The Jersey Life - April Issue

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APRIL 2020 |


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GALLICHAN JEWELLERS 16 Royal Square, St Helier Tel: 01534 722915 • Email:

Publisher Fish Media Ltd Head Office 20 Hill Street, St Helier, JE2 4UA Telephone: 01534 619882 Email: Website: Editor Juanita Shield-Laignel Travel Writer Rebecca Underwood Photography Simon Finch Production Sarah Le Marquand Sales Executive Juanita Shield-Laignel Accounts and Administration Sarah Donati-Ford Director Jamie Fisher Contributors Stephen Cohu Rebecca Underwood Mark Shields Lorraine Pannetier Katya Pastorini Paul Darroch

Follow us on Twitter: @TheJerseyLife1 Like us on Facebook: The Jersey Life © All rights reserved. The Jersey Life is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. Whilst Fish Media takes every reasonable precaution, no responsibility can be accepted for any property, services or products offered in this publication and any loss arising there from. Whilst every care is taken with all materials submitted to The Jersey Life the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to such material. Fish Media reserves the right to reject of accept any advertisement, article or material supplied for publication or edit such material prior to publication. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Fish Media. We accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes and no responsibility can be taken for the content of these pages.

My goodness! I never for one moment thought I would be penning a Welcome letter at such a momentous time in history. With Jersey in lockdown and the world gawping at the TV and social media in a mixture of utter disbelief and a thirst for information that may just give us light at the end of the tunnel, as we watch events unfold across the globe, it makes me wonder where we will all be when I sit to write again for our May issue. So we have gone digital! We made the decision fairly early on and it has turned out to be the right one – with only essential workers out on the road we had no wish to add to the burden or to the potential exposure on printed copies. We have also made every effort to make this issue COVID19 sensitive and with even more local-centric information. These are truly difficult times for all but the community spirit that has come out of the woodwork has been heart-warming – even members of our own team have volunteered to deliver food and medicine to the elderly and those in need in their parish. Working from home is interesting – rearranging furniture 10 days ago to provide work space for home-schooling and for both my husband and I to be able to use our laptops has actually proved to be rather beneficial and cleared some clutter a serendipitous bonus.

March edition’s crossword solutions: Across: 1 Nest; 3 Strength; 8 Bout; 9 Selfsame; 11 Enfeeblement; 13 Acetic; 14 Entire; 17 Recalcitrant; 20 Clerical; 21 Mine; 22 Extended; 23 Bent. Down: 1 Nobleman; 2 Scuffle; 4 Treble; 5 Effeminate; 6 Grain; 7 Heed; 10 Dedication; 12 Sentient; 15 Imagine; 16 Scrape; 18 Event; 19 Ache.

Katya Pastorini talks about similar in her lovely article on page 24. Thank you to all our writers and contributors who have pulled together and made this extra-ordinary issue exceptional; Lorraine Pannetier with her tips for cooking on page 20 is no exception. I do hope you find something of use in these pages – keeping going at such a time is no mean feat and arduous at best…but we have been determined and look forward to things being different within a relatively short period of time. Take good care, stay safe, look after yourself and look after each other. Remote hug

Juanita x If you have an interesting story to share or would like your business reviewed, please feel free to call me on 619882. I’d love to hear from you.

April 2020

3 WELCOME and The Jersey Life contact information

HEALTH AND WELLBEING 8 JO WICKS The viral success of online PE


13 IN PRAISE OF CARERS by Helen O’Meara, the very proud Director of CI Home Care


14 LIFE ON THE INSIDE Tips to keep fit during the lockdown





39 THE POWER OF FOCUS By Mark Anthony Baker

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26 HOME AND GARDEN 24 BREATHING NEW LIFE INTO YOUR HOME By Katya Pastorini of Painted Beautiful


30 HAPPYNEST TREND What is it and why should we all embrace it

34 HOW TO KEEP RATS AND MICE OUT Lisa Salmon finds out

36 FUN WAYS TO RECONNECT WITH NATURE Ellen Mary reveals how families can reconnect



By Lorraine Pannetier

30 TRAVEL 40 SHALOM TEL AVIV By Rebecca Underwood


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Jo Wicks:


The fitness guru speaks to Liz Connor about the viral success of his online P.E lessons and his ambition to get kids moving through uncertain times... "You know you've made it when Louis Theroux does your workout," laughs Joe Wicks, the curly-haired personal trainer who recently volunteered to be the saviour of parents everywhere and step up to the role of the nation's P.E teacher. He is currently hosting live fitness sessions aimed at kids on his YouTube channel every weekday at 9am, to help little one's stay active while the UK and many other countries go into lockdown and schools are closed.

Wicks continues: "I've always exercised from a very young age and now during this time, whether you live in a big or a small house, we all share that feeling of wanting to get out. It's a very confusing time for little people. "[Exercise] a great way of forgetting about it for half an hour and getting them fit and moving. It's also about lifting people's mental health too - raising their energy levels, clearing their minds and letting them have a more optimistic and positive approach to the day. Whether you're five years old or 55 years old, you're still going to get the same benefits from exercise."

"I had the idea for 'PE with Joe' while I was lying in bed at night. I wanted to create a new workout for kids every Monday to Friday, as a way to replace their missed P.E lessons.

Wicks, who originally found fame with his Lean in 15 recipes, says that while his current focus is on exercise, he believes that parents shouldn't overlook the importance of nutrition.

"I announced it last week and the response has been completely overwhelming," says Wicks. "Parents are sharing it, schools are putting me in their newsletters and people from all over the world are getting involved."

"It's going to be hard for parents that rely on school dinners during the daytime, but my advice would be to keep it really simple," he says.

The first class, which aired on Monday, had over 800,000 live streams, while Tuesday's workout saw 954,000 households tune in. So far, over 5 million people have watched Wicks' P.E sessions, on his YouTube channel The Body Coach TV, over the course of the past two days. "It's about giving people that 30 minutes in the morning to get up off the sofa, move your body and get your heart pumping," enthuses Wicks. "This isn't about getting people lean, it's about saying, 'Do this today to feel good'. Then, when your kids sit down to do some academic work, they're energised and mentally prepared for a lesson at home." Aside from being the most likeable person on YouTube, the celebrity fitness coach is also genuinely well qualified for the role. He trained to be a P.E teacher at St Mary's University and planned to move into the profession before he found fame on YouTube. Since then, he's visited thousands of schools around the UK, putting children in playgrounds and sports halls through their paces with his bounding enthusiasm for physical education. So why stream the workouts at 9am? Isn't that a bit cruel for kids? "It's a good time to start the day with exercise," says Joe. "It gives you routine, raises your attention span and gets you focused. "The consistency for me is important. I feel better for exercising in the morning and I think kids do too. Once you've done a workout and you've physically pushed your body, I think you can take things in your stride a little bit more."

"I'm a big fan of making things like chilli, bolognese, risotto and stir-fry that you can batch cook and leave leftovers in the fridge for the next day. "Chopped tomatoes and coconut creams are good bases for a curry with some spices. We're going to be burning less energy and consuming more if we're grazing throughout the day, so try to focus on three meals a day. "Use this time to put healthy food on the table, exercise more and let's see this as a positive. Flip it on it's head and think, 'OK, this isn't ideal, but I can make the best of this and I can get myself feeling good again'." Wicks, a father of two himself, says that while the series has become an overnight success, the motivation behind the project remains a genuine drive to help children find some normality during the uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic. "I've committed to doing this in term-time. If kids are supposed to be in school, then I'll be their P.E teacher. I'm not going to be able to keep it going through the summer holidays, but I'm still going to dip and out and do my best. "There are so many negatives that people are focusing on, but there's also a lot of positives too. I really think this is going to bring families together. If I could have a long-lasting effect on the culture of fitness within the household, that would be my greatest achievement," he says. "When this is all said and done, I really believe that people are going to miss the routine of getting up and bouncing around the living room with their kids. I'd like to ingrain something in parents' mindset that says, 'This is fun, let's keep doing this together'."



COVID – 19 Learn how to make the smooth transition to self-isolation and home working and manage your personal stress SURVIVING IN THE NEW AND UNPRECEDENTED TIMES OF SELF ISOLATION AND HOME WORKING Mark Shields Explains... Whenever I’m coaching anyone one of my leading coaching strategies is to use my BIG 5 Rules for keeping ourselves on track and dealing with fear and anxiety. They are relevant to helping manage different forms of stress that induces fear and anxiety. A lot of both of these being experienced on a global scale right now as a result of COVID – 19 so these techniques are more important than ever. MY BIG 5 RULES FOR DEALING WITH STRESS, FEAR AND ANXIETY IN EVERYDAY LIFE ARE 1 2 3 4 5

Educate your mind Strengthen your body Take expert advice Focus on what you have and are grateful for Develop a faith in something bigger and greater than yourself.

living in lockdown, shortages of supplies, career uncertainty, all the time aware we could get the dreaded virus at any moment. In this article I want to look at the challenges of working from home whilst managing our personal levels of stress and fear created by the current environmental factors outside of our control. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FEAR We are all afraid of what we don’t know. As human beings we all have a set of needs that we need to be met every day. These are… • Security — safe territory and an environment which allows us to develop fully • Attention (to give and receive it)

We are currently experiencing unknown and unsettling times. We never know quite what we’re going to wake up to with the ballpark seeming to change every day.

