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here in Maryland, in Laurel, for health and wellness certification, Berry began presenting her LaughingRx wellness classes locally and throughout the country. “I found things became better after a laughing session—for me and the group—and we had more energy,” Berry said. “While laughing, we took in a lot of fresh oxygen into our lungs and brain, which helped us think better and feel better. Laughing for an extended period of time has an aerobic benefit just like riding a stationary bicycle.” Over time, Berry learned that laughter did even more. In 1985, Lee Berk, M.D., of Loma Linda University’s School of Allied Health and Medicine, showed that laughter reduced cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, and had an effect on modulating components of the immune system. A 2005 University of Maryland Medical Center study, led by Michael Miller, M.D., showed that laughter may strengthen the heart by increasing blood flow. Nathan Wei, M.D., director of the Arthritis Treatment Center in Frederick, cares for 2,800 arthritis patients in Montgomery County. He recently attested to the value of LaughterYoga after Berry led a LaughingRx program at the center. “I have been in arthritis treatment more than 30 years. Medication and procedures, in my opinion, only account for half the improvement in patients.The other half is from nonmedical aspects,” he said. “The theory is that by laughing, the quality of breathing improves,” Wei added. “Also, endorphins and other

LIKE TO LAUGH? Berry holds LaughingRX classes at The Ratner Museum in Bethesda every Tuesday from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m., and one Sunday a month from 3 to 4 p.m. Check her website,, for updates. She also offers health and wellness seminars for seniors, other adults and corporate programs and conferences. For more information, call 240-888-6555 or email

neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, are increased in the brain. These are the ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters, or the messengers of neurologic information from one cell to another. Since they are increased, the overall effect of laughing improves outlook and helps relieve pain.” “Seniors should be encouraged to laugh because they have so much fun in sharing laughter together and joining in a social bonding experience,” said Berry. “Health benefits include pain reduction, reduced stress, increased energy and aerobic breathing that clears out the lungs and brings in fresh oxygen to the brain.” At Emeritus, people were still laughing, but they did not focus on health outcomes. King, a resident at the community, said she was happy to laugh a lot and felt more cheerful after the program.


“Ha ha ha,” said Berry. “It doesn’t matter if the laughter is ‘fake’ or ‘real.’ Both have positive health effects.” This was all very funny, but what does it have to do with health? Just ask Berry. The Potomac resident discovered the curative powers of laughter when she was recovering from breast cancer in 2001; she now teaches LaughterYoga to adult groups and corporate organizations across the county. Berry has introduced her LaughingRx program to, among others, the National Institutes of Health, Maryland Nurses Association, Holy Cross Hospital,Washington Hospital Center, the Archdiocese of Washington, Celebrity Cruises, Baltimore City Commission on Aging and Retirement Education, The Ratner Museum in Bethesda and the Holiday Park Senior Center inWheaton. LaughterYoga uses laughter to reduce pain and stress and make people feel better overall. Created in India in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria, a physician from Mumbai, the program has expanded from a handful of people gathered in a park in India to more than 6,000 laughter clubs in 60-plus countries today. Deciding to try laughter herself to reduce the pain and stress from the cancer, Berry said,“I forced myself to laugh even if I could not get out of bed, even if my body felt broken. I forced my stomach to go up and down in a laugh. And I felt better every time. I decided to spread this message through LaughingRx.” After studying in Switzerland, where Kataria offered LaughterYoga teacher training, and

Fall 2012 | Gazette SENIORS


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