Grace Notes-August 2019

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August 2019 The Monthly Newsle er of Grace Episcopal Church • Hutchinson, Kansas

BREATH PRAYER Paul writes, “Pray without ceasing… for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess 5:17–18). In this very same context, Paul also calls us to “rejoice always” and “give thanks in all circumstances,” but here I want to focus on his call for unceasing prayer. From the very beginning, Chris ans have been curious as to what Paul meant. Was Paul simply saying that we should make prayer a habit? Or was he sugges ng that we literally pray at all mes 24/7/365? Many Chris ans from the first through the twenty-first century have argued that Paul meant the la er. But how is that possible? How can we pray unceasing? For that ma er, how can we do anything in life unceasingly? As it turns out, there are a few things that we humans are able to do unceasingly. For example, we pump blood throughout our bodies unceasingly, and we breath unceasingly. If we didn’t, we would cease to live. Moreover, both of these processes belong to our autonomic nervous system. We don’t have to consciously think about either for them to func on properly, which is extraordinarily helpful. We don’t have always to be thinking about our heart for it to pump blood, and we need never worry about forge ng to breathe. It just happens automa cally. That being said, breathing is somewhat unique because we have some conscious control over our breathing. We can hold our breath; we can speed it up or slow it down; we can take deep or shallow breaths. So breathing is something that connects our conscious and unconscious. This helps explain why some medita ve prac ces focus on the breath. It might also help us prac ce unceasing prayer. If we could unite our praying with our breathing, then we could pray without ceasing. This is exactly what some Chris ans have done throughout the centuries. They have connected their prayer with their breath, so that their unconscious, unceasing breathing becomes a vehicle for their (un)conscious, unceasing prayer. To begin prac cing the uni ng of breath and prayer, first select a short phrase or scripture. For example, you could use a form of the Jesus prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.” Second, you can prac ce aloud or silently. If aloud, simply say “Lord Jesus Christ,” then breathe in. Next say, “have mercy on me,” then breathe out. If you prac ce silently, say mentally “Lord Jesus Christ” as you inhale and “have mercy on me” as you exhale. Repeat this over and over again for a predetermined length of me. In the beginning, experiment by se ng aside five minutes once or twice a day to prac ce this breath prayer. Over me you may slowly increase to ten minutes once or twice a day. In addi on, whenever you find yourself with a li le extra me, perhaps si ng at a stop OTHER EXAMPLES OF BREATH PRAYERS light or standing in line at the grocery store, any me you have 15 or 30 seconds, you can prac ce Breathing In Breathing out your breath prayer. In me, you will find your prayAbba I belong to you. er arising within you spontaneously, being prayed Lord here I am. in you and by you without your conscious thought. Speak Lord for your servant is listening. As this happens, your awareness of and desire for Be s ll and know that I am God. God’s presence will grow, which is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. For God alone my soul in silence waits. Into Your hands I commit my spirit. Blessings for your prac ce, The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. Fr. Ted


END OF SUMMER ALL-PARISH POTLUCK DINNER WITH SALTHAWK COMMUNITY SUPPORT WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14TH • 6:30 PM You are all invited to a end an end of summer potluck dinner and program with featuring Nikki Byard, Director of Salthawk Community Support on Wednesday, August 14th at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. No sign-up is needed, just come and hear about this wonderful program which has been extended to HMS 8 this year.


Are you or someone you love grieving the death of a spouse, a child, a family member, or a friend? Grief Share is an encouraging one-day seminar sponsored by Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (407 East 12th). It will be held on Sunday, August 4th from 2:00–4:00 pm. There is no cost to a end. There is also a Weekly Support Group mee ng from 2:00-4:00 p.m. It will begin August 25 and run through November 17 . Contact Darrell Burns at 899-0209 or the Lutheran Church office at 662-5642.

SPECIAL MUSIC ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 18TH AT 10:15 AM A few weeks ago, we began using an alterna ve Eucharis c Prayer at the 10:15 a.m. service. Eucharis c Prayer 3 is from Enriching Our Worship, a resource that provides addi onal liturgies and prayers authorized for use in the Episcopal Church. Eucharis c Prayer 3 follows the same structure as Eucharis c Prayers A, B, and D in the Book of Common Prayer, but it tells the story with different words and images. At Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wichita, they use EP3 on a regular basis at their 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Music Sunday Service. Several years ago, a previous music director and the then rector set it to music, making it into a sung liturgy, which they called “The Mass of the Good Shepherd.” On August 18, Heaven’s Gate—Good Shepherd’s contemporary band—will be with us in worship with their guitars and their voices to provide the music for the service and for Eucharis c Prayer 3. It will be quite a treat so plan to a end.

