The Jersey Life - Late Autumn/Christmas 2021

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Autumn/Christmas 2021 |

A Very Traditional Adventure



A product of the pandemic

health/well-being | excercise | nature | eco-issues | motoring | gardening | home | art/craft | nutrition | general interest | interview

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Publisher Fish Media Ltd Email: Website: Director Jamie Fisher Editor Juanita Shield-Laignel Travel Writer Rebecca Underwood Photography Simon Finch Production Ian Curtis Sales Manager Juanita Shield-Laignel

Putting this late Autumn/Christmas issue

been touched by current world events in

together has been an absolute privilege.

one way an another and looking after

It always amazes me how each and

ourselves and each other is going to

every edition starts off as lots of blank

become even more fundamental in the

pages and a few ideas, but then

months and years to come.

somehow grows organically to include Accounts and Administration

Caroline Spencer shares the positives

genuine content and real interest in

to come out of the pandemic for all

things that matter… thanks to all our

those at Acorn, and Rebecca


amazing contributors without whom, we

Underwood takes us to Edinburgh for a

Rebecca Underwood

would not survive.

short break.

Mark Shields Lorraine Pannetier Alistair Shield-Laignel Caroline Spencer Louise Carson Sally Roberts Front Cover Photo: Louise Banks & Jersey by Phone Camera

Follow us on Instagram: the.jerseylife Like us on Facebook: The Jersey Life © All rights reserved. The Jersey Life is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. Whilst Fish Media takes every reasonable precaution, no responsibility can be accepted for any property, services or products offered in this publication and any loss arising there from. Whilst every care is taken with all materials submitted to The Jersey Life the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to such material. Fish Media reserves the right to reject of accept any advertisement, article or material supplied for publication or edit such material prior to publication. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Fish Media. We accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes and no responsibility can be taken for the content of these pages.

One such amazing contributor is Nigel

Thank you to Louise Banks for her

Jones – I spent a delightful afternoon

beautiful autumn sunrise over Green

with Nigel, absorbing the comforting

Island donning the front cover. Louise is

and enveloping arms of nature as he

a regular contributor to facebook page

showed me his boat building project

‘Jersey by Phone Camera’ where you

somewhere in St Peter. We agreed that

will find lots of stunning local scenery.

working with our hands is so rewarding

I hope you enjoy this magazine as

and I continue this subject on pages 32

much as we have enjoyed putting it

and 33 where I share my romantic

together and until next time when we

notion of all things ‘cob’.

will be well and truly ensconced in

Lorraine Pannetier invites us to ‘Live

2022…I wonder what that will bring –

the Good Life’ on page 12 and 13 and

have a lovely winter and all the revelries

don’t forget to look for the audio file link

that brings.

to listen to Lorraine’s wonderful words. You will find lots of articles covering health related subjects including nutrition, exercise supplementation,

Juanita Shield-Laignel

essential oils, mental health and more. Good health has always been important but seems even more poignant and imperative right now. Everyone has

If you have an interesting story to share or would like your business reviewed, please feel free to contact us. LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 3

contents 3 WELCOME and The Jersey Life contact information



22 QUER-WHAT-IN? Juanita Shield-Laignel explains Quercetin

28 CLOVE! So much more than a toothache cure

40 ZINC! By Abi Jackson


Late Autumn 2021 HOME & GARDENS 48 KEEP KIDS’ BEDROOMS TIDY By Lisa Salmon

52 GET YOUR KIDS OUTDOORS By Hannah Stephenson




ECO-ISSUES 32 GET YOUR COB ON! A look at the Cob House - By Juanita Shield-Laignel

35 ACORN’S NEW DRIVE THROUGH by Caroline Spencer

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A VERY Traditional

Adventure “Who is your interview this month?”, asked my husband. “Nigel Jones”, I replied. “I know that name, he was on Channel Report the other day,” said he. “That’s him,” replied I. Nigel Jones does get around a little, in the nicest possible way of course. You may have also come across the work of Nigel Jones at some time or other. Administrator of social media page ‘Jersey In Transition’, regular contributor to the J.E.P., a loud voice in Jersey’s throng of climate activists, and perpetrator of gentle living; cycling more and handcrafting, intermittently interviewed on Channel Television and Jersey Radio…he certainly makes his voice heard. But there is oh so much more to this gently spoken, mild-mannered and yet impassioned, man…interview by Juanita Shield-Laignel I follow Nigel on JiT with interest, sometimes contribute and/or comment and have also invited him to write for us here at the Jerseylife on more than one occasion. Being a fellow advocate of gentler living, including making things by hand – when I saw a post about his boat-building project – I was really interested to learn more. Nigel invited me to his building space at a smallholding in St Peter. I arrived to a waiting Nigel standing amongst a heavily laden crabapple orchard and was led up onto a beautiful idyllic field and under a shelter where his project resides. Chickens were clucking and cockerels strutting, birds of prey flying overhead, butterflies weaving in and out of the enclosure and bees were drinking heavily of the clumps of nettles and clover nearby. Two chairs were waiting – setup in fire-side mode – although there was no fire. I sat down and we began.

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Editor: I love this idea of you building your own boat by hand. How did this come about? Nigel: Well let me give you a little of the history of

After using it as young boys, the two brothers grew up and got bored with it and got busy with important jobs, but the father commissioned a man called Bernard who operated at La Folie, to look

these types of boats first (Nigel pointed to a derelict

after it. He would take it out of the water once a

boat a few feet away). This old boat was built in

year for routine maintenance, but the boys still

about, 1960, by an old boat builder who was about

didn’t use it. Bernard repeated this process for more

60 himself and retired. It was commissioned by a

than twenty years until in 1988, they realised they

local wealthy man who wanted it for his two sons

would never use it again and I was in the right place

and in the style of the old Jersey fishing boats.

at the right time to buy it. It had a mast and sail

These boats were going out of style because

and a temperamental petrol engine. I taught

fibreglass and outboard engines were taking over.

myself to sail in her all over St Brelades Bay and

Although retired, the wealthy man stuffed enough

even motored across to Sark - and made it back! I

money into his palms to make him come out of

learnt the importance of a deck on that trip - with

retirement and build just one more…

water slopping over the top. We sat on the lifejackets because the vibration was so

He did a fantastic job and there is an old postcard

uncomfortable! We had loads of fun in it – parties

around (sadly I don’t have a copy) of it, in its heyday,

and picnics – you can get 6 or 8 people in it. We

at La Rocque or Green Island - somewhere that end

used to arrange the mainsail over our sleeping bags

of the island, with the mast up.

to sleep on each side of the engine.


historic times. To begin with they would have been a dugout tree trunk but because water got in over the side, they would put an extra plank on each side and gradually over time, built up. I love that these little f ishing boats are born of an unbroken vernacular, a tradition of boat builders building by eye from the beginning of time right the way up to the 60s. Now if you want a boat, they are not made in Jersey anymore and are all fibreglass. I am very keen this After several years of fun, I sold it in 1992 and

won’t die out – this one only survived because it

bought a succession of other boats. My third was a

was never worked and was well maintained. So I

fibreglass boat in which we crossed the Atlantic

would really like to build a clone more as

through 1999 and 2000, sailing to Barbados.

template for anyone else in the future. It f its in with my ethos of localism, local crafts, local

Then suddenly a friend of mine said “I’ve seen your

trades, renewable materials - eco-friendly in a lot

old boat for sale”, by then I’d started doing hand

of ways.

tool woodwork projects and thinking ‘what can I make?’ – sadly when I bought it back it was completely unseaworthy, I wondered ‘can I

Editor: What materials are you using?

renovate it?’ but no, cloning it became more viable

Nigel: Oak mainly. But sadly not locally sourced.

and I started measuring it up…

need straight grained oak of about 5 meters, this


only happens when trees are growing close in a It’s got lots of lovely features. When I was a kid in

forest. I did ask the National Trust locally if when

the 60s the older fishermen all had similar 15/16 ft

trees come down is there any chance of me getting

versions and worked them very hard, like

one and then sawing it into planks, but most trees

fishermen do. Scraping against sand and rocks

in Jersey are all knots and branches as they get

and pulling up lobster pots every day they got

pollarded, so are not long enough. The first

pretty clapped out and needed replacing every 5

branches in a true forest would be 30 or more feet

years or so. The local boat builders were churning

up. So I have to bring the wood in from the UK.

them out to meet demand and they became almost throw away. My father bought two, one

Some of the wood in the old boat is tropical

called Edith and one called Cote D’Azur, so as soon

hardwood – mahogany - but it’s a mistake in lots of

as I saw this one, I recognised its style and its lines.

ways. Felling tropical rainforests in 1960 seemed

It was called Palodillo.

like a good idea but not anymore and aside from that - the keel is oak but the stem is mahogany and

There have been boats on the water since pre-

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the mahogany has disintegrated in our climate.

Editor: Tell me about the process… Nigel: First of all I had to build a sturdy shelter, not just to keep everything dry and make working conditions bearable, but because to build a traditional boat you need stocks on the ground and a roof with rafters as all the moulds need to be held up to the rafters. I see it that you need to fix everything to a wooden frame above and below and the boat gets built in between. Stocks are built into the ground to hold the moulds, basically templates or frames which are not part of the final boat. Planks are then softened and bent around the moulds and fixed into place and the moulds removed at a later stage. I’ve learnt that it’s heat rather than moisture that softens the wood so

When I started this project, I used to have to repeat

am using a steam chest basically long square tube

‘time is not money’ as my last job was working in

made of four planks with steam coming in at one

software development where time really was

end. Once you’ve bent the wood, once it cools

money, everything had to be done efficiently. This

down – that curve becomes permanent.

is so different, working in nature and with nature and at only two days a week, gives me enough

When I started, I used a 4ft long metal water trough

progress to feel I’m accomplishing something, but

and a couple of inches of water with a gas cooker

I’m not in any rush after all. This is my retirement

underneath and put planks over the top to stop the

project so sometimes I just sit here and

steam escaping.

contemplate. I enjoy cycling here and then just

Editor: Human ingenuity never fails to amaze me. Your facilities here seem quite rudimentary? Nigel: Ha ha - yes, it’s just me and the birds and the

letting the time unfold, I regard each trip as an adventure.

Editor: It all sounds very meditative.

chickens, no electricity. There is a wood burning

Nigel: Yes - it is - very.

stove in that shed which is jolly useful to help me

about hand carpentry, and only going as fast as the

dry off when I’ve cycled from home on rainy days.

tools will allow and then there is all the preparation

No matter how good my waterproofs, I’m always

and maintenance. So just as Bernard used to take

grateful for the opportunity to get warm and dry

Palodillo out every year and sand her down, re-

before I start work again.

paint, stain and varnish or whatever she needed,

There are old books written

meaning she lasted much longer than her Having no electricity is a good thing as I’ve had to

counterparts, the carpenter also has to maintain

get involved in using hand tools, which I love – no

and take care of his tools in the first place. The

noise, very little dust and as I have no time

secret to good hand carpentry is to have VERY

constraints, am doing it for the love of it, if it takes all

sharp tools – in fact, that is what I’ve been doing all

day to do one thing, it takes all day.



hands. There is real skill in adjusting and using the blades. Like an artist that forms a relationship with his brushes, I love my 2” chisel and have developed favourites for each job – every tool having its own personality. It’s the tools that make this whole thing so attractive – to build a boat by hand literally, not even an electric saw, it will be unique, hand crafted. I’m not fitting an engine to this one, she is going to be sail and oars, and maybe an electric outboard in time - no fossil fuels! I’m hoping this will become a new prototype for future generations to copy and will help with my vision for a gentler way of living. More sustainability, more community living, more local crafts, local building, community gardens, growing and sharing. It all fits in with what I believe and how I would like the world to be. Nigel then went on to share with me how he has come to this stage in his life – his education path, There are 3 stages to sharpening each and every

working life and why he so enjoys the meditative

tool…a coarse sand stone, then a medium and then

side of working with wood…but that will have to

a very fine one to produce a mirror finish. Finally, as

wait until our next issue…

you use water in the honing process, you have to oil them or they will rust. It’s taken me all morning just to sharpen 2 planes, 3 chisels and a spoke shave. The oil is camelia oil made from the seeds and has just the right properties. This one is from Japan. Incidentally it’s the Japanese that have largely kept this hand tool carpentry alive. It’s all very methodical. It’s traditionally said that if you want to be a carpenter get a pencil, if you want to be a good carpenter get a sharp pencil, but if you want to be a great carpenter, get a knife! I use a knife to do all my marking out… whether that makes me great or not remains to be seen but, start as I mean to carry on! Using hand tools is so much nicer. The repetitive swoosh of the metal against the wood sounds beautiful and they are so much lighter in your

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with endless challenges and disasters and were frequently ridiculed by their wealthy materialistic neighbours, Margot and Jerry.

By Lorraine Pannetier, Intuitive Copywriter for Lightworkers and Brands with Soul

Is it time to start living the good life? Time. It appears to be ever present and

In an era of rapid industrial growth, the average

yet it’s invisible. We

1970s family life was changing due to new time-

have clocks and

saving and labour-saving appliances and

calendars to

household items such as washing machines,

measure time in a linear fashion, and yet every

kettles, vacuum cleaners, disposable nappies and

passing day feels different to each of us. There are

teabags. Suddenly life was becoming easier - which

moments of panic, stress or grief when time stands

only made Barbara and Tom’s lifestyle choices even

still, and there are moments where the hours just

more absurd. Why would you choose to make life

disappear as we get lost in creative passions, a new

more difficult for yourself when you had a choice?

romance or the simple pleasures of life. I think the joke has been on us all along… Time is a perception created in our own minds. All we ever have is this moment right now and it’s up

On an overheating planet with an endless list of

to us what we make of it.

hugely important environmental issues, the time has come for more and more of us to grow (at least

Pause for a moment and take a deep breath. And

some of) our own produce, find more sustainable

another. Close your eyes and place one hand on

alternatives to plastic and fossil fuels, to reduce our

your heart. Gift yourself the magic of simply BEing

intake of processed foods, meat and dairy, and

in the present moment. You are worthy of your

make the switch away from diesel and petrol

most generous love and attention.

fuelled cars.

