the com pany
THECOMPANY Whoi sTheMcDevi t tAgency? Wel comet oTheMcDevi t tAgency.Whoar ewe? We ar eabout i quef i r mf oundedbyt hear ea’ st op pr oduci ngbr oker st hatcamet oget hert of ocuson t aki ngcust omerser vi ce,sal es,mar ket i ng,and t echnol ogyt ot henextl evelf orourcl i ent s. Asagr oupofr ealest at eexper t sandpr of essi onal s, wepr ovi deunmat chedmar ketknowl edgeand per sonal i zedser vi ce.Ourt eam br i ngsapor t f ol i oof t ar get edmar ket i ngmat er i al sandsuper i or adver t i si ngt obestser veyourspeci f i cneeds.
OUR OFFI CE I nt hevi br anthear tofUpt own Ourpr i mar yof f i cei sl ocat edi nUpt ownChar l ot t eatt he i nt er sect i onofSout hTr yonandThi r dSt r eet s.Our nei ghbor si ncl udeFor t une500compani es,t he Bl ument halPer f or mi ngAr t sCent er ,BankofAmer i ca St adi um,Spect r um Cent er ,andRomar eBear denPar k. Al lofChar l ot t e’ spr emi ernei ghbor hoodsar e conveni ent l yaccessi bl ef r om ourof f i ce’ scent r al l ocat i on.
LakeNor man
Hunt er svi l l e
Concor d
Mount ai n I sl andLake
Upt own’ spedest r i anf r i endl ysi dewal ksar ef i l l edwi t h Char l ot t e’ sr esi dent s,t our i st s,andwor ki ng pr of essi onal s.Ouropt i malTr yonSt r eetaddr essgi ves yourpr oper t ypr i meexposur et opr ospect i vebuyer s.
Mat t hews
W esl ey Hei ght s
Pl aza Mi dwood
Upt own
Mi dt own
Wi l mor e
Sout hEnd
East over
Di l wor t h
Myer sPar k
Cot swol d
Sout hpar k LakeW yl i e
Sout hChar l ot t e
Bal l ant yne
SUPPORTTEAM Exper i enced.Effect i ve.Pr oven. Ourt eam ofexper i encedbr oker sandsuppor tst af f ar ededi cat edt oensur i ngmaxi mum exposur eof yourpr oper t y.Sever alser vi cesi ncl ude: AgentConci er ge Tr ansact i onTeam Mar ket i ngandDesi gnTeam Phot ogr aphy Pr i nt Di gi t al Cent r al i zedShowi ngSer vi ce FeedbackRepor t i ngSer vi ce Anal yt i csRepor t i ngSer vi ce El ect r oni cDocumentSer vi ce
CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY Fi r sti mpr essi onscount . Wepar t nerwi t hanexcl usi veagencyt hatpr ovi des pr of essi onalphot ogr aphyf oreachofourl i st i ngs.Usi ng compl ement ar yangl esandappr opr i at el i ght i ngt o spot l i ghtt hear chi t ect ur alf eat ur esofyourhome;t hese HDR phot oscr eat eapor t f ol i ot hatdr i veourmar ket i ng pl anandl eaveal ast i ngf i r sti mpr essi onf orpot ent i al homebuyer s.
PRI NTMARKETI NG Compel l i ng.Refi ned.Pr ofessi onal . Asacut t i ng-edgeor gani zat i on,TheMcDevi t t Agencyandourcr eat i vet eam appl yi nnovat i ve desi gnt echni quest odel i veref f ect i vepr i ntmedi a. Ourcol l ect i onofpr i ntmedi acont i nuest ot r end wi t ht heevol ut i onofdesi gn. Thi sappr oachset susapar tf r om t hecur r ent st andar di nr ealest at emar ket i ng.Ourl i st i ngs havebeenf eat ur edandpr omot edi navar i et yof publ i cat i ons,t ar get edmai l i ngcampai gns,and awar d-wi nni ngmagazi nes. As seen i n:Charl otte Magazi ne,Luxury Home Magazi ne,Soci ety magazi ne,Uptown Magazi ne,QC Excl usi ve magazi ne,The Charl otte Observer,Ri tz Carl ton Magazi ne,El evate Magazi ne,Charl otte Vi si tors Gui de,Lake Norman Vi si tors Gui de,AnnualFourth W ard Hol i day Home TourGui de,and more. . .
w ebsite
PROPERTY W EBSI TE Tomaxi mi zeexposur ef oryourl i st i ngwewi l ldevel opacust om websi t ewi t ht hef ol l owi ngf eat ur es: Pr oper t yspeci f i cdomai nname Pr of essi onalHDR phot os Pr oper t yi nf or mat i on Det ai l edf l oorpl an I nt er act i vepr oper t ymap Schooldi st r i cti nf or mat i on Sel l er ’ sr epor t
Si rHuon At obebui l thome
S K YH Eu Condos S i r
A o b e b u i l t h o me 6 9t l ux u r y c o n d o s|2Pent hous es
Mobi l ef r i endl ydesi gn
Cel adon
Ec of r i endl ydes i gn
dom estic
power edby
Some exampl es i ncl ude:Fang. com,Juwai . com,Ri ghtmove. co. uk, The House Shop,Sodi chan,Ml s. cn,Sel oger. com, Property852. com,Icasas. mx,99Acres. com,Acheter-Louer. fr, Arkadi a,Kangal ou and many more. . .
@t he mc de vi t t ag e nc y c l t
SOCI AL MEDI A Soci almar ket i ngi sn’ tj ustaboutshar i ng;i t ’ sabout del i ver i ngval uei nwhathasbecomet heepi cent erof moder nmedi a.I nanever -evol vi ngsoci all andscape, t hesemedi apl at f or msext endourr el at i onshi pswi t hi n ourcommuni t yandbeyond.Ourt ar get edcampai gns engageuser swi t hup-t o-dat emar keti nf or mat i ont hat maxi mi zest heexposur eofyourl i st i ng.
@t he mc dag e nc y
com m itm ent
1 0
ERI C NORMAN Pr oven.I nnovat i ve.Local . Iwi l lpr ovi deyouwi t hunmat chedexper t i seand cust omerser vi cet opr omot eandsel lyourpr oper t y t ot hemostqual i f i edbuyer . Il ookf or war dt ot heoppor t uni t yt owor kwi t hyou.
Awar dwi nni ngbr oker s.Awar dwi nni ngf i r m.