Issue 191

Page 56

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Town Square Mall | 426-5511

56 / THE MONSEY VIEW / March 20, 2019 / 845.600.8484

cover to cover, week after week. There is a disturbing trend I would like to air in a public forum in an effort to raise awareness of its ramifications. I have been casually told by more than one acquaintance that the most “cheap and practical” internet kiosk for anyone seeking to research, shop or view photos of a potential vacation spot is located in the local community center. Their computers are available for free, and the best perk, they say, is that no images or sites are blocked and no annoying filters are present. I dearly hope there is another individual in the Monsey community who blanches at the thought of such practice being the norm after all of the massive gatherings, warnings and raised awareness in our town regarding the dangers and pitfalls of the internet. Where is the heter for frum and ehrliche Yidden to shamelessly sit an unfiltered computer with internet access?! A particular young man, who learns in my husband’s kollel all day, mentioned that he often accompanies his wife to take care of shopping, etc., after kollel, since his wife needs to be “protected” by having a “shomer” with her at the computer… I don’t think it is necessary for me to elaborate on the irony of a woman whose priorities allow her to work hard both inside and outside the house to support her husband’s learning, and who later leads him right to the place of impurity, which an ehrliche businessman who follows his rav’s takanos would

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