PROSPECTUS - Scoil Mhuire Trim - 2024/25

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Scoil Mhuire

Trim, Co Meath

Mission Statement

Scoil Mhuire seeks to provide a quality education for all its students in a challenging and positive environment.

We are committed to holistic development and to the achievement of the full potential of each student, particularly those who are disadvantaged or marginalised.

Message from the Principal Jacqueline Maher

What is our mission?

Welcome to Scoil Mhuire. Many thanks for taking the time to read our prospectus.

We hope that this prospectus gives an insight into our school and answers the many questions you may have about life as a student here. Don`t forget to check in on our Website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. There are lots of photographs and updates about events happening in the school and in subject areas such as Science, Home Economics and Art to name just a few. Copies of school policies are available on our website at

Our goal is to fulfil our mission statement so that it is not just words on a page or a prospectus.

Scoil Mhuire seeks to provide a quality education for all its students in a challenging and positive environment. We are committed to holistic development and to the achievement of the full potential of each student, particularly those who are disadvantaged or marginalised. This mission statement directs all that we do in Scoil Mhuire.

We provide a quality education in a positive environment where students feel safe yet challenged. An environment where students’ talents and abilities can be nurtured and developed. We do this by continuously monitoring, evaluating, reviewing, and developing all aspects of school life. Our mission statement is our way of life.

We begin by getting to know each of our students as they are all very unique and different with their own individual talents, abilities, and personalities. We can then provide the structures and scaffolding to allow each one achieve to their own individual potential – not just academically but socially and personally. There is no point studying for five or six years, move onto the next phase of their lives, and not succeed because there has been no social or personal development. Our mission/goal is to support and educate each student to leave here prepared for the rest of their lives. We want each student to be confident in their own ability and have belief in themselves – to be on the road to becoming the person that they can be. It is not about “what I want to do but about the person I want to become.” Hence, we provide as many opportunities as possible for students to develop their talents through leadership roles, sport, and music to name but a few.

“ a quality education for all students in a challenging and positive environment ”

The provision of an environment that allows for the holistic development of each student in Scoil Mhuire was acknowledged by the Department of Education in a Whole School Inspection when they found that “a high priority is placed on creating a nurturing and caring environment”. We continuously look for opportunities to further enhance the educational experience of our students.

Jacqueline Maher, Principal
Left to right :
Celine Nulty (Deputy Principal)
Jacqueline Maher (Principal)
Peter Maguire (Deputy Principal)
Scoil Mhuire Staff 2024-25

School Profile and History

Scoil Mhuire is an all-girls Catholic Secondary school with students from approximately 27 feeder schools. Enrolment has increased from 528 students in 2009-10 to the current student population of 822.

The Sisters of Mercy established the Secondary school in Trim in 1936. At that time, the school was attached to the Mercy convent. The first school day was 14th September 1936 with an enrolment of fourteen boys and fifteen girls. The co-educational system only lasted one year. Mother Evangelist was the Principal from 1936 to 1949. The original teachers were Miss E Kelly and Miss M Burke. The school was quite small with three classrooms and a cookery room. The cost for one student was 2 guineas per term in 1949 rising to 10 guineas per year in 1966.

The Sisters of Mercy bought the current site in the late 1960s and built a new Secondary school that was officially opened in 1969.

On the official opening of the school in its current location, there was an enrolment of 240 students. This was an increase from 86 students in 1962-63 and 156 students in 1966-67. 1967 saw the introduction of free education leading to the large increase in enrolment. The Department of Education gave £15 capitation for each student. The total cost of building the school was £150,000.

There were eight teachers on the opening day in 1969. They were Miss Malone, Miss McLoughlin, Miss K Kelly, Sr Anthony Murphy, Sr Brid Boland, Sr Mary Clavin, Sr Francis Looby. Sr Concepta was the Principal from 1949 – 1982. Sr Michael (Rosalie) Healy took over from 1982 – 1996. The first lay Principal was Jeremiah Kearney from 1996 until his retirement in 2007. The current Principal is Jacqueline Maher.

Scoil Mhuire is now under the trusteeship of CEIST. CEIST is the acronym for Catholic Education, an Irish Schools Trust. With declining numbers in religious congregations, the Mercy sisters joined with 4 other congregations to form a new trust body to oversee the running and management of their schools. CEIST are now the trustees of 107 Voluntary Catholic Secondary Schools in Ireland including Scoil Mhuire, Trim. As they go forward together each school will retain its own individuality and identity, while sharing the common values of Catholic education and of CEIST. The CEIST mission is to provide a holistic education in the Catholic tradition.

Over the years many extensions have been added to the original building of 1969.

1982: Addition of the “ New Wing” - Science Laboratory and Preparation Room, Demonstration Room, Art Room, Resource Room, Double Classroom, Computer Room, Careers Office, Careers Library and General Classroom

1989: Addition of Study Hall/Lunch Room and 3 Classrooms

1995/6: Addition of 2 Prefabs

2012: Access to the “New Wing” was improved by the addition of a new lift and stairs

2014: Addition of Science Laboratory and Preparation Room, Home Economics Kitchen and two Music Rooms

2015: Addition of 2 Prefabs

2016: Addition of 3 Prefabs and upgrade to student entrance and staffroom.

2017: Addition of 1 Prefab

2018: Addition of 3 Prefabs, Toilet Block, Storage Area and Science Laboratory and preparation room

2021: Addition of 2 Prefabs

The Department of Education and Skills have purchased a new green field site of approximately 22 acres at Shanlothe, Trim for the provisional of a new Scoil Mhuire school campus. Planning is well under way for this new Trim Shared School Campus.

The initial Department of Education ICT grant in 2010/11 was used to provide Computers and Data Projectors in each classroom. Digital Strategies are constantly reviewed and updated in the school. The use of technology in Teaching and Learning is encouraged, supported and promoted among teaching staff. High Speed 100mbit/sec Broadband was installed in the school in December 2013. There are two fully equipped Computer Rooms in the school.

The Department of Education ICT grants have been used to purchase a quantity of Surface Pro tablet devices to further enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. All teachers have the use of a device and there are six student portable charging trolleys containing approximately 200 devices available for student use in the classroom.

Academic Achievements

Scoil Mhuire has a very long history of high academic achievement dating back to 1936. Students are constantly challenged to achieve to their full potential in a supportive and positive environment.

The high academic achievements of Scoil Mhuire students have been recognised by third level colleges such as Trinity College, UCD, DCU, University of Galway, and Maynooth University with academic scholarships and awards. Many have gone on to study abroad in Scotland and England. Other students have received Naughton Foundation Scholarships and All-Ireland Scholarships from the JP McManus foundation.

Since their introduction, the Naughton Foundation Scholarships top award for Co. Meath have been awarded on four occasions to Scoil Mhuire students. Doireann O` Kiely (2008) – PhD in the University of Oxford Mathematical Institute. Emma Foley (2012) - Masters in Engineering (UCD). Ruth Sherlock (2017) – Engineering (UCD). Roisin Ni Ruairc (2019) - Computer Science in DCU. These scholarships are €5,000 per annum and the support of the Naughton Foundation for the duration of their undergraduate degree programmes.