Life in a global pandemic has gifted us

In the 70s and 80s we naively bought into the

opportunities to slow down, appreciate what we

‘need’ for this new way of life. The average person

have (or who we have in our lives) and the chance

had no idea about the future impact of their

to create a new lifestyle that feels like a better ‘fit’. A

choices on the planet. We became whores to

way of life that feels more aligned to our values, our

materialism and happily overfilled our trolleys every

hopes and our dreams.

trip to the supermarket - which of course saved us even more time as we swapped the greengrocer

Perhaps Barbara and Tom had it right all along?

and the baker for the lure of buying everything under one roof.

The famous British 1970s sitcom ‘The Good Life’ centred around a married couple who dreamed of

1970s humans didn’t know any better. But we do.

living a sustainable lifestyle on their own small suburban plot of land but were inevitably faced 12 |

We’re now armed with all the facts, statistics and

information. We’ve watched David

It’s easy to romanticise the sustainable life, but to

Attenborough’s documentaries, we’ve listened to

live 100% sustainably as an individual family in

Greta Thunberg, we’ve watched Seaspiracy,

Jersey is difficult. Probably impossible. But if we

Cowspiracy, Gamechangers, The True Cost of Fast

never try because we believe it’s going to be

Fashion and Leonardo DiCaprio’s Before the

impossible, then we’ll never get anywhere!

Flood. We’ve given up plastic carrier bags and bought paper straws. But it’s not enough.

The truth is, no-one wants to give up their comfortable life. But what does a comfortable life

The Earth cannot feed almost 8 billion people and

actually look like to you? And do you want to live

feed over 60 billion animals each year. Something

just a comfortable life, or do you dream of wild

has to change.

adventures, excitement and constant expansion?

We need unity.

I think that this is why so many brilliant ideas never get off the ground - because we’re always

And right now, there is separation, fear and

looking at what we might lose and not what we


will gain. We live in a society where the default mindset is to perceive that someone is always out

We’ve become a ‘them versus us’ society.

to get us or make life difficult: the taxman, the ferry company, the slow cyclist in rush hour. But,

We are so judgemental and quick to label people

just as time is a perception of the mind, so is this

that we’ve forgotten the true essence of human

mindset that makes us cling on to what we know

beings: that we’re all completely individual and

and to stay in our comfort zones. We’re greedy,

unique. Our fingerprints, our irises, our

impatient, selfish and self-centred.

personalities. All biochemically individual and beautifully unique.

It’s time to let go.

In Jersey, I believe we’re perfectly positioned to

To take a deep breath in and to let it out with a

step up as a role model for the world. But only if

long, audible sigh.

we come together as one. Each playing our small role as part of a collective goal.

Regardless of your viewpoint on the main topic du jour, it’s time for us to come together with less

We live on an island with a great climate and lots

separation, fear and division. We need to find

of green space for growing produce. We have the

common ground instead of driving wedges,

money, infrastructure and technology to make

creating labels and putting people in boxes.

more homes solar powered. We have the potential for energy powered by wind and waves.

It’s time for love, compassion and kindness.

We have land that can be used to create allotments and community gardens. We have a

It’s time for us all to stand side by side with the

huge wealth of practical and creatively skilled

shared goal of a more sustainable way of life

islanders. It’s not beyond the scope of reality to

that’s kinder to the planet, kinder to animals,

suggest that we could become a sustainable

helps bring people out of poverty and encourages

island where everyone has the chance to eat

everyone to be the happiest and healthiest

locally grown, organic produce, lead an active,

version of themselves.

healthy lifestyle free from poverty and have access to first class medical care.

Are you with me? LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 13

4 WAYS TO CREATE YOUR OWN HOME GYM As home exercise booms because of Covid restrictions, fitness experts outline what you can do to make a useful exercise area in your house... Home gyms were once the preserve of the wealthy,

your laptop on your knee – you’ve got everything

but since the closure of gyms and leisure centres

you need to hand, and it can help you to focus on

during the coronavirus pandemic, the popularity of

what you’re doing.

home exercise and the resulting desire for home workout spaces, has really gathered pace. Many people, of course, can’t afford to create a bespoke gym in their home and simply use an exercise mat – or a rug – in a corner. The home

Plus, there’s the added incentive that if you’ve spent a lot setting up your own home gym, you’re more likely to use it to make sure you’re getting value for money.” Mark Reynolds, founder of WeMakeGyms

exercise space you use can be as small and simple or

(, says since the pandemic struck,

as large and luxurious as you like or can afford – but

the home gym market has boomed, and it’s not just

ultimately, all you really need is a couple of metres of

the wealthy who are creating their own home

space and a big dollop of motivation to be able to

workout spaces.

exercise at home. Personal trainer Henry Myers, who runs HM Fitness

“Until the last few years, the home gym was perceived to be something only the rich and famous

( in Leeds, and

could afford, but that’s all very much changed since

regularly leads Zoom classes for people working out

Covid-19 reared its ugly head,” he says.

at home, stresses that even if you’ve only got a small

“A home gym can be as elaborate or simple as you

space available in your house or garden, there’s

like, from jumping up and down in your bedroom in

nothing you can’t do. “You can do a good workout in

front of your favourite Instagram personal trainer,

a couple of square metres, and you don’t have to

cornering off a section of your living room with some

spend any money to benefit from the flexibility of

cardio equipment and weights, to a fullyfunctioning

working out at home,” he says.

separate room that’s air-conditioned and adorned

“But if you’ve got the space, and some extra money, having a dedicated exercise area or room can be

with the latest fitness technology.” Reynolds says people thinking of creating a home

really motivational. It’s similar to having an office at

gym should remember what they’ll be saving on

home instead of having to work with

family gym memberships or fitness classes over

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subsequent years. “It can all quickly add up,” he

workout, and prevent slipperiness from sweat and/or

points out, “so the appeal of an at-home gym

fast movement.

becomes ever more prevalent.” Your own exercise space can cost what you want or

Keep your form in check by making a mirror wall part of your design scheme – it can brighten up the

can afford – from a few pounds for a gym mat,

space, and make it feel much larger, says Reynolds.

around £2,500 for a basic custom-designed set-up

Another option is to hang a punchbag from the

with a cardio machine, a few weights, a bench and

ceiling – it can always be unhooked and removed to

new flooring, or a £30,000 converted room or garage

make more space. Alternatively, buy a floor-standing

with all mod cons, says Reynolds.


“At home, you determine when you work out, and

A basic custom-designed set-up including one

that can take place at any time of the day or night. A

cardio machine, dumbbells, an adjustable bench and

new normal is being created, and what people are

flooring will cost around £2,500-£5,000, says

starting to see is the pure flexibility and long-term


cost-effectiveness of an at-home gym.”


3. CREATE A FITNESS WALL Wall workouts are popular, especially for tight spaces,

“You don’t need a lot of room to lay down a yoga mat,

because they don’t require bulky equipment. Fitness

which could be the foundation of your workout

walls combine tools for strength training, such as

space, where you can stretch and do core exercises,

resistance bands, body straps, pull-up bars and even

Pilates or yoga,” says Reynolds.

foldable squat racks with an integrated adjustable

Aside from mat exercises, more vigorous workouts

bench. A fitness wall can be as elaborate or simple as

like Hiit (high intensity interval training) may

you like, explains Reynolds, and can incorporate

sometimes warrant a little more space, although

hooks or bars to attach resistance bands or other

most exercises can be done on the spot – even

suspension training apparatus to, as well as built-in

jogging. A solid floor to jump around on is useful,

equipment like cable and/or battle rope pulleys. A

although not essential (your carpet, however, may not

fitness wall can also support an angled sit-up bench,

benefit from repeated jogging on the spot).

or beams that can provide support for total body

A skipping rope and resistance bands are great


basic (and cheap) exercise tools if you don’t have the space or cash for an exercise machine. In addition, adjustable dumbbells, or a small set on a vertical rack, only require minimal storage.

2. USE A DEDICATED AREA If you have the space to dedicate to a workout area within a larger room, a sliding door will take up less space than a swing door and keep the area separate from the rest of the room. You could also use a portable screen or even curtains to divide the space, Reynolds suggests. To keep workout gear organised, hang some shelves or get a small storage unit. It can sometimes be a problem to store bulky weights, says Reynolds, but careful storage design can solve this issue. If the space is permanent, you may want to change the flooring – consider temporary interlocking rubber mats, or something more durable and permanent, such as rubber flooring in tiles or rolls, which will provide physical and audible cushioning for your

4. CONVERT A SPACE Garages, basements and attics can be ideal for converting into a permanent home gym, with the benefit of adding value to your property, says Reynolds. If you’ve got a spacious garden or outbuilding, you could install a standalone gym, which you could combine with a home office space if necessary. Mirrors on the walls will open up and brighten the space, and a wall TV can help cardio time go much more quickly, or connect to an on-demand fitness service. A good sound system to play your favourite tracks as you workout is also useful as a motivational tool. A custom-designed luxury home gym with two or three cardio machines, a squat rack, free weights, cable machine, adjustable bench, combat fitness equipment, a feature wall, custom flooring, audio, visual equipment and air conditioning will cost around £30,000, says Reynolds. LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 15

Women’s fitness kit: 8 best buys for an autumn motivation boost By Liz Connor, PA

From sports bras to smartwatches, Liz Connor runs the rule over some top picks for pushing on with your activity goals this season. That back-to-school feeling still hits us hard when

panels for extra breathability, as well as soft,

September rolls around – and the high-energy

sculpted cups for minimising bounce.

vibes of the new school term aren’t just for kids. It’s also a great time for adults to revisit their

2. Domyos Sport Tote in Graphic Print, £12.99,

resolutions and set some fresh goals, especially when it comes to fitness.

Now that gyms have thankfully reopened, it’s a good excuse to ditch your impractical tote bag and

With that in mind, we’ve sought out the latest kit,

treat yourself to a proper gym holdall. This cheap

smart tech and accessories to put a spring in your

and cheerful option from Domyos is a game-

step and support your training this autumn,

changer if you’re on a tight budget, helping you

indoors and out.

stow your kit in style. It’s roomy enough to fit all your gear and accessories, like skipping ropes and

Whether you’re signing up for a marathon or

water bottles, and there are two smaller inside

simply committing to a bit more activity each

pockets for keeping valuables safe.

week, replace old mud-splattered trainers and recycle those threadbare yoga leggings with these fit list picks…

1. Lululemon Swift Speed Bra High Support in Black, £78,

3. On Running Cloudflyer Trainers in Glacier and Rose Brown, £145, On Running’s Cloudflyer road running shoe is all about comfort and support. The trendy Swiss brand says they’re made with a special Helion

Sports bras aren’t a one-size-fits-all deal, and the

superfoam that’s brilliantly bouncy underfoot.

level of support you need will depend on your training style and bust. This ultra firm bra from

There’s a lot for both beginner and expert runners

Lululemon is designed to keep you feeling

to like here – the ultralight mesh upper hugs the

comfortable on high-impact runs, with a bonded

foot and provides a snug but breathable fit, for

underband and hook-and-eye closure that clings

taking on trail routes as well as smoother road

to the body and won’t ride up while you’re on the


move. We like that it has strategically placed mesh fabric 16 |

If you’ve been promising yourself you’ll download

the Coach to 5k app and give the popular running

single-use plastic.

challenge a go, these lightweight and super stylish kicks will give you all the motivation you need to

Chilly’s is the brand you’ll find influencers

stick to your schedule.

snapping selfies with, thanks to their cheerful array

4. Garmin Forerunner 55 in Aqua, £179.99,

of designs and colours. You can’t really go wrong – their bottles keep water cold for 24 hours and hot liquids warm for 12 hours. The Series 2 design has

Garmin’s Forerunner 55 watch simplifies training,

an anti-microbial drinking collar, so you won’t get

pacing and recovery, making it the perfect running

those nasty metallic smells over time, and there’s a

buddy for people who need some coaching advice.

rubber base so it won’t topple over and spill

Key features including Garmin’s tailored running

between gym sets.

coach, suggested workouts, Pace Pro Lite and a special recovery advisor, meaning the watch will do the thinking – all you have to do is get out there

7. Women’s Under Armour Cloudstrike Shell Jacket, £53.97 (was £85),

and run. September spells the start of shower season again, There’s also stress and sleep tracking, so you can

so you’ll need to zip on a rain shell to protect you

better understand how your wellbeing and

from the elements during outdoor sessions. Built

recovery is impacting your running performance. It

for athletes, this 100% waterproof rain jacket is

comes in a few colours options and we love this

made from an incredibly light two-layer fabric, so

eye-catching turquoise.

you can repel water while staying cool.

