The Jersey Life - Spring 2022

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Spring 2022 |


This Spring

RUNNING 2022KM IN 2022

with Alan Falle

health/well-being | excercise | nature | eco-issues | motoring | gardening | home | art/craft | nutrition | general interest | interview


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Publisher Fish Media Ltd Email: Website: Director Jamie Fisher Editor Juanita Shield-Laignel Travel Writer Rebecca Underwood Photography Simon Finch Production Ian Curtis Sales Manager Juanita Shield-Laignel Accounts and Administration

Well what a turn of events, who’d

highlighted in our gardening

have thought at Christmas that our

section with a fabulous update

next issue would see such ‘unrest’

from Acorn by Caroline Spencer.

in the world again and not a million miles away from our fair shores! Focusing on home and what we can do to keep our minds and

Another way to keep our mental well-being buoyant is to participate in community events – here is one you might enjoy…


hearts healthy and whole, Lorraine

Rebecca Underwood

Pannetier has written the most

a-Brac’ – Saturday 23rd April, 10am

Mark Shields

wonderful article helping us to

to 3pm, parking on site and

negate the chaos.

refreshments and cakes, always an

Lorraine Pannetier Alistair Shield-Laignel Caroline Spencer Louise Carson Front Cover Photo: Joe Da Costa (photographer) @St. John, Jersey by Phone Camera Follow us on Instagram: the.jerseylife Like us on Facebook: The Jersey Life © All rights reserved. The Jersey Life is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. Whilst Fish Media takes every reasonable precaution, no responsibility can be accepted for any property, services or products offered in this publication and any loss arising there from. Whilst every care is taken with all materials submitted to The Jersey Life the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to such material. Fish Media reserves the right to reject of accept any advertisement, article or material supplied for publication or edit such material prior to publication. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Fish Media. We accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes and no responsibility can be taken for the content of these pages.

Our physical and mental well-

St Aubin on the Hill Church ‘Bric-

opportunity to chat and socialise

being and our homes are

and help raise funds for the new

intrinsically linked - as is the health


of our families, friends, the wider

With the weather warming up

community, and even the health of

exponentially now, there is no

our Hnances. All have been pulled

excuse to not get out and about

starkly into focus over the last two

into the fresh air and mingle in the

years and will continue to be for

community…so good for the soul.

quite some time if the current

I wonder what strange world

global trends we see portrayed

events will be gripping us next

daily in the media remain the

time I sit to pen this welcome

status quo.


How fortunate we are in this

Enjoy the sunshine…

beautiful island in which we live, to have healthy outdoor spaces, be surrounded by beaches and have access to parks and gardens that Hll our souls with glory! We have much to be grateful for and this is

Juanita Shield-Laignel If you have an interesting story to share or would like your business reviewed, please feel free to contact us. SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 3

contents 3 WELCOME and The Jersey Life contact information




By The Editor



26 WHAT IS HEALING? Juanita Shield-Laignel MFHT explores




38 GRACE CROCKER FAMILY SUPPORT FOUNDATION Running 2022km in 2022 with Alan Falle


By Juanita Shield-Laignel



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Nigel Jones Part II Our last issue featured the hand-tool boatbuilding skills of Nigel Jones. You may recall I spent a restorative afternoon with him in the wilds of St Peter, surrounded by strutting cockerels, pecking hens, hunting birds of prey and a constant stream of buzzing bees and flapping butterflies. Nigel shared the story of his boatbuilding journey, including the meditative nature of working with hand tools. In my opening gambit for that article I commented “… there is oh so much more to this gently spoken, mild-mannered and yet impassioned man”…in this Part II, we explore some of the more intrinsic aspects of Nigel’s multi-faceted life…interview by Juanita Shield-Laignel

Editor: You’ve been at it (boatbuilding) for quite a

and lighter, eventually developing the beautiful

while now Nigel, how long do you expect it will be

curves we see here. In the Channel Islands we

before you’re Hnished.

have big tides and huge currents, but not much fetch, so we get a short steep chop out there. This

Nigel: It’s taken me a couple of years to get this far.

is a 16 ft boat. I’ve been to Sark in one of these, but

First I had to put up this shelter to work under, and

it couldn’t cross the Atlantic.

I’m only working on it a couple of days each week. Everything is slower using hand tools, including

Editor: Have you ever endeavoured to cross the

sharpening and maintaining the tools, but it’s so


much more enjoyable; noise-free, dust-free and you’re really in touch with the wood and its

Nigel: Oh yes, my partner and I crossed to the


Caribbean and back during 1999-2000. We had rough weather and strong trade winds most of the

The Vikings built boats this way – ‘clinker-building’

way there. We had a 28-ft, fully decked boat. The

means each plank overlaps the one below. We’re

swells were massive 25 to 30 ft waves coming up

proud of our Norman heritage; the word means

behind you. Sailing home was very different – we

‘north man.’ The original Normans were Vikings.

were suddenly becalmed for 10 days, a thousand

Since the earliest times, successive generations

miles from the Azores. Then we had some nice

made their boats more seaworthy, more spacious,

winds coming into the Azores. Finally, we were hit

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by a real, dark, westerly gale outside of Biscay. Editor: Did you keep a diary? Nigel: I wrote up a website to keep a record of our journey, it’s still (oating around somewhere. Boating is a great ‘bringer outer’ of resilience, like camping and hill walking. I got into hill walking in England in the 80s. With wilderness adventures, you have to be prepared that sometimes there is nobody that can rescue you. Being out in the wild, at sea or on land, really does change the way you view the world.

direction and a good experience, but I still had the same feeling that I hadn’t learnt anything truly

Editor: You mention the 80s, do you mind sharing


something of your earlier years? When I found a Chinese t’ai chi master, I thought, Nigel: Not at all.

‘He might be able to teach me something useful.’ He did, over some years, but it was not particularly

I went to Uni when I was 18 in the ‘70s and didn’t

great on my C.V. nor for my income.

come back to Jersey for 15 years. I did a degree in electronics and had lots of interesting jobs – but

Later I was introduced to another teacher, a Roshi,

kept leaving them as I wanted ‘time off’ to explore

a meditation master, and I became one of his

the real world.

students. I spent the next seven years doing as much with this Roshi as I could, with odd jobs in-

I think I chose electronics partly because of a

between to keep me alive. By this time I was

Ladybird book I had when I was quite little. There

totally skint, living in a camper van with a C.V. that

was a picture of something like a big chest-freezer

would not impress anybody, but these were

with wires inside and people looking into it. It was

important steps on my life-path.

supposed to be a computer and the caption said, ‘One day people will make a machine that can

My interest in environmental issues started at Uni

actually think’. It didn’t take me long to realise that

– where people were talking about ‘wasting

the reality was much more boring, lots of maths,

Earth’s precious resources.’ I joined Friends of the

and computers can’t ‘think’ at all. When I left Uni it

Earth and went out collecting jumble and writing

was with a strong feeling of ‘I’ve gone right

papers. I wrote one about re-opening canals and

through the education system and they haven’t

going back to using them for freight, because

taught me anything of real value.’

they are so much more efHcient than motorways. This and other papers we wrote for Friends of the

I didn’t have the right A-levels to do a postgrad in

Earth were send to the government, but of course,

anything entirely different to what I’d done, like

nothing much changed.

History, English or Politics maybe. I did a post-grad teaching certiHcate at the University of Sussex. It

Meditation added a whole other dimension,

wasn’t hard science, it was a step in the right

caring for the environment is not just about


And finally – I felt I’d learnt something of value. We really are all connected, in the most obvious and direct way. Everything and everyone matters – worms, birds, insects, fish, humans… We’re all snugly and intimately connected, and always have been. We’re all one! One consciousness and one life. I applied for many proper jobs and the one I got was teaching, back in my old school, De la Salle. I started teaching in 1987 and taught a generation resources and business sustainability, but about

of boys, and a few girls from Beaulieu. It turned

connecting to the Earth, to wildlife, to other

out to be wonderful and I am still friends with

people, and to life in general.

some of them today. In amongst the science and technology, I was able to teach some of the more

Our Roshi was an English bloke. He had served in

rounded stuff I’d learnt over the years from my

the RAF during WW2, he had been an actor, and

experiences. I even got my class to meditate from

then he had put himself into a very strict

time to time.

monastic life, training in Burma. When we sat to meditate as a group, with the help of his paper

Editor: Do you still meditate today?

fan he could direct ‘belly power’ stillness around the room. During ‘dokusan’ – a formal procedure

Nigel: I do sometimes do sit formally with a timer,

that usually went on in the small hours (like 2 am)

but I also meditate lying down just about every

– after pacing meditatively outside for an hour, a

night as I go to sleep. If I’m not pretty close to a

gong would sound and we would run to sit in line

meditative state most of the time, anything feels

and be called in one by one for a ‘mind-meld’

jangly, stressful and uncomfortable these days. It

with the Roshi. It was amazing how he could

will always be a part of my life in one way or

adjust your posture remotely, or put an image, a

another. I think it’s why I like using the hand tools,

thought or words into your mind. The important

and find the care and preparation of the tools and

thing was be still and quiet to be receptive. I was

shaping the wood so meditative. I just slip into

told in one Dokusan, ‘Expect nothing and you will

that quietness and flow. The gentle hiss of a sharp

receive everything’!

blade going through well-seasoned oak, the repetitive movements and the accuracy are

Through continued practice and training we

totally engrossing – I certainly don’t need a radio

became used to this kind of mental telepathy. We


were completely at home with the fact that the Roshi would ‘join us’ mentally in meditation – it

Editor: Have you ever thought about teaching

feels like a huge velvety silence, or the deepest


base note. You would be sitting there with your own mind going ‘Diddly, diddly, diddly... Am I doing

Nigel: Yes I have. However, there rules in the

this right? Blah, blah, blah...’ and then all of a

teaching tradition that I now come from. You

sudden, ’Booooom’ Roshi had joined you. It’s like,

never teach until you are asked, and you are not a

‘SHHHH, NIGEL’, right inside my mind. Astonishing.

teacher until your Roshi tells you are. I was never

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released to teach by my Roshi and he’s now long

Editor: Any last words of wisdom Nigel?

dead. A real meditation teacher doesn’t just teach you how to relax and sit still, and how to

Nigel: Just a little story… Years ago, I brought a 16

breathe gently and deeply. A real teacher will

ft open boat, just like this one, out from St Helier

change your life for ever, and you will have a life-

Marina, to put it back on its mooring. I was a

long bond. It’s a major commitment on both

schoolteacher at the time, and the summer

sides. You don’t take it on lightly.

holidays were over. I ended up coming around Noirmont in the dark, wind against the tide,

Editor: Fascinating stuff. How does this all feed

bouncing around with the engine on, and just

into what you are wanting to achieve now?

one sail set – it was a bit hairy! I got into the safe haven of the moorings at St Brelades. The tide

Nigel: I am hoping we can become much more of

was very high and it was pitch black. I remember

a local community again, with young people

the relief of feeling so safe again and being

doing much less jumping off the island for their

overwhelmed by the beauty, tucked up under the

career. I’d love life in the future to be much more

steep sides of the bay with the church looming

about hand crafting, making things, growing

above in the darkness – it made me realise and

food, fishing for mackerel and giving half a dozen

really appreciate the importance of re-wilding

to friends – like it should be. I like the idea of food

yourself… and coming home.

forests – in Vietnam there are 300-year-old food forests where every plant is edible. The whole village lives around the food forest and go in and collect what they want, lightly tending the other plants as they go – I love that idea. But there’s more to modern life than gardens. There’s transport, and I am passionate to get more people cycling and using the buses. There’s home heating and insulation. Also fairness and inequality. You can’t have a sustainable society unless you have justice and equal access for everybody. We’ve built such a dog-eat-dog world, and much of what I care about involves reversing that. This boat, if it ever gets finished, would be an ideal boat crewed by a man and a boy, like I did with my father, fishing for mackerel. I would look after the sails, and he was on the mackerel lines. Mind you, I was 40 he was nearly 80, if I’d been 12 and he 35 that would have been ideal. I hope this boat will last 50 to 100 years, long after I’m gone, and become a prototype for other truly beautiful and sustainable local craft.