In 2022, past student Rose Higgins was awarded scholarships from the Fulbright Commission of Ireland and the George Moore Scholarship Programme to pursue a Masters in International Human Rights Law at the University of Notre

“A high Priority is placed on

creating a nurturing and caring learning environment”

Rose Higgins receiving her scholarship to pursue a Masters in International Human Rights law at the University of Notre Dame, USA

Dame in the USA. In her applications for these scholarships Rose reflected on the impact her time in Scoil Mhuire had on her: “I received both my primary and secondary education in schools founded by the Sisters of Mercy. From age 5 to 19, Sister Catherine McAuley’s commitment to service shaped and underscored the ethos of my education, instilling in me a vocational desire to help others.” Rose is now working with the European mission to the United Nations in New York. Past student Kerrie Cooke from the Leaving Certificate class of 2023 has just received an Ad Astra Academic Scholarship for UCD. This academic scholarship is awarded to 18 UCD students beginning their second year of college. Kerrie is the first agricultural science student to receive this scholarship in the past five years or more. Having received her 1st Year results, she was invited to apply for the scholarship. Following submission of her application, Kerrie attended for interview and received this prestigious award. Kerrie has stated that “this scholarship was made possible because of my outstanding secondary school education at Scoil Mhuire, in Trim. The high standards of education at Scoil Mhuire is an encouraging environment allowing students achieve to their best. My foundations at Scoil Mhuire allowed me to achieve my UCD Ad Astra Academic Scholarship.”

Statistics from Leaving Certificate examinations results show that Scoil Mhuire students are consistently above the national averages in taking subjects at higher level and achieving at this level. Scoil Mhuire is consistently ranked as one of the top feeder schools in Leinster for students gaining places in 3rd level colleges.

Two students have received All-Ireland scholarships sponsored by JP McManus. Deirdre O’ Brien (2009) and Áine Coogan (2015). The monetary value of this scholarship has increased in recent years. Áine received €6,750 per annum for the duration of her undergraduate programme.

Most recent award winners in 2023 were Saibh Kirca, Ellen Birmingham, Emma Murray, Hannah Fennessy, Grainne Mc Evoy, Alva Moy, Caoimhe Quinn and Denise Hanley. Saibh was awarded Entrance/Excellence Scholarships from the University of Galway, Ellen from DCU, Emma from Trinity College, Hannah, Grainne, Alva and Caoimhe from UCD - all for achieving academic excellence in the Leaving Certificate examinations. Denise attained the highest credits in the Leaving Certificate Applied Examination 2023 in our region.

Denise Hanley received the highest Leaving Certificate Applied credits in our region in 2023

Scoil Mhuire is consistently ranked as one of the top feeder schools in Leinster for students gaining places in 3rd level colleges. The class of 2024 are now continuing their education in Ireland`s top colleges such as Trinity College, UCD, DCU, University of Galway, University of Limerick, Marino Institute of Education, Maynooth University, St Patrick`s College (Drumcondra), Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, and in colleges in Northern Ireland, and Europe. We await more good news of students receiving scholarships to support their studies in the coming years. In addition, two students attained maximum credits in the 2024 Leaving Certificate Applied programme and their achievements will be acknowledged in a ceremony later this year

Analyses of Junior Cycle results show very high participation at higher level across all subjects. The State Examinations Commission, over the past number of years, have identified Scoil Mhuire students as very high achievers in a number of subjects, particularly Mathematics and Science at Junior Cycle level.

In addition, the Business Department in Maynooth University has recognised all the Scoil Mhuire Junior Cycle students who achieved top grades at higher level in the state examination over the past number of years.

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Message from our Head Girl

Here in Scoil Mhuire, every student is motivated to do their best and achieve their full potential. There is a strong sense of positivity throughout our school environment from teachers, to staff, to students. Student development in both education and extra-curricular activities is highly encouraged. From our extensive clubs in the school, including sports teams, Gluais, choir and wide range of lunchtime clubs, all girls are given the opportunity to grow and expand their skill set. As students enter first year, they are helped by a group of fifth year students known as Athrú. These girls act as big sisters to the new first years, helping them navigate the new school environment and bond with their new classmates. Athrú are dedicated to making the first years new school life easier, by working with staff and students to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. I've found from my time in Scoil Mhuire, that there is always a bright atmosphere of people helping you to achieve your best. You will build confidence, character and friendships over the next five to six years, like you won't even believe. I hope you grow to love your time in Scoil Mhuire as much as I have loved mine

Message from our Deputy Head Girl

Scoil Mhuire is a welcoming and supportive environment where every student is surrounded by opportunities and supports to fulfil their potential, whether that be in academics or extra-curricular. “Do your best, that's all you can do” is a phrase you will hear countless times throughout your time in Scoil Mhuire, it's Ms. Maher's mantra and agreeably so. Each student is motivated to do their best in every area of life, both inside and outside the classroom. Our school community is one of encouragement and inclusivity. There really is something for everyone from lunch time clubs to Irish debating, student council, numerous sports teams such as camogie, football and equestrian, music groups and a multitude of other clubs. I encourage you to get involved in anything that catches your interest and immerse yourself in our school community. Starting secondary school is a big change but is made so much easier by the support and guidance of Ms.Maher, staff, students, Athrú and the whole school community. Everybody is here to help so don't be afraid to ask if you’re unsure about anything! Throughout my years in Scoil Mhuire, I've grown to appreciate the emphasis put on doing your best. I’ve made lasting friendships through class and sport as well as memories that I will cherish. I hope you find your years in Scoil Mhuire as enjoyable as I’ve found mine

Current School Curriculum

Junior Cycle – 3 Years ` First Year

Currently first year students study all available subjects in first year.






C.S.P.E. (Civic Social Political Education)

French or German


Business Studies

Visual Art



Home Economics

Religious Education

Physical Education

S.P.H.E. (Social Personal Health Education)

Digital Media Literacy

Transition Year – 1 Year Optional Course

Second and Third Year

The following subjects to be studied by Second and Third Year students.







C.S.P.E. (Civic Social Political Education)

Religious Education

Physical Education

S.P.H.E. (Social Personal Health Education)

Optional Subjects - 2 to be chosen by students:

French or German


Business Studies

Home Economics


Students may apply for inclusion on the one-year Transition Year Programme.

Senior Cycle—2


3 Year Course

A Senior Cycle Options Seminar is provided for 3rd year students and their Parents/Guardians in March each year to allow informed decisions be made for Senior Cycle. The Guidance Counsellors meet all third year students individually and Parents/Guardians, if required.

Curricular Options

Leaving Certificate

A student who opts to go directly into Fifth Year after completing her Junior Certificate may apply for one of the three Leaving Certificate programmes:

Leaving Certificate

Leaving Certificate Vocational

Leaving Certificate Applied



Fifth and Sixth Year

The following subjects are compulsory.




Religious Education

S.P.H.E. (Social Personal Health Education)

Physical Education

Career Guidance

The following subjects are optional.

Students normally select four optional subjects for study.









Social & Scientific Home Economics




Agricultural Science

Applied Mathematics

Leaving Certificate Physical Education

Leaving Certificate Applied – L.C.A.

What is the Leaving Certificate Applied?

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a distinct, self-contained two-year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. The programme puts an emphasis on forms of achievement and excellence, which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the past.

Why was the Leaving Certificate Applied introduced?

The Leaving Certificate Applied was introduced to recognise the talents of all students and provide opportunities for development in terms of responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge. It is an innovative programme in the way students learn, in what they learn and in the way their achievements are assessed.

“Leaving Certificate Applied offers students a strong grounding in the working world”

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme – L.C.V.P.

The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is an intervention designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the Leaving Certificate (established). The programme was introduced in 1994 in response to the challenge placed on Ireland’s education system by a changing work and business environment. The LCVP combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate (established) with a new and dynamic focus on self-directed learning, enterprise, work and the community. This two-year programme is part of an expanded provision that aims to cater for the diversity of participants’ needs at senior cycle.

(Contd. overleaf)

The primary goal of the LCVP is to prepare young people for adult life by ensuring that they are educated in the broadest sense, with an ability to cope and thrive in an environment of rapid change. Participants in the programme are encouraged to develop skills and competencies fundamental to both academic and vocational success.

