The Nation Publication for Saturday 8th, 2014

Page 7



Values, elections and war seek refuge in William Shakespeare’s play Henry V in my musings and analysis today and the reason is not far fetched. Henry V is a war story of the Battle of Agincourt that chronicled the leadership qualities of a young English king who led his small number of troops to a great victory over the French army which vastly outnumbered the bedraggled English soldiers. Henry rallied his troops by telling them - ‘the fewer we are, the greater the share of honour‘. He told them pointedly - ‘ In peace there is nothing so befits a man as modest stillness and humility. But when the blast of war blow s in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger. It is Henry’s leadership qualities that interest me today and his effectiveness as a war leader who led his people to victory against great odds in his time. The young English monarch showed commitment, honesty, courage and integrity in leading his troops to victory in spite of the numbers against them. He did not lie to them. He did not abandon them. He raised their morale and lifted their spirit to a heroic performance that led to victory. These are the values that have made the story of the Battle of Agincourt one of the best of Shakespeare’s historical plays and indeed my favourite after Julius Caesar. Sadly though, these same values are clearly lacking in Nigerian politics and leadership today especially as we go to the 2015 elections. This has been made more glaring in the reckless statement credited to a presidential spokesman that no President resigns during a war and comparing the situation in Nigeria now to that of former President George Bush in 2001 when Al Qada struck the Twin Towers of New York and the Pentagon, and the US president declared the global war on terror. Obviously the presidential spokesman missed the point and went on to hurl abuses on the opposition as charlatans and anarchists. His reaction was a simple piece of irritable illogicality because he mistook the shadow for the substance thereby committing a laughable fallacy. He said ‘no president resigns in the middle of a war’. The opposition said the president should resign because he could not contain the insurgency thus endangering the security and territorial integrity of Nigeria. The president has not declared war on Boko Haram. He sees it as an affordable insurgency. That explained why he could go to Burkina Fasso during the week on behalf of the African Union to ask the army there not to take over . While Boko Haram during the same week was giving a new name of City of Islam to captured Mubi in Adamawa state and City of Wisdom to Gwoza in Borno State, in the beleaguered North East of Nigeria where Boko Haram is busy creating caliphates with impunity. In the uninformed reference to George Bush and 9/11, some corrections have to made apparent to the presidential spokesman. After 9/11 George Bush sought and got the mandate of the US Congress to go to war. He told the American people – Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be served. And the American people gave him the blank cheque to pursue the war against Al Qada and terrorism. The war on terror made George Bush one of the most powerful presidents in US history because it gave him back some powers which the


Watergate and Mona Lewinsky scandals had eroded during the Nixon and Bill Clinton presidencies. Indeed the war on terror boosted George Bush’s 2004 re election campaign mightily such that he defeated Democratic candidate John Kerry with a massive majority. Yet, this was the same George Bush that barely defeated Al Gore but for the Florida recount and the US Supreme Court decision to stop it in his first election in 2000. If the war on terror boosted George Bush’s re election bid in 2004 can the same be said of the current re election bid of our President given the handling of Boko Haram just over a quarter to our presidential elections in February 2015?. Definitely not. This is because re election should be based on performance on several sectors of the economy and given the results on power or electricity availability, security, employment and jobs for our teeming graduates we are definitely not out of the woods. The example of Francois Hollande the French President is educative here when he said this week in an interview in France that he would not seek re election in 2017 if the figures on employment have not improved. This was because, according to him, he promised in 2012 when he was elected that he would provide more jobs and that he would not be able to face the French people and seek re election in 2017 if he had not fulfilled his electoral pledge that secured his election. He therefore promised to work hard to improve the employment situation in France so that he can be a credible and electable candidate for re election in 2017. Really the French president’s candour reminds me of Henry V although it was the French Dauphin, his countryman that Henry defeated and showed such equally admirable candour and honesty in so doing. At home too, two Nigerian leaders have shown leadership values and qualities that have gripped my attention and both have presidential ambitions. They are former Vice President Abubakar Atiku and present Governor of Kano State Engineer Rabiu Kwankwaso. Both to me are good presidential candidates provided they can win the primaries of the APC. But I look at them in terms of their records of performance and their environmental and political relevance in their catchment areas to see how electable they are as potential presidents of Nigeria. Let me say that I am using some statements in the media this week on both leaders to buttress my assertions on both candidates. Former VP Atiku showed great sympathy and empathy for the plight of Nigerians in the North East of Nigeria under Boko Haram and warned Nigerians that what is happening there could spread to the rest of Nigeria if care is not taken. That is great insight from some one who should know, given his antecedents in power in this nation before. But those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The former VP is best remembered for his disputes with