You laid the foundations of the world and enclosed the sea when it burst out from the womb. — From Eucharis c Prayer 3; Compare with Job 38 —2—

STATE FAIR PARKING ALL PARISH FUNDRAISER • SEPTEMBER 6-15 September is almost here and, the Kansas State Fair is quickly approaching! We need your help to staff the church parking lot. Each year, our church offers parking for fair-goers for $5 per vehicle. The money earned is crucial to suppor ng our children and youth programs. For the youth, it defrays costs of fellowship-based events as well as mission-based trips and ac vi es. It also provides scholarships for both youth and younger children who a end church camp each summer. This allows all of our children and youth to par cipate in these important ac vi es that help to nurture their faith! Finally, the Youth Group gives back a por on of all funds contributed to the fundraising account by making dona ons to those in need in our community and around the world. This year’s parking fundraiser will also directly support those youth who are raising money for a Pilgrimage to England with Bishop Cowell. A por on of the funds earned (propor onate to the hours worked by those youth) will be allocated to individual trip fundraising accounts for the trip. Although our children and young people will benefit from this fundraiser, they and their families cannot staff the parking lot for the en rety of the fair. The majority of the parking lot hours fall during school and work hours (also see Historical Note below). Even the evening and weekend hours can be a challenge for busy young families. This is where we come in! Our church is not large, but we are a suppor ve and wonderful community. Please give of your me to support our youth and children, and know that they will con nue to spread the impact of your generosity far and wide. The signup sheet is in the Narthex. — Blessings, Fr. Ted HISTORICAL NOTE. Grace has been engaged in this State Fair Parking Lot Fundraiser for a long me, but it has changed over the years. In the early days, we only collected money in the evenings and on the weekends, but when Andy Hook served as our youth pastor, he would sit outside and collect money during the days since he was here anyway. When Andy moved on from Grace, we con nued with these new full me hours, but that also meant that we needed more par cipa on from the parish which has transformed this into the most successful fundraiser of the year.

COMMUNITY CLOTHES CLOSET REQUEST DATES AVAILABLE FOR SUNDAY COFFEE FELLOWSHIP The following dates are available to host our weekly coffee fellowship. You can sign up on the Narthex board and remember, it doesn’t have to be fancy or even homemade! August 18 September 1, 8, 22, 29 October 20 November 3, 17, 24 December 15, 29

The clothes closet receives requests for newborn and infant clothing. If you have any to donate, please bring them to the church. The fund to purchase diapers is low, if you would be able to give to the Clothes Closet Fund for this purpose, it would be a blessing to those in need or if you would like to purchase diapers you are welcome to drop them off in the church office. The larger sizes are preferred (3, 4, 5). —3—

GRACE FOOD PANTRY UPDATE The Food Pantry Fund has a balance of $625.00. Please bring canned fruit for our pantry this month. So far this year we have given out 212 bags of groceries to families in need.


06 11 14 21

23 25 26 30 31

Weston Co rell Sam Hederstedt Ella Minner Richard Russell Kelly Curry Wilson Haylee Long Harold Henry Thaddaeus Blakley Rae Pat Hederstedt Morgan Hixson Valerie Line Todd Brown John Eberly Maggie Schneider Rachel Hixson Jane Horn Wya Driskell

SALTHAWK COMMUNITY SUPPORT UPDATE Please bring deodorant for SCS this month. All items will be given to SCS for students in need.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY SUMMER SCHEDULE The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not meet at the church in August. The ladies will, however, stay busy croche ng and kni ng prayer shawls at home. Blessed prayer shawls are available in the closet in the Parish Hall.

AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 02 03 04 13 16 25 25

Mike & Kathy Milliken Tim & Coze e Chris an Todd & Susie Ray Nathan & Brooklyn Walker Larry & Rosalie Bean Howard & Polly Dame Larry & Janice Minner

Please call the church office if we have missed your special day!

ALTAR GUILD MEETING AUGUST 8 AT 9:30 AM The Altar Guild will meet in the Parish Hall on Thursday, August 8th at 9:30 am. All members and anyone interested in learning more about Altar Guild should a end.

CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE Jeane e Sala no has a new cell phone number: 620-200-4715. Be sure to change it in your printed directory and your phone contacts.

