The Etsy Market - Etsy MK - Milton Keynes

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The Etsy Market is a series of virtual shopping events that pop up across different cities around the world. Some events are run by groups of Etsy sellers, directly sharing their creativity with their community. Others are run by us, with the goal of celebrating incredible makers. Either way, you’re sure to have an incredible, inspiring time!

Welcome to The Etsy Market Explore a one-of-a-kind world. Etsy MK unites local designers, makers and creatives who sell on Etsy to support and promote each other. Browse the Summer Edition lookbook to shop from independent makers across Milton Keynes and the surrounding area, finding out more about the people behind the products!!

Nettlefold Shop

ZOE Gloucestershire, uk

​ ased​in​The​Cotswolds​with​animals,​nature​ B and​happiness​at​the​heart​I​do​hope​the​ products​bring​a​smile​to​your​face. When​my​beloved​Mum​recently​passed​away,​ I​found​myself​not​only​saying​goodbye​to​her,​ but​also​to​my​childhood​home​‘Nettlefold’.​ ​ It​was​there​that​I​found​a​treasure-trove​of​ memories​including​a​stack​of​poems​written​ for​me​by​my​wonderful​Grandad,​Lawrence​ Wheeler.​ ​ I​wanted​to​share​these​magical​words​with​as​ many​people​as​possible;​a​peak​in​to​the​ imaginary​worlds​I​shared​with​my​Grandad

Happiness Sunflower A3 print

How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? Nettlefold​was​named​after​my​​childhood​ home. What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? Being​amongst​so​many​other​interesting​ small​businesses

My City A4 print

Loving Mouse Greeting Card

Spring Collection

Bunny A3 Print

Practical Gift Boxes Shop JILL​ Milton Keynes, Bucks Why did you start your Etsy shop? On​receiving​the​most​considerate​care​ packages​during​a​health​event​-​I​felt​so​ cherished​and​connected​to​the​gorgeous​ individuals​that​had​given​me​these​gifts.​​ They’d​combined​bringing​me​great​happiness​ with​really​handy,​practical​items.​Blown​away​ by​these​personal,​helpful​gifts,​the​business​ idea​to​provide​thoughtful,​relevant​gift​boxes​ was​born. What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? The​flexibility​to​work​at​convenient​times,​ and​the​ease​of​selling​through​Etsy How do you spend your down-time? 'I'm Learning To Drive' Gift Box

I​enjoy​reading,​walking,​eating​out​&​chilling​ with​box​sets. How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? I​wanted​a​really​obvious​name,​so​people​ could​tell​straight​away​what​I​provided.

The 'Thank You' Gift Box

The 'Time To Relax' Gift Box

‘A Really BIG Hug Delivery’ Gift Box

Lovely Soap Company Shop Sally High Wycombe, Bucks As​a​qualified​aromatherapist,​I​am​passionate​ about​'all​things​natural'​and​all​my​products​ are​freshly​made,​by​me,​in​small​batches​ using​pure,​natural​ingredients​carefully​ chosen​for​their​skin-nourishing​properties.​ Why did you start your Etsy shop? It​was​recommended​by​a​friend​who​loves​ handmade​things.​​​She​thought​it​would​be​ a​great​way​to​stop​my​house​being​taken​ over​by​all​the​soaps​I​had​started​making​ as​a​hobby. What’s your favorite medium to work with? All​natural​ingredients​&​botanicals. Where do you make your items? Gift set with a selection of 3 handmade soaps


3 mini bottles of aromatherapy bath oils gift set.

Pamper Me Balance Happy Birthday Gift Set.

Make your own lip balm kits.

Mindfulness relax gift set.

Shannon Grace Design Shop

SHANNON Milton Keynes, UK

​Why did you start your Etsy shop? I​lost​my​job​due​to​the​Coronavirus​pandemic​ and​my​creativity​and​passion​turned​into​ Shannon​Grace​Design.​I​was​making​products​ for​myself​and​family​and​friends​and​decided​ it​would​be​great​if​others​could​enjoy​them​ too! What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller?