5. Gymshark Vital Seamless 2.0 Leggings in Orange Marl, £40,

There’s a front zip with a storm flap, roomy pockets for keys and your phone, and a hood for when it’s really lashing it down. Though a little pricey, this

When it comes to the feelgood factor, slipping on a

jacket is undeniably a worthy investment if you’re

pair of colourful leggings is a good place to start.

keen to keep running through the unpredictable

This flattering tangerine pair from Gymshark are

autumn weather.

made from a super soft stretchy fabric that looks great on all body shapes.

8. Mini Folding Bike, £600,

The ribbed waistband gives extra support during

This collapsible bike from iconic car brand Mini is

strength sessions, but they’re comfy enough to

the perfect accessory to get you to and from the

wear around the house on weekends too. The best

gym or office. It has an ingenious mechanism that

part? They’re completely see-through-free, so you

allows the aluminium frame to be collapsed and

won’t have to worry about feeling self-conscious

unfolded again in seconds.

during squats and lunges.

6. Chillys Series 2 Bottle in Pollen, £30,

The padded leather saddle adds comfort, and it has eight gears to help power you up tricky uphill routes. Weighing less than 11kg, it’s lighter than

Whether you like to take your water bottle to the

some other fold-up bikes, making it easier to lift

gym or it sits in your glove compartment after an

once it’s folded down. It can also be quickly loaded

outdoor run, investing a good reusable option

into any car boot with ease, so you can also make

means you’re doing your bit to rid the planet of

use of it on further-flung trips. LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 17

5 expert-backed ways to bolster your immune system, as we approach cold and flu season Nothing can completely keep sickness at bay, but lifestyle tweaks can help. Experts tell Liz Connor how to build your defences this autumn.

Autumn can be a challenging time for our immune

1. Get a sweat on

systems, with countless bugs doing the rounds and cooler temperatures meaning we’re indoors more,

If you’ve been neglecting your gym membership since

making it easier for germs to spread.

lockdown lifted, here’s one very good reason to get back into a regular exercise routine. “As well as

Busy schedules can also increase stress, which doesn’t

protecting our heart, exercise is really important for

help matters, and can quickly zap us of the energy we

maintaining a strong immune system,” says Emily

need to get through the day, without having to rely on

Rollason, Holland & Barrett’s expert nutritionist

a steady stream of pumpkin spice lattes.

(, “whether that be a brisk walk to the shops instead of driving, or a swim in the

“Every day, we each inhale more than 100 million

sea, lake or river.

different bacteria,” says Euan MacLennan, medical herbalist and herbal director at Pukka Herbs

“Research shows that regular exercise increases the

( “To stop the infectious invaders, we

circulation of white blood cells – the purpose of which

have about 30 million unique antibodies, each

is to kill any sickness – causing pathogens in the body.”

programmed to recognise a single known bacterium, plus millions more ‘naïve’ antibodies waiting to attack

There’s a catch though: if you over-train, you can

previously unknown bacteria.

actually end up weakening your immune system, because you’re not letting your body recover.

“Whilst our immune system is designed to fight off

Generally speaking, it’s quite hard to really over-train,

viruses, sometimes it can be helpful to support it

but make sure to schedule regular rest days so you can

against new challenges,” MacLennan adds.

reap the full benefits.

Keen to sail into the cold season, without spending the

2. Think Mediterranean

entire time coughing into your jumper sleeve and blowing your nose? Remember, the best way to halt

It’s not just about necking vitamin C supplements

the spread of bugs is to stay on top of things like

when you feel a cold coming on. Packing your daily

regular hand-washing and minimise contact with

diet full of immune-supportive nutrients and herbs,

others if you, or they, are unwell, but a healthy lifestyle

especially those with anti-viral properties, is a great

can help support our immune systems too.

way to give your body a good chance of staying in peak condition.

Here are some expert-recommended autumn boosters… 18 |

Dr Jenna Macciochi, a leading immunologist working


Caring for gut health with a daily probiotic containing

Mediterranean style anti-inflammatory diet is a great

clinically researched immune-supporting strains, like

example of a scientifically supported immune

lactobacillus and bifidobacterial strains, could be a

nourishing diet pattern.

simple way to help boost your health: “Probiotics have





been clinically shown to reduce incidence, duration and “Rich in fibre, healthy fats like omega 3s, lean protein

severity of common infections.”

and an abundance of colourful plant chemicals, it furnishes all our day-to-day nutrition needs, while also

Try Healthspan’s Super20 Pro supplement capsules

reducing chronic inflammation and guarding against

(£10.95 for 30 capsules) or Symprove (from £79 for a four-

age-related disease.

week pack,

“Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, is one of my

4. Limit the takeaways

favourite kitchen staples to stave off unwanted inflammation and age-related disease,” adds Macciochi.

When we’re busy and stressed, it can be easy to fall into

“It mops up oxidative stress in the body and supports

the habit of ordering takeaway burgers or pizza, but

your own antioxidant systems.”

MacLennan warns that “fast, processed foods do not

3. Go with your gut

support our immune system at all. Researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany have found that an unhealthy diet can cause the immune system to act as

According to Macciochi, some 70% of the immune

if it is responding to bacterial infections,” he notes.

system is in close contact with our gut microbiota. “These good bugs help to coach and educate our

His top tip? “The next time you reach for the takeaway

immune system,” she says.

menu if you’re feeling under the weather, think again about the simple and nutritious options you may

A varied, fibre and nutrient-rich diet is key for promoting a healthy gut microbiome, but could a top-up help?

20 |

already have in your house.”

5. Sleep and de-stress

ensuring a calm wind down each evening, and work on establishing consistent wake and sleep times to

As we approach the winter months, we can become

give yourself the best chance of a good night’s rest.”

deluged with opportunities for socialising and overworking. While Macciochi says this can be lovely in moderation, we need to be aware of the negative impact of stress and alcohol on our health, not least on our immune function. “In the short term, cortisol (a hormone produced by stress) helps to fight infection, but when its levels are continuously high, it can have a negative effect, suppressing and weakening the immune response towards potential infections, delaying recovery and even increasing risk for chronic inflammatory disease,” she warns. “Combatting the toll of chronic stress on your body involves creating a toolbox of resources to help, like mindfulness and mediation. Personally, I like to take a magnesium bath after a stressful day.” Sleep, she says, is a foundation of good immunity too. “Your chance of catching an infection is five-and-a-half times greater if you manage less than six hours sleep per night,” says Macciochi. “Protect your sleep by WINTER 2021 ISSUE | 21

Quer-What-in?!!! Quercetin… What on earth is it and what does it do? Have you heard of Quercetin? I hadn’t either, not

and so-on and missed a lot of school. It wasn’t until I

until relatively recently that is, despite being a long-

hit my early twenties that I started to seek ways in

term advocate of supplementation and good

which I could help myself and through research,

nutrition as natural and preventative medicine…by

reading, studying and good old trial and error,

Juanita Shield-Laignel MFHT

realised much of my asthma and chest problems stemmed from environmental/chemical allergies,

As a life-long asthma sufferer, I spent much of my

food sensitivities and general inflammation and

childhood unwell, suffering chest infections,


bronchitis, bronchial asthma, backwards and forwards to the GP all the time, needing a lot of

Aged 23, I embarked upon a natural health journey

medication; nebulisers, inhalers, anti-biotics, steroids

that has taken me down many roads of learning, and

22 |

discovering the things that work for me and the

in a very short space of time by eating the wrong

things that don’t. Really early on I noticed that dairy

foods, conversely, I can make myself feel and even

products exacerbate my breathing difficulties and

look, a whole lot better by eating the right foods,

render me reaching for a Ventolin inhaler within

drinking plenty of clean water and by taking herbal


and vitamin and mineral supplements that support my immune system – and the change starts to occur

Not long after that I realised bread and other wheat

within in hours – if not minutes in some instances.

products have a detrimental effect too…so a simple piece of toast results in an almost immediate scratchy

Naturally, therefore, I have adopted many strategies

sore throat, congested sinuses, sneezing, sore eyes

and regimes to combat these - what some people

(not unlike hay fever), brain fog, bloated stomach and

might consider, extreme sensitivities or what could

a few other unsavoury, un-lady-like side-affects that

be described as basically an over-reaction of the

are best left undisclosed!! Continued consumption of

immune response, causing the body to release

bread / wheat products would lead to a coated

histamine in an attempt to combat what it sees as an

tongue which eventually led me to learn all about

unmanageable substance. So anything I can do to

candida and the importance of a healthy microbiome

alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms has got to be

more commonly known as good gut bacteria.

a good thing.

Certainly, for me, it became evident that what we put

The most important thing for me to do, is to make

into our bodies has a massive effect on our health. I

every effort to eliminate the allergen, but this is not

can make myself very unwell with lots of symptoms,

always possible…food sensitivity is just one thing I LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 23

Zinc is imperative for proper immune response and a small amount taken every day definitely makes a difference to my reactions. Garlic is a wonderful help, eaten raw is best but not always sociable so I have a supplement version for days when I have to be out and about. A good probiotic to ensure a strong microbiome also makes a real difference. In fact – If I find myself in full food allergic swing – popping a pro-biotic can calm it almost immediately. Including certain food substances such as lemon and apple cider vinegar each day – also have to contend with, I am also affected by dust,

makes a big difference…as does sauerkraut.

perfumes, paints, make-up, animal fur, leaf mould… and the list goes on.

Use of essential oils such as eucalyptus, black spruce, cedar wood and tea-tree have also helped

So – what to do to help my immune system function

over the years and in fact it was my discovery of

more ‘normally’ – daily Vitamin C is one of my

essential oils that put me firmly on this path of self-

stalwarts, as are flaxseed Omegas 3, 6 and 9.


Vitamin D helps too - so I regularly spend sensible

These are just a few of the things I have done for

time out in the sun and supplement all year round

many years, but of course I am always on the look

but especially in winter. There are many studies out

out for ways in which I can continue to help myself,

there to confirm that many if not most of us in the

alleviate, or even stop symptoms happening in the

northern hemisphere are depleted in Vitamin D and

first place and it was in researching natural

it has such a profound affect on many aspects of

antihistamines, that I came across QUERCETIN.

health including immunity.

24 |

So we know about bioflavonoids right? Compounds

for hay fever season you would need to start taking

found in many foods including berries and lucky for

it a few weeks before spring begins.

many; red wine and dark chocolate… I found Quercetin when researching natural antiSo why are flavonoids good for us? Well, they have

histamines about three years ago and added it to

an antioxidant effect on the body and we know anti-

my daily regime and have gone on to another level

oxidants are important as they scavenge free

of health. One of my life-long symptoms is that I

radicals (yes - sounds like a new age band) which

sneeze on awaking every morning…when taking

are basically rogue molecules with uneven electrons

Quercetin regularly, this becomes negligible. But

so they can’t pair or latch onto where they would be

my sensitivities are an ongoing continuum and I

useful and instead can cause damage. We get free

doubt I will ever be cured – I am likely to always be

radicals in the body either by natural breaking down

sensitive to environmental, chemical and food

processes or from too many environmental toxins

allergens – and yet my general health and well-

such as cigarette smoke, x-rays, pollution, and other

being has been so greatly improved over the years

man-made chemicals. Antioxidants scavenge these

by incorporating all the above and more, into my

rogue molecules and prevent or reduce the damage

daily life, that I am compelled to press forward into

in our cells.

searching for more ways in which to improve.

We know there are high amounts of antioxidants in

And you can imagine how absolutely blown-away I

some foods and in fact there is an O.R.A.C – standing

was when Quercetin was listed in not just one, but

for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity scale.

in multiple protocols I came across while exploring ways to combat not just the most recent

At the top of the scale are everyday spices such as

Coronavirus that circumnavigated the globe, but in

clove, cinnamon and turmeric and herbs such as

all of them. Doctors, Scientists, Professors,

oregano and peppermint and berries like acai, and

Naturopaths and Nutritionists are all

cranberries and even in walnuts and hazelnuts.

recommending many of the above but also

Cocoa is high on the list too.

Quercetin as a way of keeping our health and wellbeing in the best possible condition at the

Quercetin is a ‘polyphenol’ antioxidant, a particular

moment and always.

type of antioxidant found readily in broccoli, cauliflower, onions, green tea and citrus fruits. It

Patrick Holford, Nutritionist and Founder of ION

works by inhibiting histamine production in the

and and Bestselling author,

body so helps to naturally control allergy symptoms,

had this to say…

calms down hyperactivity of the cells in the airways and thus can help reduce congestion. Quercetin is

“Quercitin is a potent anti-inflammatory,

thought to be so effective as an antihistamine that

especially good for the lungs and joints, hence

it is being researched in helping to control peanut

very helpful in long covid as well as arthritis. It’s


also drives zinc into virally infected cells so, together with zinc, helps beat viral infections. Red

It definitely needs to be taken regularly though as it

onions, giving 20mg per onion, is the richest food

has a cumulative effect in the body so needs to

source but supplements that deliver 500mg - 25

build up over time, so if you were of a mind to take it

onion’s worth - really make a difference”.


s c i t o i rp ob


help your immune system?

By Lisa Salmon, PA

Confused about probiotics? A dietitian and a food microbiologist talk to Lisa Salmon about the benefits of these gut-boosting ‘good’ bacteria. A healthy immune system is vital for keeping us well,

protection against gastroenteritis, reduced

and one proven way to support it is with probiotics.

inflammation (hence the link to Covid), and boosting immunity – being harmless microbes, they’re good at

Many studies have found these ‘good bacteria’ can

stimulating non-specific immunity in the gut. Specific

help balance gut flora, helping produce protective

diseases like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and IBD

substances which may ‘turn on’ the immune system to

(inflammatory bowel disease) have been looked at

fight off bugs, and there are other benefits to making

and there’s currently immense interest in obesity and

sure you get enough probiotics too.

gut-brain interactions (cognitive function).”

