Lose The Fat NOT The Muscle

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Chapter 1: What is this book all about!


Chapter 2: Goals


Chapter 3: Dedication (Motivation then Habit)


Chapter 4: Nutrition


Chapter 5: Cardio Exercise


Chapter 6: Weight Training.


Chapter 7: Putting it all together


Chapter 8: The list of foods with their Macronutrients


Chapter 9: Sample menus to get you on your way


Chapter 10: Recipes


Chapter 11: Conclusion



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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER This program is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as medical or professional advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or nutrition program. The use of diet and nutrition to control metabolic disorders and disease is a very complicated science, and is not the purpose of this program. The purpose of this program is to help healthy people reach their cosmetic fitness goals by educating them in proper nutrition and exercise guidelines. No health claims are made for this program. This nutrition and exercise program will not help cure, heal, or correct any illness, metabolic disorder, or medical condition. The author is a Physical Therapist (Physiotherapist) with a keen interest in health and nutrition. If you have diabetes, chronic hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, or any other medical condition or metabolic disorder requiring special nutritional considerations, we suggest you consult a health care professional with a clinical nutrition background (MD, RD, or CCN) for your special nutrition program. Your nutrition plan will not be effective by itself. You must combine a good diet with an appropriate exercise program for optimal results. If you have been sedentary and are unaccustomed to vigorous exercise, you should obtain your physician’s clearance before beginning an exercise program. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that apparently healthy individuals who are male and over 40 or female and over 50 to have both a physical exam and a diagnostic exercise test prior to starting a vigorous exercise program. A diagnostic exercise test and physical examination is also recommended in individuals of any age who exhibit two or more of the major coronary risk factors (smoking, family history of heart disease, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes). Any individual with a known history of heart disease or other heart problems should be required to have a medical evaluation including a graded exercise test before engaging in strenuous physical activity. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any of the information contained in this manual. The user assumes all risk for any injury, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by using any information described in this book.


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Chapter 1: What is this book all about! This e-book has been written on behalf of The Health & Happiness DigestÂŽ

www.healthhappinessdigest.com The H&HD is a web site is dedicated to bringing the most up to date information on matters of Health and Happiness to time poor people who can not possibly read hundreds of scientific journals, newsletters and books on these topics that appear every month. The digest aims to cover even complex topics like weight loss/fat loss in an e-book no longer than 150 pages so that the information can be read and understood in one or two reading sessions. There is a large amount of information in this book and so you may not absorb everything straight away. So if you have to read parts of it again you will be grateful that the book is not 350 pages long!

Weight loss is a global obsession and has been so for some time, why? A significant proportion of modern society seems to be getting fatter and consequently less healthy and less happy. There is an astounding array of books and magazines extolling the virtues of their pet method of losing weight. The advice they dispense is often in conflict with one another. The information in this book is based on sound scientific information and as you will see has no gimmicks to lose 11 lbs (5kgs) in the first week. You will learn what to eat and when to eat it. That is good wholesome food, no shakes or supplements. You will learn what exercises to do and when to do them to maximise the fat loss. You will not be hungry; in fact you will probably be eating more than you do now. You will notice the title of the book is Fat Loss not weight loss, the reason for this is that it is possible to lose just as much water and muscle as fat with all the low calorie appetite suppression diets that are constantly being advertised.


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Your body reacts badly to lower than optimal calories. It thinks it is in famine time and goes into survival mode, holding on to every calorie it can. Low calorie diets work for a while then the body stops the weight loss as it thinks you’re starving. That’s why all those diets end up failing; you are working against your body not with it. Whether you are young or more mature your objective is to reduce the amount of body fat whilst increasing the amount of lean muscle. As we get older there is a natural decline in the amount of muscle our bodies have and low calorie diets accelerate the decrease in lean muscle dramatically. You want to increase your muscle mass because it is of great help when you exercise and play sport and muscle burns lots of energy which helps to consume your body fat. It has been said that laws of nature can not be broken; energy can be neither created nor destroyed because matter and energy are conserved (The first Law of Thermodynamics). This on the surface may seem true because if you eat a big bowl of pasta and do no exercise the energy stored in that pasta is going to be stored somewhere in your body, it can not just disappear like some diets would have you believe. To lose weight there needs to be a low to moderate level of insulin in your blood most of the time, high levels of blood insulin like after having that large bowel of pasta will stop you burning fat from your bodies’ stores and will force you to store more fat. Your Greatest Wealth is your Health

To say you have to watch your energy in (what you eat) and your energy out (your activity and exercise) and match the two so there is not a too much energy in compared to energy


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out is far too simplistic. This principal is the basis of a very large number of diets out there today. If you maintain a calorie deficit then you will lose weight, if you do not then you will stack on the pounds people are told. If this was true all you would have to do is eat one less mouthful of food than your body needs and you would lose weight, has that been your experience? If it was you would not be reading this book and the obesity epidemic would not exist. People often reduce there food intake to try and lose weight but that does not work does it? I am sure you have tried it? Looking at it another way this means a 30 calorie surplus of energy per day would result in you gaining 2.2 pounds (1kg) every 9 months, 30 calories is equivalent to ½ ounce (14g) of lean beef or one mouthful. So over a ten year period eating one more unnecessary mouthful of lean beef would make you 29 pounds (13.3kg) heavier. When put in these terms it is obvious that this can not be the case. Your body strictly regulates every function within it to a very high degree. It regulates your temperature to within 0.1 of a degree, it regulates your pH within a very narrow band and it makes you breathe to maintain your blood oxygen levels every second of the day. It also regulates the storage and metabolism of fat to a very high level. Fat is stored and consumed on a minute by minute basis depending on the body’s requirements. There are numerous hormones dedicated to this one function, when the fat regulation system is compromised somehow the fat tissue starts to go in to business for itself, independent of what the body requires , which we will talk about a lot more in a while. If you eat less than you need and exercise more, you will get hungrier for sure, semi starving your self will initially help you lose weight but your body will adapt to any change like this and the rewards for doing this get less and less. Also do you think by eating less you are going to have the same amount of energy to expend on exercise as you did when you were eating more? Being hungry all the time is not a state that most people can sustain for very long. Experiments going back over a century have shown that people who semi-starve themselves have less energy, are lethargic are cold and cranky all the time. This is because your body drops your metabolic rate to suit the conditions. They are Copyright

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hungrier and when they cannot stand the hunger any longer they eat more than they use to until they get back to their previous weight or heavier, sound familiar? You can actually burn up more energy by eating frequently and by doing the right kinds of exercise. This does not mean you have to do huge amounts of exercise to lose the fat. It does mean you have to eat the right foods at the right time as well as exercise at the times that are going to burn the most amount of fat. Its not rocket science once you understand the principals explained in this book, you and your family at some point in the future will look back and wonder why was I not told this stuff years ago, it would have saved a lot of problems. If you follow the instructions in this book you will dodge the obesity crisis sweeping most modern societies and all the problems associated with it. This is a life style change but not a dramatic one. You will still be able to eat those family favourite meals that you have been eating for years or even generations, possibly with changes to some of the ingredients. The benefits of lower blood pressure, more energy and a happier mindset more than out weigh any minor changes you may need to make. Eating poorly and being overweight increases your risk of Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, Cancer, Autoimmune and many other diseases. The probability of dying prematurely increases exponentially with the increase in body fat. You may be reading these pages because you want to lose weight to look better. Looking better is a good reason to start this program but feeling better and healthier and living a lot longer are far more valuable side effects of getting your weight under control.


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What you will learn in this book: Chapter 1 is a brief over view of the whole book There are 5 elements of this program 1) Goals 2) Dedication (Motivation then Habit) 3) Nutrition 4) Cardio (Exercise) 5) Weight training. We all have different physical characteristics and different genetics. Those body differences need to be catered for, as one eating and exercise program does not fit all people. In this book you will learn which body type you are and what foods and what macronutrients best suit your type. This is why each of you will have to do slightly different things to get the fat loss going. Be prepared for a commitment, a belief in change, and a new lifestyle. This is your chance to make the changes that need to be made and enjoy a more fulfilled future.

Goals: This is the most important step in this book, most people skip it because they do not realise how important it is. They want to get straight into the food and exercise programs without preparing themselves. In this book you will learn how to train your mind to motivate you to do the exercise that you need to do to achieve the weight loss goal. All attempts to lose weight in the past have failed up until now because your mind has not been aligned with your goals. Once you have your subconscious mind on your side your task becomes infinitely easier. Your subconscious mind is where all your habits come from. Motivation will start you on your way but habit will keep you going in the long term with minimal effort or struggle.


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Since your reading a Fat Loss book your first goal you will probably have is to get your weight under control and down to an acceptable level. I will show you how to calculate what that weight is. There are other goals you will move onto once you have achieved your fat loss goal such as maintenance of your weight, increasing your muscle mass or improving your fitness. The exercise and food requirements for those goals are different as you will see.

Nutrition: The food we eat is broken down into 3 major categories called Macronutrients. These 3 categories are Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats. Understanding what each of these macronutrients are and how an imbalance of the macronutrients you consume can cause the majority of your weight problems will be very important to your success. Approximately 70-80 % of your weight loss will be as a result of the nutritional plan set out in this book only 30-20 % will be because of the exercise. Understanding what you are actually putting in your mouth compared to what your body really needs will be an eye opener for some people. Your body’s metabolic rate is the rate at which you can burn the calories you eat, the faster the metabolism the more calories you burn and therefore the more calories you can eat and stay lean. Elite athletes eat two to three times the food the average person eats and they are some of the leanest people on the planet! There are diets that say you should only have Proteins and Fats whilst eliminating all carbohydrates, these diets do work to start with because they put you into a very unhealthy state called Ketosis. This state is unsustainable in the long term and has a disastrous effect on every part of your body. Carbohydrates are one of your main sources of energy and if you do not eat any then you tend to lack the zest for life you are entitled to. There are diets that minimise the levels of Proteins and Fats in your diet, they are typically mostly vegetation based which also work well on losing weight Copyright

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but lack some of the essential amino acids you need to build and sustain muscle growth which is very important to your long term fitness and health. There are many healthy vegetarians who supplement there diets to fill in the gaps but most have less than ideal muscle mass ratios. There are also diets that have varying degrees of all three Macronutrients and this book is one of them. Most people fall in to 3 different body types; this program uses differing ratios of these 3 Macronutrients depending on your fat free mass which we show you how to calculate, your body type and the goal you have set for yourself. Each of these Macronutrients has a specific role to play in Fat Loss, in the building of more muscle and the elevation of energy you have throughout the day. I guarantee you will not be hungry on this diet. You will eat a minimum of 5 smaller than what you are used to meals a day. This has the effect of maintaining your energy all day, increasing your metabolism to burn more fat and build up your muscles rather than consume them like you do in most diets. The body can not store protein so it needs protein at every meal to satisfy your body’s requirements, if you have no protein in a meal then your body will take the protein from your muscles to fill this gap. Do this often enough and there is a significant loss of muscle. Low calorie diets are dreadful for this. If you like to drink alcohol then this will have an influence on your fat loss. As soon as you have an alcoholic drink your body stops metabolising carbohydrates and starts metabolising the alcohol immediately. It does this because it perceives the alcohol as a toxin and it wants to remove that toxin from your body as soon as possible. This has the effect that all carbohydrates and fats consumed before the alcoholic drink and those consumed whilst drinking and for a considerable while afterwards are stored and not metabolised. This is obviously not what you want to happen; you want to burn the carbohydrate in your food so you can start burning fat. This does not mean you cannot have a drink (phew!) but it does mean that during your weight reduction phase of this program you have to restrict it to a couple of days a week, usually the weekend, and being moderate!!


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A lot of people have a phobia about fats and can have little or no fat in their diet. There are good fats and bad fats. Good fats help lower cholesterol, decrease heart disease and decrease blood pressure, they also balance blood sugar and transport fat soluble vitamins around your body and help burn body fat. We will discuss the essential fatty acids, why you need them and how to get the correct amount of each.

Dedication (Motivation then Habit) Your mind is the key to your success in this program, do not underestimate its importance or bypass this section. There are two parts to your mind as opposed to your brain which has many parts. These two parts are your conscience mind and your subconscious mind.

Only I can Change My Life Nobody can do it for ME

The conscious mind is the rational, logical, analytical thinking part of the mind. The conscious mind is constantly taking in information from the five senses, and then it analyses and comes to conclusions about whether the information is correct or not, it is also where your ‘will power’ comes from. The subconscious is the part of the mind responsible for storing information, for reflexes and autonomic functions of the body such as digestion, breathing and circulation. It is also responsible for automatic behaviour like habits such as dressing, washing, smoking and driving your car to work each day. Have you ever arrived in your car at a destination you travel to regularly and wonder how you got there? Your subconscious mind did all the necessary actions to get you there while you where thinking about something else. The subconscious mind is infinitely more powerful in influencing your behaviour than you conscience mind is, that is why you have not been able to lose weight by will power to date. You need to recruit your subconscious mind to the task and it will make sure it happens. To demonstrate how much more powerful the subconscious mind is compared to the conscious mind, if you put a blank piece of paper in front of you,


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then put a small dot in the centre of it, that dot represents the power of the conscious mind (Will Power) in comparison to the power of the


subconscious mind which is represented by the rest of the sheet of paper; it is that big a difference! In this book we use suggestions and affirmations to your subconscious mind, when you mind is in its most receptive state. This state is the alpha wave state which is the state of deep relaxation you enter after you go to bed but before you fall asleep. You can do it at other times if you are trained in meditation, but I think learning one skill at a time (weight loss) is probably enough. Suggestions repeated to your subconscious mind in this state become very powerful over time and are very hard to break once established. This is of course what you want Motivation gets you started

when it comes to exercising and eating correctly.

Habit keeps you going

You will be replacing a non exercising habit with an exercising habit, and an eating plan that is making you fatter, with a proper eating plan that sheds the extra pounds and gives you plenty of energy. We use the same technique to help people to stop smoking; it works very well with these people with no need to use patches, gum or pills. If this technique works well for them it will work well for you. What helps greatly with keeping you focused and on track is a real life goal to achieve apart from the weight loss. An example of this could be you want to climb a mountain that is quite a challenge or hike a long, difficult track or ride your bicycle in a race or do a mini triathlon. Whatever it is, make it realistic and achievable in the time frame you give yourself to accomplish it. What makes it infinitely more powerful is if your family or friends are also involved in the same goal. Achieving the goal together will add to the pleasure of it and bind you closer together!


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Cardio Exercises: You want to train your body to burn more fat more of the time, and the best way to do this is to increase your basal metabolic rate with exercise, meal frequency and the right macronutrients ratios! Most people choose to lose weight by starving themselves or meal replacement drinks which work for a while but take a heavy toll on your muscles which your body consumes instead of proper meals. This goes on until they can not stand it any longer and then go back to their old diet and put all the weight back on. So now they have the same or more fat than they had before with significantly less muscle than before because they consumed the muscle during the low calorie diet, just what you do not need!! Dieting without exercising is one of the major reasons people fail to lose weight. Cardio exercise, aerobics or metabolic conditioning as it is also called is exercise that raises your heart rate and your breathing rate for at least 15-30 and up to 45 minutes. The exercise program I will give you in this book can be done at home with minimal equipment. These exercises include power walking, jogging, bicycling, stair climbing, short duration high intensity exercises along the lines of Cross fit, things like hill sprints, skipping, box jumping etc. I will also be giving exercises for the gym if you use one, if you can afford the $50 per week gym membership costs I strongly urge you to do it. The best program I have seen in a long while is Cross Fit. It is a phenomenon sweeping the world, there is probably a Cross Fit gym near you, find out at http://www.crossfit.com/cf-affiliates/ The high intensity exercise you will learn in this book burns 9 times more fat than conventional cardio exercise does, interested? ‘Your health is your greatest wealth’ ~Mahatma Gandhi

(Think about it!)

There is no point being the richest person in the hospital. Or worse! Cardio exercise is the significant ingredient in fat loss it is very difficult to lose much fat without it


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Timing your exercise: An important aspect of this plan is that you do not eat carbohydrates at least two hours before your cardio workout. The reason for this is that after 2 hours the majority of the carbohydrates in the previous meal have been consumed during that time and so your body will burn the glycogen in your muscles then the fat as fuel as soon as the last of the carbohydrate has gone. It is also important to not eat for the first hour after your exercise as it is during this time your body will continue to burn fat, which is obviously what you want. You must eat straight after that first post exercise hour otherwise your body will think you are starving and drop your metabolic rate to compensate which is not what you want to happen. If you can manage it, cardio exercise before breakfast is ideal as you have had a long time since your last meal and so you will go into fat burning quite soon after you start exercising, again don’t eat breakfast for an hour after the exercise and drink plenty of water. Doing cardio before breakfast increases the fat burning effects of your cardio by 200 to 300%, well worth considering! During your fat loss stage you will need to do 2 ½ - 3 hours of cardio per week, any less than that and you will not burn enough fat to make a difference. Two of those hours will be at your highest intensity broken into 20-30 min sessions. With the correct food the more cardio you do the faster the fat loss, it is that simple. If you believe the pop fads that come out regularly that say 5 minutes of a ‘special’ exercise or machine per day will do miracles, I have some moist real estate I would like you to have a look at! If you have not exercised for a long time then you will need to start slow and build up the time and intensity of your exercise sessions. If you have not done any exercise for a while or have any medical issues it is very important to see your Doctor to make sure there are no reasons to stop you doing this program. Involving your Doctor is not a bad idea for they can do the fat calliper measurements for you and that adds a powerful level of motivation. You will be pleasantly surprised how much better you feel after an exercise session. Exercise not only burns fat but lowers cholesterol and blood pressure it also improves mood and sense of wellbeing by releasing moodenhancing endorphins. Enlightened Psychiatrists are prescribing exercise instead of antidepressants on more frequent basis these days.


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That’s interesting isn’t it?

Weight Training: Why motivation, diet and cardio exercise is not enough to lose all the fat you want. You will notice the title of this book is “Lose the Fat NOT the Muscle” the reason muscles figure so prominently in this book is because a program without muscle building in it will not achieve the results you want. The power of the combination of these four parts (motivation, diet and cardio and weights) greatly enhance each other and give you 2-3 times the fat loss that only 3 of those parts would give you. Weight training increases your lean body mass. By increasing your lean body mass you speed up your basal metabolic rate BMR so you burn more calories all day. Why is that important you ask? For every 2.2 pounds or 1 kilogram of muscle you put on doing your weight training you burn an extra 13 calories per day, every day. Muscle is a highly metabolic tissue which needs a lot of energy to sustain it. That may not sound like a lot but consider that over the course of say 12 months you add 5 kg or 11 pounds of muscle with your weights training which is far easier than you may think. This means you are burning an extra 65 calories per day just sitting on the couch. Every 2.2 pounds or 1 kg of body fat has 7,700 calories (32,100 Kj) of energy stored in it. By burning an extra 65 calories per day you will be burning 2.2 pounds or 1 kg of fat every 120 days. That’s probably a better trend then what has been happening over the last few years? Remember this is not the fat you are loosing from your nutrition, meal frequency or cardio exercises, this is the fat weight training is doing for you alone. Can you see why this is so important? Without the extra muscle you will struggle to keep the weight off. Being able to do things you have not been able to do for the last 10 years is a nice bonus!


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Weight training does not burn much fat whilst you are training, it mainly burns carbohydrates, the value of weights comes after the training with the elevated BMR which continues for as long as you maintain the muscle mass. This is the reverse of traditional cardio training where you burn way more fat during a cardio training session than you do afterwards. The high intensity cardio or metabolic conditioning in this book burns the fat for 48 hours after the exercise which is a big difference to traditional cardio. As you can see one complements and magnifies the other to give you a much better result. In the weights section of this book we will show how to progressively increase your strength and therefore you muscle mass. Stairs with bags of shopping will no longer be a problem. The exercises contained in this book can be done at home with minimal equipment; if you do go to a gym or would like to start going to help your progress I will also cover exercises that use the machines in most gyms. If you decide to go to a cross fit gym then there will be very few machines, you will be lifting your own body weight most of the time, which is probably not a bad skill to have! In Chapter 2 we will find out what your lean muscle mass is, what type of body you have, what your goal is and what combination of Macronutrients suits you and your goal.


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Chapter 2: Goals! This chapter Goals and Chapter 3 Motivation set you up for the rest of the program. The goals need to be specific and measurable as you will be writing them down, repeating them to yourself regularly and measuring your progress against them. We will assume that your first goal is weight loss seeing that is why you got this book. The most important part of losing weight or any worthwhile endeavour for that matter is to decide to do it! Once that decision is made it is a matter breaking the task into manageable chunks and doing it. Have you made the decision???? If you truly want the body you are happy looking at in the mirror, put down on paper what your goals are and stick that bit of paper on the wall where you can see it many times per day. Just the act of doing this is more than 95% of people trying to lose weight are prepared to do. Depending on how much weight you need to lose you will have longer term goals of say 2 years which might be losing 88 lbs or 40kg. Your next 12 month goal might be that you want to lose 44lbs or 20kg during that time. Your goal for the next 10 weeks may be the ones below. Goal Number 1 is a weight goal such as “I weigh 220lb” or “100kg”, phrase it in the present tense because your subconscious mind works in the present, not the past or future. Goal number 2 should be a time goal, I am 220lbs (100kg) in 10 weeks, do not worry that is not in the present as just stated. As long as you say it with conviction your subconscious mind will act on it. You should aim to lose 2 pounds or 1 kilo per week. The period of time that a particular goal is in force should be no more than 10 weeks so frame your goals in 10 week slabs. Goal number 3 will be a statement of your exercise habits. For example


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“I do 2½ hours of cardio and ½ an hour of weights per week, I feel so good after I’ve done my exercise”. Three hours of exercise is the minimum of exercise you need to do to. Goal number 4 You can add a fourth goal that has to do with clothing like “I can now fit into my size 36 jeans”. Or it could be that “my waist is now 38 inches or 95cm” For you to understand how much weight you need the lose you need to calculate what your lean body mass is. There are several ways of doing this, the first is using the new generation bathroom scales that have sensors on the platform that send electrical pulses through your body to measure fat content, these are still not particularly accurate and can be out by as much as 25%. If you do not want to buy one of these scales most Chemist/ Pharmacies have them for customer use. The most accurate way of measuring body fat content is by a skin fold test. You can buy these on the internet for about $15 for the plastic ones, just Google Body Fat Callipers; you will need a friend to help you with these measurements. Alternatively you can get your doctor, your pharmacy nurse or your gym fitness instructor to do the measurement for you. The percentage of body fat this measurement gives you will help you determine what your Goal number 5 is. If you body fat content is under 20% then you should aim to reduce your body fat percentage by 5 % in your first 10 week goal period. If your body fat percentage is near 30% then your goal would be to reduce your fat percentage by 2-3 % during the first 10 week period. Multiply your weight by 0.95 (-5%) or 0.97 (-3%) and subtract that number from your current weight to get how much fat you want to lose. Your body fat percentage is also very important in determining your macronutrient ratios as you will see in Chapter 4 Performance based goals are also very powerful motivators especially if the goal is shared with family and friends. An example could be that you and your partner, brother or friend decide to do a fun run in 8 weeks time. You could train together making the exercise more fun and you are much more likely to do the training and the fun run if somebody else is involved.


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Hiking to the top of challenging mountains is another good goal that may be repeated many times at faster and faster times and with more weight in your back pack. We will talk more about the exercise program in chapter 5 but it is important to progress the difficulty of any exercise over time so your body is continually challenged. The pride you will get from getting better and better at something will help motivating you to keep going. “Motivation is what gets us started; Habit is what keeps you going” Jim Rohn - Success Coach - Mentor of Tony Robins

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” — Johann von Goethe Oh to be that eloquent

Read it many times and try and memorize it

The reason people find losing weight difficult is that change can be very hard; the inertia of doing what you’ve always done is very strong. Your habits are deeply ingrained and so to over come this you need to start ingraining new good habits, ones that will keep you alive much longer. That’s got to be a powerful motivator? Goals get you into those habits, they show you, you can do it and it is easier than you think, the thought of it is usually harder than the doing. Once you have a goal or target your subconscious mind will act to bring about what you are thinking about. Think about your goals often enough guess what your subconscious mind gets reinforced and moves you in that direction.

Determine your Body Type: Establishing your body type helps determine what ratios of macronutrients you should consume for a particular goal and an activity level. A brief description below of the five types will generally be enough for you to get a good idea of which type you are, if not go to a website like Body Types for more details. Obviously the types which have a / in their name are a blend of the two types.


