The Film Roll Magazine

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THE FILM ROLL a publication to inspire meaningful creative expression

issue 01: veganism, recycling and feminism

I’ve always wanted to create content to share with the world with the intent of inspiring and empowering. After years of exploring my love for photography and writing I was set on creating a publication overflowing with artwork, shedding light on empowering people and talking about the unspoken issues our world faces. My idea was to cultivate an editorial for you to flip through to spark inspiration and creativity and to encourage everyone to artistically express themselves in a meaningful way, as well as to live a more sustainable and conscious lifestyle.

Founder and Creator of The Film Roll Magazine

Hi I’m Isabella, the creative director behind the Film Roll magazine. I’m an amateur editor in chief and wannabe photographer.

most of this magazine was created alongside a chai latte with almond milk, my go to!

where the film roll was born.

this camera sparked my love and passion for photography, i couldn’t live without it!

drawing by scarlett naples (@scarlettbesuschrist)

the rings i wear everyday.

my favorite fruit, mango!

fashion has always been a part of i’ve always loved plants,

my life, and still to this day the

from having a ton in my

way I express myself.

room to studying herbalism!




editors note


meet the creator


what’s inside


poetry club


behind the business




feminism with fiona

15-19 20

feminism guide veganism with lily

21-24 25

vegan guide recycling with maddy

26-29 30

recycling guide acknowledgements




bates kate y b em



by ma x


journal archives from youth


with lupo passero from twin star herbal shop

My purpose for this section is to include stories and photographs from business owners that have inspired me, and to provide a place to shine light on empowering people. For the first issue I wanted to talk and photograph Lupo Passero, an herbalist and local owner of Twin Star Herbal Shop. I had the pleasure of meeting Lupo last year when I started taking herbalism classes. She constantly inspires me with her love for plants and knowledge about herbal healing. Her shop is a go to for herbal medicine, tinctures and tonics, crystals, plants and everything you could imagine. You walk in and feel a sense of life and refreshment. I’m so grateful to know her and wanted to chat about her experiences as an herbalist and local shop owner.


What is your advice to young business owners? I certainly think that it's important to absolutely love the business that you are ready to build. No matter what type of business you choose, it's very important that you feel passionate about it. When you run a business you truly live and breathe your business each and every day. The job never ends. When you work for yourself you are your own boss and you have to be super motivated and disciplined. That's why it's incredibly important to do what you love so that it doesn't always feel like work. It feels more like a labor of love.

What inspired you to open up twin star? I opened Twin Star Herbal School in 2012, shortly after moving back home to Connecticut from Asheville North Carolina. I have always felt passionate about sharing knowledge about the natural world with my community and recognized that this area could certainly benefit from individuals learning more about the medicinal plants that grew in their immediate environment. In 2017 we opened the apothecary in downtown New Milford to reach even more people in our community and offer natural remedies in holistic choices for our friends and community members.


What are some ways people can integrate herbalism into their everyday lives? It's easy to incorporate herbs into your everyday life. Just go outside you'll find valuable herbs such as dandelion and a plethora of other common weeds that are both edible and medicinal growing all around (be sure to have a proper ID). You can also reach for what's in your kitchen spice cabinet including herbs such as cinnamon and nutmeg and even chamomile tea. Wild herbs and foods are essential for health and vitality. Growing your own vegetables or your own culinary herbs and incorporating them into your life every day will help support health and wellness. You can also visit your local farmers markets and find a variety of different plants and herbs available that will help keep you healthy and vital.


Do you think herbalism has more to offer then

What is something you want the general public to

modern medicine? And in what ways?

know about herbalism?

We live in a day and age where modern medicine has made incredible advancements in surgery, emergency care and Scientific research. That being said, there's a tremendous amount that herbalism can offer as far as keeping us well and healthy and to easily overcome common everyday ailments. The use of herbs allows us to have a healthier mind, body and spirit. Herbs can keep us vital and strong so that we don't have to rely on modern medicine as heavily. And when we do need to our bodies are able to receive pharmaceutical medicine much better. It is really about bridging the gap between the two worlds. Both modern medicine and herbal medicine have a tremendous amount to offer. My hope is that individuals are inspired to learn to take better care of themselves with botanicals and rely less on modern medicine and use it only when necessary. Herbal medicine is also far more affordable and accessible than modern medicine and in a day and age when many people are struggling to pay for their healthcare and insurance, herbalism is certainly is a valuable option to have.

