January 29, 2015

Page 30




Leadership on my mind (I) Pushing Out


E are presently in a crucial phase of our nationhood, an election year when we elect series of leaders that would lead the nation for the next four years. At no time in our history has the Nigerian voter become such a beautiful bride than now. Suddenly, we’ve found our voices and are determined to elect those we feel have the capacity to change things. However, with the current crop of leadership and blunders we see happening on a daily basis, many are requesting we revisit the concept of leadership altogether again. In pre-colonial times, the success of a leader (be it family, clan, or kingdom head) lay in his capacity to listen well and to put the community’s interest first. Future heads/chiefs were taught and groomed to examine social issues and their effects on the community. Each clan leader enjoyed a certain amount of autonomy. They learned from experience how to represent and defend community interests without provoking the anger of the people they govern. In post-colonial Nigeria, whenever the word “leadership” is mentioned people conjure a mental image of those few individuals who steer the nation at the helms of power as politicians, bureaucrats, religious leaders and business moguls. This is vertical construction of leadership which is a top-down affair where the fulcrum of power is concentrated at the top of the social, economic, and political hierarchy. One of the defects of this model is the stifling of grassroots initiatives necessary for social cohesion. Another is that it does not consider how individuals, in collectivist contexts, can exercise leadership that will address problems, create solutions, and benefit the common whole. Horizontal leadership, on the other hand, lays emphasis on individuals being empowered to benefit the larger community and ensure basic human rights by responding to the dictates of the situation. It recognise the value of individuals beyond mere instruments for turning profit - as Western leadership models do - and instead empower individuals to implement leadership at the grass-roots levels to make necessary changes by identifying opportunities and putting them to effective use. Horizontal leadership requires that each

Nigerian take responsibility for improving society and at the very least voting and participating in local, state, and with national governance. This type of individually empowered leadership fuels the full-spectrum of social change that 08116759750 Nigeria needs, from the base of the pyramid to the apex. Indeed, horizon(SMS only) tal leadership is the cultural heritage of •aagboa@gmail.com Nigeria, embedded in Nigeria’s traditional narratives, myths and civil religion. We jettisoned this type of indigenous leadership theory but need to revisit it as tres will ultimately create jobs. I have particia viable vehicle for making institutions account- pated in sessions where students are given real able to Nigerians and Nigerians accountable to live issues – both locally and internationally – to crack and the results were astounding as each each other. In issues of leadership education is very criti- student reaches to the recess of his or her mind cal. Without access to education and literacy, the to seek for answers. My submission therefore is that the objective next generation of Nigeria’s leaders would be crippled. Few would doubt that there is a crisis of education should be redefined to inculcate in our education sector. Because our educational both formal and informal forms of learning to system has not kept up with the practical de- incorporate more dimensions to convey knowlmands of the world, Nigerian graduates are not edge a 21st century noted for its emphasis on taught the necessary skills to favourably com- knowledge. This may take time to evolve, but if pete in the marketplace. Our educational sys- we start implementing it in piecemeal, it may tem are now producing graduates who can re- end up producing well-rounded graduates who gurgitate information, but not those who can would in turn fulfill the missions of education. Leadership therefore plays a crucial role in innovate, create, and lead according to the demands of changing situations. With this mindset the development of any society, a look at the it is not surprising that our schools have pro- leadership structure of a society says a whole duced job seekers, but we need to produce job lot about that society, which is why John creators. Our education system must equip stu- Maxwell who has written and researched exdents to innovate for the betterment of society. tensively on the subject said everything rises and To accomplish this redefinition of the goal of falls on leadership. Leadership can either move education and reorientation towards viable a people forward or backward, it can cause incalculable damage that in some cases may skills, we need to transform our curriculum. In developed societies, students are not only require decades to correct. As a student of engaged in traditional education, they are tasked history and political economy, I’ve taken the with solving real-life problems, working in pains to study the critical path of nations, and groups to innovate, and provided platforms to in my studies and research, I’ve discovered that implement change. But in Nigeria, if education leadership plays a fundamental role. Let’s take three Southern African nations as in its current state cannot help us live better, we need to change our understanding of what a brief case study to drive home the importance education ought to accomplish. When students of leadership. South Africa, Zimbabwe and are untrained in skills that matter, how can we Namibia all share a common thread of history; expect Nigeria’s factories, hospitals, and busi- they were at a point ruled by whites with vocal nesses to operate well and employ Nigeria’s and militant black opposition movements in tow. In South Africa we have the ANC, in Napeople? Teaching skills that will enable students to cre- mibia there is the SWAPO and in Zimbabwe ate solutions to a lack of clean water, fix dilapi- there is ZANU-PF. All these liberation movedated roads, organise mock local government, ments later transformed into political parties afor apply for funding to build community cen- ter self-rule was actualized and they rule the

Agbo Agbo

Governor’s cash gift divides Niger students

Security men avert religious crisis at UNICAL •Continued from page 29

“How can a true Muslim speak ill of Jesus as they alleged? Allah enjoined us to respect all prophets, including Jesus. The students, who disrupted our event, lacked good knowledge of Islam and Christianity. I think that was why they interrupted the event. If they knew a little about Quran and Bible, they would not have behaved in such manner.” The students were stopped by the school security personnel, who pleaded for calmness. The event was adjourned to calm frayed nerves. One of the agrrieved students, who simply gave his name as Segun, said they did not plan to fight the MSSN members, noting that they were at the venue to correct the guest speaker. He said: “You are wrong to call what happened a protest. It was not; it was a correction exercise. The aggrieved students simply came out to say ‘no, we don’t like what you are saying’ to the speaker. We did not even beat anybody. We only told them to stop using uncomplimentary languages on Christianity.” Malam Abubakar, described as an Islamic scholar of international repute, denied the allegations, asking the students, who have the tape recording to release it for analysis. Malam Abubakar said: “By Islamic teachings, no man is a Muslim if he does not belief in Jesus Christ. Not just Jesus alone, but the entire prophets of God. The Muslims are enjoined to respect Mary, the mother of Jesus. Chapter 19 of the Quran is dedicated to Mary alone and her name was mentioned in 31 verses of the Quran.