By Lorraine Pannetier, Intuitive Copywriter for Lightworkers and Brands with Soul

Standing in your truth and staying strong in a messy world Planet Earth has

were no longer needed, I’d deHnitely become the

become a pretty

village ‘wise woman’ and cook, making meals from

crazy place to live in

limited (plant-based) locally grown ingredients and

recent years and it’s

keeping everyone healthy and well fed! What

probably fair to say

would you do?

that we’ll be seeing even more craziness

While I’m 99% certain we’re not going to end up in

in years to come.

a post-apocalyptic style world anytime soon, I do

With this in mind, I’ve been thinking about the

believe it’s worth re(ecting on the ways in which

skills that we’d need between us to pull together

we can live a more sustainable, nourishing and

and keep our community running smoothly,

deeply satisfying life while simultaneously

providing everyone with food and shelter,

reducing our impact on the environment.

emotional support and health care. Here are 7 areas in which we can all play a role I’ve jokingly said to many people recently that my

in creating a better future for ourselves, our

dating proHle should emphasise the need for a

community and our planet:

man who can grow vegetables, make a Hre and build a home! A Patrick Dempsey lookalike who

Growing your own produce: If you’re lucky

would come in from the garden with large

enough to have a garden, or at least a patio

handfuls of organic kale…. Hmm, I digress!

area or balcony, then growing vegetables and fruit is a no-brainer. You don’t have to become

In all seriousness, if we were thrust into a difHcult

100% self-sufHcient (this is almost impossible),

global situation where normal life as we know it

but learning to grow food successfully and

was to end, what would you do for yourself, your

harvest seeds without the use of harmful

family and your community? How would you

pesticides is a vitally important skill for human

remain strong physically, emotionally and

survival. We’re so far removed from our food at

spiritually? What resources would you share? What

present, buying most items in packaging from

would you grow, produce or create? Would your

supermarkets, and this needs to change. If you

resilience stand up to signiHcant stress? How

don’t live in accommodation with outside

would your personal values be challenged and

space, you can support local growers by buying

would you be able to stand in your truth?

from farm shops or individuals, or team up with friends and use an allotment space.

I’d like to think that I’d have plenty to offer and would be able to support many people using skills

Taking care of your health: If the recent

I’ve learned over my lifetime alongside my intuitive

pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that

gifts of energy work, compassion and love. If the

being Ht and healthy is a priority (for physical

internet disappeared and my copywriting services

and mental health) and that our medical

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‘health care’ system is really a ‘sick care’ system

need to start taking action now not create a

and isn’t really that interested in supporting our

plan for improvements by 2030 or 2040!

wellness journey. If we were all more active outdoors every day, ate less processed food and

Re-using pre-loved items: Upcycling furniture,

more fresh produce, spent less time on our

buying or swapping pre-loved clothes, Hnding

phones and computers, spent less time isolated

innovative ways to use waste materials in the

indoors, cooked more meals from scratch,

building process and creating a circular

consumed less alcohol, drugs and cigarettes,

economy that considers a product and its

and took steps to improve our relationships

packaging for its entire lifecycle.

with people, money and nature, then we’d see a huge improvement in health markers across

all demographics.

Up-skill yourself: Learning new skills is great for your mental health, brilliant for your earning potential and could bring new opportunities

Using less fossil fuels and petrol: With the

you’ve never considered. What would you love

rapidly rising costs in home fuel bills, food and

to learn more about? Which physical skill

petrol, we need to be practising mindful

would you love to perfect?

consumption while also thinking creatively and Hnding innovative solutions for the future.

Find your tribe: Too many people are held back

What if our government paid for every house to

through lack of conHdence and courage when

have solar panels Htted? How many jobs would

they feel like no-one in their immediate circle

that create and what would it mean to not rely

understands them. Use the internet to Hnd

on power from France? What about creating

people who have the same goals, dreams,

energy through wind and tidal power? We

beliefs and values. Talk about the things

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 11

you’re passionate about and trust that the

Now is the time for action.

right people will see and hear your message. While it might seem tragically overwhelming at times, •

Stop eating meat, animal products and

we’re actually incredibly blessed to be living in this era.

using items made from animal skins: Even if

I’d love to see us all go down in history as the generation

you’ve never considered a vegan lifestyle, our

who saved the planet from global warming; the

planet is at a crucial tipping point. (Watch

generation who struggled through immense chaos to

anything by David Attenborough if you don’t

bring forth a ‘new Earth’, where humans created and

believe me!) It is imperative that we all make

lived with nature rather than against it.

changes to support the future of human life on Earth. Wouldn’t it be an absolute travesty if

Wouldn’t it be amazing to know that in a thousand

thousands of years of incredible human

years, elephants and tigers were still roaming the lush

history were entirely wiped out due to one

plains of Africa, whales and turtles were swimming

greedy generation who couldn’t give up

happily around clean oceans and the coral reefs had

chicken, steak and ice cream? A few billion

returned to their bright, beautiful colours?

people who cared more about their insatiable appetite for consumption than this incredible

Written by Lorraine Pannetier

planet rich in billions of species of animal,

Writer, Author and Intuitive Copywriter

insect and plant life…

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4 spring fitness trends to get excited about as the weather brightens up From air bikes to pickleball, these new workout fads will help break you out of any rut. By Prudence Wade, PA

Sticking to an exercise routine over the winter

over winter, or you’re just looking for something

months is tough. Especially when it feels like you

new to boost things up, these Htness trends are all

only have a three-hour window of sunlight to work

set to be huge this spring…

with, the weather’s miserable, and all you want to do is curl up under a blanket – rather than getting

1. Hop on the air bike

yourself to the gym or going for a run.

Maybe you’ve mastered the spin bike, or grown bored of your road bike – why not try the air

Spring is now ofHcially upon us, however, which

version? Air bikes are loved by pro athletes – and it

means working out will likely feel a lot easier – and

looks like more of us will be enjoying their beneHts

you might be more motivated to get a sweat on

this season, particularly as you’ll increasingly see

and reap all the beneHts of moving your body.

them on the gym (oor.

Whether your exercise regime has slowed down

Luke Baden, master trainer and functional Htness programming lead at Fiit (, loves the air bike for its efHciency. “Spin bikes, cycling and running are all lower-body dominant activities,” he explains. “Jumping onto the air bike, you’ll be working almost every muscle in the body, creating a fullbody workout like no other. At any one time, one arm is pulling (back and bicep), one arm is pushing

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(chest and tricep) and each leg is driving the pedal

as players hit a perforated ball over a net. As there

(quads and glutes).”

is less running about than tennis, David Lloyd

It’s low-impact, meaning “you are less likely to

suggests it’s accessible for more people – and you’ll

suffer from repetitive strain injuries, such as shin

still Hnd it’s a great cardio workout, while also

splints from running”, Baden adds.

testing your hand-eye coordination.

2. Pickleball takes off

3. Women getting into combat training

David Lloyd Clubs ( named

Women enjoying boxing and other combat sports

pickleball as one of its top Htness trends for 2022 –

isn’t a new thing – we’ve been inspired by boxers

but it’s been so cold and rainy so far, we can’t

like Ramla Ali for years – but KOBOX

imagine people have been rushing to get outside

( trainer Aidan

to try it. After months of working out in a gym or

Swietochowski suggests it’s going to explode in

your front room though, the brightening weather

popularity this spring. KOBOX is already noticing

means more of us will be keen to get our

the rise in women enjoying combat training: of its

endorphins out in the fresh air – which likely

85,000 members, 75% are female – and fans

means pickleball will Hnally have its time in the

include Jourdan Dunn and Cheryl.

sun. For Swietochowski, the reason women will be Described as a hybrid of tennis, badminton and

(ocking to boxing classes are numerous. “Boxing is

ping-pong, it can be played in singles or doubles,

a full-body exercise that is fantastic for your SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 15

cardiovascular health,” he explains. Not only this,

where to start, and to maintain form exercising

but more and more women are realising boxing

outside,” says Faisal Abdalla, former celebrity

“isn’t just about punching things”. Swietochowski

personal trainer and WithU (

continues: “It requires coordination, agility and

Htness coach (£9.99 a month, or £79.99 for the

strength to be the most effective boxer you can be.


From hand-eye coordination to footwork, boxing makes you work out your brain while also working

Step forward audio workouts – so you can take

out your body.”

your trainer outside and on the move with you, via headphones. “Audio Htness allows for the coach to

Plus, it’s the best way to relieve stress in a

be in the user’s ear and guide them through their

controlled environment – and who wouldn’t want

workout, while they immerse themselves in the


great outdoors,” says Abdalla.

4. Plugging in to workout

As more of us head towards hybrid Htness routines

Spring is the perfect time to work out outside: the

– switching our workouts between the gym, home

weather is bright and crisp, it’s warm enough to be

and outdoors – plugging in with an audio workout

comfortable, but not so hot that you overheat. “But

might be just the thing to get the best of both

especially for beginners, it can be hard to know

worlds this spring.

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1-1 personal training session and additional daily exercises sent via the App directly to your phone! Visit or call 07700 322 344 Email: get





First donation

of a free washable period pad for every Year 6 girl in the Island Soroptimist International Jersey and the Jersey Sustainable Period Products Project (JSPPP) are delighted to have distributed 550 free washable period pads around the Island’s Primary Schools. In 2021 the JSPPP provided each school with a sustainable period product demonstration pack to use in PSHE lessons. Now, with funding provided by Soroptimist

1.30pm. Details will be available on the Soroptimist

International Jersey and the proceeds from last

Facebook page nearer the time. Please email

year’s inaugural ‘Menstrual Cycle’, every girl in Year if you would like to

6 will be offered a special pack containing a

make a donation or be involved.

washable pad from the UK social enterprise ‘Hey Girls!’. A (yer will explain why these two organisations want to start conversations about the sustainable options now available to women and girls when they have their period. “This is such an exciting step to be taking – enabling girls to see and experience Hrst hand just

Contact details Soroptimist International Jersey Jersey Sustainable Period Products Project

some of the sustainable period options available to them, and hopefully giving them the conHdence to commit to reducing unnecessary period waste for life. Everyone can make a difference, and the more we talk about and share these options, the more empowered and conHdent we hope our young people will be to make sustainable choices wherever possible.” Viki Lucas, Jersey Sustainable Period Products Project. “The Soroptimists are delighted to be working with the JSPPP on this innovative project. Our intention is to make this an annual donation to the girls in Year 6, to help start them on their sustainable period product journey.” said Christine Spink, Programme Action OfHcer, Soroptimist International Jersey This year’s ‘Menstrual Cycle’ will be held at Les Quennevais cycle track on Sunday 29 May 11.30am18 |

Viki Lucas, Catherine Kirby & Louise Carson

m k 2 2 0 2 g n i n n Ru I am

in 2022 to raise funds and awareness for the Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation

Alan Falle, P.E. teacher for many years, recently told our Editor. The Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation

What I'm hoping to achieve

provide emotional and financial support for

There are a few things I am hoping to achieve by

families from Jersey who need to spend time in

doing this;

the UK whilst their child receives medical

• Raise awareness for the charity - the more people

treatment in a hospital. This might be covering the

that know about the charity, the more people they

costs of flights and accommodation for family

can support!

members, for example. Alan gave our Editor more detail;

• Raise funds for the charity so that they can continue to grow and support more families in Jersey.

Why the Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation?

• Put my money where my mouth is with regards to

I met Nigel, co-founder of the Foundation and father

the message we give to the students at Victoria

of Grace, a number of years ago playing cricket. As a

College, where I am the Head of Sixth Form, about

teacher, I have seen a couple of students go through

supporting the local community.

challenging treatment periods in the UK, I knew the impact that this could have upon families and ran the 2014 marathon for the foundation. Since then, some

• Engaging people in group runs for social and health benefits.

of my friends have benefitted greatly from the support

How people can help

that the Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation

The best thing anyone can do to get involved is to

offer, and so I have come back to complete a bigger

follow and spread the word about the challenge and

challenge in the hope of raising more funds and more

the charity. They can follow on Instagram

awareness for the Foundation.

(2022_in_2022), where updates and information will be

The Challenge

posted, and they can read more about the Charity at or via their Facebook page.

The challenge equates to 5.5km a day, on average, or just under a marathon a week. I'll mainly be doing

I am aiming to raise as much money as possible, and

lots of small runs of 4-7k, but will also take part in a

all donations are not only appreciated but help to

number of local events such as the Jersey Marathon

provide a bit of motivation for the next run! People can

and the El Diablo Half-Marathon as well as some

donate here -

unofficial half and full-marathon distances with

friends. At the time of writing, I am on track to pass

My minimum goal of £2022 has been surpassed and

600km before the end of February, though there are

my new, more ambitious target is £20,022, though I'll

some much needed quieter months ahead.

need a lot of support to get there.