• Sense of autonomy and control — having volition to make responsible choices

This causes and un precedented level of fear and anxiety in all of us and the need to stay present and grounded is more important than ever before. We need to stay strong for those in our lives that need our support.

• Privacy — opportunity to reflect and consolidate experience

With most countries in the world on some form of lock down we are being forced to adapt to new ways of working and living our daily lives. With everyone in some form of self-isolation the majority of us find ourselves working from home which although can appeal at first, has its own hidden challenges later on without the banter and connection life in the office can bring into our lives every day. This coupled with the international pandemic we are all trying to get our heads around at the moment I think it’s fair to say most people are juggling numerous stresses from getting used to their new working from home in isolation routine, home schooling children, financial uncertainties,

• Feeling part of a wider community • Sense of status within social groupings • Sense of competence and achievement • Meaning and purpose — which come from being stretched in what we do and think. • Manageable amount of change at any given time. And the areas of our life these need areas apply most to are… 1 Health 2 Career / Business 3 Finances 4 Relationships continues overleaf...

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3 STRENGTHEN YOUR EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE WITH THE POWER TRIAD MEDITATION Ensure daily mind rituals to keep your mind strong. Our recommended daily mind exercise we recommend is called the POWER TRIAD. It is meditation with 3 levels of focus. You begin with lying or sitting down somewhere quiet, closing your eyes down and doing 20 minutes of chill seeker / Meditation breathing. In the through the nose counting for 4, holding at the top of the breath for 3 and then blowing out for the mouth for 5. This balances the C02 and oxygen in the blood and will relax you very quickly. You may fall asleep. This is fine. Once you reach a sufficiently relaxed and deep level relaxation state you focus on 3 different things in turn 1 The first thing is to focus on things that worry you and these will vary each day. You say to yourself on the inside using affirmations that you now accept whatever was worrying you and your letting it go and moving on. You do these 20 times 2 The second area of focus is things that you have and feel grateful for. Again 20 affirmations. 3 Finally, things you’re looking forward to, plans you’re making for the next week or two, new learnings, new actions, new experiences. Again 20 times The best time to do this is last thing at night or first thing in the morning. Just as you’re waking up or drifting off to sleep. It’s called the theta brainwave state and it’s a natural hypnotic state we all enjoy twice a day. This will ensure you strengthen your mind. So, it’s easy to see very quickly how the current corona virus situation is creating mass insecurity in the world and the reasons why. We are all dealing with our main need areas of health, business and finances being turned upside down and affecting our feelings of security, control, manageable change, social connection, no wonder anxiety is at an all-time high in the world right now. With most of us now working from home let’s look at ways of making this transition as easy as possible so we can be just as effective, whilst managing our stress and anxiety levels, all at the same time, in these uncertain times. 1 WORKING FROM HOME Daily Routine – Ensure you have a daily routine that includes... • Getting up at the same time each day • Checking in with family and friends on face time • Plan each day what needs to be done and write it down the night before • Create a dedicated work from home space for each family member • Check you have all the tools you need WIFI Connection, ensure access to SKYPE / ZOOM / WEBEX • Create a visual timetable for all 2 PROTECT YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH • Drink 3 litres of water every day • Take daily recommended amounts of VIT D / VIT C / Zinc / • Exercise for at least 45 minutes perc day cardiovascular • Pay particular attention not to have an accident and really focus on looking after your physical health as there are limited services to GP’s and hospitals right now

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4 MANAGE YOUR PERSONAL STRESS The POWER TRIAD will help massively with your emotional resilience and stress. Additional methods of stress management in times like this include Have a plan - We know COVID – 19 has an open-ended life span with best guestimates being 12 weeks to we hopefully see the back of it although no one knows for sure. Plan your weeks 1 at a time, keep busy. Stay socially connected – Have weekly ZOOM hangouts. You can meet with friends online and replicate a night out, have a drink enjoy conversation, all at home of course. Sleep. – Sleep is the first thing hit when we get stressed. Adapt a sleep hygiene action plan. Go to bed earlier, avoid food for at least 4 hours before bed. Avoid natures second round of cortisol. Nature produces 2 rounds of the stress hormone cortisol which dates back to caveman times helping us get out of bed in the morning and keeping us away in the middle of the night to help us hunt and gather. It arrives it most people between 11.30 AND 12.30PM. It feels like a second wind and is often described as such. The answer is to be in bed and asleep before it hits. Stimulants – Avoid all coffee, tea, alcohol, anything that stimulates you. Remember coffee stays in the body for 40 hours. Physical Exercise – Ensure at least 45 mins every day. Endorphins are the body’s natural opiates. They have a long-term calming effect. Well there you have it. The beginning of ways to handle stress, adopt new practices smoothly and stay emotionally strong at times like we are experiencing at the moment. Keep up with all of these recommendations for 4 weeks and I will be back next month with more top tips to help you further. Mark Shields Author, Coach, Lecturer, Psychologist


In praise of CARERS by Helen O’Meara, the very proud Director of CI Home Care in Jersey, many Carers work for roughly the same as some domestic cleaners. Yet they have to pass fourteen mandatory trainings, battle traffic all day to work to tight schedules, deal with people who vary between grumpy to appreciative, get up early and stay up late to fit in clients’ preferred call times therefore miss mealtimes with their own families, deal with all aspects of old age from incontinence to dementia – and smile through it all. And now, like supermarket workers and healthcare workers and too many other essential roles to mention here they have to deal with the added worry of being out and about and therefore potentially carrying this virus back into their own homes.

I SAW A POST ON FACEBOOK RECENTLY “Two weeks ago the government [UK] described social care workers as “unskilled workers”. Now they are the front line in caring for the old and vulnerable in the face of coronavirus. Some of the lowest paid and most dedicated people will be getting up every day to ensure your parents and relatives are not alone. After coronavirus care workers will still remain amongst the lowest paid and “unskilled” but they will have kept their clients alive and safe. I take my hat off to you.” As the Director of a home care business it brought a tear to my eye. Exactly as the heart-warming stories the Carers bring back to the office touch me and bring goosebumps – and remind me why, as management, we wade through ever increasing layers of red tape and compliance to do this work. The above post was written re the UK where Carers are paid significantly less than in Jersey. However, the fact remains that,

But they are still out there. And this week (27th March) when we had to put a plea out for overtime, we had an amazing response. Coronavirus has not hit us as an illness but has affected Carer availability via schools closure therefore child care issues, the need to self-isolate as husbands are critical to the island’s infrastructure and a couple of colds and sore throats which are almost certainly not coronavirus but we can’t take any risks. Therefore instead of a couple of days off it’s 7-days self-isolation. You will note I always write Cares with a capital “C”. You will see the same on our website. It’s because I see it as a profession in exactly the same way as I would capitalise Nurse or Doctor. At a time when we applaud those who are the more obvious frontline of healthcare, please spare a thought for all those Carers of the elderly, the disabled and of other vulnerable people such as those with Autism, who work in care homes and at home care and other care agencies in the public, private and charitable sectors. Especially in elderly care they are the ones keeping the elderly out of hospital and so hospital beds free for those who may need them more. A capital C is the least they deserve.

 Live-in care specialists  Hourly home care enquiries welcomed  Overnight and respite care also available Simply call Nicola or Emma on 01534 883 886 for further information or to arrange a no obligation informal chat. Complete Individual Home Care Ltd., Suite 3 Longueville Business Centre, Longueville Road, St Saviour JE2 7SA

 Registered with the Jersey Care Commission  Flexible, consistent and friendly care APRIL ISSUE | 13


Life on the inside: TIPS TO KEEP FIT DURING THE LOCKDOWN No gym? No worries! Here's how to stay active without breaking the rules...

apart, so a road route might be safest to avoid coming into close quarters with strangers.

The coronavirus shutdown could mean bulging waistlines with most of the nation's favourite sports and activities banned for at least three weeks.

With air pollution levels plummeting due to the lockdown, it might be more pleasant than you would think.

But being trapped in the house doesn't have to mean being stuck on the sofa, and with the NHS recommending everyone does at least 150 minutes of exercise per week, it is best to keep moving. Here's how to stay fit and healthy while avoiding Covid-19. RUNNING OR CYCLING (ALONE) People are still allowed out to exercise, but only once a day and only alone or with members of your own household - so going for a run, cycle or a walk is fine even though team events and club gatherings are off limits. Images of crowded parks over the weekend caused outrage with people seemingly ignoring the advice of keeping two metres 14 |

YOGA Visions of rubber-limbed Instagram yoga bunnies might be daunting but in reality it begins with just a little light stretching to improve flexibility - there are even a range of movements that don't require a yoga mat. There are thousands of free websites offering video tutorials, so it is a case of shopping around and seeing which you get on best with. Most websites have dozens of videos ranging from beginner to advanced, as well as routines tailored to plus sizes and to those with mobility issues.

