The New Paltz Oracle, Volume 82, Issue 17

Page 1


Volume 82, Issue XVII

Thursday, March 31, 2011

STILL SEARCHING Zimpher agrees to let presidential search continue after Gow, Schreiber withdraw SEE STORY ON PAGE 6 PHOTOS BY JULIE MANSMANN



!" SUNY Trustees Pass Proposal That Would Adopt Rational Tuition Policy !" New Paltz Administrators, Union Leaders Advocate for Annual Increases to Offset Cuts in State Support !" Concerns About Accessibility Raised by Campus Community


INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION OF THE NEW PALTZ ORACLE !Journalist Named Next Distinguished Speaker.....Pg 5 !6#4;.<,#'".-40.'6++.++.+'=4>%2'?4<.+@'A.B*,2.<.-0+...89': !"#$%%&'%(')*+,-.++'/%-0,-*.+'12..'345'6++,+04-#.77789': !8.&&'C24-0'82%924<'14#,-9'8%++,D&.'A.;*#0,%-77789'E

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The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 3

Rational Tuition Policy Considered

Administrators, Union Leaders Support Annual Increases

UUP President Glenn McNitt said he is entirely against off access to education through a form of social discrim­ the various versions of rational tuition policy discussed ination. +)%FGHI%D30$(/''#1%H0$()%V!5&3/1B%(05&,2%0-5!$!2­ ])0$%20!-%5/5+/12%#6%"3/%F>%\P/(,"!A/%J#01-%01/% SUNY New Paltz administrators and union leaders "10"!#$B%"3/%F",-/$"%>22/5+')%0$-%#"3/12:% against the policy. are advocating for the implementation of a rational tu­ “The chancellor and campus presidents have a sim­ <L/% ,$-/12"0$-% "3/% 10"!#$0'/% +/3!$-% !"BC% 23/% 20!-:% !"!#$%&#'!()%"#%*''%!$%+,-./"01)%.0&2%(0,2/-%+)%(,"2%!$% &'/% &'0$% 6#1% -/0'!$.% @!"3% "3/% +,-./"01)% !22,/2% #6% /0(3% “It’s hard to plan for college when you have no idea state taxpayer support. @30"%"3/%&1!(/2%01/%.#!$.%"#%+/%'!M/:%J,"%!6%"3/1/72%0%10­ With help from United University Professions tional tuition increase policy, it’s just not going to solve (UUP) Chapter President Richard Kelder and Civil Ser­ "3/%&1#+'/5:C%% vice Employees Association Local President Anthony Christian said the administration is committed to af­ Adamo, Interim President Donald Christian said he has “We face the challenge here 6#1-0+!'!")% 0$-% -#% 30A/% (#$(/1$2% 0+#,"% 3,1"!$.% 0((/22% +/.,$% /$(#,10.!$.% "3/% 2"0"/% 4/.!2'0",1/% 0$-% 5/5+/12% for students who can’t pay for tuition increases. As part as institutional leaders of #6%"3/%&,+'!(%"#%2,&&#1"%0$$,0'%",!"!#$%!$(1/02/2%"#%#662/"% of efforts for fundraising, he said the administration is "3/%(#''/./72%/2"!50"/-%89:;%5!''!#$%-/*(!": !"#$%$&'()"'*"+,-*."+'/"'$""!' @#1M!$.%#$%!$(1/02!$.%2(3#'0123!&%2,&&#1"%W%&01"!(,'01')% <=>%10"!#$0'%",!"!#$%&#'!()?%@#,'-%.!A/%,2%+/""/1%*­ $//-^+02/-%2(3#'0123!&2:% (,' 0*,1%!"' +(-!"$(+' /%()' )%&)' $0$(!0'%&1/-!("0+!'!")%61#5%)/01%"#%)/01BC%D31!2"!0$%20!-:% K3/1/%01/%0'2#%#&"!#$2%'!M/%"3/%>5/1!(0$%U&&#1",$!­ quality and the right array of “We face the challenge here as institutional leaders of ty tax credit, which Christian said provides up to $2,500 -/*$!$.%"3/%1/2#,1(/2%@/%$//-%"#%&1#A!-/%2",-/$"2%@!"3% educational opportunities” of tuition tax credit for families with incomes of up to high quality and the right array of educational opportu­ $160,000. nities. I would rather have money coming from taxpay­ “My concern [is] that many legislators see the — Donald Christian /12B%+,"%0"%"3/%/$-%#6%"3/%-0)B%0%-#''01%!2%0%-#''01:C $5,000 maximum Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) According to Christian, during the last 48 years award and see our tuition at $4,970 and say, ‘We can’t "3/1/%30A/%+//$%E;%!$"/15!""/$"%FGHI%",!"!#$%!$(1/02/2:% 10!2/% ",!"!#$% 0+#A/% "3/%K>T% 0@01-B7C% 3/% 20!-:% <\A/$% !6% Rather than raising 2 or 3 percent, he said tuition jumps ",!"!#$% !$(1/02/2% 0+#A/% "3/%K>T% 0@01-B% +/(0,2/% #6% "3/% have ranged from 7 to 42 percent. ",!"!#$%"0P%(1/-!"2%"30"%01/%0A0!'0+'/B%",!"!#$%(0$%2"!''%+/% If a rational tuition policy were applied, Christian (05&,2%W%1/-,(/%"3/%+,-./"%0"%/0(3%(05&,2%+)%1/-,(!$.% 066#1-0+'/%0$-%@!"3!$%"3/%K>T%(0&:C 20!-%"3/%FGHI%J#01-%#6%K1,2"//2%@#,'-%30A/%"3/%0+!'!")% its course offerings, increasing class size, reducing the L!"3% &,23% 61#5% 2"0"/% #6*(!0'2B% "3/% -!2(,22!#$% #6% 0% to raise tuition up to a certain percentage cap that has $,5+/1% #6% /5&'#)//2% 0$-% !$(1/02!$.% ",!"!#$BC% 3/% 20!-:% rational tuition policy has continued to grow. On March )/"%"#%+/%-/"/15!$/-B%0$-%2",-/$"2%(#,'-%0A#!-%<",!"!#$% <X/"%'/22%+,"%&0)%5#1/:C 22, SUNY trustees adopted a proposal that authorizes 1#,'/""/:C >((#1-!$.% "#% Y(H!""B% !"% @#,'-% $#"% +/% !$% "3/% (#'­ V!5&3/1%"#%$/.#"!0"/%@!"3%"3/%4/.!2'0",1/%0$-%.#A/1$#1% “Many families put into those situations get caught '/./72%+/$/*"%"#%1/5#A/%"3/%4/.!2'0",1/72%0+!'!")%"#%2/"% 0% 10"!#$0'% ",!"!#$% &'0$% "30"% @#,'-% '02"% 0% &/1!#-% #6% *A/% !$%0%+!$-BC%3/%20!-:%<L/%"3!$M%!"%@#,'-%+/%&1/6/10+'/%6#1% "3/%(#''/./72%",!"!#$B%02%!"%302%.!A/$%H/@%I#1M%F"0"/%1/2!­ years. 0% 2",-/$"% "#% (#5/% 3/1/% 02% 0% 61/2350$% M$#@!$.B% 0'#$.% dents the lowest tuition in the northeast. Christian said that while the SUNY rational tuition @!"3% "3/!1% &01/$"2B% "30"% !"% !2% &#22!+'/% ",!"!#$% @#,'-% !$­ McNitt said his main argument against rational tu­ &#'!()%02M2%6#1%0%",!"!#$%!$(1/02/%+/.!$$!$.%!$%60''%_`E_B% crease a small amount over the next four years rather ition policy, however, is that it will sully the purpose 3/% 302% (#$"!$,/-% "#% 2&/0M% @!"3% '/.!2'0"#12% "#% 0-A#(0"/% "30$%$#"%M$#@!$.:C 6#1%@3!(3%&,+'!(%,$!A/12!"!/2%/P!2"Z%"#%&1#A!-/%0((/22%"#% for a policy to start as early as this fall. N$%#1-/1%6#1%"3/%&#'!()%"#%+/%5#2"%/66/("!A/B%O/'-/1% those who can’t afford to 20!-%1!2/2%!$%",!"!#$%@#,'-%30A/%"#%+/%/P05!$/-%"#%(#$­ enroll in private universi­ 2!-/1%"3/%/(#$#5!(%('!50"/%#6%H/@%I#1MB%02%@/''%02%-/­ ties. 5#.10&3!(2% 0$-% "3/% 0+!'!")% #6% 2",-/$"2% 0$-% &01/$"2% "#% <[0A!$.% &,+'!(% 60(!'!­ pay. ties permits many strata of L3!'/% 0% <5#-/2"C% !$(1/02/% !$% ",!"!#$% @#,'-% 3/'&% society, especially low and provide more revenue for SUNY, Kelder said no citizen middle income families, the 23#,'-%'##M%0"%"3!2%&#'!()%02%0%1/&'0(/5/$"%6#1%"3/%1/2"#­ opportunity to pursue po­ ration of funds or the conservation of Pell grants and aid. tentially life changing ex­ ACROSS FROM THE BUS STATION <K3/%6/01%!2B%)#,%M//&%#$%!$(1/02!$.%2",-/$"%",!"!#$% &/1!/$(/2BC%3/%20!-:%<\A/1)% BREAKFAST ALL DAY & LUNCH 0$-%"3/%2,&&#1"%6#1%&,+'!(%3!.3/1%/-,(0"!#$%./"2%&,''/-% time tuition increases occur, +0(MBC%3/%20!-:%<L30"%)#,%30A/%"3/1/%!2%0%5#A/%"#@01-% the opportunities for these SEE OUR MENU ON FACE BOOK &1!A0"!Q0"!#$:%I#,%2"!''%30A/%"#%30A/%2,&&#1"%6#1%&,+'!(% .1#,&2%-!5!$!23:C 3!.3/1%/-,(0"!#$%0$-%"30"72%"3/%H/@%I#1M%F"0"/%4/.!2­ Student Association 255­3324 Deli Hours; '0",1/72%R#+:C (SA) Vice President of Aca­ S/2&!"/%O/'-/172%2"0$(/B%$#"%0''%5/5+/12%#6%GGT%!$% demic Affairs and Gover­ Mon­Sat: 8 a.m.­5 p.m. & Sun: 9 a.m.­5 p.m. New Paltz are in full agreement on the implementation nance Caitlin Ryan said she of a rational tuition policy. also fears a rational tuition GGT% U,"1/0(3% D#55!""//% 5/5+/1% 0$-% 6#15/1% policy could ultimately cut

By Maxim Alter Managing Editor |



Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pg 4


News Briefs

The New Paltz Oracle

BFC Seats Filled at Senate

National Arizona has made it a crime to perform an abortion because of the sex or race of the fetus. The bill, signed by Gov. Jan Brewer Tuesday, aims at doctors or other abortion providers. It allows the father of the aborted baby — or the maternal grandparents if the mother is a minor — to take legal action against an abortion provider, who could face up to seven years in jail and the loss of their medical license if convicted. ***** The Supreme Court appears ready to block a massive sex discrimination %!,+75&"!4!5$+&"P!%/M!3&"*$"E'.!%0" of up to 1.6 million women, and that could make it harder for other workers $!&5*$,52'"&*"E35$4"1%!++/!1&5*$"1%!5(+" against large employers. ***** The killer whale that drowned a female &3!5$'3"!&"Q3%!$2*R+"8'!P*3%2"S!,/ lessly performed Wednesday for the #3+&"&5('"+5$1'"%!+&"-'!3R+"2'!&.I",*,/ ing thousands amid heightened safety that included a steel bar protecting the orca’s trainers.

International Briefs on Page 5

BFC members will begin to discuss the budget funded by the student activity on April 1. TFQ?Q"UV"NO9CO"N9WXGO8 By John Brandi BFC weekend is Friday, April 1, and coming to New Paltz to evaluate its mission Copy Editor | it’s where the budget for next year, with statement and how well the college is doing %5$'/5&'(" *3" 4'$'3!%" )3*43!(" 07$25$4I" ,5%%" its job on April 10 to the 13. Passing this ?.'"@A+&"+&72'$&"+'$!&'"1*$#3('2"$*(/ be decided. The two vacant seats have been evaluation ensures that SUNY New Paltz can inees to both the Budget and Finance Com/ #%%'2"E-"8'$+>"8!(!$&.!"J*++5$"!$2"H*$$*3" 45D'" 2'43''+" !$2" #$!$15!%" !52>" ?.'" M522%'" mittee (BFC) and the Academic Committee McElwaine, both on a unanimous vote. States Commission will interact and look for at their seventh general meeting on Tuesday, Student Association President Jennifer student feedback on the quality of their edu/ March 29. Sanchez reported to the legislative body that cational experience. ?.532/-'!3" $*(5$''" B3!$15+" C*235/ SUNY Student Assembly president elections Vice President of Programming An/ guez was running for three positions on the were coming up. She urged senators to get &.*$-" N5$*" 3')*3&'2" *$" C*1K"O4!5$+&" C!1/ Academic Committee: Education and Tech/ involved with district representative posi/ ism and said he contacted other universities, nology, Academic Affairs and Curriculum tions. such as the University of Pennsylvania and Committee. The legislative body expressed C-!$" +!52" +.'" ,*7%2" ,*3K" ,5&." L53'1/ another in Nebraska, that had similar bound/ 0!D*3!E%'"D5',+"!$2"07%%"1*$#2'$1'"&.!&"C*/ tor of Student Activities and Union Services aries as New Paltz where the town and uni/ driguez could perform all three jobs well. Mike Patterson on amendments to the con/ versity share space. He said he wanted to F5+" 1*$#3(!&5*$" &*" !%%" &.3''" )*+5&5*$+" ,!+" ference line. Sanchez said that there should see how they dealt with outside events and unanimous. be “some type of priority over research pre/ crowd control. Vice President of Academic Affairs and sentation” so those that go to present should He said no major incidents were re/ G*D'3$!$1'" H!5&%5$" C-!$" +!52" &*" &.'" %'45+/ be allocated more money rather than those ported at those events and he will then take lative body that she still needed to check if that just attend. this information to Administrative bodies C*23547'6".*%25$4"!%%"&.3''")*+5&5*$+"5+"1*$/ Patterson also said that Middle States for further consideration. The artist Nas has stitutional. The decision is pending. Commission on Higher Education will be E''$" 1*$#3('2" E7&" &.'" +)!1'" 5+" +&5%%" E'5$4"

Council Continues Budget Discussion By Katherine Speller Copy Editor |

At this semester’s fourth Council of Organizations meeting on Monday, March 28, representatives discussed the “Mass Action to Stop the Cuts” event set to take place on Wednesday, March 30 in Albany, N.Y. Organizers hoped the event would be !" #$!%" !&&'()&" &*" +,!-" &.'" *$/&.'/0'$1'" votes for the budget in favor of the SUNY

system. Student Association President Jennifer Sanchez urged students to go out and support it. It was also announced that Saturday, April 2, is Accepted Students Day. Clubs will arrive to set up at 9:30 a.m. to table from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Organizations can sign up to table in Student Union (SU) 211. Club representatives were also noti/ #'2"&.!&"*34!$56!&5*$+"1!$")*+&"&.'53"7)/ coming events to the new online calendar

Thursday, March 31, 2011

on the school’s website. Once submitted, events are sent to Director of Student Ac/ tivites and Union Services Mike Patterson for approval to be added to the calendar. Line item beuget requests for clubs are now due on Friday, April 1 by 12 p.m. Established clubs in need of a line can go &*" 89" :;<" &*" #%%" *7&" &.'" 3'=753'2" 0*3(+>" Once again, clubs are encouraged to ap/ ply for a line for annual programs. Council chair elections will be held at the next meeting on April 11.

