The 10 Most Admired Business Leaders to Watch in 2023

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Cover Story

Sarah Hobson
CEO & Co-Founder | Hobson & Hobson, P.C.



Markus Heitkoetter
People’s Lives through Trading
Law Firms to the Digital World
Vince Wingerter Connec�ng
To Get Be�er Results With Inclusive Thinking Arti e 14 18 22

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Editor’s Note

Three Strategies for Business Leaders to Foster a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace is extremely important for business leaders aiming to drive innovation, foster employee engagement, and achieve long-term success. By embracing a diverse workforce and inclusive environment, organizations can tap into a wide range of perspectives and experiences.

Business leaders are armed with the power to shape their organization’s culture with their actions and behaviors. Cultivating inclusive leadership involves fostering an environment where all individuals feel respected, valued, and empowered to contribute with their unique perspectives. Leaders should actively seek out and listen to diverse voices, encourage open dialogue, and create opportunities for all employees to participate and contribute to decision-making processes. By demonstrating inclusivity and modeling inclusive behaviors, leaders set the tone for the entire organization.

Sometimes unconscious biases can have a big impact on hiring, promotions, and decision-making processes within organizations. Strong business leaders can address this issue by implementing bias awareness and mitigation training programs. These initiatives help employees recognize their own biases and equip them with strategies to overcome them. By raising awareness and providing tools to mitigate biases, leaders can create a fair and equitable workplace where talent and potential are recognized and nurtured, regardless of background or identity.

Establishing Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) is another avenue for business leaders to support diversity and inclusivity in their organizations. ERGs are voluntary, employee-led groups that provide a platform for individuals with shared identities or experiences to connect. Leaders can facilitate the formation and growth of ERGs within their organizations, creating spaces where employees from underrepresented backgrounds feel a sense of belonging and find support networks. Active engagement with ERGs, attentive listening to their concerns, and leveraging their insights in decision-making processes enable leaders to gain diverse perspectives and better understand the experiences of employees from different backgrounds.

In the end, business leaders have a crucial role to play in creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace. By cultivating inclusive leadership, implementing bias awareness and mitigation training, and establishing employee resource groups, leaders can foster an environment where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique talents and perspectives. Embracing diversity and inclusivity not only promotes a positive work culture but also drives innovation, productivity, and overall business success. By taking these proactive steps, leaders can create a workplace that celebrates diversity and enables every individual to thrive.

At Inc Magazine, we take immense pride in curating the list of The 10 Most Admired Business Leaders to Watch in 2023, who are changing the world of business with their products and services.

On Cover, we have Sarah Hobson, the founder of Hobson & Hobson, P.C. a family law firm focused on helping their clients make the best legal decisions during the most challenging time in their lives. Sarah uses her specialized litigation expertise and over three decades of combined experience in divorce and custody matters to achieve a favorable, quick, and successful resolution for every client while defending their parental rights and safeguarding their financial interests.

Let’s Read ..!
10 April 2023
April 2023 11
12 April 2023
14 April 2023
15 April 2023
April 2023 18
April 2023 19

‘How To Get Better Results With Inclusive Thinking’

Learning to think inclusively will profoundly change the way you see the world. It will change the actions you take and the decisions you make. Plus, once you start doing it, it is impossible to stop. It is something that intrinsically becomes part of everything you do.

The business case for diversity and inclusion is solid. The research is conclusive - there are huge benefits to diverse and inclusive teams such as:

Leadership commitment to diversity and inclusion nearly doubles employee’s sense of inclusion and engagement (Bain Research).

High levels of engagement increase profitability and productivity by 20% (Bain Research).

Leaders in the future will need to have diversity and inclusion built into the way they operate.

Emotional intelligence is a concept that is well understood. Leaders need emotional intelligence. But what about inclusive intelligence?

What does it mean for us to think inclusively?

Inclusion is one of these topics that gets talked about a lot, but we don’t always mean the same thing.

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So, what does it mean to be an inclusive leader?

Inclusive leaders constantly ask this simple question.

‘Will this work for everyone?’

Invariably the answer is no. Often work is needed to think about the ‘other’, that is the ‘edge cases’ who can collectively often form the majority. This is how we make everyone feel welcome, valued and like they belong. This in turn creates a better experience, more opportunity and better results for everyone. This is how we get the real feedback and the true insights that help us create a future reality that is better for everyone.

If we can build this thinking into everyday practice, into people’s day jobs, then we start to change mind sets. We can get people challenging, rather than inviting microaggressions. If we target our people on what they have done to make their workplace more diverse or inclusive we will naturally drive progress. When you walk into a room, in a business context, where everyone looks the same, it should not feel like a familiar unquestionable norm, it should stand out that this is something to be addressed. We need to acknowledge our blind spots and proactively address them.

Forward thinking organisations are no longer asking ‘why?’ but exploring ‘how?’. These organisations need inclusive leaders to help them achieve their goals. Organisations are looking to grow inclusively, and they need people from all backgrounds who will support them on this journey. They need inclusive thinkers, and as the focus increases, everyone will need an inclusion story. For example, these are becoming common interview questions for leaders:

What have you done to foster an inclusive culture?

How have you demonstrated that you are an inclusive leader?

How have you built diverse teams and fostered inclusion?

Historically organisations have engaged in bias training. But this has backfired in some cases as the white male majority felt that they were positioned as evil or to blame. It also isn’t very action orientated. Plus, often it is mandated which shifts the motivation and engagement of the participants.