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SKIPPING It might conjure up memories of playground rhymes, or even mental images of Rocky Balboa but skipping is simple and gets the heart rate up in no time.

GARDENING If you are lucky enough to have a garden, get out in it. In fact, the nation's most avid gardeners probably won't notice the lockdown at all.

All non-essential shops are now closed and even Sports Direct has belatedly shut its doors, so you may need to rely on a younger member of the household for a skipping rope if you don't already have one.

Now could be the time to plant an insect garden - purple flowers attract butterflies - while pots of herbs and easy-to-grow seeds are available in most of the major supermarkets.

STAIRS If you are short on gym equipment then you can always make use of a set of stairs, should you have them. There are various exercises you can try including stair pushups, reverse lunges and tricep dips - even just walking up and down them a few times will at least get you moving. SOFA The call of the sofa might be strong - but see if you can resist Netflix for 20 minutes and try a quick workout instead. It might sound simple but even sitting down and standing up again 10 times in a row will work out your thighs, or placing two hands on the sofa while extending one leg behind you will get your muscles burning. Search "sofa workout" online for hundreds of videos promising to get you fit from the comfort of your living room. WELLNESS GURUS Endlessly chipper wellness gurus might not be everyone's cup of tea, but perhaps a dose of their endorphin supply is what is needed to get you through the Covid-19 crisis. Joe Wicks, known as The Body Coach, has made it his mission to keep parents sane by offering daily online PE lessons to children during the lockdown, while Australian personal trainer Kayla Itsines is also popular. For those who prefer a bit of northern grit, Olympic heptathlon champion and Sheffield's finest Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill will also be sharing tips to stay active. BALLET Thought ballet was beyond you? Why not have a go from the privacy of your own home? Tamara Rojo, principle dancer and artistic director of the English National Ballet, has launched a range of YouTube videos. They aren't for the faint-hearted, so make sure you stay well within your limits to avoid tweaking a hamstring, or alternatively look for a barre workout - an exercise regime derived from ballet but better for those with no previous experience. SINGING It doesn't burn off calories but singing can do wonders for morale and choirs all over the country are going online to prevent their voices going rusty during the pandemic. TV choirmaster Gareth Malone has set up the Great British Home Choir, while the 500-strong London City Voices is streaming its rehearsals directly on to YouTube.

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You could even attempt an insect hotel with whatever you have lying around like twigs, pine cones, old roofing tiles and bricks they need to be wedged into a frame to create lots of bolt holes for our six-legged friends. MEDIATION Aimed at slowing the heart rate rather than raising it, meditation might just keep you sane and save your relationships after a month cooped up with your nearest and dearest. There are dozens of apps promising to help you breathe your way to peace of mind - as long as you can find a quiet corner of your home to focus. Calm, Headspace and Insight Timer are all popular, and will really be put to the test when confronted with parents trying to be teacher, breadwinner and live-in entertainer all at once.


Helping our General Health


As Covid19 ravages the globe, here are some reminders for staying as well as we possibly can whilst we wait out the Juanita Shield-Laignel MFHT NUTRITION This really has to be one of the most important. If we properly nourish our bodies with plenty of natural foods; veggies, fruit, seeds, nuts, pulses and wholegrains, we’ll be packed full of sustainable energy, not the peaks and troughs experienced when bulking up on the type of empty calories found in most processed foods. So make your own – take advantage of the abundance nature provides. The more you nourish your body with good health-giving plant nutrients, the less it will crave the garbage and the more energy you will have to accomplish everything you need to – even if it is clearing out cupboards and upcycling furniture and home-schooling! Juicing ~ is one of my favourite things to do and the kids love it too. Packing a punch with ginger and turmeric, carrot and orange immune boosting smoothies are great during times of nutritional need and packed full with beta carotene the precursor of vitamin A needed for healthy skin and mucus membranes, our immune system, and good eye health and vision to name just a few of the benefits. Green juices are also up there on my list of top-tips! Vegetable soups ~ another great way to ensure our bodies are getting enough nourishing vitamins and bowel cleansing fibre. I love the whole process of making hot, filling ‘good for you’ soups, from buying the fresh organic produce, to chopping and slicing and adding them all to a huge pan, cooking then serving with a good sprinkling of course ground black pepper or better still, I like to grind up pepper corns in my pestle and mortar. This is one of my favourite Sunday night suppers. SUPPLEMENTATION Vitamin C ~ Abundant in many fruits and veg; a crucial nutrient. Thought to reverse skin aging, reducing cholesterol levels, boost immunity, improve heart health and so much more. There are many studies to be found that extol the health benefits of vitamin C. Deficiency is reported to have a serious detrimental effect on the body, causing symptoms like impaired immunity, gingivitis, slow wound healing and many others. On the other hand, getting enough is attributed with the benefits of warding off illness and infection and enhancing iron absorption amongst many others.

SELF-CARE This seems to be a buzz-word at the moment, but I for one think it’s super that finally, pampering ourselves is accepted as a normal part of a good life / work balance and is actively encouraged. Here are a couple of things I most definitely would not be without. Meditation ~ Again, there are numerous studies supporting the benefits of meditation not just on the mind but the body also. Slowing down and giving oneself time to switch off from normal life has a long term positive effect. I meditate every day at least once a day for 20 minutes. First thing in the morning is great before the rest of the house is awake. I’ve been practicing for many years now so can slip easily into a relaxed meditative state at will, but others find their brain ticks over too much and they can’t switch off. There are many Guided Mediation downloads out there…so anyone can have ago. Essential Oils ~ Not just used as part of a massage regime but used every day to sustain health. I diffuse most days, inhale and rub a drop or two on my feet for quick absorption. The odd drop of orange or lemon oil in cooking is great too. The molecular structure of high grade essential oils is so tiny, that just one drop can easily travel through our circulatory system. I have read that with a simple lavender massage, a blood sample taken 20 minutes later will reveal lavender molecules present in the blood stream. Other oils that help are cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and eucalyptus, all used for killing bacteria so great to ward off general colds and flu. If you do find yourself generally unwell …give in to it, we are just human after all. Take a couple of days to rest, drink honey and lemon or whatever you personally find helps, sleep, leave the cooking to someone else, leave the dust to rest….it will still be there when you feel better. BUT MOST OF ALL! Listen to official advice; wash hands, social distance, self-isolate, ring the helpline if you need to and STAY SAFE!

Vitamin D3 ~ vitamin D seems to be growing as a recommended supplement by GPs. Reputedly many adults are believed to be at least somewhat deficient in vitamin D, especially those who live in the northern hemisphere…and now we are all spending so much more time indoors during lock-down, there may be a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency, which studies have shown may be instrumental in anxiety, weakness, fatigue, depression, trouble sleeping and a weakened immune system!





By Lauren Taylor

Pilates, yoga and home-based weights exercises can all be good ways for mums-to-be to keep fit at home. It's important to keep active during pregnancy, generally speaking, but the current Covid-19 situation has made that more difficult for everyone. With gyms, pools and classes off the menu, what can mums-to-be do to keep fit safely at home? We asked experts in different disciplines about what pregnant women who are isolating or social distancing need to know. Remember, always make sure you've been given the go ahead from your GP or midwife before undertaking any new exercise while pregnant. YOGA Prenatal yoga - and videos are aplenty online - can help keep the body strong and mobile, which yoga instructor Hannah Barrett says will help both throughout pregnancy and for birth. As it's low impact, it's especially suitable for mums-to-be and can be modified to suit your level and needs. "The mindfulness element of a yoga practice is incredible to help improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety and to promote a connection and bond with your unborn baby," says Barrett. "I fell in love with yoga during my first pregnancy and found it not only gave me so much physical strength, but mentally helped me a huge amount. I felt so much more in control of the birth. "The most important thing to remember is to move mindfully, cultivating an inner awareness of how your body is feeling and the changes within. If anything causes pain or doesn't feel right, ease out of the pose or stop." Aside from not lying on your front or back, she advises against holding your breath or doing vigorous pumping breaths. Due to the extra hormone relaxin in your body during pregnancy, Barrett says when stretching to "come back to about 70% of your full range to protect your joint and ligaments". She adds: "Transition slowly through poses, avoid jumping and deep twists (like a revolved side angle pose or half lord of the fish pose).

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For poses where you would be lying on your belly (for example, cobra), modify with a seated pose like a seated heart opener." Don't do anything where there's a risk of falling - like inversions even if you could do them pre-pregnancy. Find Barrett's Strength Through Yoga e-guide at


PILATES This low-impact exercise aims to strengthen muscles, improve posture and alignment. Make sure to find pregnancy-specific Pilates classes online, if you're working out at home. Third Space pregnancy Pilates instructor Liz Higginbottom says: "Pilates is great for pregnant women because it brings an awareness to breath, pelvic floor and the deeper core, which are all essential for their changing body and practice. "There is also a large focus on finding optimal posture and spinal alignment, which tend to shift during pregnancy. While there's effort, it's low impact and therefore safer for the pregnant body." During pregnancy, like in yoga, you'll need to ensure you don't lie on your back or front - which can be uncomfortable and potentially harmful. "Any exercises in supine (on your back) will need to be modified by propping the upper body into a more upright angle." A bolster is ideal for giving you more support, but a couple of good pillows will work too. "Exercises prone (on your front) will have to be brought to hands and knees or standing," Higginbottom adds. She advises avoiding any exercises that include rolling up and down the spine. For example: "Roll up, rolling like a ball, open leg rocker and teaser".

