The Immigration Issue Zine

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IN THIS ISSUE UNDOCUMENTED learn the truth behind the word.

TWO TALES, TWO CITIES when you are lost between two worlds: a personal tale.

RESILIENCE WHEREVER WE GO... PHOBIA fears that are just an excuse to promote discrimination.

EDITOR'S NOTE we move 32 we travel we rise we fall we smile 86 we cry we learn and undo it all we hope and fear we are cautious of 51 what's near but at the end of day we are alive and here so we need to address our fears before they turn into something real. -halima morafa

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Halima Morafa Senior, Houston

Nina Collymore Freshman, Middle College

Mariam Morafa Freshman, Houston

Featured contributors: Lilly He Hameedha Khan Joy Adeyemo Cassidy Cox Arin Curry Naveah Thomas Molly Rose Hamm Diana Popa Shelby Gloff

We say we are

but we stand divided

when immigrants are in the game. Created By Halima Morafa

undocumented. 19

the truth behind the word. BY NINA COLLYMORE

Families, criminals, workers, terrorists, dreamers, children, believers. Illegal immigrants are described as many things, some labels being worse than others, but the reason why they receive these titles is because of their original name, undocumented. Some people believe that because they are undocumented they are “troublemakers,” while others believe they are just people trying to live the “American Dream.” Luckily, there are people and articles that represent both sides of the argument on why undocumented immigrants should be welcomed into this country. New York Times Vivian Yee, Kenan Davis, and Jugal K. Patel, all express why they should be welcomed into America. 6.2 million from Mexico, 723,000 from Guatemala, 465,000 from El Salvador, 337,000 from Honduras, 268,000 from China, 267,000 from India, 198,000 from Korea, and 2.1 million other countries. These are the estimates of how many undocumented immigrants exist within the United States borders according to “Here’s the reality about illegal immigrants in the United States.” In total, there are 11 million who mostly follow the laws dedicate to their society. President Trump, on the other hand, classifies the majority of them as criminals who should be punished and shipped back to where they came from. He also believes that establishing a wall will be able to stop people entering America, despite the fact that are several different ways for them to enter. But, the question is why don’t people want to stay in their own countries? It’s a bit ironic that many Americans, even the president of the United States, are denying people to come into the United States when in fact this country was built on Immigrants. People seek refuge in the U.S. because it has always been known as a place where people can go when they are seeking political and religious freedom. In some cases, countries, like Eritrea, persecute their citizens for believing in another religion. Immigrants also come to escape war like in South Sudan, Iraq, Somalia and many more. Citizens who don’t want to be caught in the crossfire run to places like the United States, that ensure the safety of their citizens.


Undocumented immigrants hope that when they come to America that they will be greeted with open arms and receive the help that they need from the United States. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Although we have come a long way from segregation and separation of races, racism and hate toward other religions and ethnicities is still apparent in today’s society. People still believe that they are superior or better than other religious or ethnic groups and feel that their authority is being threatened. These types of people also believe that undocumented immigrants are the cause of why there are fewer job offers. This is not true. Undocumented immigrants often must choose the jobs that most people don’t often think twice about. They are the ones picking strawberries, wrapping tortillas, and other jobs that majority of Americans don’t choose to do. In addition to this, President Trump has established more jobs for the American people that need them. In conclusion, those that are undocumented, indeed they came into the United States illegally, but they had a purpose. Not every single person is technically a “well behaved” citizen, but the ones deserve to have a chance to thrive in America like everyone else. They want to be a part of America’s legacy and live that “American Dream,” even though they went about coming into the United States without authorization, most of them make up for it by being law abiding citizens and doing what is asked of them. Yes, they are families, they are workers, they are dreamers, they are children, and they are believers, but most importantly they are people and freedom seekers, these are the undocumented.

TWO TALES Two cities tell the story of who I am. Lagos is where I am rooted. Memphis is where I grow. Both places are separated, but are united in my soul. However, in between the two worlds is a blissful pain I endure. My heart stays divided ...

