Pswinter 2015

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FROM THE BISHOP On January 1st, when I moved from a “Dual Role” bishop a full-time bishop, I decided not to make any official visitations for January and most of February. This was going to be a small semi-sabbatical. Some time to transition from one ministry to another. Those several weeks were good weeks. However, that does not mean I spent Sunday mornings lounging around at home sleeping late and leisurely reading the paper. On the contrary Kathy and I visited several of our congregations that are within an hour’s drive of Hutchinson. I always called ahead and let the priest know I was coming. Sometimes just having the bishop show-up on a Sunday morning can be the cause of some anxiety and a source for rumors. I always made it clear that Kathy and I were there just to worship.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Bishop


ECW—Lauren Winner


Around the Diocese


Sanctuary House


St. Francis Community Services


CONTACT US 1North Main, Suite 502 Hutchinson, KS 67501 Phone: 620-669-0006 Email:


Diocese of Western Kansas

Now, I must admit that after more than four decades of being on the “East side” of the Altar Rail, the view and perspective is different from the “West side” of the Rail. Life on the “West side” gives you time to sit in silence, to watch and reflect. I would like to share a few of my observations from the “West side”. In the Diocese of Western Kansas we do not have any congregations that are not struggling with issues of finances; lack of, or slow, growth; shrinking populations; aging members. Struggles each of us share every day. St. Paul sort of speaks to us in his Letter to the Romans where he writes: “…suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us…” Yes, we struggle, but we struggle in hope. My view from the “West side” has shown me wonderful men and women dedicated to their church and their Lord. There may not always be a lot of these men and women but they are faithful. They “show up”! They are true believers that “where two or three are gathered together” Christ is in their midst. My view from the “West side” shows me buildings and worship spaces that are clean, lovingly cared for. They are bright and well maintained. Their attractiveness invites people to come in and rest while in the presence of the Lord. While they may be small things, clean and polished silver, dusted pews, swept carpets, clean restrooms speak volumes. These small things offered by our faithful folks proclaim that we want to offer our Lord the best that we can. My view from the “West side” has revealed often simple, yet elegant liturgy. From organs to pianos, to “Synthia” to “said services” we all “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness”. Bread is broken and shared, prayers are offered, the Gospel is proclaimed! Love is shared, hope is offered, and forgiveness is given. The view from the “West side” is good. God is in our midst! What more could we ask for! In Christ, Bishop Milliken

Episcopal Di of WKS

You can watch the Bishop’s Lenten Message video on our web page at







2015 Saline County Poverty Simulation Saint Francis Community Services (SFCS) will co-sponsor the 2015 Saline County Poverty Simulation March 28 at KSU-Salina. Facilitated by the Northeast Kansas Community Action Partnership (NEK-CAP), the simulation helps participants understand the challenges faced every day by persons living below the poverty line. During the simulation, participants assume the roles of low-income family members. Some are single parents trying to raise their children; others are senior citizens living on Social Security. Still others are homeless. Participants must find ways to provide for food, shelter, and other necessities as part of the simulation. Many clients served by Saint Francis deal with poverty-related issues on a daily basis - so it is an issue of special concern to the child and family services ministry. Persons interested in participating in the simulation must register by March 20. There is a $20 registration fee. The NEK -CAP website has more information -

Dean of BSKMS Is Ordained Bishop Dean Wolfe, from the Diocese of Kansas, ordained The Rev. Don Compier, Dean of Bishop Kemper School for Ministry , to the Sacred Order of Priests on January 10 at Grace Cathedral in Topeka. Congratula ons Rev. Don Compier!

Curate at Grace Church Takes New Posi on The Rev. Andrew Hook, presently the Curate of Grace Episcopal Church in Hutchinson, Kansas, has taken a new posi on as Provost for the Cathedral Church of St. Paul the Apostle in Springfield, Illinois. Springfield is the capital city of Illinois and is the See City for the Diocese of Springfield. It was the home of President Abraham Lincoln and his residence, s ll preserved, was originally owned by the rector of St. Paul’s Parish. This same rector presided over the wedding of President Lincoln and Mary Todd. Father Andy’s last Sunday at Grace will be April 19th.



On November 23, 2014, Bishop Milliken bap zed Reacher Prewi at St. Thomas Church in Garden City.

Sanctuary House "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27 About a year ago, The Very Rev. Benjamin Thomas called Bryan Anderson, the Director of the Ashby House, and asked him if there were any projects that the Christ Cathedral, in Salina, might be able to join as a way of broadening our outreach. He men oned that he had just received an offer of three small apartment buildings that he wanted to turn into transi onal housing. We talked, and a year later, the Diocese has just received a $75,000 matching grant from the Jessie Ball du Pont founda on to build a new kind of housing for formerly homeless fami lies with children. Sanctuary House, a joint project of the Diocese of Western Kansas, Christ Cathedral, and Ashby House is a new kind of housing alterna ve for at-risk families. Instead of bouncing families from a shelter to transi onal housing to long term assisted living, Sanctuary House will provide a long term stable housing op on for families that will allow residents to progress toward independent living in a single loca on. This new model is especially aimed at helping children who o en bear the brunt of the vagabond lifestyle that comes with genera onal poverty. By building a Sanctuary House, a stable housing op on, a block from a grade school, this partnership will help nine families break the cycle of poverty by keeping the children in the same school district, where they can grow up with stable neighborhood, long term friendships, and all the support that comes from these things that are so rare in the lives of our poorest neighbors.