She says in the first trimester, women can continue their regular weight training but that it's important to really focus on technique. "We'd advise against lifting anything heavier and avoid using momentum to lift weights up," she says. "In your second trimester, it will be safer to be seated when lifting weights. If you do decide to stand, make sure you have good posture. Your bump alters your sense of gravity, so make sure you aren't arching your back to compensate," she adds. "Opt for lighter weights and do more reps."

WEIGHTS If you've got some hand weights at home, or can order them in (or use some tins from the cupboard!), resistance training is great during pregnancy - and you'll need that muscle tone when carrying around a young child. PT and CEO of Motivate PT and Reset LDN, Kira Mahal says: "Toning the muscles in your abdominal area and back can help prevent lower back pain, and help keep your weight in check during your pregnancy."

In the third trimester, Mahal suggests using resistance bands instead of weights. "Towards the end of your pregnancy, make sure you aren't lifting weights above your head and try not to lift them from the floor." She says weighted squats, bicep curls with light weights and a seated row are good exercises in pregnancy, but to steer clear of dead lifts, clean and press and upright rows. "Avoid lifting heavy weights, general circuit training which involves fast movements, and exercises that use heavy barbells behind your neck," she adds.



Home Cooking BY LORRAINE PANNETIER As I write this, it’s fair to say that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is causing chaos around the world, leading us all into new situations where we have no choice but to adapt.

The thing about home cooking is… It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to have a name. It doesn’t have to resemble a ‘normal meal’. It can be simple, easy to make, tasty and low cost, all the while nourishing your body at a cellular level.

It’s perfectly normal to be feeling anxious or scared about the unknown. I think we’ve all had a little wobble of some sort over recent days as our version of normality begins to crumble around us.

Confidence - If your cooking skills are basic, always stay in the kitchen while you’re cooking and avoid multi-tasking. Watch how foods cook and soften, how they change colour or acquire a new sweeter flavour as they roast. The more often you cook, the more your confidence will grow.

We’ve seen panic buying and hoarding on a large scale which is scary and completely unnecessary. Many people are already struggling to buy enough food to form a basic nutritious diet, while medical staff coming off 24 hour shifts can find no fruit, vegetables or staple foods left in the shops.

Creativity - Practice chopping vegetables in different ways to make meals seem new and interesting, even when it’s the same few ingredients. For example, chop carrots into chunks for roasting, thin strips for a stir fry, long sticks for dunking in hummus, or grated in a coleslaw style salad (or in a carrot cake!).

On the positive side, each of us is experiencing COVID-19 in some way or another and community spirit already seems to be rising. The key message being: don’t be afraid to ask for help! There’s always someone willing to support you.

Courage - Just try! If you’re a nervous cook or scarred by a bad experience, there are thousands of online video resources to get you started. Use this extra time at home to get over your fears and learn a few basic styles of cooking.

As someone with decades of home cooking experience who’s used to managing on a small budget (while also working from home and homeschooling), I feel well positioned to support others through this temporary crisis. I’ve been writing a Home Cooking guide to help people feel less stressed about cooking and nutrition during COVID-19 and to ensure that even when you can’t buy your usual items, you’re able to get creative with the foods you have. In this short article, I’d like to share some of my tips and inspiration with you….

The main difference between home cooking in any other period in time and this current situation, is

Effective home cooking stems around confidence, creativity and courage. It’s not about being able to follow a recipe with 25 different ingredients, rare spices you’ve never heard of and slow cooked for 14 hours. The true art of home cooking centres around being able to feed your family adequately using fresh produce and staple items. Cooking this way also naturally produces less food and packaging waste and encourages seasonal eating. The hidden bonus is that if you’re practicing social distancing or a period of self-isolation (or even complete quarantine if it comes to that), then you’ll be saving money on all your usual purchases many of which are habit or impulse driven. (Note: Please do support local businesses - such as restaurants and cafes - where possible, if you’re in a financial position to do so.)

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the need for spontaneity over planning, and that’s where some people may come unstuck. Many love planning (it’s in their DNA hello Virgo), or have created a lifestyle where planning is essential because every family member is so busy. So while you may not have all the ingredients necessary to make the weekly lasagne or Thai green curry, you can adapt with the foods you have. TOP TIPS: • Keep your cupboards organised (maybe give them a little declutter and spring clean first?) • Keep your fridge clean and organised so you can easily see everything you have. • Organise your spices and condiments. • See what’s lurking in the depths of the freezer! • Don’t throw anything away unless it’s actually inedible that last slightly bendy carrot can go into a soup or casserole. • Try to ensure each main meal has a portion of grains or carbohydrate rich food (potato, sweet potato, root veggies, pasta), a portion of a protein rich food (meat, fish, dairy, tofu, beans/lentils, nuts/seeds) and 2 portions of vegetables (frozen


peas and sweetcorn are handy when fresh vegetables may be limited). • When you’re short on money, try low cost combinations such as rice and beans (dried beans are cheaper than canned) and jazz these up with dried Middle Eastern, Indian, Mediterranean or Caribbean spices and herbs. Finally, remember that food can go a long way when you share it between multiple people (or meals). For example, if you have only one apple and banana left in the fruit bowl and a bag of frozen

fruit in the freezer, chop up the apple and banana, add it to some frozen fruit and give everyone a fruit salad or add it to porridge, yogurt or granola. If you only have small portions of various vegetables, chop them all up and create a stir fry, curry or soup. By Lorraine Pannetier Copywriter and Plant-Based Home Cooking Expert Grab your FREE Home Cooking During COVID-19 Guide at


Still serving the Community through COVID19! But not to be too disheartened, Andrew and the team are working hard to bring fresh produce to your door during these challenging COVID19 times…

Oh for gentler times when wandering around Lucas Brothers, picking up avocados and testing them for ripeness, marvelling at the smells, sensations and sheer variety of fresh produce, chatting merrily to friendly staff and drinking in the aroma of fresh cut flowers made for a relaxed afternoon; memories of these things and more will have to sustain me until I can once more visit and experience the charms of Lucas’ at La Haule…. by Juanita Shield-Laignel

Lucas Brothers is a family run business providing both a retail and whole supply of fruit and vegetables, dairy products, bakery items, fresh fish, flowers and floristry, plants and nursery stock and have built a first class local reputation for its quality fruit and vegetables since it first opened its farm shop in 1971, making it one of the oldest in Jersey. Lucas Bros. stock a large range of fresh locally grown and made produce, much of it grown in the 40 vergées of fields nearby or sourced from other local growers, including fellow members of Genuine Jersey.

fruit and veg shop and delivery service to give customers the convenience of shopping from home. Overwhelmed by local support and the current demands through COVID19 Lucas Bros. can be contacted via or Digital Jersey on Local farm shop providing fresh produce, including veggie boxes, gift hampers, flowers, fruits, preserves and more. Lucas’ are currently working on a new website but are still taking online orders. Alternatively, you can call

+44 (0) 1534 745199

After using their floristry element as a pilot, Lucas Bros. now has an online

CBD Could keep you going whilst Staying Safe & Working from Home! With Covid19 rampaging across the globe, those that can are being advised to work from home - this undoubtedly adds another layer of stress to unfolding events as meeting targets and deadlines can seem superfluous in such an uncertain world, but with the need to continue to do all we can to feed our families – the pressure is on! Mental Health has been sighted as being up there in the current health concerns; incorporating CBD into your daily routine could make all the difference. High-quality CBD oil and CBD products contain a combination of beneficial ingredients including CBD and some include terpenes that can be found naturally in hemp and will deliver the ingredients to help support the optimum function of the body including immune function. Terpenes, which are found prolifically in many plants including the cannabis plant, have been found to work in synergy with phytocannabinoids, a molecule synthesized by plants. There are 113 known phytocannabinoids in the cannabis plant, including CBD and CBG. Phytocannabinoids are used to treat a number of human and animal ailments and studies on their health benefits and therapeutic properties are continually coming out of the woodwork!

