Playing With Fire

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C�e�v� V�s� for The M�n’s ���m�

�a� cre�v� s�ssion

The M�n’s ���m �s an a��s and �o��a� care �a���y w�k� w�th p�o�le w�o ��v� �u�t�ple and ��m�l�x n��s� specifi�a��y �u�porting �a�e and t��s s�x w�k�s�

C�e�v��y �s �t the h�a�t o� a�l w� �o and w� b�li�v� �t ��s the ��w� �o t��s�m p�o�le’s l�v�s�

Th��u�h p��y�u�n�ss, �a�l�n�e and cre�v� ��v�u�, w� o�er p�o�le a �a�e and w�l��m� �a�e �n w�ich �o t�y n�w th�s and b���m� �n�ir��:

W�k�y cre�v� s�ss�s

A�t �a�y

Th��t�e and �a�l�y t�i�s

Opp���n�t��s �o w�k w�th �x�ep�a� a�t��s

A �a�e w�ere ��u can b� ��u�s�lf and m�t o�s�

�u� a�t�stic w�k �s ��d�pinn�d �y p�a�t��a� �u�p�t and ���o�a�y� w�k� w�th p�o�le on �n��n��t�d i�u�s �u�


D�u� and a��o�o� �s�

�G�T��+ rig��s and �a���y

S���a� and �a� h�a�th

��u��n and t�a�n�


M��y m�a�ement.

W� w�k w�th m�y o� organ�s��s �o ���u�e �u�

�u� �o�e �s ��t th��u�h �n�a�ing w�th �s� �v�y�e fee�s �a�pier, h�a�thier and m�e cre�v�.

�a�t�cip��s g�t the help and �u�p�t �y n�d and d�s�v�.
I ���k ��a�d �o�
g�v�s m� a ��o�. �t ���s w�th m�.

‘P��y� W�th Fire’ �s �u� lon�-�m cre�v� v�s�, ��-����u��d �y �u� �a�t�cip��s and d�v��o��d f��m a res�a�ch

Fire ��s m�y a�r���t�s and P��y� w�th Fire m�y ���t��s� �t can b�…

P��y� w�th Fire �s a cre�v� v�s� ��t �n��m�a��s and refle��s a�l o� �s� fi�y ele�s – f��m pl�n�d res�d��a�s �n the gr��t ����o�s �o str�t ��t�e and �y��t��n�c spe��a�l�s� f��m �d�y ��m��y �o imm�s�v� per�m�ce �n�orpor�n� d�ce, ��k�n w�d and ��s�c; f��m v���a� a��s and d�s��n �o p���o��a�hic �x�lor��s and

P��y� W�th Fire o��s �a�t�cip��s o�p���n�t��s �o �o���b��t� w�th �x�ep�a� a�t��s �o cr��t� w��s o� a�t�stic

b�illiance w�ich w�ll b� sh�d ��b�ic�y�

�u� a�ir��a� v�s� �a�l�n��s and �n��v��s �a�t�cip��s and a�t��s� �u�ing �s a�l ���o n�w� �x�iting �x�eri�n��s�

P��y� W�th Fire ��k�s �s b�y�d the con�n�s o� �u� ��n �a�e and �n���s �s w�th p�t�g���s a�t�stic �n���u�s and �u��u�a� �v�s� Th�s �n��u�a��s a s��s� o� pr�d� and s�l��b�lief.

�t ���b��s �u� �a�t�cip��s �o �n��y and feel a �a�t o� the a�t�stic rich�s o� �u� c��y� s�ing ��s��v�s �s a�t��s� w�th their w�k a�prec��t�d �y o�s�

�t’s ��t ��t f��m the a��s and �o��a� care �a���y� The

M�n’s ���m�


��u can’t �a�t a Fire w����t a S�a�k

S�a�k ��s b�n ��t o� the pand�m�c. �u�ing �����2� w� w� p���d o� �u� �b�l��y �o r�a�t �o changing cir��m�anc�s� r�-�l�n� and ��a��n�g �u� cre�v� p�a�t�ce �y d�v��o�ing n�w a�t�stic �o���b���s onl�n� and �n �o��a����d�stanc�d �a��s� ��t w� m�ss�d �u� ‘��m�g����d’ – �u� ��n cre�v� �a�e – and w� fe�t the ��s�n�e o� a cl�a����a�t��u��t�d� �n�iring v�s� for �u� ���u�e w�k� S�a�k ��s �u� �v��m�th res�a�ch and d�v��o�ment p�o�e�t ���d�d �y A��s ���n�il �n�land. �t ��v� �s t�m� and �a�e �o g�t �a� �o�ether, w�k w�th �u� �a� t��m� �u� �a�t�cip��s and m�y ���u���s a�t��s �o d�c�d� w��t w� w�t�d �u� ���u�e �o ���k l�k�.