We need to take a different approach which is why Diversily have developed The Diversily Inclusive Leadership Programme which has now been attended by hundreds of leaders. We need to develop people’s inclusive thinking skills and shift minds to think in different ways. There are two key factors that drive real change. The first is perspective taking. When people are able to see the world through other people’s eyes, they start to see inequalities they were blind to in the past and they start to question their role in driving change.

The second factor is action. People need tangible ideas for steps they can personally take. By focusing on these two key factors participants of our workshops emerge, not just with a new way of seeing the world but with concrete actions they can take.

The 10 Most Admired Business Leaders to Watch in 2023. April 2023 23

Building inclusive workplaces, products and services is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. To do this we need inclusive thinkers leading the charge.

Historically communicating inside a company used to be about “spin” and “polish”. What leaders need now is authenticity, transparency, and a very clear way forward. People want to work in an environment where they are treated as human beings, not resources or numbers on a spreadsheet.

Once you become a leader. Your job is no longer to be great at doing the work. Your job is to serve the people who are doing the work. We get lots of training on how to do the work but not so much on leadership.

Leadership is a choice. It happens when someone steps up and causes a change to happen. It happens when someone enrols other people to help them make that change. Irrespective of your seniority or role you can influence the behaviour and attitudes of others around you and be a part of driving a transformational change for good.

How often do people in your team say things like ‘I am worried’. ‘I made a mistake’. ‘I need help’. ‘I don’t understand’. Then ask yourself, is it because they don’t feel these things or because they don’t feel safe sharing. Might sharing put a target on their head? The Google Aristotle project showed that psychological safely is the number one factor for great team work. If you want to increase performance you need to connect with people’s thoughts and feelings. You need to see people as individuals and you need to think inclusively.

Which of the following responses do you think will be likely to get the best result?

“Your performance was down last month. If you don’t step up in the next month I don’t think I’ll have much choice but to initiate a formal performance review.” Or

“Your performance was down last month. How are you? Is everything ok?”

Our job as leaders is to help people to be at their natural best. Not to get the best out of them. Slave traders got the most out of their slaves. Your job is not to get every last drop at the expense of every other aspect in their lives. You are not a slave trader. You are a leader who understands how to create an environment where people will thrive.

What practical things can you do, tomorrow that will make a difference?

It is important to think about diversity by design and inclusion with intent.

We need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. We need to embrace and not back away from difficult conversations. Often the issues are buried and not confronted so people suffer in silence and eventually just leave.

Leaders need to be clear about what they expect from people and demonstrate role model behaviour.

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This means standing up to and challenging bad behaviour. If microagreesssions are just accepted these will never change. Often people don’t know what microagressions are or recognise them in daily life. My top tip is to do a google search for ‘microagression’ and then flip to image view. You’ll soon get the idea!

It is also really important to find a ways to open the doors for feedback and make everyone feel responsible for inclusion. Curiosity and empathy are great traits to foster in your team to build great culture.

If you’d like to find ways to immediately add true value to your people and improve their personal and professional life, switch your thinking and your frame of mind and do the following.

View your people as your own biggest success. Acknowledge and appreciate them and help them succeed in their career. Foster diverse talent and gain collective strength through difference.

• Leave your ego at the door and let your authentic self shine through, even if this involves sharing some of your vulnerabilities. Give away all of the credit - when things go well. Take the responsibility when things go wrong.

• Be a servant leader to your people. Know and empower everyone, giving them what they uniquely need to thrive.

As leaders we have to take responsibility for our own development, our thinking and our actions. We also have a responsibility to educate ourselves about the experiences and challenges of people who are not like us. We can’t expect to be spoon-fed and we have to proactively remove our own blind spots by broadening our perspectives. We have to assess situations that are unique to us and apply our knowledge and experience to find the right and relevant solutions. You can use The Diversily Inclusive Leadership Change Canvas to help you take charge of your own leadership development journey. You can download it for free here. Remember, next time you are making a decision ask yourself this one question;

‘‘Will this work for everyone?’

Will it work for women, or people from ethnic minorities, or people of different religions, or people with disabilities or people of different ages, or people with caring responsibilities or people from LGBTQ communities or people not like me. Once you start thinking in this way you broaden your own perspectives and will start finding solutions that work better for everyone.

About Marissa

Marissa is a strategist, advisor, speaker and best selling author. She is the founder of and the creator of a number of business frameworks, including The Change Canvas, that are gaining widespread adoption and driving positive change around the world. She is a thought leader in ‘inclusive intelligence’ with over 20 years of experience driving transformational change in the tech sector. From well-known names such as Reuters, Barclays, SWIFT, to high growth start-ups and accelerators, Marissa has led teams, launched market leading products and delivered complex programmes.

In 2018 Marissa realised that the way we do business needs to change. Now her focus is on helping leaders to shift mindsets to think inclusively and helping businesses to broaden their horizons to focus on people, impact and purpose - not just profit - in order to drive business success. Marissa is hugely passionate about creating a

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fairer, more equitable future for us all, where technology can help us solve, not create, some of the world’s greatest challenges.

About Diversily

Diversily are on a mission to inspire inclusion innovation. We help organisations unlock collective brilliance by taking a more human centred, purpose led, collaborative approach to business by transforming leadership, strategy and culture - all with an inclusive lens.

We offer:

- Impactful Inclusive Leadership Development Programmes that empower leaders to become more effective by developing their ‘inclusive intelligence’.

- Strategy discovery and delivery with our proven purpose-led, inclusive methodology for strategic management that drives productivity, connection and impact.

- A tried and tested approach to creating inclusive products, services and experiences that work for more people, more of the time.

- Support to create an inclusive, healthy, high performance culture, with shared values and a uniting purpose, that unlocks the collective brilliance of your people.

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