Difference between English Willow and Kashmir Willow

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At some point throughout their cricket career, every aspiring cricketer will have come across these terminologies. English and Kashmir willows are the two most frequent willows used in cricket. One of the bats is named willows because they are descended from the Salix alba willow plant, whose bark has been used to treat colds, fevers, and joint problems for thousands of years throughout civilizations. In the coldest portions of Europe, Canada, Russia, and India's Kashmir state, white willows are magnificent, fast-growing trees reaching 60-80 feet in height.

The willows cultivated in different regions vary according to physical variables such as rainfall, climate differences, soil composition, and moisture content. The most famous willows are those cultivated in England, which most professional cricketers use. Let's look at the essential differences between Kashmir willows and English willows, aside from their origin.

Colour The colour is one of the most noticeable distinctions between the two types of woods. These bats glow brighter than their Kashmiri counterparts because the English willow is slightly whiter than the Kashmir willow.

Grain Texture Another noticeable distinction between the willows is that the English willow's grains are more prominent and stand out. In bats, grains are thin brown/black lines found on the bat's surface.

Orientation and Weight There are also noticeable changes in the weight composition and orientation of the two bats. In nature, Kashmir willows are often much heavier than their English counterparts. The main reason for this is because Kashmir willows have a higher density and moisture content than other willows, making them heavier. Regarding fibre orientation, Kashmir willow fibres are slightly horizontally orientated, whereas English willow fibres are vertically oriented. One of the reasons the grains are significantly more apparent than in a Kashmir willow is these orientations.

Which One is Worth Buying? The cost of a high-quality English willow is more than the cost of a high-quality Kashmir willow. In addition, compared to a comparable quality Kashmir willow, an English willow has a better ping off the bat and is lighter, resulting in improved bat speed and ping off the bat. A high-quality Kashmir willow would be preferable to an English willow if one is just starting their professional career as a child. If the following qualities are considered while selecting a high-quality Kashmir bat, it can efficiently be utilized for professional cricket. With time, though, it is preferable to switch to a high-quality English willow.

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