2009


Carter ’10 interns at Lucques

Haven’t You Wondered...

What’s Jamba Juice’s secret menu? By Celine ’11 UV Staff

I first heard about Jamba Juice’s secret menu when I was at Larchmont after school and a friend of mine ordered a “Thank You Jesus.” After she explained to me that it was a secret flavor, I began to wonder how this secret menu was created, and most importantly, just what flavors really are available. I began my venture with a quick Google search. While I wasn’t able to find any type of official statement from Jamba Juice, I found a handful of blogs discussing secret flavors. After sifting through numerous comments, some from people claiming to be former employees, I compiled a list of rumored flavors. List in hand, I visited the store on Larchmont to find out which ones were available, and perhaps even try a few. The employees were more than willing to discuss the secret menu and the manager, Melissa, even looked through my list and told me which ones were available at the store. She said that secret flavors are typically either discontinued flavors or variations of existing menu options. Employees created them using ingredients from the store, and then the flavors spread through word of mouth. Because the menus are not officially published, employees have to memorize the recipes, so not all of the flavors are available at every store.

As for where the secret menu originated, one employee at the Larchmont store said he heard many of the flavors were created at the Burbank store on Victory Place. However, when I contacted the manager of that store, he said that many of the flavors instead came from the Pasadena store on Lake Avenue. I then called the manager of that store, who said that there’s no way to truly know where the first secret flavor was created. So while the menu itself is no longer a secret, its origin may forever remain a mystery.


By Sophie’10 UV Staff


HANDS FULL: Celine ’11 tries all the secret flavors at the chain’s Larchmont branch. Her favorite was “Thank You Jesus.”

The UV lets you in on the secrets: Fruity Pebbles: Supposed to mimic the flavor of the popular cereal, it tastes more like green tea powder than anything else. Peanut Butter and Jelly: We were surprised by how much it tastes like the real thing. It’s made from the “Peanut Butter Moo’d” smoothie with a subtle hint of sweet blueberries. Beware, however, that the drink is quite filling. Pink Star: Meant to taste like a pink starburst, we thought it tasted more like strawberry lemonade. Red Gummi: The staff’s favorite because of its slight candy aftertaste and resemblance to a red gummi bear. Sour Patch Kids: Combining the White Gummi flavor with lemonade, the sourness of this drink overpowered any other flavors. Strawberries Dreamin’: This discontinued flavor was widely disliked. It tasted like a creamy watered-down strawberry smoothie. Strawberry Shortcake: Another discontinued flavor, it blends strawberry sweetness with creamy yogurt and a touch of lemonade. Thank You Jesus: This soymilk variation of “Strawberry Surf Rider” is a staff favorite due to its fusion of sweet and creamy flavors. White Gummi: The staff mostly agreed that it tastes more like mango than white gummi bear but was delicious. It’s the most popular secret flavor - they even have a button for it on the cash register.

The quintessential student internship usually involves a combination of filing, reorganizing, stapling, and drinking coffee. However, for Carter ’10, her typical summer day included mixing, chopping, baking and tasting in the kitchen of Lucques, Suzanne Goin’s ’84 first restaurant. “I worked in the pastry kitchen. It’s been absolutely amazing,” Carter said. Carter came in each morning, put her apron on, and waited for her first assignment. “They’ve been incredibly generous in what they allow me to do. They trust that I won’t screw up,” Carter said. Manager of Lucques Matt Duggan said he immediately saw Carter’s potential. “We always have people audition to prove themselves, so we brought Carter in for a day. Although she didn’t have as much experience as older applicants, she had a terrific attitude and a great work ethic. That goes a long way in a kitchen,” Duggan said. Carter was unsure of what to expect during her audition, she said. “I was beyond nervous. I had to be ready for anything. I got there in the middle of lunch service and was scared to death. I read through Suzanne’s cookbook and the summer dessert menu, but that didn’t give me enough reassurance... I just knew that I had to be organized, clean and willing

to do anything,” Carter said. Carter dealt with many challenges in the kitchen. “It has been a real test of my ability to handle myself in chaotic situations. I often worked during lunch service so the kitchen was fully up and running to put out food. Logistically, it was difficult to work in a tall kitchen; I was always on my tip-toes anytime I was working with giant pots,” Carter said. Goin graduated from Brown University and has since opened three restaurants in the Los Angeles area. Winner of the 2006 Beard Award for Best Chef in California, and awarded three stars for Lucques by the Los Angeles Times, Goin continues to manage her restaurants while caring for three children, all under the age of three. With no professional chef schooling under her belt, Goin proves that passion is the only key ingredient needed for success. “It’s comforting and inspiring that she had no professional training and is so successful… it’s amazing,” Carter said. Carter was nervous meeting Goin. “In my head, she’s a celebrity,” Carter said, but “she’s so humble and down to earth.” Carter will continue to work at Lucques on Sunday mornings during the school year. “It’s such a privilege. I have to pinch myself because it’s so surreal,” Carter said. “It takes its toll emotionally...to this day, I get a little nervous when I walk into the kitchen. But I love the energy and commotion.”


Community In Brief

Faculty get ready to run

Science instructor Elizabeth Ashforth and math instructor Alison Moser are training for marathons. Ashforth is running to raise money for the John Wayne Foundation, an organization that raises money for cancer research, to honor of a friend who passed away. “When my friend died, I made a promise to myself that I’d do something in her memory,” Ashforth said. “Every time I’m out running and feel like giving up - which is often - I think about Rene, and it keeps me going. Nothing can be as bad as chemotherapy every three weeks for years and years.” Ashforth plans to run a half-marathon this November, and she will also run the Buffalo Half-Marathon on Catalina Island in February. She will then run a full marathon later in the year, but she hasn’t decided which marathon yet. Math instructor Alison Moser, who is training with LA Leggers, said that she intends to run the Los Angeles Marathon in late March. However, as part of her training schedule, she will first run the Pasadena Marathon in February. “I got caught up in the excitement of those training for the full marathon,” Moser said. - Tahirah ’12, UV Staff

Violets participate in KCLA cancer walk Two students and four teachers participated in The Lynne Cohen Foundation’s Kickin’ Cancer Walk on San Vicente Blvd. in Brentwood Sept. 13. Participants included science instructor Stacy Sjoberg, math instructors Alison Moser and Melissa Banister, English instructor Mark Krewatch, and students Sophie ’11 and Ileana ’11. The Foundation’s Development Assistant, Kate Nevels ’00, and Najarro interned with Nevels last summer and helped to organize the event. “It was a really fun way to help a great cause,” Sophie said. - Sophie ’10, UV Staff

Say goodbye to club periods Club meetings are a thing of the past, replaced by class or town hall meetings. “A faculty survey was conducted last spring that showed not many club periods were actually being used for club meetings,” Assistant Head of School Laura Hotchkiss said. Twelfth grade dean Alison Moser said that overall classes will have the same amount of meeting time as they had in the past, but they will just be able to concentrate it when they need it the most. “The renaming of the community periods allows each of the individual classes to have the time they need when they need it, and they can therefore have the ‘free’ time when it’s lighter in their schedules at the discretion of the deans,” Moser said. Hotchkiss said she is confident that deans will be conscientious to leave some time for students to do homework. “Like most of my friends, I use club periods to finish homework or get ahead on assignments. Due to the new policy, I will lose some of this time during the day and will have to better plan my study schedules at home,” Devin ’10. Kyanh Tonnu, faculty advisor for the literary magazine The Edge, is worried that clubs that had previously relied on regular club meetings for communication could die out. “However, we will not be affected as long as we are creative with our time now,” Tonnu said. - Brooke ’10, UV Staff


October 5, 2009

Unsung Profile


Aubrey ’11 teaches ballet at Indian orphanage By Rosie ’10 UV Staff

In an environment where hope is scarce, and fun even rarer, Aubrey ’11 offered both while teaching ballet in an orphanage for HIV infected children this summer. Unable to speak Hindi with the orphans, Aubrey found common ground through dance. After deciding she wanted to spend the summer in India, she tried to find a job there by getting in touch with the American consulate and embassy in New Delhi. Those attempts failed, but another contact put Aubrey in touch with Naz orphanage. “It wasn’t what I had planned, but I like kids so it sounded like a good opportunity,” Aubrey said. “My job basically was to keep the kids happy.” Originally Aubrey, a classically trained ballerina, had no plans to teach the kids ballet, but as she interacted with them she realized they would enjoy the activity. “They fell in love with the dancing,” Aubrey said. “It’s already a favorite activity culturally, but they really just loved ballet.” Spending a summer in India was something Aubrey had hoped to do for a long time, especially since her dad frequently travels there for work. “My dad is always going back and forth for work, and I thought it would be a great experience to be able to travel with him and work this summer,” Aubrey said. Aubrey’s dad was excited that she was able to experience India, though her trip

Faculty have lives outside of school?