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Lean and slender finds it difficult to put on weight or muscle, long distance athlete.

Ecto /Mesomorph: Well Built but has trouble putting on weight, long distance athlete Mesomorph;

Well Built V shape Body does not put on weight but can add muscle easily, does well at short distance-power events

Endo / Mesomorph;Well Built V shape Body does put on weight but can still add muscle easily, does well at short distance-power events Endomorph;

Thicker set figure puts on weight easily, not particularly sporty

Calculating your percentage of body fat: The reasons it is important to calculate your body fat percentage are: 1)

It gives you a starting point upon which you can measure your progress.


It gives you an idea how much body fat you need to lose to get your weight in to a safe, maintainable range.


It allows you to calculate your lean muscle mass so that you can track how you are going with your muscle building program, which is very important. It also determines your macronutrient ratios, very important!

Buy your Body Fat Callipers online Google will give you lots of choice or try say ~ http://www.accumeasurefitness.com/products/fitness3000.html then follow the instructions on this site~ http://www.linearsoftware.com/online.html Place your measurements into the Jackson Pollack 4 calliper method, its easy and accurate. Easier still is to get somebody else to do it for you as you will need help with some of the measurements anyway. You received with this e-book in the zipped folder with an excel spread sheet called “Calculating your Macronutrients” that will do all the hard work for you, if you do not have excel you can down load a free version of a math spreadsheet here. http://download.cnet.com/OpenOffice-org/3000-18483_4-10263109.html


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If you put your body fat percentage and body weight into items 2 and 3 the program will calculate your lean body mass LBM and give you your macronutrient requirements dependant on your body type, your goal and your activity level. That is a lot of important information for a small amount of work on your behalf. Go and do the above steps now so you have the above numbers to follow what comes next. To give you an idea of the range of body fat percentages in society and what I think you should be aiming for as your goal, I have compiled a table below: Needless to say you can choose any percentage you wish, but if you want to go down to the very low percentages you will have to weigh up the need to do a lot more exercise than you have probably been doing and the time required to do that. Advanced and advancing societies are getting fatter every year; this has had the consequence of skewing the average into the heavier unhealthy range, so do not feel complacent that you are average because average is not good. The people in the above 15% for males and 20% for females group are at a much higher risk of a whole suite of diseases you want to avoid.

Body Fat Percentages Description Very Lean (Well Done)



Less than 9%

Less than 15%

Lean (Very Good, keep it up)



Average (is not OK, needs work)



Below Average (Health Issues!)



Dangerous Territory (Urgent Attention!)



Elite marathon runners



Elite Tennis players



Olympic Swimmers






To determine the ideal weight you ultimately want to achieve out of this program you need to do a very simple calculation. Firstly you need to decide what body fat percentage you want to aim for.


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I suggest you go for the end of the lean range above, which means 14 % (0.14) for men and 20 % (0.20) for women. Then you subtract your target fat % by 1 for example 1-0.14= 0.86 or 1- 0.20= 0.80 then you divide your lean body mass LBM you got from the excel file by this number. The formula looks like this Current Lean Body Mass 1 - Desired Body Fat % For a male (LBM 84kg) it would look like this 84 or 215lb 1 - 0.14

= 84 = 97 kg 0.86

An easier way is to put your desired body fat percentage in to item 5 on the excel spreadsheet and it will calculate your goal weight for you. Too easy! Now that you have all this information what are you going to do with it? Your goal here is to get your weight down to your ideal weight which we have just calculated. You do this by following what I am about to tell you in the next Chapters. The ideal weight and the LBM are numbers you will be keeping an eye on to see how you are travelling towards your goal number 5 and to make sure you are not losing muscle mass in the process! If your skin fold test says your burning fat (decreasing %) but your LBM is stable or increasing then you are doing very well and should continue what you are doing. If the numbers are not moving in the right direction you need to decide what is the cause of this and change what you are doing accordingly. I will go through this with you in Chapter 7 “Putting it all together”


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Chapter 3: Dedication (Motivation then Habit)! We discussed in Chapter 1 that you have 2 parts to your mind. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind! The battle to lose weight will be won by your subconscious mind as it is the only force capable of keeping you on the path to your ideal weight. Recruit it in a positive way and you will find that you start making the right decisions about exercise and food. If you allow negative thoughts to creep into your head then you sap the power of the subconscious mind. Your self talk can have positive or negative influence on the result you are after, put the negative thoughts out of your mind and concentrate on your positive goals that you have established and stuck on the wall where you can see them many times a day. Keep repeating these goals to your self when ever you see your sheet or are reminded of them. The more you repeat them the stronger they become. Each goal should be phrased so that it is a positive statement of fact, even if it is not true yet. The funny thing about your subconscious mind is it does not know or care whether a statement is true or not it just takes notice of the content of the message and its frequency of appearance and to a lesser extent the force and conviction with which the message is expressed. The best way to imbed these 5 goals into your subconscious mind is to repeat them when your mind is most receptive which is when it is in an alpha state. The brain produces different frequencies of electrical pulses depending on its state of alertness. A fully concentrating brain emits Beta waves with a range between 13-40 Hz the beta state is associated with peak-concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity Alpha waves range between 7-12 Hz. This is a place of deep relaxation, but-not quite meditation or sleep, hypnosis operates in this range. In alpha, we begin to access the creativity that lies just below our conscious awareness – it is the entry point to deeper states of consciousness. Alpha is also where the frequency known as the Schuman Resonance is, which is the-resonant frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field. We produce a brain frequency in the alpha range after we go to bed but before we fall asleep, this is when the repeating of our goals has the most effect and impact on the subconscious mind.


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Repeat your 5 goals enough times during the day so that you will remember them in bed without having to turn on the light to refer to your sheet. When you are in bed settle in and relax, you do not want to start doing your goals too early as you will not be in alpha yet. How quickly you get into the alpha state is very individual, it depends on how fast you go to sleep. If you go to sleep in 5 minutes then you better start repeating your goals soon after you get into bed, if you take half an hour or more to fall asleep then I would start repeating your goals after say 10 minutes that way you are nice and relaxed. Start with the first goal and repeat it ten times in a row, say it with conviction, that you believe it and push any doubting thoughts out of the way. Form a picture in your mind of you achieving this goal, visualisation is very important. Say it out aloud, quietly if you are not alone. Move on to the next goal doing the same as the first until you have done all 5. You can shorten the list of goals you do in bed if you feel that it is too much, make sure you still do your weight goal and its date of achievement and your exercise goal. In the morning as soon as you wake and before you get out of bed continue to repeat the goals, this is powerful confirmation for your subconscious mind and will repay your efforts untold. Have a copy of your goals near your bed to remind you. What you are today is a manifestation of your thoughts in the past; make sure your thoughts today manifest what you want in the future; it is no more complicated than that. If you take what I have said to you seriously and DO the affirmation of your goals regularly then you will have done more then what 99% of people trying to lose weight are prepared to do. Carrying out this process is critical to your success it is what will separate you from every other person that has tried to lose weight and failed. When you are repeating your goals in bed visualise yourself being the weight you have chosen, visualise yourself doing the cardio and weights work with a big smile on your face, visualise you getting into the garment that is your goal and being very pleased with yourself whilst looking at yourself in the mirror.


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Visualisation adds enormous power to the affirmations; your subconscious mind takes more notice of visualisations than anything else, use it to your advantage. You now have several means of judging whether what you are doing is working or not and whether the weight you are losing is fat or muscle, which is important to know. The 5 ways you should gauge your progress are: 1)

Total Body weight on the scales


Measuring your waist at the belly button level and at the hips


Percentage of body fat ( Body Fat Callipers)


Putting the % body fat in to the excel program gives you lean body mass


Your clothes or your belt will give you very good feedback as to how you are going

Examples of your goals: Below are some examples of how you should phrase your goals to get the maximum effect from them. •

I weigh 220lbs (100kg) and look fabulous

On September 23rd I weigh 220 lbs (100kg)

I measure 36 inches (90cm) around my waist (at the belly button)

I do 3½ hours of cardio and ½ and hour of weights per week, I feel so good after my exercise

I eat 5 meals and exercise before breakfast each day

Day by day I am getting a little leaner

My body fat is down to 17%

I love to workout, I feel so good afterwards

I can lift more weight each time I do a weights session

I work out hard and get the results I expect

The path to your goals may not be a straight one, some weeks all is going well and you are on target to reach your goal in the 10 week time frame and other weeks you are not tracking as well. Do not let the lesser weeks discourage you


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it is all part of the process, as long as the trend is going the right way, keep going with what you are doing. How quickly you lose weight is determined by how fast your metabolic rate is and therefore how quickly you burn all the carbohydrates and start to burn fat. If you have not done much exercise for the last ten years and have been on a few crash diets then your metabolic rate is going to be pretty slow and may take a while to speed up. This may result is a slow start to your weight loss to begin with but within a few weeks if you are progressively increasing the intensity and duration of your work outs and eating 5-6 smaller meals you will be stoking your metabolic furnace to burn more and more fat. Stick with it, you are on the right track, sometimes you need a little patience to see the results!! After each 7 day period you should do an assessment on your progress, am I lighter and leaner than last week?? If yes very good keep doing what your doing, if not then you have to look back on your exercise and eating that week and be honest with your self. Did I eat the right foods? Did I do the exercise I was supposed to? Invariably if the results are not there then the answer to these questions is NO. Do not beat your self up over this but use your results to learn from. What did not work last week will probably not work next week either, try something different!! In Chapter 4 ‘Nutrition’ we will talk a lot more about what to look for in your foods and how to spot the foods that are not helping your cause. Eliminating or modifying foods that are not the best for you will be the best source of improvements to your progress. How much water you are holding in your body can have a big influence on what the scales say at any one time. If you are holding a lot of water in your body then you will think you are not progressing or even going backwards, make sure the food you eat has a low amount of salt, because high salt in your diet can add 1 kg (2lbs) to your weight. Fluid retention is influenced by things like the amount of salt in your diet and the amount of carbohydrate you are storing in your gut, muscles and liver. The average person can store 500grams or more of carbohydrate in their muscles


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and liver, there can be a lot more than that in your gut in the form of fibre. For every gram of carbohydrate stored in your body your body holds onto 3 grams of water, so if your carbohydrate tank is full you could have 1.5-3 kg (3.55.5lbs) of extra water on board. This explains the sometimes wild swings in weight some people have especially after a big night out! This makes sense as it is physically impossible to put on 2 lbs of fat or muscle in a day. This is why I suggest a Turbo day once a week where you have no carbohydrate in your meals or drinks except for what is in vegetables, that burns off all the carbohydrate in your body, you will notice you will be going to the bathroom more at the end of those days. It is a good idea to weigh yourself the morning after a turbo day after you have had a bowel movement, this weight should be a good one hopefully?


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Chapter 4: Nutrition The advanced and advancing worlds are getting fatter, even though there is a proliferation of healthy options in the supermarket and in fast food chains! Why is that? There is also a proliferation of pills, shakes, this diet, that diet promising miracle results in 3 weeks with little effort required by the person. There are new abs machines coming out every month promising to burn the fat off your belly and giving you a ‘six pack’ by doing 10 minutes of exercise a day. People keep on following the latest diet in the Women’s magazine because some celebrity endorses it. It’s been happening for 50 years now and getting worse each year. We have an obesity epidemic sweeping the world, costing hundreds of billions of dollars in health care. This does not calculate the cost of the misery of ill health, depression and substandard lifestyles of people’s lives or on the economy for that matter! It is the author’s firm belief that what you put in your mouth will contribute to 70-80% of you achieving your ideal weight. Knowing what is in the food you eat and making sure it fits into your plan will make all the difference to your success. You entered your body fat percentage and your weight into the excel spreadsheet to calculate your lean body mass LBM. A consequence of doing that gave you a list of macronutrients for your body type and your activity level. You will be taking note of those numbers as that is what you will be eating until you reach your ideal weight. The reason people put on weight is that they eat too much of one macronutrient which is usually carbohydrates and eat too little of others namely protein and fat. This imbalance makes it impossible for someone to burn fat; in fact the excess of carbohydrates forces the body to turn that excess carbohydrate into fat making them progressively heavier and heavier year after year. That trend will continue until the imbalance is corrected, this is what you about to start doing NOW. As has been said before, alcohol has a profound effect on how your body uses and stores fat, no plan like this will work if you are drinking a bottle of red or white wine a day, it is physically impossible as I will show you shortly. The


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good news is you do not have to give alcohol up completely but you will have to restrict it to say Saturday and Sunday for example and in modest quantities! You will be able to increase consumption once you have reached your ideal weight but that will be determined by your ability to stick to the eating plan and doing enough exercise to make it all work. More on this later! The Energy Hormones: Fat Control Mechanisms

Mobilisation and deposition of fat goes on continuously without regard to the nutritional state. Each day fat from your fat cells provides a significant amount of your bodies daily energy requirements. As your blood glucose is consumed and its levels drop after a meal, fat from your fat stores is turned into glucose to provide you with the energy you require. This is especially helpful when you are asleep when your glucose levels are too low to sustain you. There are dozens of hormones and enzymes that play a role in storing and liberating fat from fat cells. One master hormone that controls all these processes is insulin, the health authorities still think obesity is caused by overeating and sedentary behaviour. They think it has to do with your lack of will power and laziness, this not the case, it has to do with the science of how fat tissue is regulated. Fat is continuously circulating around your body and in and out of fat cells to be used as fuel and if not used then returned to the fat tissue. This goes on whether you have eaten or exercised or not! Fat cells work like an energy tank; the calories that are not needed straight away are stored there for later use when the carbohydrates run out. It’s only when the fat tank is at a certain level that you start to feel hungry. There are three major hormones that control the use and storage of the food we eat; these three hormones are Insulin, Glucagon and Cortisol. Carbohydrates have a major influence on the way these hormones operate, when they operate and how we store or consume fat. So before we talk about food in general we need to understand what we need to do to influence these hormones in our most advantageous way.


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Insulin is produced by islet cells in your pancreas, the pancreas is always producing small quantities of insulin, when you eat something that has carbohydrate in it your blood glucose level rises which triggers an insulin producing response from the pancreas. When your blood glucose falls to a certain level the pancreas stops producing large quantities of insulin. An increase in insulin has an effect on several different cell types in your body including the muscle, red blood cells, liver cells and fat cells. In response to insulin these cells absorb the glucose out of the blood which has the effect of lowering the high levels of glucose back to normal levels. The reason this is important to you is that if you have carbohydrate before exercise then you will be using that carbohydrate for the body’s energy needs not the fat stored on your waistline which is your PRIME OBJECTIVE! Insulin converts glucose into energy for your body’s immediate use and converts the unneeded glucose in to glycogen for future use and stores this glycogen in your muscles and liver. Your body can only store so much glycogen, think of it like the petrol tank in your car. The bigger your body frame and your muscles the more glycogen you can store, the range people can store is between 400-600 grams (~1 pound). Once the glycogen tanks in the muscles and liver are full the body has no choice but to convert the excess glycogen in to fat. On top of that, insulin has the effect of stopping fat cells converting fat into energy for your body’s current use. Insulin being the principal regulator of fat metabolism, it accomplishes this with the help of two enzymes. The first enzyme is lipoprotein lipase or LPL which brakes down the fat in the blood from triglycerides to fatty acids so they can be absorbed into whatever tissue the LPL is attached to, be it muscle, fat or other tissue. Insulin is the prime regulator of LPL and so insulin activates LPL on the fat cells especially the ones on the abdomen. The more we secrete insulin the more active the LPL becomes on the fat cells and so the more fat is collected from the blood stream and stored in the fat cells. Insulin also suppresses the activity of the LPL on muscle cells which stops you burning fat in your muscles this means that fat circulating in your blood will be returned back to the fat cells unused.


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The second enzyme that insulin influences is the Hormone Sensitive Lipase HSL, it works the opposite of LPL, it breaks down the triglycerides in fat cells so they can move in to the blood stream to be burnt as fuel. Insulin suppresses HSL activity so that as insulin levels go up less triglycerides are broken down into their fatty acids and so, less fat leaves the fat cells and is consumed. Insulin also pumps more glucose into both muscle and fat cells, this allows the fat cells to store more fat. Insulin does other things that make more stored fat but suffice to say is that high levels of insulin makes us fatter and so eating the wrong sort of carbs elevates your insulin levels to a degree that makes you fatter. This elevation of blood insulin makes you store more fat and therefore there is less calories to use in your daily needs, what this means is that you are hungrier earlier than you normally would be and so you eat more frequently and your meals are larger as a consequence. As you can see it is not laziness or a lack of will power fuelling this process, it is hormones. A complicating factor of too much insulin is that your cells can only take up so much glucose in response to insulin, beyond that point insulin becomes less effective in removing glucose from your blood and so your cells become resistant to the effects of insulin. High levels of glucose in your blood and cells is toxic and so the cells resist absorbing any more glucose after a certain level has been reached and so your pancreas pumps out more insulin which just feeds this vicious cycle. As we get older this resistance accelerates and some cells like the muscle cells become more resistant than the fat cells over time, which means our muscles metabolise less fuel which is the same thing as saying that our (BMR) basal metabolic rate drops as we age. This is why the fatter we get the slower the metabolic rate becomes. The reason I have gone into this in detail is I want you to understand exactly why you are where you are today, because it makes it a lot easier to understand what to do about it. It should be obvious to you by now that the quantity and quality of carbohydrates you eat will determine the strength of the insulin response and


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the stronger the insulin response the fatter you will get, there is no other way to get fat! You can see why it is important to be very careful of when you eat carbs, if you eat carbs and turn on the insulin at the wrong time you will never ever lose weight it will be nearly impossible. Constant higher than optimal levels of insulin in your blood (Hyperinsulinemia) has numerous deleterious effects causing chronic disease (Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s) resulting in elevated systemic inflammation, these elevated insulin levels are mostly caused by over eating refined and processed carbohydrates. Glucagon is the second hormone also secreted by the islet cells in the pancreas; it has the opposite effect to insulin and acts as counterweight to the effect of insulin allowing the body to balance its supply of blood glucose to the current needs of the person. When the blood glucose level gets too low it elevates the blood glucose level by stimulating the liver and muscles to convert their glycogen back to glucose and the fat cells to release their fatty acids so they can be turned in to energy (ATP) by a series of steps. Glucagon is your friend; it is the hormone that releases the fat from your fat stores when the blood insulin levels are low. Glucagon will not do its work when there is a lot of carbohydrates and therefore insulin in your blood. Insulin is not the villain in this story for it is vital to build muscle and to convert the food you eat into energy you need, it just needs to be managed by you so it does its job when required then gets out of the way of glucagon when we need it to, such as when we do cardio exercise. Cortisol is the third hormone that controls your weight; its functions include blood pressure regulation, proper metabolism of glucose, maintenance of blood sugar, maintenance of the immune system and more. Your body usually has high amounts of cortisol in the morning, and this amount decreases as night approaches. Cortisol is one of the hormones released in your body during stressful events. Positive effects of cortisol released during stress include a higher pain threshold, a rush of energy, increased immunity and an


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improved memory. However, when the cortisol stays in your blood longer than necessary, it can have a more negative impact on your health. When your body is constantly producing an abnormally high amount of cortisol, your normal cortisol production can be disrupted. Instead of having more cortisol in the morning and less cortisol in the evening, the pattern of cortisol in your body can be altered. Since this hormone is responsible for providing you with energy, it also stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Cortisol also helps your body release insulin. These internal activities can lead to an appetite increase. So the longer cortisol is at work in your body, the more hunger pangs you will likely feel. Cortisol also increases blood sugar when you’re feeling stressed. When the stressful event is over and you still have a high level of blood sugar, the excess glucose becomes stored as fat. Some studies have shown that excess cortisol not only leads to fat deposits but that the hormone can also affect where the fats are stored. Researchers believe that individuals who gain weight due to cortisol are more likely to have abdominal fat. There are 5 ways of reducing your stress and reducing your blood Cortisol if it is high? A blood test will tell you if it is high. 1. Learn to relax with meditation and stretching 2. Eat the sort of healthy foods recommended in this book 3. Get enough sleep, 6-9 hours, get help if this is not possible 4. Avoid Caffeine as it over stimulates this hormone 5. Get the sort and amount of Aerobic Exercise recommended in this book. There are other hormones that control appetite which are strongly influenced by high blood insulin and glucose levels, suffice to say without getting very complicated, that high carbohydrate consumption interferes with proper appetite control. The foods that cause a strong insulin response I am sure will come as no surprise to most of you as they have been known to put on weight for well over 100 years. These are the foods made from grains such as bread, cereals and pasta, the liquid carbs like beer, fruit juice, sodas, additives like fructose and the starches


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like potatoes, rice and corn (and it's derivatives like HFCS High Fructose Corn Syrup). These products are the cheapest products in the supermarket, which explains why obesity is more prevalent in lower socioeconomic areas. The people who live in these lower socioeconomic areas are not lazy, on the contrary they generally work in physically demanding jobs and so it is not the lack of exercise that is making them fat it is the type of food they are eating. To eat carbs and not get fat you have to learn how to cook and eat the right carbs that have a low glycemic index - GI, this provides you with food that will not cause a strong insulin response and therefore does not make you fat. The reason fructose and HFCS have been targeted by health authorities is that unlike other sugars it can only be metabolised in the liver and so if there are other carbs in what you are consuming then your liver will turn the fructose into fat and ship it straight to your fat cells. Fructose is by far the most fattening carbohydrate there is. Fructose tricks your body into gaining weight by turning off your body's appetite-control system. Fructose does not appropriately stimulate insulin, which in turn does not suppress ghrelin (the "hunger hormone") and doesn't stimulate leptin (the "satiety hormone"), which together result in you eating more and developing insulin resistance. The point of all this is that you do not lose fat by cutting calories, you lose fat by minimising the insulin response your food causes and so you have to look at what carbs you eat now. This is where the food diary comes in! The more you eat carbs the more you want them because the insulin response to carbs forces the other nutrients temporarily into storage making you need the nutrients (proteins, fats) that are no longer available. The fatter you get, the greater this need becomes, the more carbs you eat to try and satisfy this need. As you become more insulin resistant there is more insulin in your blood for longer periods of time during the day when carbs is the only fuel the body can use in this vicious cycle. Analysis of what humans ate prior to this obesity epidemic even 100 years ago let alone in the Palaeolithic times (caveman) 10,000 years ago shows that refined carbohydrates made up a much smaller percentage of people's daily


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calories. They ate the fatty parts of animals that are thrown out these days. They ate plants and fruits, nuts and seeds close to their natural state. Food factories did not exist and so food was simply prepared with little or no sugar or its substitutes added to it. When native populations who have little or no simple carbohydrates in their diet and have lived for thousands of year’s disease free suddenly start eating Western food, they too develop Western inflammatory diseases in a very short space of time. Do you think there may be a pattern to all of this? Lower carbohydrate diets have been criticised for not following the law of thermodynamics, for being high in saturated fat which has been said to cause heart disease and that it restricts a whole macronutrient category and so is unbalanced. We have just shown you why we get fat and this has had less to do with the amount of calories consumed. The fact is, when you are burning stored body fat you take in less calories than you normally would which adds to the sense that this can not be real. It is argued that a lower carbohydrate diet will make the person eat more protein and fat which will raise their blood cholesterol and especially the LDL low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) which will increase the risk of heart disease and premature death. The Scientific evidence does not show that to be a fact. In 1984, The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute conducted a massive decade long clinical trial to try and prove that dietary fat caused heart disease and that reduced dietary fat reduced heart disease. The results showed that reduced fat diets made not one iota of difference to heart disease. What has been proved conclusively is that obesity is strongly linked to a collection of chronic diseases; including heart disease and that reduced carbohydrate consumption does reduce body fat which reduces the risks of these chronic diseases. The National Institutes of Health conducted a billion dollar 49,000 participant study which found that a low fat diet failed to prevent heart disease, cancer or anything else!