“Jesus is mentioned 500 times, even more than Prophet Mohammed. There are many miracles which Jesus did, which are contained in the Quran. So, it is wrong for anybody to come up and say a true Muslim insults Jesus. Let them come out with audio or video proof that I made such comments.” The Islamic scholar said he had not properly started his lecture before the event was disrupted. The school’s Public Relations Officer (PRO), Mr Eyo Effiong Bassey, described the incident as unfortunate, urging students to be peaceful. He hailed the security officers for their timely intervention. President of the Students’ Union Government (SUG) Emmanuel Ajang pleaded for tolerance. He said he was invited to the event but could not attend because of his excursion to Obudu Mountain. He said “I approved the venue of the event for the MSSN to use. They invited me but I could not attend because of the excursion to Obudu Mountain. We must be tolerant of one another and channel our grievances through lawful means. I also want to caution us on our utterances in public.” The Joint Christian Campus Fellowship (JCCF), an umbrella body of all Christian groups in school, said the action was uncalled for. Rasine Irem, JCCF’s president, said: “Christianity does not support violence in whatever guise. Jesus never asked us to defend him. The action of the students cannot be defined as action of true Christians. There is unity among all faiths here, religion difference cannot divide us. The action was carried out by hooligans.”

countries to date. While South Africa and Namibia were able to rise above the bitterness and oppression of colonial rule and domination to make headway into the 21st century, Zimbabwe remains a basket case of monumental failure at a time having the highest inflationary rate in the world! South Africa and Namibia had leaders in late Nelson Mandela and Sam Nujoma, who were willing to forgive and move on while Robert Mugabe’s stock in trade is to stoke the spirit of bitterness in his people and whip them to a state of “patriotic” frenzy in his determination to cling to power perpetually. There is no doubt in my mind that a perennial challenge faced by any political system remains political leadership succession. Get ten Nigerians into a room and allow them to start talking and it shouldn’t surprise you that eight out of the ten would most probably talk about the failure of leadership in the country; you’ll also probably see this scenario play out on the vendors stand, beer parlours, academic circles, public discourses etc; we just love to bemoan our situation. This goes to show how important leadership is in almost all facet of human endeavor. In most countries, tertiary institutions are a repository where future leaders are identified, selected and properly groomed for the onerous and challenging task of leadership. Most countries in the advanced world have a laid down blueprint and guideline for leadership grooming and selection – even though no one is going to print out a manual and give to you, nonetheless such things exists -that is why they never have issues in this critical area of progress. While some countries are fortunate in this area, others pass, or are still passing through a difficult leadership path. Almost all countries in Africa fall into this category. Nigeria’s, and by extension Africa’s leadership crisis is deeply engrained and multifaceted; it is a combination of lack of vision, greed, tribal, religious and sectional affinity and most importantly, the unwillingness to leave the stage when the ovation is loudest. In Nigeria today we are still bogged down with “tribe” and “zone” when other countries have moved on years ago and are now playing on the global scene from the point of strength and not weakness. But it appears – from current happenings that things may be changing gradually without us noticing.

From Faith Olaniran and Uche Ekwueme-Duru FUT MINNA

•Gov. Aliyu


ATIONAL president of the National Association of Niger State Students (NANISS), Shehu Mohammed Chata, has been suspended by Student Representatives’ Assembly (SRA), the legislative arm of the association, in its meeting held on Wednesday. Also suspended are the General Secretary, Abubakar Abdullahi, and Financial Secretary, Yusuf Mohammed. A communique signed by the SRA Senate President, Saidu Kandi, stated that the executive members were suspended for using the name of the association to endorse candidates in the 2015 general elections without due consultation of members. The SRA accused the suspended officials of collecting undisclosed amount of cash from Governor Babangida Aliyu without informing association. Members of the legislative arm said they wondered why suspended officials could not explain why monthly payment of

scholarship to students was stopped eight months ago. The trio were accused of breaching the constitutional provision, detailing appointment of Chief of Staff. The SRA members, who met at Assembly Hall of the Niger State College of Education in Minna, said the association would not support any politicians who could not convince them why he is contesting the election. They said they would rid the association of corruption perpetrated by the suspended officials. The communique reads: “This is to inform members of this glorious association of the new development. The national president, Geberal Secretary and Financial Secretary have been suspended from office based on established cases of violation and incompetence against them. We deem our association as instrument of democracy and we don’t want anyone to cause harm to it by dropping its name for personal gain.” The SRA directed the Vice President, Hauwa Ibrahim Ahmad, to act as president, while Assistant General Secretary, Abubakar Mohammed Nma , acts as General Secretary. The SRA said Chata, Abdullahi and Yusuf would remain in suspension for six weeks till they prove their cases before the disciplinary committee of the association. Abdullahi did not pick his calls by our reporters at press time.

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