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People can also take part in group runs to keep me

and will be helping me with recovery and

company and to play a more active role in supporting

conditioning throughout the challenge. They are also

the challenge. I am hoping to arrange some fun runs

helping me with my running schedule to ensure I

but there are going to be fairly regular group runs

don't overdo it.

taking place, free of charge, at the weekend. Information available on Instagram when these are

Get in touch and spread the word

scheduled and it'd be great to see different people

Please do get in touch with messages of support or

joining us along the way.

advice, and most importantly please do spread the

The team behind the challenge

word. If the only thing that comes from this is that more people become aware of the fantastic work

I will be supported by a number of local business so

that The Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation

that I do this the right way. True Food Nutrition will be

undertakes for Jersey families then each and every

providing me with support and guidance so that I am

kilometre will have been worthwhile!

fuelling my body properly, especially for longer runs. PhysioFit will be checking in with me with regards to

We at The Jerseylife wish Alan and all involved great

any injuries or issues that may arise to help with

success in this venture and invite our readership to

recovery and injury prevention. The team at

support in any way they can.

Funktion, a personal training gym in town, have helped to ensure I am conditioned for the challenge

Thank you

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 21

Motivate Health Q&A with Health Coach Jamie Fisher

I saw your 'get t@motivatehealth' advert in the Christmas issue of The Jerseylife Magazine - I'm Intrigued - tell me, what's it all about? Motivate Health is all about turning your life around and creating a better healthy lifestyle. This includes a balanced diet, daily exercises and keeping well hydrated. Why do people need a Health Coach? A Personal Health coach will set you plans, keep you motivated and get you on track to a healthier lifestyle which in turn leads to a better wellbeing and a happier you... Your advert said ‘Get Fit in Time For Summer’ - Is that Even Possible? Yes, this is very achievable. My clients see changes and greater positivity in a few short weeks and sometimes even within just a few days. It is all about sticking to the plans and keeping focused and if you can do that the results are really quite extraordinary. How did you get into Motivational Health Coaching? I guess I'm asking - Do you practice what you preach? I was a keen athlete from a young age, competing in both track and Held as well as cross country and playing local rugby. I have always been into my Htness. Competing in many sports and being active has meant that nutrition has always been a large part of my life. I am a big ‘foodie’ and like to indulge at times, which is Hne providing that each meal is the correct portion size and contains the right nutrients. Having studied nutrition and hydration, I enjoy writing food plans. Motivating healthy eating and lifestyle changes for clients is a great passion of mine. These can include aiding in weight loss, body deHnition and mental health. 22 |

I exercise daily and compete in local events such as Half Marathons, Road Races and Duathlons. and work to suit your personal goals. We also offer What's your USP - what do offer that other

a corporate package for companies who wish to

Coaches don't?

put the wellbeing of their staff at the forefront.

We offer a bespoke service that can be tailored to each individual, no matter how busy their lifestyle!

So if I signed up on the dotted line as it were -

We also have an app which is available, each client

what could you do for me?

receives a tutorial video of each exercise, 24/7

After an initial consultation we would establish

support, daily and weekly schedules and daily

what your long term goals are, any health issues or

motivation. You don’t have to set foot in a gym -

niggling injuries would be taken into account. We

this can be a big threat for lots of client as they

would then set a time scale, create a Htness plan

may not have the conHdence, feel out of their

and eating plan. Then the new you begins…which

comfort zone and perhaps be worried about how

leaves me to ask the question “When would you

all the equipment and machines work. This can be

like to start?" – (we both grinned!)

very stressful and put people off taking the big step towards a healthier lifestyle - we take all the

And Finally - What does the future hold for

stress out and make it much easier to get to grips

get t@motivationhealth?

with and even fun!

To get people HEALTHY, FIT, have a POSITIVE outlook on life and a HEALTHY MIND - especially

We cater for all types of physique, size and weight

important right now. SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 23


Oh my goodness…how could I have forgotten about this amazing berry!!! …by Juanita Shield-Laignel MFHT Recently a friend asked for help to identify which

mushrooms and ginseng root, now all commonly

supplements might help improve her natural

used and understood and not just by Taoist masters

wellbeing and always being an advocate for nature’s

employed by Chinese emperors. In 1960 it was

own apothecary, I was delighted to oblige.

discovered, well documented and even ofHcially

We quickly identiHed she could use some help with her nervous system and a simple B-complex would make all the difference to that, but her glandular system was holding it’s hand up for help too. I immediately started sorting through my memory for the best solution but the usual stalwarts of ginseng,

published that it helps Hght adrenal fatigue, heart problems and the negative effects of stress, improves liver function, and impacts nearly every organ and system within the body and as such it has dozens of uses and beneHts especially strong antioxidant activity.

liquorice root, dong quai, kelp, uva ursi and others

Other beneHts also include but are not exclusive to:

that have come under my close scrutiny over the

acting like a brain tonic (improving focus,

years, just weren’t sitting comfortably; I knew there

concentration, memory and general mental energy),

was something else.

improving digestion and gut microbiome, reducing

I decided to use my go-to sources of herbal and supplementation knowledge and quickly looked down the list of well-known nutrients, herbs and palnts that have shown to help the glandular / hormonal system and Schisandra leapt out at me.

allergic reactions, balances blood sugar, protective against infections, helps increase enzyme production, helps Hght free radical damage and lowers in(ammatory responses, supports hormonal balance and nourishes the skin. In short I am so pleased I have rediscovered this

What Is It?

Schisandra, (Schisandra chinensis) also called Schizandra and the Magnolia Vine or most commonly “the Hve (avoured berry”, is a hardy perennial that produces fragrant (owers and as its common name suggests, complex (avoured berries that are also well

amazing berry and all it does, not only will I be recommending it to my friend but it will now be Hrmly on my own daily supplement list.

How to Use

Traditionally Schisandra has been imbibed as a tea,

known as an ‘adaptogen’ or herbal / plant

but these days we can Hnd it as an encapsulated

pharmaceutical. Native to Asia and North America, it

supplement or in powdered form. Unlike some herbs

will grow in most cool temperate climates and as

or supplements, it has

such has been no stranger to Traditional Chinese

been shown to be safe to

Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years where is

take it long term and in

regarded as a medicinal berry with multiple healing

fact, there seems to be a


general school of

Historically Schisandra sits comfortably on the herbal shelf with other ancients such as, goji berries, Reishi

24 |

thought that being a natural adaptogen, the effects are cumulative.

QUESTION? Want to have more energy, better digestion and skin that’s resilient to the signs of aging? Then you’ll want to learn about Schisandra

Visit or call 07700 322 344 to place your order today! Email:



What is Healing? Back in 2018/19, when we were living relatively ‘care free’ within the social norms accepted as given, before pandemic-mania began…I was giving monthly talks with the over-all title of ‘Natural Health & Wholeness’ and then a changing sub-title such as; natural skin care; the benefits of essential oils; creativity for health, and so on - at Jersey Library. The most well attended was titled ‘What Is Healing?’ – and it went something like this…by Juanita Shield-Laignel MFHT First of all I asked those present to raise their hand if they were a ‘healer’. One lady stuck her hand straight in the air and another tentatively half put her hand up. I then asked if there was anyone in the audience who thought they were a healer but weren’t sure or anyone who knew they were but, with no judgment in the room, had been too embarrassed to admit as much, or if there was anyone who would like to be a healer, but just didn’t know where to start.

A few more raised their hands – so

in a room of near-on two dozen, maybe a third had owned a personal interest in what they consider to be healing. I then went on to ask, “But what do I mean by the term ‘healing’?” Well I don’t mean the fabled laying on of hands, biblebelt, halleluiah brothers ‘I was blind and now I see’ or ‘I was in a wheelchair and now I can walk’, type of healing which is often what people think of when the word is mentioned. I am also not saying that this is not a thing, for those who indulge in such practices it is very real and I am not here to either corroborate nor decry those individual experiences. I am however, talking about something much more subtle, much more every day, much more innate.

the surgeon may come in and examine the wound he so painstakingly stitched in theatre and sucking his teeth might say “Hmmm….that’s healing nicely, keep up the good work.” Now he doesn’t mean he touched it and

Let’s start by examining the English word according to

bam it’s miraculously better and off you can go, he

the Oxford dictionary:

means, as the dictionary states, the wound is in the

Healing (noun) ‘the process of becoming or making

‘process’ of getting better, of becoming healthy again.

someone or something healthy again; the process of

Although one might argue the very nature of how our

getting better…’

bodies can knit tissue together again, of how our blood

So let’s think about that for a minute. If you visit a loved one in hospital, or indeed are the patient yourself, and let’s say you have a laceration of some kind to your leg,

26 |

will coagulate to minimise bleeding at a wound site, is in its very nature, miraculous! Another analogy we could use is when a loved one dies,



Healing Juanita seeks to promote Natural Health, Healing & Wholeness through a combination of healing techniques, holistic touch therapies, nutrition and supplementation, essential oils, self-care, meditation, mindfulness and creativity and teach the Natural Health, Healing & Wholeness techniques she has accumulated over the years. Juanita is Qualified in and offers: Aromatherapy

Nutrition; Nature’s Sunshine, Healthy Rascals, Nutri-Pets


Essential Oils; Young Living

Indian Head Massage

Natural Skin Care; Tropic

Raindrop Technique Juanita is also a Holy Fire Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, Artist, Author and Writing Angel And has also embarked upon a 4 year course in herbalism “WHAT WE DO NATURALLY AND EASILY, IS OFT THAT WHICH WE ARE CALLED TO DO.”

l H ea l t




at u ra

h, Heal i ng

o le & Wh

we say things like ‘it takes time to heal’ we are of course

self-education path of learning about the body and

talking about the emotional process of grieving which

natural ways we can help ourselves and others and

we now understand has at least four very distinct stages

started a course in anatomy and physiology and

and all psychological healing is accepted as being a

massage. Immediately the people I practiced on would

process and taking time.

say things like. ‘Oh…your hands are really hot’ or ‘oh my –

Physical, like emotional healing takes time too and is also a process. And there are of course many tools that can aid in healing. And today we are going to discuss the physicality of ‘laying on of hands’ but not quite in the sense as mentioned above. Assuming that human touch is an aid to ‘getting better’ – what does it feel like?

you’ve got healing hands’ or another one was ‘wow – you’ve got magic hands’. I was embarrassed by this for the longest time. After many more years of study and practice and adding to my repertoire, including Aromatherapy, Re(exology and Indian Head Massage I Hnally decided to explore and formalise this natural phenomenon and decided to do a course in Reiki as it is understood and popular. The Hrst thing that studying Reiki did was Hrmly imprint

It does indeed have a very distinct ‘feeling’ or you may

the adage ‘healer, heal thyself’. It was a year or more

prefer the idiom ‘vibration’…the best way I can describe

between completing Reiki I and embarking on Reiki II – I

my own experience of administering healing is – you

needed that time for my own ‘getting better’ process and

know that feeling you get when you hold a new-born

then it was a full 10 years before I was ready for Reiki III.

baby or maybe even a pet, you may have experienced that sense of overwhelming calm and unconditional love? It’s almost as if the whole universe slows down and you are totally in sync with that other beating heart, your

You see that’s the thing. Healing to my mind is a lifelong continuum – we are never Hnished, and we are all on a healing journey whether we realise it or not.

breathing become slower and deeper and you feel at

There are those among us who prefer to destroy,

peace, albeit (eetingly sometimes. It is like a very deep

deliberately, calculating their every destructive move,

meditation Hlled with intention; and in the case of touch

then there are those people who seek to heal, heal

for healing, intention ‘to make better’.

themselves, heal relationships, heal others, heal their

My own journey with this type of healing started when I

homes, their jobs and their lives.

was very young. Many hours spent roaming the daisy

And if healing is simply the process of ‘getting better’, of

Hlled Helds behind our home gave me pause for getting

‘making healthy’ maybe a healer – is nothing more than

in touch with the natural world around me and an

a ‘getting better facilitator’. So I put it to you – we are all

extension of this seemed to be a nurturing of every living

healers – or at least have the potential to be.

thing, so I would rescue toads that had fallen into my father’s water tank, setting them upright next to stones nestled in a patch of grass, watch and appreciate slowworms and spiders and marvel at the industriousness of ants, ensuring father’s watering didn’t disturb their trails and so on. I was always rescuing something or other even when they didn’t need rescuing.

We all have the option to decide to be healers, we can for instance choose to use healing words when we talk to others, using uplifting phrases rather than words that tare down or destroy, we can constantly carry the intention of healing in everything we do whether it be interacting with a shop assistant or talking on the phone or sharing on social media, or just about anything else we can think of. Emitting an energy of compassion and

I can tell many stories of times at even a very young age I

light, an energy of healing, surely will have a positive

would go above and beyond to try and help other

impact in the long term, not just on us as individuals but

children in one way or another.

on everyone we meet, and if in healing our own hearts

Teenage years were a little confusing – my desire to help others became overwhelmed with teenage hormones –

and minds we can help others, eventually maybe we can all heal mother earth too!

this made for interesting times but moving forward a

After 40 mins, my talk at the library coming to end I

little and I once again became aware of wanting to help

asked once more for a show of hands of who in the room

others heal.

felt they were a healer.