Goddess Candles in Cream

Mama Beaded Gold Plated Bracelet

The​personal​touches​that​go​into​each​ order,​being​able​to​write​gift​messages​for​ people​that​are​delivered​straight​to​their​ door​with​love.​Making​each​item​look​ beautiful​and​knowing​that​it​was​done​ with​time​and​care. How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? It's​my​name​and​middle​name​and​'design'​ because​I​wanted​to​be​able​to​create​a​ broad​scope​of​items.

Wildflower Floral Embroidered Tote Bag

Female Body Naked Make Up Pouch

Photo Embroidery - Turn any image into a Tote Bag or Cushion Cover

Fair Bloom Shop Marianne​ Milton Keynes, Bucks Why did you start your Etsy shop? To​share​the​beauty​of​seed​beads​with​ everyone.​How​something​so​small​when​ put​together​can​create​a​beautiful​whole. What’s your favorite medium to work with? Seed​beads​and​Swarovki​crystals Where do you make your items? In​my​workspace​at​home How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? Art deco-inspired statement earrings in blue and gold

seed beads

Jewellery​can​mean​so​much​more​than​just​ a​pretty​gift.​I​wanted​the​recipients​of​my​ jewellery​to​feel​loved​and​appreciated​ too.​I​believe​that​every​woman​is​a​fair,​ beautiful​bloom,​hence​my​shop​name​to​ convey​that​message!

Azure Swarovski crystal & morganite pendant necklace

Snowflake crystal earrings and white pendant necklace.

Beaded Christmas wreath earrings

Miss Shelley Designs UK Shop Michelle Hemel Hempstead, Herts As​an​animator​and​costume​designer​Miss​ Shelly​has​created​a​range​of​unique​ handmade​decorations,​cards,​keyrings,​and​ artwork.​Ideal​gifts​for​newborn​babies,​ christenings,​birthdays,​Valentine's​day,​ anniversaries​and​Christmas. Where do you make your items? I​have​a​little​studio​at​my​home​in​ Hertfordshire What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? I​love​selling​to​people​around​the​world​ and​Etsy​lets​me​showcase​my​work​far​and​ wide. How​do​you​spend​your​down-time?

Handmade Christmas Tree Toppers

I​love​to​read​but​I​nearly​always​crafting​ and​making​something​creative​-​my​ business​is​also​my​hobby!​I​love​it.

Personalised Ninjabread Man Christmas Tree Ornament

Personalised Pet Portraits.

Embroidered Photo Christmas Decoration.

Personalised Dinosaur Christmas Decoration

Pearls by Tabs Shop

TABITHA Milton Keynes, UK

Why did you start your Etsy shop? When​I​got​engaged​I​couldn't​afford​the​ jewellery​I​really​wanted​so​I​decided​to​try​ making​my​own.​I​enjoyed​it​so​much​I​decided​ to​sell​a​few​pieces​and​start​a​business​of​my​ own.​A​friend​of​mine​told​me​about​Etsy​and​ I've​never​looked​back. What’s your favorite medium to work with? Reclaimed​materials​like​broken​watches​and​ chandelier​crystals.​I​love​showing​off​the​ beauty​in​things​that​would​otherwise​be​ thrown​away.

Blue freshwater pearl & sterling silver earrings.

Freshwater pearl comb, available in silver and gold

Where do you make your items? I​make​my​pieces​in​my​home​studio. What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? Selling​all​over​the​world​is​my​favourite​part​ of​being​an​Etsy​seller.

Silver Dinosaur Earrings.

Pearl and silver leaves side tiara.

Vintage watch mechanism cufflinkS.

Equipp Shop Louise​&​Anna​ Hemel Hempstead, Herts We​know​from​personal​experience​just​ how​challenging​it​can​be​to​find​gifts​for​ teenagers!​Equipp​is​just​bursting​with​ practical,​good​quality,​uplifting​and​ vibrant​present​ideas. What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? The​personal​nature​of​customer​ communication.​Etsy​customers​are​always​ chatty,​positive​and​generous​with​ feedback.​Such​a​joy! How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop?

'My Teenage Years Start Here' 13th Birthday Journal

Our​brand​name​reflects​our​aim​to​equip​ today's​teenagers​with​gifts​that​are​useful​ and​thoughtful,​as​well​as​to​equip​them​ with​confidence​and​self-belief. Where were you when you made your first sale on Etsy? I​was​in​the​office,​on​a​Tuesday.​Such​ excitement​to​see​a​birthday​card! How do you spend your down-time? With​my​family​and​friends,​eating,​drinking​ and​walking​the​dog.