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Having low HDL high density lipoprotein levels in your blood is a strong risk factor for heart disease. Replacing dietary fat with carbohydrates lowers your HDL levels and increases your risk of a heart attack; it's all in the literature, See the references at the back of the book. Stanford University conducted a study in 2007 known as the A to Z weight loss study. This study showed that the diet with the least carbohydrates in it, The Atkins Diet delivered by far the best improvement in weight loss and blood biomarkers with regards to heart health; it was twice as good which is a huge difference in these types of studies. The study was initiated to show that low carbohydrate, meat rich diets were dangerous, but instead it showed the exact opposite. The fat loss of the low carb diet people, was twice that of the other popular diets. You can see Dr Gardner's presentation on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eREuZEdMAVo Knowing what you know now about how fat is stored and how it is burnt puts the control into your hands. You can vary the amount of carbs you eat to get the fat loss results you want. You have determined what macronutrient ratios you need to consume to achieve fat loss for you body type and your activity level. The carbohydrate levels may need to be lowered below these levels if you have a high fasting insulin level (>13) which you will find out about in Chapter 5 to determine where you were on the health continuum. High levels of insulin in your blood all day will make it almost impossible to burn fat as you see above. Lowering your carbs to very low levels for a short while may be necessary to get you to start burning stored fat which you may not have been doing for quite some time in any quantity. The longer you have been overweight the longer it may take to get your body burning fat. Some people start losing weight straight away while others take some time before the effects of long term high insulin levels are over come, exercise helps break the storing habit and reduces the amount of cortisol in the blood, so doing the high intensity exercise will be very important for most people. If the results you are getting are not what you hoped for do not think the diet is not working and start some new diet like you probably have done in the past.


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Insulin is the issue, no other diet is going to solve this for you, stick with it. If you start losing weight on a highly restricted carb diet and then want to add some carbs back into your diet, do so, but if the weight loss stops, return to the low carb diet until you have lost most of the weight you want, as your body does not tolerate carbs well. You will not be on a highly restricted carb diet long term such as more than 2-3 months as there are adverse consequences to it, primarily you start to increase systemic inflammation which starts you putting the weight back on and increases the risk of the chronic diseases we spoke about before. Do not despair!, although you may be a carb junky, there are ways of cooking food so you do not miss them, and you can substitute them for things that are pretty close to them (see chapters 7, 9 and 10). Once you give up the fattening simple carbs you will find that you are not as hungry as you were, you are getting as much protein and fat as you need and so you feel satiated all of the time because of your meal frequency is very satisfying. There can be some side effects of changing the way you burn fuel. Most people do not have any side effects at all, but a small number do experience things like weakness, fatigue, nausea, dehydration, diarrhoea, constipation and postural hypotension which is dizziness when you stand up from sitting. Drinking salty chicken or beef broth often over comes most of these issues which occur because, as the carbohydrate levels drop in your body so does the amount of water retention, a good consequence of this is a drop in blood pressure if you were hypertensive. If you experience any of these side effects from reducing the carbs in your diet make the carb reduction program gradual so your body can adapt to the new diet. Although I call it a diet it is rather a change in what you eat from now on! Food Choices and Timing If you want to burn the body fat you have measured with your callipers then you need to make sure you have not eaten any carbohydrates for at least two hours prior to your cardio workout, you can eat small amounts of protein or fat though during this time to make sure you have plenty of energy to do the work out. This ensures that any residual carbohydrates have been consumed by your metabolism during those two hours and your blood insulin levels have dropped back to low levels. Exercising with low blood insulin levels is a good


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way your body can release the fats from storage to use for your energy needs during the cardio work out. It is recommended that you do not eat anything for an hour after the work out so the fat burning can continue after you stop exercising; you probably won’t feel like eating straight after a workout anyway! You should not wait any longer than an hour after the cardio work out to eat something as your body will go into starvation mode and start slowing your metabolism if you do. It is for this reason it is recommended to do your cardio work out before breakfast, that way it has been twelve hours since your last meal and therefore the fat burning will start almost as soon as you start exercising. This timing of your meals does not apply to weights only workouts because weights does not burn much fat at the time of exercise but over the whole day and so timing is not critical for weights. So as an example if you weigh 80kg (176lbs) and do the exercises below for 40 minutes on an empty stomach you will burn the amount of fat suggested. Hiking with 10kg (22 lb) load uses 1,965Kj and would burn 62 grams (~2 oz) of fat Jogging, 8kph (5mph) uses 1,817Kj and would burn 56 grams (~2 oz) of fat Swimming (50 meters per minute) uses 2,211Kj and would burn 69 grams (2.4 oz) of fat. This does not sound like a lot but if you did these exercises four times a week you would burn 1 kg (2.2lbs) of fat in 4 weeks and this does not include the fat you will burn by having a higher resting metabolic rate from the exercise. Timing your consumption of carbs is very important to your success as you can see. Another important timing rule of this plan is that you decrease your consumption of carbs as the day goes on so that by 3pm the only carbs you will be having are the fibrous carbs from vegetables. The reason for this is that as the day turns to night most peoples activity decreases a lot, they come home and rest before dinner, then eat dinner and go to bed some time after that. If you have a big carb dinner or late afternoon snack you will never burn all that carbohydrate off before you go to bed and so the excess carbs will be stored on your body overnight. You may guess what that means? That the fat you burnt this morning swimming in the pool, you put back on that evening in bed, which defeats the purpose of doing the exercise in the first place. This is why


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people can do quite a lot of exercise and still not lose the fat. What you lose in the morning you gain in the evening, the result is frustration and despair. People go to gyms for years and spend 4-5 hours a week on a treadmill and wonder why they are not losing weight, this is why! Your body consumes foods in a hierarchy which means it will consume one food type first before it starts to consume any other foods that are available. This is an oversimplification but gives the correct idea about your food choices and the timing of their consumption. This hierarchy is in descending order of preference First


29 Kj (7 cal) per gram

↓ Next


16 Kj (4 cal) per gram

↓ Next


37 Kj (9 cal) per gram

↓ Lastly


17 Kj (4 cal) per gram

So the body has to consume the alcohol and carbohydrate before it starts to consume the fat, under normal circumstances proteins are consumed as required but to use proteins as energy this hierarchy is correct.

How to burn fat: There is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing anything. Most people try to lose weight the wrong way and consequently fail. The old ways to ensure that you burn fat involved calculating your lean body mass LBM, which we have done, then do a calculation of your basal metabolic rate BMR and then doing a calculation of your maintenance energy requirements taking into consideration your body type and activity level. Then all we need to do is discount that maintenance level by 10-20% to ensure you burn fat!! Then in practice you have to calculate the calories of all the food you eat to make sure it is under your weight loss energy level. I do not know about you


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but this sounds all a bit hard for me and does not address the real reasons for fat accumulation? That is why we have done all the calculations for you in the excel spreadsheet and all you have to do is find your macronutrient (macro) ratios in the section for your body type and activity level. In practice you still have to do a bit of work to start with to find the macro ratios for the food you are eating, you can do this by looking at the nutritional information panel on all products. There you will find the Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate amounts in grams per serving and per 100g, alternatively there is a book by Corinne T Netzer called “The Complete Book of Food Counts” it is 930 pages and covers over 14,000 foods, it is the bible in such matters. ISBN 978-0-440-24320-5 you can buy it for about $8 at Amazon or elsewhere This book has every food you are ever likely to want to eat although it is an American publication every natural food is in there as well as the propriety foods (in a box or packet) available in the US. Alternatively you can find most foods macros, Glycemic Load and whether it is inflammatory to your body on http://nutritiondata.self.com. Once you have your macro ratios from the excel spreadsheet you can start your food diary which you should print out from the separate tag at the bottom of the excel spreadsheet. The reason you will be filling in a food diary is that at this point of time you probably do not have a clue what the amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins you are consuming. This is one of the main reasons you are reading this book, you need to get acquainted with the contents of the food you eat as this will show you whether you can continue to eat them in their current form and in the current quantities you consume them in. This is why I say that 70-80 % of your fat loss will be determined by your nutrition! As they say, ‘knowledge is power’, and knowing what you are putting in your mouth will give you the power to decide whether you are going to remain heavy or you are working towards that lean you and possibly your family. Very often if one person in a family is heavy then there are other members of the family that are also heavy; this is due to the food the family eats together. Quite often minor changes can be made to family favourite recipes to reduce or eliminate the offending ingredient.


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In the recipes Chapter 10 we will be showing you how easy it is to make minor changes to your diet to deliver a big change to your macro ratios. Below is an example of one meal in a day of your food diary. An example of a full day’s diary will be in Chapter 7 ‘Putting it all together’ Most people eat very similar things for breakfast and lunch and have different things for dinner, this means you only have to calculate a meal once to see how it fits into your macro goals, and then you just add the totals of that meal to your next day’s diary sheet when you eat that meal. As I said a little bit of work at the beginning but this work will last you a life time, since you will be eating these meals again and again!

Food Diary Meal

Time Amount g

Food & Drink Details

Cabs g

Protein g

Fat g


2 slices

Wholemeal Toast




150 g

Sliced Ham




10 g











THHT Total




Meal 1

You will notice on the bottom line of Meal 1 above I have abbreviated the contents in to the letters of its components (THHT) so I can quickly use that combo of ingredients and its macro totals to put in another days diary saving time. Once you have done this a few times with a few different meals it becomes very easy and you will see the benefit of that effort by identifying what is keeping you heavy. This process and this knowledge will keep you lean for the rest of your life; make sure you do it well!! After a while you will be able to gauge just by looking at a food whether it fits into your program or not and how much you should eat of it if it is. Remember you are having 5-6 meals a day not 3 so the meals you will be having are smaller than what you are use to. The smaller more frequent meals allow


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your body to consume all the calories at that time and not have to store excess food for later; it also turns up your metabolic furnace to burn more calories all day. As far as fat burning goes, meal frequency is as important to you as a exercise session because the amount of energy required to eat frequently is about the same as a gym session, which would you prefer, eating frequently or gym?. If you can go for 4-6 hours between meals then your metabolism is not working hard enough and probably your portion sizes are too big. While you’re awake your body should be telling you every 3 hours that it needs food, when that starts to happen you know your portion sizes are right for you and that your metabolism is switched on to burn mode. Eating 5-6 meals a day will halve the time it takes to reach your weight loss goal compared to eating 3 meals a day. The benefits of frequent meals can be summarised in the list below. •

Increases the energy used to digest meals, this called the Thermic Effect of Food

Gives you higher energy levels

Allows your body to absorb the vitamins and minerals in the food efficiently

Your body builds and repairs muscles easier because the protein it needs is always available

Having smaller meals improves portion sizes which is a major benefit

Controls cravings and binge eating because you are satisfied all the time

Professional Body Builders and Body Models swear by this technique, they rely on this technique to reduce their body fat down to 4-5% which is very low (This is called getting ripped), no other technique is known to give such good results. When you see an ad on TV or a magazine with someone with impossibly good abdominals, they got those by using this method with also a good amount of training. Make sure you have the 5-6 daily meals, 7 days per week not just during the work week and do something different on the weekend. Get into the habit of 5-6 meals every day and you will ensure that you do not stray from the plan, it will become an ingrained habit!!


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In the 1990’s there was a trend to avoid all fats and the food manufactures came out with all these ‘fat free’ foods to cater for this trend. In reality it is very important to get the good fats in your diet otherwise you will struggle to stay healthy. This is also true for carbohydrates in the correct quantities and qualities. Carbs allow your body to function at its peak and gives you the energy you need to get through the day, but if you over consume carbs, especially the wrong kinds then you will never lose the weight you are carrying. Apart from the quantity of carbs you are eating which is covered in your macro numbers the quality of the carbs you are eating is also important.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates can be broken down in to simple and complex, starchy and fibrous. The simple carbohydrates are the carbs that are broken down very quickly and behave like sugar in their stimulating a peak insulin response in the body which as we know from above helps ensure you store fat. Complex and fibrous carbohydrates produce a much more steady insulin response when eaten and so do not inhibit Glucagon releasing the fatty acids from your stores. Simple Carbohydrates are Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Sucrose, Lactose and Maltose, these carbohydrates must be consumed in very limited amounts if you want to lose weight and avoid diabetes amongst other diseases. Complex carbohydrates are either starchy or fibrous. Starchy carbohydrates like potatoes, grains and their products and legumes (beans) have their carbohydrates completely available and so the calories from them are higher than fibrous carbohydrates. Fibrous Carbohydrates are bound up in indigestible fibre which does not allow all the carbohydrate to be absorbed so fibrous carbohydrates like all the colourful and green vegetables are far less calorie dense than starchy carbohydrates. They are bulky and fill you up much quicker than starchy carbs and the insulin response is much lower. The other issue you should consider is whether the carbohydrate is in its natural state or has been processed.


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Foods in their natural state retain all their vitamins, minerals and importantly their fibre, so that you get the maximum benefit from the calories you are consuming. Foods in their natural state as the name implies look like they have just come out of the ground or off the tree and have minimal packaging. Processed foods on the other hand have been through a factory and had possibly lots of things done to it before it is put in that packet or box. Once a food is processed it is very difficult to retain the precious goodness that was in the food. The vitamins, minerals and fibre have been stripped out and strong chemicals have been put in to prolong its shelf life. They also tend to add a lot of saturated fats, trans fats and sugar or its equivalents which wreck such havoc on people’s health and wellbeing. When a label says ‘Low Fat’ or ‘Fat Free’ beware look at the macronutrient panel and the ingredient list to see if it is high is sugar. The closer to the top of the list of ingredients the more sugar there is, if sugar or an equilivant is in the top 3 -4 ingredients don’t eat it. Snap frozen, unprocessed vegetables and fruit are an exception to this rule. Major Chain hamburgers can be left out of the fridge for months without rotting!! The chemicals they use to achieve that amazing feat can not be good for you can they??

The Glycemic Index GI: You may or may not have heard of the Glycemic Index GI of foods. The Glycemic Index compares how different foods cause your blood glucose and insulin levels to rise over time, the faster and steeper the rise the higher the GI number. The idea of the index is to compare a particular food with glucose (sugar), the more the particular food behaves like glucose (sugar) the higher its index number. If a food has an index number of 100 then it is the same as eating sugar from an insulin response point of view. You may recall that when insulin is present in high amounts Glucagon can not work to release fatty acids from your fat stores (Prime Objective). What this means is that it is much better to choose carbohydrates with a lower GI than ones with a higher GI as the lower GI foods will allow Glucagon and Hormone Sensitive Lipase HSL to do its work of liberating fat from your fat cells.


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Switching to eating mainly low GI carbs that slowly trickle glucose into your blood stream keeps your energy levels balanced and means you will feel fuller for longer between meals. Low GI diets help people reduce inflammation in their body which is implicated as the cause of a lot of diseases including obesity Low GI diets help people lose and manage weight Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin Low GI carbs improve diabetes management Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease Low GI carbs improve blood cholesterol levels Low GI carbs can help you manage the symptoms of PCOS Low GI carbs reduce hunger and keep you fuller for longer Low GI carbs prolong physical endurance Low GI carbs help you avoid over eating and binge eating Low GI carbs help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise High GI Foods have an index above 70 (Sugar being 100) Medium GI Foods have an index between 56-69 Low GI Foods have an index below 55 In Chapter 8 you will find a list of foods with their macro values, their GI and GI load, the GI tells you how fast foods increase your blood sugar levels. But the GI does not tell you how much carbohydrate per serving you are eating. That’s where the Glycemic Load comes in. It measures the amount of carbohydrate in each portion of food. Foods with a Glycemic Load under 10 are good choices, these foods should be your first choice for carbs. Foods that fall between 10 and 20 on the Glycemic Load scale have a moderate affect on your blood sugar. Foods with a Glycemic Load above 20 will cause blood sugar and insulin to rise dramatically so you should eat those foods only once in a while. Some foods like Watermelon have a high GI of 72 but have a low GI load of 7.2 per serve this is because Watermelon strangely contains a lot of water in it and so in the amounts you are eating it contains only a small amount of carbohydrates per serving, hence the low load. White rice on the other hand


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has a low GI of 51 but a high glycemic load of 21, knowing this enables you to choose wisely what you eat and how quickly the fat goes away. Look at the nutritional labels on the packets of foods! Get to know what foods are going the stack on the weight. Stay away from sugar and its 10 equivalents, it’s not called the white death for nothing, more on this in Chapter 7. You may be use to eating sugary foods and drinks and if this so then this is probably why you are heavy, but changing to lower GI and lower GI load will not be the end of the world as you know it!. You are use to the taste of sweet foods now but given some time you will see that there are a lot of foods that taste great without having 1000’s of calories in them. This also means that you can eat ice cream etc. now and then, especially on weekends when you may let your hair down a bit but ice cream every night is impossible for weight loss unless it is sugar free and low in fat. Combining low GI foods with higher GI foods lowers the GI of the meal as a whole than if you only ate the higher GI food. If the Higher GI food represents only 20% of the calories of that meal then its effect on your insulin response is greatly reduced. When you combine proteins and good fats with carbohydrates then this also reduces the GI of the meal this is why it is important to have all 3 macros present in each meal. If you eat the carbohydrates by themselves, especially simple high GI ones, then you will get a strong insulin response which will cause your body to store the excess glucose as fat and the high insulin will stop fatty acids from being released as discussed before. To lose weight it is best to eat low GI foods at the start of the day this way you have a steady stream of glucose when you need it. High GI foods give you a big spike in your blood glucose with a subsequent rapid drop afterwards which leads to over eating and binge eating, not good. You should eat lean proteins with a carbohydrate every meal (every 3 hours) for several reasons, firstly your body can not store protein like it does with carbos and fat and so it needs protein to be available at all times to build and repair your body otherwise the body will start consuming the lean muscle you have worked so hard to build up for its regular needs. Secondly the body can


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absorb the amino acids in the protein much more efficiently if there is a moderate amount of insulin in your blood, insulin aids transport of the amino acids across the cell wall. The food that guarantees you have sufficient insulin in your blood is, you guessed it, carbohydrates, and they work beautifully together if you choose a low GI carbohydrate you will get a slow moderate release of insulin which is what you want. For an exhaustive list of food GI and Glycemic load and macros go to http://nutritiondata.self.com/ In Chapter 8 I list a sample of foods with their Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Turbo Day: To improve your weight loss progress it is a good idea to have a Turbo Day which is 1 day a week where you have very little or no carbohydrates except for Low GL vegetable carbs in your meals and drinks. What this does is use up all the glycogen stored in your liver and muscles and forces your body to burn fat. This day can be any day but if you are going to stray off the path slightly over the weekends then the perfect day is Monday, that way you burn any excess carbohydrates consumed over the weekend and set the week up for more progress with your goals. On these days you should eat lean protein, low carbo foods like eggs, cheese, lean meats, low GI vegetables and protein bars and drinks if you like. A drink I have become fond of is Green Tea with mint flavour; it is a very refreshing drink, tasty and has a wonderful ability to increase your basal metabolic rate BMR which is what you want. There are also hundreds of studies on its powerful anticancer affects which also is what you want is it not? Drinking several green teas every day - not just on Turbo Days will have a very positive effect on your weight loss and will substitute for higher calorie alternatives. On Turbo Days avoid all foods with high GI carbohydrates in them like potatoes, fruits, rice, breads, pasta and cereals. Meat and low GI carbo vegetables is the ticket. Exercising before breakfast on the day after a Turbo Day will burn more fat then any other time of the week so do not miss that opportunity if you can help it.


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Make sure you have 6 meals/snacks on a Turbo Day so that the lack of carbohydrates does not interfere with your energy levels. Make sure you drink plenty of fresh clean water every day but especially on a Turbo Day as you may get dehydrated on these days. As you may recall each gram of stored carbohydrate retains 3 grams of water in your body so as you consume the carbos in your stores, you will lose water with it. The morning after a Turbo Day and after you have moved your bowels is the best time to do your weekly weigh in, you should be at your lightest at that time. You may be wondering what I can eat on the program and still lose fat and will I be hungry? I will cover three scenarios. The first scenario is a male that the callipers measure 18% body fat, he weights 90kg (198lbs) and his lean body mass LBM is 73kg (162lbs). Like a lot of people struggling with weight he is a blend of a endomorph (Thicker set figure) and a mesomorph (Well built V shape) The second person is a female with the same body type and fat % as the male above but has a body weight of 176lbs (80kg) and a lean body mass of 144lbs (65kg) Third is a bigger male with body fat of 18% who weights 110 kg (242lbs) and has a lean body mass of 90kg (198lbs) and the same body type, goal and activity level as above The numbers in the columns below are from the macronutrient calculator on the excel spreadsheet and are grams of the macronutrient at the top of the column. Body Type


Your Activity




hydrate Protein Fat kjoules Calories


















Endo/Meso Loss





Endo/Meso Loss





Endo/Meso Loss


This does not mean that Male1 only gets 207g (7.3oz) of chicken a day for example. Chicken is 70% water as is most lean meats and so 207 grams of


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protein coming from chicken is equivalent to 730g (26 oz) of uncooked chicken breast, the bigger male gets 890g (32oz) of chicken per day, that is a fair bit of meat (almost 1kg, 2lbs) of food especially if you are adding loads of good quality salads and vegetables to the meal, you will not be hungry, trust me! Being consistent with your food choices is what is going to get your weight off and keep it off, there is little point in being good for three days then busting out with all the old bad stuff for the next 2 days. Any progress you made in the last 7 days has gone and you have to start again. I know from my own bitter experience I went to France for a 40th birthday party that lasted two weeks, it put me back 10 weeks worth of work. If you choose food that tastes great you do not have to go back to the bad stuff just select the meals that give you plenty of great tasting food and you do not have to cheat. Having said that when you do go to a party and stray from the path you know now what to do to minimise its effects the next day (Turbo Day) and probably a bit more exercise. The macro ratios above are good for fat loss and the calories/k joules are sufficient to keep a person from being hungry but low enough to lose weight. What do you think a bottle of wine will do to those numbers? I do not know about you but a bottle of wine at a party is not that hard to consume!. Say for example I drank a bottle of red wine that had an alcoholic content of 14%, 14% of 750ml the volume of a bottle is 105 grams of alcohol in the bottle of wine. The energy in a gram of alcohol is 29 Kj so there is 3,045 Kj (728 calories) in that bottle. Below is a table of the three people above before and after a bottle of alcohol added to their energy totals!


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Body Type Male1

Add 1












3,045 Kj 11,043 Kj

Endo/Meso Female

728 cal 6816


Endo/Meso Male2




~44.6 %

2,356 cal

3,045 Kj 12,418 Kj 728 cal


2,560 cal

3,045 Kj 9,861 Kj 728 cal




I do not do that calculation to scare you but to let you know how big an effect it has on your daily energy figures and to be aware of the effect it will have on your weight loss. When you are in weight loss mode, more than a small glass a night will stop you losing weight. Better still don’t drink Monday to Thursday then have a couple of drinks over the weekend. Once you are in maintenance mode you can be more liberal with your drinks, it will be a try it and see what works for you approach. If you’re a beer or spirit drinker I am sure you can do the math quite well, be sure to add the sugar from the mixers.

Fats: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) from Udo Erasmus, Ph.D. His book ‘Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill: The Complete Guide to Fats, Oils, Cholesterol and Human Health is a classic, worth reading if you are interested. Two groups of EFAs exist. One group the Omega 3 ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid) EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid. The other, the Omega 6 LA (Linoleic Acid) GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) DGLA (Dihomogamma Linolenic Acid) AA (Arachidonic Acid) One of the tests we will talk about later to find where you were on the health continuum is the ratio of AA: EPA.


