1 minute read

Your horse needs regular dental check ups

The importance of regular dental check up and maintenance cannot be expressed strongly enough.

Teeth begin the digestive process and as such, make them vital to the health of your horse.

The horse’s stomach is designed to digest very small pieces of fibre - smaller even than chaff.

The teeth are responsible for grinding the food into these small pieces and therefore allowing the horse to digest the food and gain nutrition from it.

If the teeth aren’t able to do this job, then a multitude of problems will follow.

Sharp points and hooks can be extremely painful and not only limit the ability to grind food, but can cause damaged to the inside of your horse’s mouth - a very good reason to have dental check ups on your horses regularly.

Have a guess where that lower tooth goes when the horse shuts it's mouth .....straight in to the pallet of the upper jaw.

Remember, out of sight is out of mind. Please don't ignore your horse’s mouth until there is a problem or he can't eat. Contact your local equine vet or dentist today to make an appointment to have his or her teeth checked.