October Issue 2015

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News Page 3

The TheLightning LightningStrike Strike• •September October 2015 2012 GLOBAL WARMING

Volkswagen’s deceipt detrimental to environment

Mila Sicorsky feature editor On Sep. 28, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accused world-renowned car company Volkswagen of cheating on pollutant emissions tests. Investigators raised accusations after growing suspicious of data revealing the company’s production levels. Human actions are the primary cause for oxygen-lacking dead zones the size of Oregon. Usually these harmful activities are smallscale, like littering, but it is rare when widespread scandals take course. According to Forbe’s list of World’s Most Valuable Brands, the multi-billion dollar company Volkswagen ranks #67 and operates in 31 countries. The accusations triggered disbelief in both large environmental organizations and Volkswagen customers, many of whom have been loyal to the company for years.

“I don’t respect how one of the top car companies has ruined its high reputation in the automobile industry,” junior Andres Sabo said. “I think it’ll bring down the German economy since it depends so much on this business.” Volkswagen installed software that detects emissions tests into 11 million cars. Once the software senses the exam, the vehicles function in ‘test mode’, producing the legal amount of pollutants released into the air. However, once cars are on the road, far from the EPA, they produce more nitrogen oxide emissions--ten to 40 times the legal number of 70 milligrams per mile. In an age where skeptics doubt climate change, even with rising tides right under their feet, the Volkswagen scandal continues to make headlines. After the EPA threatened to slap Volkswagen with hefty fines of $37,500, Volkswagen could no longer hide. The company now faces U.S. Department of Justice

criminal investigations, and Martin Winterkorn, its CEO, quit in late September. “If my car was affected, it would irritate me,” senior Taylor Wells, who drives a Volksgwagen Jetta YEAR, said. “I like to think of myself as an environmentalfriendly person so this bothers me.” Among these customers stand drivers new to the automobile industry, one with both hidden and exposed corporate scandals. “If I would’ve known, I probably would’ve chosen a different car,” Ennovi Villamizar, who drives a 2003 Volkswagen Beetle, said. Hopefully this will serve as an eye-opener for people unaware to impacts their actions have on the environment. “We as humans are running more environmental campaigns and trying to be more environmentally-friendly,” 2014 Volkswagen Passat owner senior Mateo Torroija said. “This isn’t helping at all.”

the GOP nomination. Carson’s intelligence and achievements have made him an appealing candidate. The fact that he is not a career politician has played to his favor as a breath of fresh air from the usual crowd. “He’s really likeable,” senior Veronika Bondarenko said. “People are tired of the same old politicians, and Carson offers an appealing alternative.” Bondarenko believes that both Carson and the Republican Party in general are undeserving of their rap. “The GOP is misunderstood,” Bondarenko said. “Everybody thinks they’re backwards and value the wrong things, but really we just want what’s best for the country.”

While Carson is a Republican, one of his main points is indexing minimum wage to inflation, a rather liberal and progressive policy. Another, less liberal, point is his staunch opposition to illegal immigration. Carson has propelled to the top of the polls and he should put up a strong fight for the nomination if the race continues this way. The young vote plays an important part in the political process, and Bondarenko wants students to know how vital it is that they get involved. “We grow up in a generation where we have a lot of power to change things,” Bondarenko said. “I think it’s really sad to waste their opportunity to voice their opinions and make a difference.”

‘ELECTION’ from front page Like Sanders, Trump also rejects funding from big companies and Super PACs. “Trump funds his own campaign, which provides a necessary transparency,” Block said. “Because of this, if you vote Trump, you aren’t also unknowingly voting for a big company like Walmart.” Donald Trump has already exceeded expectations that political pundits had for his campaign and there is no reason to suspect a decline.

Ben Carson Former Neurosurgeon and bestselling author Ben Carson has made waves in the Republican presidential race, trailing only Donald Trump for

NEWS BRIEFS PTSA funds new water fountain


WATER FOUNTAIN: The water foutain in the history hall was upgraded to have a new sector for students who bring reusible bottles. As of Oct. 27, Krop has helped eliminate waste from 1,577 disposable plastic bottles.

On October 8th, the new and reformed water fountain was installed at Krop in the social studies wing. The fountain allows students to refill their reusable water bottles with filtered water instead of wasting plastic bottles. The PTSA proposed the idea to Mr. Ponkey which he was enthusiastic about. He sat down the Zone Mechanic team as they planned and installed the new fountain in a short period of time. The strategic placement of the fountain in a high traffic area of the school allows for more student use. This is the first step in the transition from normal water fountains to the upgraded ones. The fountain keeps a count of how many water bottles it fills, making it a symbol of efficiency and progress. By the end of the school year the PTSA plans on installing an additional fountain in a not yet known location.

-Gal Mintz

New program provides affordable college assistance Applying to college is like a road map.It’s probably upside down and you’re in the car alone with no one to lead you through the crossroads and the short cuts. However, you can get a new GPS, known as the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success, designed to guide students through the ins and outs of the college application process. The Coalition is a tool for underclassmen where more than 80 public and private colleges ranging from Wellesley College to Harvard University have signed up to help students get into the college of their dreams. The Coalition improves the college application process by encouraging students from all backgrounds to explore their college options earlier in high school. Registration for students, parents, teachers and counselors has already begun. However, students will only be able to use resources like a virtual “locker” to store their essays, poems and other creative works beginning April 16th. Students can seek advice from college admissions experts and advisers relating to what classes they should take, how to maximize their time in highschool and where to start when it comes to college applications. The Coalition is aligned with pre-existing programs like Common App, an application for undergraduate students that is accepted by over 400 independent colleges. By tying these programs together, students will be able to gain more access to scholarships and readiness when it comes time to apply to college.

-Megan Orlanski










Annual college fair includes new universities The college fair filled the gymnasium with students and their parents scouting and inspecting the colleges on Oct. 26. CAP advisor Mr. Roddy gathered 130 colleges and universities and also multiple guest speakers that talked about student loans and financial opportunities. “The college fair was awesome,” Mr. Roddy said. “I saw a lot of students and their parents talking to college representatives.” Representatives gave brochures and business cards for two hours straight. They tried to leave a good impression on students. The fair ended with a flood of students exiting the gymnasium with their plastic bags full of college material. Some students stopped to buy food on the way out. “It was a great experience,” sophomore Javier Diaz said. “I got to see all the colleges I was interested in.”

-Kevin Bauernfeind

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