The New Paltz Oracle

Pg 5


Suarez to Speak at University By Andrew Wyrich Sports Editor |

Ray Suarez, “PBS News Hour” senior cor­ respondent and host of “Destination Casa Blan­ ca,” will be the latest lecturer in SUNY New Paltz’s Distinguished Speaker Series. Suarez will speak on the role media plays in disasters and how Sept. 11 changed the media culture in America on Thursday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Athletic and Wellness Center. “He is an experienced journalist with inter­ national experience, which should be of interest to our many communications majors,” Execu­ tive Director of the SUNY New Paltz Founda­ tion Sally J. Cross said. Suarez, who has over 30 years of experi­ ence in the news industry, will be SUNY New Paltz’s sixth guest in the Distinguished Speak­ ers Series, which has been hosting two guests a year since 2008. Suarez currently hosts “America Abroad,” a monthly foreign affairs radio program for Public Radio International and “Destination Casa Blanca” on Hispanic Information Tele­ communications Network, HITN TV. The journalist was chosen to speak to co­ incide with the Institute of Disaster Mental Health’s (IDMH) annual conference being held this year. The conference, titled “Lessons From Adversity: Strengthening Preparedness with !"#"$%&'()* +,'-* ./0012* 3&44* 5"* 6"47* 8%* 9"3* Paltz on April 7 to 8 and according to Cross a major theme of the conference this year will be a focus on the 10­year anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. “Suarez was chosen because he could ad­

7,"))*6'3*%6"*-"7&8*$:4%:,"*$68(;"7*8<%",*./00* and this topic would be a good tie in with the IDMH conference and its attendees,” Special Events Coordinator Lisa Sandick said. Cross agreed and said she believed Su­ 8,"=>)* "?@",&"($"* ,"@',%&(;* ./00* 8(7* '%6",* 7&­ )8)%",)* 3':47* A%* 3"44* &(%'* %6"* BCDE* $'(<",­ ence. “His experience reporting on disaster is­ sues and how the media approaches is certainly of interest to the participants in the IDMH pro­ gram,” Cross said. During his career, Suarez also worked with National Public Radio (NPR), CNN, ABC Radio Network as well as other American and British news services and has worked on documentaries for public radio and television. Suarez has written multiple novels, his most recent being, “The Holy Vote: The Politics of Faith In America.” The novel examines the relationship be­ tween religion and American politics and the recent tighten­ ing that has taken place. According to the Distin­ guished Speakers website, the goal of the series is “to con­ nect community members, alumni, friends, faculty, staff, students and their families with well­known authors, policy makers and leaders, scientists, media experts, business people and other lu­

minaries, on our campus.” Both Cross and Sandick said the series is funded through corporate sponsors, local busi­ nesses and ticket sales, although New Paltz stu­ dents are able to attend for free. Tickets can be pur­ chased on­­ series or by calling 845­257­3880. This semester’s distinguished speaker, Ray Suarez.

News Editor |

Among other SUNY universities, members of the New Paltz campus community gathered for SUNY Day to lobby to legislators in Albany, N.Y. on Monday. SUNY Day is an annual event organized by the system administration and government rela­ tions leaders where delegations made up of stu­ dents, faculty and administrators come together in an effort to bring forth ideas and concerns regarding the SUNY system, according to Chief of Staff Shelly Wright. The governor, the majority leader in the Senate, the head of the Assembly and the chairs of higher education committees are invited to participate in the event, said Wright. “Comments are made by those leaders in

relation to the current proposals on the table, such as executive budget,” said Wright. “The cuts will be a topic but it is kind of a day to showcase what SUNY does for the state of New York and have a presence.” Prior to the event, Interim President Don­ ald Christian said he and other administrators will advocate components that are part of the “SUNY­wide advocacy package for this budget cycle.” Aside from advocating their support for the rational tuition policy, Wright said they will continue to advocate their support for Gov. An­ drew Cuomo’s proposals for procurement relief for the SUNY campuses and for private­public partnerships. According to the Times Union, Cuomo’s budget would allow SUNY campuses to enter

World Egypt’s military rulers said on F"7(")78G*%68%*%6"*$':(%,G>)*A,)%* presidential elections since the ouster of longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak will be held by November, giving the coun­ try’s emerging political groups up to eight months to organize. ***** H",:*68)*,"$"&I"7*8*A,)%*)6&@-"(%* of the Incan artifacts taken from the mountain citadel of Machu Picchu a century ago that Yale University returned after a lawsuit and personal lobbying of the U.S. president. The 366 pieces — ceramics, textiles and bones — are among some 4,000 adventurer Hiram Bingham took be­ ;&((&(;*&(*0.00*<,'-*368%*68)*5"$'-"* Peru’s leading tourist attraction. At the time, the removal was called a loan. *****


Administrators Advocate SUNY Day By Pamela Vivanco

News Briefs

into public­private partnerships without legisla­ tive approval. The partnership was included in The Public Higher Education Empowerment and Innovation Act (PHEEIA) which was re­ jected last year. “We recognize that those are things that are going to be long term and probably modest for us in terms of producing any revenue relief,” said Christian. Like Christian, SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher expressed her appreciation for Cuo­ mo’s proposals. “SUNY greatly appreciates the governor’s support for badly needed and long­overdue regulatory relief related to public­private part­ nerships and procurement,” she said in a press ,"4"8)"J*KL6")"*,"<',-)*,"@,")"(%*)&;(&A$8(%*<:­ ture revenue growth opportunities for SUNY.”

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A human rights group is urging Wash­ ington to put Vietnam back on a list of the world’s worst abusers of religious freedoms for allegedly clamping down on minority Christian groups and forc­ ing them to renounce their faith. Compiled from the AP Newswire

Pg 6


The New Paltz Oracle

Presidential Search Carries On By Julie Mansmann Editor­in­Chief |

The SUNY Board of Trustees should have approved the appointment of a new president for New Paltz last Tues­ day, according to the college’s presidential search timeline. !"#$%&#'($#)*$*&$#+'$#+(''$,-%./0#0$)/#+1(')$&(*2$3*-0/1'(­ ation for the position within four days of one another, SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher has agreed to let the search con­ tinue. Presidential Search Committee Chair Kenneth Abt an­ nounced that Joe Gow, chancellor of the University of Wis­ consin­LaCrosse, withdrew from the search on March 17. 4-$ 5%(3+$ 678$ +'$ -*#/,'1$ #+'$ 3%29"0$ #+%#$ :*+-$ ;3+('/<'(8$ chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine, had also decided to remain in his cur­ rent position. =33*(1/->$#*$?-#'(/2$@/('3#*($*&$#+'$4&,3'$*&$A*22"­ -/3%#/*-$ %-1$ 5%(B'#/->$ ;"C%--'$ D(%1E8$ <*#+$ ,-%./0#0$ 3*-­ tacted Zimpher themselves in order to withdraw. Grady said it is not unusual in such searches for candidates to drop out of the search. “There are many factors to their candidacies,” she said. “[There] are pressures from current employers to stay, for example, as well as personal and family reasons.” !*#+$,-%./0#0$)+*$)/#+1(')$&(*2$#+'$F')$G%.#C$0'%(3+$ said they had good experiences visiting the campus, but de­ cided to remain in their current positions due to various ob­ ligations.

Gow, who has served as a college administrator since 1990, said personal reasons were his top considerations for staying at the University of Wisconsin­LaCrosse. “A person has to decide what is best for them and when it’s a good time to make a career change,” he said. “People on my campus were asking me to stay, and that was a pull. I’m lucky people are interested in me.” Schreiber said the main reason he withdrew was related to the timing of the search and his current duties. H+'$9'1/%#(/30$3+%/(2%-$%-1$3+/'&$%12/-/0#(%#/I'$*&,3'($ at the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center said because the search was not on the agenda of the March 22 meeting of the SUNY Board of Trustees as expected, the search would have gone past his ability to honor portions of his current contract. “I just ran out of time,” Schreiber said. “I really ran into a contractual time frame problem because I had obligations to my institution. Searches take time, and I regret that I had to pull my name out of this search.” When they visited the college earlier in the semester, both former candidates named management of the school’s 1',3/#$#*$<'$*-'$*&$#+'$2%/-$3+%..'->'0$#+%#$)*".1$&%3'$#+'$ next president of SUNY New Paltz. While the search con­ tinues, Interim President Donald Christian will continue to work with other administrators to meet what he estimates to be a $6.3 million shortfall, caused in part by cuts in state support. Gow said that the budget situation at New Paltz and the

>*I'(-*(J0$('0/0#%-3'$#*$(%/0'$#"/#/*-$#*$,..$/-$('I'-"'$>%90$ was also a consideration for him when he withdrew from the search. K@',3/#0$'I'(E)+'('$9*0'$I'(E$</>$3+%..'->'08$%-1$#+'$ /-#'('0#$/-$-*#$(%/0/->$#"/#/*-$/0$>*/->$#*$2%B'$/#$1/&,3".#$#*$ solve the budget problem at New Paltz,” he said. “I led the way for that at LaCrosse and if it appeared as though I had that opportunity at New Paltz, it would make the position much more attractive. But that does not seem like a possibil­ ity.” Mary Papazian, the provost of Lehman College, is the *-.E$9'(0*-$)+*$1/1$-*#$)/#+1(%)$&(*2$#+'$>(*"9$*&$,-%.­ ists. Zimpher has already permitted the search to continue )/#+*"#$%$09'3/,3$#/2'./-'8$D(%1E$0%/1L According to the SUNY Guidelines for Conducting Presidential Searches, if the chancellor or board of trustees decide to continue or reopen a search, it is within their dis­ cretion to require the college’s council chair to also appoint a new search committee. Student Association President Jennifer Sanchez said she hopes she and others who worked on the search committee this past year will be able to continue to look for the next president of the college. “We’ve already worked on this for months,” she said. “We want to work to see this through.” Grady said the details of the continued search are still <'/->$0*(#'1$*"#8$%-1$3*..'>'$*&,3/%.0$)/..$/00"'$"91%#'0$#*$ the campus as more information becomes available.

Tenant Landlord Council Requests Change By Maxim Alter Managing Editor |

Following a roundtable discussion in the beginning of March, the Village of New Paltz Tenant Landlord Rela­ #/*-0$A*"-3/.$MHNOAP$*&,3/%..E$0'-#$%$('Q"'0#$#*$#+'$2%E*($ and Village Board of Trustees to allow participation on the council from non­village residents. If the amendment were made, landlords or tenants liv­ ing a maximum of 1.5 miles outside village boundaries could be approved as members of the TLRC, which Ten­ ant Representative Ira Margolis said is currently three seats short of the seven it needs. “The problem is, when we have a group like ours, we can’t function under staff,” Margolis said. “We can’t do things unless there’s a majority vote, and the way it stands right now, there are only four of us. Unless all four agree, discussions go nowhere.” Established in 2006, Margolis said the TLRC seeks to foster and improve relationships between landlords and tenants by making recommendations to Village Board of Trustee members. But with one tenant seat and two land­ .*(1$ 0'%#0$ I%3%-#8$ /#$ +%0$ <'3*2'$ /-3('%0/->.E$ 1/&,3".#$ #*$ operate.

