Top Reasons Why The Law App Is a Game Changer In the Legal Services Industry

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Top Reasons Why The Law App Is a Game Changer In the Legal Services Industry Content Topic: Think of The Law App like a freelancer site for lawyers, where the client pitches a topic or issue they need to be resolved and lawyers put in their bids for the job.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation. Level 10/95 N Quay, Brisbane City QLD 4000 0490 135 339 OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS PER WEEK Page 1

Think of The Law App like a freelancer site for lawyers, where the client pitches a topic or issue they need to be resolved and lawyers put in their bids for the job. While this post is slanted in the angle of the client, The Law App is a game changer for those who practice law as well, as yet another avenue to help clients as well as earn revenue. Everyone Can Gain Access To a Lawyer and Seek Legal Advice The Law App opens the doors to the legal world for everybody. With an online app like this one, people who maybe don’t have the time, or in some cases the funds, can find a lawyer who will either represent them or help them resolve some form of legal problem. You Don’t Have To Leave Home (or the Office) As a client, you can put forth your legal issue into The Law App marketplace from the comfort of your own home. No making appointments to visit the lawyer’s office. The same goes for the lawyer who gets the job. They can also help resolve the issue online from the office or their own living room if working after hours. It’s a convenient win-win for everyone. Prices That Are Affordable For Everyone No one’s making the claim that lawyers charge too much for their legal services. After all, it’s a very specialist industry. With The Law App, because lawyers are actually bidding for the advertised work – and much of it can be done online anyway – chances are clients will be receiving help and advice at a reduced rate that is far more affordable for the common person.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation. Level 10/95 N Quay, Brisbane City QLD 4000 0490 135 339 OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS PER WEEK Page 2

All Facets of the Law Are Covered The Law App doesn’t just focus on one aspect of the law. All legal fields are covered because clients encounter a very diverse range of problems and legal battles. You might specialize in family law, criminal law, property conveyancing, will preparation or personal injury claims. It’s all covered on The Law App. All Lawyers Are Vetted and Fully Qualified Every single legal representative on The Law App has been vetted to make sure they are officially and legally qualified to act on the behalf of clients. No “cowboy” lawyers are allowed to participate, only genuine industry professionals. The Law App is changing the face of the industry, so sign up today and give it a try.

Need Legal help? If you are searching for budget friendly lawyers, Click Find lawyer to get some well experienced lawyer based on your location, Get Registered at The Law App today, it’s free. Here you will find any types of lawyers 24/7 available online to help you. Find the best lawyers online at “The Law App”, get legal advice and solve your issues. Find the best Online Lawyer at “The Law App” Google Map behind you.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation. Level 10/95 N Quay, Brisbane City QLD 4000 0490 135 339 OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS PER WEEK Page 3

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation. Level 10/95 N Quay, Brisbane City QLD 4000 0490 135 339 OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS PER WEEK Page 4

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