Grace Notes November 2019

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November 2019 The Monthly Newsle er of Grace Episcopal Church • Hutchinson, Kansas

The Joy of the Mites I was thinking of my Mom the other day. She passed away seventeen years ago, just one year a er Emma was born. I s ll remember when she and Dad drove from Woodward, Oklahoma to Pasadena, California in the weeks a er Emma’s birth. We had been living in Pasadena for 2½ years, and this was her first visit to see us in our small campus apartment. Of course, she spent me with li le Emma, but we also took her sight seeing. I remember taking her to the Rose Bowl, and we were allowed to walk down through the stadium tunnel and walk on the field. Mom was amazed at how big it all was, and she “oohed” and “aahed.” The fact is Mom did a lot of oohing and aahing on that trip. We would be driving, and we would turn a corner, and she would suddenly see some grand building or some beau ful flowers, and it would catch her breath every me: “Ooh! Aah!” I think it drove Dad a li le crazy, but I just smiled. Mom was in awe, and she was enjoying herself so much. I thought about this trip recently when I was rereading the story of the Widow’s Mite. It isn’t a parable, but a real event. Jesus and his disciples are in Jerusalem, and they are watching worshippers put money into the temple treasury. Many well-to-do people put in large sums of money, but then Jesus no ces a widow who puts in just two mites, two small copper coins worth a penny. Turning to his disciples, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all the rest. They have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on” (Mark 12:41–44). Now, I have always felt sorry for the widow because I have assumed that her life was drudgery (and that is probably a good assump on given what we know). I have also assumed that she must have felt compelled by guilt or obligaon to give to money for the maintenance and upkeep of the temple. But then, I thought of my Mom, and I could imagine her walking around Jerusalem oohing and aahing. I could imagine her coming to the temple and suddenly being overcome by its grandeur and being overcome by the thought that, “This is the very House of God. This is where God meets with his people.” And then, I can imagine her with all joy dropping all she had into the treasury. She wouldn’t care if her money went to purchase a new scroll or to pay somebody to sweep up the manure le by all of the animals. She wouldn’t care if her money was used to buy new vestments or to pay the water bill. She wouldn’t care because it was all going to God. It was all for God and God’s purposes, so there would be nothing but gra tude, nothing but joy in the giving. Blessings, Father Ted+

Somebody in this picture is turning fi y years old in November (see page 5).


GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Giving Pa erns in 2019 Empowering God’s Mission through Our Stewardship of God’s Gi s What step are you on right now? What would it look like for you if you took one step up in 2020? • How would your finances change? • How would your faith change? • How would your life change?

“For, as I can testify, they voluntarily gave according to their means, and even beyond their means, begging us earnestly for the privilege of sharing in this ministry to the saints.” — 2 Corinthians 8:3–4 —2—

NOVEMBER 3 During the service, we will remember before God all of those who have passed away.


ECUMENICAL THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE • ONE NIGHT ONLY! Four years ago, a poverty simula on was held at Ave A. One of the fruits was the crea on of the Poverty Collabora ve Task Force, whose mission is to foster collabora on between churches, agencies, and people in poverty so that our community can move from poverty to sufficiency with dignity for all. As part of this ongoing work, Grace is joining 14 other local churches and together “We’ll Leave Our Lights On.” On Wednesday, Nov 20, we will open our doors and turn on our lights and invite people to bring food items into our sanctuaries, which will then be donated to the Reno County Food Bank. There are two ways you can par cipate. FIRST, we would love to have a few people from Grace hanging out in our sanctuary and welcoming people as they drop off food. Let Fr. Ted know if you can do this. SECOND, if you live close to a parcipa ng church, plan to purchase food and leave it in their sanctuary. And while you are there, say “Hello” and ask them about their church and their ministries.


GRACE FOOD PANTRY The Food Pantry Fund has a balance of $635.00. Please bring pasta sauce for our pantry this month. So far this year we have given out 320 bags of groceries to families in need.

SALTHAWK COMMUNITY SUPPORT Cold season is upon us! Please help out by bringing purse/travel size Kleenex for SCS this month.

NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 01 03 06 07 08 10 11 13 14 15 17 21 23 24

27 28 29 30

Cece East Ava Waln David Jarre Don Adams Joyce Carver Ted Blakley Delbert Kidwell Helen Bornholdt Jeff Rice Benjamin Blakley Aidan Minner Bob Stone Michael Franklin Mike Torrence Braelyn East Jennie Barber Bob Fischer Roger Sullivan Lauren Taylor Kiki Cappony Amy Long Beth Russell Shannon Mar nez Gin Torrence Kathy Moll


ECW BAKE SALE • DECEMBER 15 & 22 The ECW is asking that dona ons of baked goods or soups be brought for the sale and of course if you aren’t a baker come prepared to purchase some holiday goodies!

CHILDREN & YOUTH CHRISTMAS MUSICAL REHEARSALS CONTINUE This short Christmas musical revolves around the story of the composi on of the Christmas hymn, “Silent Night.” The musical will be performed during the 10:15am service on Sunday, December 15. Watch the church calendar for rehearsal dates and mes. For more informa on contact Missy Waln at 620-664–0665 or



David & Archer Jarre Forrest & Be y Pi s Christopher Bri on & Steve Hawkins

Oxford House will be hos ng Blacklight BINGO night fundraiser on Friday, November 8 from 8:00-10:00 pm. All are welcome and

Please call the church office if we have missed your special day!

encouraged to a end.

CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE Jeannine Rayl has moved to 620 Monterey Place #108. —4—

PARISH GAME NIGHT ON THE EVE OF FR. TED’S 50TH BIRTHDAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 5:00 TO 8:00 PM Rebekah and the kids are hos ng a game night at the church to celebrate Fr. Ted’s 50th Birthday, which is Sunday, November 10. Bring a game and a snack to share. And B.Y.O.B.

ALL-PARISH THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER Fr. Bill and Missy Waln will be hos ng a Thanksgiving Day meal at 12:30 pm on Thursday, 28. Everyone is invited to a end. Bring your family or a friend who is alone for the holiday. There is a sign-up sheet on the Narthex board, or you can call the office to have your name and the number a ending added to the list. If you are able to, bring a side dish or dessert to share. Come and be blessed by the company of friends, family, and really good food! If you have any ques ons, visit with Fr. Bill or Missy.

PROJECT ANGEL TREE by DECEMBER 9th Grace Church has commi ed to purchased gi s for 40 students through the Salthawk Community Support program at Hutchinson High. Each student was interviewed by an adult volunteer and a form for each student’s wants to help with your shopping efforts. Please wrap the gi s and be sure to place the number on each package so they will know who the gi is for. The list of students is available on the Narthex board. The gi s need to be back at the church no later than DECEMBER 9th. If you have any ques ons, contact Sally Russell at 662-2946.


HAT AND MITTEN TREE Each year we have a Christmas tree in the Parish Hall for you to hang hats and mi ens on for those in our community who are in need. Help us decorate the tree with hats and mi ens in all sizes. —5—

OUR GRACE FAMILY HAS GROWN! We would like to share with you our new bundle of love; Claire Elodie Long. She was born Thursday, October 17 at 2:54 am. Claire weighed 8lb. 12oz. and was 22” long at birth. Mom, dad, Claire, and big sister Haylee are all doing well. Please keep the Long family in your prayers.

And Jesus took the little children up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them. —6—

GODLY PLAY Sundays at 9:15 am in the back room of the Undercro For ages 3-12

OUR NURSERY is located in the Undercro , and is available for our li le ones Sunday mornings during Sunday school and the 10:15 service.

Saturday, November 23 Meet at Pizza Ranch at Noon (Immediately following the Christmas parade) November 13 4:45 p.m. Conference Room

Dinners for 8

November 14 2:00 p.m. Wesley Towers Plans for our winter season Dinners for Eight is in the works. Watch the Narthex board for a sign up sheet to be included in the fun. If you have any ques ons, you may call Warren or Sharon Hixson or the church office.

or 6, or 7, or 9

GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH STAFF The Rev. Dr. Ted Blakley ............................................ Rector • 620-314-7520 The Rev. Amy Long ...................................... Assistant Priest The Rev. Bill Waln ........................................ Assistant Priest The Rev. Larry Steadman............................ Priest Associate The Rev. Larry Carver ............................ Priest in Residence Brandon and Mtr. Amy Long ................ Youth Coordinators Todd Ray .................... Coordinator of Eucharis c Ministries Jan Howard ............................................................. Organist Missy Waln ................................................... Music Director Rosie Bean .............................................. Nursery A endant Laura Southards ........................................................ Sexton Brenda Hoefer ..................................... Office Administrator HOW TO CONTACT US 2 Hyde Park Drive; Hutchinson, KS 67502 620-662-8024 phone • 620-662-2930 fax • CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday • 9:00am to 4:00pm

— 7—

VESTRY Mitch Hixson (2020) ......................Senior Warden Howard Dame (2020) .................... Junior Warden Todd Ray (2021) .............................................Clerk Kelly Curry (2020) Kathy Petz (2021) Jim Richardson (2021) Stephen Armstrong (2022) Steve Hawkins (2022) Jan Steen (2022) Toni Co rell ........................................... Treasurer SUNDAYS 8:00am • Holy Eucharist I (spoken) 9:15am • Sunday School for All Ages* 10:15am • Holy Eucharist II (music) *Except on Second Sundays of a month when the Youth prepare breakfast for the congrega on.

WEDNESDAYS 9:30am • Holy Eucharist I — in the Chapel 10:00am • Bible Study — Parish Hall 5:30pm • Holy Eucharist II — in the Chapel 6:30–8pm • Under the Cross MS/HS Youth Group












2020 CALENDARS NOW AVAILABLE The 2020 Liturgical Calendars of the Church Year are now available in the church office and the Narthex.



8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 11:45 Christmas Musical Rehearsal 7:00pm Al-Anon 10 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00 am Youth

9:00am Choir 9:30am Godly Play

11 Veteran’s Day


6 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

1:30-3:30pm 8:00pm BLACKLIGHT BINGO

6:00pm Girl Scouts 12

5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm UTX Youth 13 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

6:00pm Chris an Forma on Team 7:00pm Al-Anon 18 10:00am


9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 12:00pm Vestry

5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm Christmas Musical Rehearsal

24 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages

Details on page 5

14 7:00am Bible Study





4:45pm DOK 5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm UTX Youth

8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II


5:00-8:00pm Fr. Ted’s Birthday Party Game Night

2:00pm Eucharist at Wesley Towers

20 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study 5:00-7:00pm

17 Ingathering

7 7:00am Bible Study

7:00pm Al-Anon

6:00pm Girl Scouts



27 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

21 7:00am Bible Study 1:30–3:30pm

Meet at Pizza Ranch at Noon A er the Christmas Parade

28 12:30pm


in the Parish Hall Details on page 5

7:00pm Al-Anon



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