Currently sitting on the council are tenants Margolis and Amanda Sisenstein, as well as landlord Adele Ruger and impartial chair Richard Kleiger. Besides being a vil­ lage resident, Margolis said members must either be land­ lords or tenants and approved by trustee members. Margolis said community members residing outside of the village have been rejected in the past and if something isn’t changed soon, the TLRC could no longer exist. “It’s not like we’re a committee,” he said. “We’re a council, so we have a whole different set of operating in­ structions. If they don’t want us to function, they should just simply disband us.” While TLRC members have said there aren’t enough landlords in the required vicinity available to join, Mayor Terry Dungan said he knows eight landlords right outside his own home in the village. Dungan said he believes a major reason these landlords are being overlooked is because they are smallholders. “They have a duplex or they’re renting out two bed­ rooms in their own house,” Dungan said. “The landlords who are pushing for an amendment to allow out­of­village residents are members of a group called the New Paltz Property Association. They don’t consider that you’re a landlord unless, like them, you own multiple properties in

Thursday, March 31, 2011

the village.” According to Dungan, members of the TLRC have <''-$#(E/->$&*($#+'$.%0#$&*"($E'%(0$#*$,..$'29#E$0'%#0L$R*)­ ever, they aren’t the only group in the village suffering from a lack of participation. He said there have been va­ cancies in the Planning Board, the Zoning Board, as well as groups outside of government like the village’s softball and soccer leagues. The cause of this lack in volunteerism, he said, could be attributed to the way housing is structured within the village. “When your housing becomes largely or mostly non­ owner occupied, it greatly diminishes citizen participation in government,” he said. “It also has a lot to do with the way the economy is. People have two or three jobs, and by the time they get home, they just want to spend some time with their families. In that sense, it’s a nationwide prob­ lem.” Dungan said the proposal to allow non­village resi­ dents to participate within TLRC has been requested two previous times, both of which were denied by village board members. Margolis said he hopes the proposal will be discussed %>%/-$1"(/->$#+'$I/..%>'$<*%(1J0$,(0#$2''#/->$/-$=9(/.L


The New Paltz Oracle

Pg 7

Free Tax Assistance Offered to Students By Katherine Speller Copy Editor |

The School of Business will once again be offering free tax assistance at SUNY New Paltz as part of an Internal Revenue Services (IRS) sponsored program known as the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA). The VITA program was established 20 years ago as a means of providing volunteers to prepare income tax returns for people who earn less than $49,000 a year for free. The program was brought to New Paltz last year to help locals with lower incomes prepare their tax return forms. During the spring 2010 semester, the 23 students involved prepared over 100 tax returns using the skills they’ve learned in their classes. “The program allows them to take the theory they have learned in their tax and accounting classes and apply it to real life clients and situations,” said Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting Don Furman. “[It’s] a great resume builder.” Furman also said 32 students are involved in VITA this year, who he hopes will complete 200 plus returns as well as !"#$%&%'()*"++)+,+-."#'%-)/,%'(01 To be eligible for tax help, a potential client has to meet the requirement of

This year 32 students are involved in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. having an income below $49,000. Those looking to receive assistance should bring their social security card, picture %&+'.%/-2.%#'3)4567)-2"&0)8%*)2!!,%-29,+:3)


their informational documents (W­2 115A in Van Den Berg Hall. Walk­in hours will be held Mondays, and 1099 forms) and their last year’s Wednesday and Thursdays from 12 to 8 tax return and bank routing and account numbers for direct deposit to Room p.m. as well as Tuesdays and Fridays from 12 to 6 p.m. until April 15.

!"#$%&'"()*&"+,&-)./0%)()+1*&!$,02), By John Brandi Copy Editor |

The Academic Senate, in cooperation with department heads, faculty and administrators, has approved the name change of two majors and the graduation requirements of another. Latin American Studies will combine with Caribbean Studies to form one comprehensive major. The Foreign Language Department will become The Department of Languages, Literature and Culture. Finally, the digital media management major, as part of the Communication and Media department, will be separated and state registered and an internship will be required to graduate. “The two areas under media have been functioning as separate concentrations. Both areas have been updated,” said Patricia Sullivan, communication and media professor. “They need to be registered at the state level as separate majors in

order to be listed and advertised as such. Without the change 9#.;)2"+20)2"+)%&+'.%/+&)0%<!,=)20)<+&%21)>#.+'.%2,)0.?&+'.0) need to be aware that both areas of study under media are available.” Adding an internship requirement to the program would increase the chances of employment post graduation, said student Sen. Alberto Aquino. Aquino said he supported this measure and he thinks it’s something “other departments should look into as well.” The idea of a name change for the Foreign Language Department had been considered for a while to better incorporate and address certain topics professors teach in the classroom. “I think the name change to the Department of Languages, Literature and Cultures is long overdue,” said Peter Brown, a professor in the Foreign Language Department. “We began proposing this years ago. Most of what I teach is in the area of

Thursday, March 31, 2011

,%.+"2.?"+3)-?,.?"+3)/,<3)%'.+"&%0-%!,%'2"=)-%$%,%@2.%#')0.?&%+0) and intellectual history. I’m very pleased that we now have a name that far more accurately describes what we actually do.” Aquino also said the term “foreign” was off­putting and no longer relevant. He said since we live in a time of globalization, it’s not “appropriate” anymore. He took the example of Spanish and said that even though it’s not the #*/-%2,),2'(?2(+)#*).;+)A'%.+&)6.2.+03)%.)%0)0.%,,)*#?'&)#')9#.;) city and federal papers. Consolidation of Latin American Studies and Caribbean Studies is aimed at drawing a larger crowd, particularly those of Caribbean descent. According to Aquino, a lot of students with Caribbean backgrounds were feeling excluded because the title didn’t include them. “I was interested in that because I’m Dominican,” Aquino said. “I didn’t feel excluded, but I wasn’t in the title.”

Pg 8


The New Paltz Oracle

Proposal Possibly Cuts Pell Grants By Julie Mansmann Editor­in­Chief |

Jada Young, a second­year international relations and Black Studies major, said the burden of paying for college lies on her own !"#$%&'()*+,&-.()&"&-")*/0&12"1&3456+*15/0& cannot afford to pay out of pocket” for her schooling, Young has been able to attend college thanks to a combination of loans, scholarships and funding from the Federal Pell Grant program. But as members of Congress continue to discuss legislation that would cut the pro­ gram by approximately 24.5 percent, Young said she wonders if her brother and sister will be able to pay for higher education. “I think this proves that the idea of the ‘American dream’ is reserved for certain people and not intended for others,” she said of proposals to reduce the aid program. “These awards are extremely important to me and others who share similar socio­eco­ nomic backgrounds because they provide us with the chance to become successful in this country.” 7(#"/& (-6#*"/8& "+4& .59.585+1"1*:58& (-& 125& ;<=>& =5?& @"/1A& B*+"+#*"/&C*4& D-6#5& said they are advocating against proposals in the Full Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011 or H.R. 1 that would reduce funding of the Federal Pell Grant program by $5.7 billion. Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D­ Hurley) said in an appearance at SUNY New Paltz Tuesday that he’ll continue to work to stop the passage of H.R. 1, which he said included the “angering” reduction of educational programs that he said are vital. This includes cuts to the Pell Grant program which was designed to provide need­based grants that do not have to be repaid to low­ income students, according to the U.S. De­ partment of Education. The spending bill proposed by mem­ bers of the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives calls for a reduc­ tion of the maximum Pell Grant award by $845, which Hinchey said would be a “huge mistake.” “[The] proposal to cut the plan would )"$5& "--(.4*+,& #(//5,5& )(.5& 4*-6#E/1& -(.& people who are dependent on this kind of as­ sistance,” he said. “Education is the best in­ vestment that we can make as a society and F&?*//&#(+1*+E5&1(&6,21&","*+81&12585&#E18%G Hinchey said the proposal would affect 14,000 students in his 22nd congressional 4*81.*#1&?2(&.5#5*:5&12*8&6+"+#*"/&"*4&"?".4&

Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D­Hutrley) said he will continue to work stop the passage of H.R. 1. and 2,000 at SUNY New Paltz. Daniel Sis­ tarenik, the director of the Financial Aid Of­ 6#5& "1& 125& #(//5,5H& 8"*4& ;<=>& =5?& @"/1A& students would lose approximately $1.5 mil­ lion in aid if the bill were passed. Maureen Lohan­Bremmer, the associ­ "15&4*.5#1(.&(-&125&B*+"+#*"/&C*4&(-6#5&?2(& oversees eligibility and the ordering of Pell Grant funds, said many of those who receive this type of award at SUNY New Paltz are 6.81& ,5+5."1*(+& #(//5,5& 81E45+18%& C99.(I*­ mately 500 students in the Educational Op­ portunity Program (EOP) on campus also rely on Pell Grants to meet the costs of their bill. F-& 125& 3#(.+5.81(+5G& (-& 125*.& 6+"+#*"/& aid package was cut under federal law, Lo­ han­Bremmer said she would not want to think that SUNY New Paltz students would have to withdraw from the college because they can no longer pay tuition and other fees. “It would not surprise me if some stu­ dents chose a different path to their educa­ tion such as transferring to a school where they could commute or dropping back to part time status,” she said. “I would hate to see that happen.” In 2009, Hinchey said the Pell Grant program was expanded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that provid­

ed $15 billion in new funding at the time and raised maximum award levels. Hinchey said the new Republican ma­ jority should not seek to undo the progress made in recent years in expanding educa­ tional opportunities. Citing expenditures for the Iraq war and the approval of tax cuts for businesses that move manufacturing operations outside of the US, Hinchey said the GOP should stop engaging in wasteful spending practices and start focusing on ed­ ucational and other internal programs. “This is just another example of the recklessness of the Republican spending plan,” he said. “They want to keep tax cuts for billionaires and huge subsidies for oil companies ­ all of those are staying in place. But, they want to cut college aid for students and families in need at a time when tuition costs are rising.” ;<=>& =5?& @"/1A& (-6#*"/8& 2":5& "4:(­ cated with Republicans and Democrats alike in support of preserving educational funding like that for the Pell Grant program, Sistar­ enik said. With the April 8 deadline for the fed­ eral budget approaching in a week, Hinchey said H.R. 1 is in the “negotiation” stages, as the majority in the House of Representatives approved of the bill while facing opposition

Thursday, March 31, 2011


from the Senate. Sistarenik said the status of the legisla­ tion at this point in the year concerns him because students and their families are be­ ginning to budget for the next academic year. “I am very concerned with going about telling people how much they are getting and when,” he said. “Timing is very bad and we’re hoping the cuts aren’t as severe as they’ve been proposed.” Lohan­Bremmer said students and fam­ ilies should stay informed and explore all 6+"+#*"/&"*4&(91*(+8&*+&125&)5"+1*)5%&&;25& said students may also have to apply for loan aid, but that this could be “tricky” for low in­ come families who may not be able to afford to make payments even if they are approved for a loan based on their credit history. In spite of the loans and tax credits that may be available to families, Lohan­ Bremmer said there is no direct replacement for the Pell Grant and she worries while 81E45+18&2":5&1(&?"*1&1(&6+4&(E1&125&-E1E.5& availability of this funding. “It’s painful to sit on the sidelines and watch this process happen while we know we have parents who are very stressed,” she said. “We wish we could alleviate their stress more, but we just don’t have any an­ swers. We really can’t predict the outcome.”

The GUNK Thursday, March 31, 2011

Photos Emphasize Emotional Connection in Dorsky Exhibit,

‘THoughts of home’ Story on page 7B

PLUS... AIDS WALK Sorority hosts fundraising event

ANNETTE FINESTONE 93-year-old shows photos0 from the past in local art show

AEPS LECTURE Inaugural meeting of evolutionary psychology organization


The New Paltz Oracle





By Ari Freuman Contributing Writer|

Organized by psychology profes­ sor Glenn Geher and graduate student !"#$%&' (&"))*' +,%' -.)+' /0.1"&' 1%%+$#2' of the Applied Evolutionary Psychol­ ogy Society (AEPS) took place last Monday in New Paltz’s Lecture Center. According to Glass, one of AEPS’s /03#4%.)*' +,%' )05$%+6' 1%+' +0' 50#+$#3%' $+)'20"&'+0'/0.1'"'2.037'0/'7%07&%'$#+%.­ %)+%4' $#' 3+$&$8$#2' $#)$2,+)' /.01' %90&3­ tionary psychology in clinical or practi­ cal settings. “The idea was to organize an event that would serve as the launch point of AEPS,” said Glass. “We wanted to get together a group of speakers who would :%'":&%'+0'".+$53&"+%')01%'0/'+,%'20"&)' 0/';<=>'$#'2%#%."&'"#4'+0'&"6'03+')01%' of the practical uses for evolutionary psychology in the clinical setting.” Nando Pelusi, a counseling psy­ 5,0&02$)+' "#4' +,%' )%.$%)?' -.)+' )7%"@%.*' began the evening by explaining how evolutionary principles have changed the way he practices. In his clinical practice, he said he has realized that

10)+' 0/' +,%' 50#5%.#)' +,"+' #0.1"&&6' cause a disturbance have evolutionary underpinnings. He said those underpinnings help guide his strategies. “Especially with a cognitive­be­ ,"9$0."&' "77.0"5,*' $+?)' $170.+"#+' +0' @#0A' A,"+' +,0)%' %10+$0#)' A%.%' 4%­ )$2#%4' +0' "55017&$),*B' ,%' )"$4C' DE,6' ".%'A%'-2,+$#2')01%'0/'03.'%10+$0#)F' E,6' 40' A%' ,"9%' +,%1F';#4' A,6' ".%' +,%6'7.0:&%1)FB' Subsequent speaker, Dr. Nick Ar­ 1%#+$*' "&)0' "' 503#)%&$#2' 7)65,0&02$)+*' addressed these questions. He said 1"#6' 7)65,0&02$5"&' 7.0:&%1)' )+%1' /.01' D1$)1"+5,' +,%0.6*B' +,%' #0+$0#' +,"+'03.'$##"+%'7.0:&%1')0&9$#2'1%5,"­ #$)1)*' A,$5,' /0.1%4' 43.$#2' "#5%)+."&' 7%.$04)*' ".%' 0/+%#' 1"&"4"7+$9%' $#' 03.' 104%.#'%#9$.0#1%#+C' Using social anxiety disorder as an %G"17&%*';.1%#+$'%G7&"$#%4',0A'1$)­ 1"+5,' +,%0.6' 1$2,+' ,%&7' +0' :%++%.' 3#­ derstand psychological issues. DH#' "#5%)+."&' 50#4$+$0#)*' 50113­ #$+$%)' A%.%' )1"&&%.' "#4' 50#)$)+%4' 0/' $#4$9$43"&)' A,0' 603' $#+$1"+%&6' @#%AC'