Throughout the programme students are encouraged to

• be innovative and enterprising

• take responsibility for their own learning

• adapt to changing circumstances

• evaluate data and devise solutions to problems

• communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively

• work with others as part of a team

• investigate and plan career options

• use information and communications technologies

• investigate local business and community enterprises

• learn from their experiences.

These skills and qualities are equally relevant to the needs of those preparing for further education, seeking employment or planning to start their own business. The vocational focus of LCVP is achieved through the provision of two additional courses of study in work preparation and enterprise, known as the Link Modules.

The use of active teaching and learning methodologies is encouraged in the LCVP. Experiences such as work placements, career investigations, mini-enterprises, business and community visits are an integral part of the programme. This rich activity base requires a considerable time commitment and high degree of flexibility from the LCVP coordinator and teaching team in the school.

Programme Requirements

Requirements for the two-year Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme from September 2022 are as follows:

• LCVP students must take a minimum of five Leaving Certificate subjects (at Higher, Ordinary or Foundation Level) including Irish. Students who are exempt from studying Irish, must take additional subject(s) to ensure that they present a minimum of five Leaving Certificate subjects in their Leaving Certificate examination.

• LCVP students must study the two Link Modules, namely Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education.

New Junior Cycle

Students enrolled in the academic year 2019/2020 were the first cohort of students to be educated under the New Junior Cycle Framework in its entirety.

Under the new assessment system students will be awarded the following grade descriptors instead of the traditional grades A, B, C, D in their State Exams.

Along with the State Exam students will complete two Classroom Based Assessments (CBA’S).

CBA 1 will be completed in second year and CBA 2 will be completed in third year. The Classroom Based Assessments will be assessed by the subject department in the school linked to that CBA. They will be awarded the following descriptors


Above Expectations

In Line with Expectations

Yet to Meet Expectations

After CBA 2 each student will sit an Assessment Task (AT) set by the State Examinations Commission. This task will be based on their work from CBA 2.

The Assessment Task will be graded by the State Examinations Commission and is worth 10% of the State Exam in June.

In the Autumn following the Junior Cycle Examination students will be presented with a Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA).

It will contain three elements

The grades and descriptors awarded in the State Exams

The descriptors awarded in CBA 1 and CBA 2

Other Areas of Learning*

*Other Areas of Learning: This is an opportunity for the student to have a voice in one aspect of their JCPA. In Scoil Mhuire students are encouraged to take part in activities outside of the core curriculum. These may include activities such as sport, debating, choir, student council, gardening and so on. Your daughter can choose up to five of these activities where she gained a benefit, used a skill or learned something new and submit 150 words to describe how they have aided her rounded education.

Additional Education Needs (AEN)

In line with our School Mission Statement, we provide a quality holistic education for all students in our care and we particularly support our students with additional needs in reaching their full potential. We have three qualified A.E.N. teachers who support students in one-to-one settings, small group classes, or through our Team Teaching model. Prior to their arrival into our school, we liaise with feeder Primary Schools and parents, in order to support a smooth transition into secondary school for our A.E.N. students. We also liaise with many external agencies such as National Educational Psychological Service ( N.E.P.S.), Child and Adult Mental Health Services (C.A.M.H.S.), Visiting Teacher Service, Trim Family Resource Centre and many other service providers as the need requires.

We are involved in applying for Assistive Technology and in the preparation of R.A.C.E. applications for Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate State exams.

Communication with parents/guardians of our A.E.N. students is very important and we meet & communicate regularly to develop and review Support Plans. Our main goal is that our students feel happy, motivated and safe, in an environment

where every student is valued and enjoys a positive school experience. We are committed to ensuring that our A.E.N. students are provided with the supports that will enable them to fulfil their potential and leave Scoil Mhuire with a confidence to face whatever the future holds for them.

Student Council

The Student Council meet every Monday at 1:30 pm in the Study Hall. Representatives from each of the form groups in the school are invited to attend. At each meeting class representatives bring suggestions from their respective form classes and, in turn, report back about the changes being made and actions being taken.

Each year, the Student Council choose 3 charities to support – one local, one national and one international. Fundraising and awareness raising has become an integral part of the work done by the students. Last year, the Student Council fundraised for the Irish Red Cross at our Christmas Concert. We held a non-uniform day in support of Breast Cancer Ireland. We also ran a Bring & Buy Sale and raffle to raise funds for & awareness of Little Blue Heros charity.

Every year, we send representatives to the CEIST student leadership conference and to the Meath Comhairle na nOg AGM, thereby getting involved in choosing the work topic that Meath Comhairle and its new members work on for the next 2 years. We also liaise with the Irish Secondary Schools Union – the ISSU – on issues of local and national interest to our students. In their turn, the ISSU provide training for the new intake of student representatives Among other activities last year, our members provided input on the design of the new student journal and visited the Dáil. This year, we will make a return visit to the Dáil. Worldwise Global Schools will provide training to the Student Council on Global Justice issues. We look forward to a busy & active school year!

Student Council 2024-25

Transition Year

Our Transition Year Programme offers a broad variety of topics and subjects. Transition Year students are given the opportunity to study all subjects on the Senior Cycle Curriculum. This makes them better informed when it comes to choosing subjects in Fifth Year and career choice in Sixth year.

Students may study the following subjects throughout the year - the list is not exhaustive and may change slightly each year: English, Irish, Mathematics, I.T, Religious Education, Art, P.E, French and/or German, Geography, History, Accounting, Business, Home Economics, Film Making, Public Speaking, Music, Biology, Agricultural Science, Physics, Chemistry, Fashion/ Dress Design, Applied Mathematics, Work Experience, Law, Classical Studies, YSI, SciFest, Development Education, Dance, Self Defence and Enterprise Education.

“Transition Year offers a different experience”

We encourage contact with people and agencies outside school. Transition Year students become more involved with their immediate community through work experience, voluntary and community work. Students can also follow and develop special interests for example sporting, leisure or academic. There is also space and opportunity to concentrate on some aspects of learning which do not always feature on either the Junior or Leaving Certificate programmes. Qualities which might not otherwise flourish are often developed. The flexibility offered by the programme means it can be an ideal opportunity for students to respond to challenges such as An Gaisce ( The President’s Award), Driving Lessons, Film Making, First Aid, Self Defence, Kayaking, Career Mentoring, TY Musical, Segway and Junk Kouture .

Why Transition year?

• Bridge the gap between Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle.

• Solid Foundation for Leaving Certificate Programme.

• Opportunities to catch-up and study new subjects.

• Develop skills - I.T, social, organisational and research.

• Obtain work experience.

• Increase self confidence and maturity


• Those interested and motivated to take part in TY.

• Those who are young for senior cycle.

• Those who have missed time or need to catch up.

• To develop the following qualities: respect, cooperation and courtesy.

• That students will acquire a deeper knowledge of themselves, thus helping them establish realistic, educational and life ambitions.

• To introduce students to subjects on the Senior Curriculum.

• To take the opportunity to investigate a variety of careers, through work experience.

• To develop the independent research and study skills necessary for Senior Cycle and Third Level.

• To encourage initiative and self confidence through group activities and teamwork

Junk Kouture

Junk Kouture is a global fashion competition with a focus on sustainability, creativity and team work. We have gone from strength to strength each year and reached the grand final held in the Bord Gais theatre on numerous occasions. Junk Kouture is part of the Transition Year programme, it is delivered as part of a half year module. The competition allows students to express themselves creatively, make new friends, learn new skills, research and be inspired by the world around them. As part of a team students create a piece of wearable art while building confidence and having fun!


