Grace Notes October 2019

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October 2019 The Monthly Newsle er of Grace Episcopal Church • Hutchinson, Kansas

FIDO AND THE COLLECTION This week I recalled a story that I heard over thirty years ago. As I have menoned before, my family and I a ended two churches each and every Sunday. One was an Episcopal church, and the other was United Methodist. But when I was a junior in high school, I went for a year on my own to a Presbyterian church where some of my friends attended. One Sunday, our pastor told a little story that continues to have an impact on my understanding of life and my prac ce of faith. It went something like this.1 There was once a boy who had a dog named Fido. The boy was very fond of Fido. One evening, as the boy sat down to dinner, he no ced that Fido was si ng close beside him, looking up into his face with that expression dogs have when they are expec ng you to give them something. Fido watched the boy very closely; his eyes were fixed on every movement. His tail lay straight out on the floor except when his young master would look at him, and then it wagged and beat the floor as though he felt sure of being fed. That evening, the family was having steak and potatoes. The boy loved steak, and he loved his dog. So when he received his plate, he immediately cut his steak in half. He then proceeded to place half of the steak on the floor for Fido. His father stopped him. He told his son that the food was too good for the dog. So the boy reluctantly ate his delicious dinner while Fido eagerly watched and waited. A er the meal was over, the boy’s father told him that he might collect the scraps and bones and give them to the dog. So the boy had gathered them together on a plate and put the plate down. And the boy said to Fido, “I’m sorry. I wanted to give you an offering, but this is just a collec on.” As Frank T. Bayley wrote over a century ago. “The offering was what the boy wanted to give because he loved his dog; the collec on was what remained a er everybody else had been sa sfied.” Each Sunday, we come to offer ourselves to God because God has already offered God’s self to us fully through the offering of his Son and the gi of his Spirit. In love, we seek to offer ourselves fully to God. In worship, we do this through our prayers of praise and thanksgiving, through listening and submi ng to Holy Scripture, through confessing our faith and our sins, and also through offering our financial support of God’s mission in and through this place. When the offering plate comes around, we put in our coins and bills and checks. When we do this, we aren’t simply giving of our money, we are giving of ourselves. These bits of metal and pieces of paper, they represent our lives. They represent our labors, our loves, and our loyal es; they represent our hopes and dreams and sense of security. So when we put money in the offering plate, we are putting a part of ourselves in the plate. How much of ourselves we put in varies from Let us walk in LOVE, person to person and circumstance to circumstance.

as Christ LOVED us and

But the ques on we need to ask ourselves every so o en is this: When we give to God and God’s mission—be it money or me—is it merely a collection, or is it an OFFERING born of love and gra tude for who God is and what God does in our lives?

gave himself up for us,

Blessings, Father Ted+

and SACRIFICE to God.


a fragrant OFFERING

A version of this story can be found in Frank T. Bayley’s book, “A Li le Ten Minutes” or A Pastor’s Talks with his Children, 1909.


THE RIDICULOUS JOURNEY Following A Nobody from Nowhere A search for purpose and meaning in the events and choices of our lives. A costly journey with an unknown des na on. A Middle Eastern homeless man from twenty centuries ago and why he s ll s rs the souls and imagina on of so many.

THE RIDICULOUS JOURNEY begins Sunday, October 6 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. in Parish Hall This seven-session series on Jesus’ invita on to follow him includes short films by Fr. Greg Boyle, Brené Brown, Rachel Held Evans, Emmanuel Katongole, Richard Rohr, Rowan Williams, and Nadia Bolz-Weber. It also includes visual liturgies from Kelly Stewart Hall, Thomas Merton, Travis Reed, and Ann Voscamp with reflec ons by Rich Nelson.

A SEVEN-WEEK SHORT FILM JOURNEY OCT 6 • The Ridiculous Journey OCT 20 • The Revolu onary OCT 27 • The Reconciler NOV 3 • The Lover NOV 17 • The Sage NOV 24 • The Presence DEC 1 • Following Jesus

THE MERTON PRAYER MY LORD GOD, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone. — Thomas Merton

Brought to you by…


ANNUAL GIVING SUNDAY & LUNCHEON Sunday, October 27 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Combined Service & Luncheon following

INGATHERING SUNDAY Sunday, November 17

ANNUAL GIVING SUNDAY IS OCTOBER 27! On Sunday, October 27, there will be no 8:00 am service. Instead, we will have a single, combined service at 10:15 am. Worship will be followed by our Annual Giving Luncheon. We will eat together and reflect upon the past year of mission. We will also get highlights of our working Mission Empowerment Plan for 2020 (a.k.a. the annual opera ng budget). We will look at where we hope to focus our me, talent, and treasure in the next year, especially with respect to our Fron ers of Mission: Chris an Forma on for All Ages Hospitality Outreach We will hand out pledge cards, which can be taken home, prayerfully considered, and returned by Ingathering Sunday on November 17. So mark your calendars, and plan to a end this celebra on of mission and vision. Meat will be provided, we ask that you bring a side dish and/or dessert to share. Please sign up in the Narthex so we have an idea of how many to plan for.