There were very few strangers,” he )"$4C' DI04"6*' 50113#$+$%)' ".%' 135,' &".2%.*' "#4' A%' $#+%."5+' A$+,' 1"#6' )+."#2%.)' A,0)%' .%73+"+$0#)' "#4' 10+$­ vations are unclear to us.” J%' )"$4' "#' "#G$%+6' 1%5,"#$)1*' A,$5,'1"6',"9%'%90&9%4'+0'7.0+%5+'$#­ 4$9$43"&)'/.01'+,%'055")$0#"&')+."#2%.*' $)' D1$)1"+5,%4B' $#' +04"6?)' %#9$.0#­ 1%#+' A,%.%' 0#%' 1"6' %#503#+%.' ,3#­ dreds or thousands of strangers on a regular basis. It’s likely that an indi­ 9$43"&' A,0' ,")' 4$/-53&+6' .%23&"+$#2' +,$)'"#G$%+6'1%5,"#$)1'A$&&':%'"+'.$)@' to develop social anxiety disorder. J0A' +,%' 7)65,0&026' 50113#$+6' should incorporate an evolutionary /."1%A0.@' $#+0' $+)' 50#5%7+3"&$8"+$0#' 0/' 1%#+"&' 4$)0.4%.)' $)' "' K3%)+$0#' +,"+' L%A'M0.@'N#$9%.)$+6'7.0/%))0.'O%.01%' E"@%-%&4' "44.%))%4' $#' +,%' )6170­ )$31?)'@%6#0+%C E"@%-%&4')"$4'10)+'4$)0.4%.)'13)+' be viewed through an evolutionary lens "#4')%%#'")'7".+'0/'"#'"4"7+$9%'1%5,"­ #$)1C' P3.+,%.10.%*' 3#4%.' 5%.+"$#' 5$.­ 531)+"#5%)*'50#4$+$0#)'A,$5,'".%'53.­ .%#+&6'5"+%20.$8%4'")'4$)0.4%.)'1"6'#0+'


Thursday, March 31, 2011

:%' 4$)0.4%.)' "+' "&&Q' +,%6' )$17&6' .%7.%­ )%#+'#"+3."&'507$#2'1%5,"#$)1)C' J%')"$4'"'7%.)0#'A,0':%501%)'4%­ pressed after experiencing “failure in "' 1"R0.' &$/%' 20"&B' 1"6' :%' 3#4%.20$#2' a healthy and even adaptive response, and the depressed state allows this person to “rethink things – take a step back.” In contrast, he said a true disorder ".$)%)' A,%#' D03.' #0.1"&' 1%5,"#$)1)' /"$&' "#4' +,"+' /"$&3.%' .%)3&+)' $#' ,".1' +0' the individual.” N&+$1"+%&6*' E"@%-%&4' )"$4' ,%' :%­ lieves that in order to accurately con­ 5%7+3"&$8%' 10)+' 1%#+"&' 4$)0.4%.)*' 0#%' 13)+' :%' "A".%' 0/' +,%$.' "4"7+$9%' .00+)C' J%' 3)%4' +,%' +%.1' D,".1/3&' 46)/3#5­ +$0#B'+0'4%)5.$:%'1%#+"&'4$)0.4%.)'+,"+' )+%1'/.01'1$)1"+5,%4'"4"7+$9%'1%5,­ "#$)1)C Although applied evolutionary 7)65,0&026' $)' "' :3.2%0#$#2' "5"4%1$5' area, it is not without critics. Jonathan Raskin, the head of New ="&+8?)' S03#)%&$#2' =.02."1*' 0//%.%4' "' /0.1"&' .%)70#)%' +0' E"@%-%&4?)' "4­ 4.%))C'T")@$#'")@%4*'DE,"+'$)'"'1%#+"&' 1%5,"#$)1FB'"#4')"$4'+,%.%'$)'#0'%9$­ 4%#5%' 0/' "' 1%#+"&' 1%5,"#$)1?)' %G$)­ tence. He then said that the notion of a 4$)0.4%.' ")' +,%' D/"$&3.%' 0/' "' 1%5,"­ #$)1B'$)'$#'$+)%&/'+.03:&%)01%*':%5"3)%' 1%#+"&'4$)0.4%.)'".%'3&+$1"+%&6'D)05$"&' constructs,” a position which is anath­ %1"'+0'%90&3+$0#".6'/."1%A0.@C' Despite the debate that ensued, or­ ganizer Glass said he was happy with +,%'03+501%'0/'+,%')6170)$31C' “I think the event served its pur­ 70)%*B',%')"$4C'DH+'1%+'$+)'20"&)'$#'+,"+' A%' A%.%' ":&%' +0' "))%1:&%' +,.%%' 2.%"+' )7%"@%.)' +,"+' )6#+,%)$8%' +,%' 1"$#' points of evolutionary psychology and +."#)1$+'+,%1'+0'"#'"34$%#5%*'A,$5,*'+0' 16' @#0A&%42%*' ,")#?+' :%%#' 40#%' :%­ fore.”


The New Paltz Oracle CAMPUS LECTURE


By Andrew Wyrich Sports Editor |

As part of the Ottaway seminar, Emmy­award winning guest professor John Larson invited New York Times reporter Andy Lehren to speak to jour­ nalism students and faculty on Wednesday, May 30. Lehren, who was The New York Times lead reporter on the development of WikiLeaks and following stories, sifted through close to a million documents. Through his work, he was assigned to understand, correlate, search and analyze the as­ sorted materials acquired by The New York Times in July 2010. Larson said he asked Lehren to speak to stu­ dents, comprised of the Ottaway class and others enrolled in various journalism courses, because of the close relationship they developed while work­ ing together on various award­winning stories. “Some of the most endearing moments over my career are with Andy,” Larson said. “I couldn’t have approached [the awards] without the amazing work he has done.” Lehren began his lecture by explaining the situation he was put in when Julian Assange, the director of WikiLeaks, released secret documents to various major publications across the globe. !"#$%&'($)&*+,-.)$*/$0*1+2#.('$(*(34#0$567888$ and contained information regarding the war in Af­ )"3.-'(3.$%4#0$9:$'*40-#&'$39*+($3.:$)-;#.$03:<$$=1­ cording to Lehren, The New York Times Editor Bill >#44#&$ 3,,*-.(#0$ "-2$ (*$ 9#$ ("#$ %&'($ ,#&'*.$ (*$ )*$ through the documents and was sworn to secrecy. Lehren said he spent his Fourth of July week­ end looking through the documents hoping to gather information, which would eventually lead to a story analyzing how many civilians died during the war. However, after looking at the information, Lehren said he realized the documents were an incomplete set. Missing from the situation reports was information regarding former NFL player Pat !-423.?'$ 0#3("$ /&*2$ /&-#.04:$ %&#$ 3.0$ *("#&$ "-)"$ ,&*%4#$-.1-0#.('<$ “The story we were talking about wasn’t going to work,” Lehren said. “The records were incom­ ,4#(#@$("#&#$A3'$3$4*($/&*2$6885$3.0$*.4:$'*2#$-.$ 2008.” However, Lehren said the documents did give evidence of Afghani citizens cooperating with the United States military and if names of those in­ volved were made public their lives could be jeop­ ardized.

“I was actually looking at something that could endanger someone’s life,” Lehren said. Coming back from the July 4 weekend, Leh­ ren said he had “six or seven” memos he believed 1*+40$ 9#$ -.;#'(-)3(#0$ /+&("#&$ 3.0$ B#'"#0$ *+($ -.(*$ stories. After meeting secretly in The New York Times building for three weeks, Lehren and a team */$C*+&.34-'('$(+&.#0$("#$567888$A3&$4*)'$-.(*$3$(A*$ day series of stories. “A lot of them didn’t amount to anything that would make a good story,” Lehren said. “It was like stringing pearls.” D"#.$("#$'(*&-#'$%&'($9&*E#7$F3&'*.$'3-0$"#$-2­ mediately felt the impact and believed the percep­ tion of the War in Afghanistan was forever changed because of the documents. “It felt like a seismic shift, a whole new chap­ ter was being written about Afghanistan,” Larson said. In October 2010, approximately 400,000 doc­ uments relating to the Iraq War were released to the The New York Times and other outlets, which Lehren said was more complete than those received about the Afghanistan War as there were no huge )3,'$/&*2$688GH6885<$ By analyzing the newly acquired set of re­ cords, Lehren said he was able to see the scale of 100,000 deaths during the war and was able to give readers a broader perspective of what the docu­ ments presented. Finally, Lehren spoke to members of the au­ dience about the diplomatic cables released by the New York Times in Nov. 2010. The cables, while not top secret, showed information from 274 United States Embassies from around the world. Lehren and the team of reporters had a nine day series regarding the cables that focused on the most important information to a broad audience. “We were trying to let the information speak /*&$-('#4/7I$F#"&#.$'3-0<$JD#$A#&#$34'*$(&:-.)$(*$%.0$ the things you didn’t know.” The United States Government was in contact with reporters throughout the process, but Lehren stressed that only instances where lives were in danger were not published in articles. Third­year public relations major Rhianna Hercules said she enjoyed learning more about WikiLeaks after attending Lehren’s talk. “I thought it was very interesting to get the perspective of the writer,” Hercules said. “I wasn’t too familiar with WikiLeaks and through this semi­ nar, I found out a lot about it and how others, like New Paltz professors, felt about it.”

Lehren was the lead reporter on the development of WikiLeaks. PHOTO BY ANDREW WYRICH

Thursday, March 31, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle


Sex for the Right Reasons


Sitting in a circle with a group of six college students at Hasbrouck Park on March 18 during her third Culture of Consent meeting, Tracy Weider said she had never taken the time to think about whether or not the way she handled sex was good for her. “I had been very sexually active but had not realized my relationship to sex,” she said. “The way I approached it was unhealthy.” This was just one of several state­ ments made at the “The Culture of Con­ sent” discussion group hosted by Wei­ der, a fourth­year geography major and environmental studies minor. The Culture of Consent discus­ sions were created to get students to think about their partner’s and their own boundaries, wants and desires. They aim to teach others how to have sex for the right reasons, something that most people don’t think about until those questions are raised, said Weider. “There’s the struggle to be an ob­ ject of desire and to be vocal about your boundaries,” said Weider. “Because you don’t want to disappoint the person you’re with.”

Weider was prompted to start these discussions after a friend showed her an online zine titled “Learning Good Consent.” This zine is a compilation of different articles about sex. They in­ clude short stories, personal stories and outlines from consent workshops. The zine has made a positive difference in

ened up and I didn’t make eye contact with anyone.” The discussion can be just as un­ comfortable as reading the zine. “It can be really uncomfortable for people to come to the meetings if they aren’t used to talking or hearing about sex so explicitly,” said Weider.

be really uncomfortable “ Itforcanpeople to come to the meetings if they aren’t used to talking or hearing about sex so explicitly.”

-TRACY WEIDER Weider’s life and she wanted to share it During the discussion meeting on with others. March 18, two of the people that came “The zine gets pretty down and to the meeting stayed a few minutes be­ dirty pretty quick,” said Weider. “I got fore they got too uncomfortable and left. so uncomfortable. My whole body stiff­ One of the people who stayed

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through the whole meeting was third­ year major, Ian Gallagher. “I want there to be more of a dia­ logue about sexuality,” said Gallagher. “Talking about anything helps answers questions.” The “Culture of Consent” discus­ sions attempt to establish a safe place where people are welcomed and en­ couraged to come and participate under one condition: Everything spoken dur­ ing the discussion does not leave the meeting. Weider often starts off the meetings !"#$% $&'% (&)*+,% &)-&'"&./&(% 0'(#% #1% &(­ tablish a level of openness. “When people hear my story they understand that I’ll accept theirs,” said Weider. “Getting other people to share is just a matter of establishing a level of openness.” So far Weider has only held three 23*,#*'&%14%31.(&.#5%6&&#".7(8%9$&%0'(#% two meetings were held at her house on South Chestnut at 8 p.m. “Some people have expressed in­ terest in having more [meetings],” said Weider. If you are interested in attending these discussions contact Weider at


The New Paltz Oracle CAMPUS FEATURE

Student Healthcare Crisis


Being sick in college is quite the pain for many students. Your mother isn’t there to tend to your needs, to drive you to your doctor and make you chicken noodle soup. Being in college entails tending to your own needs. Making doc­ tor appointments should be a fairly easy task, but !"#$%&#$!' &%' &!' (&)*+,-%' )".' /012' 1$3' 45-%6' !%,($7%!'%"'"8%5&7'57'599"&7%#$7%'5%'%:$'/%,($7%' Health Center. Andrew Harris, a third­year geography ma­ jor said there was a time when he dislocated his knee and tried to make an appointment with the /%,($7%';$5-%:'<$7%$.=' “I called and the woman who answered the phone said something I couldn’t understand. I said, ‘what?’ and she told me ‘that’s rude, say excuse me’ and proceeded to hang up on me.” Harris said he immediately called again but there was no answer. He called the center the next day and spoke with a staff member who said that they would look into it, but nothing was done. “The Health Center should be serving student’s health needs, but it seems that they are more concerned with student’s manners,” said Harris. According to Lori Mitchell, the nurse man­

ager, there has been no record of such behavior from the staff. “That doesn’t sound like our staff, we are pretty student­oriented and here to accommodate the needs of our students,” said Mitchell. There are over 190­200 visits per week at %:$' /%,($7%' ;$5-%:' <$7%$.='>:$.$' 5.$' %3"' #5&7' providers, one family doctor per day and six nurse practitioners working full­time. Appointments are made by registered nurses who are trained in assessment and use triaging, a process where injured people are sorted based on %:$&.' 7$$(' )".' ".' -&?$-@' 8$7$*%' )."#' &##$(&5%$' medical treatment. “15 percent of the people that call can be !$$7' 8@' 5' 7,.!$A' &)' &%B!' 5' +"-(' ".' C,' 3:$.$' 3$' can administer Robitussin and Tylenol, that sort of thing,”said Mitchell. “If a student wants an ap­ pointment we try to accommodate them but there 5.$'!9$+&*+'%:&7D!'3$'5!?'%"'($%$.#&7$'3:$%:$.' they are seen immediately or given an appoint­ ment that day as opposed to tomorrow.” Mitchell said that if students are uncomfort­ able and want to see the doctor, they will cer­ tainly be given an appointment. Dr. Richard J. Ordway Jr., the acting direc­ tor of the Health Center, said he can recall the (&)*+,-%@'&7'"8%5&7&7D'599"&7%#$7%!'&7'-&D:%'")'57'

,7,!,5-'!&%,5%&"7'3:$.$'%:$'5!!&!%57%'(&.$+%".'/,­ san Allen was out on medical leave and another provider was out for the semester. “We were down on providers and by looking at how many visits per day/week, we are working to accommodate the students,” said Ordway. “Our focus here is to provide more for our students during peak times such as Friday after­ noon, Monday morning and when it is the most 8,!&$!%'E'C,'!$5!"7'3:&+:'+:57D$!')."#'#&(F' 1"G$#8$.'%"'$5.-@'H$+$#8$.'%:$7'+"#&7D'",%'")' the winter from February to March.” I.""?$'/57($.!A'5'%:&.(F@$5.'8,!&7$!!'#57­ agement major, was dealing with a painful uri­ nary tract infection when she went to the health center. There, she was told that she had to wait two days for an appointment because the doctor 35!'7"%'&7='/:$'35!'&7!%$5('.$)$..$('%"'5'("+%".' off­campus where she ended up paying a $25 co­ pay and $18 for medicine. “It would’ve been free at the health center but I didn’t want to be in pain for another two (5@!AJ'!5&('/57($.!='KL%B!'"7$'%:&7D'3:$7'!"#$­ one has a stomachache but when someone is ac­ tually in a lot of pain and you send them away with no help, it sucks. It’s like, ‘what are you here for if you can’t help someone when they ac­ tually need it?’”