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Omega 6 fatty acids are associated with inflammatory processes and Omega 3 fatty acids are associated with antiinflammatory processes, a balance of these two processes is very important for your long term health, that’s why a ratio of as close to 1:1 is desirable. Higher levels of AA compared the EPA indicate systemic inflammation which is present with chronic diseases. EFAs are the fats that heal. These are substances that every cell must have, cannot make, and must therefore get from foods. No-fat diets eventually kill. Low-fat diets can make us sick. We cannot live without EFAs. EFAs are a food manufacturer’s nightmare. The easiest way to create products with long shelf life is to remove EFA’s as they go rancid quickly. This is a main force that drives the low-fat food craze, the ease to manufacture foods without EFA’s. The other main force that drives fat phobia and low-fat diets is ‘experts’ who know about the fats that kill (Trans fats), but are not clear about the fats that heal. They have not understood that most health problems that we blame on fats are actually due to destructive processing methods. Fats are essential to your survival, you can not live without them and they also make the food taste much better. More important than this, fats in your diet stimulates your gut to produce a hormone called Cholecystokinin which tells your brain to stop eating, that you have had enough to eat, which is vital to stop overeating. This explains why as we have reduced the amount of fat we eat in our diets as they told us to do, we have got fatter!! Fat in your meal tells your brain that you should stop eating, which prevents you from overeating. Putting some olive oil or slices of avocado on your food is all it takes if it is low in fat. Flaxseed is the richest food source of the Omega 3 EFA. High fat, cold water fish (albacore tuna, mackerel, trout, salmon, anchovies and sardines) are good sources of Omega 3 derivatives. Sunflower and sesame seeds are good sources of Omega 6 EFA. Almonds, peanuts, and olives also contain Omega 6 EFAs but no Omega 3’s. Soybeans and walnuts contain lots of Omega 6, and a small amount of Omega 3


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EFA Health Functions: - EFAs increase energy level, stamina, and performance; speed recovery from fatigue; and speed healing of injuries. We have seen this benefit in strength and endurance athletes, in performance dogs and horses, in older people, in those with degenerative conditions associated with low energy levels, and those complaining of fatigue. - EFAs are the best kept secret for beautiful skin, hair, and nails. Soft, velvety skin; tan better and burn less; helpful in eczema, psoriasis, and acne; are useful for sweating out oil-soluble toxins through the skin; protect from the toxic effects of pesticides in tissues; and in animals improve skin, hair coat, feathers, claws, hooves in dogs, cats, horses, birds, and other animals. - EFAs improve digestion by slowing stomach emptying time; suppress appetite; reduce cravings for sugars, starches, and non-essential fats; make withdrawal from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco easier; support healthy bowel flora; prevent leaky gut and food allergies autoimmune diseases; enhance food flavours; and improve the absorption of oil-soluble phytonutrients from vegetables and other foods. - EFAs are required by all glands and organs; required for insulin function, testosterone production, serotonin production; required for liver and kidney function; improve thyroid function; are required for lung function; EFAs provide glands and organs with the energy these highly active tissues require for their functions. - EFAs decrease several cardiovascular risk factors; lower high triglycerides; lower high blood pressure; decrease platelet stickiness, making stroke, heart attack, and embolism less likely; EFAs sometimes help, but are not reliable, to lower cholesterol levels. - EFAs are required for wound healing. - EFAs decrease Insulin Resistance and therefore Chronic Diseases and Obesity. - EFAs decrease Inflammation and therefore Chronic Diseases and Obesity. - EFAs reduce water retention (oedema). - EFAs dampen the over-response of the immune system in auto-immune conditions. - EFAs protect our genetic material (DNA) from damage.


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- EFAs have anti-tumour properties. - EFAs are required for mineral transport and mineral metabolism; prevent loss of bone minerals, and thereby keep bones strong and help prevent osteoporosis; work against protein-induced mineral loss. - EFAs are required for protein metabolism; protein without EFAs becomes toxic. - EFAs are required for haemoglobin production, cell growth, and cell division. - EFAs increase metabolic rate - EFAs reduce body fat; fat reduced under skin in body builders, to get the ‘shredded’ look; 30-50 pounds of fat reduction/year in obese people on 3-5 tbsp of – EFA-rich oil (high-dose fish oil); sometimes up to 10 tbsp/day. Apart from all the wonderful benefits above did you notice this last item? EFAs reduce body fat, so much so that body builders use it to get ripped / shredded. In Chapter 10 there is a recipe for a breakfast suggestion called the Budwig Breakfast containing flaxseed oil, cottage cheese and fruit, it gives you all these benefits above and is one of the strongest anticancer combinations on the planet! http://www.budwigcenter.com/budwig-protocol.php Dr ‘Udo’s has his own blend of oils that has 9 ingredients called Udo’s Choice’ Perfected Oil Blend: http://www.florainc.com You can make your own blend of Flaxseed and Sunflower oils it will give you the near perfect ratio of Omega 3: Omega 6, (1:1) use as a salad dressing with flavouring agents like Balsamic vinegar, fruit, mustard, herbs etc. The reason I included this information is because most people do not know how important these fats are and do not get anywhere near enough of them in their diets (Aim for 50-70% of your fats coming from EFAs). Hopefully that you now know this you will include them in as many meals as you can up to your macronutrient limit of course, Other fats like saturated, hydrogenated and trans-fatty acids are not so good for you, the link between these fats and a large number of diseases are well documented. If you consume the EFAs described above then they allow you to eat the small amounts saturated fats you will consume in lean meets (Grass


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fed beef has a lot more EFAs then grain fed) and eggs and such with out ill effects like heart disease, societies biggest killer (‘The fats that Kill”). The fats that kill have a number of unpleasant effects on us they are: •

Calorie dense so a small amount can get you quickly to your calorie max

Cause many diseases mentioned before

If you have other macronutrients available then you are going to store the fat

Reduce insulin sensitivity which is a precursor to diabetes which leaves high levels of insulin in your blood so it is much harder to burn fat.

Proteins: Every cell in your body is built from proteins and fat and these cells whether muscle, bone or liver replace themselves on a regular basis. Bone replaces its self every 3 months and the liver replaces all its cells every 6 weeks. Building all these trillions cells and structures requires a constant supply of proteins. Every structure, hormone and cell is made of proteins, there are thousands of proteins in the body and each one of these proteins is made up of building blocks called amino acids. There are 20 amino acids that in a mind boggling number of combinations build the proteins in our body. Of these 20 amino acids the body can make 11 of them and these are called non essential amino acids because you do not need to get them from outside. The other 9 amino acids that the body cannot make are called you guessed it, essential amino acids, the ones we have to get from our food. The body can not store proteins like it can with carbohydrates and fats, except for what proteins are held in your blood at anyone time. This means that with all this building activity the body needs amino acids all the time and so if the body needs an essential amino acid ( one it can not make) and it is not available at the time it will take it from a muscle or other structure to meet its needs, if this happens a lot you can imagine it will reduce your muscle mass a lot. This is what low calorie; low protein diets do for you. This is why we say you need to eat lean protein (which has all the essential amino acids) with every meal to avoid this happening.


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There are two types of proteins, ones that have all the essential amino acids which are called complete proteins like meat, eggs and dairy. The second type of proteins do not have all the essential amino acids and are therefore called incomplete proteins this includes foods such as beans, legumes and grains. Complete Proteins- Lean (no fat, no skin) come from Chicken breast

Turkey breast

Ostrich Breast

Lamb Loin, Shoulder

Pork Loin, Ham

Veal Leg, Loin


Quail, Duck

Liver: Chicken, Beef, Goose, Lamb Shellfish (limit shellfish due to toxins and cholesterol) Eggs Lean red meats (Top round, lean sirloin, rump, fillet) Low fat dairy products Egg or whey-based protein powders. Proteins have the highest Thermic Effect of all the macronutrients, this means the body has to use more energy to digest proteins then the other two nutrients, this is why in this plan, protein has a prominent place in the ratios. Apart from keeping the metabolic furnace burning, protein satisfies hunger better for longer than carbohydrates. Another benefit of protein from a weight loss point of view is that because the body can not store protein it rarely absorbs all the calories related to protein consumption. If there is a deficit in calories from carbohydrates and fats the body will turn to protein for energy, this not a bad thing as metabolising protein is an energy costly activity and will burn much more calories metabolising it then the other macronutrients. Protein stimulates the production of Glucagon which in hand liberates glucose from you liver to maintain blood glucose levels. If your blood glucose levels are good, then you need less carbohydrate in your diet to maintain these blood glucose levels, which is a good thing. There is only one caution with a higher protein consumption plan and that is for people who have kidney or liver disease. Higher protein consumption does stress these organs if they are damaged and so if you have these health issues


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you should seek medical advice on using this plan. In people who do not have these diseases then there is no evidence that protein is harmful at all. Although the amount of protein in this plan is higher than what the average daily requirement is, the average requirement is set for couch potatoes not people who are doing active exercise, which you are going to do to burn that fat, right? The protein ratios are well within the parameters recommended for active exercising people who are doing weights and cardio. To build muscle which is your aim as well as lose fat then the scientific literature says you could consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (1 lb= 454g) Some high-protein, high-meat diets have been implicated as a factor in the development of osteoporosis. Studies have shown that adding purified protein supplements and amino-acid mixtures that have had their phosphate removed do increase excretion of calcium by the kidney in both animals and humans. However, several long-term controlled human studies carried out have shown that high intakes of protein from natural protein sources such as meat, which have their phosphate intact, do not significantly increase calcium excretion or osteoporosis.


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Chapter 5: Cardio Exercise Most people try to lose weight by changing their diet without changing their exercise habits; this is the source of their failure. Frankly most people who are not actively involved in an aerobic sport on a regular basis hate exercise and find it very difficult to keep a habit of exercise going regularly beyond a few weeks. Is this you? Your affirmations in Chapter 3 will help you here. Calorie restricted diets (also Appetite Suppression, Stomach Volume Occupiers) work as we know but are near impossible to maintain because hunger is a state that few people can stick with or wish to have as an ongoing feature of their life. They also have a disastrous effect on your muscle mass as discussed. In Chapter 3, I asked you to make a decision to do the exercise required to lose the weight, have you convinced yourself that a change needs to be made? To lose weight and keep it off you will need to do at the bare minimum 4 sessions of approximately 20-30 minutes per week of cardio or what’s also called metabolic conditioning at a high intensity. Other gentler exercise like bike riding and walking as well as the intense exercise will greatly help to lose those pounds. Make sure you start a workout diary so you can plot your progress and see what number you have to beat from last time doing that exercise. The most efficient way of exercising for the maximum effect is a program designed by a Japanese scientist called Izumi Tabata in 1996. Tabata san found that if one group (group A) trained at 70% capacity for an hour (Traditional Cardio) and another group (group B) of similar characteristics trained for 4 minutes at very high intensity for the same number of times per week for 6 weeks. The results were that: Group A had a significant increase in the aerobic system (cardiovascular system). However, the anaerobic system (muscles) gained little or no results at all. Group B however showed much improvement in all their athletes. Their aerobic systems increased much more than group A’s, and their anaerobic systems increased by 28%.


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Conclusion: Not only did high intensity interval training have more of an impact on the aerobic systems; it had an impact on the anaerobic systems as well. Anaerobic capability comes in mighty handy in times of stress or distress when you need explosive power to get you out of trouble or achieve something quickly. Any exercise can be incorporated into the Tabata training. However the basic outline of the Tabata training method are as follows: •

4 minutes long (whole Tabata Session)

20 seconds of intense training followed by

10 seconds of rest

Total of 8 sessions or rounds one after the other without stopping

Although a Tabata session is 4 minutes long this is not enough exercise to satisfy your exercise needs for this program, Sorry! But what does work very well is linking 4 Tabata sessions together with a minute rest between them (5 minutes per session). This means for a 20 minute session in total (4 X 5) you can do enough work that is equivalent to an hours running, swimming, bicycling etc. For the time poor and the people who do not like exercise that much but know they need to do it this a blessing, what is interesting is that, this intense 20 minute burst will burn way more calories and fat than that hours run, 9 times more! Why traditional Cardio does not work Exercising at 70% of your maximum heart rate has been the normal strategy for fat burning for almost 30 years, the reason being is that you burn the most amount of fat when exercising at this level of activity, makes sense doesn’t it? The problem with this strategy is that the body is very clever and adapts very quickly to any activity a person does and so if you regularly run at 70% of your max 4 days per week for an hour, guess what the body does? It stores up fat in your body because it knows you are going to need it tomorrow! It uses the other macronutrients for its energy requirements and stores the fat. Just what you’re aiming for right? Hands up who has done a lot of running and not seen the results you expect and deserve?


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On top of that, long regular exercise like running has a deleterious effect on your joints and reduces muscles and eventually lowers your testosterone and growth hormones and elevates your cortisol levels, again not what you’re after. The really bad thing is once you’ve stopped running because you’re bored or sore from all that running or you hit an adaptive plateau you can not get passed, your body has turned into a fat storing factory now, not good! Doing those long miles pounding the pavement in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond is not a sound strategy for you to be athletic, strong and agile going into your twilight years. Tabata is the answer; you can do Tabata till your 103 years old! The high intensity nature of Tabata has a profound effect on your physiology. In high intensity exercise the body uses almost exclusively glycogen carbohydrates in your muscles and liver and only uses a small amount of fats, but it is what happens after the intense exercise that is so interesting.

In Tabata: The reverse of what happens in running occurs in Tabata, since you burn almost exclusively the glycogen carbs during the Tabata session and no fats the body perceives the fats to be superfluous to your requirements and that carbs are what is required more than anything else. So your body after a Tabata session stores as much glycogen as it can ready for tomorrows session and burns the fat for its energy needs because it is not needed for the exercise ‘Halleluiah ‘. Short interval intense exercise burns the carbs during the exercise and maximises the fat burn after the exercise. Researchers at Laval University in Quebec found that the group that did short duration intense exercise lost 9 times more fat than the group that did 45 minutes duration of continuous exercise. In addition to the extra fat burning of Tabata the other benefits of this form of exercise are what are called neuro-endocrinal changes, which are positive changes to your nerves and hormones: •

Increased muscle strength of all parts of your body

Increases testosterone levels which has the antiageing effects of improved memory, improved libido and sexual function, reduces the incidence of osteoporosis and improves muscular strength.


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Increases your blood levels of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), HGH is your body’s “anti-aging” hormone. It builds muscles, strengthens bones and burns fat.

It’s been scientifically shown to raise your ‘good’ cholesterol HDL and reverse the negative effects of aging. Blood levels of HGH rise significantly during and after interval training whereas there is no increase in HGH with traditional cardio. HDL helps stop heart attacks and is one of the ‘good fats that heal’.

Improves heart strength, function, endurance and ability to cope with sudden increases in demand for blood and oxygen.

Lowers blood pressure, lowers triglycerides (‘the fats that kill’)

Strengthens your lungs capacity to get oxygen into your body

Stronger leg muscles, lungs and heart have been shown to be predictive markers to improved longevity and a longer happier more productive life.

Harvard University studies show that high intensity exercise can help you live longer!

The above benefits are similar to what you achieve with steroid use but without the deleterious side effects steroid use produces.

High Intensity exercise generates significant levels of catecholamines (Hormones) in your blood which increase post exercise fat burning.

A recent study in the Journal of Obesity showed that high intensity intermittent exercise (Tabata) was not only effective in burning fat but it preferentially burnt the fat around your abdominal organs (visceral fat) which is known to be the worst type of body fat and is more strongly associated with cardiovascular disease risk than compared to overall obesity. Jogging for 45 mins-1 hours or longer generates the opposite set of results than above. The reason being is that if you are exercising for that length of time regularly the body adapts to make you as efficient as possible for that exercise. The way it does that is by reducing the size of your heart and your lungs. The best way to explain this is to use a car analogy a small 2 litre


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engine is way more efficient than a 5 litre engine, same goes with your body. Smaller hearts and lungs require less oxygen and produce less waste products that have to be gotten rid of. The reason you lose more fat is the intense exercise shocks the system and forces it to increase your basal metabolic rate BMR, your vital capacity and the number of mitochondria which make the vital energy molecule ATP, also it forces you to make those positive nerve and hormonal changes in your body, way more than traditional cardio will, so all day you are burning more fat (9 times more), even in bed, asleep that is!. Short, high intensity exercise increases the following hormones: More Growth Hormone GH so more muscle growth, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TSH which stimulates to production of T2, and a little T3. The thyroid (T) hormones break down muscle and fat in differing ratios. T2 metabolises (consumes) muscle: fat in a loss ratio 1:5 and T3’s loss ratio is 3:5 of fat to muscle. Obviously T2 is better for fat loss while keeping muscle than T3. Short intense exercise stimulates a lot more T2 than T3 and so breaks down more fat than muscle~~Hence the title of this book ‘Lose the Fat NOT the Muscle’ Long, moderate intensity exercise raises the following hormones: Less GH so less muscle growth, TSH, T3, cortisol and some T2. Cortisol and T3 break down more muscle and proportionally less fat, in other words it burns the muscles, making them smaller. Warning: As I have said before if you are heavy and way out of shape or have any history of heart or lung problems then it is advisable to check with your doctor that it is safe for you to do this program. The beauty of this program is that it is totally scalable which means you can start very slowly and build the intensity of your program as your body adapts to the stimulus you are providing it. You will start with 1 Tabata session and build up to the 4 sessions as you get more confident and fitter. What’s required in these Tabata sessions is that at the end of each 4 minute session you are breathing very hard. What’s required to breathe very hard for one person is very different for another. Breathing very hard


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means you are creating an oxygen deficit with your exercise, you are working beyond the aerobic capacity of your body and so it has to catch up during the rest period. This has the effect of forcing your lungs and heart to get bigger and stronger to cope with the demand you are constantly putting on it, this is a very good thing as bigger stronger lungs and heart will help you live longer, it’s a fact! This is probably one of the most important things in this book! Enjoy the process of getting stronger, it will pay you huge dividends in your health, it will make your mind sharper and your memory will improve. A consequence of needing to be breathless at the end of each Tabata session is that as you get fitter the intensity and reps you do during the 20 second exercise period become more numerous and the difficulty of the exercise becomes harder. You will gain more muscle mass doing this conditioning exercise than a lot of people get doing traditional weights. Interval training works so well because of a process called EPOC which stands for Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (after burn) EPOC occurs in the body after intense exercise which consumes all the muscles stores of energy (Glycogen and the Phosphagen energy systems). The energy stores can take up to 48 hours to be replenished. During this time your body has no alternative but to release the fatty acids from your fats stores and burn them to provide you with energy. Especially when you eat low GI meals afterwards. This is really working with your body to get rid of the excess pounds and there is no way your body can adapt to this stimulus unless it becomes routine like doing the same exercises every day. Mix it up every day so the body can not adapt. Elite long distance runners do a considerable portion of their training in interval exercises these days because it is so good for their respiratory and circulation and energy systems. Whilst building muscle! Gym Workouts As I suggested before I highly recommend you join a Crossfit gym as it is best equipped to take you through what I am about to tell you. I can not do


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anywhere near as good a job as a Cross Fit instructor can, he/she can assess your current situation and adapt the program to fit with you. If you are locked into a contract with a regular gym as they all seem to do, then I will show you how to use this system on the gym equipment until your contract runs out and then I would hope you look up the nearest Crossfit gym. Cross fit training improves all TEN of the following physical attributes Cardiovascular and Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy. I do not know of a better system to help you be Healthy & Happy which is our Prime Objective for you. As I described above, a Tabata session is 8 sets of 20 seconds of as high an intensity you can muster or feel is safe for your particular circumstances followed by a 10 second rest. An example could be for the stationary bike . You dial up what resistance you feel you can cope with for 20 seconds at full bore then go as hard as you can for 20 seconds on the machines clock, rest or pedal slowly for 10 seconds so when you have 30 seconds on the clock, go as hard again for another 20 seconds then rest for ten. Pretty simple huh!, you stop when the clock says 4 minutes. You should be pretty exhausted and breathing very heavy after 4 minutes. Take note of the metres you biked in the 4 minutes and the resistance used as you will want to beat that number and possibly increase the resistance next time and every session after that into the future. You want to always beat the last session’s number. Now depending on your fitness you can stop there or give your self a break, possibly do some of the workout you normally do at the gym and if you feel up to it do a second Tabata session on the rowing machine, exactly the same as for the bike or any other piece of equipment in the gym. Most rowing machines will be able to be set up with the 8 sessions on the meter, ask a staff member to show you how. If a machine can be set up with Tabata then record on your workout diary the lowest (worst) number of


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meters of the 8 sessions. You will want to improve on that number next time. With a Treadmill you can increase the speed and inclination to increase the intensity, don’t slow the machine down for your 10 second rest but jump on to the side boards to take your break. Use the hand rails of the machine to help you get on and off safely. Take it gradually and see how you go, see how you feel the next day. You want to build up to doing the 4 Tabata sessions back to back with only a minute rest between each session. This will result in you doing 32 (8x4), 20 second sessions in 20 minutes, it does not sound like a lot but believe me when you do this type of exercise you realise how unfit you are. This type of training is now common place in all military installations where it started. Police, fire brigade and a growing number of sporting teams, they do this kind of training because simply it’s the best and gets the fastest results in the shortest space of time. Again if you’re not use to exercise take it easy to start with; if your doing multiple 4 min sets then give yourself enough time between the sets to recover your breath to a reasonable rate, it does not have to go back to normal in fact do not let it go back to normal. Start the next set slightly breathless. Do it this way until you are ready to go back to back for 4 sessions with only a 1 minute rest between them. For those of you who have a gym at home you can down load this Tabata timer for your computer or lap top http://www.tabatatimer.com There are Tabata timers for most smart mobile phones these days, so you can time yourself out of the gym. Try this link! link!http://tabata.sperker.de/index.php?nav=download&d_sub=dld_mob How well and how fit are you? What is taught in this program works for Olympic Athletes, overweight, sedentary homemakers and senior citizens, so it will work for you. That is as long as you do it! There is a wellbeing continuum where a persons health can be graphed, at one end of the continuum a person can be very unhealthy or worse (Sick/Sad/Pathology) and at the opposite end of that continuum a person is exceptionally fit and healthy


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– Super-Wellness (World Class/ Happy) at the other end with general wellness in the middle! Shown in this illustration below Sickness~~~~~~~~~Wellness~~~~~~~~~~~~Exceptionally Fit and Healthy Where you fit in that continuum now is your starting point, what you do from this point on will determine in which direction on that continuum you are headed, choose carefully as your decisions today will make you happy or sad in the future! Today you are the culmination of all your decisions so far, what is your future? It is in your hands! If you remain fit and healthy that is your best insurance policy against sickness, because as you can see by the continuum above if you are fit and healthy you have to go through wellness before you reach sickness. Think about it! All physical biomarkers like blood pressure BP for example give us information on the state of our health. If your BP is 11o/70 and you are 50 years old then you are exceptionally fit for your age, but if you are the same age and your BP is 200/150 then you are at the other end of the continuum, make sense? All medical biomarkers can be viewed in this way, that’s what your doctor is looking for when he does these tests. You can find out where you are on that continuum by doing the blood tests in the table below. If your AA/EPA number is say 3 now then to get sick it needs to move to 15 and stay there for some time before pain and sickness arrive! Clinical Markers of Wellness Blood Test

Chronic disease is developing

Good: Heading on the path to wellness 3 10

Ideal: State of wellness

15 or greater 15 or greater

Poor: Heading on a path to chronic disease 10 13

AA/EPA ratio Fasting Insulin (uU/ml) Triglyceride/HDL

4 or greater



Less than 1

1.5 Less than 5

The AA/EPA ratio tells you whether you have systemic inflammation in your body. AA the omega 6 fatty acid is representative of the inflammatory fatty acids and EPA the omega 3 fatty acid is representative of the anti-inflammatory fatty acids, a balance of the two demonstrates you do not have excessive inflammation in your body. The higher the number of omega 6 the more


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inflammation you have in your body, which contributes to obesity and a lot of other chronic diseases. The lower the number the more fat you will lose! Fasting Insulin value gives you a very good idea if you have insulin resistance which is the precursor of a lot of chronic diseases and obesity. Triglyceride/HDL ratio gives you a good idea of your heart (vascular) health. These three blood tests give you all you need to know about where you are on that health continuum, do not skip this part and find out what your numbers are because you want to work towards improving those numbers over time. Nothing motivates you more than seeing your numbers improve. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is a scan that can tell you exactly how much body fat you have and how much visceral fat you have. If you are interested in finding out where you are now this scan tell you. You can also find out where you are on that continuum by testing your fitness and comparing it with the rest of the world. Do the 5 work outs of the day (WOD) below over a couple of weeks and then go to http://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard and sort the leader board by week 1 through to week 5 to see what ranking you score for that WOD would have been. If you add your 5 rankings together and see where you came compared to the world on the week 5 leader board. If you divide you’re ranking by the last ranking on the last page that has 5 full weeks of scores you will calculate in what percentile band your fitness is. For example if your ranking is 16890 and the last fully scored ranking is 35109 then divide 16890/35109 = 0.481. This means you are better than 52% of the people who competed and completed all 5 WOD’s. So, on the fitness continuum you are right in its centre. The people who compete in the Crossfit Games are already fitter than the average population so you are comparing yourself with a fitter group. If this is a little complicated for people I will put a video on the website to show you how to do it, I think it is worth while knowing where you stand don’t you? I tell you all this because the greatest challenge you will probably have is to keep exercising effectively long term. Striving to improve your score each year is a fabulous goal and a motivating force which will be difficult to beat.


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Especially if you are competing against family and friends! There are different age groups so you can compare yourself with people of a similar age. YouTube has lots of footage of people doing these WOD’s

The Five 2012 Games WOD’s http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open?#tabs-1 http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open?#tabs-2 http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open?#tabs-3 http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open?#tabs-4 http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open?#tabs-5 Home Workouts If you are not a member of a gym and want to do the exercise at home there are a few bits of equipment that would be helpful and they do not cost much. Firstly, you can either make yourself a chin up bar or buy one that attaches to the wall or hangs off your door, eBay has them for $40+, to begin with you can use a broom stick and 2 chairs to save money. Secondly you should get a Speed & Power Loop Resistance Band – 100 lb or 50lbs. You will use this to assist you to do chin ups and dips and it will be resistance in some exercises and stretches.You will need to decide what strength of band you need to do your chin ups. Best to find a store that sells them or a gym that has them and ask to try them out! A Crossfit Wall ball would be very handy as well Ladies 6kg (12lbs) and Men 10kg (20lbs). Some hand weights will be helpful as you progress beyond the beginner stage. I will show you how to do weights with bars and bar bell plates as technique is so important for safety and getting the best out of those exercises. You are best to get proper help for that. The Exercises: Any of the following exercises can be done with the Tabata method.