S�a�k �n ���b��:

�u� a�t��s w�: ��m �o�an, L�n G��t�

M�n’s ���m �a�t�cip��s



M���y� K�v�n �u�n�, ��v�d ��d�e, �o�y ��t�l�y� �a�rie

�n�lish, �a�ri�t �a�l & ��u�a M�K�.


9 M�n’s ���m �a� m��b�s

4 M�n’s ���m �o��a� w�k ��d�s

6 M�n’s ���m �o���t��s�

A�t�stic and �u��u�a� �a��n��:

T�PP, C��a�t� �s�a�s� �a�k The Pl�k�

�u�a�d T�ee, �n�f�n���a��s

C�e�v� s�ss�s ��u�s o� �o���a�

‘S�a�k’ a�t�stic a�t�v��y

P��s �o� ��8 ��u�s d�d���t�d �o d�v��o�ment, pl�n�, r�v�s�, m��s and v�s� ��k�. Ch�s�


�a�p��x���t� and c���t b� ��d�p��d��y
���m�d All b��w�n �u�u� Dec��b�and��2�.

B��u��t �o�ether a d�v�s� g��u� o� �x�ellent and i��v�v� a�t��s w�o d�v��o��d on��o� s�ss�s w�th The M�n’s ���m �a�t�cip��s �x�loring the �m� o� P��y� w�th Fire

H��d 16 cre�v� res�a�ch s�ss�s ���o�v� d�ce, �y��t��n��s� ��m ��t�e, ��k�n w�d� d���a� p���o��a��y�

v���a� a��s and str�t per�m�ce

Refle�t�d w�th �a�t�cip��s and a�t��s on the a�t�stic �t�

��t ��d b�n cr��t�d and w�ere �t m�g�t l��d

A�t��s ���m�tt�d �d��s and p�o���a�s for ���u�e w�k

�a�t�cip��s d�v��o��d a steering g��u� �o �n��t p�o�e�t �d��s – w�th ��d��s �u� �s candle ��k�, iron forg�s and w��d ��m�ing. �x�lor�n� �s�a�e and ��v�u�e w� a�l k�y �m�s

�a��d u� the �o�le�t�v� �d��s �o cr��t� a s�m�le ��t�����s�z�d

A�t��s ���m�tt�d �d��s and p�o���a�s for ���u�e w�k �n��t�d �o P��y� w�th Fire v�s� �o�u�

W�’v� d�v��o��d a w�k� p�a�t�ce w�th a�t��s� and ��v� pl�n�d

��m� o� the p�o�e��s w�’ll �o�

W��t w� l�a�n�d

�t’s ���d �o b� �x�l��t�y� and m��y w��n d�v��o�ing a v�s�

�o� cre�v� a�t�v�t��s �o �n�m res�a�ch and d�v��o�ment ��k�s s��s� – w� n�d �o t�y th�s ��t �s �a�t o�

��-����u�tion �a�p��s b�st w��n w� �o �t little and o�t�n� and �u��d �t ���o �u� cre�v� st�u��u�

�o� cre�v� th�s �o�ether – �a�, �a�t�cip��s� a�t��s� �o���t��s - �s a �o���b��v� and l�v�lling p�o�ess

The g�n��s��y o� �u��u�a� / organ�s��a� �a��n�s ��s confi�m�d �u�ing th�s ‘m�d’ pand�m�c p��s� – k��d�y o�ering

W�k� w�th a�t��s f��m the b�ginning hel�s – a�t��s ��d�stand �u� g��u� and �u��u�e and �y are free �o

A�t��s s�t their ��n �a��m��s and w� a�m �o ��d ���d� �o�ether �o r�a��s� ��d�v���a� p�o�e��s

The �m��t�ce o� t�y� d�ff��t and �a�l�n�ing a�t ��s – ��t b�ing a��a�d �o t�y n�w th�s� w�ether w� �a�l or

L��v� �a�e b��w�n p�o�e��s �o w� can b� fl�x�b�e �n ��w w� w�k

W� �t���a��y ��d�st���t� ��w long �v�y�ing ��k�s and ��w �u� th�s �o� – ���b�e �u� t�m�, ���b�e the �o�s for ���u��!

F��a��y� �s D�o�y ���s� ‘there’s �o p�a�e l�k� ��m�.’ Being �a� �n �u� ��n cre�v� �a�e a�ter �u� a long t�m� �s a d�lig�t� W� ��t�c�d� for ��m� �a�t�cip��s w�o �x�eri�n�e �x���y� b�ing ‘��m�’ ��d� �t ��s�er �o �o�n �s�


W��t �u��s �u� Fire?