Reaching the grand age of 23 I decided to embark on a

This time, everyone in the room raised their hand…

28 |


TO ELDERLY CARE… By Helen O’Meara We’ve all been exposed to recent media coverage re staff shortages in the elderly care sector, concerns about infection spread in residential homes and so on. None of which Jersey has escaped. But how are care industry leaders viewing the future of care?

Increased emphasis on care at home and a rise in the

Is it all doom and gloom or is there some light on the

demand for Live-in care are other trends. Media coverage of

horizon? Happily the latter according to many whose visions

residents denied visitors and concerns around infection are

for the future of care include: -

prompting many families to consider Live-in care – often cost

Increased use of technology – ranging from use of “behind the scenes” scheduling software of which most clients are completely unaware to electronic fall monitors and more, “the opportunity to improve caregiving and lives is massive” agree many CEOs. This is less about the elderly needing to use technology and more about the Carers being able to do so which also requires…

comparable with residential care but one-on-one and in the client’s own home. Not only is the risk of infection lower but even during periods of travel restriction, families have still been able to keep in touch as a Live-in Carer has more time to help out with virtual and telephone catch-ups. As an added bonus for Jersey, Live-in care also helps increase the pool of available Carers without increasing the population size as most Live-ins are resident off-island. For the elderly

“Professionalising caregiving” I see Carers as professionals

client this can add a new and interesting perspective to

(hence the use of a capital C for Carer!) but to date this has

conversation – and cuisine!

not been a particularly widely held view. Yet during the pandemic we relied on Carers to keep some of the most vulnerable in society safe. And been concerned when a lack of Carers caused “bed-blocking” in the hospital. In Jersey regulation, as well as desire, has prompted Carers to become

Whatever the future holds the increasing need for elderly care is not going away. At a state and personal level we are all going to have to do some future planning. And ideally, we’ll be doing so in consultation with more than a crystal ball!

increasingly qualiHed and this emphasis on increased skill, recognition and pay levels is what will make the care sector more attractive. However it also risks casing affordability issues for the individual and the States. Therefore… Meaningful care planning by individuals and families is another feature on the care horizon. There are few positives to come out of the pandemic, but it has prompted many families to think and talk earlier and more seriously about elderly care and who is going to pay for it. Residential or at home? Should we postpone downsizing so that we can accommodate a Live-in Carer? What are the cost comparisons? How much does the state contribute? Important questions that are increasingly, and wisely, being asked well in advance of rather than at the point of need.

y Live-in care specialists y Hourly home care

enquiries welcomed y Overnight and respite

care also available Simply call Nicola or Emma on 01534 883 886 for further information or to arrange a no obligation informal chat. Complete Individual Home Care Ltd., Suite 3 Longueville Business Centre, Longueville Road, St Saviour JE2 7SA

y Registered with the

Jersey Care Commission y Flexible, consistent and

friendly care SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 29

the latest millennial interior design trends into your home 10 ways to work

By Lisa Salmon, PA

Whether you’ve lived in your home for ages and

mix of vintage and new will be trending this year.

feel it’s looking tired and needs a revamp, or you’ve just moved in and want your new house to look

“Until now, individuals assumed they had to

bang up-to-date, you may be struggling to know

choose between sleek minimalist and modern

exactly what’s ‘in’ for homes.

interiors, or a vintage look,” says Esra Kumbasar, design director of the Accouter Group of

Those in the know are our up-and-coming interior

Companies ( design collective. “But this

designers, who are predicting that multifunctional

year, we’ll move past this, curating a hybrid

spaces and furniture, smart tech furnishings, and a

concept that combines the merits of both, and

30 |

enables individuals to be more environmentallyconscious when sourcing items.” And design specialist Rachel Epstein, creative director of décor furniture company CARME Home (, adds: “Tech-savvy millennials are all about convenience and have an expectation for everything to be on-hand, so it’s inevitable that integrating user-friendly smart technology into the home is going to be a big trend too.” Here, the two designers outline their predictions for 2022’s millennial home design trends…

1. Sustainability Millennials are all-too-aware of how important it is to live sustainably to protect the planet, and Kumbasar predicts this will be re(ected in what they buy for their home – and whether they choose to rent items instead of buying them. “Millennials are far more conscious of the way the world’s natural resources are diminishing,” she points out. “Moving into 2022, they’ll have a greater focus on sustainability in terms of the materials they use and the brands they shop from. “In line with this, we expect to see the rental furniture revolution accelerate. As the demand for sustainability gains momentum, millennials will

accents and vases and pottery, we’ll see an

seek (exible interior solutions, without having to

increased demand for these items as people mix

compromise on design or quality. Rather than

the old and new in an ethical and sustainable

disposing of old items and purchasing new pieces,

fashion,” she predicts.

renting offers the perfect solution – while also being for more affordable.”

2. In with the old AND new

3. Smart (in more ways than one) furniture “Millennials have grown up with technology, it’s become an essential part of their daily routine, and

Kumbasar says vintage design is set for a revival in

so it’s no surprise that technology will become

2022 because millennials are concerned about the

even more prominent in the home,” says Epstein.

environmental impact of fast fashion and furniture,

There’s a huge variety of smart tech furniture

and are seeking everlasting pieces with elegance

available these days, ranging from colour-

and charm.

changing sideboards, touchscreen coffee tables with glass surfaces that double as computer

“From Victorian wooden furniture or panelling,

screens, dressing tables with LED colour-changing

mouldings and occasional chairs, to statement

lights and charging ports, and lamp tables with SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 31

elegance to your home, consider what other fabrics that item will be paired with.”

6. Minimalism Kumbasar says although some people think minimalist design is harsh, “it can be an enticing haven of serenity that makes spaces feel less constrictive.” She suggests that people who want to make their home – or a room, at least – more minimalist, should start by concentrating on one or two main items of furniture, which highlight the purpose of the room and will create focal points. Neutral colours are important, but she points out that using organic shapes, textures and contrasting surfaces will create a special effect. “Less is more will be the guiding principle here, but there are still plenty of opportunities to make your mark and introduce your own flare to a minimalist design,” she promises.

7. Black is back (if it ever went away) Epstein says black’s boldness makes it popular charging ports and hidden Bluetooth speakers.

4. Comfortable curves

with millennials who like to keep their home décor minimalistic, while still making a statement. “In interior design, millennials are

Gone are the days of sharp edges and clean lines –

more drawn to darker colours, as it portrays

instead, the curvy design trend is thriving, explains

sophistication, elegance and is a classic look,”

Kumbasar. “Spending more time at home,

she says. “If you’re looking to keep your home on

millennials are seeking concepts that make a

trend, we’d recommend black accent furniture

space feel more comfortable,” she says. “From the

f irst to test the waters,” she suggests.

choice of furniture, including tables and sofas to lamps and mirrors, curved forms have never been

8. Statement lighting

more relevant.”

Kumbasar points out that lighting fixtures aren’t

5. Viva velvet!

just a practicality but are the central ‘jewellery’ in a room. “Carefully placed, cleverly-designed, and

Because there’s a Seventies retro revival in interior

well-crafted lights can completely transform an

design, velvet is making a comeback this year,

entire interior,” she stresses.

predicts Epstein. Velvet accent chairs, headboards, cushions or stools are a good place to start

“This year, we expect to see statement lighting

experimenting with the material, she says, but

come into its own, with millennials embracing

warns: “When looking to add a touch of velvet

them as a way to create a unique focal point. From

32 |

dynamic arrangements to elegant sculptural

10. Bringing nature inside

forms, with interesting textures or colours, lights

Having lived through the Covid pandemic,

can be another way to incorporate statement

Kumbasar says millennials are increasingly

works of art within the home. So, instead of leaving

looking for a home space that lends itself to

the lighting until last, consider using it as the

optimal wellbeing and mental health, by using

inspiration for an entire design concept.”

natural materials, introducing more light and

9. Multifunctional furniture

displaying plants inside the home.

“Thanks to our ‘new normal’ of remote working,

This is known as ‘biophilic interiors’, which she

millennials are the working-from-home

says can create a sense of calm, and positive

generation, yet many live in small (ats or house-

emotion. Biophilic trends have been on the rise

shares,” says Epstein. “Investing in furniture that

for some time, and Kumbasar thinks 2022 will see

serves more than one purpose to make the most

more vegetation – including plants and greenery

out of a smaller living space is key. There are plenty

– within the home, more natural light, increasing

of brilliant furniture pieces that act as storage

popularity of natural materials such as rattan,


cane and raffia, and colour palettes centred on clean hues and earthy tones.

Multifunctional furniture ranges from Ottoman beds with storage underneath and dressing tables

“Millennials’ affiliation with nature will continue

that convert into desks, to storage sofa beds and

into 2022, but we expect to see this on a larger

hideaway desks that look just like standard

scale than ever before,” she predicts.

sideboards when not in use.

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: s m o o l b t he

e m o h g 11 fab floral finds n i r B for spring

By Sam Wylie-Harris, PA

A plethora of petals sets the tone for spring updates, says Sam Wylie-Harris.

If you’re a fan of florals and even the smallest posy puts you in a joyous mood, bringing some bright blooms into your home can really appeal.

The positive effects of flowers for wellbeing and helping us find peace of mind are well storied – and petal power provides endless inspiration in decor design too.

With spring signalling enchanted country gardens, yellow tulips symbolising happy, cheerful thoughts and canopies of pink blossom making us want to head outside – the best flower shows can start from the inside (while we’re waiting for it to warm up a bit before actually planting those pink geraniums). feeling, and the ivory background suggests softness and Get a head start and rejoice in romantic blooms,

warmth. With various width and drop options and eyelet

wildflowers and showy bouquets to your heart’s content

heading for soft pleats, they’ll frame any window beautifully.

with these fab floral finds… 3. Cream and Rose Floral Printed Cushion, £35 1. Emma Bridgewater Sunflower Large Tray, currently

(others from a selection), Graham & Green

£36.95 (was £44.95), Annabel James

Style soft furnishings with chintzy prints, for a timeless

With spring socials in full swing, this server will put

charm that’s chic again and enjoying a revival.

everyone in a positive, sunny mood before you’ve even poured the drinks. We’re thinking a celebratory Buck’s Fizz

4. Dried 55cm Natural Bouquet Mixed with Thistle,

to toast the brighter days.

£10, Dunelm Likewise, another grand old dame of florals that’s trending

2. Arlette Curtains, from £120-£240, M M Linen

again is dried flowers, which bring colour to any space and,

These gorgeous poly velvet curtains have just the right

depending on your budget, can be mixed with fluffy

measure of flower power. The climbing pink roses are

pampas grass for an undeniably rustic feel. We love this

beautifully balanced, washes of sage green lend a peaceful

wispy mixed arrangement for its height and texture.

34 |

like a dream with neutrals and woods. If you don’t want to paper a whole room, an accent wall will breathe new life into the tightest of spaces, making everything feel lighter and larger.

9. Ring Around the Rosie Mandala, £28, or £20 as a DYI kit, Pineapple Fibre Art A lovely introduction to crewel work, this floral-inspired mandala made from soft yarn combines texture with technique and could add a fun pop of eclecticism to your space. Available ready-made or as a kit, if you fancy trying your hand at making your own.

10. Orla Kiely Flower Tile Bed Linen, from £55-£100, Orla Kiely With her signature stem print, Orla Kiely’s new bed linen range is inspired by the historic floral tiles of Porto, 5. Magnolia Boxed Scented Candle Pot, £12, Daisy

reimagined in violet, moss green and cream colours to


inject some boldness to bedrooms. Style with vases of

Create a little bit of springtime magic, with the sweet scent

purple tulips for the shade of springtime.

of creamy magnolia blossom filling the air. 11. Vintage Blue Floral Vase – Small, £18.99; Planter, 6. Charlbury Floral Accent Chair in Blue, currently

£9.99, and Ornamental Ball, £5.99, The Wisteria Tree

£649, DFS

This matching vase and planter are ideal for holding a variety

If period drama Bridgerton has stirred your interest in

of flowers and, along with the sweet ornamental ball, have

regency interiors, this floral accent chair is giving us major

country garden written all over them. We’re imagining

‘regencycore’ vibes. With its elegantly curved arms and

hyacinths, which will fill the air with sweet and spicy aromas

plush padded seat, it looks comfy enough to see you

when they open. Their weathered, salvaged-from-an-antique-

through season two – scandals and all.

market style would look just as good in a modern pad.

7. Opium Blush Pink Velvet Lampshade, from £75, Wallpaper, £125 per roll, The Curious Department Inspired by Art Nouveau poppies, a majestic mix of contrasting shades of rosy and deeper pinks adorn this lampshade and corresponding wallpaper. Striking for its flowing stems and decorative design, the shade’s suitable for standing lamps and ceiling lights, and we love the wallpaper for its wow factor.