/%,($7%!'5.$'.$)$..$('"))F+5#9,!'3:$7'%:$.$' are no appointments left or if something is more serious than what the health center can address. Either an ambulance is called or students are re­ ferred to First Care on Route 299 in Highland. M5,.$7' 4&G$7A' 5' %:&.(F@$5.' 57%:."9"-"D@' major, said she is quite familiar with strep throat. /:$'+5--$('%:$';$5-%:'<$7%$.'$5.-@'"7'5'N"7(5@' and was told that there were no appointments 5G5&-58-$'5%'5--='4&G$7A'3:"'35!'!$G$.$-@'($:@­ drated, denied an ambulance because of how ex­ pensive they are, and ended up taking a cab to Vassar Brothers Medical Center. “If they don’t have room for appointments, %:$@' ("7B%' :5G$' 599"&7%#$7%!AJ' !5&(' 4&G$7=' KL' know it’s not their fault but it makes me mad they suggested me to go to another clinic without giv­ ing me a ride and referring health documents.” 4&G$7' !5&(' :$' 8$-&$G$!' %:5%' 8$&7D' .$)$..$(' would not be a problem only if the Health Center called the hospital to let them know what was going on. K>:$' !@!%$#' &!' 7"%' ".D57&6$(' 3$--' $7",D:' and they need to have more communication with "%:$.'+-&7&+!'57(':"!9&%5-!AJ!5&('4&G$7='KL)'%:$@' don’t have the resources to treat students, they need to set up another way to get in touch with these clinics so that its easier to treat us students.”


Combatting AIDS in New Paltz

ALPHA EPSILON PHI SORORITY HOSTS ANNUAL WALK ON CAMPUS IN EARLY APRIL By Katie Kocijanski /%5))'[.&%$.'\ >:$'O-9:5' P9!&-"7' 4:&' !".".&%@' QOP4:&R' &!' :"!%&7D'&%!'ST%:'577,5-'OLH/'35-?'/,7(5@A'O9.&-' 3 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Elting Gym %"' !,99".%' %:$' P-&658$%:' U-5!$.' 4$(&5%.&+' OLH/' V",7(5%&"7'QPU4OVR=' P-&658$%:'U-5!$.'57('"7$'")'%:$'+"F)",7(&7D' +:5&.!' ")' PU4OV' /,!57' I$.7!%$&7FW$$D$.A' 5.$' 5-,#7&'")'%:$'O-9:5'P9!&-"7'4:&'!".".&%@A'!5&('OP­ 4:&'9:&-57%:."9@'+"##&%%$$'+:5&.'M&575'N$!!&75= O-9:5' P9!&-"7' 4:&' 8$D57' 3".?&7D' )".' %:$' foundation in 2000. Glaser contracted HIV through a blood transfusion in 1981 while she was giving birth to her daughter; she passed the G&.,!''%:.",D:':$.'8.$5!%'#&-?='/&7+$'%:$.$'3$.$' no drugs approved for children to help them *D:%'%:$'85%%-$A':$.'(5,D:%$.'(&$(')."#'OLH/'&7'

1994. Glaser later passed the virus on to her son %:.",D:' :$.' ,%$.,!=' U-5!$.' +.$5%$(' %:$' 4$(&5%.&+' Aids Foundation in order to raise money for kids 3&%:' ;LXYOLH/' &7' :"9$!' %"' !5G$' :$.' !"7B!' -&)$A' !5&('Z$--@'<,%."7$A'OP4:&'O!!&!%57%')".'%:$'4:&­ lanthropy Committee. “To commemorate her, the foundation was .$75#$('%:$'PU4OV'%:5%'3$'?7"3'")'%"(5@AJ'!5&(' Cutrone. '>:$'!&!%$.!'")'OP4:&'8$-&$G$'&%'&!'&#9".%57%' for students and community members to get in­ volved with the walk. “It brings people together for the same cause and is a great bonding experience” said Leah Hechtman, a member of the philanthropy committee. >:&!'&!'%:$'*.!%'@$5.'%:$'!".".&%@':5!'5'3$8­ site promoting the walk. In past years, most par­

ticipants would show up for the walk the day of the event. “I think it’s a great chance for people to give 85+?=' 1"%' $G$.@"7$' %5?$!' ",%' %&#$' &7' %:$&.' (5@' %"' ("' !"#$%:&7D' %:5%' 8$7$*%!' 57"%:$.' 9$.!"7' ".' group of people,” said Hechtman. >:$'OLH/'35-?'3&--'8$D&7'5%'7""7'57('95.­ ticipants are welcome to meet at Elting Gym for brunch at 11:30 a.m. The walk will take place on +5#9,!'57('"7'N5&7'/%.$$%')".'5'-&%%-$'#".$'%:57' a mile. After the walk everyone will meet up and .5)C$'"))'9.&6$!A'!5&('<,%."7$= Fundraising has been done on the website and more events are being planned by the sisters. Loose change has been collected as well. “We also do this project every spring and each year seems to get better and better. It shows us that anything is possible and it makes us more

Thursday, March 31, 2011

and more proud each time around,” said Hecht­ man. The overall fundraising goal is $3,000; as of right now they have met more than half of their goal at $2,296. Messina hopes participants and donors will learn about a cause they were never aware of prior to this event. “This semester has opened my eyes to EG­ 4OV' 57(' %:$' .$#5.?58-$' 3".?' %:$@' +"7%&7,$' %"' do,” said Messina. “I really hope that others un­ derstand how much their money will truly be ap­ preciated by those in need. And, of course I hope that others will have a great time.” To donate money or learn more about the P-&658$%:'U-5!$.'4$(&5%.&+'OLH/'V",7(5%&"7'G&!&%' %:$'O-9:5'P9!&-"7'4:&'),7(.5&!&7D'!&%$'5%'support.


The New Paltz Oracle



By Andrew Limbong Contributing Writer |

Despite graduating from SUNY New Paltz in May 2010, Emily Crocetti has remained in the community she loves. With the needs of students and residents in mind, she said she hopes to use her experiences to foster a better relationship between community members by running for a trustee seat in the up­ coming village election. “The walls need to be taken down, and there needs to be more cohesion between the groups,” said Crocetti. After earning her bachelor’s degree in his­ tory, Crocetti said she hopes to save up some money to go back to SUNY New Paltz for a mas­ ter’s degree in education. “I’m not just living here to live here. This isn’t just the land I’m on – it’s the land I’m in,” said Crocetti. Crocetti works at the Groovy Blueberry and has been working there since her freshman year at SUNY New Paltz. In that time, she’s formed a relationship with store owner Jonathan Cohen, who is seeking the mayoral position up for grabs. They are running together on the Groovy Blue­ berry ticket. Cohen ran for mayor in 2007, but lost. He was a write­in candidate because all of his peti­

tion signatures, which he handed in as early as possible, were scrutinized and didn’t make the ballot. Crocetti said Cohen is also striving for more cohesion between the students and residents of the New Paltz village. He’s hoping more students will get involved with the inner workings of gov­ ernment. “Unlike most adults, he’s willing to listen,” Crocetti said. According to Crocetti, students are the economic lifeline and bloodline of the village. There’s no reason the community and the stu­ dents can’t work together to strengthen that bond. She said with the right amount of commu­ nication, businesses in the village could take ad­ vantage of this surge of people, and make some decent money. However, Crocetti said there are tougher is­ sues to mediate, like the noise ordinance and the village’s budget. That’s where the work comes in. Crocetti said that she has spent the last three months burying herself in the village govern­ ment’s documents. “That way I’ll be able to hit the ground run­ ning,” said Crocetti. Village elections will be held on May 3, at the Fire Department meeting room in Village Hall from noon to 9 p.m.

Crocetti hopes to strengthen the bond between the community and students. PHOTO BY MAXIM ALTER

Thursday, March 31, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Home is Where the Art is



On March 18, SUNY New Paltz started its spring break, which gave many students a chance to return home, re­unite with old friends and visit familiar places. It also marked the closing of “Thoughts of Home,” an exhibit at The Dorsky featuring a collec­ tion of photographs that focus on the home as a place of great emo­ tional experience. “Thoughts of Home” opened to students and the public on Aug. 18, 2010. The exhibit was comprised of 41 photographs on loan from the Center for Photography at Woodstock, showcas­ ing people and their homes. Arts Collections Manager and Cura­ tor Wayne Lempka organized the event, and he said the photos are meant to evoke a wide range of emotions that people can relate to. “Home is a refuge,” said Lempka. “It’s a place to get away from the craziness of daily existence.” As a curator, Lempka is responsible for picking the theme of the exhibit and proving why the theme is important. Lempka was in charge of looking through the 15,000 photos on loan to The Dorsky, and choosing the ones he felt most effectively captured different aspects of life from around the country. The exhibit was made up of color print, and gelatin silver !"#$%&!'(%()*&+',&!#-%.",)&-/!%.",0&)!,-#1-&2(2,$%)&#$&%#2,3&4#5,&/& woman washing her hair in the kitchen, and a family at Thanksgiv­ ing dinner. The photographs were taken all over the country. There 6,",&"/78%/7&)'/-5)&6#%'&)%/%.,)&(9&:,).)&/$0&;2,"#-/$&</7)&9"(2& the Deep South, as well as shots ranging from dirty basements to expertly designed living rooms. To Lempka, these photos allow us to see the scope of humanity. “Every photo is full of stories,” said Lempka. “These photos allow us to stop, smile, laugh and feel sorry. They show how our homes act like a bulletin board.” Lempka said the photos displayed in the exhibit are aimed at )'(6#$7&'(6&/&!,")($=)&,$>#"($2,$%&-/$&0#",-%4?&",<,-%&6'(&%',?& are. This became a popular trend among late 20th century photog­ raphers. “In the ‘80s, and even dating back to the 1960s, photographers began to focus on the familiar,” said Lempka. “Photographers and artists were afraid that the advancements in technology were creat­ ing a lonely existence.” Lempka said the exhibition was planned three years ahead of time, and took two months to produce. He and his staff of graduate students, assistants and interns needed to mat, frame and place the photos in very precise ways around the gallery. Lempka also used quotes from a 1998 independent study entitled “What Does Home Mean to You?” The quotes were placed between pictures on the walls in a gray print. Two of the quotes were “home is somewhere to shut out the rest of the world,” and “home is family.” Lempka said he has really enjoyed the experience of bringing '#)&>#)#($&%(&4#9,*&@#)&(91-,&)#%)&"#7'%&/A(>,&%',&7/44,"?3&/$0&',&)/#0&

“Thoughts of Home” showed 41 photographs focusing on people’s homes. PHOTO BY MARION FALLER he enjoys glancing over, and noticing which pictures people take a second look at. “I think what makes this exhibition so fascinating is we can stare into people’s lives and not feel uncomfortable,” said Lempka. “The drapes are drawn, and we are welcome to look in.” Second­year Rich Cali began working at The Dorsky last fall as a Gallery Assistant. He said home is a place he can go for any­ thing. Cali said he enjoyed the exhibit, especially one particular picture. “There was a picture of Lou Reed and Andy Warhol sitting together in a room that was really cool,” said Cali. Second­year undeclared Liana Ryans works with Cali at the museum. They stand guard at a distance, keeping an eye on the spectators, making sure nobody touches the artwork. “To me, my home is where I feel most safe,” said Ryans. “It’s a place where I can be calm, and it’s a place I can relax.” When Lempka began working at SUNY New Paltz 13 years

Thursday, March 31, 2011

ago, The Dorsky didn’t exist. Like photography, SUNY New Paltz has gone through many changes throughout the years. Lempka said he is proud of the diversity of the exhibitions in The Dorsky, and he wants students to know they are given an incredible resource and they should take advantage of it. “It’s not just for art students,” Lempka said. “You could know nothing about art and enjoy this exhibit. Stop in, and enjoy it. There is always something that will peak your curiosity.” Lempka said the exhibit is great because people can relate to it. “The thing that’s so great about the exhibit is that everybody can relate, because everybody has one,” said Lempka. “It’s interest­ #$7&%(&),,&'(6&(AB,-%)&/$0&!,(!4,&-/$&",<,-%&6'/%&'(2,&#)*&+'#$7)& we collect can really express our personality.” Looking back, Lempka said he is proud of the exhibit, and all the time he spent on it. He likes how the photographs show that although we may belong to different socioeconomic classes or live in different geographical locations, we are similar..