We asked Professor Glenn Gibson, a professor of

In addition, research by University of Plymouth last

food microbiology at University of Reading, who’s

year found probiotic bacteria could help control the

studied probiotics and prebiotics extensively, and Dr

development and progression of colorectal cancer.

Carrie Ruxton, a dietitian for the Health and Food

While there’s also some evidence probiotics are

Supplements Information Service ( to tell us

helpful for reducing cholesterol, Gibson says there’s

more about the friendly bacteria that live in our

only limited “tenuous” evidence, if any, that they’re

intestines, stomach and gastrointestinal tract…

beneficial for reducing blood pressure and helping psoriasis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

What are probiotics? The World Health Organisation defines probiotics as

Ruxton adds: “Many chronic health conditions,

“live microorganisms which when administered in

including type 2 diabetes, obesity, inflammatory bowel

adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the

disease and bowel cancers, have been linked with an

host”. Ruxton says: “Probiotics are live ‘friendly’

imbalance of gut bacteria, called dysbiosis, and

bacteria in food or supplement form that can alter the

optimal immune function – giving us defences against

balance of our own gut bacteria – assuming they

viruses such as coronavirus – depends on having the

reach the gut intact.”

right bacteria in our gut.”

What are the health benefits of probiotics?

Can you get probiotics in food?

“Lots,” says Gibson. “There are now over 26,000

Probiotics are found in many fermented foods,

research articles on their use. These include improved

including kefir (fermented milk), kombucha (fermented

26 |

sweet tea), kimchi (spicy fermented cabbage), tempeh

What probiotics should you take?

(fermented soya bean patties), miso (fermented soya

Gibson says probiotics containing lactobacilli and

bean paste) and sauerkraut (fermented cabbage), as

bifidobacteria are the most well researched and have

well as yoghurt.

the best safety and efficacy records. “I like, and take, Multibionta and Actimel,” he says. “Other good ones

“Probiotics can also be found in supplements and

are Yakult, Proven Probiotics, Protexin and Bio-Kult.”

special drinks such as Yakult,” says Ruxton. “It’s good to combine probiotics with prebiotics – dietary

However, he says product quality varies, with some

substances that boost numbers of ‘friendly’ bacteria

probiotic products being very well researched and

and promote their activity. The most accessible

others not. “Another big issue is a lack of clarity on

prebiotics are tea, onions, garlic and leeks. These

health claims – consumers are rightly bewildered at

have been proven to help rebalance our gut

the range of products and a gross lack of information

microbiota.” Gibson explains that prebiotics are like

on what to choose.”

fertilisers for live probiotic microbes already in the gut. While Ruxton agrees key species include Who should take probiotics?

bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, she says: “There’s no

Ruxton says UK diets tend to be low in fibre, fruit and

need to focus on any particular types or strains

vegetables and high in animal protein, “which doesn’t

because scientific evidence suggests benefits for a

do your gut microbiota any good”. Our nutritional

range of bacteria. However, focusing on lactobacillus

intake during infancy may also play a role. “However,

strains is a good start. And make sure the product

people who are eating their five-a-day fruit and veg,

guarantees most of the bacteria will survive the

and getting two to three daily servings of fibre-rich

journey through your gut and reach the large intestine

foods like wholegrain bread, pasta and rice, or high-


fibre breakfast cereal, plus a few servings of fermented foods a week, should have a healthy gut

Are there any potential problems that can be

microbiota. Everyone else should consider adapting

caused by probiotics?

their diets, or taking a probiotic supplement.”

Ruxton says people who are immunosuppressed, for example if they’re taking immunosuppressant drugs

Do you need to take supplements to get enough

linked to organ transplants, should avoid probiotics


because even ‘good’ bacteria, which would be

Gibson says the answer to this is yes, but Ruxton says

harmless in most people, has the potential to cause

it’s easy to get enough in the diet by including natural

infection in those with a suppressed immune system.

sources, boosting them with prebiotic foods, and

“Apart from that, probiotics don’t cause harm, even in

ensuring you eat plenty of dietary fibre from

young children,” she says. “In fact, foods containing

wholegrains, fruit, vegetables, legumes and yoghurt.

natural probiotics have been eaten by people around the world for thousands of years.”

“Fibre helps keep the gut in good condition and works hand-in-hand with friendly bacteria,” she explains.

Gibson confirms authentic probiotics are unlikely to

“Supplements, or probiotic drinks, can be useful if

cause any problems, pointing out: “Part of their

your diet isn’t perfect, or if your gut needs extra

definition is they must be safe and impart heath-

support – for example, if you’ve had a recent course of

promoting aspects. Suffice to say their track record of

antibiotics, a viral illness, or are planning to travel

safety is as good as it is, or better, than for virtually

abroad and want to avoid a dodgy tummy.”

anything else used to improve health.”


Clove! Those of us of a certain generation will no doubt remember clove oil being a thing for dabbing on toothache! You will remember the vile bitter taste and how it made your mouth water, but you will also remember how it numbed your gum and eased the pain…but what else can this amazing spice do? By Juanita Shield-Laignel Cloves grow prolifically in India and Madagascar and have been used traditionally in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. These tiny, but oh so potent, dark brown bulbs have a warming, stimulating and cleansing effect on the body, and they can be used in cooking, as an extract, in herbal tea or as

TOP TIP For an added punch in cooking – I love this White Label (registered for internal use) Young Living essential oil – 1 or 2 drops is enough to spice up your life!

an essential oil. We are familiar with clove as a cooking ingredient

M b iit’s ’ traditionally di i ll used d at this hi time i Maybe year as iit

– very popular as an autumn spice…gingerbread,

can also help with Supporting Immune Function

cookies, cakes and pies - pumpkin, apple or

and Fighting Infections – as well as reducing

otherwise, are all the better for a pinch or two of

inflammation and acting as an antioxidant,

this little marvel of nature. And being a key

eugenol also has antimicrobial and antiviral

component of mulled wine and spiced cabbage,

properties giving it a similar action to raw garlic.

clove comes into its own at the end of year. Given clove’s antimicrobial properties it can also But did you know it also has some other amazing

help promote good digestive health. Clove

medicinal qualities; numbing pain is not the only

contains compounds that have been shown in


studies to increase the production of gastric mucus, thus possibly helpful in the prevention of

Cloves are rich in antioxidants and very high on

stomach ulcers. It can also help ease bloating and

the O.R.A.C. scale (the antioxidant rating scale), as

water retention.

they contain the antioxidant called eugenol, shown to fight free radical damage. This

In extract form, clove can also contribute to

compound can be found in concentrations as

healthy liver function by decreasing inflammation

high as 80%–90% in clove bud oil! Eugenol is

and oxidative stress and there have also been

mooted as helping defend against the

studies to show that clove extract, is rich in

development of chronic diseases and as being an

polyphenolic compounds that support metabolic

important component in anti-aging.

health, which may in turn help adults maintain

28 |

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the same health benefits as using extract or oil – so the same anti-inflammatory compounds may help reduce sore throats, cold and cough

Clove is one of five ingredients in this

symptoms, and potentially digestive issues, when

amazing Young Living oil designed to

drunk regularly.

support immunity…

Word of caution… W normal glucose levels.

Consumed in small amounts clove is generally safe for most people (those with allergies to

As mentioned above clove oil, has long been used

spices will know already), however, clove oil

in dental care due to its natural analgesic and

should be handled with caution, especially if

anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its

using it internally and should only be ingested in

antiseptic and antibacterial and antimicrobial

very small amounts and under the direction of an

effects, so it can help dull aches, reduce swelling

essential oil practitioner. When applied topically

and provide relief from discomfort from

it can cause skin rashes, burning and tingling, so

toothaches, skin breakouts, headaches and other

use with caution and mix with a carrier oil.

painful conditions. It can also help prevent plaque from forming on teeth, which may cause painful cavities hence being an ingredient in Thieves


Mouthwash… Thieves - Alcohol-Free, Fluoride-Free,

Clove Tea Steeping a few tiny clove bulbs in hot water and drinking the resultant tea will give you many of

Spice image kindly supplied by Sally Roberts - The Herb Whisperer 30 |

All-natural, safe for the whole family, even kids, Mouthwash: Provides care for gums, teeth, and the whole mouth

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An extraordinary place to learn With over 560 pupils aged 7-18 divided between the Prep School, the three senior girls’ boarding houses and four senior boys’ houses Strathallan is a friendly, welcoming place with a strong sense of community. At their most recent inspection, The Care Inspectorate rated Strathallan at Grade 6 (Excellent or SectorLeading) for the quality of care and support available. It’s an outstanding environment in which to learn, inside the classroom and out. Young people leave Strathallan with the skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen career, and the confidence to make their mark on the world. “I look back at my time at Strathallan with fondness. The quality of education in the classroom, in the creative arts and on the sports field was of the highest possible level. With Strathallan on my CV there are no doors that are not open to me.” – Former pupil Scholarships available at Third Form and Sixth Form entry. Open Morning Saturday 15th January 2021.

Get Your Cob On! Anyone who like me enjoys the odd back-to-back session of Grand Designs, will have come across some quite extraordinary Cob Houses over the years. Made from nothing more than sand, clay, water and earth and some use straw, some don’t, cob houses sound very basic but add a large dollop of human innovation, ingenuity and creativity and the mud house soon turns into an astonishingly beautiful home…by Juanita Shield-Laignel All you have to do is google, Grand Designs East

I find the whole idea fascinating. Built completely

Devon Cob House and you will be truly astounded

by hand and often called natural buildings,

at what pops up. One image refers to the 930 sq

groups of natural builders will travel around and

m home as a ‘cob castle’ and palatial it certainly is.

help out – such a beautiful way to live. Often

But cob on this scale is not common, rather

natural building groups ask for nothing more

research will often proffer cute little forest

than 3 square meals and will take their tents to

cottages and occasional modest family homes,

camp out on site. Comradery and experience

but most often, little romantic, personal spaces at

being the thing that binds these people together.

the bottom of the garden.

There are master cob builders that head up these

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teams and are highly sought after. The very notion that you take elements from the earth, smoosh them all together by dancing on them, much like grape-treading, and then form rudimentary bricks called ‘cobs’ by hand and pile them on top of each other, hand shaping everything – enabling the most beautiful organic shapes just thrills the artist in me. It’s like

Don’t Move,

sculpting your own home, and is sensitive and


intimate and oh so creative, adding bits of glass and decorative tiles for interest means that each and every cob house is completely unique. Cob houses are usually surrounded by fruit and veg gardens, adding to the self-sufficient ethos, are off-grid and contain things such as compost toilets, are topped with solar panels and flanked by domestic wind turbines, owners are often ecoconscious and creative, sometimes single and

It is expensive to sell your home and move. Stay put and improve your home. A personal loan can offer the finance you need for renovations and repairs. Talk to us, we can help. Dialogue House, 2-6 Anley Street St Helier, Jersey JE2 3QE E. T. 01534 721500

WINTER 2021 ISSUE | 33

sometimes living with partners and children. Building individual personality into these buildings is a wonderful process for children who really get to stamp their personality on their own spaces. Who of us as children didn’t enjoy building a den or two in a nearby field or in the garden? Cobbing taps into that childhood romanticism and allows one to explore ones inner-child again. Cob has been used for thousands of years and yet oddly – could be the way of the future, especially as already mentioned – it is part of a whole lifestyle; permaculture and life-schooling providing everything the family needs. I’m not aware of any large-scale domestic cob houses locally at the moment – however, the bat house at the zoo is a good example of what can be achieved, and was built by a team of people, who all worked and ate together for the duration of the build – creating a real community spirit. This idea really excites me – building your own beautiful, sustainable, bio-degradable home, from the earth and with your own hands and surrounding it with a potager and filling it with the people you love…what could be better! Quote from local eco-architect Jane Blakeley “Old Jersey farmhouse thick external walls are partly cob for thermal reasons, comprised of two outer skins of granite with a narrow cavity in the centre filled with cob/mud. They achieve the 'adobe wall action' ie maintain heat in winter and avoid heat gain in summer, an ancient concept but used in Jersey certainly from the early centuries of house building”

34 |

%(-'(. 21))2, 2,"02 !"-#,*/0-2,)&21.&2./%2 12 /0+2*/00+2!'0(-#*1-2 1.&212'1$$+2./%2+/10 J Brennan Groundworks Ltd

Tel: 07797 730937 All aspects of groundworks and excavations undertaken

Acorn’s New Drive-Through A Product of the Pandemic!

By Caroline Spencer

Acorn’s new drive-through donations centre is a product of the pandemic. It probably wouldn’t have happened but for the new way of working that Covid restrictions brought about…

A new purpose-built drive-through donations

and improve working conditions for staff. The

centre at Acorn Reuse will create a minimum of 10

new building will increase our capacity to receive

paid jobs and 60 training opportunities for people

and process goods by over 30% and it will release

with a disability or long-term health condition.

25% more sales floor space within the main reuse shop.

The social enterprise secured Fiscal Stimulus funding from the Government of Jersey in 2021.

‘In turn, this will increase revenue through sales,

Ministers came up with the funding as a way of

enabling Acorn to employ more people with a

helping the economy recover from the Covid

disability or long-term health condition – at a


time when there is more demand for our services than ever. It’s an exciting time for Acorn.

