Grace Notes December 2019

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December 2019 The Monthly Newsle er of Grace Episcopal Church • Hutchinson, Kansas

SAVOR THE SEASON As Christians, we know that Jesus is the reason for the season, but it can still be hard to keep Jesus in focus. During this busy season, we can become like Martha who is distracted by many things. So much so that we might miss the mystery of Christmas when it finally arrives. One an dote to this dilemma is to find ways to savor the season by staying connected to God, connected to ourselves, connected to friends and family, connected to the needs of the wider community. Martha’s sister, Mary, took me to sit at the feet of Jesus. She didn’t spend her whole day there, but she did take a break from the normal routines and responsibilities of the day to waste some time with Jesus, to savor a few moments with her Master and Friend. In about four weeks, we will sing, “Joy to the World,” but it will be hard to rejoice, if we haven’t savored the season. As Br. Curtis Almquist writes, “Joy takes time. Joy is not fast food. It comes as a by-product of living a savored life, of having me and taking me to ‘smell the flowers.’ Joy needs me.” So his advice is to, “Take me, take at least some me each day, to do one thing at a me.” This monas c wisdom is meant for the whole of life, but how much more is it needed in this, the busiest of all seasons. So today, before the busyness of this season takes hold , let us take some me to sit down at the feet of Jesus and decide how we are going to savor this season, how we are going to stay connected, how we are going to keep Jesus in focus throughout this season, and how we will return to Jesus each and every me we become distracted, which we inevitably will. Blessings, Fr. Ted+ Download Advent Resources Sign Up to Receive Daily Emails

Begins Sunday, December 1. Sign up today at


SILENT NIGHT: THE BIRTH OF A CAROL Lessons & Carols and a Christmas Musical On DECEMBER 15 at our 10:15 am service we will an cipate the coming of Jesus with our annual Lessons and Carols service. This year, we have an added treat. Our Choir Director, Missy Waln, has organized the children and youth of Grace to perform a Christmas Musical en tled, “Silent Night: The Birth of a Carol.” Without giving away too much of the story, “Silent Night” was first performed on Christmas Eve in 1818 (201 years ago) at St Nicholas parish church in Oberndorf, a village in the Austrian Empire on the Salzach river in present-day Austria. The music was provided by a guitar—rather than the church organ—for reasons that will remain a secret for now.

HYDE PARK LUMINARIA AND SOUP SUPPER Saturday, December 21, 6:00 to 9:00 pm Our youth will be serving soup and bread, and the church will be open as a warm spot for those who will be out to see all the beau ful lights. The youth do need our help to ensure we can feed all of our guests! If you will be willing to provide a pot of soup or bread, sign up in the Narthex. A free-will offering will be accepted from those who stop by the church, so be sure to get the word out to your family and friends and come support the youth in this fundraising endeavor! The Brotherhood of St. Andrew could use your help se ng up and taking down the luminaries on Saturday, December 21. We will begin se ng up about 4:15 pm and take them down at 9:00 pm and you can sign up in the Narthex if you are able to help.

! m i h e r o d a s u t e l Come CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas Music • 6:40 p.m. Choral Eucharist • 7:00 p.m. Arrive Early to Get a Good Seat.

CHRISTMAS DAY Spoken Mass • 10:00 a.m. —2—


ECW HOLIDAY BAKE SALE DECEMBER 15 & 22 The Episcopal Church Women is asking that dona ons of baked goods or soups be brought for the sale. Dona ons can be dropped off on Saturday, December 14 between 10:00 am and Noon or during office hours during the week. If you aren’t a baker, come prepared to purchase some holiday goodies on December 15 and 22!

ECW EPIPHANY PARTY JANUARY 6, 6:00 PM The annual ECW Epiphany Party will take place on January 6th at 6:00 pm. The party will be held at the home of Gin Torrence: 8101 St. Andrews Drive.

HALSTEAD AWARD GIVEN TO OUR OWN BOB RITTER AT THE FOX THEATER On Saturday, November 16 some of Hutchinson’s most notable volunteers got the red carpet treatment their efforts deserve. New Beginnings, Inc. hosted the first annual Halstead Awards, named a er Ray and Zella Halstead, who encouraged a philanthropic spirit focused on crea ng a be er world. BOB RITTER was recognized for his Service to Children. As was said at the awards, “Bob is a community volunteer at heart and spends time in prison ministries as well as the Grace Episcopal food and clothing pantry. Bob is known to search the community for resources when he comes across a person in need. Tonight Bob is being thanked for his mentorship of children in our schools where he has been a volunteer for Communi es That Care for a number of years. Bob enjoys reading to children and has been instrumental in helping them to work through problems. Bob also takes part in the Resiliency Reno County movement, working on ways to help children through adverse childhood experiences. (Photo taken by Kristen Garlow Piper, Special to the News.) —3—


10 15 20 22 25 28 29 30 31

Jan Howard Gena Shorter Jane Dronberger Lacy Stauffacher Amber Morrow John Mar nez Julie Steen Nathan Walker Heidi Kohls Amelia Smith Jim Richardson Chris Schneider Archer Jarre Kay Perry Tim Smith Noah Schneider Kathy Milliken Julie Chalfant Jason Kohls

29 30

The Food Pantry Fund has a balance of $490. Please bring canned fruit for our pantry this month. So far this year we have given out 359 bags of groceries to families in need.