Every year Scoil Mhuire Trim run the Gaisce programme. Gaisce –The President’s Award is a self-development programme for young people aged 14 -25 which has been proven to enhance confidence and wellbeing through participation in personal, physical and community challenges. It is a direct challenge from the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, to all young people to dream big and realise their potential. Gaisce Awards are non-competitive and self-directed: participants choose their own activities, goals and projects with the support of their President’s Award Leader (or PAL). There are three levels of Gaisce Award – Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each year, Transition Years students are given the opportunity to complete the bronze award. Students who wish to continue their Gaisce journey in 5th and 6th year are facilitated. Gaisce PAL leaders within Scoil Mhuire include, Ms. Carolan Ms. Guinan, Ms. E Flynn and Mr B. Duffy

“Gaisce has achieved so much by enabling so many to embark on a journey in which young people across the island it has enriched both themselves individually as well as their local communities and wider society.” – President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, Patron of Gaisce

Senior Prefects

Senior Prefects are Leaving Certificate students elected by staff and fellow students. They are students who have a proven track record of upholding Scoil Mhuire’s core values and ethos and have demonstrated a commitment to the school. At the beginning of the year, our Senior Prefects are provided with leadership and personal development training to equip them for their future roles in the school community. Senior Prefects perform a number of vital roles in the school, providing a valuable source of support for both staff and students. These duties include mentoring specific form groups, assisting in the organisation of school functions and acting as school ambassadors when dealing with external agencies. It is envisaged that their position as senior prefects will help them continue to develop their leadership and organisational skills in adult life and future endeavours.

School Self Evaluation and School Improvement (SSE)

Scoil Mhuire is actively engaged in School Self –Evaluation. It is part of the process of school improvement. It is a collaborative, inclusive, reflective process of internal school review. When engaging in school self-evaluation, schools reflect on their aims, consider criteria for success within the school’s context and ethos, and determine methods for judging the quality of educational provision in the school. It is an evidence-based approach which involves gathering information from a range of sources and making judgements with a view to bringing about improvements in students, learning

The entire school community is involved in the SSE process. Scoil Mhuire has a core SSE team who collaborate and consult with the teaching staff, students, parents and management when making decisions and developing a school plan

Scoil Mhuire is now in the third phase of School Self Evaluation ‘Next Steps 2022-2026. It has commenced the process of a Wellbeing Promotional Review and continues to set targets for school improvements. A summary of the School Improvement Plan is available on the school website.

“This work is led in a committed and enthusiastic manner by a core team of staff”.

As part of SSE the following whole school teaching and learning strategies were created and embedded in Scoil Mhuire to help students learn.


In Scoil Mhuire, each subject department promotes the attainment of literacy through displaying KEY WORDS associated with their respective subject areas on classroom walls.

The READ Wall, a noticeboard in the atrium is used as an area for promoting literacy across the school community – with displays of student work, circulation of crosswords, quizzes and other activities regularly posted for the school community.

Junior students are actively encouraged to carry a BOOK IN THE BAG with them every day. Students are then encouraged to take out their chosen book and read for pleasure, if any free time becomes available during the school day. Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) initiative is carried out twice a year.

Each classroom has a bookshelf with a wide range of reading materials for students


• A Numeracy Rich environment

• Tests results given in fraction form and students asked to convert them to percentages

• Promoting and identifying patterns in specific subject areas

• Mathematical Competitions

• Cross curricular co-operation in promoting Mathematical concepts and applications

Digital Technology

To use Digital Technology to further enhance teaching and learning Microsoft Teams & OneNote is used in the school

Assessment for Learning (AFL)

Assessment for learning is a teaching and learning strategy which creates feedback of a student’s learning so that teachers can plan and improve a student’s performance. It is a method of formative assessment. Some of the AFL strategies include.

• Exit passes, White boards and traffic lights in student journals where students can provide written feedback on topics they have studied in class.

• Digital feedback using technology and apps such as Quizlet, menti-meter and Padlet are also used in the classroom.

The AFL strategies assist in student learning, while adding variety and interest in the classrooms. They allow students to monitor their own progress in the different subjects.

Differential Learning Intentions and Homework Differentiation was introduced as part of SSE to tailor lessons to meet each student's individual interests, needs, and strengths. Teaching this way gives students a choice and flexibility in how they learn, and helps teachers personalize learning.

A colour coded homework differentiation system was introduced in recent years and is used in some classes. Students are given the opportunity to choose their homework based on a colour coded system of Green, Blue and Red. Homework designated as green, is homework that students must and should be able to complete. Homework designated as blue homework is a little bit more difficult which students could complete and may help to extend a student’s understanding of a topic. Homework designated as Red is assigned homework which is more difficult and provides a challenge to students.

Well Read Team - Fostering a reading culture

For the past 2 years, the Literacy team has been engaging with the OIDE Wellread National Award. Our main aim is to develop a love of reading within the school community. Our first action was to form a steering committee – made up of students, staff, parents and representatives from Trim Library and Trim Family Resource Centre. This steering committee meets 3 times a year – to plan, implement and evaluate a series of initiatives - which foster an enjoyment of reading in the school and the wider community. In-school, our core team of students and staff meet every month. So many exciting developments have taken place in our school community – as well as our biannual Drop Everything and Read, a fixture in our school calendar, we now hold an annual short story writing competition, while First Years take part in a month-long Readathon, staff bamboozle students over the identity of bookshelf owners in our annual ‘My Shelfie’ competition. The Parents Council have been so supportive of these initiatives – sponsoring prizes for numerous competitions. Year groups visit Trim Library to get a tour of the facilities and familiarise themselves with the range of resources available to them, both on site and online. Linking in with Trim Family Resource Centre has meant that Transition Year students now have the opportunity to work with the Parent & Toddler Group, reading books to the toddlers and engage in conversational English classes with newcomers to the area through the “Failte Isteach” program. We are delighted with our

Young Social Innovators

YSI is a nine month program undertaken in Transition Year in Scoil Mhuire. Social innovation education gives students the space, time and tools needed to explore complex issues and to develop, test and adapt ideas to achieve positive social change. Skills are developed through applied practice as students roll out their ideas in a real-world context before reflecting and reporting on their impact. Projects are presented at Regional level and if successful at the National YSI Speakout Final. Two years ago, one of our teams made a fantastic impact at National Level, presenting their project highlighting the LQBTQ+A community profile in secondary school. We got through again to the National Speak Out in Spring 2023 in Croke Park, with a project exploring the Secondary School experience of Relationship & Sexual Education. Our team 'Clueless-About RSE' were selected 2 years ago for their excellent work in the YSI program, to enter the 'Elevate Initiative' going forward into Fifth Year. This invitation was a first for Scoil Mhuire. It gave the girls the opportunity to further mentored in leadership, student voice, advocacy, strategy, public relations, enterprise development and innovation. The strength of this subject should be greatly enhanced by this incredible opportunity

Amber Flag

Back in 2020, a group of 4th years set up an Amber Flag Team to support the mental health of our school community. In conjunction with the YSI guide and our PE Dept the girls initiated whole school activities for fun, and raised much needed funds for Pieta House. At the end of the year they were awarded the Amber Flag which now hangs in our foyer. Our new team will promote this cause over the coming year in a bid to retain the flag already achieved, as they create more opportunities to increase the feeling of wellness at school

Why did you choose Scoil Mhuire?

“I chose Scoil Mhuire because of the wonderful range of extra curricular activities available, because of the strong sense of community and because of the strong work ethic. It was the best decision I have ever made. I have so many wonderful friends and teachers who are supporting me always. I feel so welcome amongst my peers.”

~S Higgins.

"I chose Scoil Mhuire because of the friendly environment. The school sets good standards. I teachers are so friendly."

~C Griffin.

"I picked Scoil Mhuire because I the choice of subjects was great and I wanted to be part of the TY musical”

~M Engellee.