Photo courtesy of Aubrey REASON TO SMILE: Aubrey Van de Wetering ’11 traveled to India for the summer and ended up teaching dance to children at Naz orphanage, including these two boys.

wasn’t what they expected. “The work didn’t plan out the way she wanted, but she found joy in working with these kids who were just so happy to play with her,” said Steven Aubrey. After working five hours a day for two weeks at the orphanage, Aubrey toured the country. She and her father went to Agra and saw the Taj Mahal and many other Indian landmarks. “It’s really amazing how much you can see in two weeks,” said Aubrey. Although Aubrey does not keep in direct contact with Naz, she is still

Summer brings marriages, and fall will bring babies

New shuttle bus contracted to help community service By Brianne ’10 UV Staff

By Siena ’12 UV Staff

History instructors Helen Mendoza and Andrea Drobnick will take maternity leave later this fall. History and Social Sciences Department Head Catherine Atwell, Middle School Director Robert Bryan, Mendoza, and Drobnick will be interviewing long-term substitute candidates to cover most of the classes, and Atwell will also take over two classes. Drobnick and Mendoza are not the only teachers who are expecting babies. Science instructor Amaria Parker is seven and a half months pregnant with a new baby boy. “It’s exciting having a new person coming into this world. It’s an amazing miracle,” Parker said. Journalism instructor Mark Krewatch is expecting a baby girl in December. He and his family are extremely excited for the little girl, but he said that they would have been happy with a girl or a boy. “All either of us care about is having a healthy baby,” Krewatch said. Drama instructor Doug Lowry and Sara Shapley, long time friends for eight years, tied the knot June 7 at the Rococo Room in Café Santorini, Pasadena. They began their relationship by hiking Runyon Canyon together as friends after initially meeting while working backstage on a play. Lowry was the technical coordinator, and Shapely was the stage manager. The couple chose June 7 because it was on the same week of their birthdays,

interested in their work, especially with the orphan’s clinic. Due to bigger hospitals, the clinic is in danger of being shut down. “I am going to continue supporting the orphanage because they have barely enough funding for the medicine so there will be bake sales [at Marlborough],” Aubrey said. It only cost 200 American dollars to run the clinic, because American dollars have a much higher value than Rupees. Aubrey plans to go back next summer and continue her work as an up-lifter and dance instructor for the orphans.

Photo courtesy of Lowry

JUST MARRIED: Doug Lowry and wife Sara Shapley married in June and spent their honeymoon hiking in Northern California.

creating a week full of celebration. For their honeymoon, they went to Northern California to hike. Lowry said his favorite memories of the marriage process were “the look she had on her face when she got her engagement ring,” and “the moment she walked into the room in her wedding dress.” Development Office Assistant Elizabeth Densmore recently married Andrew Culver, her boyfriend of three years on Aug. 8. They had a Catholic wedding at Our Lady of the Lake in Lake Arrowhead. One of her favorite things about the wedding preparation was the time she spent with her family and friends, Densmore said. “It was fun working with my mom on all of it. I have four younger sisters, and I’m the first to get married so everyone is excited,” she said. Densmore and Culver had a two-day honeymoon in San Diego, and are also planning a trip to Madrid, Spain this summer.

A Tumbleweed shuttle will be available for the community service program starting in October to aid transporting students to various service projects, such as arts and crafts projects at St. John of God Retirement and Care Center and tutoring at Third Street School. Laura Hotchkiss, assistant head of school and director of upper school, petitioned for a shuttle after learning about the transportation difficulties from community service participants through Laurie Brown, director of community service. Transportation was difficult last year because “many parents worked and were unavailable to drive after school,” Brown said. Ensuring safety and opening more opportunities for student to participate were also important reasons, Brown said. “Our hope is that this [shuttle] will more efficiently and safely transport students to a variety of community service venues,” Hotchkiss said. Brown said that she plans on using the shuttle for a new gardening project at the Alexandria House and Junior Service League trips to Shriner’s Hospital. The shuttle, which holds twelve people, must be planned in advance. At the end of each month, Brown will notify Tumbleweed when she needs its services. Brown said that she is very excited for the shuttle. “It’s a really nice addition to support the community service program,” Brown said.



October 5, 2009

Don’t call it a library... Atwell leads way IT’S H THE ISTOR Y MA KIN IN G

By Cami ’10, Celine ’11 and Colleen ’10 UV Staff

While most girls take notes in binders and notebooks, AP World History students in D202 use state -of-the-art tablet computers to not only inscribe lectures, but also to annotate primary documents. New academic classrooms in Munger Hall serve as experimental learning spaces highly visible to the school community. History and Social Sciences Department Head Catherine Atwell, who teaches in one of the them, hopes her “fish bowl” room with floor to ceiling windows encourages faculty to incorporate innovative teaching techniques. “This is not the typical history lecture course. It’s an experiment,” she said. AP World students, such as Ariella ’11, can save their tabletwritten notes on free flash drives and annotate them at home. “When I get home I like to read the book and add to them (the saved tablet notes), so the PC tablets are the perfect mixture of computers and writing,” she said. Atwell said the history department wants to bring primary sources to the forefront of teaching, and this technology can help students interpret those resources and make visual connections. Using SmartSync, a program on the tablets, and the SmartBoard, students can work on the same project simultaneously from their own laptops, and then post projects to the SmartBoard to compare approaches with their peers. “We’re only just beginning to figure out what to do with all the technology that is available to us now,” Atwell said. “We can create a visual multimedia timeline, and

students can create their own resources that will be helpful and meaningful to them.” Atwell said students will also be able to receive more immediate feedback by taking online quizzes and tests. She will be able to monitor student progress and instantly see what topics they are having the most difficulty with. A document camera feature that will be added to the SmartBoards soon will give teachers the freedom to broadcast any visual aid to the entire class. This will initiate a more “organic and spontaneous form of interaction generated by the students,” Atwell said. Atwell’s classroom serves as a model for incorporating technology into the school’s curriculum in the future, said Associate Director of Academic Technology Victor Ortiz. He said now that most of the resources are in place, the future of Munger Hall relies on how students and faculty utilize them. “The way we learn today is changing. We are trying to find the best ways of learning whether through conversation, reading, small group projects and incorporate technology with it,” he said. Ortiz pointed out the significance of calling the building an Academic Resource Center (ARC) as opposed to a library. “It frees up the way we think of using this center,” he said. Ortiz hopes that in addition to a meeting place for students and faculty, the ARC could become a place for the community to come together. He suggests that the space could be used by clubs for poetry readings or to show movies. From her classroom, Atwell will learn the aspects that work well and teachers can incorporate them into more classes. “It’s just a space and how we use it is going to define it,” she said.

Student Voices “I like the amount of space the most. Last year, it felt like we were all kinda squished.” -Clara Mokri ’14 “I feel like we need the green lines back to at least organize the clutter and keep it in one space.” -Genesis Ahtty ’11 “It’s so new that I can’t really find anything to not like about it.” -Lena Ethington ’15 “I like the lounge sofas the most. It feels like bringing home to Munger Hall.” -Kelsey Henry ’11

REWRITING HISTORY: Ryanne ’11 takes notes on a Tablet PC during her AP World class. Atwell’s classroom is now outfitted with 18 new laptops.