SALTHAWK COMMUNITY SUPPORT Please help by bringing hats, mi ens, gloves, and scarves for SCS this month.

PROJECT ANGEL TREE BY DECEMBER 9 All gi s need to be back at the church no later than DECEMBER 9th. If you have any ques ons, contact Sally Russell at 662-2946.



Andrew & Angelica Primeaux Larry & Leanne McLeland Warren & Sharon Hixson Brandon & Amy Long Bob & Charlo e Summers Jerry & Cece East Na on & Tucker Meyer Bob & Jeanne Ri er Mark & Mary Treaster

Please call the church office if we have missed your special day!

HAT AND MITTEN TREE FOR THE CHILDREN OF WILEY ELEMENTARY Each year we have a Christmas tree in the Parish Hall for you to hang hats and mi ens on. This year the dona ons will be given to the children at Wiley Elementary. Help us decorate the tree with hats, mi ens, gloves, and scarves in all sizes. Deadline is December 16.

CAROLING AT WESLEY TOWERS COLLIER ASSISTED LIVING Sunday, December 22 • 5:30 pm Join us on Sun, December 22 at Wesley Towers to give back in song. Everyone is invited to join us as we carol up and down the hallways. Please meet at the Assisted Living Building, 3600 Dartmouth, and join in the spirit of Christmas! —4—

NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS FOR VESTRY It is me to be thinking about Vestry nomina ons. There is a nomina ons sheet on the bulle n board in the Narthex. You may nominate yourself or someone else, but make sure to get their permission before you add them to the list! This year, we are looking to fill 4 posi ons (3 three-year terms, 1 two-year term). Howard Dame, Mitch Hixson, Kelly Curry, and Steve Hawkins will be going off Vestry. All nominees must be bap zed, must regularly a end worship at Grace, and must contribute financially to the mission and ministry of Grace. Elec ons will take place at our Annual Parish Mee ng on Sunday, January 26, 2020. FROM THE VESTRY RESOURCE GUIDE The informa on below has been taken from The Vestry Resource Guide. It offers some insight into the role and purpose of a church Vestry. So, if you are considering serving on Vestry, take me to think through the following informa on and also spend some me in prayerful discernment. You might also find it valuable to talk with a current member of Vestry. “God creates the Church, and invites us to par cipate in the process. A congrega on’s leaders are the stewards of that crea on and hold it in trust. The congrega on has been given the resources needed to do the job God has called it to do. Leaders iden fy and allocate those resources enabling the Church to carry out its mission. They also lead the congrega on in celebra ng and giving thanks for these resources.” “The vestry is the body with in a congrega on that, with the clergy, leads the parish. The vestry… • helps to discern the vision toward which God is drawing that par cular community; • ar culates and communicates the vision; • holds the community accountable for its realiza on of that vision; and • keeps the mission of the Church and of the individual congrega on clearly before the parish community.” QUESTIONNAIRE: In early January, all nominees will be asked to fill out a ques onnaire that will be distributed to the congrega on the week before the Annual Mee ng. 1. BEST EXPERIENCE: Reflect on your experience at Grace. Recall a me when you felt most alive, most involved, most spiritually touched, or most excited about your involvement. Describe the event. What made it a fulfilling experience? 2. PERSONAL VALUES: Without being humble, what do you value most about yourself—for example, as a human being, or an employee, or a friend, or a parent, and so on? 3. CORE VALUE: What do you think is the core value of Grace church? What values give life to Grace? What is it that, if it did not exist, would make Grace totally different than it currently is? 4. THREE WISHES: If you had three wishes for Grace, what would they be?


In addi on to members of Vestry, at our Annual Mee ng we will be elec ng FIVE delegates to annual conven on. This will be a special conven on for two reasons. First, the Diocese of Western Kansas will turn 50. Second, the conven on will be held here in Hutchison at Grace. Before being nominated, please check your calendar to make sure you can a end the whole conven on.


WE’LL LEAVE OUR LIGHTS ON • THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE UPDATE On November 20, along with 14 other area churches, we opened our red doors and le our lights on for the community to drop off food for the Reno County Food Bank. Grace collected 238 lbs. of food. We are s ll wai ng to hear the total from all the churches. Thanks goes to Mark S tes (who is pictured here in his Grace shirt), and to Bob Summers and Will Tobin for welcoming people to Grace and invi ng them to come forward and place their offerings on the altar. Thanks also goes to Bob Ri er for Photo taken by Sandra Milburn, Hutch News delivering the food to the Food Bank. And thanks goes to all the people who brought food to Grace and to all the people of Grace who visited other churches and made this a truly ecumenical affair.