The New Paltz Oracle



The Dorsky will be hosting a comedy event and featur­ ing two new exhibitions at the end of March and beginning of April. On April 5 at 5 p.m., the “Fancy Meeting You Here” com­ edy troupe will be leading a tour of The Dorsky exhibit, “The Illustrious Mr. X.” “Fancy Meeting You Here” is a New York based group of art lovers who give comedic museum tours in their spare time !"#$%&'($)"*'+,#$#-*".$'-$!($/+,$0,(1-2-3*(!"$0&',&4$-5$61(7$ They have also performed at museums in Berlin, London and Amsterdam. “People tend to be intimidated by museums, make fun of museums, same thing with art,” Dorsky Curator Brian Wallace said. “It makes people feel comfortable by making fun of ev­ erything.” The event is free and is “not just for art students, but for anyone who has ever laughed at an artwork.” On March 30, the Dorsky will open an award­winning new exhibit called “The Upstate New York Olympics” by photogra­ pher and poet Tim Davis. The exhibit is a series of videos of Davis performing vari­ ous goofy actions in different upstate locations, such as doing 30 lawn jockey leap frogs and jumping into a forsythia bush. The idea stemmed from Davis’ interest in performance art and +*'$4*8,#$9*,:'$-"$(+,$;3<42*='>$3-9*".$(+,4>$?&($!3'-$)"#*".$ them “bland” and “too much about national glory.” The exhibit will also include a selection of trophies which Davis created, depicting him on the top partaking in strange events, as well as collages, also by Davis, which combine an­ cient Greek pottery and sculpture with images of him doing the


The New Paltz Cheerleading squad with Tim Davis, a part of “The Upstate New York Olympics.” odd events. together. Both artists are very different, as Landauer works The Upstate New York Olympics won best in show at the mostly with drawing and uses objects that look like other ob­ Armory Art Fair, competing with 2,000 other art dealers, and is jects, while Swartz tends to work with light, space and mini­ very funny, Wallace said. malist forms. The exhibit will include selected work from each A second new exhibit will open on April 9, “Thick and artist, showcasing a variety of mediums such as sculpture, pho­ Thin” by Ken Landauer and Julianne Swartz. tography and drawings. Landauer and Swartz are a couple who usually show their “It’s a personal thing to show together,” Wallace said. :-1@$',2!1!(,3<>$!"#$(+*'$*'$(+,$)1'($(*4,$(+,<$+!9,$,9,1$'+-:"$ “There should be an interesting dialogue between work.”

tonight’s forecast with mac’S




Thursday, March 31, 2011




By Rachel Freeman

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Thursday, March 31, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle



While many spring breakers explored the beaches of Flor­ !"#$%&$'()$*#+),$%-$.)/'0*123$4$(#"$'5%$*#+!'!),$677)"$#/"$'()/$ took my bag to New York City to see two long­awaited shows from the Elephant Six Holiday Surprise Tour. For those of you who don’t know these animals, Elephant Six is a recording collective for bands like Neutral Milk Hotel (NMH), of Montreal and Olivia Tremor Control. Members of the groups tend to bounce around and form other bands within the collective – blending into a melting pot of a shit­ton of great sub­bands like Circulatory System, The Music Tapes and Elf Power. Unfortunately, most of these bands have either broken up or stopped going on tour, so the Holiday Surprise Tour brought together certain members of the collective to perform songs from many of the bands. Show number one was at The Knitting Factory on March 22. It was a small bar in Brooklyn but the sold­out show hardly 677)"$'()$&%%89$:#2;)$'(!,$5#,$%/$<0&<%,)$'%$*&)#')$#$8%&)$!/'!­ mate setting. See here’s the thing: the members of the collective are more like people who you just want to be friends with, share a beer with and play a song. That intimacy they bring through '()!&$80,!*$#/"$=)/)&#7$#<<)#&#/*)$5#,$&)>)*')"$#'$'()$,'#&'$%-$ the show when the 12 or so guys (and one girl) stood behind the crowd singing a capella, “You’re going on a trip / your mind is /%'$?0!')$6'$@$2%0&$;&#!/$*!&*0!'&2A,$#;/%&8#7!'!),$(#+)$;&%0=('$ you this...” They kept their chant going until a loud burst of a

'0;#$5)/'$%--$-&%8$'()$,'#=)$#/"$)+)&2%/)$6/#772$5)/'$%/,'#=)9$ B()!&$6&,'$,)'$!/*70")"$'&#*1,$-&%8$C7!+!#$B&)8%&$D%/'&%73$ The Gerbils, Pipes You See, Pipes You Don’t and others. Many of the members alternated instruments and vocals, even if they weren’t a part of the song from the original band. It really was just beautiful. So many of my favorite musi­ cians, all on one stage, sharing these songs with us. Being a fan %-$8%,'$%-$'(),)$;#/",$-%&$,%$7%/=3$!'$-)7'$#8#E!/=$'%$6/#772$;)$ able to see them perform. F-')&$ '()!&$ 6&,'$ ,)'3$ '()2$ <7#2)"$ #$ ,(%&'$ 678$ #;%0'$ #$ ()/$ whose fellow hen friend dies and it wants to give it a proper burial. It was weird, quirky and typical Elephant Six. The second set began with an unusual game; a huge snow­ man stood at the corner of the stage and NMH/The Music Tapes’ Julian Koster explained that spring needed to come to New York City and the only way to make it happen was to help the snow­ man throw a snowball at the moon. This was done by throwing a small, white ball with a lacrosse­like stick into the “moon.” Koster let a few audience members try, but they all failed. Later !/$ '()$ ,(%53$ #/%'()&$ *%/'),'#/'$ 6/#772$ <!)&*)"$ '()$ 8%%/9$ B()$ prize was not only spring coming to New York City but also the contestant’s choice of any song outside of the collective for the band to perform. He chose The Beach Boys’ “Heroes and Thieves,” which was done quite nicely. It was things like this that kept the energy high and the three hours an endless amount of fun. One of the best parts of the show was Koster’s performance. The collective would play together for some songs, but also break

up into smaller or individual groups for others. Koster, who plays the singing­saw and banjo, among others, took my breath away. On one song, he told a long story about his Romanian circus an­ cestry who performed an act where they would pull dehydrated European cities from their mouths (imagination is key here). He said the only way to spread the code of the act was through song, so he took his banjo and played it with a violin bow. It sounded like an entire orchestra captivating the crowd and leaving me speechless. YouTube it. F-')&$#$,)*%/"$,)'$#/"$7%/=$)/*%&)3$'()$=&%0<$6/!,()"$5!'($ Sun Ra’s “Enlightenment,” coming back into the crowd and con­ tinuously repeating the chant, with everyone singing along. The second night, at Le Poisson Rouge, was very similar to '()$6&,'3$8!/0,$'()$6789$B()$1!"$5(%$;&%1)$'()$8%%/$&)?0),')"$#$ Black Sabbath song, and I giddily got Koster’s autograph. My only disappointment of the show would be NMH, or the 7#*1$'()&)$%-9$B()$>!)&$-%&$'()$,(%5$,#!"$'()2$5%07"$<7#2$,%/=,$ from the band, but they didn’t either night. Plus, many Elephant Sixers thought the mysterious Jeff Mangum (NMH vocalist/gui­ tarist/writer) would perform at both shows. He didn’t. Mangum has been keeping to himself for years, especially after the suc­ cess of NMH, but has slowly begun to show up again in the music world. He was there, however, (and stood next to me for almost 10 minutes), but didn’t surprise the audience with a song. Regardless, the shows were incredible. In the end, I really just wish I could hop on their tour and hang out with them. Al­ though they’re all well into their ‘30s and ‘40s, I think we’d be great friends.



By Zan Strumfeld A&E Editor |

The crazy and colorful of Montreal will be head­ lining at Vassar College’s Walker Field House on Sat­ urday, April 23 at 10 p.m. Put together by Vassar Col­ lege Entertainment (ViCE), the Athens, Ga., Elephant Six Collective­based band that is rising in popularity will most likely put on an unforgettable and outra­ geous show. According to Hadley Keohane, a part of ViCE publicity, the college tried an online poll with a list of musical acts to choose from. “of Montreal was one of the choices. It wasn’t the

top choice but the top choices were more popular bands and harder to secure,” said Keohane. “But this was still #$<%<07#&$*(%!*)$#/"$%/)$5)$'(%0=('$5#,$6''!/=9G After ViCE’s choice to have The Flaming Lips perform last year, Vassar College is certainly keeping up their legacy of great performers. “We chose of Montreal because they’re not only a really great musical act but they have really exciting shows with big spectacles,” said Keohane. “This year is the start of a new tour where they’re lost in space and traveling through time. It’s a really fun concert ex­ <)&!)/*)9$H)$'(!/1$!'A,$&)#772$6''!/=$-%&$5(#'$5)$'&2$'%$ bring with ViCE.”

The Knocks, an electronic duo from New York City, will be opening for of Montreal. “We were just listening to a bunch of artists that were available and they were really fun and dancey music. We thought they would be great to get everyone excited for the main act,” said Keohane. Keohane encourages SUNY New Paltz students to come to the show. “It’s gonna be a really fun show and a really great environment,” she said. “We’d love to have students from other schools there.” Tickets for the show can be purchased at Tick­ for $30. PHOTO COURTESY OF FLYONTHEWALLDESIGN.COM

Thursday, March 31, 2011


The New Paltz Oracle MUSIC REVIEWS

Radiohead Reign as Kings


By Ken Glauber Staff Writer | N2"#54+.PQR6+8!#"'S(+,5

It only takes !"#$%&'()&*)+#,-*& of Radiohead’s (.-)#& /#0& 12#%$*& Flower” to tell you what kind of album they 3!()& +#,+#+%)-& this time. Thom Yorke, the front of Radiohead, is possessed by some musical spirit that forces him to 4#()& 3.*& "#-5& 6.7)& 3)8*& %!7.,9& :!0%& .,& !,& ancient ritual to expel the toxic demons /0#4&3.*&*#$6;&<3)&=).0-&%3.,9&.*&3#=&"!­ dass he looks when he does it. I tried to %3.,7&#/&!&*.,96)&:)0*#,&")*.-)*&>#07)&=3#& I could watch squirm uncomfortably for '()&4.,$%)*?&!,-&@&+!4)&$:&=.%3&,#%3.,9;& An album fairly unlike the rest of the A!-.#3)!-&+!%!6#9$)?&9*+%N&62%7=%O&B4/ is !& +#66)+%.#,& #/& *#4")0& %$,)*?& !66& ,#--.,9& !=!5&")3.,-&%3)&=3))6&#/&!&+!0&-0.(.,9&%#& B!0*;&A)()0"&!,-&!4".),+)&3!()&")),&.,­ %)90!6& /!+%#0*& .,& A!-.#3)!-8*& *$++)**?& "$%& most of the time these effects are applied to ):.+& +3#0-& :0#90)**.#,*& !,-& (!*%& 4$*.+!6& !00!,9)4),%*;& <3.*& %.4)& !0#$,-?& A!-.#­ head has come up with a less dynamic set

#/&*#,9*?&"$%&!&*%0#,9&*),*)&#/&$,.%5&)C.*%*& between them. Whereas their last release In Rainbows was full of close­your­eyes­and­feel­it sort #/& 4$*.+& 6.7)& 1D66& @& E))-?F& 1G.-)#%!:)F& !,-&1A)+7#,)0?F&%3)&(.")&#,&%3)&,)=&!6"$4& is more close­your­eyes­and­attempt­to­ /#+$*& 4$*.+;&<3)& *#,9*& )(#7)& !& +6$%%)0)-& sense of confusion and lunacy, mostly due to the different style of production on the album. The tracks don’t contain nearly as many layers as their other releases. Radio­ head did away with most of their intricate *%0$44.,9&!,-&',)&%$,)-&%)+3,.+!6&!%%),­ %.#,?&=3.+3&4!7)*&!&90##()&%3!%&!66#=*&/#0& !& *$0:0.*.,965& :6)!*!,%& !"*),+)& #/& 9$.%!0& !,-&#%3)0&+#,(),%.#,!6&.,*%0$4),%*;& It’s no secret that Yorke has been in support of experimental hip­hop producer H65.,9& 2#%$*& /#0& %3)& :!*%& /)=& 5)!0*;& <3)& %=#&3!()&%#$0)-&%#9)%3)0&!,-&0)4.C)-&)!+3& #%3)08*&*#,9*?&!,-&%3)&)//)+%&*))4*&%#&3!()& *$,7& -)):& ),#$93& .,%#& >#07)8*& 4!+3.,)I like head for it to show on the new album. What Radiohead once touched upon with Amnesiac has expanded with new technol­ #95&!,-&*%$-.#&%0.+7*&%3!%&!0)&#/%),&$%.6.J)-& "5&!0%.*%*&6.7)&H65.,9&2#%$*;&<3)&#--&K$!,­ %.J!%.#,&#/&%3)&-0$4*&#,&%0!+7*&6.7)&1H)0!6F& !,-&1L6##4F&9.()*&%3)&96##45&!6"$4&4#0)&

%),*.#,&!,-&/#0+)?&=3.6)&%0!+7*&6.7)&12#%$*& Flower” tie Radiohead to their roots, us­ .,9&>#07)8*& $,.K$)& /!6*)%%#& (#.+)& !,-& %3)& 0)6.!"65&4#(.,9&035%34&*)+%.#,&%#&!--&%3)& auteur­like qualities to Radiohead’s music %3!%&6.*%),)0*&3!()&+#4)&%#&)C:)+%;& <3)&650.+*&#,&%3)&!6"$4&*%!5&),.94!%­ .+& !,-& *$66),?& !& 6!&>#07);& M.*& 4)!,.,9/$6& 4#!,*& !.-& %3)& 4$*.+& 4#*%& #,& *#,9*& 6.7)& 12.%%6)&"5&2.%%6)?F&=3)0)&3)&*.,9*&1%$0,&%#& nasty now, the dark cell, the pit of my soul. The last one out of the box, the one who "0#7)& %3.*& *:)66;F&>#07)& =.66& !6=!5*& 3!()& *#4)%3.,9& 45*%)0.#$*& !,-& :#=)0/$6& %#& *.,9&!"#$%?&"$%&.,&%3)&+#,%)C%&#/&9*+%N&62% 7=%O&B4/%3)&*))4*&%#&")&0)6!C.,9&#$0&)5)*& !,-&6$66.,9&$*&.,%#&!&+#4/#0%!"6)&"$%&K$)*­ tionable sleep. While it may not carry the impact ex­ :)+%)-&#/&!&*.9,!%$0)&!6"$4&#/&%3).0*?&The N&62% 7=% O&B4/% reminds us how spontane­ ous Radiohead can be. Yorke has become 7,#=,& /#0& 4!,5& %3.,9*?& #,)& #/& =3.+3& .*& 3.*& *6.93%65& +0##7)-& )5);& @& 6.7)& %#& %3.,7& of it like this: Yorke (as Radiohead) can *))&*%0!.93%&!,-&+!,&!6=!5*&+#,%.,$)&#,&!& linear path when he likes, but it’s nice to 7,#=&3.*&#%3)0&)5)&.*&6##7.,9&.,&-.//)0),%& directions.