13th Birthday Keepsake Cushion

Unbreakable Pik 'n' Mix Gift

Hummingbird Unisex T-Shirt

Tracey Mason Art Shop Tracey Hemel Hempstead, Herts I​am​a​mulitdisciplinary​artist​working​ within​a​whole​range​of​media​to​satisfy​my​ creative​nature​and​I​love​to​discover​new​ techniques. What’s your favorite medium to work with? Watercolour​inks Where do you make your items? In​my​studio​in​Milton​Keynes What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? All​the​lovely​comments​from​happy​ customers Where were you when you made your first sale on Etsy?

Handmade Christmas Tree Toppers


Beautiful and unique artwork made from hand painted and hand cut golden orange butterflies.

Personalised Pet Portraits.

Artwork made from hand painted & hand cut emerald green butterflies.

Artwork made from hand painted & hand cut pink butterflies.

HAUTSEN - Rituals with Intent Shop

INES Milton Keynes, UK Why did you start your Etsy shop? Etsy​is​an​international​e-shop​that​offers​a​ great​exposure​for​small​businesses​to​ people​who​appreciate​and​value​talents,​ their​unique​creations​and​quality​ handmade​items. What’s your favorite medium to work with? Any​ingredients​offered​by​nature​-​natural​ ingredients,​clay,​essential​oils.

Lavender Bath Salts for Relaxation

Citrus Rose Bath Salts for Relaxation

Where do you make your items? All​my​products​are​made​in​England​in​my​ studio​(Buckingham)​in​small​batches​to​ guarantee​quality​and​freshness. How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? It​matches​my​brand​name​-​is​is​a​fusion​ word​meanings​and​cultural​positive​ symbolisms. How do you spend your down-time? I​practise​yoga,​I​like​going​hiking​and​ spending​time​with​my​lovely​family.

Botanic Bath Salts - Relaxing Lavender Geranium and Uplifting Citrus Rose

Travel Kit Botanic Bath Salts - Relaxing Lavender Geranium and Uplifting Citrus Rose

Botanic Bath Salts Pouches - Relaxing Lavender Geranium and Uplifting Citrus Rose

Tabitha Mary Shop Tabitha​ Eaton Bray, UK Whilst​my​story​started​with​prints​of​the​ Shipping​Forecast​I​have​always​been​ inspired​by​the​travel​posters​of​the​1930’s​ and​the​strong​Propaganda​posters​from​ both​the​World​Wars.​As​Tabitha​Mary​has​ grown​it​is​this​influence​that​has​helped​me​ capture​landmarks,​seascapes​and​ landscapes​from​near​and​far​to​create​my​ portfolio.​My​niche​has​been​in​keeping​my​ subject​matters​either​local​or​a​memory​of​ an​experience. Why did you start your Etsy shop? After​I​created​a​map​of​the​Shipping​ Forecast​Regions​for​my​parents.​It​was​a​ hit​so​I​thought​i'd​try​selling​it​and​that's​ how​my​Travel​Print​business​was​born. Hyde Park, Winter in London Travel Print

What’s your favorite medium to work with? I'm​a​graphic​designer​so​all​my​designs​are​ digital.​I​definitely​love​the​flexibility​of​ graphic​art. Where were you when you made your first sale on Etsy? On​holiday​in​Yorkshire.​I​jumped​up​and​ down​with​excitement!

Blakeney Quay, Norfolk, Travel Print

Sorrento, Italy Travel Print

Três Paper Co Shop

DANIELLE Milton Keynes, Bucks

​ RÊS​means​three​in​Portuguese.​​Our​founder​ T Danielle​was​born​in​Brazil​and​lived​in​several​ different​countries​before​settling​in​the​UK.​ Not​only​TRÊS​is​a​connection​to​her​roots​that​ inspire​her,​but​also​the​number​of​things​we​ are​grateful​for​everyday.​ After​going​through​life​changing​events,​ Gratitude​has​hugely​improved​Danielle’s​life​ and​well-being.​

To Do List Notepad

Set of 3 little notes

What’s your favorite medium to work with? I​love​designing​and​creating​paper​goods​that​ will​make​people​smile Where do you make your items? Everything​is​designed​in​my​studio​in​Milton​ Keynes​and​printed​locally. What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? Making​gratitude​journals​and​paper​goods​ that​make​people​smile​and​feel​good​is​my​ biggest​passion,​and​every​time​someone​ purchases​one​of​my​products​I​get​a​happy​ feeling.

