Annual Report Coforta 2015

Page 37

Our employees In order to retain our position as a leading business in the international trade in fruit and vegetables, we are keen to identify and benefit from changes in our environment. The lean core company will have a new organisational structure characterised by short lines, allowing us to increase our operational effectiveness.

It goes without saying that the organisational change

permanent versus flexible staff is approximately

left its impact on our employees and on the


atmosphere within the company, but we are now back on track to a great future. Due to our 'can do'

The changes that are to result in a product-oriented

attitude and forced by the dynamics of the market in

sales organisation are now in full swing.

which we operate, we have all put our shoulder to the wheel from within our respective roles. We once


again take pleasure in our work.

The new organisation calls for a number of different competencies and skills among our employees, such

Number of salaried employees in FTE, year-end


as more self-management among managerial staff 2015







Total number of employees



development and training. However, as budgets are limited we cannot achieve all our training objectives

Number of employees outside the Netherlands

and other supervisors. This explains the emphasis we place on strengthening our employees through

Number of employees in the

at the same time and will have to make choices. Mandatory and necessary training programmes, such as forklift truck courses, company emergency

1 Excluding interns, temporary workers and interim staff.

response programmes and responsible lifting and lugging courses will of course continue to be offered. The budget for other individual training programmes


is limited.

The efficient and effective organisation that we wanted to create when we launched the

In view of the modest financial resources, in 2016 HR

reorganisation project back in 2014 is now beginning

will launch a study into the options for a structural

to take shape. Nevertheless, the need to control costs

customised development programme.

remains important – as reflected, for instance, in training budgets, the use of flex workers and

Long-term deployability

activities for employees.

Since long-term deployability is in everybody's interest, it is a shared responsibility of the employer

We have reduced the number of employment

and the employee. Promoting awareness of this fact

agencies we do business with from six to three. This

is an important element of our deployability policy.

has enabled us to insist on better price agreements and substantially reduce the employee expenses of


the DCs. In view of the seasonal pattern in our work,

We aim to promote long-term deployability by

a permanent flexible staff layer is a strategic choice.

stimulating the health and safety of our employees.

Merging a number of locations will help increase the

We do so by means of prevention and research,

deployability of our permanent employees and reduce

including periodic risk assessment and evaluations

the number of temporary workers. The proportion of

(RI&E), safety walk-throughs, workplace studies and

Report of The Greenery B.V. General Management


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