Many organisations had to develop new and

This is going to be a huge boost after such a

innovative ways of working during the pandemic

challenging time.’

and Acorn was no different and they found that some of the new methods of working streamlined

Steve added: ‘The implementation of this project

their processing and productivity. The fact that

also supports the issue of waste and reducing

they had to store donated goods for 72 hours

the Island’s carbon footprint. Reuse is

meant that they created a separate temporary

fundamental to the Island’s waste management

donations and collections area away from the

strategy and environmental good. This extra

main shop. This proved to be better for staff and

facility enables us to increase our ability to divert

customers alike.

waste by 30%. We expect to be able to remove an additional 730 tonnes from the waste stream

The new shed is being built on the overflow

and we anticipate a 3.5% improvement on this

parking area to the rear of Acorn Reuse. Acorn

amount each month.’

general manager Steve Pearce said: ‘The new collection, delivery and goods processing depot

Some years ago, Acorn decided that any

will provide a streamlined service for customers

business opportunity they developed should LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 35

The area currently used for storage and sorting will be freed up for more shopfloor space

both help the local community and have

electrical components, which will further reduce

environmental benef its. Acorn Reuse takes

its carbon footprint.

reusable items out of the waste stream and directly resells or repurposes them to sell

Acorn say that these objectives will assist them,

through their store in Trinity.

and the Government of Jersey, in the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

Just a year after Acorn Reuse opened in September 2018, they came close to their goal of

Along with improved traff ic flow, the new Acorn

being self-f inancing, employing 80 people, over

building will be part of a community hub for

70% of whom have a disability. But then the

Trinity, offering f ree space for the parish

Covid pandemic hit and they stayed in lockdown

recycling centre, mobile library and other

slightly longer than some businesses, due to the

community initiatives.

health vulnerabilities of their staff and clients. As with all its goods, Acorn deliberately sets its The new facility will also house a purpose-built

prices low, so that low-income families benefit.

self-contained area for electrical testing and

Steve says that this is more important than ever as

function testing of goods. All electrical goods are

Covid-19 had a significant financial impact on many

tested before being sold, but a number of items


fail these tests. To reduce the amount of waste, Acorn are trialling reclaiming scrap metal f rom 36 |

‘Our pricing strategy will remain unchanged and we

Richard de la Haye of BRB Excavation & Groundworks Ltd, which is undertaking all ground works for the main contractor, WM Staite Ltd

will continue to provide goods at an affordable price

JET have already seen that the pandemic has

which will specifically support that demographic.’

had a significant impact on people’s mental health and wellbeing. Acorn is one of very few

JET executive officer Jocelyn Jacques said: ‘We are

places in Jersey that offers therapeutic

very grateful to the Government of Jersey for the

placements to people with significant mental

Fiscal Stimulus investment of £800,000, which

health issues. More than 60% of referrals to

enables Acorn to increase its revenue, thereby

Acorn’s Training and Development Service are

creating a minimum of 10 paid jobs and 60 training

from people with a mental health issue.

opportunities for people with disabilities and longterm health conditions.

Another aspect of the plans include the use of solar panels and Acorn hopes to generate

‘In the short-term, this development both retains

enough electricity for itself in the summer

and creates employment for people in the local


community, with a minimum of 12 local contractors involved. We would like to thank the main

Building work on the centre started on the

contractors who, despite the current demands on

Trinity site in August and will be wind- and

their services, have kept to their schedule and

water-tight by Christmas, with the f inal internal

honoured their early commitment to the project.’

fit-out completed early in the new year.


TWO AMAZING WOMEN, previously featured in the pages of The Jerseylife were recently bestowed the ‘Woman’s Refuge, Inspirational Woman of the Year’ award Louise Carson – 1st Prize “Oh wow! It’s with huge pride and surprise I can say I’ve won the ‘Woman’s Refuge inspirational woman of the year award’. It’s really beautiful that despite 49 other inspirational women being nominated, that I won for environmental projects. It’s so important to me and so encouraging. Thanks to Soroptimist International Jersey and the Woman’s refuge. The award was really for everyone involved in: • Recycle for Philip’s Footprints • Potty Eco Pots • Jersey Sustainable Period Products Project • Half Wild Jersey • Journey to Zero Waste Jersey All of the volunteers who actually make anything happenTHANK YOU, I really feel I’m just a figure head in this. To my partners in crime Viki Lucas, Kalina Le Marquand, Louise Bamber and Dave Carson - THANK YOU So glad my brother Philip Le Claire, sister-in-law Alison Bishop, Husband David Carson and long-term friend Stephanie Bass were there to witness me feeling so overwhelmed and humbled by this. Thanks so much to the person who nominated me - Helen Morgan”

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Karen Gallichan – 2nd Place “We are so very proud to announce that Karen Gallichan, super woman and Autism Jersey Boutique Manager was recently awarded a superb second place in the 2021 Inspirational Woman of the Year awards. Nominated by Dr Helen Miles, Vice-Chairman at Autism Jersey. Helen said “Karen is a single mother of two including a son with autism who has faced a raft of challenges. Karen is an inspiration to all women, her great determination to succeed is matched by her depth of compassion for autistic people and their families in Jersey. As a member, former trustee and latterly as Autism Jersey Boutique Manager, she has helped to create a special place where parents, grandparents, friends and family can pop in, not only to buy clothes, but to talk about how autism impacts their lives. Karen is a listening ear and offers practical support and reassurance from a parent’s perspective.” Both Louise and Karen are incredible women who have committed themselves wholeheartedly to improving the lives of others in Jersey. 3rd Place was awarded to Lorna Pirozzolo for her tireless work with Lorna has not featured in The Jerseylife as yet – maybe a subject for another time! Please join us as we congratulate some of the most inspirational women we know!

From left to right, Louise Carson, Karen Gallichan and Lorna Pirozzolo LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 39

Zinc may ‘help reduce length of respiratory infections’ - from chicken soup to vitamin C, what else really works? By Abi Jackson, PA

Being bunged up and run down is never fun, but can these classic cold remedies really help? Always curious about ways to help combat

individual general health and immune response,

infections like colds and flu? Zinc is the latest

and lifestyle factors like how much sleep we’re

mineral in the spotlight – a new study has found

getting and how much booze we’re drinking.

taking a daily zinc supplement ‘may cut how long respiratory infections last’.

But are there things that can give us a helping hand with fighting off a cold? In terms of

It’s important to note that the research, which

scientific research, the evidence tends to point

reviewed 28 existing studies, did not include

at ways to help relieve symptoms, rather than

data specific to Covid-19. But respiratory tract

‘cure’ the infection – which our body should be

infections (RTIs) can include common cold, flu,

able to fight off in time.

sinus, throat and lung infection symptoms – like coughs, stuffed and runny noses, headaches,

Here’s a look at some classic cold remedies and

high temperatures and associated pain.

how they may help…

Published in the journal BMJ Open, it found

Chicken soup

people who regularly took zinc had less RTIs overall, and their symptoms cleared up more

Even if you’ve never had a loved one prepare

quickly when they did.

chicken soup for you when you’ve been bunged up with a cold, you’ve probably seen it happen

Of course, when it comes to infections like colds

on TV – and there is logic to this tradition.

and flu, the best line of defence is to avoid

Chicken soup is packed with phytonutrients

spreading and catching them! Plus there are

(found in garlic, onions and other veg and great

always other factors to consider – such as our

for supporting immune function) and antiinflammatory properties. Studies have also suggested carnosine, a compound found in chicken, could help calm nasal congestion. But even if it’s just a placebo effect, a steaming bowl of TLC made with love is never going to hurt!

Vitamin C Popping some extra vitamin C when you’re run down with an infection is another classic, 40 |

whether through supplements, fruit or juice. Studies have looked at whether this actually works, but overall, there’s no solid evidence it does. That’s not to say vitamin C isn’t very important and helpful for healthy immune systems – that much is clear. We also need it for our bones, skin and absorbing iron. It’s more about understanding how immune function works: we want to be supporting it in a general sense, rather than relying on a ‘quick boost’ when we get ill. So if you keep getting run down and seem to catch every cold going, it could be worth having a look at your diet and lifestyle in general, and booking a chat with your GP.

Spices Liquorice, for example, is said to have anti-viral Spices feature heavily in many traditional

effects, while thyme’s hailed as being helpful for

medicine and healthcare systems, including

easing congestion, and the menthol in mint can

Ayurveda from India. While small, spices can

help open up nasal passages. As well as adding

pack a mighty punch in terms of health-

spices to cooking, brewing them up in a tea is a

promoting properties.

simple, soothing option, where you’ll get the benefits of breathing in the steamy aromas too,

View this post on InstagramA post shared by

which can helped when you’re bunged up.

Robert Hobson BSc MSc RNutr (@robhobsonnutritionist)


When it comes to immune function and anti-

This natural sweetener is famed for its

inflammatory goodness, key examples are

antimicrobial and antibacterial properties and

turmeric, cinnamon and ginger. In fact, ginger is

mixing up a cup of honey and lemon tea when

known to be excellent for soothing the stomach

you’re full of cold, or feel one coming on, is an

and nausea too, which could be handy if a bout

age-old remedy. Research has also found honey

of flu leaves you feeling unsettled and sickly.

may help reduce cough symptoms.

Christmas Gifts

Pop in and take a look at our extensive new gift ranges...

12 Cleveland Road JE1 4HD St. Helier, Saint Helier, Jersey | +44 1534 733123 | LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 41




MAIN MEAL Serves 4

TOMATO, COCONUT AND CORIANDER SOUP What you need: 1 Tbsp of coconut oil 1 red onion finely chopped 1 medium carrot finely chopped 1 stick of celery finely chopped Pepper to season 400g of tinned tomatoes 400ml tin of reduced fat coconut milk 1 serving of Herbalife gourmet tomato soup(32g) 4 servings PPP(F3) (24g) 2 Tbsp of chopped coriander

MAIN MEAL Serves 4

MOROCCAN CHICKPEA SOUP What you need: 2 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil 1 onion chopped 1 stick of celery chopped 2 cloves of garlic Pepper 2 Tsp of ground coriander 400g tin of chopped tomatoes 400g tin of chickpeas 250ml reduced fat vegetable stock Juice of ½ a lemon 1 serving of Herbalife gourmet tomato soup(32g) 4 servings of PPP(F3) (24g) 2 Tbsp of chopped coriander

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What you do: Heat the oil in a pan. Add onion, celery, garlic and pepper. Cover and cook on a low heat for 10 mins until soft. Add the ground coriander and cumin to the onion and cook for another minute. Pour in the tomatoes, chickpea and stock. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add lemon juice, gourmet soup, PPP and chopped coriander.

What you do: Heat the coconut oil in a pan on a medium heat. Add the chopped onions, celery and carrot. Cover with a lid until the veg softens. Add the tinned tomatoes and stock and bring to the boil. Cook for a further 10 minutes Add the coconut milk and boil. Take off the heat, add the gourmet soup, the ppp and chopped coriander. Blend until smooth.




MAIN MEAL Serves 1

BAKED POTATO What you need: 1 Sweet potato Toppings of your choice

What you do: Prick your sweet potato Pre heat oven to 200-220 Cook for 40-45 mins

Toppings Tuna and red onion

Add your topping Season (no salt)

Chicken and Greek yoghurt Coronation chicken(1/2 Tsp of curry powder and 1 Tsp Greek Yoghurt Cottage cheese and chive Chilli

Add the healthy fat: ½ avocado, 6 almonds, 1Tsp olive oil


Cool, calming and hopeful – Bright Skies, Dulux Colour of the Year 2022 , is exactly what

our homes need right now By Sam Wylie-Harris, PA

From deluxe appliances to soft furnishings or a lick of paint, it’s easy to introduce this airy shade to your living spaces, says Sam Wylie-Harris. The benefits of blue are well storied, and now

Dulux Paint Mixing Matt in Bright Skies, from

Dulux has named Bright Skies its Colour of the

£31.09 for 2.5L, Dulux

Year for 2022 – something we’re probably all craving more of right now!

Destined to make a splash, Shillingford says the brand’s COTY – Colour of the Year – is always

A versatile, uplifting shade that’s easy on the eye,

influenced by what’s happening around us, and to

this blue entices us with the promise of, well,

us. “We’re inspired by commonly shared

something bright and beautiful.

experiences as much as emerging design trends, and seek to find synergy between the two. We’re

“Bright Skies is the perfect Colour of the Year for

also uplifted by the simplest pleasures that nature

2022 because it captures the essence of freedom

has to offer,” she explains.

we’ve all been craving for the past 12 months, while we stared out of the window,” says

“Who doesn’t smile and feel good when they see a

Marianne Shillingford, Dulux creative director.

beautiful sunset or clear blue summer sky? We aim to choose a Colour of the Year that captures what

“After so long trapped indoors, we’ve come to

we all need in our homes for the year ahead, and

appreciate the power of nature to uplift and

Bright Skies is a colour saturated with pure joy.”

revitalise us, and a clear blue summer sky is possibly the ultimate colour of nature.

Here’s what’s on our blue edit, including a couple of top-notch collaborations with Dulux, some

“This colour also melts the walls away to

household names, and designer decos…

reconnect us with the great outdoors and makes small spaces feel much bigger. It’s perfect for a

Stoves Richmond Deluxe Range Cooker in Bright

ceiling too, and anywhere in your home that

Skies Dulux Colour of the Year 2022, from £2,099

needs a much needed injection of light and

depending on size and fuel type. For full list of


stockists, visit

“Bright Skies pairs beautifully with all natural

The latest addition to Stoves Colour Boutique line,

materials like wood and stone as well as subtle

Bright Skies is the 10th colour in their luxe line-up.

cool and warm neutrals,” adds Shillingford.