Herbs have been a part of human existence from the very beginning. We have evolved with and relied on plants for thousands of years and they were our primary source of healthcare here in the US up until very recently. Every person has a connection to herbal medicine in their lineage. And 80% of the worlds population still relies on herbal medicine as their primary source of healthcare. Utilizing herbalism is quite natural and very much a part of our human existence. It doesn't have to be complicated or involve multiple herbs or pills or remedies. It can be quite simple. A daily cup of Nettle tea taken every day is enough to create quite a difference in our health. Utilizing the herbs that you already have in your kitchen such as ginger, cinnamon and cayenne can also be incredibly beneficial. Herbalism is very simple and easy to incorporate into your daily life..

photographs by isabella brodsky


-boston, maa film photo journal


photographs by isabella brodsky

photographs by isabella brodsky

with Fiona

Hi Fiona! Thank you so much for

What does it mean to be a feminist? And is it

letting me interview you. First off,

for everyone or just females?

why do you think equality for women is so important in today’s world? I’m thrilled to be interviewed! Right off the bat, it is imperative that we acknowledge feminism as not just a women’s rights issue, but a human rights issue, as that’s what it really is. And taking this into consideration, it follows that the steady progression and growth of one of society’s largest human rights movements is prevalent and important. Because really, if our primary societal goal is not striving to create equality and safety for all oppressed groups, then we are a more woefully misguided nation than I had previously thought possible.

This is actually one of the most crucial misunderstandings about feminism, so I am very glad to be given the chance to set the proverbial record straight. Feminism, completely, utterly, and to its very core, is a movement with the sole objective of achieving social justice and absolute equality for all groups oppressed by this here lovely patriarchy in which we habituate. This can be confusing because often, this notion is associated with the term “intersectional feminism”. This is entirely fine, it’s just important to be aware that these two terms are essentially parts of a whole, and to view them as separate movements could potentially do more harm than good. Knowing this though, it’s clear that feminism is most definitely not for women alone.

“Because really, if our primary societal goal is not striving to create equality and safety for all oppressed groups, then we are a more woefully misguided nation than I had previously thought possible.”


“[if] you care about your own quality of life and rights as a functioning member of society, you should probably care about feminism.�


How has society positively and negatively influenced feminism? One of the saddest things about our poisonously patriarchal society is it’s manipulative demonization of the feminist movement. It is heartbreaking and shameful that a necessary and potentially life saving movement has been twisted and slanderously categorized as something destructive and ugly. This negative influence is socially enforced even on a minute scale. Casual conversations where ignorant adolescents refer to you as a feminazi for supporting the #metoo movement may seem inconsequential, but really they’re an unfortunate reminder of a system designed to oppress. This is not to say that there are no positive societal influences on feminism. No, indeed there are circumstances in which feminism has been cultivated and helped to grow by prominent members of society. One such example would be the fearless Senator of Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren. During such dark political days as those upon us now, important figures like Warren are a beacon of light to feminists everywhere. From her moving speech at the Women’s March to her courageous perseverance in the senate despite Sen. McConnell’s attempt to silence her (a woeful mistake that subsequently birthed the feminist battlecry: “Nevertheless she persisted”. It is inspiring women like Warren, living and working in the public eye that are pillars of strength and solidarity, breeding a new generation of social justice warriors, poised to take over the world.


Why should everyone care about this issue as passionately as you do? You know, it’s funny when people ask this question because, by definition, feminism means working to create equality between the sexes, as well as demanding social justice for the negative effects imposed on men, women, and members of the LGBTQIA community. Taking this into account, if you fall into any of these categories and you care about your own quality of life and rights as a functioning member of society, you should probably care about feminism. 19

FEMINSIM GUIDE Books: The Handmaids Tale A Room of Ones Own The Bell Jar Little Women The Feminine Mystique

Figures: Gloria Steinem Virginia Woolf Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dorothy Parker Nawal el Saadawi Malala Yousafzai Frida Kahlo

Movies/TV Shows: Hidden figures 10 things I hate about you Thelma and Louise The Color Purple Frida Desperately Seeking Susan

To Do: Read the news Talk to your friends Stay informed with what’s going on in the media Stay positive and stay passionate



photographs by isabella brodsky

with Lily

First off, why do you think veganism is

What are the main problems with the

so important and relevant in todays

meat and dairy industry?

world? Overconsumption of resources has become a major problem in our modern world. With the increasing threat of global warming and corruption of our earth it is important to give something back. Veganism is a perfect start for lowering each persons carbon emissions, a n d c r e a t i n g a h e a l t h i e r, m o r e sustainable world.