Librarian merges tech and books OLD RCH, RESEA LS OO NEW T By Cassidy ’10 UV Staff

Nichole Julian, the new librarian, sat in one of the Academic Resource Center’s study rooms, chatting away with a friendly smile about her love for helping students and conducting research on silly topics, such as the history of the Easter Bunny. Then she slips into the conversation that her favorite literature is dark humor - books about post-apocalyptic worlds and grimy slaughterhouses. That wide range of interests and curiosity extends far beyond just her taste in literature. As the former assistant instructor coordinator at the University of Southern California, Julian combines both the skills of a conventional librarian with her interests in new technologies. She was hired this summer, beginning her time at the school by unpacking thousands of books and organizing the new space in the ARC. “It’s exciting because there are no expectations for the space – we as a school get to decide everything. We are creating the new rules together as an institution,” Julian said. Victor Ortiz, associate director of academic technology, said Julian was hired because she is not imitated by the new

CELINE ’11/UV ON DUTY: Nichole Julian shelves books in the ARC. As the new librarian, she will incoportate technology with traditional research methods.

integration of computer labs and extensive technology in the ARC. She was very involved with technology on the USC campus, and in college she studied how humans interact with websites in terms of what they respond to positively and negatively. “She has experience working with new media and new technology in a library setting. She’s well versed in new ways to learn using technology, plus she has a wealth of knowledge as a traditional librarian,” said Ortiz. Julian believes that helping students with online research is important. “I love teaching students how to find information and

help making the process [of researching] better,” Julian said. “My job is to provide research no matter their research needs. Most people don’t realize that finding good info isn’t a huge battle.” When asked why she became a librarian, she smiled and said she enjoyed helping and interacting with students. “I almost always learn new things from the students, and for me, it’s really all about continuing to learn to grow,” Julian said. Julian spoke to eighth grader Sydney’s Global Studies class about using the web portal. “She’s very descriptive and very easy to understand,” said Sydney. “She fits in very well.”


The UltraViolet


Posin heads technology department NEW FA OF T ECH CE AID By Heather ’11 UV Staff

Waiting on hold when calling the school used to mean silence, the twiddling of thumbs and extreme boredom. However, thanks to Stuart Posin, the new director of academic and administrative technology, the school’s callers

ILEANA ’11/UV TECH SAVVY: Stuart Posin assists Genesis ’11 and Hannah ’12 with a new Mac laptop, one of his many duties as director of academic and administrative technology.





will now hear the melodies of Chamber Choir while on hold. No one asked Posin to make that small change. He just recognized the opportunity to make something better, and that’s what his job is all about. As the new leading “idea man” for the technology department, he will look for the best ways to integrate electronics within the academic curriculum and the Academic Resource Center, as well as work with staff and students to enhance the use of information technology, from the phones to the computer server, across the campus. Fran Holtzman worked with Posin at Buckley, where he was director of technology for six years. As Buckley’s receptionist, she experienced the impact of his leadership firsthand and calls him a “genius at his craft.” “He came to Buckley in his middle twenties, brought technology to new heights in a very short time, and probably changed our school forever,” she said in an email. Posin considers himself an optimist and is confident about the technology department reaching its goals. “I’m one hundred percent

... it’s an

confident. We’ll always find a way [to get things done],” he said. “My job isn’t new to me,” he added. With Posin brainstorming and overseeing technology, Ida Dahan, associate director of administrative technology, said that she and Victor Ortiz, associate director of academic technology, will have more time to focus on the smaller aspects of their department. “We felt we needed somebody who would look at technology from a bigger point of view while the rest of us focus on day to day stuff,” Dahan said. As a graduate of Campbell Hall, Posin has known about Marlborough for a while and was attracted to the idea of working here. “I wanted to be a part of the best of the best,” he said. Posin is not just a techie, but a foodie and a family guy as well. Dahan noted that Posin’s face lights up when he talks about his wife and 22-month-old son, Noah. The family enjoys spending time together in their home garden, which includes a plethora of different fruits and vegetables.

MAC: Michelle ’10 works on a MacBook Pro laptop, one of 18 in the new Mac lab.





Macs make their return

By Madeline ’12 UV Staff

PC: Lucia Hernandez ’12 takes full advantage of the new PC computer lab after school while she works on homework. CELINE ’11/UV

The technology department has put its faith in PCs for most of the 21st Century. The school had a Mac lab in the 1990s, but demand for the Macs wasn’t high and many were moved to the photography classroom, where they were put to better use, said Ida Dahan, associate director of administrative technology. Recently, though with more students preferring Macs, many girls only used the PC desktops that filled both student labs of the Mudd Computer Center for quick assignments or printing. As a result, the school decided, for the ARC, to dedicate one of the two new computer labs solely to Macs. Victor Ortiz, associate director of academic technology, said the

school decided to incorporate Macs because of their popularity and the multiple opportunities the computers offer. “They’re a great machine for multimedia,” said Ortiz. Stuart Posin, director of academic and administrative technology, said students should be familiar with both Windows and Mac OS X. “It is very important for all computer users to be fluent in all major operating systems,” he said. The new labs are also frequently used by full classes and offer “a good opportunity for teachers and students who wanted to try to do different things with multimedia,” Dahan said.. Frequent users of the labs are the language classes, which had a dedicated language lab in Mudd. Though they often use the PCs because they are loaded with the language program Sanako, some

teachers, such as French instructor Elizabeth Vitanza, use the Mac lab too, because it’s the preference of so many students. When classes aren’t in the Mac lab, it is typically packed with students, despite hitches early in the year including printer problems, bad Wi-Fi connections, and the inability to save any files to the school network. “I couldn’t start my senior page for yearbook because of the new computers. It’s very frustrating that the Macs aren’t connected to the network,” said Lindsay ’10. Dahan said this period of difficulty is transitory. The technology department is working hard to get everything fixed However, many students are already happy. “I’m really thankful that they’re here now,” said Marlyse ’13.


October 5, 2009


The UltraViolet

‘Hancock Park’ fails to impress Kaplan’s novel has generated plenty of hype as a Marlborough “tell-all,” but the writing falls short By Cassidy ’10 and Casey ’10 UV Staff


19TH CENTURY IMMERSION: “Pride and Prejudice,” a play based on Jane Austen’s classic novel, will force the cast to live in a new world and overcome many challenges during the two months of rehearsals. The students, including Kat Lynch ’11, Sarah Klein’11, Sarah White ’12, in the picture above and to the left, must be able to act and move naturally in long skirts. The actors must also learn the International Phonetics Alphabet, bottom right, in order to perform in a uniform British dialect. In addition, the Guild is building an ambitious set, sketched top right.

All-school play to perform ‘Pride and Prejudice’ By Elyse ’12 UV Staff

Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” demands that the cast of the all-school play portray the intense emotions of unrequited love and the disaster of first impressions within the conservative etiquette of the 19th century. Even tougher, the students will have to deliver this in British dialect. Throughout rehearsals, Performing Arts Department Head Anne “Coach” Scarborough will be working with the actors to make sure that they all sound like they’re in the same play, which is being directed by drama instructor Gleason Bauer. At Coach’s first rehearsal with the actors last Friday, she told them that the goal is not necessarily authenticity. “It’s better for the audience to understand you, than for your dialect to be perfect,” Coach said. The actors will use IPA - International Phonetics Alphabet – to help them get their

pronunciation right. Coach started them off by giving a key of the IPA dictionary, a kind of Rosetta Stone for dialects. She emphasized that when speaking in a British dialect, it is important to say every consonant separately and distinctly. She had the actors work on a “delicious” line from the play, meaning a line where the words would lose their power in American dialect, but would come across as exaggerated and luscious in a British accent. “It was a lot of fun working on placing my voice in different parts of my body, and playing with pitches and emphasis. It can completely change the deliverance and meaning of a line,” Allie ’12 said. Pronunciation can also be physical work. Coach asked them to recite their lines while adding a physical attribute, such as pretending to pinch the line, tickle the line, elbow the line, or crush the line with their foot. The exercise shows the effect your body language has on your voice and expression. “Let your body do what it wants to,”

Coach said. The play, adapted from the book by Jon Jory, presents challenges beyond the dialect. Director Bauer said she chose it because it’s a real contrast to the two plays put on last year, “The Secret Life of Trees” and “Urine Town.” Both plays were satirical and even somewhat surreal, their themes and language directly rooted towards 21st century concerns. On the other hand, “Pride and Prejudice” is a realistic drama that takes place in the 19th century. “This play takes place in a very different world. Because of this, the girls will have to learn the mannerisms, dialect and physicality of that time period,” Bauer said. That includes learning how to move in big, frilly long dresses. They’ll also be doing that on an innovative set being put together by drama instructor Doug Lowry and his Guild Club – one where the audience watches from the stage and the actors perform on the floor of Caswell. The play will take place Nov. 5 at 3 p.m. and Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. in Caswell Hall.