8. Lavina Floral Wallpaper in Yellow & Grey, currently £10 per roll (was £18), I Love Wallpaper Elsewhere, this mellow yellow design brings captivating petal power to any room set. With a dove grey background, it’s actually more versatile than you might think and works

. . . l i O l i s Ba Infused is delicious, drizzled over a traditional Italian caprese se salad, but do you know about the humble basil’s medicinall properties….? While fresh or dried basil leaves are a great way to avour recipes, basil essentiall oil oil is much more concentrated and potent and often used in traditional medicine. Ocimum basilicum belongs to the mint plant family. The essential oil (from sweet ee eet et basil), with a naturally sweet, warm, spicy and herbal smell, is steam-distilled from om the fresh leaves, stems and owers resulting in an extract that contains high levels vel es of antioxidants and other bene cial phytochemicals, in fact, 29 different active compounds including up to as much as 69% monoterpenes; powerful at disrupting tiin ng the body's in ammatory response and studied in the use for ghting various cancers. As such, there has been much Medical Research into the effective use o off basil essential oil…

Benefits of Basil Essential Oil *Antibacterial

also capable of eliminating odour-causing bacteria and fungus from your home, car,

Basil displays amazing antimicrobial activity

appliances and furniture. Combine it with baking

against food-borne bacteria, yeasts and moulds –

soda to remove stains and bacteria from pots and

including E. coli, and is shown to decrease

pans, or spray it inside your toilet, shower and

bacteria when included in the water for washing

dustbins to absorb ‘nasty niffs’ as they say!

fresh produce. *Cold and Flu Treatment Thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties basil can be used in your home to

Research has shown that basil oil is a natural

remove bacteria from kitchen and bathroom

anti-viral so coupled with its anti-spasmodic

surfaces and to purify the air. Try diffusing or

qualities, has a therapeutic action on the

combining with water in a spray bottle. Basil is

respiratory tract.

36 |

Add a few drops to a diffuser for relief from

*Insect Repellent

coughs, headache pain and sinus congestion, make a steam inhalation or simply inhale a few

Similar to citronella, research has shown that the

drops on a tissue, or make a homemade vapor

volatile oils found in basil can repel mosquitoes

rub using it with eucalyptus oil and massage

and help to prevent bug bites.

onto the chest. To make a homemade bug spray, dilute several Basil oil has also been studied for use as a natural

drops of basil essential oils with water or make a

ear infection remedy. Rubbing a couple of drops

lotion by diluting with a carrier oil such as jojoba

diluted in a carrier oil like coconut or almond

and massage into the skin as prevention or using

behind the ears may reduce the pain and

a clean cotton ball, apply one to two drops of basil

duration of the infection.

oil along with coconut or jojoba oil to swollen bites once or twice daily. This can also help acne

*Muscle Relaxant

as basil can effectively kill skin pathogens that lead to breakouts.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, basil oil is useful as a natural muscle relaxant. Mix a

*Hair Revitaliser

few drops of basil essential with a carrier such as coconut or almond oil and rub into painful,

Adding a drop or two of basil oil to your shampoo

swollen muscles or joints. Or try soaking in a

will remove artificial chemical build-up while

warm bath with Epsom salts, basil and lavender

adding shine, You can also try mixing it with


baking soda and apple cider vinegar to balance scalp pH.

*Toothpaste and Mouthwash Interactions and Side Effects of Basil Essential Oil To remove bacteria and odour from your mouth, you can add a drop of pure basil oil to your

As with all essential oils, especially those that are

mouthwash or toothpaste. With its natural

new to you, test for skin sensitivities by doing a

antioxidant and antibacterial abilities, it is good

skin patch test on your feet or forearm to make

as a dental health boosting ingredient to help

sure you don’t experience irritation or allergic

protect teeth and gums.

reaction. Caution should be used during pregnancy and for epileptics. Consult with your

*Energizer and Mood Enhancer

natural health practitioner for more information. Keep basil oil away from your eyes.

Inhaling basil can help restore mental alertness and is a go-to study enhancer. It is a natural stimulant that works on the nervous system and adrenal cortex, so fights fatigue, reduces sluggishness, brain fog and poor moods especially those that accompany adrenal fatigue.

“I love l this Young Living combination called Clarity it contains basil and other ca essential oils to enhance mental es capacity – great for studying”… ca

Diffuse basil essential oil in your office or home or inhale it directly from the bottle.

The Editor Th

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 37

International Carrot Day: 9 weird and

wonderful things you didn’t know about the orange vegetable By Katie Wright, PA

There’s more to this brightly coloured root veg that meets the eye. From crunchy raw sticks dipped in hummus to

century to honour of William of Orange (the man

steaming slices drenched with melted butter, and

who led the Dutch quest for independence), but

(uffy cake smothered in cream cheese frosting,

whatever the reason, the new colour became

carrots are delicious in many guises – and they’re

dominant. You could say, back then, orange was the

packed with nutrients too.

new purple…

It’s only right, then, that we celebrate Bugs Bunny’s

2. They originate in Asia

favourite vegetable, with International Carrot Day

Now popular all over the world, the carrot as we

on April 4.

know it today was Hrst grown in Afghanistan in the 10th century. The Hrst reference to the veggie being

But there’s more to the popular root vegetable than just tasty dishes. Carrots have a

grown in the UK on Held scale was in Somerset in the 1600s.

fascinating – and somewhat controversial – history. To mark the annual event, here are nine fascinating facts you probably didn’t know about carrots…

3. There’s a huge range of carrot varieties Today, there are actually hundreds of types of carrots varying in colour and size. And they’ve got some rather unusual names, such

1. Carrots weren’t originally orange

as Solar Yellow, Red Elephant, Purple Dragon, Five-Star Baby and Little Fingers.

The carrots sold in supermarkets these days are almost exclusively orange, but the earliest documented

4. Baby carrots are (mostly) fake The bags of smooth, peeled, uniformly

plants produced purple, yellow or

shaped ‘baby’ carrots you see in supermarkets

white varieties.

are usually cut from full-size carrots for the convenience of shoppers.

There’s some dispute about whether Dutch horticulturalists bred orange carrots in the 16th 38 |

However, genuine baby carrots – harvested

before they reach maturity – do exist. You can

7. Cooking carrots makes them healthier

identify a true baby if it’s got its skin on, and a

Beta-carotene is used by the body to make

deHned ‘shoulder’ section at the top.

vitamin A, an important nutrient in terms of vision, skin health and the immune system. While

5. Carrots are mostly water

some nutrients (such as vitamin C) can be lost

While they’re brilliantly bright in colour, carrots are

through cooking, a study found that cooked

actually made up of 88% water, which is why old,

carrots, rather than raw ones, actually led to

dried out carrots lose their crunch.

higher absorption of beta-carotene.

6. They might help you see in the dark

8. Eat too many and you might turn yellow

The old adage about carrots helping you see in the

Consuming large quantities of carrots won’t turn

dark is said to have come about during the World

you orange, as you might expect. It could,

War II, when the UK’s Ministry of Food wanted the

however, results in carotenemia, when an excess

public to believe the success of night-time air raids

of beta-carotene gives the skin a yellow-ish tinge.

was down to pilots’ munching lots of the veggies, which are rich in a nutrient called beta-carotene.

9. There’s an annual carrot festival The city of Holtville in California, where carrots are

However, it’s not quite as simple as that. Beta-

a major agricultural crop, has declared itself the

carotene has been shown to help improve night

Carrot Capital of the World. In February, residents

vision, but only in people who have a vitamin A

celebrated the 75th anniversary of the city’s

deHciency, which is unlikely nowadays in

annual Carrot Festival, which included a carnival

developed countries.

and parade.

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 39

9 weird and wonderful houseplants you can’t help but love By Hannah Stephenson, PA

Houseplants aren’t there just to look at. If you’re careful with your choices, you can see them move, emit scent when you brush your hands over them and even snap shut if prey lands on their leaves. Houseplant lovers have captured the

“Every night, the leaves roll up and you can

movement of many of the moving plants in

hear them moving as well,” says Claire Bishop,

timelapse videos, and not all of them are just

head of houseplants at Dobbies Garden

moving towards the light.

Centres (

1. Prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura)

“They are great plants for kids, as they’re not

The prayer plant, so called because it raises its

toxic. And the fact you can see the plant alive

leaves in the evening as though it is praying, is

and moving gets kids interested,” she

a great one to watch.

explains. “It’s one of the easiest plants to look

40 |

after, but it actually looks stunning. It can double in size in a couple of months.” Marantas prefer plenty of light, but not direct sunlight, along with well-drained soil and high humidity.

2. Mimosa pudica

Also known as the sensitive plant, this one reacts to being tickled, as the lea(ets close like dominoes if you run a Hnger down them or they are exposed to heat, while the whole stem collapses if you touch it Hrmly. It’s considered a weed in tropical countries, but give it plenty of sun and moderate watering, and you should keep it happy.

3. Calathea

Closely related to the maranta, these increasingly popular exotic-looking plants, often with colourful foliage and striking shape, are also known as peacock plants, and are similar to the prayer plant in that most of them move. “There’s a particular type called the rattlesnake plant, whose leaves open and

insects thrown in.

close every day, because their leaves need the sunlight. They will open up every day and then

They need direct sunlight to remain healthy,

close back up again to conserve energy when

otherwise their leaves will become weak and

it gets darker,” Bishop says.

(oppy. Plant them in a sandy, damp soil and water them with rain water, preferably sitting

Rattlesnake plants need bright indirect light.

them in about 1cm of water, rather than

Water them when the top two inches of soil

watering them from the top.

have dried out and don’t use shine products on dusty leaves. Just wipe them occasionally with a damp cloth.

5. Alocasia

Increasingly popular among houseplant fans, because of their unusual shaped leaves and

4. Venus fly trap

This carnivorous culprit is popular in homes, its

distinctive veins, these beauties spring visibly back to life after a good water.

leaves snapping shut when an unsuspecting insect climbs in to investigate and is promptly

“There are a lot of really unusual ones out

trapped in its vice-like grip and later digested.

there. There’s a beautiful one called ‘Pink

It’s fussy about its food, preferring spiders, ants,

Dragon’ with pink stems and unusual leaves,”

beetles and grasshoppers, with a few (ying

Bishop recommends. SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 41

specialist The Ginger Jungle ( recommends this moderately drought-tolerant candidate, whose leaves smell like sweet pepper. It prefers to be kept on the dry side, especially in lower light conditions; so let the top of the soil dry out by a couple of inches before each watering.

8. Monstera

Known as the Swiss cheese plant, this striking houseplant should make signif icant growth if you put it in moderate brightness but out of direct sunlight. Winter brightness is essential, otherwise you’ll get spindly stalks and leggy growth.

6. Philodendron

9. Oxalis triangularis

play around with a time-lapse camera and

its striking reactions to light changes. As it

you should enjoy the vast movement of the

moves in response to light intensity, its look

leathery leaves overnight.

changes dramatically. Film them with a

You may not see it move before your eyes, but

7. Peperomia Clusiifolia ‘Red Margin’

For those who prefer scent, houseplant

42 |

This plant is particularly active because of

timelapse camera, and you’ll see how much they move towards the sunlight over a 24hour period.

Planting with pride and patriotism By Caroline Spencer

Have you thought about planting red, white and blue this year to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee? It’s one of the trends that Acorn nursery expects

they are thinking more about pollinating plants,

to see, and it has ordered in plenty of spring

not just bedding.

bedding that will reflect that. There will, of course, be a full range of other colours in all the plants

‘We tend to advise people that the weather is

you would expect, including the ever-popular

normally ok for planting out around the last week

marigolds, begonias and geraniums.

of March / the first week of April. Sometimes there are anomalies but certainly all our shrubs,

Every year the nursery tweaks its output to meet

herbaceous, herbs and veg can go out at the end

changing demands. Nursery manager Daniel

of March.’