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Each exercise will be described in its basic form and then 2 levels of progression will be offered to make it harder for the more fitter or for when you get fitter. Practice the exercise before you do it in the Tabata session so that you know exactly what you are doing and are warmed up for this exercise. On all web links below if double clicking on them does not work, right click on it then click open link or copy link and paste into web browser address bar. Make sure you count and write down in your exercise diary the reps you did for each exercise that day! You can find most of the exercises on the Crossfit website: http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/excercise.html It’s a very long page with hundreds of videos on it Air Squat (AS): Squatting is essential to maintaining functional independence and improving fitness, this should be one of the exercises you do regularly. Getting out of a chair is an air squat, you need to be able to do this if you want to remain independent and stay out of the nursing home. Stand with your feet a bit more than shoulder width apart with toes pointed outwards. The first move is to push your bottom backwards and downwards whilst keeping your chest and hands as high as possible. Ensure that your weight is in your heels as you do not want your heels coming off the ground. Your bottom needs to go below the height of your knees; a marble should run backwards if I placed it on your thigh. If you find this very difficult due to low strength or tightness start this exercise whilst holding on to a heavy table, bench or back of a chair. When starting to do this exercise put a 300mm (12 inch) wall ball or crate behind you so you know how low to go, you bottom needs to touch them. You can make this exercise harder by going faster and by bringing your hands higher into the air or putting weight in your hands http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_AirSquats.wmv http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_TabataSquats.wmv Burpee’s:


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Start by standing erect, then put your hands on the ground and push you feet out behind you so you are in a push up position. Do the push up so that your chest touches the ground then move your feet to your hands so you are in the squat position, then jump up whilst clapping your hands overhead. You can make this exercise harder by going faster and doing them for longer. This exercise is great to build fitness and strength at the same time. A good test is to see how many you can do in 1 minute, then improve on that number with practice.(exercise diary) once you can do 14 in a minute see how many you can do in 2 minutes, aim to be able to do 70 in 5 minutes. http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_Burpees.wmv Walking Lunges (WL): Take a long step forward with say your right foot, then lower your left knee to the ground, straighten your left knee and step through with you left leg and lower your right knee to the ground then repeat. That is 1 rep. Make sure you look ahead and have your torso erect and facing forwards and not to the ground. You can make this exercise harder by adding more and more weight in dumb bells in both hands hanging by your sides or you can also bring the dumb bells or plate above your head. Work your way up to 20kg (45lb) above your head with elbows straight. 14 lunges each leg is a good starting point. http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_WalkingLunges.wmv Dips: Dips and chin ups are very important as they exercise your whole upper body make sure you do them regularly to produce a great change in your body. You can start doing dips by sliding off a chair and having your hands on the seat and your feet flat on the ground at least 2 feet from the chair, you are dipping approximately 20% of your body weight. You progress the dips by using 3 chairs, one chair for your feet and a chair for each of your hands. Have the chairs arranged in a triangle so the chair for the feet is at the apex of the triangle and the two chairs for your hands are at the base corners of the triangle, your bottom should be facing the floor.


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Lower your self between the 2 hands~ chairs and then raise your self, you have completed 1 dip, in this set up, you are dipping approximately 50% of your bodyweight. Once you can do 60-80 dips in 3 sets this way you are ready to dip your whole weight. Turn the backs of 2 sturdy chairs to face each other; you will stand between the 2 chairs. Place your hands on the top of the backrests, take up your weight through your hands and lift your feet off the ground, you are now suspended between the 2 chairs, lower your self down a few inches and then raise yourself back up again, you have just done a restricted dip with 100% your own body weight. As you get stronger you will be able to dip lower and lower until your hands and your armpits are at the same level, when you can do 50 of these you will be a much stronger and fitter person than when you started, give your self a pat on the back!. Chin Ups/Pull Ups (PU): You can do chin ups on the chin up bar you either made or bought and to make it easier you loop one end of your Power Loop Resistance Band around the bar and feed the other end through the loop so that one end is tied to the bar, you put your knee or foot on the free end of the loop to help you do the chin up. If you do not have a chin up bar to start with you can make a chin up bar with a broom stick and 2 chairs. Have the backs of two chairs facing each other; place a broomstick between the tops of the chair backrests. Lie on the floor between the two chairs and grasp the broomstick with both hands. Pull your self up until your chin is at the same level as the broomstick. Keep your hands close the chair backrest so you do not break the stick. You have done a chin up with about 50% of your bodyweight, once you can do 50 of these it is time for you to arrange for a proper chin up bar, you are going to need it. Jumping pull ups can be done as an interim exercise between the lying and standing pull ups, especially if you do not have a power band or if you have shoulder injuries.


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Make sure the bar is between your wrist and elbow when your arms are raised overhead, you may need to put something under your feet to accomplish that, then jump up and bring your chin to the bar, the momentum of the jump helps you complete the pull up. To do a pull up unassisted you may want to look at the Crossfit website to see how a kipping pull up is done, this is easier than a strict pull up and is how most Crossfit people do pull ups. Look under Crossfit Exercises http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/excercise.html There are several files explaining what is an easy movement when you get it! Push Ups (PU): Everybody knows how to do push ups but lets start from the beginning and show you how you can increase the difficulty! Make sure on all occasions that you do a full range of movement from elbows straight to chest touching the wall or ground. If conventional push ups are too hard for you to start with try standing push ups with your hands on the wall and you feet one foot (300mm) from the wall. You are pushing about 10% of you body weight, move your feet two feet from the wall and you are pushing 20% bodyweight. Lie facedown on the floor and push up with your hands and have your knees on the floor, you are pushing 30% bodyweight. Lift you knees off the ground so you are now on your toes and your back is straight, you are now pushing 40% bodyweight. Changing your hand position makes it easier or harder, the hardest is when your index fingers and thumbs make a triangle on the floor. Another way of making this type of push up harder is to imagine you are going under a fence with your body, rather than just lowering your body to the floor, perform an arc with your body as if you were moving forward and lower to get under the fence then raise your self up the other side of the fence then go back under the fence in the same arc as you came. Ten of those will sort you out for some time!. Put your feet on the seat of a chair and do push ups, you are now doing 50% bodyweight. Have you knees on a table and your hands on the ground, the closer to the table your hands get the harder it is, you are doing 70% bodyweight. Walk your feet up a wall so that your body is vertical and do push ups, you are now doing 90% bodyweight


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http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_PushupStandards.mov Wall Walks (WW): This is a very good exercise for your entire upper body and your core. Lie on the floor on your stomach with your shoes flat against a wall, do a push up then place one foot as high on the wall as you can then walk your hands to the wall whilst your feet walk up the wall. Then reverse the sequence to lower yourself slowly not falling back to the floor. When you can do 2 sets of fifteen reps of this try the HSPU below. Hand Stand Push Ups (HSPU): These push ups are like the ones above but instead of facing the wall you face away from the wall. The reason for this is the angle of your body in relation to the floor is different and will aid you doing handstands without the wall or walking on your hands which will be possible sooner than you think. Put your hands close to a wall (15 inches), use your feet to flick your feet up onto the wall, you are now facing away from the wall. You will probably not be able to get your heels to the wall to start with, it may take you some time to get your feet up on the wall, do not despair, keep at it and you can get someone to help you with your feet to start with to get you going it’s worth it! When you first get your feet up just hold the hand stand for 5 seconds! When you can do 2 sets of 10 hand stands bend your elbows just a few inches to start with, you will progress by lowering your head to the floor, do as many reps as you can. You are now pushing 100% of your body weight, congratulations very few people in the world can do that. This exercise gets you ready to do hand stands and walking on your hands, something you should try and master as it extremely good exercise. http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_HSPUVariations.wmv Double Under (DU): Skipping ropes have been used for thousands of years to exercise, the ancient Greeks used them, and most cultures around the world have skipping ropes as part of their health solution. The double under is a difficult exercise to master but well worth the effort. Some of the fittest athletes in the world use the rope


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to build their stamina and agility and speed, which are things you will want to build as well! People hurt themselves and cause fractures to leg bones and arms (and wrists) when there balance and leg strength and balance is diminished. A double under is when you pass the skipping rope twice under your feet with each jump, this requires quick wrists and a higher jump than normal. The way you start practicing for this is the do single skips then try and slip a double under in. When you do the double under jump a bit higher than normal, this will ensure the rope does not catch on your feet. Although this is not easy, it is well worth persisting with, once you can do one, try and do two in a row, then more, the gold standard is to be able to do 2 minutes of double unders without stopping. When you can do that be very pleased with yourself, you have reached a level of fitness that will keep you alive longer than the average person. http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_DoubleUnders2.wmv Sit Ups (SU): Sit ups as with other abdominal exercises help strengthen your ‘core’, which is the muscles around your waist that allows you to lift things; they also protect your spine from damage, very important. Do them regularly, at least once a week. A lot of ways that people do sit up exercises is wrong, they exercise their hip flexors not their stomach muscles. Sit on the floor with the soles of your shoes touching each other from toe to heel; make sure your knees are as wide apart as possible; this reduces the help the hips flexors are giving you. Try and keep your soles together during the exercise and your knees apart. Lay back and touch the floor behind you with your hands then sit up and touch your shoe laces and repeat with Tabata. You may want to put several layers of towel under your lower back and butt to stop you grazing the skin on your sacrum with the floor if it is rough. A progression of the sit up is called hollow rocking. Sit on the floor with your legs out in front with knees bent and your hands close to the sides of your feet. Now rock onto your back then roll back not quite up to sitting position, keeping your legs and feet off the ground the


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whole time, continue to do this backwards and forwards for the 20 seconds of a Tabata session and repeat for 8 sets as usual. You progress this exercise by straightening your knees more and more and by moving your hands until your elbows are straight and your hands are above and behind your head. It’s tough!

Crossfit Wall Ball Squats (WB): These exercises work just about every part of your body and should be done regularly, at least once every 2 weeks. Do this exercise at least 3 days away from when you last did squats Ladies should make a mark on an outside wall 2.1m (7ft), men 3.0m (10ft) above the ground. You stand facing the wall with the mark holding your Wall Ball~ (Ladies 6kg (12lb) and Men 10kg (20lb) like you are about to shoot a basket ball. Both elbows should always be under the ball, lower yourself into a full squat then jump up throwing the ball up to your mark on the wall, try and keep your torso vertical so it does not slump forward, catch the ball do not drop it and start again. Do this in Tabata style or as a 21 -15 – 9 set combination with other exercises Crossfit Wall Ball Slams (WB): We do a lot of pushing away from our bodies but we do very little pulling away or throwing from our bodies, this exercise addresses that hole in the training. Pick up your wall ball, raise it above your head and slam it against the ground, catch it on the bounce off the ground and repeat Toe to Bar (TB): This exercise works your core like a sit up does but it is harder. If you have a chin up bar set up you will use this, if it is attached to a wall or a door face away from the wall or door and grab the bar. In the beginning you should attempt to bring your thighs to parallel with the floor to start with, then progress to bringing your knees to your elbows. Try to control the movement of your legs down rather than just letting them drop,


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swing your legs behind you in preparation for the next toes to bar, this will stop you swinging excessively between reps. Also try to do more than one rep before your feet touch the ground again, in Tabata ideally your feet should not touch the ground till the 10 second rest. When you can do this successfully for a Tabata session try to touch the bar your hands are holding with your feet on the next occasion doing this exercise. Even if you can not touch the bar with your feet on each occasion keep on trying as it will get easier with time and is the final stage of this exercise. Hill (Stairs) Wind Sprints: This exercise is usually done outside, but can be done via stairs inside a building. This exercise is done a little differently to the normal Tabata system. When you start doing this exercise, start power walking up a hill for 20 seconds then you need to catch your breath by walking down the hill or stairs so the rest period is longer than the normal 10 seconds. You still do the 8, 20 second sections as usual but have a longer breather between sets. Once you have done this on one or two occasions start jogging up the hill or stairs for the 20 second sections. Walk far enough down the hill to give you enough room to cover that distance in 20 seconds. Once jogging is manageable start sprinting up the hill for the 20 seconds. This exercise can be part of a longer power walk and once you get good at it you may want to do it at the beginning and end of the walk. You can make the 20 second sections longer if you want to arc up the exercise. It is not unreasonable to have sprint sections of 1 minute each once you are fit enough. Back Extensions: This exercise works the shoulder girdle, hamstrings and buttocks and back muscles, all very important areas, the posterior chain as it is called. It is well worth doing these at least once a week. Gorilla’s can lift 8 times their body weight because their posterior chain is so strong, how many times your body weight can you dead lift?


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You lay on your stomach with your arms out in front and legs in a line with your body. Keeping you heels together lift your feet and your hands off the ground whilst arching your back. Try and lift hands and feet as high as you can go. You can add weight to your hands and feet to make this exercise harder as does holding the position for longer periods Box Jumps (BJ): Once you get good at these you can jump out of a pool without your hands touching the edge of the pool! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=ifEdLArq1qg It is a very good idea to be able to jump up and down from a height, it comes in handy and improves your agility and strength enormously, which is very important, even more so as you get older! Most plastic milk crates and other such boxes are about 1 foot (300mm) high, choose something that is sturdy and will not break when you jump on it. As the name suggests you jump with both feet together up onto this box and then jump back down again with both feet together or step down. You can start by stepping up and down with one foot but try and do it with two feet as soon as you can as it is a much better exercise that way. Once you have done a few Tabata sessions at this height and you feel confident to progress, try the proper heights of 18 inches (450 mm) for females and 24 inches (600 mm) for males. You can make them yourself or buy them from fitness shops if need be. Record in your exercise diary the least number of jumps in any one 20 sec sections of the Tabata. Try to improve that number over time. http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_BoxJumpVariations.wmv Kettle Bell Swings (KB): If you have Kettle Bells (KB’s) you should incorporate at least one exercise per week with them. KB’s can be used for conditioning and strength training, all the elite military use them because it is so effective. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart you pick up with both hands the Bell you think you can swing comfortably. Start the bell swinging between your legs and then up until it is above your head, you must not let your torso


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bend under the weight of the bell it should remain erect. Always warm up with very low weights and build up the weight over 20 or so reps so you are used to the weight and the movement and warm up before you attempt higher weights. The way you tell if the weight is too heavy is when the bell has gone between your legs your spine collapses under the weight; your torso should always be erect at the bottom of the manoeuvre. Your arms only hold on to the handle, they play no part in getting the bell up, that is the job of your hips alone. Start by moving the bell to hip height and progress from there. Once you have done the Tabata method for a while with the exercises above and got your fitness up you can start to attempt the iconic Crossfit 24 WOD’s (work outs of the day) called the girls below. These WOD’s are known the world over and you can go on the Crossfit web site or YouTube and see what the world record for each of them is. If you have ever been to a gym before you would have been asked what you can bench press which gives someone an idea of what you are capable of. The equivalent of this in Crossfit is the Fran WOD; the current world record is 1 minute 53 seconds. CrossFit Fran Jason Kaplan 1min 53sec - YouTube For an explanation of some of the exercises below you may need to go to the weights section of this book in the next chapter. Rounds for time means you do each of the exercises prescribed x number of times and time your self when you finish and put the time you took to do the WOD in your exercise diary. All these exercises are scalable which means you can lower the weights or modify the technique to make it a bit easier if you find it is too hard to do, always do the number of reps prescribed if possible. Time your self with all these WOD’s so you can measure your progress over time. Try to improve on the time and possibly weight for each exercise each time you do them so recording is essential.


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3 Rounds for time:

30 reps for time Clean & Jerk 60/40kg

Run 400m 21 KB Swings 24/16kg


12 Pull Ups

30 reps for time Snatch 60/40kg



1000m Row

Reps 21 – 15 – 9

50 Thrusters 20/15


30 Pull Ups

Deadlift 100/70kg



Reps 21 – 15 – 9

100 Pull Ups

Thrusters 40/30kg

100 Push Ups

Pull Ups

100 Sit Ups + 100 Squats



Reps 21 – 15 – 9

Reps 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10

Squat Clean 60/40kg


Ring Dips

Sit Ups



5 Rounds for time:

5 Rounds for time:

20 Pull Ups

15 x Overhead Squat 40/30kg

30 Push Ups

Run 400m

40 Sit Ups 50 Squats Helen;


3 Rounds for time:

Number of rounds in 20 minutes

400m Run

5 Pull Ups

21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16

10 Push Ups

12 Pull Ups

15 Squats



Five rounds for time

Set up before a clock, and every minute on


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Run 800 meters

the minute perform for 20 mins

30 reps 2 hand Kettlebell swing, 5 pull-ups Rx is 32/24kg but scale to ability 10 push-ups 30 Pull-ups

15 squats



For time:

Five rounds for time:

150 Wallball shots, 10/6 kg ball

Run 400 meters 30 Box jump, 24/16 inch box 30 Wall ball shots, 10/6 kg ball

Linda; (The hardest WOD) Reps 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Of the Triplet below, Scale as Necessary! Deadlift: 1.5 body weight Bench press: body weight Clean: 0.75 body weight Mary; Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 One legged squats, alternating 15 Pull-ups

Nancy; 5 rounds for time: 400 meter run 42.5kg (95 lb) / 30kg 65 lb Overhead squat, 15 reps

200m Row; For Time if you have access to a machine 500m Row; For Time if you have access to a machine

5km Run;

Max Double Unders; (DU’s)

For Time

The most DU’s you can do in a row without stopping

Max Pull Ups: The max number you can do without stopping


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Filthy Fifty: Another tough one For time: Cut off time 40 mins, i.e. if you have not finished every item stop at 40 mins You do not have to do all the 50 reps of each exercise at once you can mix it up, as long as you can keep a proper count. 50 Box jump, 24/16 inch box

50 Double unders

50 Jumping pull-ups

50 Burpee’s

50 Kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

50 Back extensions

Walking Lunge, 50 steps each leg

50 Wall balls

50 Knees to elbows

50 Push press, 20kg


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Chapter 6: Weight / Strength Training This chapter is about how to build muscle to counteract the natural decline in muscle as we age and to burn more calories to maintain your ideal body weight. As you can see from the previous chapter there is already strengthening exercises in the conditioning / cardio chapter which you can use to strengthen different parts of your body, even though they work very well to get your heart and breathing rate up. In Chapter 7 you will be shown how to organise your training sessions to maximise your fat burn with the least amount of time, if you are doing weights and cardio in one session usually the weights come first as you will probably not want to do weights after the conditioning session. Weight training with heavy weights can be dangerous and so I give a warning here that doing weight training without supervision should be done with a great deal of caution. Correct form in these exercises is very important to avoid injury; it can be very difficult to see yourself even in a mirror to make sure you are doing it right. I do not take any responsibility for any injury or damage as a result of doing these exercises. Doing these exercises under supervision of a properly trained person is the best thing you can do, again I suggest you look up Crossfit gym in your area. Olympic lifts are the snatch, deadlift, clean, squat, and jerk. These movements are the starting point for any serious weight-training program. In fact they should serve as the core of your resistance training throughout your life. The reason for this is that these exercises elicit the greatest neuroendocrinal response, which means they boost hormone production and make your body grow and change your nervous system for the better. Conventional weights exercises done in gyms all over the world like Curls, Lateral Raises, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Flyes and other body building movements have no place in a serious strength and conditioning program primarily because they have a minimal neuroendocrine response, why waste time doing stuff that is not functional, useful or effective? You will need to buy a weight bar and collars and some weights, I suggest you buy 2 x 20kg (45lbs) plates, 2 x 10kg (20lb), 2 x 5kg (10lb), 2 x 2.5kg (5lb) and 2 x 1.25kg (2.5lb) plates. That way you can increase the weight your doing on


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an exercise in small increments of progression. As you get stronger you will need to buy more weights. You will need to train in an area where you can drop your weights if needed, so somewhere the floor can cope with that sort treatment. There are rubberised drop weights and bars these days which drop much better than the old cast iron ones. Buy bars that have rotating ends. If you have the finances I would suggest you get a set of Kettle bells as they will accelerate your strength and muscle mass gain better than anything. The following exercises can be done on their own or as part of a WOD like in the previous conditioning chapter, when done as a strength exercise you will be doing 5 or 7 sets of 1, 3 or 5 reps at the highest weight you can manage. Alternatively you can do a set of 21 reps then 15 reps then a final set of 9 reps! Which is more a cardio workout, it is best practice to start the first set on a weight that is about 60% of what you have done before or think you can do if not done before. Try and lift your personal best weight to date in the 3rd or 4th set, that way you have at least one more set to try a weight higher than you have done before which is what you are always striving for. The idea of all these exercises apart from building muscle is to make you stronger, more agile, have more stamina and be more functional and more flexible, which means you can do way more things than you used to be able to do. A good thing yes? All weight lifting exercises can be found either on the CrossFit website http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/excercise.html#Exer or the Catalyst athletics website has over a hundred videos http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercises/section.php?sectionID=2

Some Definitions: 1) Rack Position; RP Is when you lift a weight off the ground and are standing with the bar at shoulder height. Some people have their hands close together and others prefer them further apart. Test with an empty bar and then slowly increase weight and try different positions. With your hands holding the bar your elbows should be pointing out in front of you, this forms a ledge of your shoulder muscles for the bar to rest


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on. Let the bar roll out on to your finger tips it will help you get your elbows up which is very important. Take the time to get this right and comfortable, it may take you a while to get your elbows out in front of you if you are tight, you may need the help of somebody to help you get your elbows out in front whilst holding the bar. Your bottom should stick out backwards just a little bit to ensure you do not have your upper body too far back, which is a common fault, your shoulders should be slightly in front of your hips. In this position the bar should only be in contact with the ends of your fingers, not a complete grip which you establish if you move the bar from this position. Do not attempt any extra weight until you are comfortable in this position. The more mature person will take longer to get this right due to tightness, but persist as that tightness is what we are trying to get rid of with these exercises. 2) Abdominal Brace; AB To protect your back from injury during lifting exercises you need to take a deep breath, then contract your abdominal muscles and keep them contracted until the movement is complete. When the weight has stopped moving for that rep you can take another breath and brace the abdominals again for the next rep. Practice this when you practice an exercise with an empty bar. Extremely Important!! 3) Prescribed Conditions; Rx An exercise has parameters such as sets, reps and weight for male/female set by Crossfit, these are prescribed conditions (Rx) that everybody all over the world use to do the exercise. When starting this process you will probably not be doing Rx but scale the exercise back to reflect your capability at the time. To ascertain what your weight will be, start with just a wooden dowel (broom stick) to practice the exercise then slowly build the weight till you feel you can just finish the prescribed number of sets and reps.