Yearly Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Rainbow Journal

Happier quote recycled notebook

Jen Roffe Lettering Shop JEN St Albans, Hertfordshire Why did you start your Etsy shop? It​was​my​dream​to​part​of​a​creative​ online​shopping​page​where​people​from​ all​over​the​world​could​browse,​discover​ and​buy​from​artists​and​makers​both​on​ their​doorstep​and​further​afield! What’s your favorite medium to work with? Ink​and​the​smoothest​paper! Where do you make your items? Whether​I'm​designing​lettering​for​print​ designs​or​putting​together​kits​full​of​ paper,​pens​and​cards,​everything​I​create​ is​made​in​my​sunny​studio​at​home.​ Beginners Brush Lettering Kit - Modern Calligraphy

What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? Local​and​global​support​from​other​Etsy​ sellers​and​fantastic​team​captains. How do you spend your down-time? With​my​family​out​and​about​discovering​ new​places​or​just​relaxing​at​home​in​the​ garden.​I'm​never​too​far​away​from​a​ calligraphy​pen​and​piece​of​paper​though​ -​its​a​great​down-time​activity​as​well​as​ something​I​do​at​work​too!

Illustrated map of Milton Keynes

Brave Card

Beginners Brush Lettering Kit - Modern Metallics

Rosie Plus The Boys Shop Rosie Bedford, Bedfordshire Why did you start your Etsy shop? Always​on​the​lookout​for​something​to​ celebrate,​whether​it’s​a​birthday,​wedding​ or​simply​a​sunny​day,​I​started​designing​ and​making​papercut​party​decorations​ after​the​birth​of​my​first​son.​ As​the​business​grew​(and​three​more​ children​came​along!),​my​Dad​came​on​ board,​teaching​himself​how​to​use​a​laser​ cutter​and​becoming​a​whizz​at​all​things​ technical. Celebrating​life’s​big​events​(and​the​little​ ones​too)​is​at​the​heart​of​our​business,​ creating​beautiful​cards​and​decorations​ for​everyone​who​loves​people​and​parties​ as​much​as​we​do! Where do you make your items?

Christmas Wreath Paper Cake Topper

In​my​tiny​studio​based​in​rural​ Bedfordshire

Christmas Cupcake Toppers

Wren Decoration

Christmas Reindeer Paper Garland

Papercut Christmas Decorations

Signature Stamps Shop

GENNA Milton Keynes, Bucks ​ rt, Cards & Gifts ~ Showing Postage Stamps A Some Love! What’s your favorite medium to work with? Vintage postage stamps Where do you make your items? In my home office. What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? Getting my products in front of potential customers around the whole world!

Highland Cow vintage postage stamp (1984) in hanging frame

Queen Flower Crown Large Machin in hanging frame

How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? I wanted my name to be descriptive of what I do. My work is distinctive like a signature, plus I love alliteration! Where were you when you made your first sale on Etsy? I heard my first kerching when I was driving in the car.

Vintage postage stamp gift wrap set, inc tags & twine.

Winnie the Pooh vintage postage stamp (1979) in hanging frame with gold ribbon.

Set of 3 vintage postage stamps (1969) inside miniature glass bottles hanging on Christmas tree.

Badger and Birch Shop HAZEL Falmouth, UK Why did you start your Etsy shop? A​creative​outlet​which​allowed​me​to​be​a​ 'maker' What’s your favorite medium to work with? Eco​resin​and​recycled​shells Where do you make your items? In​my​garden​studio​and​workshop What’s​your​favorite​part​of​being​an​Etsy​ seller? Seeing​my​makes​in​people's​homes How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? Badger​&​Birch​-​my​beloved​first​cocker​ spaniel​was​called​Badger​and​it​was​on​long​ dog​walks​with​him​where​the​dream​for​the​ business​began.​Birch​reflects​the​natural​ elements​that​inspire​my​work.