New dance concert gives chance to all ByCecelia ’13 UV Staff

Outside the dance studio in Caswell Hall, the sound of chattering dancers’ voices can be heard from fifty paces away. The music starts and everything goes quiet. An amazing feat, considering there are over twenty students, the majority in Middle School, packed into the fairly small practice room. But with only seven weeks to prepare for the Nov. 20 concert, and only being able to rehearse after school because they don’t share a common class period, focus is required. This year, dance instructor Laura Iacuessa wanted students who are not enrolled in dance classes to have more opportunities to perform, so she organized a concert ranging all grades, skill levels, and dance genres. Usually, the first major concert is choreographed by the department and is showcased during the winter. Five guest choreographers, all from different dance backgrounds, were invited to Marlborough to help develop the performances and provide a taste of the

dancing world outside of the school. “The basic message that I want to get across is that there is a place for everyone to dance whether you’re a beginner level dancer or an advanced level student,” said Iacuessa. “My main goal was just providing an indulgent, diverse experience for anyone who wanted to dance.” Another major difference with the concert is that everyone from different grades and levels of experience were able to audition. Many participating students are from the Middle School, which has helped promote bonding between grades. “I really think that this concert has helped the seventh graders get to know the students better than usual,” said Katerina ’13. Iacuessa hopes the guest choreographers will also help add diversity to the performance. Jennifer Bondy, a dancer and actor working in New York, specializes in jazz. Zari Le’on heads an ensemble of female African Hip-Hop dancers; Stephanie Simpson is a tap dancer who worked at the Musical Theater of Los Angeles’s


NEW KICKS: Guest choreographer Stephanie Simpson works with Anna Silk ’14 on a tap dance. Dance instructors want to create new opportunities for student dancers, whether or not they are enrolled in classes at school.

ragtime production; Dena Berman is a contemporary dancer who has taught at numerous colleges and companies; and Jordan Wentz has choreographed Hip-Hop since she was 14 and will be in “Bring it On: Fight to the Finish.”

Excitement churned through the student body – our own recent alum, Isabel Kaplan ’08, had written an entire novel while in high school and recently published the book, “Hancock Park.” It was quickly labeled a Los Angeles Times Bestseller, and the media was abuzz with interviewing Kaplan in newspapers and talk shows. And best of all, the book was about Marlborough, about us. Yet the newspaper articles, interviews, and publicity on “Hancock Park” failed to mention the writing or content of the book. Instead they focused on Kaplan’s well-connected parents and the feat of writing and publishing a novel at such a young age. Nobody reviewed the novel – likely for the simple reason that, beyond the hype, it wasn’t a good read. The plot was predictable, and the writing often cliched. “Hancock Park” sounded more like a whiny teen’s diary than a published work of fiction. Kaplan’s “Hancock Park” is about a junior at Whitbread High School in L.A., who lives in a world of wealth and fame, dealing with divorced parents, a cocky younger brother, numerous therapists, and her school’s “mean girls.” The book seems to try to emulate “Gossip Girl” but falls short: its take on wealthy, troubled teenaged girls is just too tired. It rarely takes advantage of the glam setting of L.A. it advertises on its cover. It instead focuses on the more ordinary aspects of the everyday teen life, which would be all right, but she offers no new insight. There is no point in even bothering to pretend that “Whitbread” is not Marlborough: the advisory bell chimes exactly at 7:50 and lasts until exactly 7:57, they eat on Larchmont, put their backpacks behind “purple” lines , and the school is working on a $65 million construction project, which includes the infamous cake “model” of the building from 2007. There’s even a mini-Ms. Hotchkiss, complete with an array of Facebook drama and perfect hair. Yet in an interview with the UltraViolet, Kaplan said, “I didn’t write Hancock Park to be a novel about Marlborough. Hancock Park is fiction, although the school in the book, Whitbread, does share things in common with Marlborough. As a friend pointed out to me this summer, there are only so many all-girls schools located at the corner of Rossmore and 3rd in Hancock Park...” As readers, we don’t mind if the novel is based on Marlborough or not. But we do care that by using such specific details, she didn’t even attempt to disguise her complete lack of creativity in the novel. From the boyfriend-stealing friend, to the petty drama, to the self-revealing speech that ties everything up perfectly at the conclusion, we’ve just all heard this same story way too many times before.



October 5, 2009


Seaver Gallery impresses yet lacks students Although the gallery is complete and state-ofthe-art, it is mostly unused throughout the day, except during classes. By Brianne ’10 UV Staff

Upstairs, the bustling noise of students at work or socializing on the purple, comfy chairs enlivens the Academic Resource Center, but downstairs, the Seaver Gallery is lifeless. Past the gallery’s glass doors, the unused benches, rows of student artwork hanging on the walls and displaying in glass boxes, and television’s blank black screen convey an aura of emptiness. Students are not taking full advantage of the Seaver Gallery. Gina Woodruff, visual arts department head, said she definitely feels lonely and thinks the lack of comfortable chairs and the no food restriction play a role in the absence of students. “It seems very quiet and empty. People have to get used to coming down here. I’m waiting for someone to realize they can hang out there. I don’t get it,” Woodruff said. Woodruff plans to attract more people to the first floor of Munger Hall by having more events, along with non-student art exhibits, in the gallery space. “It’s a multi-use space, not just a gallery,” said Woodruff. However, Woodruff remains hopeful that students will congregate in the gallery when the weather changes. The majority of students interviewed said they don’t make the trip down to the gallery because “it’s out of the way” or they didn’t know it was a place to hangout. Students said that hosting more events and permitting food would attract students. Natalie ’12 said the gallery is a place to view art, not to relax. “It should be peaceful to view art,” Chehrazi said. Evelyne ’10 said that students may be nervous to dirty the pristine gallery. “It’s so new, and you don’t want to make a mess of it, so they want you to stay here [Academic Resource Center] and make your money’s worth,” Evelyne said. Juniors said the Collins Room eliminates their need to go to the gallery, which was a junior hangout area before construction. Ari ’11 said she uses the Collins Room because it bonds the junior class. “It’s a designated space and a good way for everyone in the grade to come together. You can socialize with other people that you normally wouldn’t socialize with,” Ari

NEW HALLS OF LEARNING: Above, Rose ’10 and Head of School Barbara Wagner discuss her hand-made book during the Senioritis exhibit Oct. 1 in the Seaver Gallery. Top right, Schessa ’12 works in the painting studio, using a new easel to work on her charcoal drawing. Bottom right, the beginning ceramics class uses their hands and simple tools to create art before moving on to more advanced techniques.

said. Lea ’11 said she also prefers the Collins Room because it’s conveniently located. “It’s right next to the library, and I like to work in the study rooms. It’s a quiet, comfortable environment, and if I need to ask my friends a question, they’re right there,” she said. However, the Seaver Gallery is widely used by art classes, which are taking advantage of the new technologies, space, and supplies. The ceramics and metals studio now includes a kiln room, a spray booth to glaze ceramic projects or to air brush paint on a painting, and small kiln to do fused glass projects – all which are the results of the room’s expansion. No art supplies are out of place in the ceramics studio. Instead, they’re stowed in cabinets or visibly on a shelf, perfectly arranged by color or size. Students keep their projects and supplies in either their cubbies or one of the 72 lockers located underneath the main work table. The painting studio also has a SmartBoard that’ll be used for perspective drawing lessons, twelve easels, and additional sinks. Haley ’10 is currently working on a painting for her special studies class using the new easels. She said she enjoys using them in tandem with the natural light. “It’s a totally different experience [using the easels] than sitting hunched over


HAND-BUILDING: The beginning ceramics class works in the new Munger Hall.


