1 minute read


Harris Reed

Fashion has been an avenue of expression across cultures, for centuries. It also comes with rules and expectations decided by society for who should wear what, and when, and how.


Harris Reed leans into how true expression should be: free from rules and expectations, including gender normative ideas.

With beautiful pieces, both timeless and trendy, Reed creates gender fluid art in the form of clothing, to be enjoyed by all. Breaking binary boxes, these pieces are the epitome of freedom of expression.

The History of Femininity in Men’s Fashion

Femininity was recognized in men’s fashion decades and decades ago Think back to the 70’s and onward: David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, Brad Pitt, the list goes on These men proudly wore tight pants, skirts, dresses, sparkles, feathers, all of it, and it never made them less of a man They were making statements and showing comfortability in their masculinity If you want to look back even further, men were painting their nails in 3200 BC Ancient Babylon warriors would paint their nails before combat. It doesn’t get more masculine than combat.

All this goes to say that masculinity isn’t defined by what clothes a man wears. Masculinity isn’t erased when femininity is introduced into a wardrobe. Clothing isn’t gendered. And these men, celebrities and warriors alike, only got the movement started

Femininity in Men’s Fashion Today

Femininity in men’s fashion has, in no way, slowed down, but rather the opposite There are so many male celebrities who we view as fashion icons Harry Styles, Post Malone, Jaden Smith, Kid Cudi, etcetera What do they have in common?

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