Terpenes that are found in the highest concentrations in the cannabis plant including myrcene, pinene, limonene and caryophyllene, are included in many CBD mainstream products. Methods have been found to isolate individual cannabinoid compounds meaning a range of products are now out there which contain a range of beneficial ingredients that are all found naturally in the hemp plant. Nutritionists agree that by including terpenes in CBD products, makes them more targeted and beneficial therapeutically and even serves to enhance positive emotional states, so useful in times of stress and anxiety. Local CBD suppliers Green Machine are doing all they can to provide a home delivery service for Clients at this time…

GREEN MACHINE CBD JERSEY 5 Market Street, St Helier, JE2 4WL Telephone: 07700 700765 Open: Monday to Saturday 8am - 6pm greenmachinecbdjersey

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A wide variety of CBD products, including; CBD COFFEE • CBD EDIBLES • CBD OILS

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The poignancy is not lost, spring being the season of new beginnings when the earth seems to come to life again. The widespread stillness could be just what the earth, animals, you and I need. The environmental improvements that have been witnessed already give me hope that this crisis is a huge opportunity to re-evaluate priorities for change and improvement at both a macro and micro level. However, it is with mixed emotions that I am writing – who does not want a seemingly endless amount of time to do all those jobs that you have not had the time, or will, to do? Although the price will be heavy, you and I have no control and the only way to tackle this is find the positives, remain mentally and physically safe and keep busy in the confines of our homes. My first positive is how deeply heartened I have been in the last couple of weeks, from the small acts of kindness to a rallying of support for the local fishing industry and other local businesses and suppliers. My next positive step is: It’s time to say goodbye to my loyal friend, Procrastination! There is no excuse, focus must be on all those jobs that will ultimately be hugely rewarding… THE PRACTICAL Sort Once you have sorted the items that you no longer wish to keep, naturally at the moment there is nowhere for you to donate the items, but I sincerely hope that this is not lost sight of and everyone can find a space to hold onto their items for the time being. When they are sorted it should give a sense of relief. Spring Clean I have tried to find one, but there is no excuse and after all, it is cathartic, purposeful and rewarding. Nothing will escape, light fittings will gleam, cushions and throws will temporarily look like the children and dogs have left the house. Bring the nooks back into the room Every home has some level of nook or corner that can be brought back into the home by making it into an area for reading, breakfast, working, studying, or even a bar. These areas will be needed more than ever at the moment.

THE SPIRITUAL: BRINGING IN AND RETAINING POSITIVE ENERGY Fresh air Make sure you open the windows, at least for some time during the day, to let in fresh air. This also helps in bringing the positive outside energy into the house while allowing the negative stagnant energy to move out. Combine this task with regular sweeping or vacuuming which counters the effects of static energy. Aroma-therapy Generously place vibrant flowering plants or aromatic herbs such as basil, rosemary or mint, especially in the living room and kitchen. This is an excellent remedy for energising the space with positive vibes while removing negative energy. Crystals Also used in jewellery, crystals like Amethyst, Citrine or Rose Quartz are perfect décor items, too. Their unique healing properties, help create a positive environment as they absorb all the negative energies of a space. Saging Saging or smudging is an ancient practice involving burning dried sage, dried herbs or even incense for purifying the surroundings. Burning essential oils is another alternative which will uplift the energy of the house. Salt cure Sea salt is not only a vital ingredient for the body but also a precious Feng Shui cure for purifying your home and life. Keep bowls of sea salt in various corners of the house which would work as magnets to pull out the stagnating energy. Cleaning the house areas - the windowsills, kitchen floor, refrigerator and bathtub - using salt water could be another option to remove stagnant energy. Bells Ringing of bells or wind chimes is also a popular practice that results in positive vibrations and streamlines energy flows. Keep busy, well and safe.

Light Bring light into dark corners, this can be from carefully placed mirrors, candles and light fittings. Projects The last half of March bought with it a sense of urgency over the need to resource all the projects, whether it be decorating, painting/upcycling or crafting that had been stagnating. Alas, I did not order the copious amounts of wood I intended to, for panelling the dining room, building cupboard doors and the like. Although, all is not lost as hardware retailers have been deemed as essential, for which I am very grateful to the all the teams who will facilitate this. At the core of this is looking at what you already have and giving it new life, whether it’s a larger project like repainting your kitchen cabinets or smaller ones like upcycling items of furniture.




Touch of Yellow

Sam Wylie-Harris rounds up the sunniest yellow homeware and accessories to shop now... The power colour of spring, nothing signals happiness and hope like bright, sunshine yellow. As well as dazzling visually, yellow can lighten the mood, make everything look fresh and bright - and most importantly in the scheme of things, it's very easy to place this pigment in the home and jazz up your space. Whereas stylists and fashionistas often cite yellow as a difficult colour to wear and suggest it should only be worn sparingly, interior designers love to incorporate yellow in their design edits. Best of all, yellow is surprisingly versatile and an easy shade to mix and match. You can use it as a colour block to break up a room, introduce pops of canary yellow, primrose or mustard to brighten up a dark corner, or for a sunlit twist, energise an open-plan space. Here's some of our favourite ways to work yellow into rooms right now... One of the brightest ways to introduce yellow is to let it star in a feature wall central to your design scheme. The new Glasshouse collection at Graham & Brown illustrates a flourishing garden paradise with herons and egrets walking among honeysuckle and clematis, and emerald toned leaves softening the look. Think of this luxurious matt paper as a cheat's sheet to a flight of fancy, without having to leave home. 26 |

Bright as brass and zero maintenance, faux foliage doesn't get more fabulous than this. Especially when you consider these trumpet blooms bring joy and cheer 24/7.

The Lover Sofa - 3 Seater in Barley, from Willow & Hall. A statement sofa positioned just so always looks amazing, and you can play up the sunny accents by stacking it with cushions in a warm gold (we love anything tasselled, especially velvet for a luxe boho vibe). Otherwise, go for a striking black and white monochrome print to add depth and texture against the bold yellow backdrop and keep the lines clean.

If you want to play with prints and match mellow yellow with yoke yellow, a clever concept is to choose your wall space (southfacing rooms love colour and will bounce the light around) and take a simple print such as Orla Kiely's stem design, build on it with coordinating decos, and bring in brighter shades to maximise those beams of sunlight. Emma Bridgewater Daffodils And Narcissus Set of 2 Half Pint Mugs, Daisy Park. Bright and beautiful, you can build on this set of mood enhancing mugs by stacking them with other daffodil prints. You'll have a host of golden daffs to add extra cheer to your morning coffee in no time.

Artificial Floral In Window Box and Artificial Ditsy Floral In Vase, Next

Bold Monkey Princesses Have Feelings Too Armchair, Cuckooland Who wouldn't want to sit pretty in this sumptuous winged back chair? Finished in a modern, oriental style print with a shimmer of gold, it's a real hero piece and will work just as well in the living room, bedroom or study.

continues overleaf...



Chroma Curtains - Mustard, Clarissa Hulse.

Pom Pom Trim Fleece Throw Blanket, Matalan.

Dressing windows with some sunny yellow curtains is an easy update if you want to make a room bright and airy. To see how the colour can be a game-changer, these ready-made drapes, paired with muted decos and touches of palm-green, don't overpower but still offer visual impact.

This eye-catching throw can be draped over the sofa or bed for an extra dose of brightness and comfort. We also think it's pretty and soft enough to be worn as a wrap - if yellow tops your fashion colour chart and you like the idea of heading outdoors with a spring in your step.

They're 100% cotton, lined, and available in six sizes with a gathered 3-inch tape top for a sleek finish.

House by John Lewis Hex Table Lamp - Mustard, John Lewis & Partners. With yellow stealing the spotlight, this trendy bulb lamp ticks all the right boxes. Espinillo Bed Linen - Tumeric, from Clarissa Hulse. For a fresh approach that's not overwhelming, we love this botanical bed linen, featuring fanned acacia leaves against an ombre of turmeric yellow and dove grey. You could even team it with other pieces in the collection, such as silk lampshades and cushions for a super-luxe feel.

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House by John Lewis Round Jersey Cushion - Mustard Yellow, John Lewis & Partners. Hello sunshine! Whatever the shade of your sofa, who could resist this fun and summery touch.

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Happynest Trend... WHAT IS THE HAPPYNEST TREND AND WHY SHOULD WE ALL EMBRACE IT? Home comforts, traditional design, warm tones and natural materials are back in vogue. Claire Spreadbury discovers how to work the happynest trend... As 2020 continues to feel unsettled, it makes sense that many of us are hunkering down at home, surrounding ourselves with comfort, taking joy in the smaller things and conserving our energy. And it's having an impact in home design. It's a trend that Holly Harper,'s head of inspiration and new business, is coining 'the happynest'. "It combines the growing consumer desire for natural materials, warming tones and timeless design," says Harper. "The rise in the conscious consumer movement is heavily influencing this shift, with customers keen to understand the provenance of their purchases, as well as finding solace in 'buying better' and redecorating with longevity in mind." Want to harness the look at home and create your own happynest? Three experts show us how...

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NATURAL MATERIALS This trend is all about embracing nature and bringing the outdoors in, notes Claire Hornby, head of creative at Barker And Stonehouse. "Whether you're looking to add a rustic finish to your home with natural wood and rattan, or simply want to achieve a sleek modern look with the use of concrete and metal materials, the use of furnishings and tactile accessories are a great way to do this," she says. "Not only can natural materials be beneficial to your overall wellbeing, due to the connections they have with nature, they also add a layer of texture, thanks to the natural variations and pigmentations featured in each individual piece." Harper gives a nod to the dominating rattan trend of 2019, which is still popular now, but says that it's evolving, with canework being used in furniture and lighting, and mixed material rattan pieces for storage and vases now emerging. "We've also seen fresh work emerging with the use of recycled plastics and jesmonite in particular," she adds.