How does this issue affect each individual on a small scale? Well it's simple! Veganism is proven to be healthier than its meat and dairy eating counterparts. It is completely cholesterol free, lowers heart disease, and makes you feel better too! Yes, yes: “but what about protein”, well as long as you’re not allergic to veggies that isn't a problem. A vegan lifestyle will also lower your carbon emissions significantly: by being vegan you save 20 pounds of CO2, and 1,100 gallons of water per day!

This first main problem is the horrific treatment of animals i.e forced reproduction, horrible living conditions, mutilation. A big problem of the dairy industry is the separation of calves from their mothers, this happens around five days after birth. The baby cow, if male, will either go into breeding or be used for veal. The same thing happens in the meat industry with piglets (for bacon) and chicks (the males are killed and thrown away). The other serious problem is the impact the animal agriculture industry has on our planet. The incredible amount of water and land used for factory farming, as well as the extreme amount of CO2 produced, is spurring on global warming at an alarming rate. It takes around 2,500 gallons of water to make a pound of beef. The land used for animals and the crops that feed them cover 30% of the worlds land mass. And more CO2 is released from factory farmed animals than all of the world’s: trains, planes, and automobiles COMBINED. Yeah, I know, scary.


“Veganism is a perfect start for lowering each persons carbon emissions, and creating a healthier, more sustainable world.� 23

How does this issue affect each

What does being vegan actually mean and what are the

individual on a small scale?

pros and cons of doing so?

Well it's simple! Veganism is proven to be healthier than its meat and dairy eating counterparts. It is completely cholesterol free, lowers heart disease, and makes you feel better too! Yes, yes: “but what about protein�, well as long as you’re not allergic to veggies that isn't a problem. A vegan lifestyle will also lower your carbon emissions significantly: by being vegan you save 20 pounds of CO2, and 1,100 gallons of water per day!

A Vegan is someone who does not eat or use any animal products. (although some vegans only do the food aspect). The cons of being vegan are you might have to take a vitamin supplement (to make sure you get all those good minerals), finding a vegan option is tricky and you have to constantly justify your decision to people. The pros however are your conscience is clean, you feel healthier (because you are), you never have to worry about salmonella in baking (no more risky spatula licking), finding a vegan option makes your heart sing, you have the self-control of a superhero and you are saving lives.

"A vegan lifestyle will also lower your carbon emissions significantly: by being vegan you save 20 pounds of CO2, and 1,100 gallons of water per day!"


VEGAN GUIDE Make sure you are getting the same amount of nutrients! This is so important. You can take a supplement (such as B12) on top of eating plenty of veggies. If you ever have emotions think: what you are doing is so helpful to our world! Its helping the billions of animals slaughtered every year. Pat yourself on the back! You are amazing! You just went vegan! Also remember, ALMOST EVERY VEGAN SAID “I COULD NEVER GO VEGAN” BEFORE THEY WENT VEGAN! (myself included). Restaurants in the New England area: Peace food cafe, Devine treasures, Organika, Right path organic cafe, Pure alchemy juice bar Brands: Kite Hill Farm cream cheese and Dandies marshmallows,

Documentaries: Okja, Food inc. and Cowspiracy Websites: Minimalist baker, Happy cow


with Maddy

First off, why do think recycling is so

What are the environmental benefits of

important in todays world?


Recycling is most important today because the world needs our help. More and more problems keep arising everyday due to our lack of caring for the planet in the past. I hope that people will finally see the cause and effect of our actions good and bad.

Nearly ninety percent of what you throw out can be recycled. Many people think that recycling takes too much time and is confusing, when in reality recycling can be easy and benefit our world. That bottle that you just threw away may seem not to matter at the moment, but as those recyclable items collect, all that waste ends up in the oceans, affecting our earth in a harmful way. If that bottle gets recycled, however, the amount of things that that little bottle can be turned into will make you rethink the impact you have on helping the world. When someone doesn't recycle then that waste, along with the rest of their trash, eventually ends up in a landfill. Whenever you are “just throwing it away” there is no such thing as “away”, everything must go somewhere. The landfills filled with your waste eventually get pushed into the surrounding oceans. Those oceans are filled with fish and creatures that are being suffocated with our harmful waste. Not only are our underwater species in danger, but humans are also in jeopardy. A lack of clean water is scarce to a large percent of people. Unclean water can cause disease and sickness. Choosing to recycle can also save energy and money.