Britney’s Back: From Mouseketeer to ‘Femme Fatale’ NEW RELEASE EXPERIMENTS WITH DUBSTEP AND DANCE BEATS

By Ariana Cember \#,%0."$%.,9&N0.%)0&`&T.&#6#(?+B4+.UVR6+8!#"'S(+,5

The latest al­ "$4&/0#4&%3)&)()0I 0)*.6.),%& L0.%,)5& Spears, Femme Fa­ tale, was released on Tuesday, March 29, 2011. With the *.,96)*& 1M#6-& @%& D9!.,*%& B)F& !,-& 1<.66& %3)& N#06-& O,-*F& !60)!-5& !(!.6!"6)& !,-& =)66I0)+).()-&"5&%3)&9),)0!6&:$"6.+?&.%&.*&6.7)65& that Femme Fatale =.66&:0#(.-)&6.*%),)0*&=.%3& !,&#$%I#/I%3.*I=#06-&4$*.+!6&)!09!*4; OC:)0.4),%.,9& =.%3& -$"*%):& .,& 1M#6-& @%& D9!.,*%& B)?F& O$0#I:#:& .,& 1<0.:& %#& >#$0& M)!0%F& !,-& "!**I3)!(5& ")!%*& 6.7)& 1L.9& H!%& L!**?F&%3.*&!6"$4&%0!,*+),-*&,)=&"#$,-!0.)*& for Spears as an artist and for pop music as !&=3#6);&D/%)0&!,&)C+0$+.!%.,965&6#,9&%#$0.,9& :)0.#-&.,&PQQR?&S:)!0*&-)*)0()-&!&3!0-I)!0,)-& break, but instead chose to return to the spot­ 6.93%&.,&:0):!0!%.#,&/#0&3)0&*)(),%3&*%$-.#&!6­ "$4;&N#07.,9&=.%3&(!0.#$*&:0#-$+)0*&!,-&3.%&

4!7)0*& 6.7)& B!C& B!0%.,?& T0;& 2$7)& !,-& L.66­ "#!0-?&S:)!0*&3!*&#$%-#,)&3)0&:0)(.#$*&)//#0%*& ten­fold. Femme Fatale is the kind of music you’d =!,%& %#& 6.*%),& %#& =3.6)& 9)%%.,9& 0)!-5& /#0& %3)& ,.93%?& "6!*%.,9& -$0.,9& !,& .,%),*)& +!0-.#& *)*3& !%& %3)& 954& !,-& -)',.%)65& =3.6)& -!,+.,9& #$%& #,&%3)&U##0&!%&!&+6$";&<3#$93&3)0&6!*%&!6"$4& Circus& =!*& ,#%& 0)9!0-)-& !*& !& U#:& "5& 3!(.,9& substantial sales, hardcore fans were disap­ :#.,%)-& =.%3& !& 4!V#0.%5& #/& 6!+76$*%)0& *#,9*& and subsequent lack of publicity; but it is safe to say that Femme Fatale&.*&,#%3.,9&*3#0%&#/& perfect. The new album is reminiscent of her past knockouts, In the Zone and :"#?E75'; dance !6"$4*&=.%3&/$,?&/0)*3&!,-&*)-$+%.()&*#,9*;&@%& would be a stretch to consider Femme Fatale !& +#,+):%& !6"$4?& "$%& %3)0)& .*& !,& #()0I!0+3­ .,9& %3)4)& #/& %3)& )4:#=)0)-& !,-& +#,'-),%& S:)!0*I*:#%%.,9I9$5I*3)I6.7)*& !,-& %3)& ),*$­ .,9&:0#+)**&#/&3#=&%#&!%%!.,&3.4;& While it was hyped that Spears would ")& =#07.,9& =.%3& =.66;.;!4?& %3)& %0!+7& 3)& :0#­ -$+)-&!,-&+#66!"#0!%)-&#,?&1L.9&H!%&L!**?F&.*& %3)&#,65&*#,9&%3!%&-#)*,8%&*))4&%#&'%&=.%3&%3)&

*#$,-& #/& %3)& !6"$4;& S#4)%3.,9& $,$*$!6& %3!%& Spears incorporates into this CD is the addi­ %.#,&#/&!&/)!%$0)-&2D&0!::)0?&S!".?&#,&1WT0#:& T)!-X& L)!$%./$6;F& Y:),.,9& %3)& !6"$4& .*& %3)& -!,+)&!,%3)4?&Z<.66&%3)&N#06-&O,-*8&=.%3&.%*& +!%+35& "!%%6)& +05& #/& 1=3#!I#3I#3I#3I#3I#3I #3I#3F& =3.+3& ),+#$0!9)*& 6.*%),)0*& %#& 17)):& on dancin’ till the world ends.” The combina­ %.#,&#/&%3)&.,/)+%.#$*&=3.*%6.,9?&")!%&!,-&650.+*& 6.7)?&1@&=!,,!&*3#=&!66&%3)&-.0%&@&9#%&0$,,.,8& %30#$93& 45& 4.,-F& 4!7)*& 1@& N!,,!& [#F& !& -)',.%)&3.936.93%&#/&Femme Fatale. @,& %3)& ,.,%3& %0!+7?& 1<0#$"6)& H#0& B)?F& S:)!0*&-.*:6!5*&!&(#+!6&:0#=)**&%3!%&3!*&")),& #()06##7)-&/#0&K$.%)&*#4)&%.4)&-$)&%#&%3)&%5:­ .+!665&#()0%&4!,.:$6!%.#,&#/&3)0&(#.+);&O()05& /)44)& /!%!6)& ,))-*& 3)0& #=,& 1\0.4.,!6?F& %3)& last track of the album, in which Spears states, 1B!4!&@84&.,&6#()&=.%3&!&+0.4.,!6]&D,-&%3.*& %5:)&#/&6#()&.*,8%&0!%.#,!6?&.%8*&:35*.+!6;F& As Spears proclaimed in a recent inter­ (.)=&=.%3&Y^<&B!9!J.,)?&1<3)&".%+3&.*&"!+7& !,-&")%%)0&%3!,&)()0_F&S:)!0*&!,,#$,+)-&%3!%& *3)&=.66&")&%#$0.,9&%3.*&*$44)0;&

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Laurent Blanchette YEAR: Fourth MAJOR: Music Theory and Composition HOMETOWN: Carmel, N.Y.

What is your instrument of choice? Why? Tuba. It’s really weird and not a lot of people !"#$%&'(%)%*#'+,%&'%#'%-./'%01'*%2.#,+3%45'%678% I’ve come to love it because it’s unique. Who are you currently listening to? Dubstep. Balfa Brothers. My favorite band is 9*+%:.#//%7.%;6%'*+%<&2*'%7=%>.&6?+/(% !"#$%&'$(#)&$*%+,$+,-)',.'/0 9*&/%25$%:74%@'+8#.'%)%/#8%8*+6%)%8#/%"&''"+(% A+% ,&,% '*&/% /+B&6#.% 8&'*% ?&.?5"#.% 4.+#'*&62% C% 4.+#'*&62% &6% '*.752*% $75.% 67/+% #/% $75D.+% !"#$&62(%9*#'D/%"&E+%#%B#/'+.D/%'+?*6&F5+(%% What are you involved in on/off­campus that is music related? )%!"#$%8&'*%G7,?*&""#%#6,%&6%#%=7"E%4#6,%8&'*% 9*+%H5&?+%:7$/(%I78%)DJ+%4++6%!"#$&62%8&'*% Adir Cohen too. And I have a band from home, Adam and the Animals. I also play with the symphonic band on campus. What will you do with your degree? I+K'%$+#.%)DB%2766#%27%,786*&""%"76247#.,­ &62% &6% L#"&=7.6&#(% )% '*&6E% )D""% '+#?*% "#'+.% 76(% G.#,%/?*77"%#6,%'.#J+"&62%'77(%)DB%27&62%'7% !"#$%B5/&?%'*+%8*7"+%'&B+(%)DB%'.$&62%'7%/'#.'% #% 4#6,% 8&'*% :+6M&% 0=.7B% G7,?*&""#% #6,% 9*+% H5&?+%:7$/3%'77(% Check out video footage of Laurent Blanchette playing tuba at or scan the QR code with a free app on any smartphone!


The New Paltz Oracle

This Week in


Major: Art Education Year: Third

“I create artwork to represent a thought, but most importantly to gain a greater connection to myself. My art has developed through life experiences, challenges and an endless curiosity for exploration.”






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The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 11






se IEW Ba EV e R 5 gu N Pge 1 ea O Pa










After winning the NJCAA National Championship at her last school, Dewey said she plans on bringing her winning ways to the New Paltz lacrosse program.

By Nick Monaco Contributing Writer |

After having 4­11 record in the 2010 spring season, the New Paltz Women’s La­ crosse team will look to Captain Gabrielle Dewey for some spark during the team’s current campaign. Dewey, a fourth­year defender, trans­ ferred from Onondaga Community College in fall 2009. After winning the National Ju­ nior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) National Championship at her last school, Dewey said she plans on bringing her win­ ning ways to the young New Paltz lacrosse program. “Playing here is much different than at Onondaga,” said Dewey. “We are all fo­ cused on showing everyone and ourselves that we are a great team and that we’re get­ ting better every day.” Last season, Dewey started in 15 games for the Hawks and caused 16 turnovers over

the course of the season. She also scored mously by her teammates because of her two goals and one work ethic on and assist from her de­ !""#$%&#'#&()* fensive position. “She has very Even with these strong leader­ numbers, Dewey ship qualities and and her teammates strives for this know she has the team to be the potential to be best,” said Semel­ even better. macher. “Even “I don’t let in the off­season, myself slack off Gabby was always during workouts working on keep­ or practices,” said ing the girls play­ Dewey. “I push ing and keeping myself and en­ them in shape.” courage my team Aside from her to do the same.” work ethic, Se­ Head Coach melmacher praised Heather Semelm­ Dewey’s stick skill acher, who is in and overall level of her third year coaching the program, said play. Semelmacher said Dewey’s desire to that Dewey was selected captain unani­ learn more about the sport each day makes

“I push myself and encourage my team to do the same”

— Gabrielle Dewey

Thursday, March 31, 2011


her an attractive captain. “She believes you can never stop learn­ ing about this sport and all the techniques involved,” Semelmacher said. After coming off a season where the Hawks played sub­par defensively, Semel­ macher will look to Dewey to control the young group of defenders. The group gave up an average of 14 goals a game last sea­ son and she knows her team has the poten­ tial to perform better. “She is an intense player and has an +,+-./0#1&/1&#!"#$%&#'#&()#+2!3/)#%&245#6&7 melmacher said. “Do not get in her way on $%&# '#&()# 8&9+31&# 1%&# :.((# )!# +/;$%./0# $!# stop the ball and protect her goaltender.” The 2011 Hawks are off to a hot start :.//./0# $%&.2# '#21$# '#<&# 0+,&14# 1!,&$%./0# Dewey hopes to continue. “I love playing this game,” said Dew­ ey. “I think of our team as a family and I wouldn’t want to be playing next to anyone else out there.”

Pg 12


The New Paltz Oracle

Wellness and Recreation Events and Activities THURSDAY: 3/31 THURSDAY: 9/30 11 a.m. ­ Yoga with Sara 12 p.m. ­ Cycle with Corinna 4:30 p.m. ­ Zumba with Amanda 5:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Lana 6:30 p.m. ­ Dance Groove with Elisa 7 p.m. ­ Cycle with Courtney 7:30 p.m. ­ Turbo Kick with Emily 8:30 p.m. ­ Belly Dance with Amy

Upcoming Games

12:15 p.m. ­R.I.P.P.E.D with Corinna 5:30 p.m. ­ Cardio Martial Arts with Jess and Yoga with Elisa 7 p.m. ­ Cycle with Brianna 7:30 p.m. ­ Zumba with Amanda

FRIDAY: 4/1 12:30 p.m. ­ Cycle with Courtney 4 p.m. ­ Total Body Works with Cat

MONDAY: 4/4 12 p.m. ­ Cycle with Corinna 12:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Sara 5 p.m. ­ Cycle with Briana 5:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Lana 7 p.m. ­ Cycle with Lauren 7:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Michelle C.






12 p.m.

12 p.m.

@ College at

@ College at




1 p.m.

@ SUNY Oswego

@ SUNY Cortland


WEDNESDAY: 4/6 WEDNESDAY: 10/6 11 a.m. ­ Yoga with Michelle C 12:30 p.m. ­ Pilates with Molly 5:30 p.m. ­ Yoga with Lana 6:30 p.m. ­ Zumba with Michelle 7 p.m. ­ Cycle with Steph 7:30 p.m. ­ willPower & Grace with Michelle H

1 p.m. @ SUNY Fredonia



Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mike Marash

Wellesley Tournament

9 a.m.

Wellesley Tournament

Pg 13


The New Paltz Oracle

Tennis Team Aces Florida Tournament

The Women’s Tennis team traveled to Florida and competed in the “Spring Break Sports” program over spring break, only losing to Colby College.