ALTAR GUILD & FLOWER GUILD MEETING & LUNCHEON DECEMBER 19th • 9:30 am All members of the Altar Flower Guilds are asked to a end the mee ng at 9:30 am on December 19th. We will be “fluffing” bows, hanging wreaths, se ng out the poinse as, and placing other greenery around the church in addi on to the usual polishing. When our work is completed we will join together for our annual Christmas luncheon. Please let Sally Russell know if you will be able to a end.

We are looking for new members to keep these ministries ac ve. Both men and women are welcome!

NEW CHURCH YEAR = NEW POSSIBILITIES December 1 is the First Sunday of Advent and also the beginning of a new church year. Our Bible readings on Sundays follow a three-year cycle. On Dec 1, we will move from liturgical Year C to Year A. Beginning a new year is a great me to explore a new spiritual prac ce. Consider reading the Sunday Scriptures ahead of me. Pick up your copy of The Lec onary Card in the narthex, which lists all of the Sunday readings for the upcoming year. You might also consider purchasing Fr. Ted’s commentaries that explain and offer insight on the readings we hear every Sunday. —6—

GODLY PLAY Sundays at 9:15 am in the back room of the Undercro For ages 3-12

OUR NURSERY is located in the Undercro , and is available for our li le ones Sunday mornings during Sunday school and the 10:15 service.

Dinners for 8

December 11 4:45 pm Conference Room

or 6, or 7, or 9 Plans for our winter season of Dinners for Eight is in the works. Call the church office or sign up in the Narthex by December 8th to be included in the fun. Groups will be formed soon, and you will be no fied who is in your dinner group.

December 5 & 19 2:00 pm Wesley Towers


GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH STAFF The Rev. Dr. Ted Blakley ............................................ Rector • 620-314-7520 The Rev. Amy Long ...................................... Assistant Priest The Rev. Bill Waln ........................................ Assistant Priest The Rev. Larry Steadman............................ Priest Associate The Rev. Larry Carver ............................ Priest in Residence Brandon and Mtr. Amy Long ................ Youth Coordinators Todd Ray .................... Coordinator of Eucharis c Ministries Jan Howard ............................................................. Organist Missy Waln ................................................... Music Director Rosie Bean .............................................. Nursery A endant Laura Southards ........................................................ Sexton Brenda Hoefer ..................................... Office Administrator HOW TO CONTACT US 2 Hyde Park Drive; Hutchinson, KS 67502 620-662-8024 phone • 620-662-2930 fax • CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday • 9:00am to 4:00pm

— 7—

VESTRY Mitch Hixson (2020) ......................Senior Warden Howard Dame (2020) .................... Junior Warden Todd Ray (2021) .............................................Clerk Kelly Curry (2020) Kathy Petz (2021) Jim Richardson (2021) Stephen Armstrong (2022) Steve Hawkins (2022) Jan Steen (2022) Toni Co rell ........................................... Treasurer SUNDAYS 8:00am • Holy Eucharist I (spoken) 9:15am • Sunday School for All Ages* 10:15am • Holy Eucharist II (music) *Except on Second Sundays of a month when the Youth prepare breakfast for the congrega on.

WEDNESDAYS 9:30am • Holy Eucharist I — in the Chapel 10:00am • Bible Study — Parish Hall 5:30pm • Holy Eucharist II — in the Chapel 6:30–8pm • Under the Cross MS/HS Youth Group

Sun 1

Mon 2

8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 12:00pm Christmas 7:00pm Al-Anon Musical Rehearsal 8 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00 am Youth


Tue 3

6:00pm Girl Scouts


SCS Angel Tree Gi s are Due at the Church Today

9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 12:00pm Vestry

22 ECW BAKE SALE 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II

9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 29 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages

16 10:00am

7:00pm Al-Anon


5 7:00am Bible Study


Fri 6


ADVENT QUIET DAY 9:00 am-12:30 pm And the Soul Felt It’s Worth

5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm Christmas Musical Rehearsal 11 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

(Details on page 1.) 12 7:00am Bible Study


14 10:00am Christmas Musical Rehearsal



18 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

19 7:00am Bible Study

5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm UTX Youth

1:30–3:30pm 2:00pm Eucharist at Wesley Towers


26 7:00am Bible Study



9:30am Altar Guild Mee ng and Lunch

6:00-9:00pm Hyde Park Luminaria & Soup Supper 27

6:40pm Christmas 10:00am Spoken Mass Music I n the Chapel 7:00pm Christmas Eve Service 31


7:00pm Al-Anon


4:45pm DOK 5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm Christmas Musical Rehearsal

Hat & Mi en Tree 6:00pm Girl Scouts Dona ons Due Today 23


1:30-3:30pm 2:00pm Eucharist at Wesley Towers

9:00am Choir 9:30am Godly Play 12:00pm Bro. of St. A. 12:00pm Christmas 7:00pm Al-Anon Musical Rehearsal 15 ECW BAKE SALE 8:00 Holy Eucharist I 10:15am Lessons & Carols Christmas Musical


The 2020 Liturgical Calendars of the Church Year are now available in the church office and the Narthex.


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