Cunningham says that they will be selling a greater range of alpines and herbaceous

Known for its competitive pricing, the nursery’s

perennials, more scented geraniums and ferns.

main priority is not profit, but rather providing jobs and training opportunities for people who

‘We are growing a lot more herbs, veg and

have a disability or long-term health condition.

strawberries, in response to an increasing

Five clients will be taken on for the bedding

demand which started after lockdown,’ he said.

season, and the Acorn Training and Development

‘And probably the biggest change this year is that

Service also run daily greenhouse sessions.

the £1.25 geraniums are all in biodegradable pots. That’s about 11,000 more plants in that type of

Daniel, who has been with Acorn for 14 years, likes


to remind his colleagues that the nursery was on the Acorn site long before Reuse or the

The pots were trialled last year thanks to a grant

Woodshack were a glint in the eye!

from the Rotary Club of Jersey. They were successful and are being extended each year so

‘There was a time when hardly anyone knew

that the nursery uses less plastic.

about Acorn,’ he said. ‘When we started, we had customers for one month a year – we didn’t do

‘All the big-scented geraniums, the premium

anything apart from summer bedding. There

range, the osteospermum, the Madeiran daisies,

wasn’t even a till or a card machine.

the salvias, they all do really well,’ Daniel said. ‘Three years ago we did barely 1,000 herbaceous

‘Every change has happened for the benefit of

plants. We do about 8,000 now, and they are

clients. We now offer so many different

usually gone by the end of April.

opportunities in other areas of the business,

‘People are learning more about horticulture, and

including Reuse and the Woodshack, and that is

44 |

Caitlin, Terry and James are part of the Acorn nursery team. One of the larger specimens on offer at Acorn this year is the Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelii’ – otherwise known as the False Banana

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 45

better for clients so they can try different things and find what they like.’ One thing shines through at Acorn’s plant nursery and that is the real pride that all the staff, clients and volunteers have in what they do. ‘We make sure that every single person who works here feels respected, valued and part of our team,’ Daniel said. ‘Our work gives people real pride.’ Acorn Enterprises is a social enterprise run by the Jersey Employment Trust, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. When it was registered as a charity in the Royal Court in March 2002, it brought together two entities. Oak$eld Industries offered training opportunities in printing and French polishing for people who had physical and sensory impairments. And Acorn, which was only a plant nursery at the time, supported people with learning disabilities.

All 11,000 of Acorn’s £1.25 geraniums are in biodegradable pots this year

46 |

Today, JET supports more than 500 Islanders who have any disability or long-term health condition, both through our Employment Service and at Acorn.


Visit or call 07700 322 344 to place your order today! Email:





JAYF (Jersey Association for Youth and Friendship) is delighted to announce its 2022 programme of Open Gardens Much loved by locals and visitors alike, these events help to fund the safe and supportive hostel accommodation the charity provides for young adults in Jersey who might otherwise be homeless. As the date of each garden approaches, our Facebook page will detail any special highlights: for example, musical entertainment, nature walks, plant stalls and tombolas. Our delicious cream teas are a feature of all our gardens.

Visit this beautiful rambling garden, open by kind permission of Mrs Melissa Bonn. Highlights include an impressive collection of camellias and specimen shrubs and a large pond. The extensive woodland, featuring silver birch, acers and what is reputed to be Jersey’s largest walnut, is a delight to explore. A further highlight is the well-stocked kitchen garden which keeps the family self-su cient in fruit and vegetables. Delicious cream teas available. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs.

Sunday 3rd April - 2pm-5pm Oaklands, La Rue d’Elysee, St Peter JE3 7DT

Approached by a long tree-lined drive, Government House has been the o cial residence of Jersey's Lieutenant-Governors since 1822. The magni cent grounds include extensive lawns, rose beds and recently renovated herbaceous and shrub borders. A heavily wooded valley of natural and ornamental trees is a haven for wildlife. The beautiful pond, with its arum and water lilies, is home to trout, moorhens and ducks. Don't miss the four cannons on the blu which came from Elizabeth Castle. Delicious cream teas will be available. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs.

Sunday 1st May - 2pm-5pm Government House, St Saviour JE2 7GH

48 |

Explore extensive gardens and woodland set around a traditional farmhouse, open by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Binney. The beautiful valley contains native and species trees including many magnolias and camellias, and there are ponds fringed with gunnera and arum lilies. The glorious main garden is a riot of colour and scent throughout the seasons, and the formal herb garden, productive greenhouse and vegetable garden are further highlights. Delicious cream teas available. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs. Sunday 15th May - 2pm-5pm Domaine des Vaux, Rue de Bas, St Lawrence JE3 1JG

Open by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Clive Chaplin, this beautiful garden includes an arboretum containing many specimen trees, an orchard, a main lawn surrounded by herbaceous borders and a series of garden 'rooms'. These include a rose garden and a ne rockery. Climbing roses adorn the granite walls and there are about 20 di erent varieties of camellia. The avenue of magnolia is a further highlight. Delicious cream teas will be served. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs. Sunday 29th May - 2pm-5pm Old Farm, La Route de la Trinite, Trinity JE3 5JN

Explore these extensive terraced and formal gardens, open by kind permission of the family of the late Celia Skinner. The beautifully manicured lawn is surrounded by beds ourishing with herbaceous perennials. Mature spring owering shrubs ank the paths leading to the valley area, and beneath them bluebells, primroses and foxgloves abound. Hedges of yew, viburnum, conifers and beech create a series of gardens, including a rose and peony garden. Delicious Jersey cream teas will be served. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs. Sunday 5th June - 2pm-5pm Grey Gables, La Rue Du Bocage, St Brelade JE3 8BP

Les Chasses is a beautiful old Jersey granite house surrounded by extensive grounds. The beautiful gardens have been speci cally designed to attract birds, bugs and bees and include a run of r trees spanning the road to provide safe passage for local squirrels. There is an emphasis on traditional, pesticide-free solutions to gardening problems. Admire the beautifully planted herbaceous and mixed borders which lead to a walled garden with wisteria and many beautiful trees, including a magni cent tulip tree. Open by kind permission of Mr Roberts. Delicious Jersey cream teas will be available. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs. Sunday 10th July - 2pm-5pm Les Chasses, La Rue des Chasses, St John JE3 4EE

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 49

Ways gardening can help you live longer, as study

highlights health benefits of outdoor activities By Katie Wright, PA

Good news for those of a green-fingered persuasion: new research reveals that an hour of gardening a week can have significant health benefits. The British Journal of Sports Medicine study found

the most beneHts when they participate in both

that taking part in muscle-strengthening activities –

aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities.

such as lifting weights, resistance training, or gardening activities including digging and shovelling

Fitness experts reveal the best gardening jobs to

– for 30 to 60 minutes each week, has been linked to

boost your physical wellbeing…

a reduced risk of premature death and some major diseases.


However, pottering around with a few plants isn’t

“Digging is one of the best gardening jobs for

enough to make a difference. The researchers

building overall strength,” says Alice Williams,

speciHed ‘heavy gardening’ and said that people reap

qualiHed personal trainer at OriGym Centre of

50 |

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 51

Excellence. “The motion of pressing a shovel down

strength-building gardening job.

with your foot and turning over the soil engages a whole range of muscle groups in both the lower and

Williams says: “It has all the same benef its of

upper body, from the quads to the shoulders.”

pushing a prowler sled in the gym. It requires


engaging your glutes, quads, hamstrings, core and upper body all at once, making it a tough full-body workout, similar to using a cross trainer

It may not be the most enjoyable part of gardening, but weeding by hand is an effective strength exercise.


Lifting and carrying

“When you bend over to pull out a dead rotten root from a (owerbed, you have to use a lot of back and

“Carrying bags of compost, soil amendments,

leg strength, alongside grip strength too,” says

stones or vegetables in f ront of you strengthens

performance coach and Bio-Synergy ambassador

your glutes, quads and entire midsection,” says

Jamie Lloyd, which is similar to doing deadlifts in

Lloyd, so try ditching the wheelbarrow and

the gym.

ferrying bits and bobs across the garden yourself.

“Deadlifts are great, as they tax the whole body and replicate the same movement when you go to pull

Do be careful not to overload yourself, and

that giant turnip out of the ground – a great lower

always bend at the knees when lifting anything

body pull exercise that will prepare you for anything.”

off the ground.

Mowing the lawn

“You might be familiar with doing the farmer’s walk with a kettlebell at the gym,” says Williams.

As long as you’re not cruising on a ride-on

“Carrying two buckets of soil across your garden

mower, cutting the grass is another great

can have the same results!”

52 |


a push-up does for your chest and pushing ability, rows do for your back and pulling ability.”

Not only will it make your lawn look pristine, raking away fallen leaves gets your muscles


moving. “As well as building muscle strength, gardening is also “The motion of raking will work your whole upper

a great form of cardio,” says Williams.

body, but particularly the back and pectoral muscles,” says Williams.

“Without even realising it, you will Hnd yourself raising your heart rate and working up a sweat as you dig,

Lloyd likens raking to ‘row’ exercises, where you

mow and move heavy things around the garden. In

bend over and pull dumbbells close into your

fact, raking and pruning can burn around 200 calories

chest: “Rows are like inverse push-ups. Everything

an hour, while mowing can burn up 300 calories.”

Seagull season is HERE! Are you PREPARED? We offer prompt, efficient solutions for wasps nests, moles, rats, mice and other unacceptable nuisances, using sustainable, effective, economical and environmentally sound methods.

FRANK RAIMBAULT La Grenier a Pomme, La Rue de la Prairie, St Mary JE3 3EH T: 07797 829885 or 07797 783078 E: or SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 53

Take a break

in Bournemouth

By Rebecca Underwood

Stroll sedately along the promenade beside the

years as it was destroyed by a ferocious storm. In

seven mile stretch of soft sandy beach and admire

1880 a new pier was opened, a bandstand and

the view of the pier. And whilst the seagulls

shelters were later added, and the pier was

squawk and swoop overhead, take in the

extended to a length of 1,000 feet. Due to

intoxicating smell of the briny. Welcome to

corrosion, the pier was rebuilt in 1979 and today’s

Bournemouth, Dorset, on England’s southern

visitors are richly rewarded with modern


attractions such as the RockReef, which features 25 climbing walls, an aerial obstacle course, Pier

Recipient of the 2017 Best Travel Award for the UK’s

caves, a vertical slide, and a leap of faith jumping

Best Seaside Town, Bournemouth attracts more than Hve million visitors every

challenge. Or, for the very

TOP TIP - Accommodation

a adventurous, there is a pier to shore s zip wire. I watched a few

year and there is much to

For more information on the featured hotel

c courageous souls launch


visit or call

t themselves from a platform 25

01202 804775

metres m above the sea then ‘zip

I started off with a wander

s surf’ 250 metres above the

hh i tii along Bournemouth Pier, which has a ffascinating

d land l d on the th h sand. There was a waves and

history dating back to 1856 when a wooden jetty

spontaneous round of applause from the

was completed. A wooden pier replaced the jetty

spectators but I found the very idea rather

Hve years later but this survived for only Hfteen

unsettling so I headed for the Key West Restaurant

54 |

on the pier to take advantage of the calming views

raspberry lemonade. Harry Ramsden’s has been

across the ocean. I sampled the delicious Moules

serving our national dish for 90 years and it’s sure

Mariniere with onions, garlic, and a splash of white

to continue.

wine, and accompanied by a generous glass of Ponte Pinot Grigio 2017, it was the antidote.

Bournemouth offers a wide variety of places to stay and seeking comfort, I opted for the Hilton, located

After a brisk walk along the pier, I made my way to

on Terrace Road, within walking distance to the

the Oceanarium, which is only a stone’s throw

city centre and the beach. Amenities include a spa,

from the pier entrance. The aquarium houses

with an extensive menu of treatments, and an

more than 300 different species including rare

indoor pool, which is the ideal spot for a refreshing

green sea turtles, brightly coloured clownHsh,

dip after a long day spent exploring the city’s

Herce piranhas with razor sharp teeth and sharks

attractions. Accommodations are spacious and

with callous expressions. Seeking a more pleasant

comfortable and I was fortunate to secure a King

encounter I headed to the otter enclosure to watch

Guest Room with a private balcony. The hotel is

their playful and delightful antics and then I

also within walking distance to Bournemouth

arrived at the Humbolt penguin enclosure just in

Gardens and after checking-in I set off to explore

time for the feeding session, which resulted in a

the area.

squabble or two over a Hsh supper. The verdant and beautiful gardens, which stretch For my own Hsh supper I went to Harry Ramsden’s

from Bournemouth Pier, cover three glorious

opposite the pier. Selecting an outside table, with

kilometres. I wandered along one of the paths as

a beach view, I savoured the fresh Hsh ‘n’ chips

the mixture of (oral scents emanating from an

with mushy peas and a thirst quenching glass of

enormous variety of plants and shrubs Hlled the air a and I re(ected on the history of the Grade II listed

TOP TIP - Attractions For more information on Monkey World visit or email: Donations can be made to the ‘Jim Cronin Memorial Fund for Primate Conservation and Welfare’, Charity no. 1126939, and sent to Monkey World, Longthorns, Wareham, Dorset BH20 6HH.

