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10 Tips to Plan an Event During COVID


To help you plan an event during Covid!


Planning your event does not have to stop because the dreaded ‘Rona is here...

This pandemic is playing havoc across the globe and the event & wedding industry has been hit particularly hard - annihilated in some States of Australia!

It has been noted time and time again, that lockdowns can happen overnight, and without warning. We have heard countless stories of postponement and event businesses not being able to sustain another lockdown - it is heartbreaking!

Our simple words of advice are please DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep on persevering and keep on planning - the events industry is here to support you and to try to make your special day happen, one way or the other. While we do not have a crystal ball to help you navigate this disaster of a pandemic. We do have 10 tips to help you keep your costs down, make good use of your time, and keep you feeling somewhat in control.

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Consider going online for all your event invitations. This is super helpful in case you need to cancel or postpone an event. No printing costs, easy to update.

Go Virtual

To involve more guests at your event as well as those that are living in other States or Countries, you may like to consider going virtual and streaming your ceremony or event. Especially important if you are having an intimate gathering due to restrictions.

Collateral and Signage

Avoid using the date of your wedding on any event collateral or signage such as the welcome sign, program, order of service, menu, place cards etc. This will save a great deal of money on the reprinting.

Favor Saver

Come up with a gift for your guests that will stand the length of time...for instance a gift that does not have a use-by date or that will perish is ideal.

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Keep in mind you may need to provide a COVID safe plan, sanitiser, QR code and adhere to guest ratios. Don’t stress over these details, your venue manager, wedding planner or even the Corona Virus hotline can help you navigate this (closer to your event date).

Consider Intimate Events

If you haven’t already invited your guests, you may like to consider culling your list considerably to allow for an intimate wedding/event. This may benefit you if qty restrictions are in place, reduce your costs and lower your stress levels.

Flexibility - read contracts

In such uncertain times, we strongly recommend you book vendors & venues that offer flexibility i.e deposit dates, cancelling and postponing your event celebrations. Mostt venues & vendors are very understanding, knowledgeable and helpful. Communication with them is key.

Work through a COVID plan B, C & D

Discuss with your partner how you may approach having your event postponed and how this will affect your venue, suppliers & guestlist. We do not want to create more work for you, however if you consider these things before they happen you are more likely to act rationally and with confidence.

Keep it local

Contracting local vendors and hosting your event locally may assist you if restrictions are in place.

Wedding Planning Checklist & Timeline $11.50

We have created an incredibly useful Checklist & Timeline to help you plan, manage, and execute your dream wedding! This detailed checklist will take the stress out of knowing ‘what to do’ and ‘when to do it’...it will guide your thinking and prompt you to consider the essential wedding planning elements at the right times. ◊ 14 pages | interactive checklist. ◊ Everything you need to know about wedding planning. ◊ Decreases stress levels and feelings of overwhelm. ◊ Increases knowledge, organisation, and the feeling of being in control. If you would like the complete wedding planning kit with all relevant event templates, we also offer the Ultimate Wedding Planning Kit for only $19.95

Essential Wedding Planning Checklist & Timeline

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Essential Wedding Planning Checklist & Timeline

Congratulations, you are engaged!!!

Newly engaged life is a magical time. Sit back, reflect and enjoy the love bubble you are in.

When you are ready, start planning your special day. There is no hurry, the most important thing is that you approach your wedding in a calm and happy mindframe.

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, we have created this step-by-step ‘Essential Wedding Planning Checklist & Timeline’ to assist you and your partner in planning a wonderful wedding.

For those of you requiring additional event guidance and support – please read through The Event Bible’s Ultimate Wedding eBook or perhaps book in a phone consultation to speak with one of our event experts.

Good luck and have fun!

Enjoy the moment. Lap it up!

Announce your engagement to those you love. For more information refer to ‘Engagement Announcement


Engagement Party?

Decide if you will host an engagement party. When, what format, with who and where.

For more information refer to ‘Engagement Party Planning

Checklist & Timeline’.

Start Wedding Discussions:

Start the topline foundation wedding planning discussions with your partner. Why don’t you organise a night out for dinner and a drink to start the conversation and to celebrate this wonderful time.

The 4 W’s will be discussed - when, what, who and where.


Discussing when you would like to host your wedding will give you a basic timeline to work with. Make sure you give yourself ample time to plan your wedding day, the last thing you need is to feel stressed and rushed. For more information refer to ‘When Should we Get



It is important to establish what your wedding event format might look like - this will assist you when you are researching venues, décor, catering, hire and so much more. Some things to consider may be cocktail vs banquet, large vs intimate, formal vs casual, indoor vs outdoor, day vs night, and so on. For more information refer to ‘What Wedding Format is

Right for Us?’.


Who: Guest List

Discussing who you would like to invite to your wedding will provide you with an indication of how many guests you might be hosting. This information will be of great assistance when you start researching venues, availability and booking in your vendors. We suggest you utilise ‘The Event Bible: Guest List Template’ as provided in the Ultimate Wedding Planning Kit, to help draft your guest list, keep track of guest names, RSVPS, dietary requirements and general guest management.

Who: Bridal Party

Are you interested in having a bridal party? Who will you choose? This is a personal decision and one you may already know the answer to. (Bridesmaids, Maid of Honour, Best Man, Groomsmen).

Take your time and discuss the Bridal Party together to ensure you are on the same page. For more information refer to ‘All You Need to Know About

Bridal Parties’.

Wedding Budget:

Starting the discussions early about your wedding budget is helpful. It provides clarity and direction to assist you in the planning of your wedding. Having a rough idea on how much you can spend will help guide your decision making process. We suggest you utilise ‘The Event Bible: Wedding Budget Template’ as provided in the Ultimate Wedding Planning Kit. This budget acts as a detailed ‘to do list’ and is formulated to help you forecast and manage all costs effectively.


Deciding where you would like to host your wedding ceremony & reception can be difficult, while others immediately know their dream location. Before contacting venues - it is very helpful to have a good idea on how many people you think will attend your wedding, what your wedding budget is, and what month you hope to host your wedding. Before you start looking you may like to read,

‘How to Plan my Dream Outdoor Wedding’.