How does the recycling process actually work? To start the process, your local recycling service will pick up your recycling and take it to another recycling facility. This is where everything is sorted. Technology, such as magnets, scanners and air classifiers that separate lighter and heavier goods, work together. Paper gets mixed in a shredded down to form a pulp. Aluminum is chopped up and then m e l t e d i n t o b l o ck s. P l a s t i c g e t s shredded, as well. All these materials can be used to make more of the same thing or they can be made into something else.


“Whenever you are “just throwing it away” there is no such thing as “away”, everything must go somewhere.” 28

What are the main products that can be recycled? It can vary depending on what your recycling hauler accepts but I know that All American Waste, which is a waste management service available in Connecticut and Massachusetts, offers single stream recycling which includes materials such as paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic. It can definitely be tricky trying to figure out what can be recycled but if you contact your local hauler they can provide you with the correct information.

"Trust me, I know how hard it is to remember to bring that reusable bag or to always say skip the straw when dining out but we are all in this together and just trying the best we can. If we all are aware of reducing, reusing and recycling it can create a huge positive impact." 29

RECYCLING GUIDE When going out avoid using any single use plastic by bringing reusable items everywhere you go! These items include water bottles, coffee mugs, takeout containers, shopping bags, and even straws. You can also try your best to buy in bulk and bring reusable bags to your bulk section at your local grocery store. When you are at home remember to use less water, turn the lights off when you leave the room, and if you can, purchase your electricity from renewable resources and purchase your own solar panels, if possible!

Books “Generation Green: The Ultimate Teen Guide to Living an Eco-Friendly Life” by Linda and Tosh Siversten “Plastic Purge: How to Use Less Plastic, Eat Better, Keep Toxins Out of “The Green Book: The Everyday Guide to Saving the Planet One Simple Step at a Time” by Elizabeth Rogers.

Websites Sister Eden Media, this wonderful woman shares her tips in blogs and videos on how you can be more environmentally friendly. Anita Horan, a woman who started the #plasticfreeproduce campaign on eliminating unnecessary plastic packaged produce., a website where you can earn free products and coupons for learning about recycling., a website with blogs and quizzes educating you on recycling.


Paid advertisement

Twin Star Community Apothecary offers a variety of herbal and healing products . We specialize in local, ethically wildcrafted and organic bulk medicinal herbs, handmade herbal tinctures, custom crafted tea blends, and topical preparations. We carry a variety of natural beauty products, spiritual gifts, candles and crystals in addition to hundreds of flower essences, specialty books, plant oracle cards and organic and ethically sourced essential oils. 57 Bank Street in historic Downtown New Milford. 860 350 0077

Litchfield County’s First Coworking Home for Freelancers & Entrepreneurs! floor plan, conference * Open room, office printer, & more!

* Flexible, no-contract plans * Rates start at $85/month * Located at 20 Bank Street Come Create With Us! Visit:

Your business could appear in this advertising space! Contact to collaborate in future issues

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photographs by leo white (@leo_white_photos)


To my family, thank you for supporting me since I I’m lucky to constantly be immersed in a community

had the initial vision and being my built in editors.

with such loving and supportive people. That’s truly the backbone of this publication. I am overflowing with gratitude towards everyone that has contributed to the Film Roll Magazine. Thank you for sharing your creative expression.

To Lily, Fiona and Maddy, thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and allowing me to photograph you. I’m constantly inspired by your passion for these world issues.

To Max Ringer, Kate Bates and Leo White, thank you for your contributions to this magazine and providing content that exemplifies the purpose of this magazine.

To Lupo Passero from Twin Star Herbal Shop, Tony Vengrove from the Makery and Sarah Wheeler from Safari Collective, thank you for making this publication possible!

To Scarlett, I can never fully express how thankful I am for your role in the Film Roll. From creating all the drawings to constantly supporting and encouraging me, you’ve been a significant part of this magazine.

And finally to the readers, thank you for going about the Film Roll with an open heart and an open mind. I’m hoping you feel inspired and empowered so you can go out into the world and share that same energy.


A publication to inspire meaningful creative expression The Film Roll Magazine is brought to you by Safari Collective, Twin Star Apothecary, The Makery and Miss Maddy Makes!

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