WARM TONES Stark white and monochrome magic might look uber-cool, but in times of comfort, we naturally want to snuggle amidst warmer colours. design director Ruth Wassermann says they've definitely noticed that people are connecting more with natural materials and textures, to bring a sense of calm to their home, and perhaps to counteract their busy urban lives. "We have seen a resurgent popularity of woven cane, bamboo and seagrass recently," she says, "and we envisage the finish of these becoming more casual and less polished as the summer months roll in."

"Much in the same way as natural materials are growing in prevalence, warm, earthy colour palettes are too," states Wassermann. "A connection to more organic colours and textures, along with neutrals, can be really grounding." Coloured textiles, terracotta, linen and natural timbers are all set to be big this spring, she notes. continues overleaf...

Roger Baudin Upholsterers and Curtain Makers



Calming shades of off-white and mauve replace the grey undertones of the last decade, adds Harper, and they're complemented by clay shades, with turmeric yellow and pale pops of cornflour blue as accents. "If you're looking to create an inviting and cosy space that is also balanced, why not opt for cooler tones on your ceilings and walls?" Hornby suggests. "This will allow the natural light to flow through the room, and for the space itself to appear bigger. Warmer tones can then be introduced through your accessories, furniture, lighting and finishes. Rich hues that are combined with pattern and texture - such as vintage rugs or brass accents - can instantly help make a room feel welcoming and have a dramatic impact, instantly creating a focal point." TIMELESS AND TRADITIONAL DESIGN Investment pieces, like textile art and quilts, are expected to become the key must-have items, predicts Harper, as completely redecorating our homes becomes a less-regular habit. "Timeless design supported by individual expression is the new consumer norm," she says. Hornby adds: "Some of my favourite pieces within our stores are the ones that have a story behind them, and often these are collections that have been handcrafted using traditional artisan techniques. "The natural beauty of many of these items is something of wonder, from the intricate detailing of each and every joint, to the one-of-a-kind finishing of these expertly-crafted pieces. These traditional techniques often create timeless furniture that can stand the test of time and, in some ways, transition through trends as time goes on." Wassermann agrees that as the world becomes more accessible, we're seeing more global influences coming through in interiors trends. "Perhaps unsurprisingly," she says, "the most prevalent artisan technique that we're seeing this year is woven cane and basketry, followed closely by hand-painted ceramics from Portugal, and inlaid resin furniture."

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HOME COMFORTS For all of us however, especially at difficult times, there's nothing better than being surrounded by simple home comforts. Notonthehighstreet have noted searches for indoor pot plants are up by 31% year-on-year, and while fewer people are stocking up on gin glasses, the number of us searching for new comforting wine glasses is up by 111%. Wire wall art and word art is also a new search trend for the online retailer, as many of us look to surround ourselves by positive and mindful reminders. "Plants really have the ability to transform a space and instantly make it feel more welcoming," says Wassermann. And of course, incorporating home comforts doesn't have to mean sacrificing your design, notes Hornby. "From chunky knitted throws, to picture walls that tell a story of their own, and furnishings that are for everyone, these are all ways of making your home just as individual as you are. "Your home should be an extension of your personality," she adds. "For some, the use of living green through house plants or small indoor trees are a great way to add another layer of comfort to your space, as this will not only harmonise your living area, but also inject a sense of colour into the room."


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Rats and Mice OUT OF YOUR HOME With rodent numbers on the rise, Lisa Salmon finds out how to stop them moving into your home... The number of enquiries about getting rid of rats and mice soared over the winter - possibly linked to climate change. Figures released by Rentokil Pest Control ( show the number of householders and businesses asking how to get rid of rodents increased by 36% this winter just gone, compared to averages recorded over the past three years. Colder winters usually mean fewer rodents, because they don't survive the lower temperatures, but milder weather is apparently allowing more rodents to live, and long hot summers are creating perfect conditions for young mice and rats to leave the nest and breed rapidly. "Last year's summer was the hottest on record for the Northern Hemisphere, and the surge in rodent sightings this winter are a legacy of these conditions, as more young rodents survived through to adulthood and were then able to breed almost immediately," explains Paul Blackhurst, head of Rentokil Pest Control's Technical Academy. "Rain and a drop in temperature cause rats and mice to migrate indoors, where there's more food and shelter. With rain falling, it's likely we'll continue to record a rise in rodent enquiries as rats are displaced from their burrows," he adds. "However, there are steps you can take to ensure pests are kept at bay." Signs of a rodent problem include an unusual, ammonia-like smell, small dark droppings, greasy marks on walls or skirting boards, and gnaw marks. Hearing scratching noises, especially at night, is also a sign of rats and mice, and their nocturnal nature means they can remain hidden for a long time before you begin to suspect they've invaded your home. But rodents can potentially spread germs, and damage your property through gnawing, so if you suspect you have unwanted furry house guests, it's a good idea to get rid of them quickly. Prevention is always better than cure, however, and it's an even better ideal to try and stop rodents getting into your home in the first place. Here are the sensible ways to keep rats and mice out of your home - and what to do if they take up residence...

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1. SEAL GAPS Mice are capable of squeezing through gaps the size of a Biro to enter a building. So check around the outside of your home, particularly near pipes and drains, to make sure there are no holes. And if you see any, fill them with wire wool, caulk, metal kick plates or cement.


Prevention is definitely better than cure. "You might not think that one mouse sighting warrants immediate attention, but a problem can quickly escalate into something more serious if left untreated," stresses Blackhurst. 8. DON'T RELY ON A CAT Rentokil insists getting a cat to deter mice is an old wives' tale, as while cats do instinctively hunt mice, a well-fed pet isn't always going to deliver effective mouse-control. 9. OR ANTI-MOUSE PLANTS There are several plants that mice are supposed to dislike, including peppermint, chamomile, lavender, cloves and chillies. They may provide a deterrent, but it's unlikely they're powerful enough to keep mice away completely. 10. THINK CAREFULLY ABOUT TRAPS There are various types of mouse/rat traps available - some that kill the rat/mouse, and humane ones that trap them so you can set them free away from your home. It's advised that release should always be at least two miles away from your property, or you risk your unwanted house guest returning.

2. CLEAN UP AFTER EATING A mouse only needs 3g of food per day, so simple measures like ensuring crumbs and dropped morsels aren't left on the floor, and that all waste food is sealed and disposed of properly is crucial. Blackhurst stresses:

11. CALL IN THE EXPERTS Rodents breed very quickly, so by the time you notice they're in your home they may have a large family. Pest control experts can get rid of rats and mice from your home quickly and easily, if you don't want to try the DIY route.

"The simple step of ensuring food and waste is properly sealed and stored can make a big difference." 3. DON'T LEAVE FOOD OUT OVERNIGHT It's easily done, but try not to leave food and leftovers out on the side in the kitchen. When the house is dark and quiet, mice will smell it and enjoy a feast. 4. ENSURE WASTE IS STORED AWAY WELL Make sure rubbish is stored in a strong bin with a lid large enough to prevent waste from overflowing. Use strong plastic or metal containers for waste so rodents aren't attracted to any smells, and don't leave food waste in black bin bags on the floor. "Rodents and other pests can easily tear through black bin liners to get to unwanted food," Blackhurst points out. 5. CUT OUT CLUTTER Move storage away from walls where possible, and remember less clutter means fewer places for rodents to hide. 6. YOUR BIRD FEEDER MAY BE A MOUSE FEEDER Bird feeders may attract rodents to your home, and although it may be nice to feed the birds, you may actually be giving food and shelter to the local mice too. 7. IT'S PROBABLY NOT JUST ONE Rodents like to stay out of sight as it helps them feel safe, so seeing just one pest could actually indicate a larger problem. They also have a very quick reproduction cycle, so failing to act could create the conditions for an isolated issue to turn into a full infestation.

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FUN WAYS YOU AND THE KIDS CAN RECONNECT WITH NATURE IN THE GARDEN Top gardening influencer Ellen Mary reveals how families can reconnect with nature in their own garden. By Hannah Stephenson... If you're lucky enough to have your own garden, there's lots of ways you and your family could enjoy it - and connect with nature and benefit from a wellbeing boost in the process. With social distancing at the height of the agenda at present, you might need to make sure you keep a safe distance from neighbours, so be sensible and follow the all-important guidelines. But gardens can bolster wellbeing for both children and adults, says gardening writer, presenter and horticultural influencer Ellen Mary.

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Mary, who specialises in gardening for wellbeing, has just launched a 30 Moments In Nature challenge on her website (, featuring activities to help people reconnect with nature. "We all lead such busy lives, with everyday stresses of work, school and digital life, that 'nature deficit disorder' and even 'plant blindness' has become all too real," she says. "There is nature everywhere, and spotting it, even in the most unlikely places, can give a much better understanding of how we are all connected - to nature, not our phones." Here, Mary offers top tips on how you and your children can reconnect with nature in your own garden... 1. GARDEN TRACING This is an activity many of us took part in at school as a child and it's still really good fun, no matter what age we are. Children can learn about plants and trees in their garden, identify them and be outside away from computers and mobile phones. Studies have shown that walking among trees reduces levels of cortisol and can even boost the immune system. Activity: Take a walk in your garden with some paper and a crayon. Trace the bark of a tree, if you have one, and a fallen leaf to stick on the paper by your tracing. Look closely at the tree, identify it, touch the bark and the leaves. Back inside, put it on your fridge. Each time you look at your tracing, remember how you felt in the garden, the smells and the air on your face. 2. WALK BAREFOOT Walking barefoot brings us into direct contact with the planet and allows us to absorb the natural energy the earth provides. This is known as 'earthing' and it's said to have a host of benefits. Great on a warm morning in the garden.

