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The Horse Report What makes Rose-Hip Vital Equine stand out in a cluttered market?

There are in fact many reasons. It all starts with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9),

You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a improved circulation and improved digestive function. So you’re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip Vital® so special?

Rose-Hip Vital® is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPO®. GOPO® has clinically proven anti-

The patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip Vital® into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; It’s a joint antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity.

Rose-Hip Vital® is a clinically proven plantand rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip Vital® is 100% plant-

Rose-Hip Vital® is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the medication.

Horses like it so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.

How does Rose-Hip Vital® Equine lengthen the lifetime of a working horse?

Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of placebo controlled clinical trials on people, dogs and horses mainly focusing on antithe unique compound GOPO.

To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked about as the antidote to cell-damaging free radicals. Exercise and the associated stress and increase in oxygen consumption are linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s antioxidant defences, oxidative stress can occur with subsequent research shows horses need natural vitamin C to help block toxic free radical activity, which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage.

Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to ‘clean’ bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of chemical substances cause’s joint pain protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay the onset of arthritic changes or slow down further cartilage degeneration if it already exists.

The more becomes, the more the white blood cells are attracted to it –a painful cycle.

In short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antirich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is your only option, and the results speak for themselves.