TWO CITIES ... because it cannot stay in one port. While both places fit me into a box too small for me to store. So I face struggles on both ends, because they can never understand an immigrant that lives in between two worlds. -halima morafa

RESILIENCE The water drips slowly to wash the color from her face Draining her identity as if it is dirty Here, she is but a statistic a disturbance wrapped in a shredded scarf too threadbare for the biting wind of western winters She does not belong here She is unwanted Her soul, a flickering candle in a storm Her home, lost to the all-consuming fire of wars that make ashes out of village girls withering like wildflowers pressed between pages of a book and to be forgotten by hollow promises of opportunity displaced and left to burn in a pyre of dead tradition and parched identity Scattered into the cruel winds Longing for home, with no home to go back to Thirsty, for rain that will never come -Hameedha Khan

africania 19

by Mariam Morafa

xenophobia fear of foreigners [an irrational excuse to be arrogant] By Halima Morafa

Today, many America's fear foreigners. Either they enforce stereotypes, discriminate, or act against immigrants.

And we question- are we fearful or are we arrogant? In this photo shoot, the photographer sheds light on the American teenager.

xenophobia fear of foreigners [ an irrational excuse to be arrogant] By Halima Morafa

Each model comes from a different background. Some are immigrants, other have social privilege, and many were discriminated against. But just like this country, they stand strong, proud, and united.

Society should take a look at the young kids of Generation Z young kids as they promote tolerance, positivity, and strength. Sorry, but this arrogance is not for sale.Â

metathesiophobia fear of change [ an irrational excuse to be arrogant] By Halima Morafa

Can fashion make a statement? Yes, it can. Just like this dress, we tend to be transparent. We are overly hesitant of change. Change is the proof of both progress and failure. However, as a society, we must enforce change because otherwise, we fail to grow and live in a world with unresolved problems. Change can be fearful. I can admit that, but as a country, we can't afford to be complacent because of this phobia. So, sorry, but this phobia is no longer in service.

islamophobia the fear of islam [ an irrational excuse to be arrogant] By Halima Morafa

Islamophobia- the fear of Islam. A religion, a way of life, a culture, an entity that makes 1.8 billion individuals worldwide different from the rest of the world. The western world, especially the United States seems to find this community fearful. Or is it more the stereotypical persona they have toward Muslims today? I don't "look like a Muslim" according to people. I am African American and on a daily basis, I don't wear a headscarf. Due to this, I have been exposed to Americans who "fear Muslims" but find me perfectly acceptable. However, we follow the same religion and have the same peaceful approach to the world. So where is the problem? When we become fearful on the basis of negative stereotypical assumptions, we choose a reality that involves oppressing a growing and peaceful community. Time and time again, Muslim Americans feel like they have to prove their loyalty to this country in times of political hardships to not be seen as a threat or a terror to society. Is this the American way? Sorry, but this phobia has been declined.

Thank you to all the immigrants in America. Those who came willingly and those who did not. Thank you to all the Americans who initiated change for the better. Thank you to those who strove against adversity. Thank you for making this country great.

© 2018 | MEMPHIS CHALLENGE PUBLICATIONS All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. For information, address The Memphis Challenge, 516 Tennessee St., Suite 422, Memphis, Tennessee 38103. Memphis Challenge unveils the third installment of the “Tell Me A Story” service project series. Aligned with the MLK50 commemoration, Memphis Challenge students created four electronic magazines (Zines), featuring prose and art relating to social justice. A portion of the project is funded by a generous grant from the Hyde Family Foundation, FedEx, and Pyramid Peak Foundation. Special thanks to the production team – Heather Bruce, Avery Cunningham, Eleazar Rendon, Caroline Warren, McKenzii Webster and Executive Director, Cassandra Webster – for your expertise, commitment, vision, and leadership. Parents, guardians and MC board of directors thank you for your trust and support.

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