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Activity: Get your socks off! Put your shoes aside. Feel liberated by walking outside on the lawn or a soft outdoor surface with bare feet. Feel the natural negative charge from the earth being absorbed through the soles of your feet. Allow it to happen, accept it. Breathe deeply and relax. 3. SPOT A STAR CONSTELLATION When we are busy looking down at phones and laptops, it's easy to forget to look up. By looking up at the night sky not only is it a hub of fascination and awe but it's also a relaxing activity before bedtime. Finding shapes in the moon and trying to spot star constellations can be a lovely way to switch off before a good night's sleep. Activity: Did you ever stare at the stars as a child and wonder what they are? Glistening in the sky, light years away. It's really good fun identifying star constellations but if you can't work out where Orion is, make your own shapes in the sky like a dot-todot drawing.

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4. SOW SOME SEEDS Sowing seeds is now only a great way to grow your own food, but also for children to understand where their food comes from. Great seeds to try with children are sunflowers, nasturtiums and microgreens, which grow really quickly.

5. SEE LIFE BENEATH Picking up a large stone from your garden, your children will be able to marvel at the life beneath. They'll be fascinated by the woodlice, ants, worms and beetles. We forget that inner child as we grow up and life takes over.

Activity: Be mindful and sow some seeds. Before you do, feel the seeds in your hand. What is the texture, shape, size? Look close at the detail - does each seed differ? Smell them and if they are edible, taste them.

Activity: Revisit those memorable moments with your children, lifting a stone in your garden and encouraging the children to stay inquisitive and keep looking.

Be marvelled at the way those tiny seeds become big fruits, vegetables or flowers.

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The Power of Focus BY MARK ANTHONY BAKER The secret lies in your ability to direct your thoughts and focus on what it is you want with emotion, belief and positive expectation. It’s not hard as you do this already with remarkable success and I can prove it to you with two examples that pretty much everyone here has experienced at some point in their lives. The difference now is that previously you have been unaware of the process. Therefore, you are unable to direct the function of mind consistently enough to get the results that you desire… Until now. How many of you have ever bought a car and then noticed that suddenly you begin to see them everywhere. Even though the day before these cars didn’t seem to exist for the most part. Yet today as if by magic everywhere you look you see them. As you drive down the road they are in the rear-view mirror. They are ahead of you. You see them parked on the side of the road and as you drive through the car park you keep seeing them. Not only that but when you picked up a newspaper or a magazine you saw them again. Even when you switched on the television you suddenly couldn't escape them as they now seem to be everywhere you look!. How can this even be possible.

With all of the negativity in the world at the moment there has never been a more important time to get control of your thoughts and direct your focus. In this short article I will share a little known secret that I have shared with audiences around the world that will change everything for you! We have all heard the quote. What we focus on expands” It's another one of those clichés that sounds wonderful and inspirational, but we have absolutely no idea what It means. Until now as this is where the saying that what we focus on expands begins to make sense as this is exactly what happens. However, we have also habitually conditioned ourselves to leave out the same information again and again so we simply will not see what we do not believe is meant for us. Or that which we perceive to be beyond our reach. This is where the concept of luck comes into play. We all know people who we believe are lucky people. But the truth is that luck has got nothing whatsoever to do with it. There is no such thing as luck. At least as far as the normal misconception that most people have about luck is concerned. Lucky people simply use their minds in a more effective way although they aren’t even aware of what they are doing at a conscious level. But what I am going to share with you now essentially leaves you free to create your own luck.

What about this for the ladies who have been pregnant before. Now you know that I didn’t know you when you became pregnant. But I can tell you a conversation that I guarantee took place between you and your friends, your mother and your husbands or partners. And this is how the conversation went. You said. There must be a baby boom on now as everywhere I look I see pregnant women. Didn’t you. Well there hasn't been a baby boom since the end of world war two. Is it magic? No, it's not magic you have simply activated something called your reticular activating system or your RAS for short. Your RAS is a net like group of cells situated at the base of your brain stem which acts as an information screening device. Much like any good secretary does every day to make sure their boss only gets to see that which is of value to him and nothing else. It simply admits or denies information to be accessed by you depending on whether it deems it important to you.. And who decides if it is important to you. You do. By what you choose to focus on and attach emotion to at any given moment. It will only allow information into your conscious field of awareness that is only either of value or a threat. Mark Anthony Baker is an executive coach. Speaker and the author of “An Unbreakable Spirit” He can be contacted at or




Tel Aviv!

by Rebecca Underwood

Winery, Tel Aviv

© Tel Aviv courtesy Dana Friedlander for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism Tel Aviv, which translates to ‘tell of spring’, is a bustling cosmopolitan city and it’s simply bursting with joie de vivre. Nestled on the glittering waters of the Israeli Mediterranean and with nine miles of pristine beaches it has been recognised, by National Geographic, as one of the world’s top ten best beach-cities. Tel Aviv has the largest GDP throughout the Middle East, attracts more than 2.5 million visitors annually, and of course there is much to explore and admire. © Tel Aviv Museum of Art

© Carmel Market's Treasures

Founded by the Yishuv (a Jewish community) in 1909, Tel Aviv was once a neighbourhood on the periphery of Jaffa, where archaeological finds provide evidence of human settlement dating back to approximately 7,500 BC. The ancient port of Jaffa, known as Yafo, is referred to in the Hebrew Bible as the border of the land given to the Tribe of Dan as they entered the Promised Land. Jaffa is mentioned again as the landing port for the cedars of Lebanon, which were used for the construction of Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple of Jerusalem, and it was also Jonah’s embarkation port when he set sail for Tarshish, rather than Nineveh, in defiance of God’s will. My explorations of Tel Aviv began with a leisurely stroll along the wide promenade, which follows the shoreline for 14 kilometres, and whilst breathing in the salty air, the enticing golden sands of Gordon Beach emerged and I spotted the salt water swimming pool, surrounded by verdant lawns. Perched on a comfy bench, I took the opportunity to watch a lively game on the volleyball court and in order to mingle with the ‘in crowd’ I made my way to Mike’s Place, located on Retsif Herbert Samuel Street, for a spot of lunch. Keen to experience the true ‘vibe’ of the city and to become part of the local community, if only for a short while, I opted to stay in a trendy two bedroom, air-conditioned apartment, located within the Isrotel Tower on HaYarkon St. The property is 300 metres away from Bugrashov Beach and within walking distance to Rothschild Boulevard, which is in the heart of the ‘White City’. Admired for its abundance of properties reflecting the Bauhaus architectural style, the area was awarded UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 2003. I immediately settled into the stylish apartment with its spacious lounge and plump sofa and the adjoining balcony provided an absolutely stunning view of the city and proved to be an unbeatable place for a late afternoon tipple. The kitchen features every appliance including a dishwasher and a washer/dryer and all the utensils needed for whipping up a quick breakfast after a restful sleep in the ultra continues overleaf...

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HomeAway apartment

comfortable bed. Guests are welcome to use the facilities within the Isrotel Tower, which includes a gorgeous open-air swimming pool surrounded by comfy sun loungers and an impressive gymnasium. Up with the larks I made my way to Carmel Market and blending in with the locals I purchased my groceries and browsed along the stalls. This is surely the heart of Tel Aviv, the hustle and bustle, the colourful flower and fruit displays, the enticing aromas emanating from the heaps of fresh spices, and the plethora of traders beckoning shoppers to approach their stalls. Considering a tranquil setting where I might enjoy my newly purchased snacks, I hopped on a local bus bound for Yarkon Park. Covering an area of 3.5 kilometres the park is named after the Yarkon River, which flows gently through it, and it features one of the largest rock gardens in the world with more than 3,500 plant species. I followed the trail to the tropical garden, along a wooden corridor and, shaded by the rustling fronds of the tall palm trees, I paused to admire the most beautiful collection of orchids. A perfect seating area came into view and whilst I sat beside the river devouring my tasty titbits I decided to spend the afternoon at Tel Aviv’s Museum of Art on Shaul HaMelech Blvd. The extensive collections of contemporary works date from the mid-nineteenth century to the present and include the world’s largest collection of Israeli art. I must confess that I spent the majority of my time in the galleries dedicated to European art, dating back to the sixteenth century, and I was utterly enthralled with Ruben’s Portrait of Madame de Vicq, dated 1625, which is displayed in the main gallery. Alas, time was racing ahead and it was time to return to my apartment and rustle up a dinner. I admit that my cooking skills are rather limited and rather than to do battle in the kitchen, I headed for Claro, an excellent Mediterranean restaurant located on Ha’arbaa Street. Housed in an enormous original Templar building, dating back to 1886, the property served as the headquarters of the British command during WWII. The building later became the military headquarters ‘Joshua Camp’ and on the eve of Israel’s Declaration of Independence Hebrew postage stamps were printed on the site and it was then the official State Printing Office. In 1950 the Bank of Israel began operating in the property and the massive vault door still takes pride of place in the basement. From 1963 the property was used by the Mossad and then functioned as an archive for the Israeli Ministry of Defence. Today, Claro is a hive of culinary activities and I was fortunate to be seated right beside the open kitchen where I could view a bevy of chefs creating scrumptious dishes. My time in Tel Aviv was coming to an end and with so much left to explore, I decided to extend my stay. Seeking some high end pampering, I headed for the Drisco Hotel, a luxurious property, which is a member of the Leading Hotels of the World and located on Auerbach Street, in the heart of Jaffa. Erected in 1866, the building had been unoccupied since the 1950’s. Extensive renovations, which lasted a decade, have breathed new life into this elegant property and it has retained many of its original features. Accommodations are lavishly furnished and I was fortunate to be

