Shop Florida Native and Edible Plants in St. Pete - The Hive St. Pete

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Shop for Florida Native and Edible Plants The Hive St. Pete’s Living Roots Eco Design was started in 2018 by Founder and Owner, Amanda Streets. After years in public education, she wanted to inspire families to take better care of themselves and the Earth through gardening and landscaping. Traditional landscape practices involve using power tools and are labor intensive. Then there are chemicals applied to maintain their tidy appearance, without giving anything of value back to the land or the environment.

Living Roots Eco Design’s goal is to offer an alternative to these practices. Now, more than ever, it is important to restore land, even yards in urban spaces, to being healthy and productive. We will guide you to plant Florida native and Florida friendly plants, rejuvenate your yards and gardens, and plant food for your family. And most of all, learn how to DIY and care of your landscapes and gardens naturally without sacrificing beauty.

Pinellas Community Compost is an initiative of Living Roots. When we first opened our doors, we offered compost classes and private consultations so Pinellas Community Composting Alliance was born. We’ve since shortened the name to Pinellas Community Compost. PCC offers composting classes, guest speaking, and consulting services to set up compost systems and initiatives for schools, businesses, and institutions. Visit The Hive St. Pete today!

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