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4) Through the window; means that when you lift a weight above your head you bring your head forward so it passes through the gap made by your arms, this ensures that the weight is correctly aligned above your body and well balanced 5) Progression; You want to do your weights exercises so there is always an improvement from the last time you did that exercise (Diary). Your goal is to lift more weight with more reps in a shorter space of time, or some combination of at least two of these parameters. Do all the exercises in this book before repeating the same ones twice and change the combinations so you do not repeat them. Mix it up, routine is your enemy! If you do not keep an exercise diary you will find this very hard to do. If you are not able to add weight on a particular exercise just yet do more reps until you can not do any more, next time you do that exercise you’ll probably be able to add that extra weight, make a note in your diary to add the weight next time. Watching your self get stronger is motivation gold, look forward to improving it makes it exciting. Work towards goals of greater and greater difficulty. Performance Plateau’s do happen where you can not progress for a while this is natural, the only way around them is to increase the intensity or frequency or both of your training. Thruster; (Legs, Chest, Shoulders) Lift weight off the ground and assume the rack position (RP) & AB, now squat down till your hips are below your knees and then vigorously straighten your body up using the momentum of you’re straightening to press the bar over your head and push your head through the window. Do these exercises with an empty bar at least ten times to get the hang of it? Slowly increase the weight as you get stronger. Rx is 40kg 90lb/ 30kg 65lb


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Deadlift ;( Legs, Buttocks, Back) This exercise is one of the most important ones as it strengthens every part of your body and is fundamental to and improves all other activities. It stimulates strong positive nerve and hormonal changes in your body. Warning: If you have back pain or have had back pain go very slowly and carefully with this exercise, start off with a dowel (broom stick) and progress slowly. Done slowly this exercise will be of great benefit to your back issues. If you have back issues increase the weights very slowly to see how you go, do this exercise once a week. The criteria for a correct starting position for the deadlift: 1) The lower back must be kept in extension (arched downwards or as flat as you can get it), chest as high as possible, look up and focus on a point above the horizontal. 2) The bar must be touching the shins, with the feet flat on the floor and body weight in the heels. 3) The shoulders must be out in front of the bar so that the shoulder blades are directly above the bar. Feet parallel and hip width apart, hold elbows straight, grasp bar just wider than your hips with one hand over the bar and one grasping under it. Take a deep breath and abdominal brace. Shoulders and hips should raise at the same speed while the bar is below the knees keep the bar as close to your body as possible, when the bar is above the knee the hips straighten quickly then lower the bar along the same path back to the ground. Maintain back extension throughout the move as much as possible. There are 10 videos on how to do this lift properly under Power lifts ž way down the page http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/excercise.html Look at them all to get the right technique, it is very important. Also look at http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercises/section.php?sectionID=2 Front Squat; Lift weight and assume the rack position, elbows pointing out in front with bar in finger tips, body weight solidly on heels, feet wider than shoulder width apart and toes pointing out. Maintain a good lumber curve throughout move, do not slump.


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Keep looking straight ahead or slightly up Keeping the elbows forward take a deep breath and AB then lower your hips below your knees, make sure your knees track over your toes as you lower, keep your chest high throughout the exercise, then straighten knees to return to the rack position. Do lots of practice with an empty bar until you can get it right, slowly build the weight. Start the downward movement by sticking your bottom backwards and then down, push your knees out throughout the movement as it helps stimulate the posterior chain muscles that are trained by this exercise, it also stops you injuring your knees. Do not worry if this is hard to start with, you will probably be fighting lots of tightness and weakness, making this exercise difficult. This is the reason we do these kinds of Olympic lifts, they are so good at identifying holes in your strength and flexibility. Once you can do them well you will be surprised at what you can do now that you could not do before. Strict Press; Lift the weight off the floor and assume the rack position, take a deep breath and AB. Move your head back then raise the bar above your head and straighten your elbows while the rest of your body is still. There is no jerking movement of your legs to start the motion. Press your knees back and contract your buttocks to make sure it is a strict press. Floor Press; This exercise is usually done with dumb bells. Lie on your back on the floor with the dumb bells in each hand; simply raise your hands to the ceiling as high as you can go then slowly lower them back to the starting position. Gradually build up the weight. Push Press; Assume the rack position; dip your body by bending the knees then drive your body upwards by straightening your knees vigorously, then press the bar until your elbows are straight and then lower back to the rack position. Do not drop your body forward during the dip, keep chest erect other wise you will place your self off balance and possibly injure yourself injury you’re


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The knees go forward and the hips go straight down during the dip. Power Clean; This is the movement that gets the bar from the floor to the rack position. Lift the bar steadily till above your knees then vigorously straighten your hips and shrug your shoulders to get the bar to shoulder height so you can assume the rack position. Hands wider than shoulder width, when bar is at shoulder height let the bar roll into finger tips and onto the shoulders to allow elbows to remain forward. You do not lower yourself under the bar like you do for a straight clean; thighs are way above parallel with the floor when receiving the bar. Back Squat; This is the traditional squat that most people know. You will benefit from a pair of racks (stand) to put the weights on so they are at shoulder height to start with, especially as your weights get higher, alternatively you can lift your bar off the floor to the rack position and then lift it over your head to rest on your shoulders. Have your hands as close together as possible on the bar, to help keep your trunk rigid. Start the move by AB then sticking out your bottom but keep your trunk as vertical as possible. Lower until your hips are below your knees then straighten up again. You may need to bail out of this exercise if the weight is too much for you so it is a good idea to practice bailing before you actually need to with lesser weights! Let go of the bar and lean back, it will fall away from you. Kettle Bell (KB) Swing 32/24kg (70/50lbs) A 32 kg kettle bell is a very heavy object and swinging it above your head should only be done when you have practiced considerably with lesser weights. It is really an elite Crossfit athlete exercise but so good for just about every part of your body. It produces a large nerve and hormone response. The idea of kettle bells is to grasp the handle with both hands and swing it between your legs then by thrusting your hips vigorously forward, propelling the bell above your head, make sure you put your head through the window at the top. As the bell comes down again to go through your legs make sure you


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keep your trunk erect, do not let it collapse and bend forward. If you find you are collapsing then the weight is too heavy for you and you should decrease it. Your arms only hold on to the handle, they play no part in getting the bell up, that is the job of your hips alone. Start by moving the bell to hip height and progress from there Squat Clean 60/40 This is a difficult manoeuvre and will take a while to get the hang of, so start with the bar only and slowly put weight on as you get comfortable with it. The squat clean hits all the main points about improving strength, stamina, agility and flexibility. All these things are very important to having a functional life whether you are 20 years old or seventy! Stand with your feet a little less than shoulder width apart and parallel. Grasp the bar with a wide grip, keep elbows pointing towards the ceiling for as long as possible throughout the move, have the bar touching your shins. Lift the bar off the ground steadily by straightening your knees then straighten your hips as vigorously as possible. As soon as the bar is at shoulder height widen your stance to the squat position with a hop and assume the rack position whilst lowering yourself under the bar in the squat position then straighten up as if doing a normal squat. As I said complicated but worth persisting with! Overhead Squat 40/30 kg (80/65 lbs) You can do this exercise with and without a rack to hold the weights at shoulder height for you. Without a rack get your bar into the rack position RP as done previously from the ground, and then jerk the bar overhead so your head is through the window for balance. You may need to bail out of this exercise if the weight is too much for you so it is a good idea to practice bailing before you actually need to with lesser weights! With the bar above your head start to do a squat, before you complete the squat let the bar drop forward onto the ground. Practice dropping the bar behind you as well, this is a less likely situation but you should be ready for it.


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Now the exercise, once you have the bar above your head push it towards the ceiling and keep pushing throughout the squat, this keeps it balanced above your head. Lower yourself into the normal squat position and then straighten up again. Initially practice with just the bar, and then slowly add weights as you get more confident. See the link below for a demo http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_OverheadSquattingSafely.mov Superman’s; This is a good preparatory exercise for the good mornings below. Lying on you belly on the floor raise both arms and both legs as if you were flying like superman. This will work your back, buttocks and hamstrings which is very important for just about every activity you can think of. Good Mornings; Do superman exercises to prepare for this exercise once you can do 3 sets of 15 of them try these good mornings. Stand with you feet shoulder width apart and slightly turned out. Keeping you back as straight as possible bend at the hips until your trunk is parallel with the floor, look straight ahead or slightly up to help keep your back straight then straighten your hips. Do these ten times to warm up the back and leg muscles. Then put an empty bar on your shoulders, behind you neck holding the bar with a wide grip. Do the same move as above with the bar for ten reps. Do not progress the weight too quickly with this exercise as you need to get used to it. See how you feel in a day or so to gauge what weight you may use next time. If you have back issues take this exercise slowly and gently to progress. Hoover Ball; Hoover Ball is a game like volley ball but the ball is 6-12lbs in weight and so it is more a throwing game than a hitting game. You obviously need to do this with friends or colleagues; it is a very vigorous game and will do unbelievable things for your strength, stamina, agility etc.


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This game burns three times more calories than tennis and is great fun. http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/06_03_Hoover_Ball.pdf Sports: Although the exercises contained in this book help develop the ten skills Cardiovascular and Respiratory endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy, sport allows you to display and express your acquisition of those skills in a most satisfying way. Although acquiring those skills is of great benefit to you in their own right being better at a sport or an activity than you were before is the ultimate reward. Soreness: Working out vigorously entails by its nature an element of soreness in the muscles. The best way to look at this is that the soreness is your guarantee that changes are happening for the better. The process of muscle growth requires there be some soreness. If the soreness is more than you can easily cope with then you probably over did your exercise in either its intensity or the weights you used or both. Use this information to back off on your next exercise session and make a note in your exercise diary what weight you think will be better next time you do that exercise! There are several techniques and methods of reducing the soreness and speeding recovery. The first method that works very well is to take hot baths with Epsom salts in the water. You can buy a 1kg (2lb) box for a couple of dollars so put 1/5 of a box in the water and soak for at least 15 minutes. The combination of the heat and the magnesium from the salts which is readily absorbed through your skin has a highly beneficial effect. It’s like having a mineral hot spring in your house. See the website for more details. A technique that works well is what’s called rolling. Using a 4 inch (100mm) diameter, 12 inch (300mm) length of plastic water pipe you can roll any muscle or you spine on that pipe.


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Lying on the floor on top of the pipe and rolling backwards and forwards over a sore spot will help break up that trigger point and accelerate your recovery. Vary the pressure so that you do not cause yourself too much pain or cover the pipe with a towel. One alternative to rolling on the plastic pipe is rolling on a foam roll of similar dimensions to the pipe; the pressure is less and more easily tolerated. Another alternative is using a tennis ball (or hard ball like a grass hockey ball) to roll on either on the floor like the pipe or against a wall to reduce the pressure exerted. Obviously if you are very sore then give the exercises a rest for a few days until the soreness subsides. There is little point making your self more sore, let the muscles do their work to build bigger, stronger muscles. There is a good feeling you get when you do weights and to a lesser extent cardio, you feel more powerful, you feel a strength (Chinese call it Chi) surge through your body which some people find it rather addictive. Stretching: Another thing that feels good and reduces pain is stretching. This topic is a large book in its self so I can not go into a lot of detail here but there are some basic stretches you should do before working these muscles in your workout, The Health and Happiness Digest website will have video clips of stretches and many other important things as time goes on. As a general rule if you are not specifically stretching the spinal muscles you should stretch the other muscles without bending the spine to remove any possibility of injuring the spine, keep the spine straight during the stretch. Stretching should be done after a workout/bath of the muscles you have just exercised to minimize post exercise tightness and soreness. When putting a muscle under stretch it should not be too painful and stretching sensation should get less with time, if it doesn’t then the stretch is too strong, back off. As the tension gets less you can add a little more tension, do not bounce, keep the tension constant, other wise you will set off the stretch reflex which will hinder the stretch.


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Breathing deeply whilst stretching will improve your results a lot, you will find that occasionally when you breathe out the muscle gives a little bit, without deep breathing this will not happen. Hamstrings: Stand with one leg on the ground with toes pointing straight ahead not out to the side, put the heel of the other leg on a table or if you are very tight, on the seat of a chair, you should feel a stretch at the back of the thigh. Do not lean forward with your trunk to increase the stretch this will put unnecessary strain on your spine. To increase the stretch further you can either add a book or similar under your heel to increase the height or slide your heel forward keeping your spine erect, you should feel no pressure on your back, keep the knee of the leg on the ground fully extended at all times. There is no point progressing the stretch while the knee is bent. Breath deep Quads: Lay face down on edge of a table whilst having one foot on the ground. Grasp the foot of the leg on the table and bring your heel to your buttocks, there should be no pressure on your spine. You should feel the stretch on the front of your thigh. If grasping your foot is difficult or impossible then wrap a towel around the foot on the table and grasp the ends of the towel, this in effect makes your arms longer. Hold the towel with both hands and work your way up the towel with your fingers as the stretch progresses. When you can get your heel to your buttock you can progress this stretch by moving the foot on the ground in the direction of your head. This is the only stretch for quads I know that does not put any stress on your spine which is very important! The leg on the ground fixes the pelvis which protects the spine. Hip Flexors: The hip flexors are hard to stretch well because of the large lever forces needed and because this is very tight on just about everybody. The easiest way I have found to do this is to put your knee on a couch (sofa) with your lower leg resting on the backrest of the couch. You start with the


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other foot on the ground, place both hands on your upper buttocks and push your pelvis forward as far as you can without too much pain at the front of the hip. You progress this stretch by placing the foot on the ground now on a 12 inch crate and continue to push the pelvis forward and the crate closer to you. This stretch can be done on the floor if you wish, but it is harder to do. These muscles lend themselves well to being softened up with lying on the hard rolling ball under these muscles at the hip. Another stretch called Spiderman lunges are very good too. Start standing then step forward far enough so that when you drop your other knee to the ground the forward legs shin is vertical, now lift your back knee off the ground and try and bring your elbow on the forward leg side to beside your forward foot on the inside, breath deeply, swap legs and repeat. Shoulders and Chest: The shoulders can first be stretched by standing in a door way and holding on to the sides of the door, move your body through the door, which will push your arms back stretching your front shoulder and pectoralis muscles. Breathing deeply helps a lot on this exercise because the movement of the ribs during the deep breaths also stretches the muscles. An exercise called shoulder dislocators although does not sound very good is good for range of motion of the shoulder joint and stretching the muscles of the rotator cuff. Hold a dowel (broom stick) out in front of you as wide as the dowel will allow, you could also use a towel instead by holding the ends of the towel and pulling them as far apart as possible. Move the dowel/towel up and over your head as far back behind you as your shoulders will allow you. If your shoulders are not too stiff and your dowel is long enough you should be able to get the dowel down to where it is touching your buttocks and then back again to the front. You can progress this stretch by moving your hands progressively closer together. Another stretch is holding a high shelf or railing with both hands and then whilst keeping elbows straight push your head and body through the window made by your arms. Hanging from your chin up bar for a while will do wonders.


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Calves: There are two stretches for the calves because there are two muscles to stretch. To stretch the first muscle stand with your hands up against a wall with the stretching leg as far away from the wall as is comfortable. Make sure the toes of the stretch foot is pointing towards the other foo, not outwards. Now move your pelvis towards the wall, breath deeply, keeping the stretch leg knee straight. The second stretch adopts the same position as the first but the stretch foot is much closer to the wall, bend the stretch knee and push it as close to the wall as you can, foot pointing straight ahead. Back: Sit on the ground and hold your knees to your chest, now rock onto your back as far as you can go then rock forward and straighten your knees so the legs are as far apart as possible flat on the floor. Now moving from the hips, touch your right shin or foot, then the left ones then in the centre between the legs on the floor. Repeat this trying to get further along your leg. Move from the hips rolling your pelvis forward. Hips: Stand with your feet hips width apart. Slide your hands down your legs until you reach your ankles, allow your hamstrings to stretch for a little while then lower your bottom between your feet, keeping hold of your ankles. Now press your knees as far apart as you can with your elbows whilst in this position, as long as you can stand. Let go of your ankles and try and raise your chest up in this position and straighten your spine as best you can, put your arms out in front of you and raise your hands as high as they will go, stand and repeat, try and spend 30 seconds or longer at the bottom position. Another great stretch for the hips is to assume a position of all fours (hands & knees) on the floor, preferably on a soft surface like a carpet or mat. Turn your toes outwards so they are pointing away from your body, don’t worry if you can not turn them all the way out, that will come with practice. Now allow your knees to move away from each other out sideways till you can go no further. Rest on your forearms for comfort and try and move your


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bottom towards your heels. Try and build this stretch up to about 5 minutes, breath deeply, it will do wonders for you whole pelvic girdle, not to mention your squats.


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Chapter 7: Putting it all together To stay Healthy and Happy you need to work at it and take responsibility for what you do. Hopefully the information in this book has given you the tools to motivate yourself to do what needs to be done. Nobody can stop you eating that tub of ice-cream at 10pm or force you to do exercise. Using your subconscious mind makes your job much easier but still the affirmations need to be repeated in bed and the other instructions need to be carried out? Heres some steps to get you going: Step 1 Is to put your Weight Goals on the wall. Step 2 Do your affirmations in bed and throughout the day Step 3 Print out a page of the food diary and put in it what you eat tomorrow, keep it in a pocket on you with a pen and then calculate the macros of what you ate that day. Read the nutrition panel of the foods you eat to get the macros. Did you exceed the macro goals you have established for your self? If the answer is yes what needs to be changed to get the macros right? Either buy Corinne Netzers book, you may think you do not need it but you do or use the website http://nutritiondata.self.com/ or both. Step 4 is to start doing some exercise 5 days per week, even if it is a walk it is better than nothing. Do 1 exercise per day from either the weights or cardio chapters per day. Vary your exercise as much as possible so your body can not adapt to it, a routine will diminish your results dramatically. Once you are ready to do more than 1 exercise per day, plan to do your exercises as suggested in the table below. Mix up the exercises within this frame work, 5 Days on and 2 days off or 2 days on 1 day off 2 days on 2 off, what ever works best for you.


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Exercises by Type Gymnastics



Air Squat Pull-up Push-up Dip Wall Walks Handstand Push-up

Run Bike Row Jump Rope Double Unders Burpees

Deadlifts Cleans Jerks Snatch Clean and Jerk Medicine Ball Drills Kettlebell Swing Good Mornings Thrusters Shoulder Presses Front Squat Back Squat Overhead Squat

Muscle-Up Press to Handstand Back Extension Superman’s Box Jumps Lunges Rope Climb Sit-up Rings

A two week exercise plan Day





Reps 21-15-9 for time Burpee’s, Box Jump, Sit ups



10 min 1RM Dead Lift //30 Squats, 30 Pull Up’s, 30 Dips



5 Rounds for Time 15 Snatch, 400m Run, 15 Push Ups



3 Rounds for Time 400m run 30 Push Ups, 30 Sit Ups



2 Rounds for time:30 KB Swings 20 Thrusters 10 Burpees







Reps 21-15-9 Wall Walks, Air Squats


Weights/ Cardio

Front Squat 5-5-3-3-3/ 10 min AMRAP 10 front Squats 10 Toes to Bar 21 KB Swings


Weights /Gym/ Cardio

10 min 1RM Snatch /5 Rounds for time: 10 Wall Balls, 10 Box Jumps, 10 Snatches


Weights /Gym

5 sets of 5 Thrusters 40 sec rest b/w sets// Tabata Pull Ups



13 14

Off Off


21-15-9 Push Press, Burpees, Pull Ups

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AMRAP = As Many Reps as Possible (in the time allocated) 1 RM = What is the highest weight lift you can achieve in the time allocated Reps 21-15-9 means you do 21 reps of each exercise then 15 then 9 for time I hope if I have done anything for you it is that I have given you a path to follow. Most people are willing to work hard at their jobs but when it comes to something as important as their health and their life people find it hard to apply themselves. As has been said before, your health is your true wealth, work at it as hard as you would a job you like. I would hope that you acquire the enjoyment that a hard, short workout can bring. The burn, the release and the satisfaction of good work is hard to beat! Every body is different and will progress at their pace, try different exercises and different foods and learn what works for you and do not repeat what does not work. Depending on your body type you will have to fine tune how much exercise you need to burn off the food you are eating and burn some body fat as well, this is where your diary comes in very handy. This book has given you all the information you need for success. Do not use bathroom scales as your only measure of success as you will be putting on muscle as well as burning fat so your weight will be less important than your waist measurements and lean muscle mass calculation Moving in the right direction on the health continuum is a journey that you, your family and friends can enjoy together. Rejoice when you improve on a previous time or increase a weight as a personal best is something worth celebrating, often! Step 5: Get the blood tests I suggested in chapter 5 to find out where you are on the health continuum. Make the appointment with your doctor for first thing in the morning so you can get the fasted (no food and only water for previous 10 hours) blood tests


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Step 6: If the blood tests tell you that you are at the wrong end of the continuum then you have some powerful information to act on to motivate you to get your health back on track. Details on tests are at the end of the book. If your AA : EPA ratio is high you have damaging inflammation in your body so you need highly concentrated low toxin fish oils to get that number down, reports on the best fish oils can be found at http://www.ifosprogram.com/ifos/consumerreport.aspx the gold standard is Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega compare the others to them. Look at both the concentration mg of EPA and DHA and the low toxin levels. Start with 2 grams of EPA/DHA per day and see how the second blood test is after one month, if the number is still too high up the dose to 4 or 6 grams The other two ratios should lower with the fish oil, the diet and the exercise program in this book. Step: 7 Plan your meals ahead of time and make more than you need for just one meal, that way you can take some of last nights or last weeks dinner for at least 1 meal tomorrow at work, this saves you having to find a shop that makes your type of food. Use lots of spices and herbs in your meals, especially the health giving anticancer spices and herbs like Turmeric, Oregano, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, Mint, Thyme, Marjoram, Basil, Rosemary, Parsley, Coriander, Chervil, Fennel, and Cumin. Use as much of these as you like, they are not fattening and make everything taste so much better. Step: 8 At the supermarket keep your cart to the outside edges where the fruit, vegetables, milk and meat are kept. Usually the frozen vegies and fruit are there as well. Only sparingly consume the processed foods in the middle of the market as they are responsible for a lot of the health issues in the world. If your inflammation is high stay well clear of them. Even in the veggie section stick to the low Glycemic Load foods you will find in Chapter 8 for most of your veggie choices.


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Step: 9 .

I could not resist including this as it is so concise. It’s from the Crossfit Journal World-Class Fitness in 100 Words: • Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. • Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, clean & jerk, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. • Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. • Regularly learn and play new sports. Step: 10 Drink plenty of clean filtered water. Stored fat contains a lot of toxins because your body puts them there to protect you and so as you consume your fat these toxins are liberated and need to be flushed out of your body quickly otherwise they will be reabsorbed. Also the liver will not consume the fat if you have a lot of toxins onboard as it will try and eliminate the toxins first so flush the toxins with lots of water. Keep a large bottle of water (min 1 lt, 34 fl oz) on your desk or table at all times and drain it 3 or 4 times a day. Drink plenty of green tea with mint flavour. Step: 11 Read the labels on the foods you eat. Avoid products that have one the many sweeteners listed in chapter 8 in the first three or four ingredients of the nutritional panel, this means it’s high in sugar. Labels that say Fat Free or Low Fat often have high sugar contents, be aware!


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Food manufacturers hide the fat their products contain by 3 tricks, they do this because fat is cheap and they know the fat makes the food taste better but also know consumers want less fat, so they do the following; Trick 1 Food manufacturer lists fat as a percentage of volume like 98% fat free in say a Milk drink. When you look at the nutritional panel it says 120 calories 8g Protein 11g Carbs and 5g Fat, Fat yields 9 calories of energy per gram (g) 5 g x 9 Calories equals 45 calories 45/120 = 37.5% of the calories come from fat. You can see that the 98% fat free is misleading at the very least. Trick 2 The manufacturer uses small serving sizes to hide the fat Low Fat Ham 1 slice serving Panel says 20 calories 1g fat, 1g fat x9 calories equals, 9/20 or 45% of the calories are from fat, I think that ham has a fair bit of fat in it don’t you think? Trick 3 This is a variation of trick 1 instead of using volume they use weight to hide fat. Lean Ground Beef 3 oz Low fat 92% Fat Free, Panel says 120 calories with 6g fat 6g x 9 calories equals 54 calories from fat 54/120 = 45% of the calories are coming from fat. Knowing what energy a gram of fat yields comes in mighty handy does it not? Step 12 We have talked a lot about Carbohydrates in this book because it is so important to your success. You will probably have to change your eating habits somewhat to get the result you are after, but that does not mean you can never eat pasta, rice or baked potatoes ever again, that would be silly, but you have to be smart about how and when you do eat starchy carbs. Make sure high glycemic load (GL) foods found in Chapter 8 make up no more than 30% of any meal. Split your plate in to 3 sections and starchy carbs can only occupy a third of that plate, the other two thirds is occupied by protein and fibrous carbs and fats. Also make sure the plate is not massive, or if it is big only fill the centre part.


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Make sure the high GL foods are only on your plate some times not always. Tasty stir fries, casseroles, curries and lean meat with a big salad or vegetable Ratatouille are very satisfying dinners. Make sure you use good quality oils and avocado’s to make up the fat component of the meal. The protein and fats that you have in each meal reduce the GL of the starchy carbs substantially. Your body needs to break out occasionally and so have one day in the week when you have 1 or 2 meals of what ever you want. I would suggest to make this day on the weekend so you can have a Turbo Day Monday to get you fat burning again. Step 12 Turbo Days are very important for your success, on these days only eat protein, fat and fibrous carbohydrates, this will allow you body to consume all the excess carbohydrates floating around in your body and focus you body on burning fat, The Prime Objective! Make sure you have a minimum of 5 meals that day to ensure the lack of carbs does not affect your energy levels. Drink plenty of water on these days or salty drinks like beef broth or miso. Step 13 In restaurants ask the waiter for what you want, if they do not have what will fit with your requirements on the menu. Most restaurants have to deal with all sorts of allergies and so they are use to varying meals to suit customers, don’t be shy. Step 14 At some point you are going to hit a plateau where you are no longer losing weight even though you have been very good? Every body has these challenges at some point; this occurs because your body has grown accustomed to what you are doing and so it has become normal and stops burning fat. Routine is your enemy; mix everything you do up as much as you can! So what you need to do is to confuse your body so it can not adapt to what you’re doing.