your painting. It’s lighter than the dark rooms we had before. If you’re looking at a piece, there wasn’t a light source because the light was coming from straight down. Now, there’s one for still life,” Haley said. The visual arts studio, where art instructor Chelsea Dean teaches, now has a SmartBoard, three printing presses, and increased table size. Dean said that students enjoy the different work spaces because they can collaborate with each other or do research on the computers. The photography studio features five new Macs, a film dryer, 36 lockers for student storage, a silver recovery system, a studio, enlargers, a film load room, and a Smart board. In addition, the larger dark room features a stereo occasionally tuned to 102.7 FM and a “dark room in use” sign above the entrance door. Photography instructor Judith Tanzman said her favorite part of the room is the shoot studio because “it opens up doors for a lot of potential, exciting projects.” The neatness of all the classrooms has helped students in their work, Tanzman said. She also said that “the fact that everything has a place” allows “the work flow to work so much better than any of the other places,” Tanzman said. The digital arts studio is now its own “dedicated space,” said Ida Dahan, associate director of administrative technology. The studio also has an editing bay, a projector and screen, 16 new MACs, and wider desks to account for more working space. One unifying factor among each room is the abundance of space, which allows a higher level of organization for each teacher. Each art instructor also has his or

her own office that’s sectioned off within the classroom. Each classroom has about 30 columns of clear bins in rolling carts, so all of the tools are visible. However, many of these new drawers aren’t full. When asked about if there is an excess amount of space, Art instructor Kathy Rea laughed and said, “There’s never such a thing as too much space.” Students are very appreciative of the large amount of space. Ellie ’14 and Ella ’14, who are in Rea’s Foundations class, like the individual spaces designated for student supplies and projects. “Before in the modular village, it was super-unorganized and you couldn’t find anything, but now we have our own sketch boards and cubbies,” said Ellie. Yehros said the organization helps cleaning-up projects. “Having a lot more space makes it more enjoyable because you don’t need to worry about cleaning up because there’s a space for everything,” said Ella. Another obvious feature of each classroom is the bright, omnipresent natural light. The light encompasses the whole room, highlighting the features of each room, student artwork in progress, and equipment. The exposed ceiling also helps spread the natural light around each classroom. Dean said the exposed ceiling “helps in the way we perceive space,” and that the light is more “welcoming” and “invigorates students.” Rea said the natural light also helps with painting on the easels because “the colors are more true to reality.” “It [natural light] creates the type of place where they [students] want to be creative,” said Dean.


October 5, 2009


The UltraViolet

Athletic Dept. stretches to hire athletic trainer By Casey ’10 UV Staff

In the newly transformed cardio room, Colleen Whalin, the school’s first athletic trainer, stretches students out on massage tables and provides ice for injuries. With every student, Whalin asks “How is your back?” or “How is that ankle holding up?” Every day from one to five in the afternoon, Whalin works with students and coaches to ensure that athletes are staying healthy and taking care of injuries. Whalin’s primary responsibilities are prevention, treatment, emergency response, and rehabilitation. Whalin’s job also includes communication with coaches, doctors, and parents. “I am a direct line of contact for coaches. This is really important to me, to make sure we are all on the same page,” CASEY ’10/UV Whalin said. The process of getting a trainer was a STRETCHING STRENGTH: New athletic trainer, Colleen Whalin stretches out Elizabeth Budenholzer ’13 on the massage table in the cardio long one, Athletic Director David Collicutt room. Athletic Director David Collicutt had been trying to hire a trainer, a position he considers integral, since he arrived in 1999. said. Since 1999, he has been working hard We needed someone to fill that role, said Leah ’10 worked with Whalin during J to get an athletic trainer. Collicutt. period soccer. “She had really good drills,” With 60% of the student body With the new athletic trainer came a said Leah “she was knowledgeable on the participating in sports new design to the cardio best ways to exercise.” “We would have liked a Stretch, Stretch, Stretch! room, now a place for trainer a long time ago,” “ We would have liked to Leah also worked with Whalin in a Whalin to work with “I don’t think this gets emphasized Collicutt said. have a trainer a long time students. There are two medical context because Leah is suffering enough,” Whalin said. This is the most He also said that massage chairs, where from an injury. ago.” important thing that can be done to the process took so she stretches athletes out, “It’s really great to have someone like David Collicutt prevent injuries. long because there was and a treadmill. The rest this on campus,” said Leah. no pressure to hire an Athletic Director of the machines are now Whalin says she is enjoying her first athletic trainer. in the east side of the Know your body few weeks at school. “Everyone’s been “Most schools have a gym. Knowing how your body responds to trainer, because they have a football team, Whalin plans to make more changes really helpful and nice,” Whalin said. Whalin’s only complaint is that she is competitions will help catch injuries and football teams are required to have an in the athletics department. She wants to athletic trainer on staff.” early. If something starts to hurt, don’t establish a strong athletic training program. stuck in the basement of the gym all afternoon The number of students participating She wants to start educating and informing long, so she makes an effort to go out and see ignore it. in athletics is steadily increasing, Collicutt students on how to be more aware of how to more of the campus and students. said. It is in the nature of athletes to get stay safe when competing and exercising. Whalin’s services are open to all Warm-up and cool-down! injured, Collicutt said, and with more She is already in the process of completing students. Although she works primarily students participating in sports, the school these goals. Allowing time to stretch after practice could no longer rely on physical ducation Whalin has worked with some students with student athletes, other students should prevents soreness and later injuries. instructors Naoto Tashiro and Tinka during J period to help with conditioning feel free to come see her in the cardio Brown to provide help with all the injuries. and preventative exercises, Collicutt said. room, Whalin said.

Whalin’s Tips

Varsity volleyball succeeds in early season tournaments New coach toughens up varsity volleyball’s schedule to ensure a successful season By Cami ’10 UV Staff


SENDING A MESSAGE: Jessica ’12 leaps

for a serve against Ramona Convent, the volleyball team’s Sunshine League opener, last Thursday night. The team won handily, 3-0, continuing the momentum they built over several strong wins in early season tournaments.

New head volleyball coach Becky Green, the team’s third head coach in three years, doesn’t want her team to think anyone is unbeatable. She has added additional practice sessions and scrimmaging, and so far the result has been strong - in the Gahr tournament, the team beat both Mayfair and Brentwood, ranked first in CIF’s divisions 3-AA and 3-A respectively. The team next moves into its Sunshine League schedule, where rivals Marymount and Notre Dame Academy are ranked near the top of division 1-A. “For this year, my hope is that the seniors get to leave school with a league banner, or at least having beaten a team that they used to think that they couldn’t,” said Green on her wishes for this season. This is Green’s second year working with the school. Last year, she was the junior varsity coach. Her assistant for the season is freshmen coach Elise Carstensen. Under Green’s new schedule, players

practice Monday, Wednesday, and Friday “The level of the schools we play in the before school from 6:00 to 7:30, and on tournament are different from the ones we Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 to play during the season, but it was good to 7:00. be able to work on playing,” said Chelsea “This year I wanted the practices to be ’10. half skill work and half actual playing. This This year, the team includes eight way, they work on being competitive and it seniors. gets them ready for the actual games,” said “The majority of seniors hasn’t been Green. a problem, we all really Students have found get along,” said Jessica the heavier work load “This year has been ’12. of more practices and harder and definitely Focus has also moved greater concentration to bonding, with planned on playing a challenge. more intense.” activities together on the “This year has been weekends. Olivia ’10 harder and definitely “The bonding this year more intense,” said hasn’t been that much of a Olivia ’10. challenge. Most of these Also, Green added more games and girls have been playing together since tournaments to the team’s schedule, so that seventh grade, so they know how to work on average, the team will play between together,” said Carstensen. two and four games each week and over “We are really hopeful for the season, the weekends. we did well in the tournament and we hope Starting the season with the Gahr and that will help us against some of the harder Saugus Invitationals, the team lost two teams we have to play,” said Coco ’10. games and won four.



