The Grapevine Magazine March 2017

Page 70



1. Danger (5) 4. Percussion instrument (7) 8. Deliberated (7) 9. Molten rock (5) 10. Marine mollusks (7) 12. Similar (5) 13. Martial art (4,2) 15. Rigorous (6) 18. Assumed name (5) 19. Accumulated (7) 21. Similar to a giraffe (5) 22. Dizziness (7) 24. Perpetual (7) 25. Book of maps (5)

1. Security device (7) 2. Bone (3) 3. Supple (5) 4. Plain (6) 5. Fortification (7) 6. Enlarges (9) 7. Astound (5) 11. Consortium (9) 14. Mode (7) 16. Irksome (7) 17. Wonder (6) 18. Repent (5) 20. Artery (5) 23. Unwell (3)

Solution on page 82

1. What do the initials RNLI represent? 2. In which American TV drama did Idris Elba rise to fame as Russell 'Stringer' Bell? 3. What was the first name of the renowned polar explorer Shackleton who was a member of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition? 4. What is the nationality of Pep Guardiola, the Manchester City Head Coach? 5. Which film sees Bill Murray plays TV reporter Phil Connors and a small rodent play Punxsutawney Phil?

8. Julian Assange has sought refuge at which country's London embassy since June 2012?

6. With a cast including Brad Pitt, Christian Bale and Ryan Reynolds, which film tells the 9. Which English model got her first big break story of the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008? into television as a presenter of The Big Breakfast back in 1999? 7. The State I Am In and If You're Feeling Sinister are songs from which Scottish indie 10. The United Nations Headquarters are pop band? hosted in which U.S city? See page 82 for answers

70 The Grapevine

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