NovelCreator™ 5.0 - The best Novel Writing Software.

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NovelCreatorâ„¢ 5.0 - The best Novel Writing Software.

About the Creators Evan Marshall

Evan Marshall always wanted to publish a novel. When he moved to New York City and became a literary agent, he surveyed commercial fiction bestsellers as a contributing editor for Writer’s Digest magazine. The novel-writing technique he invented integrates viewpoint writing and viewpoint character development with scene-by-scene plotting. His technique became known as The Marshall Plan® For Novel Writing (after his last name) and was published in The Marshall Plan® For Novel Writing (Writer’s Digest, 1998), a bestselling writing guide and instant classic.

About the Creators Martha Jewett

Martha Jewett is an expert business book editor, ghostwriter, literary agent, editorial consultant, and content developer of NovelCreator™ 5.0 novel writing software, based on Evan Marshall’s internationally bestselling. The Marshall Plan® for Novel Writing (Writer’s Digest, 1998). The Marshall Plan® For Novel Writing demystified novel writing for a massive audience and is the industry’s #1 goto novel writing technique.

About the Software NovelCreator™ 5.0 novel writing soft ware is the new name of The Marshall Plan® novel writing software first releas ed in 2008. NovelCreator™ 5.0 practicall y writes your novel for you. The novel writing software has helped thousands of writers sell their projects, becoming happier, more productive, m ore financially successful, and yes, bests elling novelists.

Steps for how NovelCreator™ 5.0 software works  Select a category or word length  You can develop your plot, characters, and conflict, and write your manuscript, all within our software.  The software creates your outline.  You complete your novel using the software’s word processing program.  You’re ready to publish it in whatever format you want.

Top-Selling Genres  Cozy Mystery  Erotica  Fantasy  Mystery  Paranormal  Paranormal Romance  Romantic Subgenres  Science Fiction  Thriller

Benefits of NovelCreator™ 5.0 The benefits of Novel Writing Software are: •There is no need of classes, coaches, or books if you want to write a novel, The software will save your time and money. •Lots of tutorial videos. •Find your audience with the Genre Wizard •Grow your number of published titles. •Write a bestseller. NovelCreator™ 5.0 have more powerful features. Check out our free trial.

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