The Courier - Edition 217

Page 29

Friday 17th April 2015 Across 1 What name for someone who prays to God comes from the Latin for ‘to kneel, bow down, request’ (10) 6 What is the name of the main antagonist of The Lion King? He is Mufasa’s younger brother and Simba’s uncle who plots to seize the throne he believes is rightfully his by virtue of superior intelligence? (4) 9 Which verb means both ‘to make drunk with alcoholic drinks’ and ‘to excite to enthusiasm or madness’? (10) 10 Which expression of incredulity indicates something is unlikely and should not be considered? (2,2) 12 What name is given to someone whose age is in the 80s? (12) 15 What name is often given to a being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity, the offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to

divine rank? (7) 16 What name for a plug for sealing a hole, especially in the neck of a bottle or other container can also mean a footballer whose function is to block attacks on goal from the middle of the field? (7) 17 Which close-fitting one-piece garment worn by dancers and acrobats is named after a 19th century French trapeze artist? (7) 19 The BBC period drama series created by Heidi Thomas based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth and set in east London in the 1950s was entitled Call the (What)? (7) 20 Which traditional English dish is made with minced meat covered with mashed potato? (9,3) 23 Which is the fourth largest lake (by surface area) of the five Great Lakes in North America? (4) 24 Which city is the capital of Pennsylvania? (10) 25 Which goat-like mam-

SUDOKU (Medium)

Quiz Word

mal inhabits the cliffs and mountain slopes in Oman, southern India and the Himalayas? (4) 26 By what name was the

Russian city of Volgograd known as from 1925 to 1961? (10) Down 1 By what name is the

29 front part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle usually known? (4) 2 In golf what name is given to a gentle stroke that hits a golf ball across the green towards the hole? (4) 3 What name is given to the activity or occupation of writing dictionaries? (12) 4 Often regarded as an object of derision, what name was applied to the husband of an adulteress? (7) 5 Which verb means ‘talks socially without exchanging too much information’? (7) 7 Which W-shaped constellation in the northern hemisphere near Polaris is named after the wife of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia and mother of Andromeda? (10) 8 What name is usually given to industrial plants for purifying a crude substance? (10) 11 Which Labour politician was prime minister of

the UK from 1964 to 1970, and again from 1974 to 1976? (6,6) 13 What name for a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity is derived from the Latin for ‘to grow or become nourished’? (10) 14 Which verb means ‘to make a person or area poor’? (10) 18 What adjective is normally applied to a volcano that is temporarily inactive? (7) 19 What is the name of the strong north wind that blows in France during the winter? (7) 21 Which region of coal mining and heavy industry in North Rhine-Westphalia, western Germany, is named after the river that flows through it, meeting the Rhine near Duisburg? (4) 22 Which archaic exclamation was formerly used to express surprise, anger or affirmation? (4)

SALLY’S SIMPLE SPANISH LAS EMERGENCIAS -EMERGENCIES Match these words with their Spanish translations then find them in the wordsearch. (Answers below)

el accidente

la camilla

el choque

la enfermera

el doctor

la escalera

el fuego

la jeringa

el paramédico

la llamada

el vendaje

la policía

la ambulancia

los bomberos

la caída

los puntos

history QUIZ

ANSEWRS:1. Fidel Castro 2. Medicine 3. The Titanic 4. History Robert E.Lee 5. Fly in 1943 on a secret trip to Casablanca. 6. Dutch 7. William Pitt (The Younger) 8. Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington 9. It was dog doing life for killing a cat. 10. Southampton 11. The Black Prince 12. Minister 13. Octavian and Emperor Augustus

Last Week’s Solutions Code Cracker Last weeks Quiz Word Solution Across: 8 Siesta, 9 ETA, 10 Owen, 11 Mayonnaise, 12 Nash, 13 Arctic, 16 Monolith, 17 Terrier, 18 Orderly, 22 Dementia, 25 Yields, 26 Malt, 27 Cuttlefish, 30 Vein, 31 Ohm, 32 Surrey. Down: 1 Pisa, 2 Oslo, 3 Barnacle, 4 Mediums, 5 Cavern, 6 John Cleese, 7 Jet set, 14 Roe, 15 Turpentine, 19 Royalist, 20 LSD, 21 Ragtime, 23 Enamel, 24 Tycoon, 28 Fire, 29 Stew.

Empareja estas palabras - Match the Spanish and English words You will find the answers at the bottom of the quiz. 1.el accidente, 2.el choque,

15.los bomberos, 16.los puntos.

3.el doctor, 4.el fuego,

n.the nurse, o.the fall,

5.el paramédico, 6.el vendaje,

a.the paramedic, b.the doctor, ambulancia, caída,

c.the stitches, d.the bandage, camilla, enfermera,

e.the call, f.the pólice, g.the fire, escalera, jeringa,

h.the ambulance, i.the crash, llamada, policía,

j.the firemen, k.the siringe,


l.the ladder, m.the accident,

Span - Eng


p.the stretcher.

Answers: 1m, 2i, 3b, 4g, 5a, 6d, 7h, 8o, 9p, 10n, 11l, 12k, 13e, 14f, 15j, 16c.

1. In 1959 Who Established A Communist Government In Cuba? 2. 'Aescapalious' the emblem, staff snake, is the Greek/Roman god of what? 3. What was the sister ship of the Olympic? 4. Who Commanded The Confederate Armies During The American Civil War? 5. President Roosevelt was the first president to do what? 6. What nationality was Mata Hari? 7. Who Was The Youngest British Prime Minister? 8. Who first said "Publish and be Damned"? 9. What was unusual about convict 2599 who was doing time in Pen State prison 1924? 10. Where Did The Mayflower Set Sail From In 1620? 11. What was The Eldest Son Of Edward III Better Known As? 12. Frank and Jesse James' father had what job? 13. At the Battle of Actium, who defeated Mark Anthony and Cleopatra?

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