October 5, 2009

Katherine ’12 emerges as strong asset to cross country


“Kit Kat” has already cut her three-mile time down by 1 minute and 4 seconds. By Elyse ’12 UV Staff

In each race, Katherine ’12 placed one foot in front of the other, taking each step with more purpose and confidence than the last. Through most of last year, Katherine saw herself as a soccer player. But in the spring, she ran track for the first time to keep in shape and this summer she was the first woman to place at the College of the Canyons meet, which made her realize that running might be her forte. This year, she’s helping the cross country team try to win back the Sunshine League. Guided by Coach Grant, the head coach of the track and cross country team, Katherine held a personal record of 18 minutes and 58 seconds in the three mile race during last year’s track season. At the Rosemead Invitational meet this season, she improved her record by a minute and four seconds. Coach Grant can already see great promise in Tercek, and pushed her during practice to be her best. “We are going for the gusto with Katherine and are hoping she’ll win CIF,” Grant said. Danielle ’10, the cross country team captain and a running veteran, who has placed with a 17 minutes and six

Photo courtesy of Tercek

RUN IT: Katherine Tercek ’12 first started running on the track team last spring as a way to keep in shape for soccer, which she considered her primary sport. She continued running this summer, and after running the fastest women’s time at a College of the Canyons cross country race in August, running started to become her first-place passion.

seconds Marlborough record in League Finals last year at Griffith Park, is appreciative of Tercek being on the team. She enjoys that Katherine, as well as other teammates, are there to give her more of a competitive edge. “I really like that there’s

someone there to push me, and as the team improves, the competition also gives me a chance to get better,” Danielle said. Running only started out as an afterschool activity for Katherine but ended up becoming her

deepest passion. “Running for me is calming and relaxing, it’s something I love and feel good doing,” Katherine said. This ardent passion for running began because Katherine’s parents had work and needed her to stay after school on most days of the week, so she needed to exercise close to home. However, as the season progressed her connection and motivation to practice evolved into something more. Over the summer, Katherine followed a rigorous routine in which she’d wake up early almost every day to practice. She also attended J period with the rest of the cross country team in which they’d practice on Mondays and Wednesdays in Griffith Park. During the practice, they ran the challenging hills known as the “agony” and the “sand hill,” and at Mt. Sac, they ran “switch backs,” the “reservoir,” and the “poop out.” Running on the cross country team this year, Katherine hopes to improve her time and be a positive contributor to the team. “I’m looking forward to a great season not only for myself but for the team as a whole,” Katherine said.

Cross Country Updates Oct. 15 Immaculate Heart: The team’s next league meet at the Griffith Park home course. Come out and support! Oct. 1 Ramona Convent: The team won its league opener to Ramona Convent last Thursday afternoon at Griffith Park. The win is the first step toward possibly recapturing the Sunshine League title. Stanford Invitational: Runners Nailah ’10, Katherine ’12, and Danielle ’10 participated in the highprofile Stanford Invitational Sept. 26. On a tough day that included high temperatures and a longer than usual course, none of the runners placed. Don Busco Invitational: Senior Danielle came in first place during the team’s first race of the season Sept. 12. Alexa ’11 placed 37th with a time of 22:55 during the three-mile long race.

Rebuilding varsity tennis hopes for winning season

will bode well for Marlborough in the future.” UV Staff Jones is not the only one who Despite tough, lopsided sees potential in the team. losses to powerhouses Santa “I think that we have such a Barbara and Harvard-Westlake, great group of girls who are willing early victories against Archer to work hard on their tennis all and Notre Dame have given the season long, so we have a good varsity tennis team the confidence season ahead of us,” said secondthat it needs to rebound after a year team captain Lauren. “We difficult 2008 season. are focused on not only winning Last year, the league this team, depleted by year, but also graduations and a “We want to win on improving couple top players each other’s league... I don’t think deciding not to play, individual went 4-7 under new there’s anyone on our game.” coach Dale Jones, team who doesn’t have Her coaches and its streak of 10 and teammates straight Sunshine that desire.” fully agree. League titles came “Last year India ’12 was to an end. hard This year, players because we hope things will be lost a lot of different. With a new attitude and players,” said sophomore India focus on each player’s individual ’12. game, the girls are working “This year we all want to harder, and benefiting from their work as hard as we can, and we efforts, players said. want to win league, and I don’t Jones said he began the season think there’s anyone on our team with intense tryouts in order to who doesn’t have the desire,” she “secure the most competitive added players we could get” and “reAfter taking a 16-2 loss to establish a philosophy that Harvard-Westlake on Thursday, winners play for Marlborough.” the team has a chance to get back He said the tryouts resulted on the winning track by beating in strong new players, such as Ramona Convent tomorrow. freshmen Eva ’13 and Lauren If they do, their record will be ’13. He said he expects to give 2-0 in the Sunshine League, “a lot of playing time to our and hope will remain strong for younger, hungrier players that taking back the league title. By Tahirah ’12

Scores and Highlights Golf


Varsity (2-0)

Varsity (4-2)

Sept. 24 - Mustangs 283 Oaks Christian School 306

Sept. 12 - Mustangs 1 Rosary HS 3

Oct. 1 - Mustangs 263 Oaks Christian School 282


7th/8th Grade (0-0) Oct. 6 - Mustangs vs. Crossroads MS Oct. 8 - Mustangs vs. Chaminade MS

Cross Country Varsity Sept. 12 - Don Busco Invitational Danielle Van De Sande placed 1st in the 3 mile with 19:43

Sept. 14 - Mustangs 3 Brentwood HS 0 Sept. 16 - Mustangs 3 Milikan HS 0 ROSIE’10/UV

Georgia ’10 played number one doubles and won all three of her matches against Notre Dame High School.

Sept. 17 - Mustangs 3 Mayfair HS 0 Oct. 1 - Mustangs 3 Ramona Convent HS 0

Junior Varsity (2-0)


Sept. 17 - Mustangs 2 Archer HS 0

Varsity (2-2)

Oct. 1 - Mustangs 2 Ramona Convent HS 0

Sept. 11 - Mustangs 11 Archer HS 7 Sept. 16 - Mustangs 3 Santa Barbara HS 15 Oct. 1 - Mustangs 2 Harvard-Westlake HS 16

Junior Varsity (1-1) Sept. 24 - Mustangs 11 Notre Dame HS 7 Oct. 1 - Mustangs 0 Harvard-Westlake HS 6


Varsity Oct. 6 - Mustangs vs Marymount HS

8th Grade Oct. 6 - Mustangs vs Page School

7th Grade Oct. 6 - Mustangs vs Harvard-Westlake HS



October 5, 2009

The UltraViolet


Just wait young ones, it will get better faith10



Volleyball tournament conflicts with ACT

Varsity Volleyball is easy to spot. They race up the stairs with wet hair and a cold Starbucks in hand, desperately trying to make first period after a tiring morning practice. Playing is no minimal commitment. Girls are asked to wake up at 5 am most mornings, miss days at a time for tournaments, and stay after school until 7. Such a tormenting schedule is not easy for anyone, especially a first semester senior. Recently this demanding schedule and the class of 2010 have run into some conflict. After the team was scheduled to play in the annual Gahr tournament a day before the grueling ACT, players had to make serious decisions about which was more important. Getting back to Marlborough around 7 didn’t seem unreasonable to most of the coaches. However, when one desires to be in bed by 8:30, the tournament is an impediment. When girls requested to miss the game, coaches asked why they couldn’t just change the date of their ACT. Answer: girls were ready to get it over with! Why should they continue to study for an additional month and a half to possibly win the school one volleyball game? While most seniors attended the game, a few, 24 hours before, opted out for a relaxing day and good night’s rest before the exam. Angered by the girls behavior, for reasons including that the Gahr schedule had gone out in July, the athletics department and coach implemented strict penalties on the “ditchers.” Although dedication, commitment, and honor are all important virtues that should be upheld by every Mustang, can we really blame our seniors for sitting this one out? How can the Athletics Department really say that one game in a tournament is more important than a test determining a girl’s future? And even if that is hyperbolic description of the ACT, why schedule a conflicting game in the first place? Gahr tournament aside, as Marlborough girls, we live desiring an impossible level of excellence. We are instructed to take the hardest classes and perform just as well. While this might be attainable for a girl who has hours to work on her academia, our varsity athletes do not have this luxury - so where do they fit in? How are they expected to balance? Although being part of a team infers such dedication, it’s unrealistic for the program to think seniors will risk their first semester, and ultimately everything they’ve accomplished and worked for thus far, for a single volleyball tournament. Girls can’t miss class, lose sleep, and change ACT dates, while still being expected to attain that excellence in all areas of discipline. Perhaps we should just take these conflicts less seriously. After all, since when did school sports become anything more than just playing for the love of the game?

