May 2018 Leaf

Page 8

OPINION May 17, 2018

Event sparks reform ALLYSON BONHAUS executive editor

AFTER THE SHOCK waves of #MeToo are passing, what change is left? After significant convictions, rape cases are seemingly adapting to a culture that is more respectful of the victims’ stories. A turning point in this change came on April 27, 2018 when Bill Cosby was convicted of three counts of indecent assault, which is up to 30 years of prison. The jury found Cosby guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand on April 26, the first conviction after over 50 women accused him of sexual misconduct. This conviction is still a shift in the way powerful men are treated in court for sexual assault. “...Today, this jury has shown that the Me Too movement is saying that women are worthy of being believed,” said Lili Bernard, accuser, according to “NPR.” The trial, coming months after Harvey Weinstein was removed from the Motion Picture Academy, shows hope that rape victims will be treated with due respect. A conviction of a powerful figure signals a mindset shift to hold accountable even those who are

idolized by the public. “Some victim advocates see the Cosby case as part of a groundswell that shows no sign of slowing,” according to “NBC News.” Perhaps not quite the tsunami activists hoped for, but mindsets are shifting to respect the truth of rape victims, as only two to six percent of reported rape are false according to “The Independent.” Victim bashing is still widely practiced despite how demoralizing it is; in Cosby’s trial this was practiced but the guilty verdict hints at a shift in mindsets. Cosby’s trial will hopefully become a symbol for the beginning of more awareness and respect toward victims stories. “As #MeToo has spread, the number of people reaching out for help has continued to increase. In the first quarter of 2018, RAINN’s programs helped 46% more people than in the prior year,” according to “Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network” (RAINN). This trend needs to continue, allowing society to learn how to treat rape victims with respect, which in turn may decrease the number of rapes.

By the numbers 54% Of all rape victims, people ages 18-34 make up 54% of sexual assault victims 1 out of every 6 women have been the victim of an attempted or completed rape 6

Sources: RAINN

Every 98 seconds another person experiences sexual assault Design by: Allyson Bonhaus

Lee’s Letter: HANNAH LEE

creative projects director As college looms closer and closer, filling summer break with internships, part-time jobs, and standardized testing seems to become of greater importance than laying on the beach and letting time drift away with the sea salt breeze. In reality though, being productive 24/7 is pretty much impossible. Your body and mind will be so worn out that you will not be as productive as you want. So before booking 1,000+ hours to building your resume, you should also plan some time to relax and cool your head. Even if you are not going on vacation, you can have a relaxing time right at home. Some mental-health boosts could come from finding a room in your house that you rarely go into and reading a book in your new reading nook. Or going outside and doing some gardening to get some fresh air, clear your head, and get a nice tan. There are so many options if you look for them. But make sure it is complete relaxation by spending it with your phone away. An hour without your phone may seem unusual or even uncomfortable at first, but the satisfaction gained is much greater. Relaxation is also maximized when you are surrounded by nature. Even without meditation, being in nature encapsulated by the sounds of the birds, creatures, and the howling of the wind does wonders. It brings people back down and allows a sort of meditation of peace without even a conscious effort to meditate. After a walk in Sharon Woods or time in my backyard, I never felt that it was a waste of time, but rather, time well spent because I felt happier afterward. However, I am not encouraging you to burn all your applications and summer homework on the spot. Many are panicking to improve their resumes and stress is piling high, so it is important to find balance and relax a little. In reality, relaxation can promote productivity and is necessary to keep yourself from going crazy.

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