By Cat Tacopina Copy Editor |

With spring break then approach­ ing, the New Paltz tennis team was not thinking of relaxing.While they would be traveling to Florida, they were more focused on the competition that they would be facing there. The team left early on the Friday be­ fore break started to head south to com­ pete. Through a program called “Spring Break Sports,” the team matched up against the University of Wisconsin­Os­ hkosh, Colby College, Merrimack Col­ lege and Colorado College while only seeing defeat against Colby. Before the trip, Head Coach Rob Bruley was already looking toward the !"#$%&'()*#%(&+$*#&!&,#(",-($.,/(-&,$&0( “‘Spring Break Sports’ is probably the number one tennis organization,” said Bruley. “We decided to go to Orlan­ do because there are better teams down there as opposed to Puerto Rico.” The trip marked the beginning of the spring season for the Lady Hawks, one with a schedule that is “much tougher ",-(!1$%(!.2&(-*3/($14#5(#%",(4"'#(6&"27'(

fall schedule. This season the team will not face any other SUNYAC schools and will instead play against other Division III schools from the northeastern region. While the team understands that this will be a tougher season, they look forward #.(*#()*#%($.,/(-&,$&0 “We’re excited,” said second­year player Montana Wilson. “We like to be challenged and this is going to be good.” Bruley echoed this sentiment. “They like to be challenged, they don’t like playing easy matches,” said Bruley. “In some ways, they would rather lose 9­0 against a very, very, very good team than win 9­0 against a team where they don’t even need to break a sweat.” Although the team did get to relax and enjoy some recreational time while on their spring break, the matches they had were their main focus. The level of their opposition was “very strong” and provided the team with motivation to get ahead early. The team came back with a 3­1 record that was the result of intense indoor workouts during the winter. “Prior to spring break we had three

weeks of indoor training to prepare for the tough four matches, but there is no substitute to playing matches,” said Bruley. “These matches will help each player to get back into the swing of play­ ing, help with their timing, footwork and conditioning, and belief that they can win in tight situations.” These matches will also prepare New Paltz for their two biggest tourna­ ments of the season. The team was invit­ ed to a tournament hosted by Wellesey College and they will also be participat­ ing in the NCAA Division III Women’s Tennis Championships in May. Bruley said the team was “honored” to be in­ vited. 89%&2&("2&(":.1#(3.12(.2(/(;&('$%..4'( who will be there that are all nationally­ ranked,” said Bruley. “We were invited


to this tournament…It just shows how this small program has moved on now and being invited to play with the big boys, so to say.” 9%&( #2*<( '<"2=&-( $.,/(-&,$&( "!.,>( Bruley’s players going into a competi­ tive spring season. Bruley said the team always goes in with that high level of play in mind, and this attitude makes him excited to see what his players will bring onto the courts. “As always I’m really excited about the spring season,” said Bruley. “The team was happy to pick up their rackets and play competitively again and we are all excited about the trip to the NCAA National Championship, giving us an opportunity to play the best in the coun­ try and to showcase our Women’s Tennis program.”


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wellesley Tournament On April 2 and 3

The New Paltz Oracle

Pg 14


Now that spring training is about to con­ !"#$%&'($&)*%&+',%+'""&,%',-(&./""&-01!/'""2&+%­ gin, the time of speculation and predictions will end and the time for results and performances will start. 3*%& 4%),& *'5%& 6/%!%$& )-7%)*%8& )*%/8& 1('"& 25­man roster heading toward April 1. The team will feature new faces and different personali­ ties that new General Manager Sandy Alderson and his regime hope will lead into different re­ sults than the Mets’ previous seasons. One of the under­the­radar acquisitions that Alderson made this offseason was signing Taylor Buchholz to a one­year, $600,000 deal, epitomizes the selective and smart type of direc­ )/-(&)*%&4%),9&08-()&-01!%&*',&,)'8)%$&)-&/:6"%­

ment going forward. ;($%8& %<)8%:%& 1('(!/'"& 68%,,#8%& '($& -00& )*%&1%"$&$/,)8'!)/-(,&!"-#$/(7&)*%&)%':9,&68%,,& time, Alderson was able to scout low­risk, high­ reward talents that have impressed so far in their short Mets careers. Buchholz’s deal includes performance based incentives that could drive the deal to $1.1 million and should something go wrong this season for the reliever, the Mets are not contractually obligated to him beyond this year. However, if things go right, the Mets may have found a potential steal this offseason. Many fans seem to forget that only a few years ago Buchholz was one of the National League’s most dominant and exciting relief pitchers. Boasting a powerful curveball and pin­ point control, Buchholz was one of the Rock­ /%,&+%,)&,%)=#6&8%"/%5%8,&/(&>??@A&B%&1(/,*%$&)*%& 2008 campaign with a 2.17 ERA in 63 appear­ ances. Before his spectacular 2008 season, Buch­ holz was a top prospect that was expected to be a dominant pitcher. In 2003 Buchholz was part of the deal that sent all­star closer Billy Wagner to the Phillies from the Astros and was eventual­ ly called up by Houston during the 2006 season. For the 2007 season, the highly regarded pitcher was sent to Colorado in a trade that sent


A New Beginning For Buchholz

Taylor Buchholz has pitched well this spring and could be a potential steal for the Mets.

Jason Jennings to the pitching starved Astros. Buchholz’s career took a tragic turn in 2009, missing the entire season as he recovered from Tommy John surgery. Over the 2010 sea­ son Buchholz bounced from the Rockies, Blue Jays and Red Sox – being picked up on waivers and only having small chances to prove himself healthy after the surgery. However, Alderson realized that the once highly­regarded pitcher was available and would be willing to prove that he could return to his 2008 dominance on a cheap deal. So far, Buchholz has done nothing but im­

press the Mets. So far this spring, Buchholz has pitched 15 scoreless innings, striking out 10 and only walking three. Buchholz’s performance has made him a lock for the Opening Day roster and if he continues to pitch effectively, could blos­ som into a set up man for Francisco Rodriguez. While this is only a small sample of innings to make assumptions off of, the potential Buch­ holz has is exciting. If Buchholz is able to recap­ ture the ability that made him such an effective relief pitcher, the Mets’ bullpen suddenly seems much stronger.

New Paltz Gains In Commissioner’s Cup By Cat Tacopina Copy Editor |

At the completion of the winter season, New Paltz athletic teams are third in the SU­ NYAC Commissioner’s Cup standings. “This is the highest the school has ever been,” said the tennis team’s Coach Rob Bruley. “It’s based on how well you do in your sport and it also works on percentages because we don’t participate in every sport, so it’s worked on the percentages of sports that you do play in.” Last year, New Paltz landed the sixth place spot after all three seasons. The pro­ gram had a total of 79 points with an aver­ age of 5.64 points per sport. As of right now, New Paltz has 72.5 points while averaging 6.59 points per sport. Teams are given points based on how well they do in their sport during the regu­ lar season and the post­season. Teams that 1(/,*&18,)&/(&)*%/8&,6-8)&'8%&7/5%(&C?&6-/(),& .*/"%& )*%& ,!*--"& )*')& 1(/,*%,& /(& ,%!-($& /,& 7/5%(&(/(%&6-/(),D&)*%&)%':&)*')&1(/,*%,&)*/8$& is given eight points and so on. The teams

are then given points based on post­season 1(/,*%,& '($& )*%,%& ,!-8%,& '8%& )*%(& $/5/$%$& +2& ).-& '($& )*%& 1('"& (#:+%8& /,& )*%& ':-#()& of points that the team receives towards the standings. New Paltz’s current position in the Cup standings can be attributed to the success that many of the school’s athletic programs have had within the past year. “We’ve had a very suc­ cessful fall season and then that continued on in the win­ ter with both the Men’s and Women’s Basketball teams and Women’s Swimming as well,” said Bruley. This past year has seen a surge in New Paltz sports as they have become a force to be reckoned with by other schools in the SUNYAC. The tennis team took home the SUNYAC title while Women’s Volley­ ball went to the conference

1('",& ')& )*%& !-(!"#,/-(& -0& )*%& 0'""& ,%',-(A& Both Women’s and Men’s Basketball made it to their respective tournaments, with the Women’s squad making it to the Final Four before falling to SUNY Oneonta. Women’s Swimming had a “tremendous” second place 1(/,*& .*/"%& )*%& :%(9,& )%':& 1(/,*%$& ',& )*%&

Thursday, March 31, 2011

)*/8$=6"'!%&)%':&/(&)*%/8&1('",A& The Hawks trail behind SUNY Gen­ eseo, who currently averages 8.25 points per sport and SUNY Cortland, who averages 7.46 points per sport, respectively. New Paltz will compete for the standing now with base­ ball, softball, tennis and lacrosse.

The New Paltz Oracle


Pg 15


By Andrew Wyrich

Sports Editor |





Boston Red Sox – (96­66) – The Red Sox improved every aspect of their game this offseason, adding

Philadelphia Phillies – (93­69) – A>%,'3*05'@#*!'2+!0*"".'"*D%"6'!0+&0*,$'*,'7"+:%'.4'05%'*,Z#&%)'25+!%'

!"#$$%&'()&*+,' -.,/+"%/' +,)' !0+&' .#01%")%&' 2+&"' 2&+34.&)' 0.' 05%*&' +"&%+)6' 7.0%,0' "*,%#78'9*05' +' 5%+"056' 7*0:5*,$'!0+44'"%+)*,$'05%'3+6;'05%'<.='!5.#")'5+>%',.'0&.#?"%'3*,,*,$'05%'(@'A+!08' New York Yankees – (86­76) –'B5%'C+,D%%!'+00%E70%)'0.'+:F#*&%'0.7'4&%%'+$%,0'0+"%,0'2"*44'@%%'0.'!5.&%' #7'05%*&'F#%!0*.,+?"%'!0+&0*,$'7*0:5*,$'05*!'.44!%+!.,;'?#0'3%&%'#,+?"%'0.',+?'5*E8''($*,$'!0+&!'+,)'+'"+:D'.4' !0+&0*,$'7*0:5*,$'!5.#")'"%+>%'05%'C+,D%%!'"..D*,$'#7'+0'05%*&'&*>+"!'+0'!%+!.,G!'%,)8' Baltimore Orioles – (81­81) –'C%!;'6.#'&%+)'05+0'&*$508'H+,+$%&'I#:D'<5.3+"0%&'*$,*0%)'05%'JG!'+0'05%'%,)' .4'"+!0'!%+!.,'+,)',%3'.44%,!*>%'+))*0*.,!'!#:5'+!'H+&D'K%6,.")!;'L%&%D'@%%'+,)'M"+)*E*&'-#&&%&&.'!5.#")' N.#&*!5'5*00*,$'*,'2+E)%,'C+&)!8''B5%'0%+EG!'&%+"'F#%!0*.,;'+!'+"3+6!;'3*""'?%'7*0:5*,$8' Tampa Bay Rays – (80­82) – B5%'K+6!'".!0'+',#E?%&'.4'5*$5'7&.1"%',+E%!'05*!'.44!%+!.,'+,)'7"+,'.,' &%7"+:*,$'05%E'3*05'4.&E%&'!0+&!'O.5,,6'L+E.,'+,)'H+,,6'K+E*&%/'+!'3%""'+!'6.#,$'7&.!7%:0!8'(40%&'+'6%+&' .&'03.'.4'E%)*.:&*06'+,)')%>%".7E%,0;'05%'K+6!'!5.#")'?%'?+:D'+0'05%'0.7'.4'05%')*>*!*.,8' Toronto Blue Jays – (79­83) –'B5%'I"#%'O+6!'5+>%').,%'+'".0'.4'05*,$!'&*$50'.>%&'05%'7+!0'4%3'!%+!.,!' ?6'!0.:D7*"*,$'7&.!7%:0!'+,)'!5%))*,$'5*$5P7&*:%)'0+"%,08''Q.3%>%&;'05%'0%+E').%!',.0'5+>%'05%'1&%7.3%&'0.' :.E7%0%'3*05'05%*&'0.#$5')*>*!*.,'.77.,%,0!'+,)'+'"+!0'7"+:%'1,*!5'!%%E!'*EE*,%,08'

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Chicago White Sox – (92­70) –'B5%'95*0%'<.='+))%)'!.E%'!%&*.#!'7.3%&'0.'05%*&'"*,%#7'?6'!*$,*,$'()+E'

Cincinnati Reds ­ (92­70)'c'B5%'K%)!'%,)%)'+'UeP6%+&'7"+6.44')&.#$50'"+!0'!%+!.,'+,)'+""'!*$,!'7.*,0'4.&'

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WEST Colorado Rockies – (89­73)'c'B5%'K.:D*%!':.#"),G0':+0:5'05%'4&.,0'&#,,%&!'"+!0'6%+&;'?#0'+'4#""'!%+!.,'.4' B&.6'B#".3*0!D*'+,)'05%'&%!0'.4'05%*&':.&%'!5.#")'D%%7'2.".&+).'*,'05%'5#,0'#,0*"'05%'very %,)8' Los Angeles Dodgers ­ (88­74)'c'B5%'L.)$%&!;'E#:5'"*D%'05%'H%0!;'+&%':#&&%,0"6'%,0+,$"%)'*,'1,+,:*+"' 3.%!8'Q.3%>%&;'05%'0+"%,0'.,'05%'1%")'*!'.,%'.4'05%'?%!0'6.#,$':.&%!'*,'05%'E+Z.&!'+,)'05%'+))*0*.,'.4'O.,' -+&"+,)'7"#!'+'4#""'!%+!.,'4&.E'B%)'@*""6'$*>%'05%'L.)$%&!'.,%'.4'05%'E.!0'!."*)'&.0+0*.,!'*,'05%'$+E%8' San Francisco Giants – (82­80) c'@+!0'6%+&G!'9.&")'<%&*%!':5+E7!'5+>%'+'".0'0.').'?%4.&%'05%6':+,' E+&:5'*,0.'J:0.?%&'+$+*,8'B5%'&.!0%&;'35*:5'*!'"+&$%"6'05%'!+E%'+!'"+!0'!%+!.,;'*!'E+)%'#7'.4'E.!0"6'.>%&' +:5*%>%&!'+,)'+!D*,$'4.&'!0&.,$'!%+!.,!'4&.E'(#?&%6'Q#44;'R+0'I#&&%""'+,)'H*$#%"'B%Z+)+'E*$50'?%'0..'E#:58' San Diego Padres – (69­93)'c'B5%'R+)&%!'3%&%'05%'4%%"P$..)'!0.&6'.4'XVUV;'?#0'!5.#")',.0'&%7%+0'05+0' !#::%!!'5%+)*,$'*,0.'05*!'!%+!.,8'95*"%'05%'R+)&%!'4%+0#&%'+'!0&.,$'&.0+0*.,;'05%*&'.44%,!%'3*""'E*!!'(P-.,8' Arizona Diamondbacks – (67­95)'c'Y%3'-H'S%>*,'B.3%&!'5+!'+'".0'0.'3.&D'.,8'B5%'LP?+:D!'5+>%' !.E%'6.#,$'0+"%,0'05+0'"..D!'7&.E*!*,$;'?#0'.>%&+""'05%'0%+E'*!',.35%&%',%+&'&%+)6'0.':.E7%0%'3*05'+')*>*P !*.,'+!'0.#$5'+!'05*!8' * = Wild Card Team


Thursday, March 31, 2011





Women’s Tennis Travels To Florida Over Break

Will Buchholz Save The Mets Bullpen? PAGE 14













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