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 55

gardens. In 1859 the owners of the land gave permission for the area to become a public pleasure ground and in 1872 the Upper, Central and Lower Gardens joined together to become one. In the 1920’s the pavilion, in the Lower Gardens, was built. Ornamental rock gardens and charming small waterfalls were installed and many of the trees and shrubs remain in place to this day. The Upper Gardens include tennis courts and I watched the action for a while and noted the water tower, which dates back to between 1883 and 1903. In 1992 the Upper Gardens were replanted to include meadow walks and ample

woolly monkeys, squirrel monkeys, marmosets,

seating areas where I watched the frisky squirrels

tamarins and lemurs.

going about their daily business. The successful television series Monkey Business, For an unforgettable encounter with wildlife,

which premiered in 1998, focused on Jim Cronin

Monkey World, located in Longthorns, Wareham,

and his wife Alison, travelling around the world,

which is only 22 miles from Bournemouth, is a very

rescuing primates from appalling situations and

special experience. This highly respected rescue

transporting them to Monkey World where they

centre for abused apes, founded in 1987 by the late

now live in comfort and safety and in the company

Jim Cronin, provides sanctuary for more than 250

of other members of their species. Monkey Life, a

primates from around the world, including

follow-on series was created in 2006 and continues

chimpanzees, orang-utans, gibbons, macaques,

to this day. Be sure to attend the keeper’s talks,

56 |

particularly the spider monkey’s, capuchins and

lemon tart served with Normandy sour cream and

stump-tailed macaques and don’t miss the

as I admired the splendid vista across the ocean I

chimpanzees feeding session.

held my cool glass of Chardonnay aloft in respect of Bournemouth’s famous residents Mary

For my own dining experience I visited Banque

Wollstonecraft Shelley and her esteemed husband,

and Bohem, located on Poole Hill, a short walk

the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe

from the centre of Bounemouth. Housed in an old

Shelley. And as the sunshine faded and the clouds

auction house, which dates back to the 1920’s, the

gathered I contemplated on his words:

property has retained some striking features, including imposing marble pillars, glittering

‘I bring fresh showers for the thirsting (owers,

chandeliers, and an enormous room-sized Chubb

From the seas and the streams,

safe, which is now an additional dining room. I

I bear light shade for the leaves when laid,

ordered the succulent roast beef with Yorkshire

In their noon-day dreams’.

pudding, and a glass of Châteauneuf du Pape, which were served with aplomb and the ‘live’ entertainment, which was a singer/guitarist covering some relaxing tunes created a ‘chilled’ atmosphere.

TOP TIP - Travel and tours You can save, on average, 43% by booking in advance with Trainline versus the cheapest nonadvance fares. For more information download

Or, for a more formal affair, and the option of ‘alfresco dining’, head for Brasserie Blanc at the Marriott Highcliff Hotel on St Michael’s Road. I

the Trainline app or visit The City-Sightseeing tour on the hop-on/hop-off bus departs hourly between 09.00 and 17.00 hrs

sampled the delicate (avours of the Malabar Hsh

from Bournemouth Pier to Poole via Sandbanks

curry with toasted coconut, followed by the zesty

and return. For more information visit or email *Images courtesy of Bournemouth Tourism

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 57

7 wellbeing bene ts of reading By Katie Wright, PA

From fast-paced thrillers and murder mysteries to fascinating memoirs and dragon-filled fantasy novels, books can bring us immense pleasure. There’s something particularly powerful about the

bedtime is so popular, says Prof Margareta James

way words can transport you to faraway places in

from the Harley Street Wellbeing Clinic: “Sharing

your imagination and block out the real world, if

and enjoying a book together is a lovely way to

only for a while.

relax. It promotes bonding and allows [children] to escape from the world in a fun way, and immerse

Not only is reading fun, it can have a positive impact

themselves in a great story.”

on our wellbeing too – for both adults and kids. Noel Janis-Norton, director of Calmer Parenting, Experts explain seven ways reading is a wellbeing

encourages parents to pass on their love of


reading: “Children, teens and adults who regularly read for pleasure have a built-in skill and habit that

1. Stress relief

stands them in good stead when they are feeling

“When we read, we focus on the narrative and can

sad, angry, worried, jealous or disappointed.”

get lost in the depth and texture of the story, thereby halting intrusive and repetitive thoughts

2. Increases empathy

that may trigger the stress response,” says Dr Meg

Whether it’s a tragic true story or an engrossing

Arroll, a chartered psychologist working with

novel, reading gives us “a unique insight into the

Healthspan. “In this manner, reading can also help

lives of others and, by exploring characters, their

with low mood and depressive symptoms,” as well

struggles, relationships and feelings,” says Dr Arroll.

as “raised blood pressure, heart rate and feeling overwhelmed”.

“In psychology we call this the ‘theory of mind’,

There’s a reason reading to children before

where we can put ourselves into others’ shoes, see alternative points of view, attribute beliefs, feelings and desires, all of which helps us to have good quality social relationships.”

3. Emotional awareness Stories are particularly important for helping kids to feel sympathy for other people. Prof James says: “For young children, it is difHcult to connect emotions with words. So, when they read about different characters’ emotions in stories, it helps them learn about and express their emotions better, whilst also developing their selfawareness and empathy.” 58 |

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4. Social bonds

6. Cognitive skills

“Stories are often children’s Hrst encounters with strong

“When children are competent, conHdent, and

emotions in a safe way,” Prof James says, such as going

enthusiastic readers, they learn more, they remember

on imaginary adventures and battling evil forces.

more, they enjoy school more, and they get better marks and better exam results,” says Janis-Norton.

“When they share a book with someone, it also helps them with discussing their thoughts, and sometimes

Reading also encourages kids to be curious about

worries, about different topics, whilst improving their

different topics and it has, Prof James says: “A number

socio-emotional skills.”

of cognitive beneHts as well, including helping children with improved vocabulary, and an ability to focus and

5. Bibliotherapy

then re-tell the story whilst improving their memory.”

Self-help books and novels alike can have a lifechanging effect, imparting knowledge about physical

7. Self-esteem and confidence

and mental health conditions or changing your

When reading helps youngsters improve at school, it

perspective at a crucial time.

has two knock-on effects, Janis Norton says: “It opens up more opportunities for that child, and it boosts his

“Bibliotherapy is an approach in which information,

or her self-esteem and self-image.”

support and guidance is provided within a book for the reader to explore and process in their own time,”

Plus, the characters they read about can act as positive

explains Dr Arroll.

role models, she adds: “I’ve known instances of both boys and girls having improved their social skills, their

For a list of useful titles for adults and children, chosen

empathy, their habits, even their determination to do

by members of the public and experts, visit the

well at school by imitating, often unconsciously, the

Reading Well website (

characters in beloved books.”

60 |

Looking back... ‘Through the Eyes of a Teacher’ - Part IV Given the turbulent nature of education during the last 2 years, The Jerseylife thought it would be thought-provoking to follow the life of someone whose education had suffered the constraints of post WWII and Occupation and yet progressed to become one of Jersey’s most dedicated teachers with a career spanning 39 years. Last time Thelma shared the latter years of her schooling and this time we learn about those all-important college days…

By Thelma Heard When the time came to apply for a teacher

Every holiday I worked to earn money for the extras

training college my father was unwilling to sign my

like Hle paper, books and bus travel. I worked in a

papers and I could not apply without his signature.

café, a cinema, the post ofHce, sweet shop and a perfumery but I had to forgo my little bit of

My sister said he was worried about getting into

spending money during the last holiday as I had to

debt. I did not understand then and was angry

work on my dissertation.

and frustrated. He did eventually sign and luckily, I was awarded a grant which paid for my tuition, my

I chose Geography for my main subject and to

board and keep and a return ticket to England

teach in secondary education. Other students

every term.

commented on my choice saying it was a difHcult course those following it were always carting

I chose an all-female college in Camberwell, South

around masses of books. We also had to do

London. I felt I needed to experience an

Mathematics, English, History of Education, P.E

environment completely different from my life in

and Games. I was somewhat at a disadvantage in

Jersey and from my time at school. I really did not

Geography as all the others had of course had 2

want to study in a mixed college with girls who

years in a sixth form. One student seemed to have

only thought about the boys. When I started at

visited and done Held work in the area of every

college, I discovered this was not the case. Too

piece of map work we were given. So I just had to

many students were only Hlling in time before they

work harder. However, I really enjoyed my subject,

got married. This shocked me as I had so

learning all the time. My tutor was so enthusiastic

desperately wanted to go to college and it had

about the subject she spurred one on.

been such a struggle and there were these others who just really didn’t care…it made me rather cross

English was also a pleasure as it opened my mind

that they didn’t appreciate what they had.

to areas literature I knew nothing about. When we SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 61

History of Education was a subject in which I could not get interested. The lecturer just read from a book and we had to scribble madly to keep up with her. One day I decided to shorten the lecture w a bit. She always had an alarm clock which she used to time her lecture. So before she arrived I advanced a it a few minutes. Unfortunately, soon after a it sounded another bell rang in another part of o the building. She was astonished. I did own up, but nothing happened to me. Looking back I feel rather guilty as she was a sweet old lady. As A I had been in a church choir in Jersey I joined the t college choir. We had rehearsals on the top (oor ( about 3 (ights up. After choir practice we tended to sing all the way down the stairs with our t songs echoing around the building. s We W had to do at least 4 sessions of ‘school practice’, s working in schools to gain experience. Twice I so was w sent to schools in the East End. This entailed g getting up at 6.30 am and travelling by bus, then Thelma receiving Grand Prior from Governor Sir Gresham Nicholson Autumn 1956

underground train with a change at Bank, which by then was crammed with commuters, then by tram. Entering the school was always a challenge.

studied A Doll’s House by Ibsen it clariHed for me

It was through the school yard full of pupils

why I had always felt at a disadvantage as a girl.

knowing we were ‘students’. They could be quite

P.E was a nightmare as I had little background and

intimidating. My early experience in my Hrst

knowledge of netball and hockey which we had to

school stood me in good stead here as I just

play. In hockey, one of the players was a county

ignored them and strode on. When the pupils

player and was heard to say in exasperation ‘she

went into assembly teachers used to ‘disarm’

might at least look as though she was going to hit

them. A mantelpiece in the staffroom was loaded

the ball’. The only goal I ever hit was when I

with conHscated bicycle chains and lemon

accidently knocked the ball with the back of my

squeezers. I never discovered what was in them.

stick into our own goal. We also had to do Dance.

In assembly listening to words like blue skies and

When we were asked to dance as though we were

green Helds, I wondered just how meaningful it

puffs of black or white smoke (in Rome cardinals

was when these children had never been out of

were in the process of electing a new pope) my


friend and I found ourselves collapsing in helpless giggles. Mathematics was basic. Once we were

London then was still suffering the effect of 2nd

instructed to cut small squares of paper to Ht on a

world war bombing. There were still ruins and

larger square to demonstrate area. Someone

prefabs which were small, prefabricated buildings

opened a window and there was a virtual

built quickly to rehouse those who had been

snowstorm of small paper squares as the wind

bombed out of their homes. When I watched

blew round the classroom.

‘Call the Midwife’ on TV in later years it vividly

62 |

reminded me of my time in the East End. We started off observing classes we were due to teach. I never forgot one teacher who used to write on the blackboard for the whole lesson while the pupils copied. She said it was the only way to keep them quiet. She must have fled with relief when I had to take over. Life for pupils was tough. Once when I asked a boy to collect the books at the end of a lesson some other boys attacked him on the stairs. In this school there were separate stairs for staff and pupils. On investigating the incident, I was informed it was because the teacher had chosen him! One school was on two sites and pupils frequently changed classrooms by walking from one building to another through the streets. This led to many a fight. During the last week of our final school practice, we were informed that an outside school inspector was to observe. We were mystified by this. I was told later it was because I was recommended for a distinction in the practice of education. I studied hard for all the exams, determined that I would be offered a job. I also offered to study for the Testamur, a qualification to teach Religious Knowledge. I took it on. When my final results came through, I had received a distinction in both the theory and practice of education and a credit in Geography. I had been homesick for Jersey and really hoped I could return to teach in Jersey as I had achieved good results. At first it was not to be and I was rejected and told to take a job in the UK to get experience. I applied for a post in Warwickshire and was accepted. At the same time I was contacted by the Education Department in Jersey. They wanted me after all - so I returned home. Next time, Thelma tells us about her return to Jersey, life as a teacher and meeting her husband… SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 63

LE N B A W IL O A R V G A E W LM O O N H T A Michael’s story is one of compassion, love, truth, reparation, and reconciliation, despite having lived through the beginnings of the Occupation of Jersey in the Channel Islands and then jettisoned at the age of just 14 from his island home into an internment camp in southern Germany. Instead of harbouring pain, bitterness and hate, Michael sought to understand, to forgive, to remember the kindness of the ordinary people he met along the way. This is a story that can teach us all – especially now as history seems so determined to loiter on the precipice of repeating itself!