�n�t�d N��s �n�v��a� Dec�a��n o� ��m� Rig��s� A�t�cle �7

W�ilst f�w p�o�le ��u�d a��u� ��t ��s� w�th �u�t�ple and ��m�l�x n��s ��v� a rig�t �o �o��a� care �u�p�t� their n�d for the a��s and cre�v��y �s o�t�n �v����k�d� �t The M�n’s ���m w� b�li�v� ��t �a�t�cip�n �n the a��s and �n M�chester’s ��t��s�v� �u��u�a� s��n� �s a rig�t o� �v�y�e w� w�k w�th.

P��y� W�th Fire g�v�s �a�t�cip��s r�a� o�p���n�t��s �o ��-����u�e, d�s��n and ��v�s� �u� ���u�e p�o�e��s and cre�v� d�rection. Th�y w�k w�th the a�t��s f��m the ���s�t �o a�ree on the p�o���a�, and �n w� ���d�a�s� a�c�d��y� �a� than t�y� �o �t a p�o�e�t ���o an �x�sting ��d��t�

W� are ��t���t�d �y the b�lief ��t the a��s ��v� the ��w� �o t��s�m p�o�le’s l�v�s� and w��n d�l�v�d �n con��n�tion w�th �o��a� care �u�p�t and ���o�a�y� w� can �m��w� and ���b�e p�o�le �o l��d the l�v�s w�ich �y d�s�v�.

C�e�v� s�ss�s o�t�n �a�t w�th a sh�d m�a�, w�ere �a�t�cip��s ��t �n��a��y w�th �a� and �a� o� ����t their �u�rent t��a�s� t���u���s and �u�cess�s� �u�p�t n��s can �n b� �d�ifi�d� refer�a�s ��d�, �a�g�t�d �n�v��s ��t �n p�a�e and s��n�o�ing o��d�

����a�a� �o ��w w� w�k �s the n�d for ��y and ��u�hter, and �v�n w��n cre�n� w�k o� high a�t�stic m��t� w� ��m�ion the ��n �a�t�. W� o�er a �a�e p�a�e �n w�ich p�o�le can b� ��s��v�s� ��v� a ��u�h, ��k� ��s�t�v� �n�c�s and r�-��a��n� their l�v�s�

‘�v�y�e ��s the rig�t free�y �o �a�t�ci��t� �n the �u��u�a� life o� the �o��n��y� �o �n��y the a��s and �o share �n s�ientific ��v�cement and ��s b�n���s�’
w�th ��t��a�.

W��t’s n��t�

C�t��u� �o w�k w�th �u� steering g��u�

M�t n�w a�t��s and ���o�v� �m �n P��y� W�th Fire

C��o����t� p�o�e��s w�th �a��n�s and a�t��s

Plan �u� p�o�e�t ��t��n� for the n��t three y�a�s

Fan �u� ��m��!

��k� n�w �n�c�s w�th h�a�th, �o��a� care and �u��u�a� organ�s��s

�n�c�s h�a�th, �o��a� care and

T�m���b�e ‘�m��y �a�e’ b��w�n k�y p�o�e��s

D�v��o� �u� ���d�a�s�


L�t’s b� fr�k – �u� ��b���s v�s� w�ll on�y b� �u��y i�n�t�d w�th ���s o� �u�p�t� There are m�y ���s ��t ��u can help �s and b� an a�t�v� �a�t o� P��y� W�th Fire…

A�t��s – g�t �n ��u� if ��u ��v� an �d�a� or ��u�d l�k� �o w�k w�th �s

H�a�th and �o��a� care organ�s��s – �o ��u ��v� an i�u� ��u w�t �o �x�lore cre�v��y� �o ��u ��v� p�o�le ��u

�u��u�a� �a��n�s – can ��u help �s w�th per�m�ce / reh�a��a� / �x��b�tion / ��d�o �a��s�

�u�por�s – pl��s� �n��t �s �o ���d�s or o� p�o�le ��u th��k w�ll b� �x��t�d �y P��y� W�th Fire

Rich philanth�o�i�s – l�t’s �a�k and s� if w� can help ��u sp��d ��u� m��y�

The M�n’s ���m �a�t�cip��s� �a�, �o���t��s and ��d�s� a�l a�t��s� �u��u�a� �a��n�s� h�a�th and �o��a� care organ�s��s and �u�por�s for b�ing the �a��s

b�h��d �u� fire.


The M�n’s ���m ��w�m���m��o��k ��m�n@m���m��o��k� 0�61 ��4 ���7 1�3 �a�rfie�d St, M�chester, M�2 6�L @Th�M��M��s���m the_m��s_���m_m�chester Shell�y �7��2 ����2� �k�t� �s �y L�n G�� t � a���y ��: 1�4�6�8
Fire. ��u’d l�k� �o g�t ���o�v�d� ��t� ����2 ��4��7
P��y� w�th
����t G�t �n ��u� if

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