Available across induction and dual fuel Richmond

44 |

WINTER 2021 ISSUE | 45

Deluxe range cookers, it’s bang on trend with home

tiles, this Sky Blue splashback is easy to install by

entertaining so big right now, and many of us

peel, stick and seal technique – and makes a real

appreciating the heart of the home more than ever.

feature when placed behind your hob, sink or basin.

KitchenAid Mixer Tilt-Head 4.8L in Blue Velvet – Artisan with Extra Accessories 5KSM175PS, £499,

DFS Java Four-Seater Velvet Sofa in Bright


Skies Dulux Colour of the Year 2022, £799 (footstools and swivel chair from a selection,

With the Great British Bake Off back on screens,

other items part of room set), DFS

chances are you might be tipping your pastry hat and whipping up a storm. But even your red velvet

A celebration of chic colour coding, furniture

cake could benefit from a touch of blue, and every

retailer DFS has teamed up with Dulux to launch

star baker needs a KitchenAid mixer in their life.

the popular Java range in Bright Skies, including a two, three or four-seater sofa (as pictured),

House Beautiful Heritage Sky Blue Self-Adhesive

swivel chair, armchair and footstools. To bring

Glass Splashback, from £175, Splashback

the look together and transform a seating area, you can choose other key pieces in

Decorative, practical and a pretty alternative to 46 |

complementary shades.

To work the paint colour into your existing scheme,

that puts a smile on your face first thing in the

Shillingford says to use Bright Skies where you

morning and last thing at night,” suggests

would love to have had a window or simply more

Shillingford. Striped bed linen in Stone Blue will tie

light: “Perfect for brightening up alcoves, and on

everything together… think a beach hut or cottage

walls you look at from your favourite chair or sofa,

by the sea, for that dreamy laid-back vibe.

and dream about summer holidays to come.” Throw Eranthis in Blue, £25 (was £39.99), JYSK Georgette Round Footstool in Heather Blue Smart Cotton, £522 (was £580),

With the days getting chilly, a faux fur throw in a calming blue-grey will look wonderful draped at

For more soft furnishing inspiration, even a

the end of the bed, and make you want to snuggle

buttoned footstool with soft rounded edges in

down even more.

Heather Blue can be a starting point for your colour story – and this works like a dream with

Jonathan Adler Ether Chair in Bergamo Ice,

Bright Skies. After all, you’ll want to put your feet

£1,750 (other items from a selection), Sweetpea &

up after poring over all those swatches.


Stone Blue Ticking Linen Bedding Bundle, £224,

Could there be a more attractive accent chair than

Chalk Pink Linen Company

this glammy model by American designer, Jonathan Adler? Upholstered in an icy blue velvet

While keeping your sleeping space fresh and airy:

with polished brass legs, this investment piece will

“In a bedroom, wrap this colour around you on all

bring a club-class finishing touch to your creative

the walls, woodwork and doors, for a breezy look

endeavours. The stuff of blue sky dreams…

59.4&9678 84 .4&96782"9-759,82'4356752.



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10 things parents should do to keep kids’ bedrooms tidy and stylish Lisa Salmon, PA

Play, design and parenting experts give Lisa Salmon tips on decorating and organising children’s rooms, to make them easier to keep clean. A child’s room is rarely a tidy one, and if anything, it

incredibly fun, but also daunting. There’s so much

only gets worse as they get older.

to think about – from colour schemes and safety to themes – and these need to appeal to you as an

Certainly, new research by Habitat (

adult, as well as to your child.”

has found almost half (41%) of parents say tidying their kid’s room is their biggest bugbear – yet one

Here, Worrollo and Norris give their tips for

in 10 continue to do it, simply because it looks

creating a stylish bedroom that’s easier for parents

good on social media and for guests.

and kids to keep tidy…

Despite the fact that many children’s bedrooms

1. Safety is paramount

look like a bombsite most of the time, Habitat

Norris stresses that safety should come before

found that, on average, parents spend £729 per

anything else in a child’s bedroom. “Always

family on their children’s bedrooms every year –

consider safety when it comes to your child’s

more than they spend on their own master suites

bedroom – make sure chests of drawers are

(£704), spare room (£512) and the dining room

attached to walls,” she stresses.


2. Observe their play and design with it Habitat Kids spokesperson Emma Worrollo, a play

Go with the play-flow to both help with

expert from The Playful Den (,

organisation and improve creative play, advises

which runs a community, blog and courses to help

Worrollo. “Take a step back and really tune into

encourage parents and children to be more

how your child likes to play. If they’re old enough,

playful, puts parental investment in children’s

ask them about their space and what they love to

rooms down to an increased understanding of the

do in it,” she suggests. For example, if they like

link between play and wellbeing, as well as them

lining things up, you could put up some small

wanting to keep kids inspired for longer, after 18

shelves – at their height – for them to line their toys

months of being forced to stay at home during the

up on, and tidy for you. If your child is more active,


make use of shelving again. “Get things up and off the floor, and trade toys for floor cushions, to give

And The Mummy Concierge Tiffany Norris

them more room to be active,” she says.

(, who aims to help mothers figure out the best – and most stylish –

3. Look from a child’s point of view

way through pregnancy and motherhood. says:

If you want to encourage your child to help tidy up,

“Furnishing your child’s bedroom can be

it needs to make sense to them, explains Worrollo.

48 |

“Get onto their level and work out a basic

6. Try a whiteboard wall

organisation system that’s within their reach and

To reduce the use of bits of paper that usually end

easy for them to comprehend,” she advises. “Talk

up on the bedroom floor, you could turn one of the

about tidying in a playful way, using terms like ‘toy

walls into a blackboard or whiteboard, so your child

homes’ or ‘toy dens’, rather than making it sound

can write things on it, such as homework

like a chore.”

reminders, sums, spellings or times-tables, and books they’d like to read, advises Norris.

4. C onsider adhesive wallpaper When it comes to décor, Norris recommends

7. Decorate the bedroom ceiling

parents use a ‘stick and peel’ wallpaper to make

If you and your child have contrasting opinions

life easier for themselves, and keep kids happy

about how you want the room to look – they want

as their tastes change as they grow. “It’s easy to

a space theme whereas you want something more

apply, and means when your child gets bored of

subtle – compromise by decorating the ceiling,

one design a few years on, it’s easy – and

suggests Norris. “You could add stars and moons

inexpensive – to change,” she says.

on the ceiling, so when your little one lies in bed they can see it, whereas the rest of their room

5. Make use of walls

could be a lovely shade of pantone blue,” she says.

“Walls are your f riend,” says Worrollo, who suggests putting up accessible bookshelves,

8. Create a work space

hooks and whatever else works to spread out the

We all like our own space, especially older children

organisation options. “Too much bulky storage

and teens, so make sure you have an area in their

concentrated around the floor is going to

room for a desk, where they can keep all their

overwhelm the room quickly,” she warns.

school bits tidy (in theory) and a lamp. “Let them

50 |

help you choose the style of their work space, so they enjoy sitting there,” advises Norris.

9. Make display zones If a child builds a model or makes a piece of art – which Worrollo describes as “a little piece of their play soul” – think about reserving some areas of their room for display purposes, she suggests. This could be a rail with clips that art can be hung from and, if you have space, a display cabinet or shelf for models can feel really special, she says. “While it might not be possible to keep all of these things forever, it’ll mean a lot to your child that you see value in their creations – and you’ll have somewhere to put things when tidying.”

10. Small things equal small storage For older children who collect and play with toys that have micro pieces, use portable containers that have a variety of compartments. “Sorting and organising is a play pattern in itself,” says Worrollo,”so with the right tools, your kids might fall in love with taking care of their collections.” LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 51

5 fun activities to get your kids outdoors

and loving gardening this autumn By Hannah Stephenson, PA

The RHS suggests exciting things for children to do – from becoming an apple expert to making a wildflower piñata. Want to keep the kids out in the fresh air as long as you can this autumn? You’ll need to think of some creative projects so they can get their hands dirty in the great outdoors. Research has shown that exposure to good bacteria in the natural environment can support children’s immune systems and that gardens can play a pivotal role in helping young people develop. Four out of five schools that signed up to the RHS Campaign for School Gardening have reported gardening improved the mental and physical wellbeing of pupils, while 90% say it plays a role in skills development, according to the horticultural charity.

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While the pandemic limited opportunities for many children to get outside and enjoy nature, families are now ready to make up for lost time and, even with the nights drawing in, there are lots of exciting ways for kids to keep active in the garden. Emma Griffith, RHS schools and groups content coordinator, reveals her five favourite activities for children to do with their parents this autumn.

1. Become a pomologist Pomology is the study of fruit and its cultivation,

and there is plenty to study in gardens and wild spaces in every corner of the country. Spend a day picking or buying different varieties of apples and see which ones taste best. “In the UK, we are extremely lucky to have over 2,500 varieties of apple – that’s a lot of picking! Try to describe what makes the apples taste and look different to one another and what you enjoy most about them,” she suggests.

2. Plant spring flowering bulbs “If you want your garden to be filled with cheerful flowers next spring, now is the time to get planting. Bulbs like snowdrops, daffodils, crocus, grape hyacinths, iris and winter windflowers will give your garden a fantastic burst of colour in the springtime. Put in the hard work now and you will feel the benefits next year. Remember to wear gloves when planting bulbs as some, such as daffodils, can cause skin irritation and rashes.”

3. Make an origami seed packet Making an origami seed packet is a great way to store seeds that you have collected from plants in your garden, she suggests. “Recycle a page from an old magazine or use some sheets of scrap paper to make a useful pouch. Get into your garden on a dry day to harvest seeds. You can collect seeds from fleshy fruits by mashing them through a fine sieve and rinsing away the pulp in cold water. “Store your seed packets in an airtight container along with some desiccant like silica gel and put them in the refrigerator. This way, your seeds should

stay viable for many years. Remember to leave some fruits and seeds on garden plants for the birds to eat over winter.”

4. Make a wildflower piata “Making a wildflower piñata is a fun way to spread wildflowers and a brilliant and messy activity, especially during a celebration. Papier-mâché around a balloon makes a perfect piñata that you can decorate any way you like. Once it’s ready, fill it with loose wildflower seeds and hang it where you want your seeds to land. “Arm yourself, or your kids, with a bamboo stick or a trowel and take turns whacking the piñata. Choose hardy annuals like pot marigold, field scabious, field cornflower, feverfew, delphinium, nigella and poppy and sow in September or early October. This will give them time to grow before the winter frosts and snow.”

5. Create art from the garden “Get outside and collect natural materials to create art from the garden. Use autumn leaves, stones, twigs, branches, plant fruits, flowers and anything else you can find this autumn to create wonderful natural art to share. “Why not research artists who have used nature as their inspiration for their artworks and think about different textures, colours and shapes of plants? Alternatively, you can use a scavenger hunt style game and create your art from whatever you find.” For more information on gardening activities to try this autumn visit the Campaign for School Gardening website:

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Bonny Scotland’s capital for a family city-break


provided to ensure that busy visitors are able to whip up a time-saving meal. Alas, my culinary skills are sadly lacking and I headed, post-haste, for Makars Gourmet Mash Bar on Bank Street. This independent, family-owned restaurant is a regular winner of the annual Tripadvisor’s Traveller’s Choice Award and offers a relaxed dining experience, first class service and promotes local, independent, artisan producers. I ordered the beef haggis with heather honey and turnip purèe and accompanied The ‘staycation’ is more popular than ever as a direct

by a glass of 2019 Aires Andinos Malbec, it was an

result of the outbreak of Covid 19 and for families

outstanding dish, served with aplomb.

considering a city-break, Edinburgh is the ideal destination. Recognised as a Unesco World Heritage

Back at the Adagio Aparthotel, and after taking

Site in 1995, Edinburgh’s medieval Old Town and

advantage of the free unlimited Wifi, I slipped into a

Georgian New Town offer visitors an intriguing

deep slumber, followed by a leisurely lie-in, cocooned

glimpse into a rich culture and a fascinating history.

in the soft duvet on my ultra comfortable bed. Full of beans, after my rejuvenating hot shower, I popped

I was most fortunate to visit the city prior to the

down to the hotel’s reception to collect the ‘Grab and

restrictions on the hospitality sector and I checked

go’ take-away breakfast, which was delivered in a

into the Adagio Aparthotel, located on Cannongate,

flash. Back in the privacy of my apartment, perched

in Edinburgh’s Old Town on the Royal Mile. This

on the plump sofa and catching up on the news, on

modern property offers first rate levels of comfort and service and features a private car park, a business hub, a fitness centre, and

TOP TIP - Accommodation For more information on the featured property and other sites around the world visit

on-site self-service laundry facilities. The fully furnished and air-conditioned accommodations include contemporary double or twin bedded studios measuring 26 square metres and I secured a one bedroom apartment measuring 45 square metres with views across the city. The fully equipped kitchen features a microwave, hob, fridge- freezer, Nespresso coffee maker, kettle and toaster, and every gadget is 54 |

tthe h large television, I d devoured the fresh pastries, y yoghurt, cereal and fruit,

Risings, with the aim of overthrowing King George II and securing the British throne for the House of Stuart. In April 1746 he was defeated at the battle of Culloden by the Duke of Cumberland and the Red Coats and Bonnie Prince Charlie fled to the Outer Hebrides and then to Europe and a life in exile. Highlights of the self-guided audio tour include the king’s bedchamber, the most lavish room in the palace. Designed for Charles II, it is dominated by the state bed, which has been at Holyrood since at least and whilst sipping on my piping hot cappuccino I

1684 and was restored in 1976, swathed in rich scarlet

planned my itinerary for the day.

damask to match the original fabric.