Sculpted candle stick holder -plaster pink with recycled oyster shell.

White eco resin and recycled shell phone stand and trinket tray

Eco resin coaster making craft kit

Eco Resin Tidy Pot

Eco Resin Plant Pot

Little Cloth Rabbit Shop EMMA Hemel Hempstead, UK Why did you start your Etsy shop? To​share​my​creations​with​people​from​all​ over​the​world What’s your favorite medium to work with? Punch​Needle​Embroidery Where do you make your items? In​my​studio​at​home What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? I​love​the​camaraderie​on​Etsy​and​how​it​ allows​me​to​reach​customers​from​all​over​ the​world;​from​online​connections​to​in​ person​at​the​Etsy​craft​fairs A Little Sunshine Punch Needle Kit

How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? I​just​adore​rabbits​and​anything​vintage!​ My​name​reminded​me​of​old​loved​toys. Where were you when you made your first sale on Etsy? I​was​at​home​and​did​a​little​happy​dance​ around​the​house!

Adventure Awaits Punch Needle Cushion

My Spring Wonder Grub!

Wonderland Print

Lumi Knitwear Shop

EMILIA Milton Keynes, Bucks Why did you start your Etsy shop? My grandmother taught me how to knit and crochet about 20 years ago. Over the years I have created numerous knits (usually as gifts) and about a year ago I decided to create an Instagram account to post my makes. Very soon, people started reaching out to me to ask about where they could find my makes and to order either for themselves or as gifts. After receiving quite a few requests, I decided to create an Etsy shop! How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop?

Handknitted black headband £25

Handknitted 'Anjela hat' in dark red £35

LUMI means 'snow' in Finnish and as you know, when there is snow the weather is also cold, so...? We definitely need some knitwear to keep us warm as we leave our footprints (or paws) on the snow or anywhere we walk outside! This is where LUMI comes - to offer you and your loved ones cosy, stylish and warm clothes and accessories for (mainly) the winter months! The letters here represent the Lovely, Unique, Made by hand Items that I create with so much love.

Brown handknitted fingerless gloves £27

Handknitted basket

Handmade face scrubbies and soap saver - set of 4+1 £12

Kimprints Shop KIM Hitchin, UK Music​and​travel​inspired​art,​made​using​ the​good​old​fashioned​printmaking​ methods​of​linoprint​and​letterpress.​ Home​of​the​Hitchin​Prints! What’s your favorite medium to work with? Linocut Where do you make your items? At​home​in​my​bedroom​studio What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? The​community. How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? I​recently​changed​it​to​what​I'd​signed​ my​work​with​all​along!

Personalised Family Birth Flowers Linocut Print

Personalised Linocut Home Portrait

St Ives Lino and Letterpress Print

Personalised Zodiac Linocut Print

Personalised Linocut Plant

Miller & Jeeves Shop LIZ Oxford, UK Miller and Jeeves was born out of a desire to create beautiful and stylish designs through a blend of contemporary fashion and traditional techniques. These techniques were gained whilst training at the Cordwainers Saddlery Studies. Why did you start your Etsy shop? Etsy is a fabulous website for finding unique handmade products so I thought it would be a great place to sell my leather accessories. What’s your favorite medium to work with? Leather. Leather twist keyring, small nude

Where do you make your items? I make my leather accessories in my workshop in Oxfordshire. How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? Miller & Jeeves is named after our old dogs.

Leather twist keyring, personalised, small burgundy tumble

Leather twist keyring.

Leather twist keyring, large mustard, midi nude, small petrol

The Crafty Beach Hut Shop KAREN​&​MARK Milton Keynes, UK Why did you start your Etsy shop? We decided to open our Etsy Shop after buying lots of lovely gifts through Etsy. We had our own website for a while at this point but liked the idea of our products being seen by a wider audience. What’s your favorite medium to work with? We work with a huge range of products and materials. Mark loves anything he can print on, whereas I (Karen) prefer anything I can stitch. Where do you make your items? We are completely home based - it definitely

Fix It Glossy Coaster

takes over the house at times expecially on the run up to Christmas.

