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Word From The Editor

Welcome one and all to the March edition of the Ilfracombe Magazine, your free monthly guide to the best in business and entertainment our fair town has to offer. As the year marches on - and with covid restrictions set to be ditched altogether (if the figures and politics allow) - the town is busy readying itself for the upcoming tourist season. It’s a tricky one to call this year - if restrictions are removed, will everyone hop on the first flight to Spain to soak up the sun? Or have the past two years of wonderful staycations driven people to explore more of their home country rather than travel abroad? I honestly don’t know, but I suspect it will be somewhere in between and, regardless of what happens, I know Ilfracombe will shine whatever the weather. We have a fantastic host of great, positive stories to read this month! Our local theatres have secured not one, not two, but three amazing musicals in the coming months. The town has a new art gallery with two very enthusiastic managers and we also have some much-needed new play equipment at one of the town’s parks. The story that most struck a nerve with me, however, was that of Ilfracombe Youth Football Club’s hunt for dedicated volunteers to help ensure its survival in the future. Ilfracombe, like many seasonal coastal resorts, is built on community spirit and the hard work - often behind the scenes - of locals who care deeply about the town’s propserity. I’m not talking about our economy, although obviously that is important, but rather the wellbeing of its residents. Be it sports clubs, community action organisations, gardening groups, mens sheds or toddler clubs - they all service a vital purpose and are run entirely on goodwill. If you are able to help out somwhere like the Youth Football Club, then please get in touch - you won’t regret it!



The Ilfracombe Magazine