HealthCare Consumerism Superstars 2014

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Provide employees the right tools to make the most of their healthcare choices. At TSYS HealthcareÂŽ, our approach to client-driven innovation allows you to define and shape flexible, integrated payment solutions that meet your unique needs. Our independent industry partnerships and elite platform functionality help our clients build solutions that make sense. Our solutions include: Ĺ˜ 'HĹľQHG FRQWULEXWLRQ SODQ RSWLRQV WR DVVLVW ZLWK KHDOWKFDUH H[FKDQJH SUHPLXPV Ĺ˜ $ PXOWL SXUVH +6$ )6$ +5$ DQG :HOOQHVV FDUG SODWIRUP GHYHORSHG VSHFLĹľFDOO\ IRU KHDOWKFDUH Ĺ˜ (QKDQFHG +5$ FDUG IXQFWLRQDOLW\ Ĺ˜ $Q LQGHSHQGHQW SDUWQHU QHWZRUN Ĺ˜ ([SHULHQFHG KHDOWKFDUH DGYLVRUV Ĺ˜ 5HYHQXH JHQHUDWLQJ ĹľQDQFLDO PRGHOV Integrity | Relationships | Excellence | Innovation | Growth

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