Underground parking not for students One of the common complaints buzzing around campus is that students aren’t allowed to park in the new underground parking lot. After years of construction, Marlborough students have been reaping almost all the benefits of Munger Hall’s glorious addition. Nonetheless, Marlborough girls always find something to whine about. The majority of the students were under the assumption that the faculty AND the students would enjoy the underground parking lot. However, the underground parking lot is reserved for faculty and visitors, and the ground level parking lot is for students - the same set up pre-Munger Hall. The ground level parking doesn’t have enough spaces to accommodate all commuting juniors and seniors, and many girls still find themselves being turned away at 7:45. Although girls might have been wrong to assume that what’s new is theirs, is it really fair they had to endure two years of jack hammers and shuttles from the Ebell for the same difficult parking situation? The main problem is the unpredictability. While some days girls can get in at 7:45, other days they can be turned away at 7:40, leaving girls frustrated and tardy. For now, the only solution is an earlier wake-up for those who wish to snag a free space.

No more club periods

Joni Mitchell once preached, “You don’t know what you got, til it’s gone” and this year Marlborough is experiencing a little “Big Yellow Taxi” syndrome. Instead of regularly scheduled A period club meetings, the calendar is now full of extra class meetings. This year, aside from club fair, there has been only one club period, and there will be no others. Because most clubs meet during lunch, students used the club period to work on homework and study, although the period was never intended to be free time. Additional class meetings now give grade level deans additional flexibility for speakers or special meetings. We understand that having a separate class dedicated to clubs is pointless, but we hope that grade level deans won’t use all the extra scheduled meetings so that we have more time to catch up on homework. Assistant Head of School Laura Hotchkiss said she believes that grade level deans will be conscientious of how many of the class meetings will be used. But so far, most of the grade levels have not had any scheduled meeting time free. We please request that grade level deans keep to Hotchkiss’s word.

UV Contributor

Okay, ladies (or perhaps girls, as I can barely even apply to myself such a genteel term as “lady”), listen up, and listen good.. I have been the seventh grader circling above the upper half of the school four or five times trying to find the elusive science buildings that overlook the pool. I rode the 104 bus route down the windy roads of Sunset Blvd. with the best of them, and furtively parked on the once forbidden Arden with the worst. I speak the wisdom one can only gain from five years of tests, essays, and throngs of hungry girls tearing out each other’s hair for a free Chinese Chicken Salad - so you can trust me when I promise: IT GETS BETTER. To understand my reason for assuring you of this fact, I must revisit the date of September 1, 2009: I had returned home from a flawless, one could almost say, heavenly, first day of senior year. Buzzing with the excitement of seeing all those so familiar faces, I logged on to my Facebook to see what my fellow Marlboroughnians had to say - and I was shocked. Every status I read sounded like a line from a Hamlet soliloquy: there were levels of abject despair in these lines that I had not seen in my entire seventeen years of life. And after I read a handful of these poetically tragic outcries, I found myself laughing. Not because I think the image of you writhing in agony on the floor of your English class over an in-class essay is amusing--no, it was because I suddenly remembered that feeling. I remembered my junior self sitting in the back of Caswell with a dour expression, swearing my revenge upon the construction workers as they drilled their way into the now beautiful Munger Hall. I remember sitting in my living room at midnight weeping over a Chemistry Honors final, the grade of which is now utterly irrelevant. And I definitely remember sitting in pin ceremony, my knees aching from keeping them in that rigid “ladylike” position, wondering, “My God, when is this going to end?” And yes, at the time, every vexation seemed like a scene worthy of a tear jerking documentary. I often lay upon the field with friends during those dozens of slow, stewy April afternoons, as we exchanged half-dreamed plans of running away to the mountains and living some classically unconventional life, to escape the horrors of this soul-sucking establishment. I wish I could save myself some embarrassment in saying we weren’t serious, but I will not lie to readers - we were utterly oblivious to the absurdity of our conversations. Now, as I recline upon the pillowy mounds of furniture in my senior lounge, I realize that, in all honesty, what seemed like the end of the world was really just the end of a day - and usually, the next one worked out just swimmingly. So, to juniors and seventh graders alike, I have one thing to say: suck it up, stick it out, and soon you’ll be laughing with the rest of us.

opinion Face-It


Lower numbers this year turned out to be a positive, and students dedicated to diversity had a life-changing weekend.



UV Contributor

cepting of diverse backgrounds. The school should provide an incentive to attend the retreat, like a no-homework weekend for attendees, in order to pull new members to the program. If the same participants come every year, they will probably learn something new, but the goal of total community involvement is not reached. A no-homework weekend would encourage new students from different grades to be exposed and hopefully head the program when the upper school students leave for college. As an alumni participant of Face-It, I would like to spread the word about the great change they enacted in myself in two days. I want the student body to feel less pressured by outside obligations, and by creating a no-homework weekend for participants, students will be able to devote all their attention to becoming more accepting.

With all the support from the Marlborough community of major fundraising events sponsored by the Marlborough Student Charitable Fund (MSCF), the misinformation persists that MSCF is a private club, a secret society with limited membership. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. Anyone who is interested in being part of MSCF as junior or senior only needs to get involved with Dollars and Sense in the ninth and tenth grades. Completing the course is the only required step before being invited to join MSCF. Dollars and Sense classes are held after school for 4 two-hour sessions. Then students teach several sessions of the concepts they’ve learned to younger children at local after-school programs. Admittedly, people on sports teams or in school plays may not be able to participate, but the invitation to join Dollars and Sense is open to anyone who is interested and has free time after school. For the past two years, MSCF Board members have spoken at ninth grade class meetings to explain Dollars and Sense and its connection to MSCF. Students are encouraged to be part of this unique program. No one who applies is ever dropped from Dollars and Sense. Invitations are still mailed to remind ninth grade students about the program, but really, all that’s required from any ninth grade student is a visit to the Community Service Office or an email expressing desire to be included. Classes begin on October 6. It’s not too late to join. All that needs to be done is email: Laurie.Brown@marlboroughschool.org and let me know! You are encouraged to be part of this educational, charitable, powerful, and unusual experience.

UV Contributor

At Marlborough it’s easy for the students’ voices to get lost. Though Marlborough is a private school that embraces diversity, there are still issues within the school that need attention Face-It, Marlborough’s diversity retreat invites everyone to combat this and speak out without judgment or punishment. At the retreat we discuss issues such as sexual orientation, race, economic status, political views, and religion. I am proud to say that Face-It has been going strong for four years, and each year new students have participated, a perfect example of Marlborough’s evolution and growing attention towards tolerance. I have attended Face-It for the past three years, the maximum amount offered, but this year was different for me. Although we did the same exercises, I had different emotions and opinions.

This year I was the senior, thus the leader. With this position, I had to sit back and let everyone else speak. In doing that I learned more about the other students and became enlightened by what they had to say. I wanted to be that senior at Face-It who makes everyone feel comfortable and have fun and who reaches out to the younger girls to make them feel welcome. Although almost half of the students at Face-It were new, the overall number of girls attending decreased this year. But even though not as many people attended, in a way, it created a positive effect. With almost fifty girls, the space was intimate, safe, and open, destroying any fear of judgment and encouraging girls to speak out. So while I am an advocate for diversity and tolerance and would like everyone who can attend Face-It to do so, I now know that a small group also creates advantages. The one thing I would like to change about Face-It is the type of person who attends. At this point, most of the attendees are already advocates for diversity and tolerance and are ready to speak out about their issues and issues at Marlborough. In future years, I would like to see those who haven’t spoken out, but who are curious about what Face-It represents – especially seniors. Seniors are about to leave the Marlborough bubble and step out into the real world. At Face-It we learn to discuss and speak out on real world issues, and it prepares us to make changes in our community, and the world.