Remember to sign up for the Annual Giving Luncheon


GRACE FOOD PANTRY IN URGENT NEED The Food Pantry Fund has a balance of $5.00. Please bring spaghe noodles for our pantry this month. So far this year we have given out 281 bags of groceries to families in need. Our food pantry runs only on dona ons. Currently, we have enough food to fill about 15 bags of groceries and then we will be out un l more dona ons come in. As you are able, please donate to the food pantry.

OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 9 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 27 29 31

Steve Hawkins Larry Steadman Sharon Kidwell Larry Carver Brady Fontaine Polly Dame Jack Rothwell Darien Baldridge Be y Pi s Todd Ray Stephen Reagin Nathalee Smith Ashley Smith Donna Wooten Brandy Turner Jeannine Rayl

SALTHAWK COMMUNITY SUPPORT Nikki has let us know that there is a severe hygiene problem at HMS-8. They are star ng a shower program at the school. Please bring towels, wash cloths, shower gel, and deodorant for SCS this month. The towels do not need to be new, just clean and in useable condion. Monetary dona ons specifically for this program are gladly accepted.


Will & Kathy Tobin David & Valerie Hederstedt Jeff & Karen Frizell Ryan & Melissa Desemo

Please call the church office if we have missed your special day!

CHURCH DIRECTORY UPDATE Nancy French has moved to 1316 Stonebridge, Hutchinson KS 67502. Mary McFarland has moved to 2416 Brentwood, Apt. 140, Hutchinson KS 67502. Jeannine Rayl no longer has a landline. Her cell number is 921-5075. Virginia Rayl has moved to 3711 Asbury Place, Suite 16, Hutchinson KS 67502.


ANNUAL DIOCESAN CONVENTION • OCTOBER 18-19 This year, the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas will be kicking up their boots in old fashioned Dodge City—where there’s plenty of Old West, New Excitement… everything from Boot Hill Museum, Boot Hill Casino, all of Dodge City’s historical spots, shopping and much more! Please be in prayer for those a ending and for the conven on. • Those a ending from Grace are Fr. Ted Blakley, Fr. Bill Waln, Steve Fontaine, Susan Smith, Sally Russell, and Mike & Pa Wamsley. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel to Dodge City and take part in the conven on as delegates of Grace.

EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN • BASKET RAFFLE FUNDRAISER The ECW is asking for people to create baskets for our annual basket fundraiser held during Annual Conven on October 18-19 in Dodge City. Ideas for baskets are college themes, pet lovers, kids, wine and cheese lovers, coffee… If you have any quesons, contact Toni at the Diocesan office, 669-0006.

Sunday, October 6 • 2:00 pm Grace Memorial Garden We will bless our pets who are present. We will remember our pets who are past.

ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY • NOVEMBER 3 A sign-up sheet is on the Narthex board for you to list those you would like remembered at the Altar on All Saints’ Sunday, November 3rd.


The State Fair parking lot fundraiser is behind us, and we would like to thank all the volunteers who helped make it a successful event for our youth ministries. A total of $3,333 was raised, and we could not have done it without all your help. As you know, we are expec ng a li le one this month. In order to give ourselves me to adjust to the many changes that will come about with our growing family, we will be taking parental leave from youth leadership October-December. Jan Steen has graciously agreed to con nue leadership of youth Sunday School during this me. Please make him aware of planned absences in Sundays during the last three months of the year so that he can plan accordingly. Youth Group will con nue to meet regularly on Wednesdays with parents and other parishioners helping lead discussion. Some weeks, there will be a rehearsal for a Christmas musical that Missy Waln is direc ng for children and youth. We hope that all the youth will want to par cipate! (Details below.) Finally, thank you in advance for your love and support through this exci ng transi on in our family. We will miss spending me with the youth, but are grateful for the opportunity to exercise self-care during this parental leave! – Mtr. Amy & Brandon Long

CHILDREN & YOUTH CHRISTMAS MUSICAL • INFORMATION MEETING An informa onal mee ng for anyone interested in helping with or appearing in a children and youth Christmas musical is invited to a short mee ng at on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6th at 11:45am in the Sanctuary. This short Christmas musical revolves around the story of the composi on of the Christmas hymn, “Silent Night.” The musical will be performed during the 10:15am service on Sunday, December 15. Rehearsals will begin in October, and will mostly be held Sundays a er church or Wednesday evenings. For more informa on contact Missy Waln at 620-664–0665 or

OXFORD HOUSE MONTHLY DINNER & BINGO NIGHT Oxford House will be hos ng a dinner and BINGO night fundraiser on Saturday, October 5. Dinner begins at 5:00 pm, then BINGO is from around 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

All are encouraged to a end.