housed in a luxury one bedroom suite measuring 65 square metres and with a furnished, private terrace, which provides views over Tel Aviv, Jaffa, and the hotel’s private garden and internal Piazza. The sumptuously furnished suite includes a lounge with a plump leather sofa, luxurious carpeting, and a Smart 55” LCD TV. The separate bedroom features an ultra comfortable king-size bed swathed in crisp Egyptian linens and the spacious bathroom offers a bathtub with a separate walk-in shower and a generous selection of fragrant Molton Brown products. After a deep slumber I was ready for the extravagant breakfast buffet, which includes healthy options and, I have to divulge, that I succumbed to the temptations of a cooked breakfast followed by a freshly baked pastry. Feeling a trifle guilty, I embarked on a brisk walk around the local area heading towards Jaffa Port. The myriad of alleyways feature intriguing little shops selling all kinds of delightful trinkets, trendy art galleries, and busy bars and restaurants all vying for attention with the subtle aim of persuading those passing by to part with a few Israeli Shekels. Searching for a more unique gift, I headed for the Jaffa Flea Market, which is the ideal spot for rummaging through stalls piled high with all manner of goods. I spotted a few antique stalls and practiced my bartering skills to secure a bargain. For a delicious lunch, Regina, located on Neve Tzedek, is just the ticket. Bustling with activity, this renowned kosher restaurant is housed in a property, built in the 19th century, and it features a beautiful inner courtyard festooned with plants and scented flowers and it feels as if you are a world away from the city. As I admired the glittering chandeliers and large wooden shutters a charming waiter appeared from nowhere to take my order. Outside, with Jaffa bathed in the glow of golden sunlight I embarked on a long walk to Yefet Street, the site of St Peter’s Church, and I passed by the imposing limestone Clock Tower, which was built in 1903, and dedicated to the last Ottoman sultans. St Peter’s Church was originally built in 1654 but in the 18th century it was destroyed. Rebuilt in the 19th century and renovated in 1903, it is the largest structure in Jaffa and with its high vaulted ceiling, magnificent stained glass windows and marble interior with panels reflecting the life of St. Peter, it is absolutely mesmerising. The church was constructed on this site due to the area’s links with Christianity as it was in Jaffa that Tabitha, one of the disciples, was raised from the dead by St. Peter, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. My final night in Jaffa was drawing to an end and I headed for the hotel’s Rooftop Deck and watched the glow of the sunset over the city, whilst reclining on a comfy lounger and sipping on a sweet cocktail. I opted to dine in the hotel’s George and John Restaurant, which presents modern Israeli dishes with Mediterranean influences and in the most glamorous surroundings. I sampled the classic Dover sole, served with potato puree, and accompanied by a glass of Roussane, Chateau Golan 2016, the flavours were sublime, and, as expected, the service is outstanding. Reflecting on my time in this wonderful city I held my glass high and proposed a toast; ‘Shalom Tel Aviv and Toda (thank you)!’ 'TOP TIP' FLIGHTS Fly from Luton, Stanstead and Gatwick direct to Tel Aviv. For more information visit TOP TIP: ACCOMMODATION For more information on the featured property (#1604983), and more across the world, visit the most trusted holiday rental ( for Upscale Living Magazine) and for the Drisco Hotel visit, tel: +972-37410000 or email 'TOP TIP': TOURS For exclusive and private customized boutique winery tours throughout Israel visit 'TOP TIP' MARKETS Experience the tastes of Tel Aviv's markets including HaCarmel and the Jaffa Flea Market with a Yalla Basta Bite Card. For more information visit Images courtesy of Dana Friedlander for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism APRIL ISSUE | 41


  PORSCHE 718 CAYMAN GT4 By Jack Evans The Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 has arrived, promising more than ever - but can it deliver? Jack Evans finds out... WHAT IS IT? The previous generation Porsche Cayman GT4 went down in motoring history as one of the all-time greats. Sharp, uber-aggressive and packing mechanical know-how from its 911 GT3 big brother, there were few who came away from driving it with anything less than a Cheshire cat grin on their faces. Now, it's time to see if Porsche has managed to repeat its earlier success with this, the new 718 Cayman GT4. A new engine, new body and new mechanicals does mean this car is quite different from the old one - but can it deliver the same visceral experience?

Facts at a glance Model: Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Engine: 4.0-litre flat-six Power: 414bhp Torque: 420Nm Max speed (mph): 188 0-60mph:4.2 seconds MPG: 25.7 Emissions: 251g/km

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WHAT'S NEW? There's quite a lot that has been updated over the older GT4 and, while this latest version also wears the 718 badge of the latest generation of Cayman and Boxster models, you'll find no turbocharged four-cylinder engine here - though we'll come to that later. The small, compact body remains, however, along with a driver-focused interior. The suspension has been revised, and all of Porsche's know-how from its GT cars has been applied. In short, this is a car which has been designed to be as good to drive as possible. WHAT'S UNDER THE BONNET? The 718 Cayman GT4 does away with the four-cylinder turbocharged petrol engine from the standard car, instead utilising a 4.0-litre naturally-aspirated flat-six. It's essentially the same engine as you'll find in the current 992-generation 911, albeit stoked up from 3.0-litres to four, while the turbochargers have been ditched too. It's all sent to the rear wheels through a six-speed manual gearbox. Power comes in at a healthy 414bhp, while torque is 420Nm. It makes for a 0-60mph time of just 4.2 seconds, while flat-out the GT4 will manage 188mph - though this is a car which focuses far more on its performance in the bends than on straight lines alone. It's why the Cayman now features a huge rear wing - allowing the car to develop 50% more downforce than the one it replaces - which helps to give it even more traction during high-speed cornering. WHAT'S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? Slot behind the wheel of the GT4 and almost immediately things feel spot on. The seating position is excellent, while the fixed-back bucket seats keep you snug and secure. Turn the key, and the engine barks into life - a stark contrast to the Subaru-esque grumble that you get from the standard Cayman. Move off and, initially, things feel firm. The ride suffers over potholes when moving slowly, but add speed and the beautifullyjudged damping takes the initial edge off any imperfections. The steering boasts excellent weight too, and the whole car appears to goad you into carrying more speed through corners. It's a truly impressive package, helped no end by a charismatic engine and a superbly sorted six-speed manual 'box which only goes to remind you that, though automatics have come on leaps and bounds in recent years, sometimes there's no replacement for the involvement a manual like this gives you.

HOW DOES IT LOOK? It's likely that few will be able to make too much of a distinction between this latest GT4 and the older car. It's somewhat sharper in design, that's for sure, with slightly edgier head- and taillights. The biggest difference, however, is the gigantic rear wing that now dominates the overall look of the car. In all, it's still a hugely impressive-looking thing, and one which will no doubt turn the heads of many as it passes by. WHAT'S IT LIKE INSIDE? As mentioned, the interior is focused around the needs of the driver, with key buttons and controls within easy reach. The seating position is superb, and though the fixed bucket seats don't offer any adjustment in terms of height, the spot to which it's been mounted will likely be on the money for most. The cabin feels classically Porsche, with plenty of high-end materials such as Alcantara and leather used to cover vast swathes of the interior. It feels focused without being Spartan, and lightweight without being tacky. Essentially, it's a great compromise between the strive for lightness and the need for a few creature comforts. WHAT'S THE SPEC LIKE? There are still plenty of bells and whistles included in the GT4's standard specification to keep most people happy. Centre of the offerings is Porsche's infotainment system which houses Apple CarPlay and media functions - though Android users may notice the lack of Android Auto. It's a tactile and easy to use system though smaller than many other offerings - and integrates well into the car's cabin. You also get a customisable 4.6-inch display housed in one of the instrument binnacles ahead of the driver, and this can be used to relay information such as speed, media controls and even satellite navigation. All of this comes as standard with the base price. VERDICT This latest-generation Cayman GT4 had a lot to live up to - its predecessor remains one of the best sports cars ever produced so it's pleasing to report that this version is almost as exceptional. The engine may ever-so-slightly lack the character of the one fitted to the older GT4, but it's just as exciting and no less potent. This latest Cayman is a car which showcases the very best of what a sports car can do, and it's why it's one of the most impressive on sale today. APRIL ISSUE | 43



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