December 2012 MARC News

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Mr. History Begins a New Chapter Rather than ask Mr. History to write an ar;cle for this newsleaer, we wanted to switch things up and write about him. Robert W. Carter, Jr., beaer known to us as Bob, le[ his post as Historical Consultant at RCC on November thir;eth. However, do not believe for a minute that he is re;ring or slowing down in his work. He is simply changing his focus to concentrate on the personal projects he has started over the years that have gone unfinished when other projects have taken precedence. One such project, expanding his descrip;ons of historic sites of interest in Rockingham County, has been on hold for almost ten years and Bob is anxious to complete it. We are pleased to announce that Bob has moved into an office in the Historic Courthouse where he will also volunteer his ;me as Special Collec;ons Consultant for the MARC. He will hold office hours Wednesday through Friday in the a[ernoons. Appointments with Bob may be scheduled by calling the MARC office. Bob has lived his en;re life in the Sandy Cross Community located five miles west of Reidsville. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Rockingham County Historical Society since 1976, served as chairman of the Publica;ons Commiaee and as editor of the Journal of Rockingham County History and Genealogy for more than 25 years. In 1987, Bob received the McDaniel Lewis Award as North Carolina’s Historian of the Year from the NC Society of Historians. Since 1991, he has served as Historical Consultant for Rockingham Community College, working in the Historical Collec;ons Room at the college. In 2002, the County Commissioners appointed him as Rockingham County Historian. Bob also serves on the Board of Directors of the Eden Historical Museum, the Wentworth Historic Preserva;on Commiaee, and the Mayo River State Park Advisory Commiaee. We are apprecia;ve of Bob’s life-­‐long interest in the people and history of Rockingham County. The work he has done and con;nues to do is invaluable in the preserva;on of our heritage. He is most worthy of our thanks and accolades.

Coming Back to Her Community The MARC is most fortunate to have a Rockingham County High School graduate, Lisa Withers, join our staff as Intern. Having graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a BA in African and Afro-­‐American Studies and a minor in History, Lisa is a tremendous asset to us. Her experiences at Chapel Hill included genealogical research and a research presenta;on en;tled Between Black and White: An ExaminaNon of the MulaRo Slave Experience. Working as an intern at the MARC has provided Lisa with the opportunity to con;nue exploring historical research methods and to gain experience in public history. She has also assumed responsibility for recrui;ng and scheduling volunteers to work at the museum, which is a perfect fit for her friendly personality. We are truly grateful to Lisa for sharing her talents, abili;es and enthusiasm, and for working well beyond the hours of her internship. Lisa’s career goals include teaching at the secondary and post-­‐secondary level and conduc;ng research with emphasis in African American and United States history. Throughout her career, Lisa seeks to work with youth and young adults and impress upon younger genera;ons the importance of educa;on.

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