On November 30, Bishop Milliken was at Grace Church in Hutchinson to confirm and/or baptize Amy Long, Brandon Long, Rae Groth, Harris Siller, Faven Simmons, Raleigh Jarrett, Sydney Jarrett, Diborah Simmons, Emma Simmons, Ava Waln and Kai French. Not Pictured: Haley Long—Baptized December 14th

On December 6, 2014, Bishop Milliken Confirmed Jasmine Skytte and Alizabeth Malcuit at The Church of Incarnation in Salina.

Shrove Tuesday



Shrove Tuesday was on February 17th this year. Many churches across the diocese had Pancake suppers to get their fill before the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday.

Liberal, Kansas and Olney, England have nothing on Christ Cathedral when it comes to pancake races. Great fun for young and old alike.

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew at Grace Church, Hutchinson were busy making Pancakes for their Pancake Supper.

John Ryberg, John Hoskins and Father Bobby Smith, from St. Francis Community Services, enjoyed some pancakes and fellowship at the Cathedral.

Church of the Incarna on Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper. The supper was followed by the Liturgy of the Ashes.

Treasurer, Warden, Clergy, Postulants and Candidates and Disaster Representa ves Two informa ve workshops will be presented this March for all Treasurers, Wardens, Clergy, Postulants, Candidates and Disaster Ini a ve Representa ves. The first will be on Saturday, March 7. This workshop will be held on the West Side of the Diocese at St. Luke’s Church in Sco City. The second workshop will be on the East side of the Diocese at St. Anne’s Church on Saturday March 21. The workshops will cover informa on on Insurances, finances, assessments, year end filings, and being prepared in case of a catastrophic disaster in your community. The Bishop will go over the proper procedure in filling out Church Registries for bap sms, confirma ons, funerals etc. Both workshops will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end no later than 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Contact Toni Co rell at the Diocesan Office at 620-669-0006 or email: if you plan on a ending one of the workshops.




On December 26, 2014, Bishop Milliken bap zed Sylvia Grinne Pane a and Nicholas McKeon Pane a at Grace Church in Hutchinson.

UTO INGATHERING The Spring Ingathering for 2015 will be on Mother’s Day, May 10. You can order UTO materials from the website link below.‐Thank‐Offering The youth from the Cathedral in Salina prepared a Spaghetti luncheon for the Annual Meeting on January 25.

Grace Church, Hutchinson DOK Chapter stand with Bishop Milliken to display the DOK banner made by Edna Keeler (Left) Other members include Georgia Decker, Patti Wamsley, Kathy Moll, Kitty Douthit and newest member Helen Call.

Diocesan DOK Representative, Patti Wamsley, visited with the Salina Chapter for a holiday lunch at Martinelli’s. The Salina Chapter includes members from the Cathedral, Incarnation and Epiphany Church, Concordia.

Daughters of the King are Ac ve All Over the Diocese. The Daughters from St. Anne’s, in McPherson, sold cookbooks in order to purchase a new refrigerator for their Parish Hall. The cookbooks consisted of recipes from the women of the church. The Salina Chapter of the Daughters of the King will be installing a new member a er Easter. Diocesan DOK Representa ve, Pa Wamsley will be a ending the Province VII Gathering in Albuquerque, NM. on April 9-12.




BISHOP MILLIKEN RETIRES FROM GRACE CHURCH TO BECOME A FULL‐TIME BISHOP At a 2014 New Year’s Eve party the people of Grace Episcopal Church in Hutchinson, Kansas bid farewell to their beloved Rector, Bishop Michael Milliken, as he has decided to focus solely on the future of the Diocese of Western Kansas. The Vestry of Grace has organized a Search Commi ee and work is being done towards finding a new rector. Informa on regarding the Rector Search Process at Grace can be found on the Grace website at and by clicking on the words ‘Rector Search’. We thank Bishop Mike for his devo on to Grace for the past 16 years and we wish him the very best.

The Rev. Brian Viel Installed as Vicar of St. Mark’s On Sunday February 22, St. Mark’s Church in Lyons pews were full in spite of the wintery weather. The Rt. Rev. Michael Milliken installed The Rev. Brian Viel as its new Vicar. Fr. Brian’s family and friends were present to share in the celebration. The folks from St. Marks had a potluck lunch following the service. Our prayers go to Fr. Brian Viel and St. Mark’s Church as he begins his new ministry. Almighty Father, We pray for Brian that he will continue to be faithful to You and to your church. Help him to always seek your direction in his life and the life of your church. Amen

ERD 2015 Lenten Medita ons Wri en by a collec on of Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion leaders, Episcopal Relief and Development’s Lenten Medita ons 2015 centers on five statements that Episcopal Relief & Development and the authors hold as core beliefs: • I believe that everyone should have access to clean water. • I believe that no one should go hungry. • I believe that all children and families deserve a healthy start in life. • I believe that no one should live in poverty. • I believe that together we can heal a hur ng world. Reflec ng a range of diverse voices, the medita ons provide insights on readings of spiritual significance and how we might apply them to our lives as we face a world in need. As we consider Jesus’ life of healing and sacrifice during this Lenten season. For more informa on or to download the Media on Booklet go to : on/church-campaigns/lent

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