Landwash Vol. 1 Issue 2 (Spring 2014)

Page 51

We made the mistake of purchasing three bottles each on our way out, and as we trudged up the hill behind the Delta, our pace slowed and our breaths laboured in the misty night. Breathing out, my breath formed a small trail of steam, but despite this the night felt warm, unnaturally warm for late October. My dress felt comfortable, and even the cool midnight breeze on my legs was more pleasant than chilly. eW%@Tg*6*@%..%9*-#*/(4;$9*='?L*=%*4;&*;.?(&/*;/*/=%*#%;>*(+*/=%*='..*4=%$%*'/*/-$)%9*$'E=/*/(4;$9*?@*(4)* street. “How did we manage to get six bottles of wine for $40?” “I think two of them were free,” he answered, pausing and turning around, panting slightly. His shirt was 9;?#*;)9*='&*(4)*A$%;/=*1(4%9*.'>%*?'&/*;A(-/*='?<* “That’s what I thought!” I replied. “Score!” eX=%@*=;9*&(?%*>')9*(+*9%;.*()L*+$%%*A(//.%*4=%)*@(-*?;>%*;*#-$,=;&%*($*&(?%/=')EBg*=%*,()/')-%9<* “Whatever. We totally scored!” I yelled back. He laughed. 6*#-..%9*?@&%.+*/=%*$%&/*(+*/=%*4;@*-#*/=%*='..<*X=%*$(;9*9'C%$E%9*')*/4(*=%$%L*(-$*(4)*#;/=*.;@*/(*/=%*.%+/B* ;*/;..*,=;')I.')>*+%),%*$-))')E*;.()E*/=%*&'9%*4=%$%*'/*+%..*#$%,'#'/(-&.@*(H*;A(C%*/=%*U/;9'-?<*M%/4%%)* /=%*$(;9*;)9*/=%*+%),%*4;&*;*4'9%*%"#;)&%*(+*E$%%)*5%.9B*/=%*E$;&&*?'&/@*4'/=*/=%*?'9)'E=/*9%4<* “Time for a smoke?” I looked up at him inquiringly, and then, giggling, dropped my bags onto the grass and rolled onto my back. He laughed and joined me. Side by side, we lay there silently for several moments, staring up at the cloudy night sky. We couldn’t see the stars, but now and then the moon would burn through the mist, and trails of wispy cloud would race across its surface. My breath returned to normal, but my heart continued to beat fairly rapidly. I reached into my purse and felt about +($*;*,'E;$%//%*#;,>B*%@%&*&/'..*$((/%9*()*/=%*&>@B*/=(-E=/&*'9.@*1(4')E*4'/=*/=%*,.(-9&B*/(-,=')E*()*/='&* thought and that: the wine, the warm night breeze, the strange fellow lying panting beside me. I removed a joint from the pack and stuck it in my mouth, lighting it without moving from my far too comfortable position on the grass. Breathing in the smoke, while the moonlight bathed my face and the breeze tugged the edges of my dress around my thighs, felt absolutely glorious. ef(-F..*=;C%*/(*E%/*@(-$*5..*(+*/='&B*A%+($%*@(-*E(Bg*=%*&;'9<*K.%;$.@*/=%*/=(-E=/*=;9*A%%)*()*='&*?')9B*/((<* I leaned over on my side, propping myself up by an elbow. I inhaled deeply once more, and passed the joint over to him. The sudden shift in position didn’t work, so I rolled over onto my back again. “Absolutely,” I replied, taking in the night sky in all its fullness. “I wonder if this kind of perfection exists in other places, too.”



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