I decided to take the short stroll along to the

The gallery is the largest room in the palace and

magnificent Holyrood Palace, which is the official

displays an extensive selection of portraits of Scottish

residence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and it’s

monarchs commissioned by King Charles II. Painted

crammed with striking works of art, glittering

by the Dutch artist, Jacob de Wet, the portraits were

trinkets, elaborate tapestries and treasures galore.

delivered between 1684 and 1686 and feature real and

From 1561 to 1567 the palace was home to Mary,

legendary kings of Scotland. Today, the gallery is used

Queen of Scots, and the narrow, winding steps of the

by Queen Elizabeth II for state banquets, receptions,

north-west tower, built almost 500 years ago, lead to

and to confer investitures for Scottish recipients of

Mary’s bedchamber. I was surprised to find the


doorway was rather low as although it is known that people were much smaller in the 1500s, Mary was six feet tall. Mary’s tiny supper room is where she witnessed the murder of

Another royal residence, and another major

TOP TIP - Airport transfers - City Cabs Edinburgh

a attraction, is the Royal Yacht B Britannia. Winner of the 2 2020 Which? Reader’s

David Rizzio, her much

Avoid the queues and choose a reliable,

A Award for the UK’s Best

admired private secretary.

punctual and well established company with

A Attraction, Britannia is

On 09 March 1566 Mary’s

more than 90 years experience. Download the

d docked at the Ocean

jealous and arrogant

app and track your driver using GPS, confirm,

T Terminal in Leith; only two

husband, Henry Stuart, Lord

cancel and edit bookings, pay in cash or with a

m miles from the centre of

Darnley, accompanied by a group of Scottish lords,

debit/credit card, select vehicle type and set up call backs. For more information visit

E Edinburgh. I hopped on a

stabbed Rizzio 56 times. Prince Charles Edward Stuart, known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, grandson of the deposed Catholic King James VII of Scotland and II of England, arrived at Holyrood in 1745. He set up court for six weeks during which time elaborate balls, lavish receptions, and extravagant dinners were held. Also known as ‘the Young Pretender’, and supported by his associates, he led a campaign, known as the Jacobite LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 55

by the lack of space and it must have been difficult for the crew and officers to go about their duties. I wandered onto the lower deck to view the royal accommodations, which are surprisingly sparse, yet functional and cosy without glitz and glamour and then I entered the state dining room, which is the largest and grandest room aboard. This is the spot where Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh entertained world leaders and powerful individuals including Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Sir Winston Churchill and Nelson Mandela. local bus and en route I spotted the delightful Mimi’s Bakehouse, which is located on Shore, within walking distance to the Ocean Terminal. I selected a cosy table by the window and whilst admiring the

Whilst wandering around Britannia’s open decks

charming décor I ordered the delicious avocado toast

admiring the views over the briny my appetite was

with poached eggs and chilli flakes and whilst

awakened and I hailed a cab and headed for Dine, a

sipping on my lavender and lemon homemade soda,

chic, multi-award winning brasserie-style venue,

I browsed through some literature focused on

located above the Traverse Theatre on Cambridge


Street. I chose the succulent loin of Perthshire venison with potato fondant, wild mushrooms,

Britannia was built by John Brown and Co and

quince jelly and celeriac purèe, which was served

launched and named by Her Majesty Queen

with savoir faire. And accompanied by the deep and

Elizabeth II on 16 April 1953 in Clydebank. The vessel

intense flavours of the 2016 Alpha Zeta a Amarone it

remained in service for 44 years and sailed the

was an unforgettable dining experience.

equivalent of a voyage around the world for every year visiting more than 600 ports in 135 countries.

Up with the larks the following morning I made my

Britannia was the ideal spot for a royal honeymoon and Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales, Prince Andrew and Sarah, Duchess of York and Princess Anne

way to Edinburgh’s New

TOP TIP - Getting around Edinburgh with ease With the Lothian Buses Ridacard, the more you travel, the more you save. Take advantage of unlimited travel 24/7 across Edinburgh, Queensferry and in and out of the airport. For more information visit

and Captain Mark Phillips all took advantage of the privacy provided and the rare opportunity to sail into secluded destinations. The Queen once stated; ‘Britannia is the one place I can truly relax.’ Alas, the vessel was de-commissioned in 1997 but it is now open to the public and I was immediately enthralled. Entering the admiral’s quarters and wandering around the bridge and the top deck I was astonished 56 |

T Town, which has retained m much of the neo-classical a and elegant Georgian p period architecture, dating b between 1767 and 1850. P Prince’s Street is the main

shopping bags, I was delighted to spot the Hard Rock Café. Swiftly escorted to my table, I ordered the deliciously spicy baby back ribs, glazed with barbecue sauce, and I sipped on a rather potent hurricane cocktail, which includes Bacardi superior rum blended with orange, mango, pineapple juice and grenadine, and finished with a float of Captain Morgan dark rum and Amaretto. Exploring the café’s mesmerising collection of memorabilia, I was

TOP TIP - Attractions thoroughfare and I explored the streets behind it, which present grandiose properties with towering Grecian pillars and large

For more information on the featured attractions visit and For a fun day out for all the family visit Edinburgh Castle. For information visit

d delighted to see a nonre refundable JFK to London air ti ticket to the value of $750, w which was issued to Jimi H Hendrix on 20 February 1970, a sombrero, worn by Elvis in

And visit Edinburgh Zoo, one of Europe’s leading

th 1963 movie Fun in the

windows. The original

centres for animal conservation and home to

A Acapulco, Mick Jagger’s

character of the New Town,

more than 1,000 rare and endangered animals

ja jacket, worn in 1976, during a

which includes cobble-

including koala and giant pandas.

p performance in Buffalo, and

stone roads, sandstone


a original poster promoting an th 1969 Woodstock concert, the

block facades and leafy ll preserved. d communal gardens, is very well

hi h was once di l d on the back of a NY city which displayed bus.

Wandering along Hanover Street I fancied a ‘wee dram’ and popped into Milne’s Bar, which dates back

Feeling slightly tipsy I headed back to my hotel and I

to 1910 and the spot where Scottish literary figures,

regretted that my time in Edinburgh had come to an

including Hugh MacDiarmid would gather to discuss

end. As I passed by Waverly railway station I spotted a

politics and the arts in the 20th century. I selected an

lone piper, splendidly attired in his kilt and sporran,

outside table and ordered a shot of malt whisky to

and I instantly recognised the wonderful song in

warm my cockles. The enticing aroma of fish n’ chips

remembrance of Bonnie Prince Charlie…..

wafted under my nostrils and I succumbed to the Belhaven beer-battered Atlantic haddock with triple-

‘Speed Bonnie Boat, like a bird on the wing, onward,

cooked chips and it was absolutely bursting with

the sailors cry, carry the lad that’s born to be king,


over the sea to Skye’

Keen to indulge in some retail therapy I spent some hours exploring the quirky shops and charming boutiques on Rose Street and the upmarket shops on Multrees Walk. I was easily persuaded to blow my budget when I came upon the most wonderful displays of cashmere jumpers and cardigans, tweeds and tartans galore, the finest kilts and sporrans, and colourful tins of oak cakes and shortbread. As I strolled along George Street, weighed down with LATE AUTUMN 2021 ISSUE | 57

Why do so many men nd it di cult to talk about their feelings?

Men’s Mental Health Month: By Lauren Taylor, PA

This November you’re likely to spot lots of men with moustaches of varying stages – and it’s important to remember why, says Lauren Taylor.

On average globally, one man dies by suicide every

Many factors have fed into how an individual man

minute, according to men’s health charity,

may perceive gender too. “The way we’re raised,

Movember. Male suicide rates are three times

our home environment, school, wider family and

higher than amongst women in the UK – even

friendship groups, all inform the way we

though women are more likely to be diagnosed

understand what gender is and how we see

with depression – and those living in deprived

ourselves,” explains Dr Steve Robinson, Movember

areas are also three times as likely to die by suicide.

mental health advisor, emeritus professor of men,

Plus, year on year, the Samaritans say men aged

gender and health at Leeds Beckett University, and

45-49 are most at risk.

the author of Understanding Men And Health: Masculinities, Identity And Wellbeing. If your dad

There’s no getting away from the facts: men’s

was a closed book, for example, it makes sense

mental health is in crisis. While conversations

that opening up might not come naturally.

around mental health – from the workplace to professional sport – are gathering momentum, so

While of course, not every man feels constrained

much more needs to happen to normalise

by dated male stereotypes, “those who end up

discussing emotions if you identify as male.

internalising more restrictive, traditional notions of gender and masculinity – including strong notions

View this post on InstagramA post shared by

of self-reliance, control, and of avoiding any actions

Movember (@movember)

perceived as being feminine – often have the most difficulty opening up and seeking help,” says

This Men’s Mental Health Month, millions will be


raised worldwide as moustaches are grown for Movember, so why is it that many men find it so

There’s a problem though, as Dr Jeff Foster, GP and

hard to open up about their mental health?

men’s health specialist at H3Health (, says. “The media still wants ‘men

Notions of gender

to be men’. We see in movies and on TV that male

We are living with centuries-old perceptions of

stars are more muscular and tough than ever. The

what it means to be ‘masculine’ – the alpha male

‘perfect man’ is now more six-packed than ever

who is the provider, in control and always ‘strong’ –

before and should be ‘tough’ and ‘masculine’, [and]

and these toxic gendered stereotypes are as bad

we tell children not to ‘cry like a girl’. So men don’t

for men as they are for women.

know where they fit – they are supposed to be able to talk, but also be men and be tough.”

58 |

Loss of connection Lockdown left many people feeling more isolated than before, as pub culture and social situations ceased for everyone. But for many men, cutting off those chances of interactions had a particularly negative impact – especially if there were less likely


to open up at home or via technology. “The pandemic has definitely thrown up lots of challenges for men – whether it be physical distancing, job loss, or financial strain on relationships,” says Dr Zac Seidler, clinical

Call Tony Mobile 07797 743005 Tel/Fax: 872066

psychologist and director of mental health training at Movember. “But our findings show that guys are hungry for connection and need support in these trying times. Strong social connections are an important protective factor against depression and suicide.” And it’s not uncommon for men to who are struggling to engage in “negative coping strategies”, Robertson says – excessive alcohol or

7 Le Clos Paumelle, Bagatelle Road, St. Saviour, JE2 7TW email:

food, or risk-taking behaviour for example, to avoid

you’re struggling with, you can start slowly.

thinking or talking about underlying issues. “The simplest advice would be to take a chance

Age matters

and make the f irst move in opening up,” says

While in his work, Foster has seen an increase in

Robertson. “I don’t mean immediate, full and

young men going to see a GP about mild anxiety

frank confession of all your inner feelings and

or low mood, “as they watch TV and absorb social

turmoil. Start slowly with a trusted f riend,

media, they feel empowered to be open about

sharing something personal that is going on and

their feelings”. But, he adds: “The patients we

check the response. Even if there isn’t an

really need to see are those older men in their

immediate response, you will have opened up

40s and 50s, where suicide rates are still [so]

the possibility for a return to the topic in the

high. These men are still not coming to see us


enough and remain a challenging area of male mental health to crack.” Those men, he says, who

“You have also signalled to your friend that you

can’t relate to “rich celebrities talking about how

feel safe enough to have shared something

they’ve struggled with mental health in glossy

important, which may lead to them doing the


same.” And don’t worry, he says, it doesn’t mean you’ll spend all your time having heart-to-hearts

Foster continues: “We really need more TV and

– “but it does make it known that these types of

media awareness of normal guys in their midlife

conversations, when required, are OK. Mates like

who have been through mental health problems

to be helpful, so give them the opportunity when

and illnesses, how they felt and how they have

you need some support and chances are you

dealt with it. We need all men to see that they

won’t be disappointed.”

are not alone, and this problem is far more

If it’s a friend you’re worried about, or you notice

common than they think.”

they don’t ever speak about their emotions, try to give them a window to talk. Seidler says

Robertson adds: “The most important thing we

although everyone knows it’s important to have

can do is to stop focussing on and repeating the

meaningful conversations to support others,

idea that men can’t and don’t talk about their

“conf idence and knowledge around how to do

feeling, and provide more examples of when

that with men is low”.

men do do this. Presenting images, examples and personal stories of men – f rom different

He adds: “We know these conversations can

social groups, sexualities, ethnicities, ages – and

often feel uncomfortable or awkward, [but]

doing this through as many outlets as possible

checking in on your mates and loved ones can

will start to normalise it.”

make the world of difference. Don’t assume they don’t want to be bothered or don’t want to talk.”

Starting the conversations Of course, it’s not as simple as saying ‘just open

Check out the Movember Conversations

up’. Years of conditioning to do otherwise can

interactive online tool that presents scenarios

make it feel really diff icult to allow yourself to be

relevant to today’s world, like job loss and family

vulnerable and tell a f riend, colleague or family

pressures, and simulates how a difficult

member how you feel. But whether it’s

conversation might go. The Samaritans helpline

normalising talking about an emotionally

– 116 123 – is free and available 24/7 for anyone

draining day, a mentally challenging week, or

who needs confidential support for feelings of

admitting that feeling low is a regular thing

distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.