Bookmark Yellow Camper

Pizza Sloth Planner Clip

Togetherness Gnome Glossy Coaster

Girl Sloth Personalised Mug

Mi-Ow Shop

BETH London, UK Calling all kitty lovers! Designed by Beth Powell & her grumpy cat Alfie, mi-ow create cute and contemporary homeware and gifts for cat people featuring, paws, purrs and pretty pastel hues. What’s your favorite medium to work with? Digital vector graphic prints. Where do you make your items? Designed, hand finished & packaged in Buckinghamshire. What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller?

Ceramic kitty coffee mug.

Ginger cat button badge.

Being part of a community that allows me to meet like minded local creatives. How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? I brainstormed cat words and played around with their spelling and layout, before landing on mi-ow! How do you spend your down-time? With Alfie the cat at home, playing the guitar

Tabby Cat Greetings Card.

Purrs & Paws mounted and framed A4 art print.

Love heart cat earrings with stainless steel posts & butterfly backs.

Holmes Sweet Holmes UK Shop LAURA Bedford, UK Original Designs for Your Home And Lifestyle

Why did you start your Etsy shop? I was looking for a way of getting my work out there and seen, Etsy have such a strong reputation for all things handmade that I couldn't not sell with them! What’s your favorite medium to work with? At the moment it is lino but I like digital design too Where do you make your items? I create and print all of my work in my home studio in Moon Lovers Fan Club Original Lino Print in Black & Grey 15x15cm - £25

Bedford. How do you spend your down-time? Seeing friends and family really! I like to force my teens out on walks, see my girlfriends for drinks and catch ups, can't wait to go to gigs again with my sister (I've missed those!) visiting my Grandad every Thursday is the highlight of my week...add in a bit of Netflix and taking photos of the moon and I'm a happy woman!

Namaste & Pilea 'Nurture' Original Lino Prints in Black A4 - £35

It's Just a Phase Original Lino Print in Black A4 £35

Ombre Neon 'Love' Original Lino Print 11x11cm £15

Nutmeg Wall Stickers Shop Adele Milton Keynes, UK Wall stickers are a fun, stylish and costeffective way to easily decorate your home. Quick and easy to apply, they can transform your home in a matter of minutes. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I began designing wall stickers a few years ago when I was decorating my daughters bedroom, I wanted to add a personalised sticker to her room, I then made one for my other daughter, friends and family liked them so much they encouraged me to start selling them. Where do you make your items? We make our wall stickers from our studio in Milton Keynes. Roses And Romance Floral Wall Sticker Mural

Have fun, be safe, love you.... front door sticker

Pastel Watercolour Confetti Dots Wall Stickers

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Wall Quote

Personalised Name Butterfly Wall Sticker

Flat 102 Shop

STEPH Buckingham, UK Flat102 was created to bring a colourful and uplifting dose of cheerfulness to your home. And remind you just how awesome you really are. Why did you start your Etsy shop? I started my Esty shop as a creative outlet while I was still working in my full time corporate role. Where do you make your items?

Neon Pink Heart Print

Leopard Is A Neutral Wall Art

All my screen printed items are designed and printed in my garden studio How did you come up with the name for your Etsy shop? 102 was the number of my flat in London where I first dreamed about having my own business and where Flat102 was born

It's Cool To Be Kind Neon Pink Art Print

Neon Pink Heart Plaque

Let’s Do This Plaque

El Illustrates Shop ELLIE Bedford, UK El Illustrates fashion illustration art prints are the perfect gifts for fashion-lovers, whether you buy a collection, or an individual print. Why did you start your Etsy shop? After graduating in my fashion design degree, struggling to find a job during lockdown I expanded my love of clothes and design to create a collection of fashion-themed art prints.

Bad Vibes Don't Go With My Outfit Fashion Print

How do you spend your down-time? I like to read and watch the latest movie at the cinema. What’s your favorite part of being an Etsy seller? Being part of a community of like minded people. Where do you make your items? I create and print all of my work at home.

Good Vibes Affirmation Print Bundle

I Am More Than Enough Fashion Print

You're Limited Edition Mug


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