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You should alternate between 2-3 Low Calorie days and 2-5 High Calorie days that way when you go back to the Low Calorie days after 2-5 High Calorie days your body will really burn fat. Using the macronutrients ratios you found when you used the excel spreadsheet as a high calorie day. A low calorie day has half the amount of carbohydrates as this day with the other macros the same. Make sure the carbs are predominantly fibrous carbs with the occasional starchy carb otherwise your insulin levels will be too high. Mix up the number of days for both Hi and Lo days on each cycle. On the high days you must do high intensity cardio for a min 20-30 minutes to make sure you do not put on weight. You can increase your carbs by 10% on these high days as long as you do the cardio, this will reve up your metabolism tremendously so on the low days you will be burning a good amount of body fat. You can also break the plateau by increasing the intensity of your work outs and their duration. Combining the two strategies above works extremely well, once you start burning fat again you should see if going back to non alternating days is still working for you, if so, well and good if not continue with the alternating for a while longer. If you feel that the macronutrient calculator is too generous with the food portions you can always go back to it and look at the macronutrients for some body that is less active than what you think you are and use those numbers. Try the other strategies above before you do that. Step 15 Alcohol consumption puts fat metabolism on hold, as we saw before, the body concentrates on getting rid of the alcohol first and so no fat is burnt till all the alcohol is gone. Avoid alcohol if you can for the first couple of weeks to give your self the best chance of making good progress on your goal. After that you are best not drinking during the week and so when you are doing a high calorie day on the weekend you can imbibe in your favourite tipple. Not 3 bottles of wine more like 3 glasses, when you have reached your fat loss goal you can experiment with how much alcohol you can consume without putting on weight. More alcohol means more cardio exercise.


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Remember one night out eating high fat, high simple carbs and drinking alcohol can put you back a week or more in your progress, choose wisely! Turbo day the next day.

Step 16 If you are going to consume a high Glycemic Load item like pasta, pizza or potato try and eat it before 3pm, eating them at dinner will work against what you are trying to achieve. Step 17 Take half a teaspoon of cinnamon daily it has been shown that it reduces blood insulin, inflammation and insulin sensitivity according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Put it in your coffee or tea or a meal like breakfast or yogurt, it is a big help to get your natural weight control mechanisms functioning properly. Make time to Google inflammatory foods and antiinflammatory foods, find out what foods are hurting you and what will help, start with this link below. http://www.dlife.com/diabetes/information/slide_show_pdf_files/new_pdfs/Anti_Inflammatory_Foods.pdf

There are a lot of diabetic foods and resources available these days. You do not have to be diabetic to use those foods do you? They have a lot less sugar. Google low carb recipes, it will take you millions of pages Step 18 By now you understand the effect of simple carbs on your weight. For the first 30 days try and stay away from all starchy carbs and eat plenty of fibrous carbs in their place. Substitute thin slices of Zucchini made by using a Mandolin for flat pasta like in Lasagne (see recipes) and use a turning slicer to make spaghetti out of Zucchini you can get them for as little as $32 do a Google search of Konstar 3 in 1 Turning Slicer then steam or microwave the spaghetti for a minute or two. See also cauliflower mash and cauliflower rice in the recipes, you would barely know the difference of taste especially if you cover them in a nice sauce. Your belly will definitely notice the difference.


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Step 19 Below is a food diary filled in with a day’s food? Do not skip this process as you will not identify the foods holding you back without doing it. 70 % of your success will be due to not eating the foods that make you fat, you need to know what they are and how to change what you do with the least amount of interference with your daily routine.


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Food Diary Example from calculating your macronutrients from excel file Date Meal




Day ____ of 70



Food & Drink Details



2 slices

Wholemeal Toast





Sliced Ham















THHT Total




2 slices

Wholemeal Toast/ Bread




2 Tbs

Cottage Cheese










Tin of Tuna in spring water




TCTT Total









150 g

Chicken Breast Cajun spice marinade




50 g

Plain Yoghurt




Meal 1

10;00 Meal 2

1;00pm Meal 3

4;00pm Meal 4




½ cup











Rye Crackers




2x 21 g slice

Low fat cheese




200 g

Shaved Turkey




50 g





400 g

Zucchini Lasagna




½ punnet





200 g

No Fat French Vanilla Yoghurt




Total Macronutrients




Macronutrient Goals







Meal 5

8;00pm Meal 6

Did you reach or exceed your goal? Turbo Day

N Exercise Details : Duration , Type, Distance, Intensity

Weights Day


Cardio Day


Alcohol Today N

Cross Fit WOD No of grams of Alcohol?




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Chapter 8: Food List with Macronutrients Eat a lot of these LOW < or = 55

Glycemic Index Medium 56-69

Eat a little of these HIGH >or = 70

Glycemic Load Eat a lot of these (55%) Eat a moderate (35% )

LOW < or = 10

Medium 11-19


Eat a little of these (10%)

HIGH >or = 20 Extremely Inflammatory

Very Good Health~~~~~~~~ Wellness~~~~~~~~~~~Disease Gaps in the table are due to gaps in the research

Low Glycemic Load Vegetables Glycemic Index and Load












1 punnet


1 punnet





150 g


60 g






134 g


420 tin






230 g


150 g 1 cup




Beans Green


135 g 1 cup


100 g 1 cup




Beans Black


150 g


172 g




Beets canned


246 g 1 cup


200 g 1 cup




75 g




Bok Choy

Serve Size g

75 g

Broccoli raw


Brussels Sprouts

78 g, ½ cup


100 g 1 cup




88 g


50 g






89g, ½ cup


80 g 1 cup




Capsicum/ Bell




Green 100g




Red 100 g




Pepper Carrots raw


78 g, ½ cup


140 g 1 cup






100g 1 cup


100 g 1 cup






62 g 1 stalk


60 g 1 cup




Collard Greens


36 g


36 g





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200 g


200 g 1 cup




513 g


513 g




82 g


120g 1 cup




Serve Size g



30 g


100 g




Kidney Beans


256 g 1 cup


256 g




89 g


100 g




150 g


100 g




725 g


100 g 1 cup




70 g 1 cup


120 g 1 cup





100 g


100 g




Onions raw

160 g


150 g 1 cup




Leeks raw Lentils boiled


Lettuce Mushrooms




78 g ½ cup


78 g




Peas green


72 g ½ cup


125 g 1 cup




98 g


100 g 1 cup




80 g


200 g 1 cup




100 g


80 g 1 cup




172 g 1 cup


180 g





113 g


150 g 1 cup





30 g


100 g 1 cup




200 g 1 cup




Peas, snow Pumpkin butternut


Sauerkraut Soy Beans


Swede boiled Tomato


123 g 1 med


150 g med








225 g 1 cup






34 g


1 cup




Zucchini, Courgette


16 g


200 g 1 cup









Low Glycemic Load

Fruits and Nuts





138 g 1 med


200 g med




Apricot raw


120 g


50 g




Almonds w skin


95 g


100 g




Blueberries wild


100 g


100 g





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Serve Size g

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177 g 1 cup


275 g





28 g


100 g




Cherry raw


117 g 1 cup


1 cup






241 g 1 cup


½ cup






152 g 1 cup


1 cup






123 g ½ fruit


500 g






115 g


115 g




Kiwi w/ skin


76 g 1 fruit


100 g






134 g


100 g






120 g


100 g




Nectarines raw


120 g


100 g




Orange navel


140 g 1 fruit


250 g






140 g 1 cup


140 g




Paw Paw


125 g


250 g






98 1 med


100 g




Peanuts raw


146 g 1 cup


100 g






166 g 1 med


200 g






109 g


100 g




Pineapple raw


125 g


1 slc




Prunes pitted


60 g


1 cup






66 g 1 fruit


75 g






152 g 1 cup


½ Punnet






125 g


100 g






152 g 1 cup


150 g






Serve Size g

Low Glycemic Load Dairy and Beverages


Cheddar Cheese


132 g


25 g




Cottage Cheese


113 g


100 g




Ice cream low fat


76 g ½ cup


100 g




Milk Skim


250 g


100 ml




Milk, whole


244 g 1 cup


100 ml




Ice Cream


72 g ½ cup


100 g





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Ricotta Cheese


146 g


100 g




Soy Milk


245 g 1 cup


100 ml




Tomato Juice


243 g 1 cup


100 ml




Yogurt, Plain


245 g 1 cup


100 g




V8 veg juice




100 ml






Low Glycemic Load Baked Goods and Cereals


Corn Tortilla


24 g 1 tortilla


1 wrap








70 g 1 cup




French Baguette


30 g


1/3 piece




Graham Cracker


14 g 2 sqrs


1 oz




Melba Toast


12 g 4 rounds 5.6

70 g






113 g ½ cup


30 g 1 cup




Oatmeal Cookie


18 g 1 Lge


25 g




Popcorn air popped


8 g 1 cup






Pound Cake


30 g 1 piece


30 g






26 g 1 slice


26 g




Rye Bread whole


32 g 1 slice


2 slc






140 g


140 g




Sourdough Bread


132 g


32 g




Taco Shell


13 g 1 med


10 g 1 shell




Wheat Bread


28 g 1 slice


25 g slc




White Bread


25 g 1 slice


100 g




Medium/High Glycemic Load Vegetables/Grains







89 g


89 g




Basmati Rice




¼ cup




Brown Rice


195 g


195 g




Corn Bread


60 g


60 g




Corn Sweet


150 g


200 g




Doughnuts glazed


75 g


75 g




French Fries


150 g


169 g






85 g


85 g






140 g


140 g






78 g ½ cup


133 g





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80 g


245 g






213 g 1 med


100 g




Potato sweet


200 g 1 cup


200 g




White Rice


150 g


200 g




Wild Rice


164 g


164 g






136 g 1 cup


136 g








Medium/High Glycemic Load


Apricot dried


130 g 1 cup


1 cup






118 g med


250 g






1 cup


1 cup




Fruit Cocktail


214 g 1 cup


214 g






165 g


165 g




Pineapple raw


155 g


1 slc




Peaches in syrup


262 g


100 g






165 g 1 cup


100 g




High Fructose







Corn Syrup HFCS



130!!!! 1022

(very very high)

Meats and Fish have zero glycemic load and so there is little point listing all the meats with a zero beside them, suffice is to say that proteins should be in every meal up to your daily allowances. Proteins and fats lower the glycemic load of all meals and tell your brain you are full and have reached satiety; make sure you have them in each meal.

Carbohydrates that are shaded red are high and will quickly fill your daily quota for carbs so moderate the use of these foods if at all. The macros, GL and inflammatory rating of most foods can be found at http://nutritiondata.self.com

Food manufactures like to hide how much sugar their products have for much the same reasons as they hide fat as discussed previously. People want to lose weight and know that sugar is going to make that task very difficult. To keep the taste they know the consumer wants manufactures to hide the sugar by calling it different things like Corn Sweetener, Corn syrup, or Corn Syrup solids, Dehydrated Cane Juice, Dextrin, Dextrose, Fructose, Fruit Juice


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Concentrate, Glucose, High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS, Honey, Invert Sugar, Lactose, Maltodextrin, Malt syrup, Maltose, Maple syrup, Molasses, Raw sugar, Rice Syrup, Saccharose, Sorghum or sorghum syrup, Sucrose, Syrup, Treacle, Turbinado Sugar, Xylose. Anything that has ‘ose’ at the end of the word or is called syrup is sugar. On the nutritional panel they separate out different sugars onto different lines to lower the number beside the word sugar. Add all the carbohydrates except fibre in the panel to get your total sugar number, it makes a big difference. Anything that has more than 7g in 100g (7%) sugar is going to make it much harder for you to lose weight if you eat any quantity of it?


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Chapter 9: Sample Menus to get you on your way Breakfasts; See Chapter 10 for Recipes Bell Pepper and sausage omelette

Scrambled eggs & salmon on toast

Western Omelette

Sardines on Toast with tartare spread

Cheesy Ham Muffin

Turkey & Cheese Wrap

Kellogg’s Special K with strawberries

Oatmeal and Blueberries

Spicy Tuna on Toast

Ham, Humus, Tomato on Toast

Budwig Breakfast

Peaches and Yoghurt Parfait

Snacks; Salmon & Cottage Cheese on Toast

Nut & Seed Mix

Tuna, Avocado & Tomato on Toast

Peanut Butter & Cottage Cheese

Fruit Salad with Cinnamon

Yogurt & Fruit

Protein Shake

Strawberry Smoothie

Low Sugar Fruit bars

Piece of Fruit

Lunch; Turkey Salad Wrap

Turkey Cheese & Avocado Sandwich

Tuna Salad

Grilled Chicken Salad

Ham Cheese Tomato Sandwich

Tandoori Chicken Wrap

Cottage Cheese Idea’s

Marinated Chicken Breast & salad

Sausage Rolls

Thai Beef Salad

Sang Choy Bow

Chicken & Vegetable Soup

Dinner; Mexican Beef Taco

Gourmet Beef Stew

Healthy Pizza

Steak with mushroom pepper sauce


Zucchini Spaghetti Bolognese

Thai Chicken Curry

Zucchini Lasagne

Vegetable Couscous

Turkey Avocado Salad

Thai Red Seafood

Roast Lamb with baked vegetables

Beef/ Chicken/ Lamb/ Pork Stir Fry

Octopus and Salad

Fish Cakes and Salad

Beef Stroganoff

Cauliflower and Leek Soup


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Chapter 10; Recipes The purpose of this recipe chapter is to give you an idea of what types of food will suit you but not be an exhaustive collection. There are meals that take 1 minute to prepare and at the other end of the spectrum take ½ hour plus. Google low carb recipes and you will find 24 million pages, you will not be bored! The Health and Happiness Digest will be adding new recipes on a regular basis to the web site with the macros per serve calculated for you, please check in regularly to see what’s new. •Beef Stir Fry (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 15 PTN 32 FAT 10 400g Lean Beef Steaks thinly sliced

100g onion, chopped

Clove garlic, chopped

1 small chilli, thinly sliced

60g celery, thinly sliced

100g carrot, thinly sliced

200g zucchini sliced

100g red capsicum thinly sliced

100g green capsicum thinly sliced

100g broccoli, in small florets

100g asparagus spears

60g snow peas

1 cup mushrooms sliced

2 Tbs soy sauce

2 Tbs oyster sauce Heat a wok or large frypan and spray with canola oil till smoking. Add onions, garlic and chilli and stir through. Add hard vegetables first allowing a minute or two of stir-frying between each. Add other vegetables and sauté till still crisp. Add beef strips and sauces cook till meat is medium rare or to taste. • Beef Stroganoff (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 34 PTN 42 FAT 28 400g Lean Beef Steaks thinly sliced

1 medium onion

200g mushrooms

3 Tsp paprika (standard or smoked)

100 g tomato paste

50 g Dijon mustard

100 ml red wine

250 ml chicken stock

200 ml lite sour cream In a large non stick pan cook the beef with a little oil till browned on both sides (3-4 mins) then set aside.


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Fry onions for a minute then add other ingredients except the sour cream and simmer for 5 minutes. Add back in meat then stir in sour cream and serve with salad or steamed veggies • Bell Pepper (Capsicum) & Sausage Omelette (Serves 1) macros per serve CHO 10.4 PTN 49 FAT 51 1 Bell Pepper

3 eggs

1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

1 tsp coconut oil/ other choice

150 g nitrite/nitrate free beef or pork sausage cooked & thinly sliced 2 Tbs fresh parsley, chopped

1 Tsp Dijon mustard

Beat eggs in a small bowl and add freshly ground black pepper and mustard. Heat medium non-stick skillet over medium heat, then add 1 tsp coconut oil when hot. Add the egg mixture to hot pan. As the egg starts to set, add the remaining ingredients to one half of the pan. When fully set, fold half of the egg over the filling, and cook 1 minute • Budwig Breakfast (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 17 PTN 12 FAT 31 4 Tbsp Low fat Cottage Cheese

2 Tbsp Flaxseed Oil

100 g Strawberries or other

100 g Cantaloupe/ Rockmelon

Add the cottage cheese and flaxseed oil together in a bowl either hand whisk or use a stick mixer to mix ingredients for min of 1 minute, until oil is no longer visible. If you are mildly lactose intolerant you still may be able to have this as the flaxseed oil masks the lactose antigens. Add the sliced Strawberries and Cantaloupe or other fruit you choose. You can also add cinnamon to this mixture after the cheese and oil are mixed thoroughly Cauliflower and Leek Soup (serves 6) macros per serve CHO 24 PTN 20 FAT 33 80g butter 100ml extra virgin olive oil 2 onions, finely sliced

2 medium sized cauliflowers, roughly chopped

1 large leek washed and sliced

600ml milk

(throw the dark green part away) 150ml cream


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50g curry spice

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salt and freshly ground black pepper crusty bread, to serve

1/2 bunch chives, finely chopped

Place the butter and extra virgin olive in a large saucepan and heat for 2-3 minutes. Add the onion and leek and cook over a gentle heat until soft, making sure it does not go brown. Add curry spice and cook for a further 1 minute. Add the cauliflower to the pan and cook, stirring occasionally for about 10-15 minutes or until the cauliflower has softened. Pour in the milk and cream and bring to the boil, turn down to a simmer and cook for 5 - 10 minutes or until the cauliflower is completely soft. In a blender, puree the cauliflower mixture until smooth and then pass through a fine sieve. Return to saucepan and bring to boil, checking the seasoning. Serve in individual bowls and sprinkle on the chopped chives. Serve with warm crusty bread. • Cauliflower Mash (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 6 PTN 7 FAT 0.6 Great substitute for potato mash with a bit of sauce over the top of it you would not know the difference 1 Whole Cauliflower

Optional 10g butter

Cut cauliflower in to small pieces then boil for till soft approx 10-15 mins Season well with ground pepper and salt Allow to cool a bit then put into bowl and use a potato masher till it becomes the consistency of potato mash. Lots of carbs saved with this recipe. • Cauliflower Rice (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 6 PTN 7 FAT 0.6 Great substitute for rice and with sauce over the top of it you would not know the difference 1 Whole Cauliflower Cut cauliflower in to small pieces then put in food processor or put into bowl and use wand/ stick blender until it becomes the size of rice. Watch closely so you do not over process, use short bursts, until small rice size pieces.


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Microwave in a covered dish. DO NOT ADD WATER – this will cause the cauliflower "granules" to become gummy. To keep it fluffy, just let the moisture in the cauliflower do its work, alternatively steam on the stove with only 10 ml water in the steamer. • Cheesy Ham Muffin (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 16 PTN 26 FAT 10 ½ Wholemeal English style muffin

1 tsp Crunchy-Smooth Peanut Butter

50 g Low fat shaved Ham

1 slice low fat tasty cheese

Toast muffin, spread peanut butter on the muffin, add ham then cheese and melt cheese under griller/Broiler • Chicken & Vegetable Soup (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 17 PTN 50 FAT 10 100g broccoli, steamed

100g Bok Choy, steamed

30g thinly sliced carrot, steamed

50g Soft tofu cubed

50g cup bean sprouts

50 g snow peas

100g shredder chicken breast, cooked

2 cups hot chicken stock

1 cups boiling water Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Season with chilli or soy sauce to suit. • Turkey Cheese & Avocado Sandwich (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 28 PTN 38 FAT 10

100 g cooked Turkey breast

20 g Avocado

2 slices of multi grain bread

1 slice low fat tasty cheese

Optional toast bread then spread avocado on one slice of bread, cover with cheese and chicken then other slice of bread • Cottage Cheese Meals (serves 1) 100 g CHO 4 / PTN 15 / FAT 2.5 To the 100g cottage cheese add one of below to make a quick meal 100g Grated cucumber, grated carrot and chives 3.1 /0.8 / 0.0 Curry powder with 10g chopped sultanas 7.2 / 1.4 / 0.3 30 g Mashed avocado 0.1 / 0.7 /6.8 50g Smoked salmon with capes and Spanish onion 0.0 / 11.4 / 4.0 Mint and garlic 1.5 / 0.3 /0.0 Oregano and garlic 4.2 /0.8 / 0.0


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50g Grated beetroot 4.5 / 0.7 / 0.2 Lemon zest with cracked pepper and 5 ml olive oil 0.2 / 0.6 / 5.0 25 g Chopped Sun-dried tomatoes 7.0 / 1.3 / 4.0 100g Diced Chicken and 30g avocado 0.7 / 18.5 / 9.8 • Gourmet Beef Stew (serves 10) macros per serve CHO 30 PTN 60 FAT 25 20 ml Coconut or Peanut oil

75g sliced celery

175g leeks, washed and sliced

175g carrots, sliced

200g mushrooms, sliced

300g onions, finely chopped

1 star anise

2kg Lean Beef cut into 1 inch chucks

250ml red wine

100ml brandy (optional)

250g tomatoes, halved

1 bay leaf

2 sprigs thyme

10 black peppercorns

750g chicken stock

750g beef stock

Place a casserole dish over medium heat and add enough oil to coat the bottom. Sweat the celery, leeks and carrots, onions and star anise approximately 10 min. Once soft, remove from the pan and set aside. Return the pan to the heat and add a bit more oil, cook the mushrooms for approximately 5 minutes until caramelized. Cook beef in a deep pan over a medium-high heat. Add oil to pan and brown the beef in batches. Once the beef pieces are well browned, tip any excess fat out of the pan, return to the heat and deglaze by adding the red wine and brandy, tomatoes, thyme, bay leaf, cooked vegetables as well as the browned beef, peppercorns and both chicken and beef stocks. Bring the contents the casserole dish to the boil, place lid on casserole dish and cook 180 degrees C oven for 1.5 hours. The alcohol from the wine and brandy will evaporate during cooking! • Thai Sweet Chilli Rissoles (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 25 PTN 45 FAT 32 500 g Chicken, Beef or Fish minced

2 Tbsp Thai red curry paste

3 onions thinly sliced

½ cup lite coconut milk

½ cup frozen peas

20 ml oil for frying

2 Tbsp sweet chilli sauce to serve

Leafy salad of your choosing

30 ml low fat and low sugar salad dressing


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Combine mince, curry paste, onion, milk and peas in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Wet your hands so you can mould 12 rissoles into shape. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Cook rissoles for 4-5 minutes each side Brush with sweet chilli sauce and serve with salad. • Fruit Salad with Cinnamon (serves 2) macros per serve CHO 20 PTN 3 FAT 1 150 g Watermelon

150 g Cantaloupe/Rockmelon

100 g Pineapple

100 g Apricot

100 g Peach

1 Tsp Cinnamon

Optional 100 g lite vanilla yoghurt (add 4.7/4.2/0.1) Chop all ingredients and toss in a bowl • Grilled Chicken Salad (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 16 PTN 39 FAT 22 150 g Chicken Breast sliced

½ cup Tomatoes

100 g Lettuce

½ Capsicum chopped

½ cup carrots chopped

½ cup Avocado sliced

50 ml Thai Fish sauce (substitute other low calorie sauce) Grill or fry chicken till cooked, Chop all vegetables and toss with chicken and fish sauce • Ham Cheese Tomato Sandwich (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 27 PTN 38 FAT 16

2 slices wholemeal bread

30 g avocado

1 Tbsp low fat cottage cheese

100 g Lean Ham

½ Tomato sliced Toast bread spread avocado on toast and fill with ingredients. • Ham, Humus, Tomato on toast (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 30 PTN 38 FAT 10

2 slices wholemeal bread

30 g Humus

½ Tomato sliced

150 g Lean Ham

Toast bread, spread humus on both slices of toast then add tomato and ham


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• Hamburger (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 5 PTN 35 FAT 10 150g lean mince meat

¼ chopped onion



Add all contents to a bowl and mix with your hands, then shape into Pattie. Cook on a non stick pan with canola spray until browned and cooked through. Season with pepper to taste and serve with salad or vegetables. • Healthy Pizza (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 27 PTN 55 FAT 8 1 sheet of thin wrap bread

20g tomato paste

100g cottage cheese

100g chicken breast – sliced

½ cup green capsicum

½ cup spring onion

40g Low Fat Cheese grated Fold bread in half and cover with tomato paste. Lightly spread half of the cottage cheese over the top. Sprinkle capsicum, spring onion over and then spread the remaining cottage cheese over. Top with chicken and the grated cheese. Place on a baking tray in an oven pre-heated to 170 degrees Celsius and cook for 15 mins until golden brown. • Indian Curry Meatballs (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 18.5 PTN 41 FAT 16.7 600 g minced lamb

1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger

2 garlic cloves grated

2 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp salt

1 Tbsp vegetable oil

1 ½ Tbsp curry powder

2 tsp turmeric

1 tsp fennel seeds

6 sprigs curry leaves

2 fresh tomatoes diced

400 ml can tomatoes

250 ml chicken stock or water

200 g peas

2 Tbsp coriander sprigs

Put mince, ginger, cumin, cinnamon and ½ tsp of salt into a bowl and mix together, then wet hands and form mixture into golf ball size balls and put on a tray and refrigerate for 30 mins. Heat oil in a large wide pan and add curry powder, turmeric, fennel seeds, curry leaves, tomatoes, the stock and remaining salt.