Lorene Shaffer • July 2


DIOCESE OF WESTERN KANSAS ANNUAL YOUTH CONVENTION AUGUST 24-25 Youth Conven on will be Saturday and Sunday, August 24 and 25 at Camp Wajato in Lyons. Registra on is now open for youth in 5th through 12th grades. If you register before August 10, you will receive a free T-shirt. The cost is $20 to a end. Register online at: on-registra on. Two delegates to Annual Conven on in October will be elected at the conven on. If you have any ques ons, you may visit with Mtr. Amy or Brandon Long or call the Diocesan office at 669-0006.


UTX Youth Group starts back up on Wednesday, August 21. Be there. Bring a friend. – Mtr. Amy & Brandon Long


OXFORD HOUSE MONTHLY DINNER AND BINGO NIGHT Oxford House will be hos ng a dinner and BINGO night fundraiser on Saturday, August 3rd and then the first Saturday of each month going forward. Dinner begins at 5:00 pm, then BINGO is from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. All are welcome to a end.


GODLY PLAY Sundays at 9:15 am in the back room of the Undercro For ages 3-12

August 14 and 28 4:45 p.m. Conference Room


OUR NURSERY is located in the Undercro , and is available for our li le ones Sunday mornings during Sunday school and the 10:15 service.

Saturday, August 17 5:30 pm 73 Eastwood Dr. at the home of Mtr. Amy and Brandon Long.

August 8 and 22 2:00 p.m. Wesley Towers

Our summer garden work day is planned for Saturday, August 31st from 9:00 am to noon. The trees and shrubs have been trimmed and new rock put in the front gardens which looks great so now a bit of care is needed in the rest of the areas. Please sign up in the Narthex to come help Toni, it is greatly appreciated.

GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH STAFF The Rev. Dr. Ted Blakley ............................................ Rector • 620-314-7520 The Rev. Amy Long ...................................... Assistant Priest The Rev. Bill Waln ........................................ Assistant Priest The Rev. Larry Steadman............................ Priest Associate The Rev. Larry Carver ............................ Priest in Residence Brandon and Mtr. Amy Long ................ Youth Coordinators Todd Ray .................... Coordinator of Eucharis c Ministries Jan Howard ............................................................. Organist Missy Waln ................................................... Music Director Rosie Bean .............................................. Nursery A endant Laura Southards ........................................................ Sexton Brenda Hoefer ..................................... Office Administrator HOW TO CONTACT US 2 Hyde Park Drive; Hutchinson, KS 67502 620-662-8024 phone • 620-662-2930 fax • CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday • 9:00am to 4:00pm

VESTRY Mitch Hixson (2020) ......................Senior Warden Howard Dame (2020) .................... Junior Warden Todd Ray (2021) .............................................Clerk Toni Co rell ........................................... Treasurer Kelly Curry (2020) Kathy Petz (2021) Jim Richardson (2021) Stephen Armstrong (2022) Steve Hawkins (2022) Jan Steen (2022) SUNDAYS 8:00am • Holy Eucharist I (spoken) 9:15am • Sunday School for All Ages* 10:15am • Holy Eucharist II (music) *Except on Second Sundays of a month when the Youth prepare breakfast for the congrega on.

WEDNESDAYS 9:30am • Holy Eucharist I — in the Chapel 10:00am • Bible Study — Parish Hall






1 7:00am Bible Study

Fri 2

Sat 3

Oxford House Dinner & BINGO Fundraiser Details on page 6

5:00pm Dinner 6:00pm BINGO 4EN



7 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study 1:30–3:30 pm

11 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00 am Youth





2:00pm Eucharist at Wesley Towers

8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 2:00pm Baby Shower for Mtr. Amy Long

8 7:00am Bible Study 9:30am Altar Guild

5:30pm Eucharist II

7:00pm Al-Anon 12


14 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

15 7:00am Bible Study

4:45pm DOK 5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm End of Summer SCS Potluck Dinner

9:30am Godly Play



9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 10:15am HEAVEN’S GATE to provide music for Holy Eucharist II (Details on Page 2)

25 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages

12:00pm Vestry

Details on page 7

Details on page 2

7:00pm Al-Anon 18 8:00 Holy Eucharist I

5:30pm Family Supper Club at the Longs

21 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study 1:30–3:30 pm

22 7:00am Bible Study


24 Youth Conven on at Camp Wajato Details on page 5

2:00pm Eucharist at Wesley Towers

5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm UTX Youth 26

7:00pm Al-Anon


28 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

4:45pm DOK 5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm UTX Youth



31 9:00am - Noon Garden Work Day

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