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Just serve it! hold myself like Zelda does, like the world is responsible to pay me back tenfold. That same day, after serving the carrots to all who would eat, which was everyone expect the two little ones who are never hungry enough, I strapped Dovi into the carriage and headed to Esther Perkowitz. Her house was already bleached. Don’t ask me how she does it before the kids are in bed. I wonder if she cleans twice, in two shifts. “We will do the Goldreb shidduch,” I said simply. I kept my face stark against her softening glow. Then I headed to Machane Yehudah, because today was Monday, and tomorrow all the new produce will arrive, so today I can have leftovers. Perele wheeled the cart. It’s a large woven sack on wheels, which Duvid fixed up. “What’s left over?” I demanded of the vendors. Perele, manning the cart next to me, pretended to be extremely preoccupied with the vendor across the street. Amos gave me three rods of celery, which I threw into the cart. We stopped at the next stall. I collected a beet that was soft to the touch. Soon, our cart was heavy and we switched off, Perele pushing Dovi while I pushed the produce home. Perele said, “Can I go outside to play?” I looked at her. Her freckles were so eager. Her eyes, hardening every day into adulthood, are still clear. “Did you do homework?” She laughed. “If you take Dovi and Faiga with you.” “Okay.” “And don’t let them go near the cistern.” “Okay.”

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“And don’t talk to anyone who doesn’t talk our nusach.” “Yes, yes, Mama.” Continue on page 69 ‫משגיח תמידי‬


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