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Bring to boil whilst stirring then simmer for 5 mins, add meatballs as a single layer and simmer for 15 mins, turning the balls occasionally until cooked. Cook peas in boiling water, strain and scatter over the curry with the coriander and serve with cauliflower rice. • Kellogg’s Special K (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 37 PTN 12.5 FAT 1.4 30 g 1 cup Special K

½ punnet strawberries

100 ml lite milk Add ingredients to a bowl • Chicken Breast with Greek Salad (serves 2) macros per serve CHO 8 PTN 35 FAT 8

300g Chicken Breast

1 clove Garlic, minced

1 large vine ripened tomatoes, chopped 100g cucumber chopped 100g cottage cheese

½ small red onion, finely chopped

8 kalamata olives, pitted

Fresh Basil Leaves Torn

1 tsp Oregano

Lemon Juice

Combine chicken, garlic, oregano and juice and marinate for one hour. Pan fry with a little Canola oil in a non-stick pan. In a bowl combine the cottage cheese, onion, olives & basil and toss well. Arrange tomato wedges on a plate and spoon over mixture. Serve with Sliced Chicken Breast. Season with salt and pepper. • Mexican Beef Taco (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 23 PTN 45 FAT 14 100g Minced Beef Steak

3g Taco seasoning mix sauce

150g tomato, chopped

100g Iceberg Lettuce

½ cup grated carrot

1 sheet of thin wrap bread/ pita

50g Low fat cheddar cheese

30g Low fat salsa dip

1 cup of water Directions Cook the mince until brown and then stir in the taco seasoning with a cup of water. Chop the lettuce leaves and tomatoes and grate the carrot. To make the ‘taco’ bowl lay the slice wrap bread over an upside bowl and


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place another bowl over the top. Place in a medium heated oven for approx 3 mins, remove the upper bowl and return to oven for 2 mins. Once the ‘taco’ bowl is cooked place on a plate and lay the lettuce leaves, tomato, carrot inside. Spoon the cooked mince on top, sprinkle over the cheese and a dollop of salsa and serve. • Nut & Seed Mix (serves 6) macros per serve CHO 23 PTN 45 FAT 14 100 g Almond Kernels raw

100 g Brazil Kernels raw

100 g Pumpkin seeds

100 g Sesame seeds

100 Sunflower seeds

100 g Cashew Kernels raw

Mix ingredients in an air tight container, eat 100 g serve at a time. • Oatmeal & Blueberries (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 30 PTN 4.5 FAT 2.3 1 cup one Minute Oats

200 ml water

100 g Blueberries or other fruit Add oats and water to bowl and cook in microwave for 2 mins • Octopus Salad (serves 4) macros per serve CHO21 PTN 75 FAT 16 1 kg Octopus cleaned

2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sea salt

freshly ground Black pepper

1 baby Cos lettuce

20 g Mint leaves

30 g Coriander Chilli Garlic Dressing 2 Garlic Cloves

1 small Red chilli roughly chopped

2 Coriander roots washed and scraped

1 teaspoon sea salt

25 g soft brown sugar

60 ml Lime juice

60 ml Fish sauce Place the squid and olive oil in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper and toss to combine. Preheat a barbecue or frying pan until hot. Cook the octopus for 1 to 2 minutes each side, or until just cooked. Don’t overcook or the octopus will be tough. Place the cos, mint and coriander in a bowl. Place the octopus on top of the salad, pour the chilli garlic dressing over and toss to combine. Put ingredients of the dressing into mortar and pestle and pound into liquid then pour over Octopus


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• Peaches and Yoghurt Parfait (serves 4) macros per serve CHO21 PTN 75 FAT 16

100 g Peach cubed

100 g low fat honey yoghurt

50 g natural muesli In a tall glass add the peach pieces at the bottom of the glass then add yoghurt and sprinkle muesli on top • Peanut butter & Cottage cheese (serves 1) macros per serve CHO8 PTN 20 FAT 17

100 g Low fat cottage cheese

30 g crunchy peanut butter

Mix the ingredients together. Vegetable Ratatouille (serves 6) macros per serve CHO 11PTN 6 FAT 1 3 large Zucchini

1 small eggplant

1 onion chopped

1 red bell pepper chopped

1 green bell pepper

250 g mushrooms

400 ml canned tomato

½ cup white wine

2 clove garlic crushed

2 Tsp basil leaves

20 g dried parsley

2 celery sticks chopped

5 g black pepper

30 g Turmeric

30 g smoked Paprika

1 Vegetable Stock cube

Cook all ingredients in a large high sided pan for 15 mins, add water as required. The Ratatouille can accompany any meat you wish to eat it with; I make lots of this, 3 times the quantity above and use it as an easy quick accompaniment to lean meats, its stores for 5-7 days in the fridge. • Roast Lamb with baked vegies (serves 6) macros per serve CHO21PTN 40 FAT 9

1.5 kg Leg of lamb deboned, trimmed

1 onion, chopped

1 1/2 cups carrots, baby peeled

2 cloves garlic, sliced in half

1 large parsnip, peeled and chopped

1 rutabaga, peeled and chopped

5 red skin new potatoes, quartered

1 tsp black pepper


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1/2 tsp salt

1 tbsp all-purpose flour

500 g, 16 oz pureed tomatoes

1 teaspoon thyme, dried

1/2 teaspoon rosemary, dried

1 bay leaf, whole

Place all vegetables in the bottom of a large roasting pan. Season both sides of the meat with black pepper and salt. Preheat a large frying pan to moderately high heat; once hot spray pan with oil. Sear meat on all sides for 3-4 minutes per side. Place meat over vegetables. Combine tomato sauce and seasonings. Pour over meat and set oven on low 140◦ C. Cook for 4 hours. Remove meat, Rest 10 mins and carve. • Steak with mushroom pepper sauce (serves 4) macros per serve CHO5 PTN 55 FAT 15

4 steaks-approx 150g each

1 tbsp grain mustard

200gms mushrooms sliced

50 g green peppercorns

2 cloves garlic crushed

½ cup beef stock

150ml Lite evaporated milk

½ cup chopped parsley

Spray pan lightly with olive oil spray and cook off mushrooms. Add all other ingredients to pan and cook till well combined, aromatic and soft. Cook steaks approx 4 minutes each side. Leave to rest once cooked for a couple of minutes before serving. Serve with sauce spooned over. Add a salad • Salmon and Cottage cheese on toast (serves 4) macros per serve CHO27 PTN 31 FAT 10

2 slices wholemeal bread

100 g Red or pink tinned salmon

2 Tsp Cottage Cheese Toast bread, mix cottage cheese and salmon together and spread on toast • Sang Choy Bow (serves 4) macros per serve CHO15 PTN 29 FAT 14 10ml sesame oil

500g lean pork mince

75g small brown onion

1 garlic clove crushed

5g grated fresh ginger

2 tbsp water

120g finely chopped mushrooms

40ml soy sauce

40ml oyster sauce

1 lime – juice

2 cups bean sprouts

60g green onions


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100g coriander

8 Iceberg lettuce leaves

Heat oil and stir fry pork, brown onion, garlic and ginger. Add water, mushrooms, sauces and juice. Stir fry until mushrooms are tender. Remove from heat and add the sprouts, green onion and coriander. Toss gently to combine and divide between lettuce leaves. • Sardines on Toast (serves 1) macros per serve CHO25.7 PTN 29 FAT 18.9 106 g Tin Sardines in water

2 slices Wholemeal Bread

10 g Tartare sauce Toast the bread, spread on the sauce and put the sardines on top. Excellent Omega 3 fatty acids and eatable calcium • Healthy Sausage Roll (serves 12) macros per serve CHO 15.9 PTN 11 FAT 14.7 500g lean beef mince

1 zucchini

1 carrot

1 stick of celery, finely chopped

½ bunch of parsley, chopped

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 tsp dried oregano

¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp cracked pepper

2 Tbs currants

2 Tbs walnuts, chopped

1 apple

1 cup quick cook oats

6 sheets of fat reduced puff pastry

1 egg beaten with 1tbs water

1 Tbs sesame seeds Preheat oven to 200C and line baking trays with baking paper. Grate apple, zucchini and carrot and combine with remaining ingredients in a bowl. Massage the ingredients together. Cut pastry sheets in half and spread a cup of meat mixture evenly along one edge of the pastry Brush the other edge with egg wash, roll up pastry and cut in half. Brush roll with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown. • Scrambled Eggs & Smoked Salmon (serves 2) macros per serve CHO 25 PTN 25 FAT 22

2 Slices of Wholemeal Bread

2 Tbs. unsalted butter

6 eggs, lightly beaten

250 g smoked salmon, diced


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3 sprigs fresh dill, chopped

1 tsp Dijon mustard

Melt butter in a heavy non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Add eggs and Mustard stir continuously with a wooden spoon. Keep stirring until eggs have formed lumps and are still creamy and fairly set. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat and stir in salmon. Serve sprinkled with dill and toasted bread • Spicy Tuna on Toast (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 15 PTN 29 FAT 5.7 100 g tin of spicy flavoured tuna

½ whole meal English style muffin

1 tbsp low fat cottage cheese Toast muffin, then spread cottage cheese on muffin, then cover with tuna. • Strawberry Smoothie (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 30 PTN 12 FAT 1 1 punnet strawberries

100 ml skim milk

150 g low fat vanilla yoghurt

100 ml water

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth • Tandoori Chicken Wrap (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 21 PTN 35 FAT 8 100 g chicken breast

10 g tandoori paste

50 g low fat plain yoghurt

½ cup chopped lettuce

½ cup sliced cucumber

½ sliced tomato

1 thin wrap bread Marinate chicken in tandoori and yoghurt for ½ hour then cook in fry pan Slice cooked chicken and add other ingredients on the wrap and roll up. • Thai Beef Salad (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 4 PTN 29 FAT 8.7 500g Lean Beef Steaks

1 Iceberg lettuce washed-sliced

1 large red capsicum cut into thin strips 100g 1 ½cups bean sprouts 6 green shallots sliced

½ Chopped Red Onion

1/4 cup fresh coriander leaves

1/4 cup shredded fresh mint

Dressing 80ml (1/3 cup) fresh lime juice

2 tsp fish sauce

1 tsp soy sauce

1 large garlic clove, finely chopped

1 small fresh red chilli finely chopped


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Heat a pan on medium-high. Add the beef and cook for 3-4 minutes each side for medium-rare or until cooked to your liking. Transfer to a plate and set aside for 15 minutes to cool. Cut across the grain into thin strips. Set aside. Combine the lime juice, fish sauce, soy sauce, garlic, chilli in a small bowl and mix well. Place the beef, lettuce, capsicum, bean sprouts, green shallots, coriander and mint in a large bowl. Pour over dressing and toss gently to combine. Serve immediately. • Thai Chicken Curry (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 4.4 PTN 46 FAT 3 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

1 brown onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

3cm piece of ginger, peeled, grated

1 tablespoon green curry paste

800 g chicken breast fillets, (trimmed,

1 teaspoon chicken stock powder

cut into 2cm cubes)

1/3 cup Light Coconut Milk

2 tablespoons fish sauce

1 large lime, juiced

1 cup coriander leaves

1/2 cup mint leaves 2 cup of steamed Cauliflower rice and lime wedges, to serve Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add onion, garlic and ginger. Cook for 3 minutes or until tender. Stir in curry paste. Cook for 1 minute or until aromatic. Add chicken to pan. Stir to coat in curry mixture. Combine stock, coconut milk and 1 cup water in a jug. Stir into curry mixture. Increase heat to high. Bring to the boil. Combine fish sauce, 2 tablespoons lime juice in a small bowl. Stir into curry. Roughly chop half the coriander and mint. Stir into curry. Reduce heat to low. Simmer for 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Spoon curry over rice. Top with remaining coriander and mint. Serve with lime. • Thai Red Seafood (serves 6) macros per serve CHO 9 PTN 26 FAT 6 450g/1lb White fish

750g/1½lb crab meat (optional)

225g/8oz cleaned squid

350g/12oz red mullet filleted

3 tbsp sunflower oil

12 large, raw, shelled prawns


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24 large mussels, cleaned

2 Tbsp red curry paste

1.2L/2pt chicken stock

100g/4oz lite coconut milk

3 tbsp Thai fish sauce

2 limes, zest and juice

3 fresh or dried kaffir lime leaves

1 sml bunch fresh basil chopped finely

4 shallots, sliced thinly

50g/2oz cashew nuts, split in half

Slice the squid across into rings and each red mullet fillet into 3 pieces. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the red curry paste and fry for 2 minutes, until the paste starts to separate from the oil. Add the stock, creamed coconut and fish sauce and heat gently until the coconut dissolves. Meanwhile, pare? 2 strips of zest from 1 lime and cut them across into very fine shreds. Squeeze out the juice from both limes. Add the zest and juice to the pan with the dried kaffir lime leaves, if using, and simmer everything together for 2 minutes. Add the fish and crab pieces to the pan and simmer for 2 minutes. Add the prawns and simmer for 1 minute. Add the squid and red mullet and simmer for 2 minutes. Add the mussels, cover and simmer for 2 minutes until they have opened. Discard any that remain closed. Stir in the basil and the fresh kaffir lime leaves, if using, then transfer everything to a large shallow serving platter and serve with the little bowls of prepared garnishes and cauliflower rice. • Tuna Salad (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 10 PTN 26 FAT 9 150 g tin flavoured tuna


30 g avocado

2 tbsp cottage cheese 1 med tomato

1 cup of rocket leaves Combine Tina and cottage cheese together them make a bed of rocket, tomato and avocado and place tuna mix on top • Turkey Avocado Tomato on toast (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 10 PTN 26 FAT 9

100 g Shaved Turkey

30 g Avocado

½ Tomato sliced

1 slice of wholemeal bread

Toast bread then spread avocado on toast, lay tomato down then Turkey


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• Turkey Humus & Tomato Wrap (serves 1) macros per serve CHO 14 PTN 26 FAT 5

1oo g

1 sheet thin wholemeal wrap

30 g Humus

½ tomato

Spread humus on to the wrap then add turkey and tomato • Turkey Salad (serves 1) macros per serve CHO8 PTN 26 FAT 9 100g shaved turkey

30g avocado

½ cup lettuce

½ tomato

30 ml low fat & low sugar salad dressing Chop Turkey, lettuce, avocado and tomato and place in a bowl. Pour dressing over salad. • Vegetable Couscous (serves 6) macros per serve CH28 PTN 8 FAT 4 2 cups vegetable stock

1 cups (350g) Couscous

Olive oil cooking spray

2 red capsicums chopped

1 eggplant, chopped

3 zucchini, chopped

4 tomatoes, sliced

4 onions, thinly sliced

2 tbsp fresh oregano leaves

1/3 cup lemon juice

1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Fresh oregano leaves, to serve

Place stock and couscous in a large saucepan over medium-high heat and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer covered, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes or until just tender. Remove from heat. Set aside, covered for 10 minutes. Spray a heavy-based saucepan with oil. Heat over medium-high heat. Add capsicum and eggplant, zucchini, onion and oregano. Cook, covered, for 5 minutes or until zucchini is tender. Add zucchini mixture and lemon juice to couscous. Toss to combine. Season with pepper. Sprinkle with fresh oregano. • Western Omelette (serves 1 ) macros per serve CH4 PTN 18 FAT 12 2 eggs

2 tbsp water

Salt and pepper, to taste

1 tsp butter


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50 g ham, finely chopped

2 tbsp red or green pepper, chopped

1 tbsp onion, finely chopped

1tsp Dijon mustard (optional)

Beat together eggs, mustard and water; season with salt and pepper. Set aside. Heat butter over medium heat in an 8-inch (20 cm) non-stick omelette pan. Saute ham, red and/or green pepper and onion until tender, about 2 minutes. Pour in egg mixture. As mixture sets at the edges, with spatula, gently lift cooked portion to allow uncooked egg to flow underneath. Cook until bottom is set and top is almost set. Slip spatula underneath the omelette and fold in half. Slide onto a warm plate. • Zucchini Lasagne Lo Carb (serves 4) macros per serve CHO 9 PTN 36 FAT 6 2 1/2 cups zucchini, thinly sliced lengthways 500 g, 1lb lean ground beef 1/4 cup onion, chopped

2 small tomatoes, cut up

1 6 oz can tomato paste

1 garlic clove, minced

1/2 tsp dried oregano

1/2 tsp dried basil

1/4 tsp dried thyme

1/4 cup water

1/8 tsp pepper

1 egg

3/4 cup low fat cottage cheese (or low fat ricotta) 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded 1 Tbsp Parmesan cheese grated

1 teaspoon flour

Pre heat oven to 180 degrees C /375 degrees F. Slice zucchini thinly length ways either with a knife or a mandolin if you have one. Put zucchini slices flat on baking trays and place in oven for 10 mins to soften. Fry meat and onions until meat is brown and onions are tender; drain fat. Add next 8 ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered 10 minutes or until reduced to 2 cups. In small bowl slightly beat egg. Add cottage cheese, shredded cheese, Parmesan cheese and flour. In 2 Lt (1 1/2-qt.) baking-roasting pan arrange half of the meat mixture. On top of the meat place half of the zucchini and cottage cheese mixture. Top with remaining meat then the zucchini then the other half of the cheese mixture. Bake uncovered at 375 degrees F 180 o c for 30 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.


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• Zucchini Spaghetti Bolognese (serves 6) macros per serve CHO 8 PTN 25 FAT 20

1 kg Ground beef, lean

Crushed Tomatoes, 2 28oz cans

1 cup carrots diced

1 cup Celery, diced

1 ½ cup, Onions, chopped

150 ml red wine (optional)

1 tsp salt,

1 tsp black Pepper

1/8 tsp Nutmeg, ground,

30 g Butter, unsalted

30 ml Olive Oil

1 tsp oregano

1 kg Zucchini made into pasta with rotating slicer or Mandolin Heat oil and butter in a medium stock pot over moderate heat. When butter foams, add onions, celery, and carrots and cook for 10 minutes. Add beef, breaking it up with a wooden spoon; cook meat until lightly browned. Add wine and simmer until wine has been completely absorbed. Add milk and simmer until completely absorbed. Add tomatoes, salt, nutmeg, oregano and pepper and simmer gently, uncovered, until mixture is reduced to a rich sauce, about 1 ½ hours. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve immediately over Zucchini pasta which has been steamed to taste • Zucchini Pasta (serves 6) macros per serve CHO 6 PTN 1.5 FAT 06 Compare this with traditional wheat pasta macros per serve CHO 51 PTN 10 FAT 1.6

1 kg Zucchini Put zucchini on rotating slicer or mandolin to make the pasta. You can peel the green skin off the Zucchini if you want the pasta to look the same as wheat pasta. Put pasta in to steamer for a minute or two to taste. One example is below but please find the one you like. Konstar 3 in 1 Turning Slicer ~$32 www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wvdenC5XGY


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Chapter 11: Conclusion If you have got this far then you have come across a lot of new information on how to take control of your weight. Do not worry if it does not conform to some of the outdated information that is still being propagated by some people and some Health Authorities. World class Universities like Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, UCSF, Johns Hopkins and peer reviewed journals like Metabolism, Journal of Nutrition, Journal of Physiology, International Journal of Obesity, New England Journal of Medicine and Journal American Medical Association all provide quality research on how, too much carbohydrate increases your likelihood of becoming sick from some chronic disease and that higher than what was prescribed levels of protein and good fat consumption does not give you heart disease or any other disease for that matter. Please read the references. There is a changing attitude towards food and exercise in the research where both these things are not considered lifestyle choices but medicine itself. Food and Exercise as medicine is not a new concept, but the weight of evidence is now becoming impossible to ignore. Chronic Sickness is regularly being reversed by changes in diet and exercise habits, the inference is obvious in the context of this book that you can avoid sickness if you choose to do so, what will you do? As this book goes to press another comprehensive study has shown that a low glycemic diet is the best way to burn body fat and keep it off. This new study published June 26 in the Journal of American Medical Association challenges the notion that "a calorie is a calorie." The study, led by Cara Ebbeling, PhD, associate director and David Ludwig, MD, director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Centre Boston Children's Hospital, finds diets that reduce the surge in blood sugar after a meal--either low-glycemic index or very-low carbohydrate-may be preferable to a low-fat diet for those trying to achieve lasting weight loss. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/06/120626163801.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email &utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_health+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+News+-+Top+Health%29


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The wide ranging research by The Lancet (one of the top 5 medical journals in the world) contained in the link below predicts a massive surge in cancer by 2030, due to what they call ‘lifestyle’ choices, the message can not be clearer. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(12)702115/fulltext Annual fat consumption on a per capita basis in most industrialised countries has been decreasing over the last 10-15 years yet obesity and diabetes and all the other chronic diseases associated with these two conditions has been rising steadily and is accelerating. What has been increasing is the consumption of sugar and other simple high glycemic load carbohydrates world wide. They are cheap and plentiful and everywhere you look, it is difficult to find processed food in the supermarket that does not have high levels of sugar or its equivalents. If you want to eat this food you need to look very hard at the labels otherwise you will not loose the weight, guaranteed! If you are heavier than you would like to be and know in your heart that if you do not do something about it there will be consequences at some point in the future, then now is the time to act decisively to make a change that will last you and your family a life time. Your body is a highly efficient machine and will use the easiest fuel to burn at its disposal, this is always carbohydrate first. Being heavy means you have not burnt fat effectively and in enough quantity to balance your weight. The program set out in this book is one way of getting your weight under control and teaching your body to burn more fat. I hope I have shown you enough evidence that you can not burn enough fat without lowering the amount of starchy carbohydrates and the total amount of carbohydrates you are eating, the hormones will not let you! What is also of great help is for you to aim to improve the times and weights you are exercising with, take keen interest in how you are improving, use the exercise diary every day. You will be surprised how much better you feel when the weight starts coming off and you feel stronger than you probably have for a long time, that feeling gets better and better as time goes on, keep at it, you are heading in the right direction. A pertinent thought that may help you is “The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary”


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The Health and Happiness Digest™ would like to thank you for reading this book and hopes that you will enjoy other publications which are planned for the future. The price you paid for this book also entitles you to 6 months subscription to the Health & Happiness Digest H&D at no extra cost and all updates to the science of fat loss. We hope you enjoy and are entertained and informed by the digest as it is designed to be fun as well as informative. Most people do not have anywhere near enough time to keep up to date with the rapid developments now happening in science and health and so it is our aim to take the work out of being as fully informed about what you need to know to live longer than your parents did. That has been my motivation behind all the research you have read in this book and what will be produced on an ongoing basis in the digest. Good luck and please let me know how you are going on our blog site. If you have not already done so please have a look at the website as it has all kinds of information which is being updated regularly with recipes, jokes, puzzles, quizzes as well as health information. www.healthhappinessdigest.com


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http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S26/91/22K07/ Harvard Medical School Is fructose bad for you? http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-fructose-bad-for-you-201104262425

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Tests: AA: EPA Ratio The Holman Omega 3 Test Report www.Omega3Test.com AA: EPA Ratio The BLOODSPOT™ FATTY ACID PROFILE http://www.metametrix.com/test-menu/profiles/fatty-acids/fatty-acids-bloodspot The other tests mentioned in this book are done as usual, by going to your doctor and getting a blood test done, make sure you fast for at least 10 hours prior to the test Body Fat Caliper instructions Use the Jackson/Pollack 4 method it is good enough http://www.linear-software.com/online.html Copyright

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Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) http://nutritiondata.self.com. To Find highly concentrated low toxin fish oils reports on the best fish oils can be found at http://www.ifosprogram.com/ifos/consumerreport.aspx


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