Supervised Evening Study

Evening Study is available to all students

Monday-Thursday from 4.00 pm to 6:00 pm. Supervision is by teachers who maintain an environment conducive to study. Evening study offers an opportunity to establish an organised structured approach to study. The benefits become very apparent.

"I chose to go to Scoil Mhuire because of their outstanding TY programme, sports teams and overall student opportunities."

~L McDonnell.

"I chose Scoil Mhuire as my secondary school because I heard really good things about the Sports Teams & Music Department."

~I O’Sullivan.

School Uniform

In the interest of overall appearance of students, both as individuals and as a group, full school uniform is to be worn to and from school and at all school functions and trips. This includes in-house and state examinations.

• V Neck Navy Jumper for Juniors

• V Neck Light Blue Jumper for Seniors

• White Blouse with open reveres collar.

• Pleated Plaid Uniform Skirt or Pinstripe Navy Trousers.

• Navy/Black polishable flat school shoes or Navy/Black polishable flat short ankle boots. Runners, ballet or canvas are not acceptable.

• Black, Navy or Neutral/White plain socks or tights must be worn

• Uniform School Jacket with Crest

Important Organisational Details


P.E. Uniform consists of :

• Navy school crested tracksuit bottoms

• Red school crested polo shirt

• Red school crested hoodie

• Supportive sports runners - n o Converse/Airforce/Vans as they are not sufficiently supportive

In First Year mixed-ability grouping is used for all classes and subjects. Most leading educationalists recognise that this system is the most equitable and affords all students the opportunity to achieve their potential. However, after First Year, students are currently divided into Higher and Ordinary level groups in English, Irish, and Mathematics.


First Year students study all subjects on the Junior Cycle curriculum provided by the school, with the exception of Modern Foreign Languages - they select French or German. At the end of First Year, students with the advice of teachers, choose from the optional subject list those subjects they wish to study to Junior Cycle Level.


Pupils are assessed continuously throughout the school year in a variety of ways; through written work, project work, oral work and examinations. Results of house examinations are sent home at Christmas and Summer. Trial examinations for Junior and Leaving Certificate students take place in February /March and results are communicated to parents/guardians via VSware.

The School Day

There are six 58 minute classes each day Monday-Thursday. School starts at 08:49 and continues until 15.51. There are four 58 minute classes on a Friday and school finishes at 13.11. There are two breaks, a short break at 10:56 and lunch break is from 13.11-13.55 (Monday to Thursday).

Catering Services

Here at Scoil Mhuire Get Fresh we offer you healthy options menu. Freshly made sandwiches, wraps, bagels, with a choice of fillings, pancakes and fresh fruit tubs for morning break. With a choice of two homemade hot meals for lunch. Different choices Monday through to Thursday. You can view our menu on the Scoil Mhuire website. We cater for any dietary needs. Simply talk with our staff for more information.

Green Schools

Green Schools is an international environmental education programme that promotes long-term whole school action for the environment. The aim of Green Schools is to increase students’ awareness of environmental issues and to transfer this knowledge into positive environmental action in the school and also in the wider environment.

Scoil Mhuire is a committed participant in the Green Schools programme and currently holds five Green Flags.

In the current school year we are working on our sixth theme of Global Citizenship: Litter & Waste, as well as maintaining and further improving our achievements of the previous themes of litter & waste, energy, water, travel and Biodiversity. The Green Schools committee is open to all students who are committed and concerned about their environment.

During our Travel theme we created the Oak leaf Castle view Walkway. This year, we won the Green Schools Biodiversity Secondary School of the Year in all of Ireland, We also took part in the International Communities in Bloom Competition with Trim Tidy Towns.

Our Flags

• Flag 1: Litter and Waste

• Flag 2: Energy

• Flag 3: Water

Flag 4: Travel

Flag 5: Biodiversity

Flag 6: Working on Global Citizenship: Litter & Waste

Worldwise Global Schools 2024/25

Nine years on from our 1st successful application to the World Wise Global Schools Initiative (WWGS) and the process of planning a Global Citizenship Educational (GCE) themed focus within the wider school curriculum continues apace. Subjects involved with doing GCE in the classroom have included Geography, Home Economics, English, Art, Religion and CSPE. All subject areas are invited to get involved each year.

The funding comes from Irish Aid each year and we are immensely grateful for their ongoing support. This fund supports the ongoing use of fair trade and ethically sourced materials in the Home Economics kitchens. Training and supports are available for all staff interested in pursuing a GCE-themed approach to teaching their subject area. A half-year module on Politics & Society is delivered to TY students, which includes a yearly field trip.

Other initiatives include an event for 6th years to mark International Women’s Day every year in March. In recent years we have hosted such inspiring figures as the disability rights activist and sports journalist Joanne O Riordan, local County Councillor Yemi Adenuga, who made history by becoming Ireland’s first ever elected black female public representative. In 2022, a trio past pupils – Engineering student Roisin Fahey, captain of the Meath Ladies senior football team Shauna Ennis and Deputy Political Editor with the Irish Examiner Elaine O’Loughlin. Last year, we hosted Sinead Lynam, Engagement Officer with the Irish League of Credit Unions.

Roisin Fahey, Elaine O’Loughlin, Shauna Ennis
Kelly Caffrey & Dr Caroline Munyi

In Scoil Mhuire we are committed to the holistic development of each student. We have two full time Guidance Counsellors who are available to meet students one to one, in small groups or in larger groups. Guidance Counsellors support students in making educational and career decisions as well as providing support in times of personal crisis. Any student can request an appointment with a Guidance Counsellor, or a student may be referred by a teacher or parent. Parents / Guardians are welcome to call or make an appointment to meet with a Guidance Counsellor to discuss issues of concern regarding their student.

Sensory Care room

Our school sensory care room provides a place and space for students who may need some time out during the school day. The room is sensory focused with two large bean bags, sensory lights, fidget toys and mindfulness colouring books, giving students the space to self-regulate.

Student Mentoring

Scoil Mhuire ran a mentoring programme for the first time in 2022/23 with 17 volunteer teacher mentors and 26 students. This was a great addition to Scoil Mhuire and based on theis success, we now have 54 students with 25 mentors.

The aim of the programme is to raise students’ academic and personal standards. Mentors listen, motivate, encourage and support.

The programme is open to Leaving Cert students who wish to put goals in place for the academic year and receive support to achieve these goals. Teachers and students meet on a regular basis to review progress.

Things which may be discussed during mentoring include:

• Study Techniques, learning styles and how effective is the student’s revision; organization of notes/note-making/use of exam papers

• Encouraging revision lists for each subject especially routine and structure around same for mid-term breaks and all school holidays (including rest days)

• Ways to be more effective in class (attendance, focus, taking notes, asking questions)

• Knowing project and portfolio deadlines, oral and practical exams

• School reports in Senior Cycle: Positives and Areas to Improve, getting the most from information provided


Breakfast Club

In April 2024 Scoil Mhuire established its breakfast club. It was set up as some students were arriving in Scoil Mhuire without breakfast for various reasons; early bus collections, lunch preparation etc. The club sets a positive note before class and provides students with the most important meal of the day, this has a knock on effect on learning and achievement in school. Currently funding is provided by the school and donations and fundraising activities will be required to sustain this project into the future. Students can have a cereal, toast and tea all free of charge. The club runs from 8.15 to 8.45 every morning with some background music and the opportunity to spend some time chatting with friends before class. The tea and chat is loved by all and it is wellbeing in action in Scoil Mhuire.

Wellbeing and positivity are very much at the core of all aspects of our school community in Scoil Mhuire. Each student is encouraged to participate in many of the wide variety of lunchtime and extracurricular activities available to them, to meet new people and learn new skills in a relaxed and calm environment. These clubs create a sense of belonging. Year groups are brought on activity-based outings at the end of the year to bond and expand their friendships. Trips can also occur throughout the year.

