1 minute read

Self Reflection

FEMISH is all about acknowledging that everyone has a feminine and masculine side Valuing both is important for ourselves


What makes you FEMISH? List your feminine and masculine qualities as defined by western society.

Feminine: and why is it taught that way?

Our thoughts are often influenced by our environment, causing subconscious bias that we don’t even realize we have absorbed.

So let’s play with your feminine side!

If you present as female, society expects regulated femininity from you: wear make-up, but not too much, and only to these places, at these times; otherwise, you look like you are trying too hard.

And if you present as male, society expects zero femininity from you.

Do you care what others think?

Female presenting: Wear lipstick somewhere you normally wouldn’t

Male presenting: Paint your nails

For those who present outside the binary: try on an article of clothing that maybe you would not normally

Go about your day: school drop-off, grocery store, working from home, the gym.

Your paragraph text

How do you feel putting it on? Nervous? Excited?

Annoyed that you are even trying this experiment? How do you feel while in public? Selfconscious? Confident? Are you afraid others will judge you? Would you judge you?

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