60 |

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Looking back... ‘Through the Eyes of a Teacher’ Given the turbulent nature of education during the last 18 months, The Jerseylife thought it would be thought-provoking to follow the life of someone whose education had suffered the constraints of post WWII and Occupation and yet progressed to become one of Jersey’s most dedicated teachers with a career spanning 39 years. Last time Thelma spoke about primary and her move to secondary school. In this issue, Thelma tells us of her latter years of school and the lead into her career…

By Thelma Heard

for homework we had to answer the questions on this text. To begin with, I just looked for the same words in the text as in the question and copied the

When I was 14 a specialist Mathematics teacher

sentence until I understood the text better.

arrived. It was like a whole new world opened up

Sometimes we were tasked to find the French for

to me.

some words: having a dictionary would have been so helpful. Eventually it seemed we were unlikely to

I loved Algebra and how problems could be solved

pass the exam, so our group was sent to a retired

with it. In Geometry I was fascinated by theorems,

French teacher’s home for lessons on Saturday

though my teacher said I tended to travel by Gorey

mornings. I was told later I was the only one

to get to Corbière when proving them. I also

expected to pass. At the end of the term, we lined

enjoyed puzzling out angles, triangles and parts of a

up and passed the books to each other and then

circle – no more colouring of geometric patterns!

after a spray of disinfectant, they were stacked in a cupboard.

We were allowed to phone this teacher in the evening if we wanted to discuss the homework. I

Our desks were long wooden rows with a sort of

went down to the nearest phone box at the Dicq on

cubby hole underneath where books were put

several occasions to discuss that evening’s

ready for lessons. We stayed at the same desks for


every lesson - even art. I was disinterested in Art. One day the teacher said that we were to paint a

Clearly maths then became one of my favourite

scene with mountains in the background - these

subjects, but I also took to French like a duck to

mountains we were told, had to be blue, so I just

water – well it is in my blood I guess – literally with

splashed bright blue across the paper. I’d like to tell

my father’s family being originally French. I

you I got an ‘A’ for my inventiveness – but alas, no!

remember our French book had a few line drawings for illustration. They were from the 1920’s. There

We were well taught in English Grammar, Spelling

was text in each chapter followed by questions and

and Punctuation. I could be quite good at elocution

62 |

if I chose but felt resentful at the extra attention

Paper was still in limited supply, and we had to draw

given to the elocution teacher’s private pupils.

lines - two at the top and one at the bottom of each

However, when we all had a test at the end of term,

page in our exercise books, turn down the corners

I recited perfectly, but when in class I deliberately

of pages if there were a few unused lines and

spoke badly. I must have been the bane of the poor

number each space and use them up in order.

woman’s life. When we had to recite a funny poem,

When the book was full, we had to line up outside

I asked why keep repeating it as once a joke was

the headmistress’ study in the morning, present the

said it was no longer funny. When I made my friend

book for inspection and receive a new one if we had

laugh she got into trouble which I felt was unfair so I

successfully filled every available space. When our

told the teacher it was my fault but nothing was

end of year tests were to be marked, we had to sit

said to me, those small injustices never left me and

around the tennis court (somewhat smaller than

probably accumulated to make me want to seek

the standard court - we were never able to serve

justice for others in later years and when I had the

properly without hitting the wall behind us so we

power to do so.

had to do an underhand serve) and sew seams while other pupils played and teachers took it in

There was a very small selection of books in the

turns to go inside and mark the tests. My sewing

school ‘library’. I had an insatiable appetite for

was unpicked often as it was not done to the

books. It did not take me long to read the ones that

expected standard, and I was told to do it again. To

were in my opinion, worth reading. Later I

this day I don’t like sewing.

discovered the children’s library in town. I never looked back. I was often upbraided at home though

Once a week we had P.E. This entailed walking to a

for always having ‘my nose stuck in a book.’

nearby hall where we stood in lines and did what I called ‘Physical Jerks’ - e.g. arms up – arms down,

WINTER 2021 ISSUE | 63

bend to the right etc. - sometimes we did a barn

I was 15 by then and my father expected me to go

dance like ‘Strip the Willow’.

out and work in a shop ‘like the girls down the road’ he used to say.

I was lucky I went to this school with all its failings as, at least I obtained some exams which had I

I was taken on as a pupil teacher in my school and

stayed in my previous school, would not have been

earned £1 a week. I was encouraged by my

the case. When I had stayed in the top class for

Headmistress to do further study. I enrolled in

nearly 3 years I did my GCE ‘O’ level exams. I passed

correspondence courses in Geography and Pure

all subjects except Art.

Mathematics. Study was every evening and some of the weekend. On Saturday afternoons I played

The attitude in those days was too much education

Badminton and on Sunday morning sang in the

was wasted on girls as they were only going to get

church choir. I loved learning about calculus but did

married. My attitude was to get the best results I

not pass the Pure Maths exam. I just did not have

could and no boy was going to stop me. The other

enough background in the subject. I did pass the

girls were already boy mad and accepted their lot.

Geography exam.

It was time to leave school as there was no sixth

It was just so obvious that I loved to learn and fill my

form back then. I wanted to have a career.

mind with all the information I could get my hands on. Teaching became a way to learn more and

At that time, for girls, the choice was nursing (I

before long I would be off to teaching college…

realised I was too squeamish), banking, where girls were not expected to do exams and get any kind of

Next time Thelma takes us through her years at

promotion - machine room fodder I used to call it,

Teacher Training College, the early years of her

secretary but of course never the boss, or, teaching.

teaching career and meeting her husband.

64 |

LE N B A W IL O A R V G A E W LM O O N H T A This book is a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in Jersey’s Occupation history. Above all, it tells a very personal and human story. Juanita Shield-Laignel has skillfully woven the strands of a life together and ensured that Michael’s own voice shines through. The road he took from the German internment camp to his banquet with the Queen was a long one, but it demonstrates the capacity of ordinary people to make a positive difference to the world. Michael Ginns MBE is now gone; but his work of reconciliation will endure. Paul Darroch - Author of Jersey; The Hidden Histories

A gr eat stoc king fille r

The Author says: “Writing this book was an absolute joy. Michael was such a special man and was keen for me to share the details of his whole life – not just his internment to SoVthern GermanZ aged just 15 or receiving his MBE but – his early childhood memories, such as sitting in church on a Sunday and thinking he would rather be on a nearby farm watching the pigs…and other such seemingly small details that shaped this extraordinary man’s life. No matter who you are – we all have a story to tell and I am thrilled to be able to share Michael’s unique story with you. I know you will Enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed interviewing Michael, and writing it for posterity. Enjoy!” Juanita x

ASTON MARTIN DBX By Jack Evans, PA Motoring Reporter

The DBX is Aston’s first SUV, but can it capture everything people want from the brand? Jack Evans finds out. WHAT IS IT?

the wheel of the DBX – so can it deliver everything

Think Aston Martin and what springs to mind?

people know and love about Aston Martin but in

Luxurious grand tourers perhaps, or maybe even

an SUV?

the vehicle of choice for a certain spy? Certainly when the firm announced its DBX – Aston’s first-


ever SUV – it raised a few eyebrows. But given that

Well, pretty much everything. Given it’s the first

other companies usually focused on sports cars

time Aston has produced an SUV in its more than

were also developing their own four-wheel-drives –

107-year history, the arrival of the DBX is quite a big

think Rolls-Royce and Lamborghini – it was

deal. Needless to say, the firm has thrown the

somewhat to be expected.

works at it and even created a purpose-made manufacturing facility in St Athan, Wales, where it

This is the first time we’ve been able to get behind 66 |

is built.

Designed to be as agile as possible both on- and

of character thanks to a deep, gravelly noise. It’s a

off-road, the DBX incorporates high-end

fitting backbone to the entire DBX setup.

technologies such as triple-volume air suspension and a 48-volt anti-roll system to ensure it delivers


the kind of driving experience that people expect

Initially at least, the DBX is a confusing prospect to

from an Aston Martin.

get your head around. Is this an SUV focused on performance, or is it one with ride comfort at the


forefront of its priorities? Thankfully, as you

Aston Martin has leant on its partnership with AMG

progress it soon becomes clear it’s been designed

for the DBX’s power. It’s a twin-turbocharged V8,

to bring a blend of both attributes.

bringing 542bhp and 700Nm of torque to all four wheels through a nine-speed automatic gearbox.

The steering has a decent weight to it, which,

Strong and brawny, it allows the DBX to go from 0-

when combined with the good body control,

60mph in 4.3 seconds before heading onwards to

means you’re free to enjoy corners and long,

a 181mph top speed. It’ll probably come as little

sweeping bends. But then take the DBX on the

surprise that a large, powerful engine powering a

motorway and it’s frankly sublime, cruising along

big, heavy car isn’t the most economical, with

while the cabin remains in hushed quiet. The

Aston claiming 19.8mpg combined – though push

engine, when the car’s in GT mode, is barely

the car harder and this will quickly dwindle.

audible when on the move, but crank through the settings and it really starts to make its

But it’s a beautifully responsive engine, with loads

presence known.

FACTS AT A GLANCE Model as tested: Aston Martin DBX Base Price: £158,000 Engine: 4.0-litre twin-turbo V8 Power: 542bhp Torque: 700Nm Max speed: 181mph 0-60mph: 4.3 seconds MPG: 19.8 Emissions: 323g/km CO2 (NEDC)

WINTER 2021 ISSUE | 67


heavier items into the boot.

It must’ve been a hard task to translate Aston Martin’s recognisable styling to a larger platform,


but we’d say it’s been a successful process. It’s a big

In a similar vein to the engine, much of the DBX’s

and imposing thing, the DBX, but there are plenty

multimedia system is borrowed from Mercedes.

of finessed touches to ensure that it’s not just size

There’s a 10.25-inch screen in the middle of the

that makes this car striking to be around. Aston’s

dashboard, backed by a 12.3-inch display ahead of the

trademark grille is present and correct, while at the

driver. While the main screen looks pleasant enough,

rear of the car the eye-catching LED lights provide

it feels a little behind the times; it’s not a touchscreen,

a suitable amount of drama for an AM car.

so using a rotary controller to select different menus is a bit clunkier than it needs to be. Connect your phone

All of the proportions are tied in well together,

and Apple CarPlay initiates – displaying across the full

while the huge arches are filled by 22-inch wheels

width of the screen too – but suffers from similar

(on our test car). Even though they’re giant by

issues due to the lack of touchscreen capability.

‘normal’ car proportions, these alloys still struggle to fully fill the space beneath the car – you

The DBX comes with an impressive range of safety

wouldn’t want to go much smaller or it would give

assistance equipment, including forward collision

the DBX a certain under-wheeled look.

warning, autonomous emergency braking with pedestrian detection and lane departure warning, to


name but a few.

There’s an undeniable sense of class to the interior. Almost every area you touch is trimmed in leather,


with the hide used on the dashboard being

Given it was Aston Martin’s first foray into the world of

particularly smart. Though the door bins are quite

SUVs, you could’ve forgiven it if the DBX hadn’t ticked

small, there’s a useful area underneath the armrest

all of the boxes. That’s not the case however, as it’s a

for storage. In the back, the leather-trimmed

car with a multitude of talents, wrapped up in a good-

opulence doesn’t stop, but it’s backed up by decent

looking and well-made package. Sure, the

levels of legroom and loads of headspace. A full-

touchscreen might be a little dated in its operation,

length panoramic sunroof really helped brighten up

but the DBX makes up for this by being both superb

‘our’ car’s otherwise quite-dark interior too.

to drive and superb to live with too.

When it comes to boot space, the DBX packs 632

Of course, with prices starting from just under £160,00

litres of room. It’s a nicely square space, though the

– and most models reaching close to £200,000 after

load height is particularly high, meaning some

options – the DBX is no budget off-roader, but as a

people may struggle when it comes to loading

luxurious and high-quality SUV, it’s really hard to beat.

68 |

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Tel: 01534 859136 Mobile: 07797 787 912 Email:


Book Review JUST SAY IT Just Say It is the debut novel by Tessa Barrie, who has lived in Jersey since 1981.

Set in Gloucestershire, London and Portugal, it

Lisa is shocked by what she discovers, but can she

is the story of Lisa Grant and the tenuous

find it in her heart to forgive and learn to love her

relationship she has with her narcissist mother,


Elizabeth. Despite the bittersweet connotations of this family The story starts in 1999 when former journalist

saga, you will find laugh out loud humour

Lisa turns forty. She still bears the scars of her

throughout. One review described Just Say It as 'a

dysfunctional childhood. The knock-on effect of

modern and relatable tale interweaved with

her mother's serial lies and controlling

episodes of upper-class family secrets that make it

behaviour have prevented her from

feel like a classic novel.' Another thought it was a

committing to a long-term relationship in her


adult life. Incorporating humour into her writing is In an attempt to avoid a midlife crisis, Lisa

important to Tessa.

explores the last forty years by writing a spoof about her life, but it only scratches the surface

'Life can be complicated, frustrating and all too

of the problem. Her mother.

often, tragic. Reading books is a form of escapism, taking the reader to an alternative reality. I aim to

Lisa has always believed that childhood trauma

capture the fragility of human emotion and

might be responsible for her mother's lack of

combine it with humour. Humour doesn't ignore

empathy. Little is known about Elizabeth's life

anguish, but it makes it more bearable.'

before she came to London at seventeen as a blushing debutante. So, Lisa harnesses

Tessa hopes to launch her second novel, a murder

her journalistic skills to explore her

mystery spoof called The Secret Lives of the

mother's life from her birth in 1940.

Doyenne of Didsbrook, in December 2021.

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