Letter to the Editor

Sincerely, Laurie Brown


Students who go love it, but are the students attending the ones who really need to be there?

This school year was kicked off by the annual upper school Face-It diversity retreat. According to my friend and organizer Jasmin Harvey, the overnight seminar was filled with heartfelt discussions, thoughtful insight on racial, socio-economic, and gender topics, and the exciting night games of a sleepover. Unfortunately, I could not attend Face It this year. Because of my busy schedule of SAT work, college applications, and schoolwork, I could only experience Face-It vicariously through the anecdotes of my friends. The sadness I felt in missing Face- It made me reflect on the overall structure of the retreat. Because the diversity intensive demands 31 hours of the weekend, it puts a severe time constraint on the students that participate. Although the Marlborough faculty endorses the participation of the multi-cultural program, most do not make schoolwork provisions that would make the student’s load more manageable. Those reasons, and my mother, persuaded me to miss the retreat. I know this time management issue forces students like myself, who love to share diversity, to miss the intensive for other obligations. Furthermore, the inflexibility of teachers to extend deadlines or excuse homework discourages the admittance of new members and further deter students who have not had the experiences from previous years to encourage them to apply again. Although Face-It is a fantastic retreat, this time issue can negatively affect FaceIt in the future because it is affecting the support of the program. The purpose of Face-It is to spread a diverse awareness of the school community, but the retreat cannot achieve that if new members of the student body fail to join, because those willing to make time are often already ac-

Dear UV,

October 5, 2009

The UltraViolet Editor-in-Chief Julie ’10

Managing Editor Brianne ’10

Copy Editor Celine ’11

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News Editor Cami ’10

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Opinion Editor Rosie ’10

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Reporters Madeline ’12, Tahirah ’12, Heather ’11, Elyse ’12, Kathryn ’13, Phoebe ’12, Siena ’12, Cecilia ’13, Caroline ’13

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Contributors Schessa ’12, Hannah ’10, Faith ’10, Jasmin ’10, Taylor ’10, Julia ’11

The UltraViolet staff pledges to produce a quality publication which addresses issues of importance in the Marlborough community, sparks interest among its readers, demonstrates ethical and objective news reporting, and represents a range of opinions.

Adviser Mark Krewatch Questions, Comments, Concerns? Call us at (323) 935-1147 ex. 635, drop off a letter to 250 South Rossmore Avenue at The UV office, or send us an email at uvarticles@gmail.com

...Love for Marlborough will endure! 1975: First day as a seventh grader at a new school, Marlborough

1979: On Picture Day, Rogovin poses for her junior yearbook photo

JULIE ’10/UV STAFF CASWELL SCHOLAR: Jaye Toellner Rogovin ’81 attends an afterschool Caswell Scholars class entitled “Philosophy of Bad Taste.” Rogovin takes notes on her Macbook Pro like a true Marlborough student.

more to me like a small college.” Despite these changes, Rogovin said re-living high school UV Staff is similar to reuniting with an old classmate. You walk into “When you get together with an old friend, it feels like history class, book you never fell out of touch,” Rogovin said. “It’s the magic of in hand, ready to Marlborough.” Students studied in Salvatori review one last French instructor Anne-Marie Jenks taught Rogovin when Llibrary time before your she originally attended and said she was fond of her. test tomorrow. The No Booth Field, Combs Ath“We had fairly long and good conversations...I remember letic Center, or swimming pool second bell rings, her well,” Jenks said. and you frantically Rogovin hopes to attend one of Jenks’ classes. start taking notes. John Langdon, Anne-Marie “[Her being in class] may push the students to think more As a current Jenks, and Julie Napoleon about Marlborough and the importance of knowing alumni. Marlborough were teaching Students may see it as a positive thing that alumni want to student, it is easy to come back,” Jenks said. Uniform was button down imagine this scenario. Rogovin is working with Joanna Grossman, Senior pastel dresses (pink, white, But, imagine going Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, to plan her classes. through this same yellow or lavender) In addition to Global Studies, Rogovin has participated in process thirty years Latin instructor James Astorga’s Caswell Scholars class. Laura Hotchkiss ’86 from now. Rogovin is not going to be a full time student again, but in 7th grade Jaye Toellner her adventures as a student will last for “either a semester or Rogovin graduated a year, depending on how much ground I can cover week by Marlborough in week,” Rogovin said. 1981, and she’s back. After relocating from what she called a “It’s really up to the school - it’s important that [my “hectic and active” life in Washington, D.C., Rogovin decided presence] doesn’t in any way impede or interfere with any of to rekindle her Mustang pride and become a student once again. the phenomenal things going on in the classroom,” she said. A mother of two daughters, Rogovin is currently Students agree that Rogovin’s comparing Marlborough circulating through the different grades to engage in the life then-and-now is an exciting idea. of a 21st century Marlborough girl. “I would definitely do what she’s doing. It’s a really good She has created a blog to document her experience and idea to see if school is harder now,” Sloane ’14 said. has gone as far as signing up for the October 14 PSAT. Classmates in C Period Global Studies said they were not After hearing from friends about their daughters’ work load distracted by Rogovin’s presence. at Marlborough, Rogovin wanted to know whether students “She acted like a normal student - raised her hand to work harder now. participate, and took notes on her computer. Going back to “I still feel like I go to this school,” Rogovin said. “I’ve school is a great way to keep in touch with what our generation been hearing anecdotally about Marlborough, and I just is going through,” Sydney ’14 said. thought, ‘How much fun would it be to go back?’” Parents also appreciate Rogovin’s efforts to engage. History instructor and Dean of Faculty Martha Schuur taught “As a parent, I can really relate to what she writes about the eighth grade Global Studies class that Rogovin attended. in her blog. It’s great,” said Deborah Shaw, co-president “On the first day she even tried to appear ‘in uniform.’ of the Parents’ Khaki shorts, white shirt...but no collar!” Schuur said. Association. Schuur said Rogovin fit right in with the rest of the Rogovin said students, even taking a test with them. Students study in Munger support from the “Jaye fit in seamlessly. She called me Mrs. Schuur, and I community is Hall’s Academic Resource called her Jaye. I just treated her like a student,” Schuur said. key motivation to Center Like any typical Marlborough girl, Rogovin was afraid of continue her project. Booth Field, Combs Athletic failing her test and was shocked at her performance. “One mom Center, or swimming pool “No way, I can’t believe this. I am thrilled! I got an A? Are emailed me and you sure, Mrs. Schuur?” Rogovin wrote on her blog. said her daughter Langdon, Jenks, and Rogovin noticed a few differences from when she was at school. was in my class Napoleon still teaching “[The eight graders] seemed to be way more together and and thought I was polite [than my friends and I were at Marlborough]” she said. ‘cool,’” Rogovin Uniform is polo, pleated skirt She also took notice of the students’ skirt lengths. and tennis shoes said. “When I was here, we were not allowed to wear our skirts “I’ve been that short,” she said. Hotchkiss promoted to wanting to be cool Rogovin is stunned by school’s renovations. since the eighth Assistant Head of School “The physical facility is so large compared to when we grade!” were there,” Rogovin said. “And with Munger Hall, it looks By Sophie ’10 and Heather ’11

Then (1981) ...

... and now (2009)

Volume 40, Issue 1

The Back Page

Time Flies

Almost three decades after graduating, alumna goes back to the books

1981: Rogovin graduates. 1982: Attends USC, where her sorority put on such an extravagant “Theme Day” production that the tradition was banned from that day on. Rogovin graduates in Political Science and English Writing (preLaw). Rogovin works in marketing at the Disney Channel, then moves to Washington D.C. to be the VP of marketing for Animal Planet. With her new job, Rogovin travels to Australia to film commercials for Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. 1999: While in Washington D.C., Rogovin meets her husband, John A. Rogovin, a D.C. lawyer. They married in 2000. 2001-2002: Rogovin has two children, Hattie June and Eva Jacqueline, who are now attending John Thomas Dye in the third and first grade, respectivly. Rogovin said she was lucky that her husband was “a great guy and my BFF” because they had hardly known each other 3 years when they started a family.

2009: Back at Marlborough and ready to reassume her role as a Marlborough student. October 5, 2009

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