his former boss while in office leading to litigation right up to the Supreme Court which made even his eligibility to contest the presidential election too late to be effective when the apex court eventually cleared him. This time again he bears another huge albatross or excess luggage in terms of his locality or political catchment area which is Adamawa State, which for now is a war zone. Atiku himself reportedly said recently that Boko Haram controls 16 local governments in the North East. The state Governor Bala Ngillari at Aso Rock this week confessed that they need more troops to secure the state and he sounded really panicky. One can ask almost rhetorically- can elections be held in Adamawa state today?. If the former VP can answer that question in the affirmative then he should continue his quest for the presidency. Otherwise he should close shop on his presidential bid for now. In contrast the present Governor of Kano State Rabiu Kwankwanso’s presidential quest catches my fancy not only because of the red colour of his entourage’s caps but for his guts, courage and record of performance in office. He had been governor in Kano before and was the nation’s Defence Minister sometime ago. So at least he has relevant experience in terms of our Defence and security in the ‘middle of a war‘ as the presidency would say. But I first noticed his love for education when I stumbled on a programme the Kano State government conducted for indigenes of the state sent off after being given scholarships to a university in Ogun State. Before that I has read a fiery interview in which he said that some leaders were just waiting for the incumbent president to declare for his re election before knowing what to do next. I think his presidential bid is the answer to that. In addition his courage and guts are shown in the way he has executed his programme for educating girls in Kano State in spite of the cruel and bloody aversion of Boko Haram to this which has made Kano a ready target for the murderous Islamic group. In addition his presidential bid programme mentioned boldly that he banned Okada in Kano State which is a bold and audacious move by any Nigerian leader given the potential nuisance value of that means of transportation amongst the masses of this nation. Okada is well known hindrance to meaningful economic development in spite of its mass appeal which has made less courageous leaders and governors to turn a blind eye to the Okada danger and menace in our streets and cities. Kwankwanso has demonstrated successfully that he can take brave decisions in a volatile environment like Kano and I do not see why he can not replicate that at Aso Rock for the benefit of Nigeria. His governorship seat gives him great leverage to give front runners like former General Muhammed a run for their money in the APC primaries. He certainly reminds me of Bill Clinton and his bid for the US Presidency from his Governorship of little Arkansas state. Except perhaps that relatively in Nigeria, Kano State is a bigger proposition than Arkansas in the US. Which really shows that Kwankwanso has the means and clout to make him electable as a President of Nigeria. I tremble therefore for those in his party or anywhere else who do not take his candidacy seriously. This Engineer Governor certainly has what it takes to confront our present war and insurgency such that no one will ever think of asking him to resign ‘in the middle of a war ‘. Again, like the Presidency would or has indeed said, of our present predicament.

Tinubu honoured with ‘Icon of Entrepreneurship in Africa’ R. Summy Smart Francis, President of the South Africa-based Africa’s Young Entrepreneurs, AYE, who is a Nigerian living and working in South Africa has described Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu as an exemplary leader in Africa. While presenting the Honorary Achievement Award to Asiwaju Tinubu, Mr. Francis said: “This award is given to entrepreneurs and business people that have made a huge impact on the continent and are known around the globe through their business achievements. Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Africa sees you and recognizes you. You are an African Icon.” The presentation of the award took place at Asiwaju Tinubu’s residence on Tuesday, October 4. The former Governor and National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), in his response, called on the youth of Africa to save their continent from economic and political stagnation by applying what he called “Commonsense Revolution” to all that they do. The business mogul and politician also said conquering fear and rigorously challenging bad government policies were necessary ingredients needed to grow entrepreneurship on the continent. He admonished the high-powered team from the AYE that visited him not to let fear prevent them from striving for excellence in all they do. He was awarded the “Icon of Entrepreneurship in Africa.” The six-man team was led by the president of the organisation, Mr. Francis. In his further comments to the contingent, Asiwaju Tinubu urged young investors to have self-belief and be fearlessly inquisitive. “Fear should not have a place in your dictionary,” he told his guests. “You must conquer the fear of failure. Believe in yourself that you cannot fail. Not every young enterprise will succeed at first try, but you must forge on because Africa depends on your industry, your tenacity, your ability to rise above all the things that hold us back. “You all must find within yourselves leaders. And as you seek success in entrepreneurship, keep an eye on the political conditions in Africa. If Africa must break away from destitu-


•Asiwaju Tinubu (third right) and the AYE team

This award is given to entrepreneurs and business people that have made a huge impact on the continent and are known around the globe through their business achievements tion, the rule of law must be supreme. Adherence to the rule of law is fundamental to business. The 12 million youths in your organisation want to create and innovate to give us a prosperous continent and they must recognize the critical role of good leadership. Embrace democracy. You are the ones

who can create and promote the Commonsense Revolution.” Asiwaju Tinubu advocated that as the study of good leadership is important for young people to learn worthwhile examples, bad leadership should also be studied and evaluated so the people may recognise the traits and conquer it in good time. He also told his guests that while talent was important to any venture, time is the most valuable asset of all. According to its website, the AYE unites and empowers young entrepreneurs in Africa to network socially and financially, thereby developing a generation of outstanding entrepreneurs. Our collective intellectual capital develops marketleading businesses and networks, to play a key role in raising African prosperity.

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