FRANK June/July 2019

Page 61

Healthy sleep cycles between three deepening stages of Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) dreamless sleep and Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. About 90 minutes after falling asleep, REM sleep occurs and is when most dreaming occurs. We have 3 to 5 cycles of REM per night. During sleep, our brain stores information for memory. BASIC SLEEP HYGIENE ‘Not the shower before you slip between the sheets,’ this term originated as recommendations for professionals to give poor sleepers. It reflects our society that we need to create a routine to sleep consciously- generations ago slumber would have beckoned after a working day with exhaustion and no electronics. TIMING and ROUTINE Most people need 7 - 9 hours sleep- research suggests that alongside deficient sleep, excessive sleep may also predict some disease. We have a Circadian Rhythm (24-hour sleep/wake cycle) influenced by light exposure and chemical pathways. It tells us when to feel awake and sleepy. With jetlag, this is thrown into chaos. Drinking plenty of fluids, changing to meal timings of the destination country and morning light exposure, all lessen the effects. We are happiest when adhering to natural sleeping times. There is a link between worsening mental illness and poor sleep. Control your routine and symptoms may improve. Consciously enjoying the process of beauty regimes before bed may subconsciously prepare you for slumber. Waking at the same hour helps our sleep routine- a ‘lie in’ does not improve body clocks long term. Power nap? Scientists suggest that < 30-minute naps could be useful if tired, with more than 4 hours to go before, so it doesn’t interfere with sleep.


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