Staff and Student Wellbeing committees work together to organise events throughout the year for the whole school community. These include the annual sports day, positive mental health week, cultural week, Halloween fancy dress day to name but a few.

Transition Year Tech Team

The TY Tech Team are a group of transition year students, coordinated by Ms. Foy and Ms. Heffernan ,who assist in the distribution, application, maintenance and overall management of over 200 student devices. They receive training in the overall management of the student devices and 6 special charging trollies, which are used in a variety of classes to enhance teaching and learning. These students work alongside teachers throughout the academic year to assist in the smooth running of classes by delivering the devices to the required classroom when booked. The Tech Team is the backbone to allowing learning & teaching to thrive within the school.

They act as role models/mentors to the first-year students and also act as mediators between staff and students. The rationale behind the programme is to foster a caring attitude in senior students towards junior students in the hope that our school will be a friendlier safer place for all students. All interested students are interviewed and a group of students are chosen. The successful candidates then complete an intensive training day where they learn how to work as a team, hold successful meetings, plan events and to offer support and advice to their younger peers. The Athrú group work with students on the first day organising a tour of the school, icebreakers, games and generally making students feel safe and secure within a new school environment. They then meet with their assigned first year group each week in order to check in. Throughout the year the Athrú group organise various activities and events. This year they are holding weekly lunchtime activities that include a benchball tournament, ping pong, board games and dance. An Athrú Instagram page has been launched also this year so parents/guardians can keep up to date with the various activities and events that are taking place throughout the year @athruscoilmhuire

Tech Team 2024-2025

French Exchange to Corsica

There have been several opportunities for students to get involved in French Exchange over the past few years, where the

Scoil Mhuire Gardening Club is a lunchtime club. It was established to provide our students with a space to make new friends, learn a little about gardening and to be creative citizens. Through the experience they can develop a greater sense and vegetables which can be grown in a small space and teaches the importance of food sustainability as well as growing flowers and bulbs which can enhance the school grounds.

The club, along with other members of our school community, planted a mini orchard of Apple, Plum and Pear trees. We planted the trees in memory of our loved ones who have passed away.

Erasmus+ 2023-2027 Scoil Mhuire Trim

New TAB has been added on our school website with all the info about the Erasmus+ programme and our partner schools from EU.

2. Three Pupils Group Mobilities planned for 2023/24 and one more/new from 2024/25

Preparatory Visit No 1 = A new partnership with a French school “Lycée Albert Chatelet” from Douai (near Lille/Brussels) established in June 2023.

Preparatory Visit No 2 = the programme for both exchange weeks agreed on with our “old” German partner school “Petrinum Gymnasium” from Recklinghausen (near Duesseldorf) in August 2023.

Preparatory Visit No 3 = partnership with a school in Croatia “V.Gimnazjia Zagreb”. One way exchange, Irish students visit Croatian students, Established Oct 2023.

Preparatory Visit No 4 = partnership with a Spanish school

with the School Development Plan and based on 3 Objectives (This programme was written in line with the LAOS 2022 document):

1. To create an inclusive education culture in Scoil Mhuire that reflects the diverse demographics of our area.

2. That T&L will be engaging, supportive, innovative, and diverse to develop a life-long learning and life-long skills in our students.

3. To increase the expertise of the staff in the area of ICT and online learning in order to integrate further ICT skills into our T&L.

4. Erasmus+ plan: quality standards

5. Partner schools for Erasmus+ job shadowing

Finland –“Tampere Classical Upper Secondary School” (north of Helsinki)

Sicily/Italy –“ITET Leonardo da Vinci” in Milazzo (near Messina)

France – Lycée “Albert Chatelet” Douai AND Lycée “Camille


6. Audit/Inspections are conducted by Léargas, the Irish National Agency (excerpt from the Report in 2023)

“Apart from above Learning & Teaching activities carried out, there is also clear evidence of very rich and engaging suite of local activities organised as part of the project…”

“All activities were relevant to project’s original aims and objectives and fitted very well within school’s curriculum”.

“There is also clear evidence of policies in place in relation to the selection process as well as safety of Erasmus+ participants.”

Conclusion, Recommendations: Despite challenges presented by COVID this is a very successful school partnership exchange between Scoil Mhuire in Trim and Petrinum Gymnasium Recklinghausen which managed to deliver the majority of its

1. Inclusion

2. Environmental sustainability and responsibility

3. Digital education


fruitful and engaging mobilities abroad as well as local


Gluais was set up in 2012 by music teacher Mícheál Kerr. Comprising of 40 trad musicians, singers and Irish dancers, the band brings a youthful approach to fusing Irish traditional music with other musical genres. To date, Gluais have had an extremely successful 12 years.

Gluais have represented Ireland 7 times on international stages. Most recently, they were selected to represent Ireland and perform at the internationally renowned Festival Interceltique de Lorient in France. Gluais have also twice previously performed in Disneyland Paris on St Patrick’s Day as part of their St Patrick’s Day Irish Celtic Festival. While in Paris, a video of our Irish dancers dancing at the Eiffel Tower was filmed,

since been viewed over 150,000 times. Indeed, Gluais are no strangers to having their videos being watched by thousands online. During Covid-19 lockdown in March, 2020 Leaving Cert members of Gluais, from the safety of our homes, worked with Mr Kerr on recording Mariah Carey’s hit song “Hero” to honour our brave Health Care workers who fight the terror of Coronavirus every day. The online video was picked up by RTÉ and was featured on the 6pm and 9pm RTÉ news broadcasts. The video was also widely shared on social media, with views of up to 600,000 people.

Last year, Gluais were invited to invited to perform for President of Ireland Michael D Higgins when he came to visit Trim for the presentation of Trim Tidy Towns victory success. Gluais were also featured on RTÉ Nationwide, a special episode showcasing the occasion. Of course, this was not Gluais’ first time performing for the President. Previously, they were invited to Áras an Uachtaráin to meet with and perform for President Higgins.

In 2019, Gluais were selected to represent Ireland and travel to the USA to perform at the International Children of the World in Harmony Music Festival in Michigan. Gluais performed every night in some of the most spectacular music venues Michigan has to offer, including Cheboygan Opera House & Great Lakes Centre of Performing Arts. While in Chicago, Gluais also performed a two hour show in the renowned Chicago Gaelic Park. This was a truly special concert for all involved, with most of the audience members being Irish emigrants “away from home”. Many became emotional as Gluais sang their repertoire of old Irish ballads, played traditional airs and danced traditional 8-hand reels along with the infamous “Lord of the Dance”.

In 2018, Gluais were honoured to be selected by the European Union to represent Ireland for “Our Dance for Europe” - a project coordinated by the Europa-Netzwerk Deutsch. “Our Dance for Europe” was a celebration of all European state cultures & traditions. Each EU country, along with a short clip of their traditional music & dance, was featured in a final film to celebrate Day of Europe ‘18. Gluais were Ireland’s representatives and they proudly filmed their video presentation here in Trim.

Auditions for Gluais take place each September and new members are always most welcome, whether you are a singer, musician or Irish dancer! Gluais’ story can be followed on their Facebook and Instagram page.

Scoil Mhuire Choir

Scoil Mhuire Choir was founded in 2008 by Ms. Jane Lynch and in recent years, is now being directed by Ms Sarah Healy. The choir has performed to great acclaim in venues both locally and on a national level.

On the competition circuit, the choir has won many trophies in competitions such as the Cork international Choral Festival, Feis Ceoil, the Sligo International Choral Festival and won first prize in its category at Navan Choral Festival 2015. The choir has also featured regularly in the RTE All Ireland Schools Competition.