This book is a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in Jersey’s Occupation history. Above all, it tells a very personal and human story. Juanita Shield-Laignel has skillfully woven the strands of a life together and ensured that Michael’s own voice shines through. The road he took from the German internment camp to his banquet with the Queen was a long one, but it demonstrates the capacity of ordinary people to make a positive difference to the world. Michael Ginns MBE is now gone; but his work of reconciliation will endure. Paul Darroch - Author of Jersey; The Hidden Histories

BMW 2 SERIES ACTIVE TOURER By Jack Evans, PA Motoring Reporter


Active Tourer has the aim of being just as popular

When you think of BMW, it’s likely luxurious saloon

as its predecessor.

cars or high-riding SUVs that come to mind. But one of the brand’s most popular cars in recent

But, is that a worthy claim?

times wasn’t either of those – but instead adopted a practicality-focused MPV layout that really set it


apart from the rest of the range. Called the 2 Series

There’s a good deal to talk about on this new 2

Active Tourer, that car succeeded in bringing many

Series Active Tourer.

conquest buyers across to BMW and, after going on sale in 2014, more than 430,000 examples had

As before, this MPV adopts a front-wheel-drive

been shifted across Europe.

layout, using a platform you’ll also Hnd underpinning cars like the Mini Countryman and

So you can understand why BMW wanted to

BMW 2 Series Gran Coupe. But despite that

introduce a new one. Revitalised with a whole new

similarity to its predecessor, the new Active Tourer

look and a load more interior technology, this new

is radically different elsewhere, with a bold new SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 65

look and a cabin that has a greater focus on

that this is deHnitely the best option for those who

technology than before. It’s also slightly larger,

want a little added driving involvement.

growing in width, length and height over the car it replaces. The car’s track has also been made wider

Though there’s a slight trade-off in ride quality, the

with the aim of improving cornering ability.

223i’s added composure through the bends is a great positive, while the body control means that


cornering is actually quite good fun.

We’re driving the 223i here, which uses a 2.0-litre four-cylinder petrol engine with 215bhp and

There’s not too much wind or road noise either,

360Nm of torque. One of the key petrol engines to

while the 2.0-litre under the bonnet actually makes

launch with the 2 Series, it’s got mild-hybrid

quite a pleasant noise when pushed a little harder.

technology for improved efHciency and added

In truth, the Active Tourer handles far better than a

throttle response, with BMW claiming that it’ll

‘regular’ MPV really should, while its steering –

return up to 47.1mpg while emitting between 149

which is weightier in the M Sport versions – gives

and 137g/km depending on speciHcation and

more positive feedback and inspires conHdence.

wheel size.

HOW DOES IT LOOK? Sent to the wheels via a seven-speed automatic

The Active Tourer has some of BMW’s latest styling

transmission, it’s the most powerful petrol engine

callsigns – namely those uber-large kidney grilles –

available with the 2 Series Active Tourer from

but it’s actually quite an effective look overall. It

launch and with its 7.9-second 0-60mph time, it’s

may not be as sleek as cars like BMW’s 2 Series

got a lot more performance on its side than you

Coupe or X3, but there are a variety of styling

may expect from a car of this type.

touches that have been implemented to make it look a whole lot more exciting than its

Flat out, the 223i will do 137mph too.

predecessor. These types of cars are always dictated by the practicality that they’re designed


to offer, but the 2 Series Active Tourer shows that a

We drove the 223i in M Sport (avour and, having

compromise can be struck between outright ease-

driven a regular-speciHcation 220i earlier, found

of-use and a decent look.

66 |


will instead rely on touch and voice-operated

As mentioned, the 2 Series Tourer is designed with

controls. In truth, the system’s variety of menus,

practicality in mind. With its relatively high roo(ine,

displays and options is impressive, but we wonder

there’s plenty of headroom, while legroom is

whether many drivers would still like the option of

reasonable for those sitting in the back too. One of

that physical controller.

the Active Tourer’s trump cards is the rear seat’s positioning on rails, which allows you to slide the

All cars also get two-zone climate control as

whole back row forward or back in order to free up

standard, as well as rain-sensing wipers and

more boot space or add a little extra legroom. They

automatic headlights. Our car, in M Sport trim, also

also split 40:20:40.

gained larger alloy wheels and M Sport suspension which brings a 15mm drop in ride height over the

Speaking of boot space, there are 415 litres

regular car.

available as standard, rising to 1,370 litres with the rear seats folded (at. BMW has also Htted a variety


of storage compartments dotted throughout the

The BMW 2 Series actually feels like quite a

cabin to help keep it as clutter-free as possible.

ref reshing addition to the f irm’s range. It’s focused on practicality, but actually has a very


accomplished driving character on its side, as

BMW has thrown some of its very best technology

well as plenty of standard technology. Its looks

at the 2 Series Active Tourer, so you’ll Hnd the same

are just different enough to help it stand out, yet

10.25-inch infotainment setup here as you would in

have resisted the slightly over-the-top design of

its i4 and iX electric cars. The central screen is

some of BMW’s other models. Given all of these

touch-sensitive and simply laid out, but the real

excellent attributes, we can only see the new 2

change here is the removal of BMW’s famous

Series Active Tourer being just as successful as

rotary controller, with the Hrm saying that drivers

its predecessor.

FACTS AT A GLANCE Model as tested: BMW 2 Series Active Tourer Base Price: £30,265 Model as tested: 223i M Sport Price: £32,715 Engine: 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine with mildhybrid assistance Power: 215bhp Torque: 360Nm Max speed: 150mph 0-60mph: 6.8 seconds MPG: 42.8-47.1 Emissions: 149-137g/km

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 67

g n i r Sp CLEANING As I write the sun is streaming through my window lulling me into a false sense of what the weather is truly like on the other side; I know my morning walk will be met with the cold chill of spring air! The birds and bees on the other hand, don’t seem to care….they are busy in my garden, making noise and nests, far more industrious than I have been so far.

It’s at this time of year that we fair-weather gardeners start to

Traditionally a time for new beginnings, spring seems even

notice the patio needs scrubbing, the boarders weeding and

more pertinent than ever in 2022. Many households find that

the gravel raking. But the jobs do not end there, oh no – on

clearing out the attic and cleaning and decorating has a

and on they go.

rather more permanent intention as they start to sort possessions preparing for a sale of their house. The warmer

Good intentions to keep the home and garden spruced up

weather is renowned for stimulating a need to move-on or

during the winter months often fall by the way-side but come

embark on a large home improvement project such as

spring the almost pathological urge to ‘spring clean’ kicks in.

building a conservatory, replacing the kitchen or extending

We find ourselves raking leaves, trimming hedges, weeding,

that awkward outbuilding or garage to make it into a useful

turning over soil and planting bulbs without giving it much

living space, and we’ve had more time to think about these

thought. Even the jobs we’ve been putting off because they

larger projects over the last year.

really are dreadfully tedious suddenly seem easier to tackle when the sun shines.

The promise of long summer evenings puts us in mind of outside dining so neglected garden furniture gets a good

The power of the sun is not just limited to brushing a ruddy

scrubbing, garden sheds are overhauled looking for dusty

glow across our cheeks but also seems to put a spring in

parasols, barbeques are revived and any tired equipment is

our step and bring a renewed humour to everyday tasks.

soon replaced after a trip to the local garden centre where

ess ss a g ta gi ated ted, te d, d rive ri ive vers rs sseem eem ee m Fellow shoppers are less agitated, drivers

we a l ays lw ays buy buy far mo bu ore e tthan han we e’d iintended, ntende nten nt ded, de d, b utt tthe h result is always more we’d but

more convivial, and joyy of jjoys, o s, w oy we e ar are e even even

a an no utdo ut door do orr spa o pa ace ew ec an be p rou ro ud o ud ow ou ourr ffriends and outdoor space we can proud off no now

getting the odd glimpse se e of an an u un unmasked nm ma ask sked ed d ssmile! m le mi le!!

fami fa mily mi ly c an jjoin oin oi in us aga ain in ffor or a c hiillled ed w hite hi te a nd a n selection family can again chilled white and an o lluscious of usci us ciou ci ouss su ou ssummer um mmer ssalads. alad al la s.

Before long we’ve cleared are red d th the he gu gutt gutters t er tt erss off moss and leaves, power-washed wer e -w was ashe hed d th the he

I’II’ve ve a lway lw ayys tho tthought hough ht th that hat w e hu hum mans d mans ma espi es pite pi te o ur o always we humans despite our opposing

ath ho alga gae, ga e, p lant la nted nt ed decking, rid the bird bath off al algae, planted

thum th um umbs mbs bs, la larg rg ge br rai ain ns a ns nd d ssophisticated ophi op hist s ic st icat ated at ed a ccom cc ompl om p is thumbs, large brains and accomplishments

na rray rr ayy o ulilips ps,, ps up terracotta pots with an array off tu tulips, nc cllud udin in ng ta taki king ki ng d own ow n washed the windows, in including taking down asshi ashi hing ng o ff tthe he w inte in te er the net curtains and washing off winter em tto em o wa w ft,, dr ft dryi ying yi ng grime then allowing them waft, drying ree e ze rather rat athe herr th than an naturally in the spring br breeze umbl um ble e dr drye y r. O ye na stuffing them into the tumble dryer. On

ssho sh hould de m late th mu he w he isdom mo atur at ure e an and d hi hibe ber should emulate the wisdom off n nature hibernate, or at the ve ery ry lleast e stt ris ea se and slee ep wi ith tthe he ssun, un,, ta un tak k it easy very rise sleep with take over ov ver e tthe he w in nte terr mo mont nths hs,, es e spe peci pe cial ci ally al ly w hen he n liliving is winter months, especially when ‘e eng ngor orge ged’ ge d byy a gl d’ glo obal p ob ande an demi mic c bu butt we can ‘engorged’ global pandemic now no w liliterally ite era r llllyy sp pri r ng n iinto nto nt o ac acti tion on e sp spring action especially when wh en tthe he w arme ar arme m r we weat athe herr fiffinally n na warmer weather arrives.

do ut a he roll; we’ve also cleared out allll tthe ed u nwan nw ante an ted te d cupboards and bagged unwanted clothes for charity.

68 |

Juan Ju anitita a Sh Shie i ld ie Juanita Shield-Laignel

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Call Tony Mobile 07797 743005 Tel/Fax: 872066 7 Le Clos Paumelle, Bagatelle Road, St. Saviour, JE2 7TW email:

SPRING 2022 ISSUE | 69

Book Review In Search of Reason by James Faro In Search of Reason is the second book in the series of The Assiduous Quest of Tobias Hopkins by Jersey author James Faro. The story continues on from the first book, Homecoming, which describes Toby's adventures and discovery of his new family in Jamaica. It is the winter of 1675. After enduring a series of

fact to the crew, the sceptical Toby begins to doubt

misfortunes in the Carib Seas, Tobias Hopkins is

his Hrst assumptions and wonders if there may be

determined to return his crew to their homelands in

some truth in the accusations.

the northern colonies. To achieve this, he has acquired a vessel in the form of an old Dutch Fluyt

To support this view, the youngest member of the

and departs the Island of Nevis with his crew.

crew, Midshipman Wilkins, who had accompanied

Unknown to them, he has also acquired a legacy

Captain Hopkins during his investigation, has been

from his father, a bountiful fortune, which is now

suffering from maladies during the voyage which

safely hidden aboard.

also points towards witchcraft.

Distracted by the task ahead, Toby unwittingly enlists

With this, plus the misfortunes the crew have had to

the buccaneer Henk de Groot and his two henchmen as additional members of the crew. However, these three ruthless villains have been aware of the valuable cargo aboard and, as soon as the Dunstan sets sail for Virginia, they commandeer the vessel and hold the ship's Mate and Midshipman to ransom.

endure, an air of superstition soon consumes the vessel and, despite the fact that they have been saved from a treacherous storm and have overpowered a mutiny, many now believe the voyage to be cursed. As the vessel makes headway further north to the

Providence in the form of a hurricane saves the day

colonies of New York, Plymouth and eventually the

and the indefatigable Dunstan carries them to the

infamous port of Salem, Toby's initial sceptical beliefs

safety of a deserted island in the Bahamas. Groot is

are challenged.

set ashore to perish with little chance of escape and the vessel continues its journey to Jamestown. Prior to this voyage, and unbeknown to the company,

Available on amazon in paperback and as an ebook:

Captain Hopkins had been assigned to investigate a

In Search of Reason: Book Two of The Assiduous

widow in the colony of Massachusetts who has been

Quest of Tobias Hopkins: Faro, James:

accused of witchcraft. Not wishing to disclose this

9798760311054: Books

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