GODLY PLAY Sundays at 9:15 am in the back room of the Undercro For ages 3-12

October 9 & 23 4:45 p.m. Conference Room

OUR NURSERY is located in the Undercro , and is available for our li le ones Sunday mornings during Sunday school and the 10:15 service.

Saturday, October 26 5:30 pm Halloween Party at the home of Terry Wilson & Kelly Curry 3500 N. Monroe

October 3, 17, 31 2:00 p.m. Wesley Towers

ALTAR GUILD MEETING & NEW MEMBER INVITE • Thursday, 10th Altar Guild will meet on Thursday, October 10 at 9:30 am. Altar Guild and Flower Guild will welcome new members at any me. If you are curious about either of these ministries, please come to our mee ng or contact Sally Russell at 662-2946.

GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH STAFF The Rev. Dr. Ted Blakley ............................................ Rector • 620-314-7520 The Rev. Amy Long ...................................... Assistant Priest The Rev. Bill Waln ........................................ Assistant Priest The Rev. Larry Steadman............................ Priest Associate The Rev. Larry Carver ............................ Priest in Residence Brandon and Mtr. Amy Long ................ Youth Coordinators Todd Ray .................... Coordinator of Eucharis c Ministries Jan Howard ............................................................. Organist Missy Waln ................................................... Music Director Rosie Bean .............................................. Nursery A endant Laura Southards ........................................................ Sexton Brenda Hoefer ..................................... Office Administrator HOW TO CONTACT US 2 Hyde Park Drive; Hutchinson, KS 67502 620-662-8024 phone • 620-662-2930 fax • CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday • 9:00am to 4:00pm

— 7—

VESTRY Mitch Hixson (2020) ......................Senior Warden Howard Dame (2020) .................... Junior Warden Todd Ray (2021) .............................................Clerk Kelly Curry (2020) Kathy Petz (2021) Jim Richardson (2021) Stephen Armstrong (2022) Steve Hawkins (2022) Jan Steen (2022) Toni Co rell ........................................... Treasurer SUNDAYS 8:00am • Holy Eucharist I (spoken) 9:15am • Sunday School for All Ages* 10:15am • Holy Eucharist II (music) *Except on Second Sundays of a month when the Youth prepare breakfast for the congrega on.

WEDNESDAYS 9:30am • Holy Eucharist I — in the Chapel 10:00am • Bible Study — Parish Hall 5:30pm • Holy Eucharist II — in the Chapel 6:30–8pm • Under the Cross MS/HS Youth Group



Mon 1

6:00pm Girlscouts 6 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 11:45 Christmas Musical Mee ng 2:00pm Blessing of the Pets 13 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II 9:00 am Youth

9:00am Choir 9:30am Godly Play 20 8:00 & 10:15am Holy Eucharist I & II


7:00pm Al-Anon

6:00pm Girlscouts



6:00 pm Chris an Forma on Team 7:00pm Al-Anon

6:00pm Girlscouts

21 10:00am


9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages

7:00pm Al-Anon



9:00am Choir 9:15am Sunday School for All Ages 10:15am Combined Service & Luncheon Annual Giving Sunday


Wed 2 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

Thu 3 7:00am Bible Study 1:30–3:30 pm 2:00pm Eucharist at Wesley Towers



9:00 am - 12:00 pm

5:00pm Dinner 6:00pm BINGO

10 7:00am Bible Study



17 7:00am Bible Study 1:30–3:30 pm 2:00pm Eucharist at Wesley Towers



4:45pm DOK 5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm UTX Youth 16 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm Christmas Musical Rehearsal 23 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study

ANNUAL CONVENTION Dodge City, KS 24 7:00am Bible Study




Halloween Party 5:30pm At the Home of Terry Wilson & Kelly Curry

4:45pm DOK 5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm UTX Youth 29


Quiet Day for Lincoln Elementary School

5:30pm Eucharist II 6:30pm UTX Youth 9 9:30am Eucharist I 10:00am Bible Study


31 7:00am Bible Study 2:00pm Eucharist at Wesley Towers

7:00pm Al-Anon


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