In 2017, thirty six members of the choir travelled to London’s West End to see The Lion King. This trip inspired the choir to present their first Musical Theatre show, Magic of Broadway in May. The programme included such famous shows as Beauty and the Beast, Grease, Les Miserables and Thoroughly Modern Millie.

The choir have previously organised Christmas Carol Services in St. Patrick Music and singing play a very important role here in Scoil Mhuire and contribute to the holistic development of the students.

Coiste na Gaeilge

Coiste na Gaeilge is a 5th year Student Irish Committee who work in conjunction with the Irish teachers to promote Irish in Scoil Mhuire. Under the coordinationn of Mr M Kerr and Ms L Harlin, this committee has gone from strength to strength over the past years with further plans to expand and introduce new activities and games in this school year.

As well as organising Seachtain na Gaeilge in March of every year, the committee run “Club G” – an Irish lunchtime club for 1st and 2nd years. The club meets once a week in which students participate in various fun games and activities, all through the medium of Irish.

8 years in a row, the 5th Year Irish Committee have been awarded the Gaelbhratach, an Irish flag that is awarded to schools who promote the Irish spoken language throughout school life. We are very proud of the continuous work and effort the committee puts into promoting Irish in the school.

Rainbows Ireland

English Debating

Debating has a long tradition here in Scoil Mhuire. We believe participation in debating fosters critical thinking, confidence, excellence in public speaking, research skills, competitive spirit and empathy – because you have to understand both perspectives of a motion.

Open to all years, students here in Scoil Mhuire engage in a number of different debating competitions throughout the year. Our students have participated in the ‘Concern Worldwide’, ‘Leinster Schools’ and ‘Cambridge debating competitions.

Students have researched and debated important and current issues that face our society today – motions such as: “the EU needs an army”, “Nuclear power is essential for a clean energy future” and “World hunger can be 2023”

Here in Scoil Mhuire we support our students by offering the Rainbows Ireland programme to help through difficult times of grief and loss.

What is Rainbows?

Rainbows is a free, voluntary service for children and young people experiencing loss following bereavement and parental separation. The Rainbows service is an inclusive service, supporting children and young people experiencing grief and loss resulting from bereavement, parental separation, parental relationship breakdown & divorce. Attending the programme provides children with an opportunity to meet with other children of a similar age and loss experience.

Rainbows Ireland aims to:

 Support children to have a shared experience and identification with others’ feelings… “I’m not the only one”

 Support a child to engage with their own individual grief

 to identify, name, understand, express and share their feelings

 Provide a safe setting to tell and retell feelings and thoughts with trained listeners

 Acknowledge a child’s grief and loss

 Support a child’s self-esteem, trust, confidence and resilience

 Support emotional growth and a pathway to positive mental health

 Provide a model of coping and support

STEAM Competitions

Students are given the opportunity to enter a number of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) competitions each year. These competitions allow students to think critically and creatively. Teaching students to think both critically and creatively is the key to developing a society that understands and engages in the world around them.

These competitions include:


This programme aims too encourage a love of science through active, collaborative and inquiry-based learning and provides a forum for students to present and display investigations at local, regional and national level. Scoil Mhuire has been very successful at these competitions over the last number of years. Prizes won include:

-Winners of the Business Excellence Institute Award 2021

-Winners of The Boston Scientific Medical Devices Award 2021

-Third place in the Intermediate Technology Category 2021

-Winners of The Smurfit Kappa Sustainability Award 2022

Engineering Your Future @ Home Series

The STEPS Engineering Your Future @ Home Challenge was created to encourage students to design or create a device or

system that can improve sustainability in their home, school, or community. A group of students from our school designed and 3D printed a reusable, recyclable pen to reduce waste from disposable plastic pens. Their project won second place in the overall competition in 2021. This competition allows students to show innovation and creativity in designing projects, along with the opportunity to use 3D printer. Participation in this competition is excellent for those who are creative and active problem solvers.

Agri Aware Environmental Innovators

In 2023, we were also very lucky to secure a finalist spot and were placed second in the competition.

Other competitions include:

ReelLIFE SCIENCE, SOPHia Physics competition and the Certified Irish Angus School Competition.

If these competitions are something you would like to enter, please talk to any member of the Science Department or for specific competitions contact Ms. B. O’Gorman

BT Young Scientist Winners

Winners of The Alexion Award at the 2021 BT Young Scientist competition.

Foreign Language Assistants

We are very lucky to welcome Foreign lananguage assistants to our school, both in French & German. These native speakers are a great asset to our school, helping students to see the foreign language as a living language and helping them to improve their fluency. They also provide students with a better understanding of the way of life and customs of the foreign country.

German Language Assistant Zoe with German teachers Ms Moran & Mr Kajic

Music Committee

The 5th year Music Committee, coordinated by Mr Kerr, works with the teachers of the Music Department In promoting all things music around the school. They organise and run weekly lunchtime concerts in which students are given the opportunity to perform in front of their peers on an informal level. The Music Committee also run a very successful “Music Week” in the school, where all different genres and tastes in music are promoted, explored and learned about.


The Oratory is our sacred space in the school. Individuals and classes come here to take some much needed time out of their busy days in Scoil Mhuire. It is a precious, safe haven in the school where both staff and students can reflect, meditate and simply be.

Irish Debating

Scoil Mhuire takes great pride in their hugely successful participation in the Gael Linn Comórtas an Phiarsaigh debating competition. Under the guidance of Ms Heffernan and Ms Harlin, previous teams have reached not only Regional but All Maith sibh a dhaltaí!

Irish Debating Team who got to the All-Ireland final in 2024, pictured with Ms Heffernan

Waltons Music for Schools Competition: All-Ireland Winners

Ireland are eligible to enter, and to date schools from every county have taken part. Open to a wide range of performing groups and music genres, the competition offers schools the opportunity to develop a creative and original musical project based on a given theme. This year’s theme was “Music Moves”.

Their piece, which tells the story of Irish emigration, was inspired by a number of factors. Initially, four students came back with the same idea –tell the story of how the Irish had to emigrate and how they brought their music and culture with them.

There was a great atmosphere in school as the girls brought the winning trophy back to Trim. A special homecoming ceremony was organised where the entire school community gathered together to congratulate the members of Gluais and hear the winning performance in all its glory.

Pope John Paul II Award

Students in Scoil Mhuire have the opportunity to participate in the Pope John Paul II Award. The Pope John Paul II Award is a faith achievement award for young people between the age of 16 and 18. It is non-competitive, inclusive, flexible and voluntary. Students achieve their Award by taking part in parish and social activities – 1 hour per week over 8, 14 or 20 weeks. There are 3 Award levels – Gold, Silver & Bronze. The Award enables participants to take an active part in the life of their Church of their community and society. Award is committed to helping young people enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development through participation in school, parish and community activities

Huge congratulations to our students & Mr Kerr who won 1st place in the Waltons RTÉ Lyric FM Music for Schools Competition in the National Concert Hall. Six second level schools were chosen from hundreds of audition entries to compete and perform live in the national final, with Scoil Mhuire coming out victorious. Indeed, this is not Scoil Mhuire’s first time to win this prestigious competition, previously getting 1st place back in 2017.

The Waltons Music for Schools Competition is presented by Waltons Music and Waltons New School of Music, in association with RTÉ Lyric FM and the National Concert Hall. All primary and post-primary schools recognised by the Department of Education and Skills in the Republic of

Stand Up Club

Our Lunchtime Craft Club meet weekly in the Sewing Room over a lunchtime. This club helps students to develop friendships, skills, and to build confidence. It is a relaxing and mindful time giving students a break from the daily routine of study. A variety of crafts ranging from sewing, embroidery, crochet, knitting etc. are taught by a team of teachers: Ms. J. Deighan Flynn, Ms. M. Mahon, Ms. L. Uí Raghallaigh and Ms. B. Casserly.

