Issue 39

Page 75

By Chaya Liba Aarons

3 With the way I excitedly pack up Nachman and nosh for the way, you’d think we are headed for a grand trip to the mountains. We are actually traveling to Dr. Arthur Walker, a neurologist and psychiatrist. (And by the way, I also pack up $200 for the session.) Someone will listen to my troubles. Someone might take them seriously. Someone might even believe me. As if that’s what I’m paying $200 for... But honestly, all that is important enough to make me giddy with excitement. Aryeh and I sit across from Dr. Walker at his desk. The doctor looks at us expectantly. Aryeh gives me the floor. I clear my throat. Have I got a story to tell! Dr. Walker listens intently, widening his eyes every few sentences. “Aha. Some boy we have here. Huh, Nachman?” He scrutinizes Nachman’s face for a full minute. I wonder if he finds the letters ADHD anywhere. He tells Nachman to do a few activities, like walking in a straight line and some other things. “At the age of three and a half we cannot administer any of the standard evaluations. Right now, his parents’ descriptions will supply the data. Nachman is obviously endangering himself and his environment. To leave things be - is to play with fire.” I exhale slowly. Validation. Support. Help is on the way. Dr. Walker leans forward, folding his arms over the table. For the first time I notice that he has no computer. No wonder he really listens! “You are describing classic ADHD behavior.” A.D.H.D. The neurologist and psychia-

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