Quiz Club
Book Club
Craft Club
Art Club


To the future potential sports stars in Scoil Mhuire, on behalf of the Sports Department, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you and your family to the wide variety of sports available in Scoil Mhuire. The department offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities for students to further develop their sporting talents.

Throughout the years, Scoil Mhuire has been involved in the interschool competitions in Gaelic Football, Camogie, Basketball, Athletics, Cross-Country, Equestrian and Soccer.


Scoil Mhuire equestrian teams have been competing in national competition for over twenty years with much success. Each year, members of the equestrian team participate in the “Equestrian Inter schools Ireland” league between September and April. A large number of students ranging from 1st to 6th year represent the school in the league. The teams compete at weekends (either Saturday or Sunday) in Wicklow, Kildare, Westmeath, Kilkenny, and Wexford. Students have also entered the Killossery Stud school leagues and will be entering the Equestrian Interschools Ireland league.

Success in the inter-school events is difficult to achieve given the stiff competition from other participating schools, with up to thirty schools competing in any one event. Despite this, through discipline, horsemanship, and determination (and the unwavering dedication of parents/guardians), the students on the Scoil Mhuire Equestrian teams have enjoyed continuous success and finished in the top six schools in team and individual events in the interschool`s show-jumping league over the years.

Scoil Mhuire teams have also qualified to compete in the All-Ireland Inter-Schools Supreme Show-jumping Championship in Millsteet, Co Cork.

In addition, Scoil Mhuire has entered teams in the last two Inter Schools Hunter Trials with considerable success. In 2016, the Scoil Mhuire team achieved 7th place from an entry of over fifty teams, while the 2017 team achieved 3rd place – again from a large number of entries.

Teams are due to participate in competitions at the following equestrian centres over the coming months: Warrington (Co Kilkenny), Coilog (Co Kildare), Mullingar, Barnadown (Co Wexford), and Killossery and Broadmeadow (Co Meath). In the first competition of the year in Boswell Equestrian centre on September 17th, two teams represented Scoil Mhuire in the Novice and Open team competitions. Both teams performed very well achieving 3rd place overall in both competitions.

Ladies Gaelic Football has a very strong tradition in Scoil Mhuire. Students from all years have the opportunity to compete at a competitive level in Scoil Mhuire. We have a Senior team (TY senior team is currently competing in the A grade while our Junior and U14 team are competing in the B grade.

For the past number of years, we have worked with other schools in Meath and the Meath LGFA to arrange blitz competitions for 1st year students. This has been proven very popular with our 1st year students as it gives them all the opportunity to wear their school jersey while also getting to know fellow students outside the classroom.

Training and competitions begin every year for Junior and Senior teams in September. U14 competitions begin in February, while training for 1st Years begin later in September with matches/ blitz spread out across the year. Training takes place after school in Trim GAA grounds. We always encourage students to take part as it is a great way for students to meet new people from our school community.

Our Senior football team has competed in the Senior A Leinster Schools Competition for the past 3 years, making it all the way to the Leinster Final on 2 of those occasions.

Mhuire are very proud of our past students/ players who have enjoyed great success with the Meath Ladies Senior County team in recent years. We were delighted to welcome them back to celebrate their All-Ireland success.

& welcoming back

4 of our past pupils who were on the All-Ireland Meath Ladies Senior Football Team, as well as their manager Eamon Murray. Included are: Emma Troy, Ali Sherlock, captain Shauna Ennis, Aisling McCabe (absent for photo)


Scoil Mhuire have a long and proud tradition of promoting high levels of participation in camogie. We continue to break new grounds for Meath schools with our recent success on the camogie field. In recent years we have won Leinster titles and have represented our Province with pride in an All-Ireland Series. Currently we are playing in the highly competitive second division of Leinster Schools Camogie with all age levels in the school. We have teams for all year groups and most importantly we will strive to achieve the highest level in all camogie competitions while incorporating an inclusive ethos. We encourage all students to participate in school Camogie and to embody the Scoil Mhuire spirit: Be the best that you can be.

Since 2016, when we won our maiden provincial title at any level with success in the senior and junior Leinster D camogie competitions, we have been improving ever since. Having lost successive finals at the “C” level in 2018 and 2019, our Scoil Mhuire girls showed resilience and perseverance to become the first Meath school to claim honours in the Leinster “C” Junior and Senior finals respectfully. We have a very competitive first and second year team where we welcome all players from all levels of abilities to participate. We have a rich history of representation on all county camogie panels, from past present students. We hope to continue to grow the game of camogie within the school and continue to break new ground for all Meath schools in Camogie.

• 2016 – Leinster “D” Junior Champions

• 2016 – Leinster “D” Senior Champions

• 2016 – All Ireland “D” Junior Runners up

• 2016 – All Ireland “D” Senior Runners up

• 2018 – Leinster “C” Junior Runners Up

• 2018 – Leinster “C” Senior Runners Up

• 2019 – Leinster “C” Junior Runners Up

• 2020 – Leinster “C” Junior Champions

• 2020 – Leinster “C” Senior Champions

• 2022 - Minor “C” runners up

• 2023 - Senior “B” Runners Up

• 2024 Minor “C” Runners Up

Scoil Mhuire has soccer teams for both Junior and Senior students which compete in both the FAI Leinster Schools Cup and League. These teams have represented the school well in all competitions over th4256371e past number of years. These teams are open to all students. In recent years, our Senior soccer Team had great success in the Leinster League, winning in 2021, finishing 2nd in 2022 and winning again in 2024



Scoil Mhuire have been participating in Athletics for the past 15 years or more with great success in achieving Gold, Silver and Bronze in both Track & Field and Cross Country Championships. They compete at Provincial and National Levels which include the Schools Meets, North Leinsters, Leinsters and All Ireland Cross Country and Track & Field Schools Championships. Some of the girls are members of their local Athletics Club but those that aren’t are welcome to compete also . Competitions start from October with Cross Country Meets and from April to May with Track & Field Championships. Athletics covers all the fundamentals of sport, i.e. Agility, Balance and Co


Basketball has a long-standing tradition in Scoil Mhuire Trim. It is inclusive so that any students who want to take part are welcome to come and practice and try out for the school team. It is played during lunch time and there is also after school practice once a week for those that can make it. 3rd-6th yrs have their league campaign from October to December. During this time, they play schools in their own pool in the North East region. If they progress they also play against other schools in the North East Region in the quarter finals and then further if they win.

Once again, the basketball season of 2023-24 was a very successful one for all basketball teams. The U19 team had a good year and progressed to the Quarter Finals. The U16 team also progressed out of their group.

Our 1st and 2nd year teams had a very successful season. 1st years topped their group and narrowly lost out in the semifinals, but they put in a great few months of training. 2nd years won the North East Regional Final and progressed to the play offs which they also won. They got to the All Ireland semi finals, which was a fantastic achievement. Unfortunately, they lost out narrowly to a strong St Marys Macroon Cork side. All teams will now progress to the “B” leagues in 2024 which will be a tougher challenge but with continued training, we expect another good season ahead.

We look forward to you joining our teams!

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Scoil Mhuire YouTube @scoilmhuiretrim

Athrú @athruscoilmhuire

Transition Year @tyscoilmhuire

Gluais @gluais

Gluais @gluais_music

Art @artscoilmhuire

Home Economics @homeecscoilmhuire

Sport @sportscoilmhuire

Science @sciencescoilmhuire

Irish @gaeilgescoilmhuire

Information Technology @itscoilmhuire

Student Council @studentcouncilscoilmhuire

French @frenchscoilmhuire

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